III1111111111111111111111111111 PB99-157265 MULTIDISCIPLINARYCENTERFOREARTHQUAKEENGINEERINGRESEARCH ANationalCenterofExcellenceinAdvancedTechnologyApplications SSN1520-295X Appropriate Seismic Reliability for Critical Equipment Systems: Recommendations Based on Regional Analysis of Financial and Life Loss by K. Porter, C. Scawthorn, C. Taylor and N. Blais EQE International 1111 Broadway, 10th Floor Oakland, California 94607 Technical Report MCEER-98-0016 ~overnber10, 1998 This research was conducted at EQE International and was supported in whole or in partby the National Science Foundation under Grant No. BCS 90-25010 and other sponsors. REPRODUCED BY U.S. DEPARTMENTOF COMMERCE NATIONALTECHNICAL INFORMATIONSERVICE SPRINGFIELD, VA22161 NOTICE This reportwas preparedbyEQEInternationalas aresultofresearchsponsored by the MultidisciplinaryCenterfor Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER) through a grantfrom the NationalScienceFoundation and othersponsors. Nei therMCEER,associatesofMCEER,itssponsors,EQEInternational,noranyper sonactingontheirbehalf: a. makesanywarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttotheuseofanyinfor mation, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report or that such usemaynotinfringeuponprivatelyownedrights;or b. assumesany liabilitiesofwhatsoever kind withrespect to theuse of, orthe damage resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method, or processdisclosedin this report. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those ofthe author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the viewsof MCEER,theNationalScienceFoundation,orothersponsors. Appropriate Seismic Reliability for Critical Equipment Systems: Recommendations Based on Regional Analysis ofFinancial and Life Loss by K. Porter', C. Scawthorn2 C. Taylor3 and N. Blais4 , PublicationDate: November 10, 1998 Submittal Date: July 31, 1998 Technical Report MCEER-98-0016 NCEERTaskNumbers 94-6201 and 95-6201 NSF Master ContractNumberBCS 90-25010 1 PrincipalEngineer, EQEInternational, Oakland, California 2 Vice President, EQEInternational, Oakland, California 3 President, NaturalHazards ManagementInc., Torrance, California 4 SeniorProjectEngineer, EQEInternational, Oakland, California MULTIDISCIPLINARYCENTERFOREARTHQUAKEENGINEERINGRESEARCH University atBuffalo, State University ofNew York Red Jacket Quadrangle, Buffalo, NY 14261 PROTECTED UNDERINTERNATIONALCOPYRIGHT ALLRIGHTS RESERVED. NATIONALTECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENTOFCOMMERCE . 50272-101 REPORTDOCUMENTATION 1. ReportNo. 2. 3.Recipient'sAccessionNo. PAGE MCEER-98-0016 4.TitleandSubtitle 5.ReportDate AppropriateSeismicReliabilityforCriticalEquipmentSystems: RecommendationsBasedonRegionalAnalysisof November10,1998 Financialand LifeLoss 6. 7.Authors 8.PerformingOrganizationReportNo. K. Porter, C. Scawthorn, C.Taylorand N. Blais 10.ProjectlTaskIWorkUnitNo. 94-6201 and95-6201 9.PerformingOrganizationNameandAddress 11.Contract(ClorGrant(G)No. EQEInternational, 1111 Broadway, 10thFloor, Oakland, California 94607 (C)BCS90-25010 (G) 12.SponsoringOrganizationNameandAddress 13.TypeofReport&PeriodCovered MultidiscipllinaryCenterforEarthquakeEngineering Research Technicalreport StateUniversityofNewYorkatBuffalo RedJacketQuadrangle, Buffalo, NY14261 14. 15.SupplementaryNotes Thisresearch wasconductedatEQEInternationalandwassupportedinwholeorinpartbytheNational ScienceFoundationunderGrantNo.BCS90- 25010andothersponsors. 16.Abstract(limit200words) Thisstudyrecommendsaminimumseismicreliabilitylevelforcriticalequipmentsystemslocatedinseismicallyvulnerablefacilities. Itdescribesa methodologytoachievecost-effectiveriskmitigationandappliesthatmethodologytoatestcaseinvolvinganautomaticsprinklersysteminahigh-risk building. Thestudybuildson previouslypublishedworksinthisareathatprovideguidelinesforidentifyingequipmentsystemsthatareimportantfor eitherthenormaloperationofafacilityorforlifesafetyprotection. Bymaking itpossibletocalculatequantitativeriskscores,themethodologyprovidesa basisbothforevaluatingtheseismicadequacyofequipmentsystemsandformakingcost-effectiveequipmentretrofitdecisions. Themethodologyis primarilyforuseinareasofhighseismicity. Inadditiontothisreport, an inventoryoftaxablehigh-risebuildingsin San Francisco(asofJanuary1997)in spreadsheetformat(Excel97andLotus1-2-3version 3, leaf"Inventory"or"B", respectively)islocatedinthePublicationssectionofMCEER'swebsite (http://mceer.buffalo.edu/pubs.html). 17.DocumentAnalysis a.Descriptors Earthquakeengineering. Reliabilityassessment. Criticalequipment. Criticalfacilities. Nonstructuralsystems. Lifesafetyequipment. Watersprinklers. Highrisebuildings. Costbenefitanalysis. b.Identifiers/Open-EndedTerms c.COSATIField/Group 18.AvailabilityStatement 19.SecurityClass(ThisReport) 21.No.ofPages Releaseunlimited. Unclassified 111 20.SecurityClass(ThisPage) 22.Price Unclassified (seeANSU39.18) ... , , Preface TheMultidisciplinaryCenterforEarthquakeEngineeringResearch(MCEER)isanationalcenterof excellenceinadvancedtechnologyapplicationsthatisdedicatedtothereductionofearthquakelosses nationwide. Headquarteredat the University at Buffalo, State University ofNew York, the Center wasoriginallyestablishedastheNationalCenterforEarthquakeEngineeringResearch(NCEER)by the National Science Foundation in 1986. Comprising a consortium ofresearchers from a range of disciplines and over a dozen academic institutions and research organizations throughout the United States, the Center's mission is to reduceearthquakelossesthroughresearchandtheapplicationofadvancedtechnologiesthatimprove engineering,pre-earthquakeplanningandpost-earthquakerecoverystrategies.Towardthisend,the Centercoordinatesanationwideprogramofmultidisciplinaryteamresearch,educationandoutreach activities. MCEER'sresearchisconductedunderthesponsorshipoftwomajorfederal agencies: theNational ScienceFoundation(NSF)andtheFederalHighwayAdministration(FHWA),andtheStateofNew York. Significant support is derived from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), other state governments, academic institutions, foreign governments andprivate industry. The Center'sNSF-sponsored researchis focused aroundfourmajorthrusts, as showninthefigure below: • quantifying building and lifeline performance in future earthquake through the estimation of expected losses; • developing cost-effectiveperformance-basedrehabilitation technologies forcritical facilities; • improving response and recovery through strategicplanning andcrisis management; • establishing and operating two user networks, one in experimental facilities and computing environments and the otherin computational and analytical resources. .. I.PerformanceAssessmentoftheBuiltEnvironment using LossEstimationMethodologies ! IV.UserNetwork II.RehabilitationofCriticalFacilities • FacilitiesNetwork using • ComputationalNetwork AdvanceTechnologies ! .. III.ResponseandRecovery using AdvanceTechnologies iii This study recommends aminimum seismic reliability levelfor critical equipmentsystems located in seismically vulnerable facilities. It describes a methodology to achieve cost-effective risk mitigationandappliesthatmethodologytoatestcase involvingan automaticsprinklersystemina high-rise building. The study builds on previously published works in this area that provide guidelinesfor identifying equipmentsystems thatare importantfor eitherthe normaloperation of afacilityorfor lifesafetyprotection. Bymaking itpossible tocalculatequantitative riskscores, the methodologyprovides a basisbothfor evaluating the seismicadequacy ofequipmentsystemsand formakingcost-effectiveequipmentretrofitdecsions. Themethodologyisprimarilyforuseinareas ofhigh seismicity. Inadditiontothisreport, aninventoryoftaxablehigh-risebuildingsinSanFrancisco(asofJanuary 1997) in spreadsheet format (Excel 97 and Lotus 1-2-3 version 3, leaf "Inventory" or "B", respectively) islocatedinthe PublicationssectionofMCEER'sweb site(http://mceer.buffalo.edu/ pubs.html). iv ABSTRACT This study recommends minimum seismic reliability levels for critical equipment systems (CES) in critical facilities subject to seismic risk. Seismic reliability refers to the probability that an equipment system will perform its required function after an earthquake. Forexample, this studyrecommends thata fire detection and alarmsystem in a California office building should be expected to survive the 475-year earthquake and remain operational afterwards, with a probability of99.9%, which is equivalent to a 0.1%probabilityofnotoperating after the 475-yearearthquake. Simple tools for identifying CES and evaluating their current reliability are provided in a companion study by Johnson, Sheppard, Quilici, and others (1998), entitled Seismic Reliability Assessment of Critical Facilities: A Handbook. The Handbook provides worksheets and computational tools to evaluate risk operational failure of an existing CES subjected to the design-basis earthquake (DBE). Using these tools, a facility operator evaluates a scalar risk score 5, typically on the order of0 to 6, for each existing CES. A higher scoreindicating a lower failure probability (P 10'5giventhe DBE). "" f The score should be compared with institution reliability goals to determine adequacy. However, in cases where the institution has not set minimum performance goals, the minimum risk scores recommended here can be employed. If the operator calculates a riskscorebelow the tolerable minimum, this indicates the advisability of seismic retrofit or further, more detailed analysis. If the calculated risk score is greater than the tolerable minimum, then the CES is estimated to meet or exceed comparable reliability standards for other building components. Minimum risk scores depend on facility type and CES life-safetyrole, and are summarizedinthe tablebelow. Appropriate levels of seismic reliability for CES were evaluated based on modeling in the highlyseismicSanFranciscoBayArea. The modelinginvolves computer simulation of CES in the inventory of high rise buildings for the region, and examination of potential life and financial losses undervaryingcriteria. The use of the combined methodology offers facility operators a rapid visual screening technique to evaluate the seismic adequacy of equipment, in a way similar to structural screening techniques such as ATC-21. It also provides insight into the main contributors to CES seismic risk, and thus to cost-effective remedies. It produces a comprehensible, quantitative measure of CES seismic risk - namely, probability of operational failure - that is comparable with other, more familiar risk sources. Finally, it offers decision-makers a basis for judging the tolerability of current CES seismic risk inlightofcurrentpractice. Facility class Life-safetyCES OperationalCES Essential (emergencyresponse) 4 3 Ordinary 3 2 *Ascoreof4indicates10-4or0.01%maximumtolerableprobabilityoffailure intheDBE;3indicates0.1%;2 indicates1%failureprobability. v