AS154V 950 Jacques Maritain's Approaches God to How do we reach God? An answer by the leading Catholic philosopher of our day COLLIER BOOKS v «* ?Z*i. ST Approaches to God JACQUES MARTTAIN mm fll ill n/?i ^ v^ 51 Translated from the French by Peter O'Reflfy BOOKS COLLIER NEW YORK, N.Y. This Collier Books edition is published by arrangement with Harper & Brothers Collier Books is a division of The Crowell-CollieT Publishing Company First Collier Books Edition 1962 Publisher's Note This Collier Books edition reprints Volume I of the world perspec- tives series, which is planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen. Dr. Anshen's Epilogue to this reprint appears on page 121. Copyright, 1954, by Jacques Maritain All rights in this book are reserved. No part of the book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Hecho en los E.E.U.U. Printed in the United States of America