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, ApproaclLlOpe osp ulIiIaIIrI i sa cleaarn dC OIllI)rehcnsive surveyt'h"ec r'iUacpaplr oachesi sasnudle Isl hIlatv ed efined , Approaches • thes tudoyf p opulnalrm f romt he1 950tso t hep resedma y. Thec haptedri'sSc umsass sc ultutrhee orayn dp olilical economayu:t euUrr'e olg'C}l,Ht:'h ee orsyt ar' slhUid8iteOsl:' lcal top opulfairl m poetics: tshceroer'yef:ne minisamn:dc ulLural sEtaucdhi es. clwplceorn sidtehresp oliUicmapll icatoifdo infsf el'Cllt ClPI)l'OOacnhdte hseh istoriccoanlt eixnwt h,i cthh eeym erged. Thec ontl'ilamltsoholi 'gSh litghhewt a ysi nw hicchu ltural distincbteitownese 'np opulcar"i ncmaasn d' alternative' cinemasst lllctlhUetr hee orideiss cussTcIxlules. e as nd apI)licaotfei aocnhas p Pl'Oata'Cc ihl lusllu's3itnacg wd i de l'ano{,f'Cc. �amplcs. Appmac/Jetos p opu/{flIImr isal li deatlex tbofookrs tudents comintgo m m theorfyo rt hen l't:>itm e. The editors JoannHeo llowissa LecturienMr e diaan dC ultural .... .,,,,'"_ • NottingThraemn ULn iversaintdMy a rkJ ancovlicsah L ecturienr FilmS tudiaetst heU niversoifNt oyt lingham. Thec ontrfbulors JoannHeo llowPse,te rH utchingMsa,r kJ ancovlHcehn.r Jye nkins, Paul McDonald.S tHodedalretLn,i sTaa yloArn.d reWwi llis. Cow:s.h'o t: 'n1C11l1iJ t; Mew Aiqseu ,uiLuisb rary Manchester UniversPirteys s Edilbeyd 9 JoanHnoel loawnsdM arJka ncovich Inside PopulaFri lm Approaches Geneerdailt oMrarskJ ancoviacnhdE riScc haefer top opulafri lm InsiPdotp ulFairl imsa f orufmo r whoan: : workitnogd c\'en!eowpII ' Ia)'s ofa nalyspionpgu lfialrm .E achbw oriolkoers f fear crsi ticailn troducttioeo xni sting debat...eh.. si lael seox plornienwga pproachegse.n ertahleb,o okgis\'l �hi stor­ icalilnyf ormaecdc ounotfps o pulfialrm w hiInc h prtehsicasnr te aas a ltogether morec ompltehxa ins c ommonlsyu ggesteeds tbayb lifislhmte hde ories. editebdy DC\'elopmOe\n'ttcshr e p asdte cadhea v\ec dt oa b roaduenrd erstanodfi ng filmw hicmho \'beesy ontdh et raditoipopnoasli tiboentsw eheing ahn dl owc ul­ loanne Hoaln/dMo awrsk l ancovich turep,o pulaanrd:l \·ant-gTahreda cn.a lyosfifil sm hasa lsmoo vedb eyonad concentroantt ihoetn e xtufaolr mosf fi lmsto, i ncluadnea nalyosfib so tthh e socisailt uatwiiotnhsiw nh icfihl msa rec onsumeda udiencaensdt, h er ela­ tionsbheitpw efielnm a ndo thepro pulfaorr mTsh.be ys eritehse refaodrder esses issuseusc has t hec ompleixn tcrtesxytsutaelwm hsi clhi nfikl ml,i terature, art andm usiacs,w elals t hep roductainodcn o nsumptoiffo inl tmh rouag hv aricty ofh ybrmiedd iai,n cludviindge coa,b laen ds atellite. Thea uthotrask ien terdisciapplpirnoaarcwyhh eiscb hr intgo getahv earr iety oft heoretaincdca rli tidceabla ttehsah ta vdee veloipnefi dl m, medicau la­nd turaslt udiTehse.y n eitheemrb racneo rc ondempno pulfialrm ,b ute xplore speciffiocr masn dg enrewsi thitnh eC Ofl{exotfts h eiprr oductainodnc on­ sumption. titliensc lude Forthcoming HarrByc nshoMfOfI IS/UiInt h(t( out: ugaadyai nndgI tsbhioarnr foi,l ms JoannHeo llowThst s laIItft/ hhtt ar'ti;- mappIihfntig tl IIdf /D6 mtn'g,t nrtf RenneStc habeErv uydalyi fta ndp opufillQmT EsthSeorn netS txuQlaintydp opulfialmr BenT ayloFri l(mo mtdy ManchesUtneirv erPsrietsys ManchesatnedrN ewY ork Distribuetxecdl u�iivnet lhyeU SAa ndC anadab yS t. ManiPnr'e!;s s <At> rri,h,� t.nchcUsn1ir.r"m .),P.r ..1 'l'J5 C Whilc.o p)"riin., hhe,. 'oIuOJ",", . .h.o I;e. in M.""hc<<<U.n-i'·i �..f'T",.."-, COPI'rii,nh . indi u.1 bdonp.o, hn. �.''C -.CSlu�.hors, no ..n.u l' f'Oproductd- h..o Iorl )· Contents ;n .'id,,'(i�.•hp•ho•I u•( •p" res spd1I'I iuion in" 'riloifbothn g;md ...c..� nptdp ub.l.be . .... part bor Uni>ersPirns. )· Pw�foJrduJ "�Jy :'>bnMc.ndoesIhert sl(T O. Road-.400 1,75f ifthAo\I .Le.3n. . . '11':R.I;K .nd..' Y �or k, 1001U0S.A No �" ,, ..J O"mMJ,,."0;lt"ni'1 ," ,Pres.<,,,. ,. t .n..I e �: • UGSuA� "" �y5F .i' fh A,on"".... . 0010.t iSA lisotf i tlustrations pagev i 175 r-; Y<lTkN.t 1 Noteosn contributors vii Iln",.L .t-.C?. 'tll�.IW,-.w-Mli(.'iD� A <.. .oOJl llcr crorfdo ,rh ib.o o;k. . ,,.; l0o.bf1lroo4 m' heB rili,h Lib",ry IntroductPioopnu:lf airl ma ndc ultudriaslt inctions JoannHeo flowasn dM arkJ ancovich 1 f.ib,.o?{ CO"Irt!C1" ,.IDxi"l-in-P.hiir.,ion 1 Massc ultutrhee orayn dp olitieccaoln omy Appl"Oolchn, 0p opulfi.lrm editbeldJ oan,n,nH'eo lal.. .o.. n d:' >LoJr.kn co.'id,. Joanne Hollows 15 p. om.- -(In,pio:>Idp eu lu film) lnclubdi<b1l iograrp...hr.i n.cc aal. ndin du. 2 Auteuriasnmd f ilma uthorship ISUo.;().l- 7190-.u92-1.-I()S-D7N1 90-4.l9(Jp.b.kX, ) HeleSnt oddart 37 1.M Ol"'p"i ctum--l'h;lo2s.oF pihl)cm'r _i ticiIs,Hm o.l l..'• o • J.. ..n n• . J.nco.iMcarhk.. tilS.e n... 3 Genret heorayn dc riticism PNI'IH.1A1M. 1 995 PeteHru tchings 59 i91.H.dclO 9�m il 4 Stasrt udies PauMlc Donald 79 5 Historipcoaelt ics HenrJye nkins 99 Reprin.w ]996.]997 6 Screetnh eory MarkJ ancovich 123 7 Fromp sychoanafleymtiinci stmop opulafre minism LisTaa ylor 151 8 Cultursatlu diaensd p opularfilm AndyW illis 173 Guidet of urtherre ading 192 Index 197 T)"p<>OCI in ...U r;.;." b)N'o rt.h.O Irn' ho'o'rpcC>o- L<t"di.n �1I 0l'on Prin.iend ..i n byH dl& fl0."i,l.nt .d,. 1I.; 01><10'" Illustrations Noteosn c ontributors 1 JuliAen drewisn T hSeo unofdM usi19c6,5 JoanHnoel liosw Lase c turerM ediinaa ndC ulturSatlu diest haet (BFSIt ilPloss,t earnsd D esigns) pag1e5 NottinghTarme nUtn ivresitSyh.ei sc urrcnplrleyp arian bgo oko n 2 Postefro rH itchcocTkh'Bes i r1d9s6,3( credit women's genreMsa ncfhoers tUenri versiPtrye sasn d isa lso toc ome) 37 researcihnitnog discoofur rosmeasn cienc ontemporpaorpyu lcaurl ­ 3 JohnW aynei nT hSee arc1h9e5r6( sSF,SIt ills, ture. Postearnsd D esigns) 59 I'etHeru tchiisn Laeg cstu rienFr i lma tt he UniveorfsN iotnyh um­ 4 Arnol5dc hwarzenegigneT re rmin2:aJ tuodrg ment briaatN ewcastHlee i.st hea uthoorfH ammatlrBl tdy otnhBdtr: i lish Day1,9 9{1G uilFdi lDmi stribu(t 1i9o9n1. HIJffoFirl (mMa nchesUtneirv ersPirteys s1,9 93a)n di sc urrently CarolIenet 'l) 79 workinogn t hea esthetoifh cosr ror. 5 Greml2,i1 9n9s0( SFSIt ilPloss,t earnsd MarkJ ancoivs Liaec cthu rienAr m ericaSnt udiaensd D irectooftr h e design 99 Centrfeo rL iteraarnydC ulturSatlu diaetst heU niversoiftK ye ele. 6 SigournWeeya veri nA lie1n98s6, (crteocd oimte ) 123 He ist he autohfHo rO ff(oBrat sfo1r9d9,2 T),h Ceu ltPuorlaioltj i cs 7 Geena DaivniA s L eagoufTe h eOiwrn 1,9 92 lhNee wC rit(iCcamibsrimdU gnei versPirteys 1s,9 9a3n)d R ational (credtioct o me) 151 FeaArmse:r iI/coaffnio nrt h1e9 50(M5a nchesUtneir" ersPirteys s, 8 AnthonPye rkiinnsP sych1o9,6 0( 8Sftti lls, Posters forthcoming). andd esigns) 173 HenJrye nkiisA nssso ciate PrionfL eistseorra tautrM ea ssachusetts InstitoufTt eec hnoloHgey i.s t he author of pnuubmleircoautsi ons, TextPuoaaclhT eto/rirss;Fi aonansn,P d a rticCiuplattuorrey including What MPaitIsamc NhuitasE ?ay:r S lound (Routledg1e9,9 2a)n d Comeadnytd h Vta udrEoxipitlenlrae (ColumbUinai versPirteys s, CalssHiocylawilo od 1992), and (weidtiBhtr ourn sloKvaar nacokf) Comedy (Routled1g9e9,4 ). PauMclD onaldis a Senior LectuMreedri aP eirnf ormaantcU en i­ versiCtoyl legSea,lo frdH.i sc urrernets earicsoh n masculinaintdy method acti1n9g5 0Hison l lywood. HeleSnt oddairst Lae cturienrL iterataunrde Filmt hieDn e part­ mento fE nglisKhe,e lUen iversSihteyi .s c urrently woonrt khien g representoaftc iaornn ivaanldsc ircusweist hilni teraatnudrfi el m. Sheh asa lspou blishoentd h ec ontemporGaortyh ic. LisTaa yloirs Lae cturerC ulitnu rSatlu diaetsW olvcrhampUtnoin- versiSthye.i sc urrendtoliyn rge searocnhg endearn dc onsumerism. ForD uncan AndyW ilrluintssh e HigEhdeurc atiPorno grammineM ediSat udies atW irraMle tropolCiotlalne ge. Introduction JoanHnoel laonwsMd a rJka ncovich Populfairl amn d cultudriaslt inctions Thisb ooka imtso i ntrodtuhceme a ina pproacthoet sh ea nalyosfifi sl m andt op rovisdteu denwtist chl eaarn da ccessaicbcloeu notfts h em ain theoretdiecbaalt Ienst _h ep roceistse ,xa mintehsew aysi nw hich these approacahreess h apebdy t heicro nstrucotfit ohne's p opul-atrh'a its , thew aysi nw hicdhi stincbteitownespe onp ulfialrm a nda lternafitlimv e forms underpin tthheeiorr etbpiaocssaiilct ions. Eachc haptseirt uattheeps a rticauplparro aucnhd edri scusswiiotnh in theh istorical deovfea lpopprmoeanctth oefi sl m,a ndr elatietpssa rtic­ ulaarp proatcoho thesrt agoefsd evelopmHeonwte.v eirt,i si mportant tob eairn m indt hatth esaep proacahreens e ithaesdr i scrneotrae s h is­ toricafixleldy ast hiosr ganizamtaiyoi nm plyA.p proachmeasys urvive lonagf tetrh ehya veb eena ttackoered v ens upersebdyel da tedre vel­ opmentFsor. exam plep,r actitioofna eurtse utrh eordyi dn ots imply abandotnh iasp proawciht thh ea dvenotfg enrcer iticsitsamsr,t udies, ors cretehne orIyn.d eemda,n ya utetuhre oriwsetrsev iolenotplpyo sed tot heslea tdeerv elopments. Furthermotrheeb, o oka lssoe ektsoi llusthroawtt eh esea pproaches intersoenceat n otheWrh.i loen et heormya yr ejeccetr tafiena tuorfe s anothaeprp roaicthm, a ya lsloe ave cearstsauimnp tiuonnqsu estioned ands or eproduacsep ecotfts h ep revious apIpnro otahcechra. s epsa,r ­ ticuclrairt miacysd rawu pona v arieotfdy i fferaepnptr oacahnedss eek tor esoht-hee idri fferesnoct ehsat th ecya nb eu sedin c onjuncwtiiotnh onea notheHro.w eveirt,s houlbde p ointoeudt t hagti l-tehnem ajor disagreembeenttwse edni fferaepnptr oacthheisis sa verdyi fficualntd complepxr ocess. AsR aymonWdi lliahmassi llustroanteoe fdt ,h ep roblewmist th he word' populiastr h'a itth asa cquirtewdod ifferaenndot f,t ecno nfused, meaningTsh.eo ldessetn soeft het ermp opulraerf ertroet dh awth ich waso f' thpee oploer'b elongteodt hemb,u ti th asa lsaoc quirtehde meaninogf t hawth icihs ' wideflayv ouroerd' 'w ellli kedT'h.e'fi rst Joanne Hollows Jaannd( oMvairckh Introduction 3 2 meaninigm pliaed si stincotroi popno sitbieotnw eseene lioofns so ciety Therefoarlet houHgahl il sc ritiocfta hle i deat hapte oplaer ep assive -'thpeo pulaarn'd' theel itIen't ,h iwsa y,t hidse finitoifo' np opular' objecwthso a rcc ontrollferdo mo utsibdyeo therhse,s trestsheasat l l dependusp ont hee xisteonfcs eo methiwnhgi,c bhy i mplicatiis'o nno,t cultufroarlm asr ed efinewdi thiconn ditioonfps o wer. populaTrh'e. s econmde anincgo rrespotnodw sh atS tuarHta llh as Hallal sion troduac tehsi rdde finitoifot nh ep opula'rt,h e descrip­ call'etdh "em arkeotr"c ommercdieafiln itoifot nh e terImtr' e,f1e rs to tivew'h,i chhe fi ndse qualulnys atisfaIcntt ohridyse. fi niti'otnhp,eo p­ whethoerrn ots omethiinscg o nsumeodra cceptbeyld a rge numobfe rs ulari'ss impleyq uatweidt h' altlh et hingtsh a"tt hep eopldeo" a nd peoplHeo.w ever, themseea ntiwnaogr scq uitdei fferFeonrte .x ample, haved one'H!a llo'bsj ecttioot nh idse finitiison no ts impltyh aitt i s thefi lmH udsHoanw wkh,ic wha sa d isasattet rh eb ox-officweo,u lbde tautologbiuctaa lls,to h aitt s implpyr ovidaes l isotr i nvenloHrey . classiafispe odp ulianrt hefi rsste nsbeu,tn oti nt hes econIdtm. a yn ot claitmhsa sti mpllyi stfionrgm asn dp ractiicgenso rheosw ' three aaln a­ hal'bce enc onsumebdy l arge numobfpe erosp lbeu,ti lw oulsdt iblel lytidci stinctiboent'w ee'nt hpee oplaen'd t hosweh o are' notth e definebdy i tdsi fferefnrcoeme liftoer mosf c ulture. peoplem'a dies.I 'n deeodn eo ft hem ajoprr oblewmist thh idse finition Indeeidti, s w ithitnhi sse nsoef' thpeo pulatrh'a' tf oclukl turaerse' ist hatth e' meanionfga cultufroarlma ndi tpsl acoerp ositiinot nh e not defineadsf ormosf p opulcaurl tuTrhee.ym ayb et hec ultuorfae s mall, cultufireallid s inscriibnesdi idtefs o rmN.o ri si tpso sitfiixoend locaclo mmunitbyu,tt heya res tidlelf inbeyd t heirre lattioo' nt he oncea ndf ore ver.A's1 H allp utsi t':T heca tegori[epso pulaanrd commonp eoplrea't,h tehra na ne conomipco,l itiocrca ull tuerlailt e. non-popluarr]e main, tthhoeui gnhv entocrhiaensg e." Howevewri,t ht hee mergenocfem odermna ssm edisau cha sc inema, Hallp'osi nitst hamto stt heoroifet sh ep opulparre setnhted istinc­ crithiacvse f requenctolnyf ustehde stew om eaninogfs' thpeo pular'. tiobne twepeonp ulaanrd n on-popufloarrm ass a ' conditoifso pne'c ific Thep robleimst hawth ilfeo lcku ltuarreeus s ualsleye ans f ormwsi thin textasn da ctivirtaitehste,hr ana st hep roduocftt hew aysi nw hich whicchu ltuwraesb othp roducaendd c onsumebdy' thpee opl-ea'n d textasn da ctiviatrieae psp ropribayt,eo dr b ecomaes sociawtietdh , weret herefsoereean s ' authen-tmiacs'sm edifao rmasr eu sualplryo ­ specisfiocc igarlo upIsn.t hiwsa yf,o erx amplmea,n ya pproacthofie lms ducebdy l argcea pitailnidsuts trfioers sa lteo t hec ommonp eoplAes. impltyh apto pulfialrm sca n bed istinguiscehretda icbnhy a racteristic featuwrheisc phr oduccee rracihna racteerffiescttiSscu. c ha pproaches ar esuflotmr,a ny criclointcesm porpaorpyu lcaurl ture tcoba ems ee en ase ith(eIrs )o methiwnhgi cihs n ot re'aoltflh yep eoplbee'c auistei s faitlo r ecogntihzae't t hpeo pulairss' i mplpya rotf t hep rocebsys whicthe xtasr ec lassiAfise ad r.e sualtn,yp artictuelxaitrs n oti nher­ imposeudp ont hemb yo thearnsd i st,h erefdoereem,e 'di nauthentic' enllpyo puloarre liitnec haracbtuetrm ,a yw elmlo veb etwetehne t wo (sefeo,r e xamplceh,a ptoenre )o,r( 2s)o methiwnhgi cihs s eeans a kin as histcoornidciatlic ohnasn gAes.H all claims: too ld' folfko'r mtsh aits u ndersttooob de b othp roducaendd c on­ sumedb y' thpee oplfeo'r' thpee ople'.J Thiyse arr'asd iscaylm bol or wsillbolepn ne utraliisnelndOe xyte ar's StuaHratl hla st akeins suwei tbhO lohf t hesdee finitioof'n tsh peo p­ fashitohney; e aarf teirtw, i lbleI heobjoefpc rto foucnudl tunroaslt algia. ularT'h.e fi rsht,ec laimpsr,e sen'ttshp ee oplaes'' cultudroaple wsh'o Todayr'esb eflo lksienngdeusrp ,t omorroownt, h ec oveorfT hlO bsrr­ are' pureplays si\a' peo's,i thieor ne fersa s' ad eepluyn sociapleirs­t IItr colomuargaz ineI.t specti(vee\'',te'hn o ugihti so ne whiitoscc ho mmona mongs ocialainsdt s Halle'xsa mpldeess critbheep rocebsysw hicrha dic'aplo,p ulfaorr'm s lefctr itiincg se neraTlh)e. secdoenfidn ithieoa nl sdoe scriabs'e hsi ghly arci ncorporianttetodh ec ultuorfde o minaanntd e ligtreo upbsu,ti ti s dubiouisn' faars i t' negletchteas b soluetsesleyn triealla tioofcn usl ­ alstoh ec asteh atth eo pposihtaep pens;a ftohrampt r eviously defined tural pso-o owfed ro minatainodns ubordina-twihoinc ihs a ni ntrinsic ase liwtiel llo siet csu ltural asntdba eti unsc,o rporatetdh ec iunlttou re featuorfce u lturrealla tiAosnh se'g .o eosn t oa rgue: of' popular' or subordFionrae txea mgprlwoehu,ip lsPe.a varotti's NmuD1Io rma I wantt oa sseornt t hec ontTartyh atth eries 11 0 wholea,U lhentic, mighhta voen cbee ecnl assiafisee ldi tieth, a sb eeinn cor­ autonom'oupso puclualrt uwrhei'l.: lhi eosu tsitdheefi elodf f orcoeft he poratiendt toh e' populbaerc'a uosfei tass sociawtiitofhno so tbFaollr. relatioofnc su hurpaolw era ndd ominati[oTnh.ip so sifigorne]a tly thirse asoHna,l alr gues that popular ncoutbl ets uereen sshiomuplldy underestitmhaept oewse orf c ultuirmapll antation.' ase ithtehre m eansby w hich domignraonutpi sm posteh eiird eaosn 4 JoannHeo lloawnsd M arkJ ancovich Introduction 5 subordignraotuep osr,t hew ayi nw hicshu bordignraotuep rse sidsotm ­ Thism odeo fp erceptiispo rne occupwiietdfh o rmo vefru nctiEovne.n ination. Ihnesd teefiande,ts h ep opulaasra sitoef s truggal pel,a ce them ostm undanoeb jecctasnb ep erceiavsea de sthe-tfiocre xample, wherceo nnicb[cst wttdno minaanntd s ubordingartoeu pasr ep layed someonwei tht he' purgea zem'i ghptr efaenrA leskseit tlwehi,c ihs outa ndd istincbtei..toe.. ne.sn t hec ultuorfet sh esger oupasr ec ontinu­ \'alufeordi tfso rmal feattotu hrefe usn,c tioennaelr,g y-safyeiantgu res allcyo nstruacntder de constructed. ofa ne lectkreitct lSei.m ilaar ldyi,s card'eodu,t -dateddr'e soisln ad Thew orko ft heF rencsho cioloPgiiesrtBr oeu rdieouf,f ear psa rti­ charisthyo pm ayb eu setd oc reaatnea estheetITt'Cti cb ya na rstt udent cularulsye fwualy o fu nderstanhdoiwnd gi stincbteitownespe onp ular whob uys aintdw earsi ti na night-dub. ande liftoen nosf c uhuraer ep roduceFdo.r"B ourditehue,r aer ecf fec­ Howeverf,o rB ourdietuh,i mso deo fp erceptiison no ti nnocent. tivetlhyr emea inca tegorioefts a stlee:g iti(moarte el itmei)d;d lebrow; Insteiatdf, u ndamentdaelpleyn dusp ont hep rocebsysw hicthh ep er­ andp opulIaITr h.e seh,e a rgueasr,es tronlgilnyk teodc lafsosr mations. sonsi np ossessoifot nh ep ureg azed istingtuhiesmhs elfvreosm t he Indeehde,c laitmhsa ctl aisssn otd efinseidm plbyy t hef ormosf e co­ commonp eoplTeh.e p urgea zies i nherenat rleyf usoafpl o pultaars tes nomicc apitwahli cohn ep ossesses bbuytt haefl osrom osf ' cultural whicahr ed ismisassen da turnaali,v aen ds implhee:n cteh ec ommon capitTahle's.ef ormosf c ultucraapli taarlem adeu po fb othc ompe­ distincbteitowne etnh es clf-cvitdreannts,p araenndet a sy pleasures alTerbeyd populacru lturacn,d t hec omplex, diaffincdua lctt ive tencaensd d ispositoiros npse,c iffiocr mosf k nowledagnedp articular procesassesso ciwaitettdhh ea ppreciaotfli eogni ticmualtteu re. predispositions. Howevefro,Br o urditehue,a ssociabteitowne peonp ultaars atned t he Bourdiaerug uetsh abte caudsief ferseenctt ioofns so ciehtayv ed if­ 'naivaen'd' naturdaole'ns o tm eant haitti sns'otc iaplrloyd ucendo,r ferecnotm petenacnedsd isposittihoimnses a,n tsh adti fferseenctt ions thaitti sn eutrJauls.at s t hep ureg azics f undamentbaalsleuydp oni ts ofs ociewtiyl 'lp erceicvlea,s sainfdym emorizdei ffereInITt hliys' . refusoafpl o pultaars tseo,p opultaars tiesb aseodn a refusoaftl h at meantsh adti ffergernotu pcso nsumceu ltural ifndo irfmfse rweany­ts refusTahlu.s ,t hew orking classest'o l ehgoisttiimlaittey anfdo rms, fore xamplBeo,u rdicelua imtsh atth ea bilittory e cognliezgei timate the'irre luctaanndrc eef ustaoel n'g agwei tthh em' sprinnogtjs u sftr om cultufroarlm rse lioens s pecidfiics positTihoenrse.f oirnet ,h ev isual al acokf f amiliabruitft ryo ma deep-roodteemda nfdo rpa rticip.a'6t ion' artsf,o re xamplweh,e reo nep ersowni lsle ea pictuorfes omething, ForB ourdiseuub,o rdignraotuep rse cogntihzaelt e gitifmoartmeas r e anothseere as p ictubryes omeon(eI ta'R se mbrandatn)d;y eta nother 'as orotfa ggrcssi[oonra ]f frotnott 'h eiwra yo flife.c"olnnl nstt he seeasn e xamploefa particaurltma orv emen(tI tI'msp ressioTnhies t). demanfdo rp articipwaittihopinno pultaars tBeo,u rdicelua itmh1s0a t th e samei sa lstor uien t hea reao ffi lmw heroen ep ersowni lsle ea filmo f purgea zdee penudpso nd istanTcheu.sh ea rgutehsa wth ati sn ormally ap articguelnarr(e aw estern); ansoeteahs fie lrm w itah p articsutlaarr seeans t hes implien abiloifst uyb ordingartoeu ptsoa pprecilaetgei ti­ (BurLta ncastaenrd)y ;e ta nothseeesr a filmb ya particduilraerc tor matec ultuirsei, n f acatt,l eaasstm ucha, r efusoaftl h actu lture. UohnS turges)." IndeeBdo,u rdiaerug uetsh atth e purei sd irecrtellya tteotd h e Thea biltiotr yec ognize legitimdaetpee ncodunslw thuartBeo urdieu economsiict uatoifto hne b ourgeoias sgazeii et,u atwihoinc ihs u navailable call'st haee sthedtiiscp osiotri'o tnh'pe u reg azew'h icihs b aseodn a tos ubordincaltaes saensd g roupHsi.s c laiims t haitt sr efusoafl rejectoif'o tnh peo pular aesotr'h peotpiuclt'aa rs tLei'k.He a llh,ec laims 'simpolre' 'n atuprlale'a surtehsep riosd ucta ' odfi stancen efcreosm­ that these afrecpa rtiumraerswi alyyso fc lassifoybijnegcr tast htehra n sitTyh'e.a biltiott yh inakb oufto rmo vefru nct-iofno re xamplaeti, t s inherefneta turoefst heo bjectthse mselvTehse.r efoarseB ,o urdieu mostb asitco,e atf ootdh aits s tylirsaht htehra nfi lli-nogr t oe ngage arguiensh isc haracteriozfta hteai eosnt hedtiics posiotrpi uorne g aze: inp ractiwcietsnh o f unctional pcuormpeoosus teo ,f' ane xperieonfc e Ift hew orko fa rits i ndeeadsP, a nofsskayy tsh,a t w'hdiecmha ntdobs e thew orld ffrreoemdu rgencayn dt hrougthh ep ractiocfae c tivities experieanecsetdh etiacnadli lfay n'yo, b jencatt,u roaral r tificciaanbl e, whicahr ca ne ndi nt hemselsvuecsah,s s cholaesxteircc iosrte hse c on­ perecievda esthetihcoawlc layno, n ee scatphee c onclustihoaintti st he templatoifwo onr kosf a rt'." aesthienttiecn t[iootfnh ev iewewrh]i c'hm aketsh'ew orko fa r.t .,.t h at Howevears,s houlbdec leahre,a lso sttrheasitsti e sds e fineidnr eac­ iti st hea estheptoiicno tfv ietwh actr eattehsea esthctic object.)" tioang aintshtet astoefso thecrl assIetis s.a modeo fp erceptwihoinc h JoannHeo lloawnsd M arkJ ancovich Introduction 7 6 asseritts's s uperioorveitrth yo sweh o,b ecautshe ecya nnoats setrhte theA mericaaund ienBcUeIi. n B ritatihneg enraensdn arratoifvA emesr ­ samec ontemfpotr . .g.r atuitlouuxsu rayn dc onspicuous consumption, icapno pulcaurl tuarcet eadsa k inodf w edgef,o rcionpge nt,h roucgohn ­ rraasntd a wilddi ssonatnhcece l,a ss-bcooumnpdl aceonftc hye G reat remaidno minatbeydo rdinary inatnedur regsetnsc ieHso'w.e"v ewrh,a t TraditoifoB nr itiCsuhl ture." ism ostw orryianbgo ut tdhiesstei nCilsit ohnasta ,sB ourdiielul ustrates, theayr en oto nltyh em ost 'classiaflyslio ncgi'da ilfo ffe rebnuctea sl,s o Iti st herefeosrsee nttihaawlt e a cknowletdhgede i fferweanytsi nw hich have 'ptrhiev iloefga ep pearing tthoem obsetn aturllall '. populacru lturhea s beena rticulawtietdh idni fferehinstt orical Howeveirt,s houlbde e mphasiztehda tf,o Bro urdictuh,e sdei stinc­ momentsb,u ti ti sa lseos senttihaawlte r ecogncioznefl icatnsdc ontra­ tionasr en eithcelra imasb outth ec haracotfes rp ecitfiecx tnso,r a hout dictiownist hiann ys pecimfoimce ntb etweedni fferfeonntn osf p opu­ thea ctuaaclt iviotfsi peesc icfiocn sumeTrhse.y a rew aysi nw hich cul­ lar culturthei.rs e Faosroi nff, o nro o thetrh,e riesa n eedto r e-evaluate turadli stinctairoepn rso ducaendd m aintaisnoea ds t or eprodutchee populcaurl tuirnge e neraanld,p opulfialrm i np aritculaanrd,t hew ays dominaonrtd eIrt.i sn ott hapto pulaaurd iendcoen so tt hinwkh ent hey inw hicthh eshea veb eend iscuswsietd hianc ademaipcp roaches. consumtee xtnso,r t hatth esyi mplrye jefcotr mailn novatbiuotnt ,h at As shoulbdec leaBro,u rdiseeue asc ademiinct ellecatscu eanltsr taol theyr ejetchte t ermsof t hep ureg azeT.h eyr equitrhea tt hey are thep roductainodnr eprodtiounco ft hesceu lturdails tinctIinodnese.d engagebdy thei ntelleacntduf aolr mafle aturreast,h tehra nd istanced. hec laims tthheatyte ndt ol egitimtahtepe u reg azea ndr endepro pu­ They requirteh etsfheea att uhraevsea purpose. latra stielsl egitiAmsaA tned.r eRwo ss has argued: Thee ndr esuolftt hew aysi nw hich culdtiusrtailn ctoipoenrsa te, is Thei ntellecttruaailni'insnd gi scriminiasat nii onnd ispenrseasboluer ce thaotp positnags taerseh omogeniazset dh eayr er ejecoterdd e fended. ins ucahp roceFsosrt. h iissw herteh ei ntellecatcucarle'dpsio tweedor f Int hew orko fi ntellecstuucahal sfis l mt heorinsottso ,n layr et hep oli­ discriminationt hreep oiwneftroo rs cuebso rdicnvaetnae s i tp resents ticusn derpinnciunlgt udriaslti nctioofntser ne pressbuetda ,l stoh e' pop­ itseinlt fh ef ormo fa no bjecticvrei tioqfuta es te." ularb'e comeasn undifferenmtoinaotleidtN ho.t o nlya rcd ifferences ForB ourditehui,ss i tuiaotni sn ots implay ' reflecotfit ohnei' n terests betweecno ntemporpaorpyu lfialrm sr epressbeudts, o i sa nys ensoef oft heb ourgeocilsas nso,r i si ts implays sociawtietdhl iberoarcl o n­ changeisnp opulfaorr mosv etri meo ri nd ifferennatt ioncaoln texts. servatcivrei tiIcnsd.e edm,u ch ofB ourdiefiue'rsc ecsrti ticiasrmes Indeetdh eq uestiooftn h er elationbsehtiwpe enna tioniadle ntaintdy directaegda inssutp poserdaldyi caanldl eft-wiinntge llectuals. populacru ltuirsec rucifaolra numbero fr easonOsn.e oft hem ost ForB ourdiietu ,t ihsep roblemastiitcu atoifot nh eb ourgeois intel­ strikiisnt gh ew ayi nw hicthh ep opuliasro ftedne fineads f oreiwgint h lectuwahli chp roductehsi psa rticudleafre noceft hep ureg aze. He nationcaoln texFtosr.e xamplwei,t hiBnr itatihne,p opulhaars o ften claimtsh awth ilien tellecatruesa tlisml elm berosf t hed ominant class beena ssociawtieldAh m ericaan dw itAhm ericanizaTthiiospn o.s"ii otn (thbeo urgeoitshieeey) x,i satsa dominatseedc tioofnt hactl asTsh.e y isu sualcloyn strucatreodu nad c onceptoifot nh en ationianlw hich ared ependeunpto nt hossee ctioonfs t heb ourgeoiwshiiec ha re Btitishinsea ssss ociawtietdhl egitimcautlet uFruer.t hermoarsce h,a p­ involviendt her ealomf e conompirco ductiTohni.sg iversi steo a ter one demontshte'r tahtreesoa,ft m 'a ssc ultuirnet heU SA during struggbleet weetnh ec ultubroaulr geoainsdit eh ee conombiocu rgeoisie the1 9S0wsa sa ssociawtietdht het hreoaftt otalitariinaE nuirsomp e. inw hicthh ef ormeart tempttosi ncretahseev aluoef c ultuarcatli vities Indeeidn,b otBh ritiasnhdA mericcaonn texts,o faf e faorrsei tghnr eat ino pposittioto hnee conomaicct iviotfti heels a ttIetri .sf ort hirse ason, tol egitimcautlet uarree o ften litnokt ehedt hreaotft he' foreigners' Bourdicelua ims, ctuhlattu rianlte llecntoutao lnsl yt endt oc laiamn with-inf ore xamplteh,ew orkincgla sasn dA fa-r-Amerincsa.u autonomfyo rcu ltuarcatli viitniw ehsi cthh eayr ed istanfcredo me ca-­ Iti sa lstoh ec asteh ata,sa r esuslpte,c ipfiocp ultaerx tcsa nh avev ery nomiacn dp racticcrailt eriaa,l stobe untdt oa dopat p oliictarlh etoric differmeenatn ingwsi thidni fferneantti oncaoln texAtss C.o raK aplan whicho pposetsh ed ominanetc onomaincd m ateriianlt ereosftt sh eir observes: ownc lasTsh.e resiusal nti ronsiict uatiinwo hn icbho urgeoiinst ellec­ Ina sixtAimeesr iclaenfc to nstellwaetsitoenra,nn sdt hrilwleerress e en tualosf tecnl aitmo b ea nti-ubrogeoiinst heipro litics. asg enericaaswl ellyal s i deologirciaglhlty-w Ainndgs .o t hewye rfeo r Howevera,s shoulbde cleawrh,i lteh esien tellecctluaailms an 8 JoannHeo lloawnsd M arkJ ancovich Introduction 9 anti-bourpgoeloiitsit chses, p ecific choafrt ahcitosep rp ositeifofne c­ thcp roductoifog nr eaatr to re vena theoretdiecfaelnlsyie bnltei ty. tiverleyp rodutcheesl egitimoafct yh ep ureg aze, saonm da intains Furthermotrheim,so vemendti dn otr epresae dnetf enocfep opular sociaanldc ultudriaslt inctions. film- indeetdh,e scer itsitcisal clc epttehdeb asiacs sumptioofmn ass s cultutrhce orTyh.e refotrheew, o rko fa uteuwrass n ots eetno e xem­ Thef ollowcihnagp tewrislt lh erefeoxraem ine wathyesi nwhidcihf fer­ pliproy pulfialrm i ng enerbault,w asp rivilebgeecda uosfet hew aysi t entt heorhiaevse r eprodudciesdt incbteitownese tnh ep ureg azean d subvcrtaenddc hallentghecsd y steTmh.e auteuwra sn oto fp opular popultaars tdee,s pitthee iaTp pareanntd,o ftevni olenctolnyt estdeidf,­ film,b uta gamits.t ferencTehse.b ooka lscoh arat sg eneral movienma epnptr oacthoe s Then excth apte'rG,e nrTeh eorayn dC riticisshmo'w,hs o wm any filmf roma p reoccupawtiitoahnu thors(hbirpo addleyfi nedt)h,r ouag h crittiocosik s suwei tha uteuriIsnms.t eoafdp riviletghiein ngd ividual concentrautpioontn h et exatn dt extualtioat nyi ,n vestigoafta iuodni ­ author, ctrhietsisech si fttehde ierm phastiost het extusatlr uctures ences. withiwnh ichfi lm-makewrosr keda,n ds tresstehdem eaninagn d Int hefi rscth apte'rl\l,a sCsu ltuTrhee orayn dP olitiEccaoln omy', significiannhceer einntt h esreo rmsH.o wevePre,t eHru tchinagrsg ues JoannHeo llowesx amin[ehse w aysi nw hichm assc ultutrhee ory thatth imso deo fc riticniostom n lsyp entto ol ontgr yitnogt racdko wn analystehde i ndustrcioanld itiino nwsh ichp opulacri nemwaa s thce lusidveefi,n infge aturoerd se ep-strucwthuircehds i stinguished produceadn,di tcsl aitmh atth esceo nditions rien's tuhlBetu eidl t-In genrrerso mo nea nothbeurt,w asfi nalulnya blteoa nswetrh iqsu estion, ReactioInn' t.h ep rocesssh,ei llustrhaotwe msa ssc ultutrhee ory atl eaisntp artb,e cauistte e ndetdoi gnotrhee i mportaonfct eh ea udi­ revolvaerdo unad d istincbteitowne epno pulaanrd a vant-garde film.e nceT.h isw orkw asm uchl escsl eairni tcso nceptoifot nh ep opular. Them assc ultucrrei tcilcasi mtehda pto pular Hollywood sfiol ms weSroem ec ritdiicdsa rguteh acte rtapionp ulgaern rewse reo fs uchr ich­ castyo c onsumtch atth erye quirneode ffoorntt hep arotf t hea udi­ nestsh atth e.wy ereo na p arw itghr eaatr tb,u ta si nm anyo thetrh eo­ enceI.n c ontratsott h ec onformaintdyp assivwihtiyc mha ssc ulture riesi,tw asm orec ommont os eet hep opularre presenatsea dn critbieclsi evtehdaH to llywofioldm sp roduciendt heiaru dientchee,y ideologiccoanlsleyr varteiavlem . arguetdh atth ec omplexoifta yv ant-gaarrdtfe o rceidt esn lightened Inc haptreoru r',S taSrt udiePsa'u,Ml c Donaledx amintehsev arious audientcoet hinrko ri tsealnrd s oq uestieoxni stsioncgi raell ations. differaepnptr oacthoet sh ea nalyosfis st arasn ds tairm ageTsh.e se Finalslhyem, o veosn t od iscumsosr er ecewnotr ko nt hep olitical econa­pproachheed se scriabsse esm iottihceas n;a lyosfiisn tertextpusayl­ity; omyo rc ultunroet,a btlhye woorfNk i cholGaasr nhamT.h isw orki,t choanalyasnidas u;d ienscteu diTehse.fi rsttw oa rem ainlcyo ncerned isc laimecdo,n tinmuacsss c ultutrhee oryi'nst erienst th ei ndustrial witthh ea nalyosfit se xtbsu,tt hes econtdw om ainlcyo ncetrnh ew ays conditioofnc su ltuprraold uctibountr, e fusteosp riviltehgeae v ant­ inw hicvhi eweirdse ntwiiftyhs t arFsi.n alMlcyD,o nalddi scustshees gardaes a formw hicihs s omehofrwe edf romt hesceo nditiTohniss. worko rP ierBroeu rdiaenud a pplies thieta natloy osfis st arisno rder sectiaolnse ox amintehsen ews tructuorfce usl tuprraold uction associt­oa rguteh aitti sn ecesstaorc yo mprehehnodw t hed istribouftc iuoln­ atewdi t'hp ost-Foradnidst mh'e' NewH ollywood'. turacla pitlaela ddsi fferaeundti entcoei sd entwiiftydh i ffersetnatr s. Int hes econcdh apte'rA,u teurainsdmF ilmA uthorsThhiepo ry', Inc haptfievre , 'HistoricHaeln rPJyoe entkiiccnsos'n ,s idtehreks i nd HeleSnt oddadrits custsheesw ayi nw hichc ertacirni ttiocosik s sue ofw orke xemplibfiyeD da viBdo rdwealnldK ristTihno mpsoWnh.i le withm assc ultutrhee orIyn.p articualuatre,ut rh eorirsetjse cttheed allowisnogm e spfaocrte h e auteuarp,p rtohaiscseh to su tt od etatihle claitmh aitn dustrpiraold uC[piroonv idneodr oomf ort hei ndividual normsw hichg overn the stylistiocf fi lcmoa nnsdtt rhuecrteifoonr e expresswihoinc wha ss upposeedslsye nttiota hlep roductoifoa nr tI.n strestsheasat n yi nnovatciaonno nlyb ed efineidn t ermosf t hese responasuet,e urpiosmi ntteoda numbeorf fi lm-makearlsol,f w hom normsn,o ta sa ni nstaonfcp eu res elf-expreHsoswieovne.hr ,ea rgues wered irectwohros , thiedye ntiafisefi dg urewsh oh ad beaebnl teo thadte spiittets e ndentcoyp rivil'edgeef ami..l.i a..raaits ia onan r't istic expreas rsi ccho mpleaxn dp ersonvails iwohni lmea kinfigl msw ithin practiac ceo,n cecprti ticibzyeB do urdiaesua legitimaotfti hoepn u re theH ollywosotdu disoy steHmo.w evera,sS toddaproti ntosu ti,t i s gazet,h iasp proaocphe nusp i mportiasnstu feosrt hes tudoyf p opular necesstaorq yu estiwohne thacnri ndividauuatlh oirse itheesrs enttioa l filpma,r ticutlharroluyig thws i llingtnoae cscse ppotp ulnaorr mass p art

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