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Preview Apply current exponential de Finetti theorem to realistic quantum key distribution

Apply current exponential de Finetti theorem to realistic quantum key distribution Yi-Bo Zhao, Zheng-Fu Han, and Guang-Can Guo ∗ Key Lab of Quantum Information, University of Science and Technology of China, (CAS), Hefei, Anhui 230026, China In the realistic quantum key distribution (QKD), Alice and Bob respectively get a quantum state from an unknownchannel, whose dimension may be unknown. However, while discussing the security,sometime weneedtoknowexactdimension, sincecurrentexponentialdeFinettitheorem, crucial to the information-theoretical security proof, is deeply related with the dimension and can only be applied to finite dimensional case. Here we address this problem in detail. We show that if POVM elements corresponding to Alice and Bob’s measured results can be well described in a finitedimensional subspace with sufficiently small error, then dimensions of Alice and Bob’s states 9 can be almost regarded as finite. Since the security is well defined by the smooth entropy, which 0 is continuous with the density matrix, the small error of state actually means small change of 0 security. Then the security of unknown-dimensional system can be solved. Finally we prove that 2 for heterodyne detection continuous variable QKD and differential phase shift QKD, the collective n attack is optimal undertheinfinitekey size case. a J PACSnumbers: 03.67.Dd,03.67.Hk 8 1 I. INTRODUCTION: dimension of quantum state is unknown, current expo- ] nential de Finetti theorem may not be directly applied h and the security against the most general attack is diffi- p Information-theoreticalsecurityproof[1]is a powerful - and general way to prove the security for quantum key cult to given by the information-theoretical method. In t Ref. [5], Renner gave some concrete examples to show n distribution (QKD). In this method, to give the amount a of unconditional secretkeys, we only need to discuss up- the de Finetti theorem. From these examples we can u see that if the dimension of individual quantum state per or lower bounds of some entropies. The exponential q is higher than the block size, the whole state may be de Finetti theorem is crucial to this method, which sup- [ far away from an almost i.i.d. state. For some QKDs, port that as the key size goes to infinite, Eve cannot get 2 moreinformationfromthecoherentattackthanfromthe the dimension problem can be solved by introducing the v squashingmodel[6,7]. Howeverforsomeotherprotocols collectiveattack[1]. SinceinthecollectiveattackEveat- 3 we do not know whether there exist a squashing model, tacks each signal independently with the same method, 8 i.e. continuous variable (CV) QKD [8, 9] and differen- it is much easy for us to discuss the security. However, 6 tial phase shift (DPS) QKD [10]. Then, it is necessary 2 currentexponentialdeFinettitheoremrelyingonthedi- for Alice and Bob to get some information about their . mension and even diverges if the dimension is infinite, 9 dimensions. while in practice the dimension is often unknownor infi- 0 8 nite. Here we give a general way to estimate the effective 0 There are also some other kind of quantum de Finetti dimension (In the following we will see that Alice and : theorems. InRef. [2,3,4],severaldeFinettitheoremsfor Bob’s measurement data are obtained almost only from v differentconditionsaregiven. ThesedeFinettitheorems a finite dimensional subspace. Here we call the dimen- i X can be independent with the dimension. Evenunder the sionofthissubspaceaseffectivedimension.) ofasystem, r infinite dimensional case, they still converge. However, andageneralmethodtoapplycurrentinformationtheo- a These de Finetti theorems are polynomial and not ex- reticalsecurityprooftopracticalQKD.Finallyweprove ponential. As the key size goes to infinite, they can not thatifPOVMelementscorrespondingtoAliceandBob’s exponentially converge to zero. Whether such polyno- measuredresults canbe welldescribedin a finite dimen- mialdeFinettitheoremscanbeappliedtoQKDrequires sionalsubspace with sufficiently smallerror,the security further discussion. ofunknowndimensionalsystemis very closeto thatof a Wecanthinkaboutamoregeneralcase. AliceandBob finitedimensionalsystem,whereAliceandBobputfinite respectively get a quantum state from a channel and do dimensionalfiltersbeforetheirdetectors. Thesecurityof measurement and thus hold classical data finally. Real- this finite dimensional system is covered by current in- istically, they only know the classical data and do not formation theoretical security proof method. Then the know anything about the dimension of quantum state security of unknown-dimensional system can be solved. beforehand. Therefore, it is not realistic for us to as- Our solution is based on the estimation of the effective sume the dimensionbeforediscussingthe security. Ifthe dimension of a system. In Ref. [11], Wehner et al. gave an estimation to the lower bound of the dimension of a system. We hope future works can shrink the gap be- tween these two results. Up to now, some efforts have ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] been done for the finite key size case [12, 13]. The se- 2 curity under finite key size case may be much different sional protocol is covered by Ref. [1], then the security from that under infinite key size case. To give a better of that unknown-dimensional protocol can be solved. resultforfinitekeysizecase,itisnecessarytogiveatight In the following we will introduce a general QKD estimation to the effective dimension. protocol at first and then discuss unknown-dimensional We may think that the world is always finite, so re- problem. Latter we will introduce a finite dimensional garditasguaranteedthatcurrentexponentialdeFinetti protocol and prove that if components of POVM ele- theoremcanbedirectlyappliedtopracticalsystem. Itis mentscorrespondingtoAliceandBob’smeasuredresults notnecessarythecase. Firstly,finitemeasurementresult on high dimensional bases are small enough then the se- does not always mean finite dimensional quantum state. curity of original unknown-dimensional protocol can be A finite measurement result can also be generated from well approximated by this finite dimensional protocol. an infinite quantum state. Secondly, to know the upper While discussing their difference, we will introduce an bound of the dimension of quantum state is required if entanglementversionmeasurementtodescribeAliceand we consider the finite key size case. From the Ref. [1] Bob’s detection. Finally some application examples will we know that the amount of secret key rate under the be given. In application examples, we will only discuss finite key size case is deeply related with the dimension. the infinite key size case, while our result is also useful Our estimation of effective dimension is expected to be under the finite key size case. favorable to finite key size situation. WenotedtwoparallelworksshowninRef. [14,15]. In II. PROTOCOL: these two works, the unconditional security of CVQKD is addressed. In Ref. [14], Renner et al. modified pre- Here we limit our analysis to the following protocol. vious exponential de Finetti theorem and this new theo- Alice and Bob take N quantum states from a chan- rem can be directly applied to CVQKD. From this new nel respectively. Then they permute their subsystem de Finetti theorem we can see that in CVQKD if the according to a commonly chosen random permutation. variance of Bob’s measurement result is finite, the state TheyseparateN statesintolblocksandperformPOVM Alice, Bob and Eve share can still be approximated by measurement to each state. Without loss of general- an almost i.i.d. state. Our result only works for hetero- ity, we assume Alice and Bob respectively hold several dyne CVQKD and requires the maximum value of Al- POVMs,MAi = MAi andMBi = MBi (i=1,...,l), ice and Bob’s heterodyne detection to be finite. Under { xi } { yi } the infinite key size case, our result can give the same where xi and yi denote corresponding measurement re- approximation that the state describes the whole infi- sults, and they perform the POVM MAi = MAi and { xi } nite communications can be approximated by an almost MBi = MBi tothei-thblocks(weassumethechoiceof { yi } product state with arbitrarily small error. In Ref. [15], POVMsispublicly known). Thenthey publishmeasure- Leverrier et al. directly addressed the unconditional se- mentresultsfromthefirstblocktoestimatethechannel. curityofCVQKDwithoutthe deFinetti theorem. Their Before the classical procedure they estimate the dimen- work is based on the Gaussian optimality. In this paper sion of their quantum state according to the region of we approximate the CVQKD by a finite dimension pro- their measurement results. Then they give up partial of tocol. The security of finite dimension protocol can be their measurement results (required by the information- coveredbycurrentinformationtheoreticalsecurityproof. theoretical security proof [1]) and finally obtain classical Then the unconditional security of CVQKD is possible strings. After performing data processing, information to prove. Compared with these two works, one advan- reconciliationandprivacyamplification,theyfinallygen- tage of our work is its application to photon number de- erate secret keys. Here, we allow Alice and Bob to hold tection protocols, e.g. another coherent state protocol, severalPOVMs,mainlybecauseinmanyQKDprotocols, DPSQKD. In the following, we will demonstrate how to Alice and Bob need to randomly change their measure- apply our result to DPSQKD. ment bases. One POVM corresponds to one choice of The basic idea of our approach is as following. Al- bases. though the dimension of quantum state Alice, Bob and From current de Finetti theorem we know that if the Eve initially share is totally unknown, after obtaining dimension of the channel is finite, the state Alice, Bob measurement results, Alice and Bob collapse Eve’s state and Eve share after many communications is close to an intoalesscomplexstateandcanknowsomeinformation almost product state. It has been shown that such al- about the effective dimension of their state. Then we most product state almost has the same property with can constructanother finite dimensional protocol,where the product state. The product state corresponds to the Alice and Bob put a finite dimensional filter right be- collective attack. Then we only need to consider collec- fore their detection equipments that can filter out high tive attack [1]. However, if the dimension is infinite, the dimensional components. We prove that final state of de Finetti theorem may diverge. Then we cannot know this new finite dimensional protocol is only slightly dif- the difference between collective attack and coherent at- ferent from the original one. Then the security of that tack. unknown-dimensional protocol can be approximated by Weassumeaftergettingquantumstate,Alice,Boband this new protocol. The security of this new finite dimen- Eve share the state ρ . Since discarding subsys- ANBNEN 3 tem never increases mutual information, we can safely same. Nevertheless, for most of current protocols, it is assume that Eve holds the purification of ρ , so not difficult to find a tight D˜A and D˜B. For example, in ANBNEN that ρ is pure [1, 8, 16]. After measuring all theheterodynedetectionCVQKD,AliceandBobdonot ANBNEN N states, Alice and Bob know the region of their mea- change the basis, so there are only two blocks, one used surement results. For example, in DPSQKD [10], if they for parameter estimation, one used to generate secret usephotonnumberresolvingdetector,theycanknowthe keys. We assume at Alice’s side the maximum value of maximum photon number they received from one pulse. oneblockisVmax1,andthatoftheotherisVmax2. Then A A InCVQKD[9]withheterodynedetection,theycanknow DA1 = MA1 and DA2 = MA2. xi Vmax1 xi xi Vmax2 xi the maximum amplitude they get. Here, we will show Since AlPice u≤seAs the same POVM for tPhese≤twAo blocks, that such information is enough for Alice and Bob to wehaveMA1 =MA2. IfVmax1 >Vmax2,wecanchoose xi xi A A know whether their system can be approximated by a D˜A = MA1, which satisfies Eq. (1). Then finite dimensional system. D˜A DPA1xi=≤V0Amaanxd1 D˜Axi DA2 = MA1, staAtelicaeccaonrddiBngobtocamneamsaukreemaennitnriteisaulltess.tiAmfatteironAltiocethaenidr whi−ch is a POVM elem−ent. In tPheVADmaPx2S<QxKi≤DVA,maBxo1b axliso Bobknowsthe regionoftheir measurementresults,they does not change his bases, so a similar result can be ob- canonlyconsidersuchρ thatcangeneratetheir tained. ANBNEN measured results with probability higher than certain Toanalysisthe securitywecanonlyconsiderthe state small parameter ε. Then the collection of states they ρANBNEN that satisfies need to consider is largely reduced. The insecure proba- tr[(D˜AD˜B) Nρ ] ε (2) bility introduced by suchmethodis no largerthanε and ⊗ ANBNEN ≥ the strength of security will be reduced by ε [17]. This while the final strength of security will be reduced by procedure is required by our proof. ε, where D˜A and D˜B are properly chosen elements that More precisely, we assume Alice and Bob’s measure- satisfy Eq. (1). Then the collection of ρ we ment results from a single state of i-th block belong to ANBNEN need to consider is largely reduced. It can be seen that the region Ξ(Xi) and Ξ(Yi) respectively. We let to shrink the collection of ρ , we need to find ANBNEN DAi = MAi tight D˜A and D˜B. In the following, we will see that this X xi technique is required by our argument. xi Ξ(Xi) ∈ After Alice and Bob’s measurement, the state Alice, Bob and Eve hold becomes ρ , where X and XNYNEN DBi = MBi Y are classical variable that can take the value xi and yi X yi and can be expressed by orthogonal quantum state yi Ξ(Yi) ∈ [1]. Actually, the security of QKD system directly re- Then DAi and DBi actually are POVM elements that lated to the state ρ , rather than original state XNYNEN correspond to Alice and Bob’s measurement results be- ρ . Therefore, if we can find a finite dimensional ANBNEN longingtothe regionΞ(Xi)andΞ(Yi)respectively. DAi systemthatgeneratesanotherstateρ˜ veryclose XNYNEN (DBi)maybedifferentfordifferentblocks. Toavoiddis- to ρ , then the security of the original unknown XNYNEN tinguishingdifferentDAis(DBis),herewedefinePOVM system can be approximated by this finite dimensional elements, D˜A and D˜B satisfying that for arbitrary state system. ρ and i, we always have NowwecancomparetwoschemesasillustratedinFig. 1. One is the originalunknown-dimensionalscheme,and tr(D˜Aρ) tr(DAiρ) the other is a modified scheme, in which Alice and Bob ≥ (1) tr(D˜Bρ) tr(DBiρ) respectivelyputfiltersbeforetheirdetectors. Weassume ≥ these two filters can totally filter out high dimensional To know the requirement given in Eq. (1) well, we can component of received state and dimensions of output see some examples. It can be seen that D˜A = I is one statesofthesetwofiltersared andd respectively. For A B trivial element that always satisfy Eq. (1). Also, if all convenience,wewillcalltheoriginalprotocolasprotocol DAis are just the same, D˜A = DAi is the one satisfying 1andthe modifiedoneasprotocol2. Theninthe proto- Eq. (1). Furthermore, since for any i and arbitrary ρ, col2dimensionsofAliceandBob’sreceivedstatesared A the expectation value of D˜A DAi and D˜B DBi are and d respectively. In the following, we will see that if non-negative,D˜A DAi andD−˜B DBi areno−n-negative weproBperlysetthefilterandchoosehighenoughd and operators. Theref−ore, if D˜A D−Ai and D˜B DBi are d , then the security of protocol 1 can be approximAated − − B not zero, they are also valid POVM elements. Then by that of protocol 2. DAi,D˜A DAi,I D˜A and DBi,D˜B DBi,I D˜B To simplify our discussion,itis necessaryto avoiddis- { − − } { − − } constituteaPOVMrespectively(Itshouldbenotedthat tinguishingdifferentblocks. WeknowthatD˜A DAiand I maybe anoperationofaninfinite dimensionalspace.). D˜B DBi are also POVM elements. Here we−introduce Here we define the POVM elements D˜A and D˜B mainly othe−r two classical data xi and yi that correspond to ′ ′ becausethemaximumvalueofmeasurementresultofdif- POVM elements D˜A DAi and D˜B DBi respectively. ferentblocksmaybe differentandthen DAis arenotthe Then in protocol1 Al−ice and Bob’s m−easurement results 4 tector, which directly gives her the classical data. After reading out the classicaldata, Alice set the detector and environment to the initial state to do the next measure- ment. In this model we require initial states of Alice’s detector and environment are pure and respectively to be de and Env . Forconvenience,herewelet ini A A A | i | i | i denote de Env . Thenthe interactionamongthe re- A A | i | i ceivedstate,detectorandenvironmentfori-thblockcan be given by Ui = xi Q ini MAi (3) A X| i| xiiAh |q xi xi where xi s are orthogonal states of detector, Q de- | i | xii scribesorthogonalstateoftheenvironment, ini denotes h | theinitialpurestateofAlice’s detectorandenvironment and MAi is the POVM operators corresponding to q xi POVM element MAi [16]. To check the validity of this xi measurement, we can apply it to a two parties system ρ . After the interaction described by Ui, the state of AB A FIG.1: Illustrationofprotocol1andprotocol2,whereinpro- whole system becomes tocol 2 finitedimensional filters are put before thedetectors. ρ = Uiρ ini iniUi+ Ifthefiltersareproperlychosen,thesecurityofprotocol1can ABXQX A AB⊗| iAh | A bewellapproximatedbythatofprotocol2,whilethesecurity = xi Q MAi+ρ xj Q MAj ofprotocol2iscoveredbycurrentinformation theoreticalse- X| i| xiiq xi ABXh |h xj|q xj curityproofmethod. Theexactdifferencebetweenprotocol1 xi xj and protocol 2 becomes significant while we consider the the where Q denotes the environmentand all of Q s are finitekey size case. X | xii orthogonal with each other. After we trace out the sys- temAandenvironmentwe immediatelyobtainthe state of i-th block are within the region Ξ(Xi) xi and nΞo(Yt ci)ha∪n{gye′ii}f irtesrpuencstiavselfyo.llTowhse.reWforhei,lethgiesttpinr∪ogt{omc′eoa}lsduorees- ρXB =Xxi |xiihxi|⊗trA(qMxAii+ρABqMxAii) mentresultsfromastateofi-thblock,AliceandBobac- We see that ceptthemonlywhenthey belongtoregionΞ(Xi) xi ′ and Ξ(Yi)∪{y′i} respectively. Otherwise, they d∪is{card} trA(qMxAii+ρABqMxAii)=P(xi)ρxBi them. Now we can calculate the difference between the protocol 1 and the protocol 2. where P(xi) is the probability of the out come xi and ρxi denotes Bob’s conditional state while Alice’s mea- B surement result is xi. Then ρ becomes XB III. ESTIMATION OF L1-DISTANCE BASED ρ = P(xi)xi xi ρxi ON OBSERVATIONS: XB | ih |⊗ B X xi Before calculating the difference, here we introduce a whichconsistswiththePOVMmeasurement. SinceAlice entanglement version measurement. There are several only acceptthe data within the collectionΞ(Xi) x′i , ∪{ } interpretations for the quantum measurement, e.g. von we can reduce the unitary transformationgiven in Eq. 3 Neumann measurement scheme and Many-worlds inter- to a general quantum operation Oˆi to describe Alice’s A pretation[18]. Here we are notto give a new philosophi- effective measurement, which is given by calinterpretation,buttoconstructaphysicalmodelthat cicaanlemffoedcteilvaelllyowpesrufosrtmoPeaOsiVlyMfinmdeathsuerdemiffeenretn.cTehbisetpwheyesn- OˆAi =xi Ξ(XXi) x′i |xii|QxiiAhini|qMxAii (4) ∈ ∪{ } protocol 1 and protocol 2. For briefness, here we only take Alice’s measurementas an example. Alice’s POVM Here we can see that Oˆi may not be a unitary transfor- A measurementcanbe performedby the equipment shown mation. The quantum operation that describes Alice’s in Fig. 2. The measurement procedure is realized by an total N detection is interactionamongherreceivedstate,detectorandtheen- l vironment. After the interaction,Alice givesup received OˆAN = (OˆAi )⊗ni (5) state and the environment and thus only holds the de- O i=1 5 Alice,BobandEvefinallyhold. Forthe protocol-1,they finally hold the state ρ and for the protocol-2, XNYNEN theyfinally shareρ˜ . Ifweknowthe L distance XNYNEN 1 between ρ and ρ˜ we can know the dif- XNYNEN XNYNEN ference between securities of protocol-1 and protocol-2 [1]. Since tracing out the subsystem never increases the L distance [1], the L distance between ρ and 1 1 XNYNEN ρ˜ is no larger than that between Ψ and ΨXNYN.EWN e know that | P−1i P 2 | − i Ψ = (8) | ANBNENi FIG. 2: Illustration of entanglement version measurement, (PAdABdB)⊗N|ΨANBNENi+(PAdABdB)⊗N|ΨANBNENi where |Envi and |dei respectively denote the initial state of environmentandthedetector. Themeasurementcanbereal- where P denotes the orthogonalcomplementspace ofP. ized by the unitary operation among received state, detector By putting the Eq. (8) into Eq. (6) we quickly know and the environment. After theoperation, thereceived state and the environment are given up and the measurement re- ΨP 1 =αΨP 2 +β Ψ′ sultcanbedirectlygivenbythestateofdetector,denotedby | − i | − i | i ρX. where (PdAdB) NOˆ+ Oˆ+ Oˆ Oˆ (PdAdB) N β = qh AB ⊗ AN BN AN BN AB ⊗ i. where n denotes the length of i-th block. By the same i | | Oˆ+ Oˆ+ Oˆ Oˆ way we can give the operator describing Bob’s whole N qh AN BN AN BNi detections (By substituting the notation A by B.). (9) Sinceweonlyneedtoconsiderthecasethatρ and ANBNEN is pure, here we assume the initial state Alice and Bob Oˆ Oˆ (PdAdB) N Ψ Ψ receive is |ΨANBNENi. The initial state of Alice and Ψ′ = AN BN AB ⊗ | ANBNENi| XNYNQNXQNYi Binobi’s idneitec.torThanend feonrvtirhoenmpreonttociosl-|1Ψ,XaNftYerNQANXliQcNYeian=d | i qh(PAdABdB)⊗NOˆA+NOˆB+NOˆANOˆBN(PAdABdB)⊗Ni A B | i | i Bob’smeasurement(generalquantumoperation[16])the is a state obtained from the complimentary space state describing Alice, Bob, Eve, detectors and environ- (PdAdB) N, which may not be orthogonal with Ψ . ment becomes FroAmB th⊗e Appendix-A of Ref. [1] we know that|thPe−L2i 1 distance oftwopure state Ψ and Ψ canbe givenby |ΨP−1i = |ΨXNYNANBNQNXQNYENi | 1i | 2i = OˆANOˆBN|ΨANBNENi|ΨXNYNQNXQNYi (6) |||Ψ1i−|Ψ2i||=2p1−|hΨ1|Ψ2i|2 Oˆ+ Oˆ+ Oˆ Oˆ where denotestheL1distance. ThentheL1distance qh AN BN AN BNi betwee|n|·|Ψ| and Ψ isnolargerthan2β ,which P 1 P 2 yields | − i | − i | | where X and Y denotes Alice and Bob’s detectors, Q X and Q denote the environment around Alice and Bob, Y ρ ρ˜ 2β Oˆ istheoperatordescribingBob’swholeN detections || XNYNEN − XNYNEN||≤ | | BN and hOˆA+NOˆB+NOˆANOˆBNi describes expectation value of For convenience here we let D˜ = D˜AD˜B. If we put Oˆ+ Oˆ+ Oˆ Oˆ . Eqs. (4) and (5) into Eq. (9) and apply the fact that AN BN AN BN In protocol-2Alice and Bobrespectively put a d and operators of different detectors are commutate, we can A d dimensional filter before their detectors. The filter know that B canbedescribedbyaprojectionintoasubspace. Herewe let the projector PdA and PdB denotes Alice and Bob’s tr [D˜ N(PdA,dB) Nρ (PdA,dB) N] fiTlhteerns.foFrorthceonpvreontioeAcnocle-2waeftleeBtrPAAdlABicdeBadnednoBtoesb’PsAdmAe⊗aPsuBdrBe-. |β|=vuut ABE ⊗ trAABBE[D˜⊗⊗NρAANNBBNNEENN] AB ⊗ (10) ment the whole state becomes Now we can see that if all of pure state ρ satis- ANBNEN Ψ = Ψ˜ (7) fyingEq. (2)make β smallenough,thenprotocol-1can | P−2i | XNYNANBNQNXQNYENi be well approximate|d|by protocol-2. = OˆANOˆBN(PAdABdB)⊗N|ΨANBNENi|ΨXNYNQNXQNYi To estimate |β| here we give a very useful theorem. (PdAdB) NOˆ+ Oˆ+ Oˆ Oˆ (PdAdB) N Theorem 1 Let 1 , 2 , ..., and 1 , 2 , ..., qh AB ⊗ AN BN AN BN AB ⊗ i | iA | iA | iB | iB be bases of Alice and Bob’s Hilbert spaces respec- After tracingoutreceivedquantumstateAN andBN, tively, by which projectors PdA and PdB can be respec- A B and the environment QN and QN we obtain the state tively given by PdA = 1 1 + ... + d d and X Y A | iAh | | AiAh A| 6 PdB = 1 1 + ... + d d . Then if we have strength of parameter estimation is ǫ +2δ, where the tfPorBAr∞i=B,1a∞[,Drj˜=b⊗idtNA|ra(|irPAByAhdhiAB|Dρd|˜BAA)N⊗|BjNiNAρE|AN+N|BPBiNti∞i(=BP,1ih∞sA,djAB=Bdad|BBlw)|⊗aByNhsi]|D:˜=saBtL|ijs≤ifiBedε|3≤.thεNa3t, pFHρ˜Xri¯ǫnok′taE¯ol(lcyρ˜oislth1eesctEaiǫ¯m′n)+abteeǫlde′′gai+kbvyeǫn′′,d′bwa+ythaHi5lδeom2bδtsi+hnteaeǫc′iun(srρteerXd¯e′ks′n′efEg¯rct|orEh¯met)o−fkpperlyoaetraoarkacmItoReelteo≥1rf. Proof: We can see that L is no larger than min X¯kE¯| − IR estimationis ǫ +2δ,the stateρ˜ is estimatedby the mweaxe|xΨpNainhdΨNhΨ|DN˜⊗|D˜N⊗|ΨNN|Ψi,Nwih=erheΨ|NΨ|N(PiAdA∈BdB(P)⊗AdNABdD˜B⊗)⊗NN|Ψ.NIif dsHaaettriasefytohibnetgatientrrem[d(D′˜′Hf′rAoǫD′m˜B(pρ)˜⊗roNtoρcAEo¯Nl)B1NEalX¯enNakd]Ek¯o≥nliyδs atihsmeocoρunAnstNidBoefNrtEehdNe. into product spaces PAdA(PAdA)⊗N−1(PBdB)⊗N,..., ǫ +ǫ +ǫ +2δmsiencurX¯eksE¯e|cret−e keysIoRf protocol 2, while and do straightforward calculation, we can imme- ′ ′′ ′′′ dia∞i=te,1∞l,yj=dfiBn|dBhtih|Da˜tB|LjiB|≤] ≤Nε[P3.∞i=,1∞(,Tj=hdeA|sAtrhai|iDg˜hAtf|joirAw|ar+d 2bthδyectohstmereednsagtftarhoomobfttaphiaenrefadamcftreottemhratepsrttohitmeoasctotailot1ne.ρ˜isX¯ǫk′E¯′′ +is(cid:3)2esδt,imwahteerde cPalculation is too bothering to show here. Detailed one The state distance ρ ρ˜ 2δ can can be seen in the appendix.) (cid:3) || XNYNEN − XNYNEN||≤ be evaluated from the measurementresults through the- Since trABE[D˜⊗NρANBNEN] ≥ ε, from Eq. (10), we orem 1. The security of protocol 2 is covered by current can see that Theorem 1 actually gives a sufficient condi- informationtheoreticalsecurity proofmethod. Then the tion for β ε. the security of protocol 1 can be solved. | |≤ Now, we can know the distance between protocol 1 and protocol 2 from the measurement results. The only remained problemis to give the difference between secu- rities of protocol-1 and protocol-2 if the state difference IV. SECURITY OF PROTOCOL 2. of them is known. Theorem 2 If ρ ρ˜ 2δ for all If Alice and Bob’s received initial state in protocol ρ satisfy||inXgNtYr[N(DE˜NAD−˜B)XNNYρNEN|| ≤] δ, then 1 is ρANBN, the state they received in protocol 2 is ANBNEN ⊗ ANBNEN ≥ ρ˜ = 1(PdAdB) Nρ (PdAdB) N, where 1 is the 5δ +ǫ-secure secret key rate of protocol-1 is no less ANBN p AB ⊗ ANBN AB ⊗ p introduced for normalization. After quantum commu- than the 2δ+ǫ-secure secret key rate of protocol-2, while Alice and Bob take results from protocol-1 as that from nication, Alice and Bob will permute their state, then ρ is permutation invariant. The projection oper- protocol-2 to estimate the secret key rate of protocol-2 by ANBN the information theoretical method. ator (PAdABdB)⊗N commutates with the permutation op- erator, so ρ˜ is also a permutation invariant state. ANBN Proof: The L1 distance cannot be increased by quan- The dimension of individual state of ρ˜ANBN is dAdB. tumoperationsandthus classicalbit-wiseprocessing[1]. Then there is a symmetric purification for ρ˜ in a ANBN aρI˜fnX¯|dk|ρE¯EX¯||N≤dYeNn2EδoNtaen−dAρ˜l|Xi|cρNeXYNaNnYEdNN−B||oρ˜≤bX’Ns2Yδc,Nlat|sh|se≤inca2wlδed,ahwtahaveearen||dρX¯X¯kEk,vE¯Y¯e−’ks Huρ˜AaillNbsBetrNattEesNpoaf[c1ρe˜, o2f0]d.imTehneissnio(ndth(eddAdd)im2B.)e2nANsci,oconwrhdoiifcnhgthatecotiucnuadrlilrvyeindist- ANBNEN A B stateafterthedataprocessingrespectively,duringwhich exponential de Finetti theorem, the state ρ˜ is ANBNEN someinformationmaybeannounced. Thesecurityiswell close to an almost product state [21]. Then we can only definedbysmoothmin-andmax-entropies. The amount consider the collective attack. Since under the collective of ǫ-secure secret keys can be given by Hmǫ′in(ρX¯kE¯|E¯)− attack, Eve attacks all of signals independently by the liseaǫk′′I′,Rw[1h9e]r,ewHhmǫil′ien(t·h|·e) sdterneontgetshtohfepsamraomotehtemriens-teinmtarotipoyn, sBaombeamndethEovde,shhearreewaeftleert ρa˜AsBinEgldeencoomtems tuhneicsattaitoen.AlBicee-, leakIRdenotestheamountofinformationpublisheddur- fore calculating the secret key rate, we need to estimate ing the ǫ′′-secure reconciliation and ǫ′+ǫ′′+ǫ′′′ = ǫ [1]. possible ρ˜ABE from measurement results. It should be Since ||ρX¯kE¯ − ρ˜X¯kE¯|| ≤ 2δ, the smooth min-entropy noted that although ρ˜ABE belongs to a Hilbert space of satisfies Hm2δi+nǫ(ρX¯kE¯|E¯) ≥ Hmǫin(ρ˜X¯kE¯|E¯) [1]. Also, if dimension (dAdB)2, we do not really need to estimate it Alice and Bob use the data from the protocol-1 as that only in a (d d )2 dimensional subspace. We can still A B from the protocol-2 to estimate the state of protocol-2, construct it in an infinite dimensional space, because a the security of the parameter estimation [1] will be re- state belonging to a (d d )2 dimensional Hilbert space A B duced by 2δ, because ρ ρ˜ 2δ. Fur- also belongs to a infinite dimensional Hilbert space [22]. || XNYN − XNYN|| ≤ thermore, if we only consider the ρ satisfying This point shows that while we discuss the collective at- ANBNEN tr[(D˜AD˜B) Nρ ] δ, the strength of security tack for protocol 2, we do not need to take the filter in ⊗ ANBNEN ≥ will also be reduced by δ. In all, the ǫ +ǫ +ǫ secure to account. If we give up filters in protocol 2, the pro- ′ ′′ ′′′ securityofprotocol2isgivenbyHǫ′ (ρ˜ E¯) leak , tocol 2 becomes the same as protocol 1. Then if we do min X¯kE¯| − IR while the strength of parameter estimation is ǫ and not take the filter into account, the security against col- ′′′ the ρ˜X¯kE¯ is estimated by the data obtained from pro- lective attack of protocol 2 is actually equivalent to that tocol 2. The ǫ +ǫ +ǫ +2δ secure security of pro- of protocol 1. Finally, our conclusion is as follows. The ′ ′′ ′′′ tocol 2 is given by Hǫ′ (ρ˜ E¯) leak , while the security of protocol 1 can be approximated by that of min X¯kE¯| − IR 7 protocol 2. For the protocol 2 we only need to consider Here we give two application examples. We will see thecollectiveattack. WhiletheHilbertspaceofprotocol that our result can be readily used for heterodyne de- 2 is only a subspace of protocol 1, then the secrete key tection and photon number detection case. It should rateofprotocol2againstcollectiveattackisnolessthan be noted that in the following we only proved that for that of protocol 1 against collective attack. Finally, we CVQKD and DPSQKD the collective attack is optimal actually give the difference between coherent attack and under infinite key size case. How to prove their security collective attack for protocol 1. We introduce the filter against collective attack has not been solved in this pa- only to apply currentde Finetti theoremand to give the per. For short, we only take the infinite key size case difference between coherent attack and collective attack for examples. It seems that our estimation of effective for protocol 1. dimension is meaningless under this case. However, we The 5δ + ǫ-secure unconditional secret key rate of should note that under the finite key size case, the esti- protocol-1 is no less than the 2δ + ǫ-secure secret key mation of effective dimension will be useful. rate of protocol-2. Under the infinite key size case, the unconditional secrete key rate of protocol 2 is given by the secret key rate against collective attacks [1]. The se- cret key rate under collective attack of protocol 2 is no A. Unconditional security of CVQKD less than that of protocol 1. Also under the infinite key size case, the parameter ǫ can approach to zero. Then Now we apply our results to the heterodyne detection the 5δ-secure unconditional secret key rate of protocol-1 CVQKD and prove that as the key size goes to infinite isnolessthanthe2δ secureunconditionalsecretkeyrate the collective is optimal. In the prepare & measurement of protocol-2 and no less than its secret key rate against CVQKD, Alice prepare a continuous variable EPR pair, collective attacks,where 2δ comes from the factthat Al- andsendsoneparttoBob. AliceandBobrespectivelydo ice and Bob use the data of protocol 1 to estimate the heterodynedetectiontotheirheldstates. Thesecurityof state of protocol 2. In addition, under the infinite key suchscheme againstcollective attack is discussedin Ref. size case, we may choose large enough d and d so as A B [9]. Here, we prove that for this protocol the collective to make δapproach to zero. Then we can directly say attack is optimal under the infinite key size case. We that for protocol1 if the POVM elements corresponding denote Alice and Bob’s measurement result by (p ,q ) to the measured results can be arbitrarilywell described A A and (p ,q ) respectively. The corresponding POVM el- in a finite dimensional space, the collective attack is op- B B ements are respectively M = 1 p +iq p +iq timal under the infinite key size case. pA,qA π| A Aih A A| and M = 1 p +iq p +iq . In a realistic sys- For many practical QKDs, the projection of POVM pB,qB π| B Bih B B| tem, the maximum value of Alice and Bob’s measure- elements of measured results on high dimensional basis mentresultsis finite (orAlice andBobcangiveupsome is extremely small. For example, the POVM element for extremely larger measurement results). Then their fi- heterodyne detection corresponding to measured result (p,q) is M = 1 p+iq p+iq , whose component on nal shared data is within certain region. We assume p,q π| ih | Vmax and Vmax are large enough, so that for all pos- the photon number basis m exponentially goes to zero A B | i sible (p ,q )s and (p ,q )s Alice and Bob hold satisfy as m increase. The POVM of inefficient photon number A A B B p2 + q2 Vmax and p2 + q2 Vmax (or Alice and resolving detector [23] also has similar property. Then A A ≤ A B B ≤ B Bob only accept the data with amplitude no larger than if a QKD protocol utilize such detectors, Alice and Bob canannouncethe maximump2+q2 ormaximumphoton VAmax and VBmax). Then we can construct D˜A and D˜B respectively to be number received from one pulse. Then Alice and Bob can construct the big POVM D˜ and for a given ε3 they N 1 canfind a big enoughd (smaller than N) that in photon D˜A = p +iq p +iq dp dq number picture satisfies ∞,∞ iD˜ j ε3. Then π Z | A Aih A A| A A i=1,j=d|h | | i| ≤ N p2+q2 Vmax thedifferencebetweenstaPtesofprotocol1andprotocol2 A A≤ A 1 canbe smallerthan2ε. The 5ε+ǫ-securesecretkeyrate D˜B = p +iq p +iq dp dq can be given by 2ε+ǫ-secure secret key rate of protocol π Z | B Bih B B| B B 2, which is covered by Ref. [1]. p2B+qB2≤VAmax Thefilter PdA andPdB canbe choseninphotonnumber A B V. APPLICATIONS: space. We let In the realistic case, the measured result is always fi- PdA = 0 0 + 1 1 +...+ d 1 d 1 nite. In heterodyne detection protocols, the maximum A | iAh | | iAh | | A− iAh A− | PdB = 0 0 + 1 1 +...+ d 1 d 1 value of measured result is limited. In photon number B | iBh | | iBh | | B − iBh B − | detection protocol, the maximum received photon num- ber is finite. Such realistic cases allow us readily apply where i i and j j denote the photon number A B | i h | | i h | our results. state. Now we utilize theorem1 to discuss the difference 8 between protocol 1 and protocol 2. We see that up data is extremely small. Such procedure only causes extremely small change of state, and thus only cause ex- , ∞∞ tremely small change of security. On the other hand, iD˜A j |Ah | | iA| a realistic security proof for CVQKD should take such X i=0,j=dA−1 cut off procedure into account. After all, in a realistic , 1 ∞∞ situation, the maximum value of measurement results is = ip +iq π Z |Ah | A Ai always finite. X p2A+qA2≤VAmax i=0,j=dA−1 p +iq j dp dq A A A A A h | i | B. Unconditional security of DPSQKD ∞,∞ ri rj exp[ r2] = 2 A A − A dr Z X √i!j! A Now we apply our result to coherent state DPSQKD, rA2≤VAmax i=0,j=dA−1 whose dimension is infinite in principle. Up to now, ∞ ri exp[ r2] ∞ rj the security against collective attack for DPSQKD un- = 2 A − A A dr (11) Z X √i! X √j! A der noiseless case is proved[10]. Here we show that that rA2≤VAmax i=0 j=dA−1 proof actually is unconditional security proof. To allow AliceandBobdorandompermutation,inRef. [10]Zhao where in the forth line we used the result that A ipA+ etal. cutthelongsequenceofcoherentstatesintoblocks iqAi| = rAi exp√[−i!rA2/2] and let rA2 = p2A + qA2|. hU|nder and regarded one block as one big state. Then Alice the case that d Vmax, we can use the Stirling for- and Bob can permute these big states. In the DPSQKD (mruAl/a√tdoAa)pdAp,rowxhAimic≫ahteex√Apoj!n.enTthiaelnlywgeoehsatvoezPer∞jo=adAs d√rAAjj!in∝- AnolitceesstehnedsstaBteobofaabbiglosctka)t,ea|cΨco~xNrbdiin=giNtN=ob1h|(e−r1b)ixnia+r1yαsit(rdineg- creases. Then the whole term ∞i=,0∞,j=dA|Ahi|D˜A|jiA| ~x = (x1,x2,...,xNb), where |(−1)xi+1αi is a coherent will exponentially go to zeroPwith the increase of state. Then Bob measures the phase difference between dA. By the same way we can prove that the term each two individual state. The collective attack means ∞i=,1∞,j=dB|Bhi|D˜B|jiB| will also exponentially goes to Eve attack these big states (blocks) independently with zPero with the increase of d . Finally, for a given ε3 and the same method. Here we require Bob use the pho- B large enough N, we can find a d N and d N, ton number resolving detector. After many rounds of A B ≪ ≪ that satisfy quantumcommunications,Bobannouncesthemaximum photon number received from one big state (one block). ∞,∞ ∞,∞ ε3 ThenifBobputafilterthatfiltersoutallthestatewhose iD˜A j + iD˜B j :=Err |Ah | | iA| |Bh | | iB| ≤ N photon number is larger than certain criteria, the mea- X X i=1,j=dA i=1,j=dB sured results should not change too much. We see that if the efficiency of photon number resolv- Then from the theorem 1 and 2 we know that the secu- ing detector is 100%, then we can definitely know the rity of this CVQKDscheme canbe approximatedby the security of a scheme of dimension (d d )2 N with actual dimension of Bob’s received state. However, if A B ≪ that efficiency is not 100%, we cannot determine the ex- errors no larger than 5ε (Err exponentially approach to act dimension of Bob’s state from the measured photon zero with the increase of d and d , so that d and d A B A B are proportional with log(N/ε3). Then for large enough numbers. N,wecanhave(d d )2 N). Then5ε+ǫ-securesecret Here we discuss the imperfect detector case. In Ref. A B ≪ [24],thePOVMelementofineffectivephotonnumberre- key rate of heterodyne detection CVQKD can be given solving detector is given. In that reference, the spacial by 2ε+ǫ-secure secret key rate of protocol-2, where Al- ice and Bob respectively put filters PdA and PdB before modeofreceivedphotonstatehasnotbeenconsidered. If A B we take the spacialmode and other components into ac- their detectors. As N , we can find large enough (d d )2 N, that all→ow∞ε 0, and the security pa- count,wecanextendthatPOVMelementcorresponding A B ≪ → to n photons to be rameter ǫ can goes to zero From the Ref. [1] we know that, under the case that (d d )2 N , the col- A B ≪ → ∞ ∞ lective attack is optimal for protocol2 and its secretkey Π = Cnγn(1 γ)m nP (12) rate can be given by that under collective attack. Since n X m − − m m=n the secrete key rate against collective attack of protocol where γ denotes detector efficiency and P denotes the 2 is no larger than that of protocol 1, under the infinite m projectortomphotonnumbersubspace. Weassumethe key size case the unconditional secretkey rate of hetero- dimension of m photon number subspace is f , and P dyne detection CVQKD equal to its secret key rate un- m m to be dercollectiveattacksandthe collectiveisoptimal. Here, we require Alice and Bob give up such data whose am- fm pthliattudfoerislalragregeVrmtahxananVdAmVaxmaaxn,dthVeBmpaxro.pWoretiocnanofexgpiveecnt Pm =X|ϕmk ihϕmk | (13) A B k=1 9 where ϕm denotes the orthogonal state of m photon finite dimensionalfilters before the detectors,andshown | k i number subspace. It can be prove that f l(m+l the security difference between the original unknown- m ≤ − 1)!/m!, where l denotes the block size. dimensional protocol and this finite dimensional proto- IfBob’smaximumreceivedphotonnumberisn ,then col based on measurement results. Since the security of 0 the POVM element corresponding to this event can be that finite dimensional protocolis coveredby currentin- given by formationtheoreticalsecurityproofmethod,thesecurity ofarealisticunknowndimensionalsystemcanbesolved. n=n0 Our result can be used to prove the unconditional se- D˜B = Π (14) n curity of heterodyne detection CVQKD and DPSQKD. X n=0 Finally, we provethat for heterodyne detection CVQKD InDPSQKD,iftheblocksizeisl,thedimensionofAlice’s andDPSQKDcollectiveattackisoptimalundertheinfi- modulation is 2l, which is finite. Therefore we only need nitekeysizecase. Thedifferencebetweenprotocol1and to discuss Bob’s state. We can construct Bob’s filter to protocol2willbemeaningfulifweconsiderthefinitekey be size case. Acknowledgement: Special thanks are given to R. m=m0 PdB = P Renner for fruitful discussions. This work is supported B X m by National Natural Science Foundation of China under m=0 Grants No. 60537020and 60621064. where P is given by Eq. (13). Now we can use theo- m rem 1 to estimate the difference between protocol 1 and protocol2. We enumeratethe basisofthe filter by ϕm . APPENDIX A: DETAILED PROOF FOR Then we have | k i THEOREM 1 Diff := hϕmk |D˜B|ϕmk′′i (15) At first we can see that m=0,mX′=m0,k,k′ trAB[D˜⊗N(PAdABdB)⊗NρANBN(PAdABdB)⊗N] is no larger n0 than max ΨN D˜ N ΨN where ΨN (PdAdB) N. ≤nX=0γnmX=m0Cmn(1−γ)m−nl(m+l−1)!/m! To find |ΨmNaixh|ΨN|ihΨ⊗N||D˜⊗Ni|ΨNi, |wei∈needABto ⊗ex- n0 pand the space (PdAdB) N by product spaces γn (1 γ)m nl/n!(m+l 1)l+n 1 AB ⊗ ≤nX=0 mX=m0 − − − − dPeAdnAo(tPeAdAt)h⊗eN−pr1o(PjeBdcBto)r⊗Nt,o...A. licHee’sre,(Bwoeb’lse)t kP-AdtAkh (sPtaBdtBke). whereinthesecondlinewehaveusedEqs. (12),(13)and Also we distinguish bases of k-th state of Alice (Bob) (14) and the fact that fm ≤l(m+l−1)!/m! and in the as |1iAk,|2iAk,..., (|1iBk,|2iBk,...). We know that thirdlineweusedthefactthatm(m 1)...(m n) mn. I =PdA+PdA and I =PdA+PdA, where I and It can be seen that Diff exponenti−ally goes−to z≤ero as IAk aretAhke idenAtkity matBrikxes coBrkrespoBnkdingto AliAcke and Bk m0 increases. Then for a given security parameter we Bob’s k-th states. Then we have canfindalargeenoughkeysizeN thatgivestherequired security. hΨN|D˜⊗N|ΨNi=hΨN|(PAdA1 +PAdA1)D˜⊗N|ΨNi nuImtbaelsrorceasonlvbiengsedeentetchtaotriforBaobduetseectthore tpheartfecctanphgoivtoenn =hΨN|PAdA1D˜⊗N|ΨNi+hΨN|PAdA1D˜⊗N|ΨNi the upper bound ofthe number of receivedphotons (e.g. =CF1 +CL1 (A1) bourn up if received photon number is too high), then whereC1 andC1 respectivelydenotethefirstandsecond theycanfindaprotocol2thatisexactlysameasprotocol F L term in the second line. Since 1. Then we can immediately get a conclusion that the collective attack is optimal under the infinite key size PdA = d +1 d +1 + d +2 d +2 +... A1 | A iA1h A | | A iA1h A | case. I = 1 1 + 2 2 +... A1 | iA1h | | iA1h | the C1 can be given by F VI. CONCLUSION: CF1 = hΨN|PAdA1D˜⊗NIA1|ΨNi (A2) , In the above we give a method to apply current expo- ∞∞ = m D˜A m nential de Finetti theorem to realistic QKD. In realistic h 1| | ′1i· QKD, the number of Alice and Bob received photons is m1=dAX+1,m′1=1 always finite and their measurement results always be- ΨN m (D˜A) N 1(D˜B) N m ΨN h | 1i ⊗ − ⊗ h ′1| i long to a finite region. This property allow us effectively describe the QKD protocol in a finite dimensional sub- wherewehaveusedthefactthatPAdAk andD˜jAandD˜jB are space with sufficiently small error. In this paper, we in- commutate if k =j and D˜A and D˜B denote POVM ele- 6 j j troduce another finite dimensional protocol by putting ments corresponding to j-th state. We know there exist 10 two pure states Φm1 and Φ˜m′1 that can let m ΨN where C2 and C2 respectively denote the first and the and m ΨN be| w1riitten a|s 1mi ΨN = λ Φhm1′1| andi second teFrm in thLe second line. hCm1′1|cΨhanN1ib|e=gλiiv′1e|Φn˜m1b′1yi, where |λh1|≤1|1 aind |λ′1|1|≤11.iThen As the CF1, the CF2 can be rewritten as F C2 = ΨN PdAPdAD˜ NI ΨN C1 = ΨN PdAD˜ NI ΨN (A3) F h | A1 A2 ⊗ A2| i F h | A1 ⊗ A1| i ∞,∞ , = m D˜A m = λ1λ′1 ∞∞ hm1|D˜A|m′1i· m2=dAX+1,m′2=1h 2| | ′2i· Φm1m(D1˜=AdA)X+N1,m1′1(=D˜1B) N Φ˜m′1 hΨN|m2iPAdA1(D˜A)⊗N−1(D˜B)⊗Nhm′2|ΨN(iA7) h 1 | ⊗ − ⊗ | 1 i Also there exist a pure state Φm2 by which tishkeBneuofpowprneertghibavotinuagnrdbtihtoerfau|rhpyΦpPm1eOr1|V(bDoM˜uAne)ld⊗eNmto−en1C(tDF1˜M,Bw)c⊗eanNwb|iΦ˜lelm1wd′1irisi|ct.tuesInst h|ΦΨ˜m2N′2|imb2yiPwAdhA1icchahnmb′2e|ΨwNriittceannabseλg2ihvΦem2n|2b|y2aλn′2di|Φ˜am2p′2uir.eSsitnactee λ 1 and λ 1, from the Eqs. (A5) and (A7) we into a diagonalform. We assume an arbitraryM can be | 1| ≤ | 2| ≤ know that written as , M =a1|ϕ1ihϕ1|+a2|ϕ2ihϕ2|+... |CF2|≤ ∞∞ |hm2|D˜A|m′2i| (A8) where ϕ , ϕ ,...areorthogonalbases,anda ,a ,...are m2=dAX+1,m′2=1 1 2 1 2 | i | i positive real numbers and satisfy a 1. We let ψ i and ψ are two arbitrary states. Now≤we consider t|hei If we continuously do such procedure, we will find that ′ | i following value for ψ and ψ . ′ | i | i 2N |hψ|M|ψ′i|=|a1hψ|ϕ1ihϕ1|ψ′i+a2hψ|ϕ2ihϕ2|ψ′i+...| hΨN|(D˜AD˜B)⊗N|ΨNi=XCFi +CL2N (A9) i=1 From the fact that and ψ ϕ 2+ ψ ϕ 2+... 1 (A4) 1 2 |h | i| |h | i| ≤ |hψ′|ϕ1i|2+|hψ′|ϕ2i|2+... ≤ 1 |CFi |≤ ∞,∞ |hmi|D˜A|m′ii| (A10) weknowthatforarbitrarystates|ψiand|ψ′iandPOVM mi=dAX+1,m′i=1 element M, it is always satisfied that for i N, and ψ M ψ a ψ ϕ 2+ a ψ ϕ 2+...(A5) ≤ ′ 1 1 2 2 |h | | i| ≤ | h | i| | h | i| p , ≤ p|hψ|ϕ1i|2+|hψ|ϕ2i|2+...≤1 |CFi |≤ ∞∞ |hmi|D˜B|m′ii| (A11) where in the first line we applied the Cauchy-Schwartz mi=dBX+1,m′i=1 inequality which says that for i>N, where a b +a b +... 1 1 2 2 | |≤ |a1|2+|a2|2+... |b1|2+|b2|2+... CL2N =hΨN|(PAdABdB)⊗ND˜⊗N|ΨNi=0 (A12) p p and in the second line we applied Eq. (A4) and the fact and we have applied the fact that ΨN (PdAdB) N. that ai ≤1. Finally from Eqs. (A9), (A10) (A11|) anid∈(A12A)Bwe⊗can Now we put Eq. (A5) into Eq. (A3) and obtain see that , ∞∞ C1 m D˜A m (A6) 2N | F|≤m1=dAX+1,m′1=1|h 1| | ′1i| |hΨN|D˜⊗N|ΨNi|≤X|CFi | (A13) i=1 By the same way C1 can be given by ∞,∞ ∞,∞ L N[ iD˜A j + iD˜B j ] A A B B ≤ | h | | i | | h | | i | X X CL1 = hΨN|PAdA1D˜⊗N|ΨNi i=1,j=dA i=1,j=dB == hCΨ2N+|PCAd2A1PAdA2D˜⊗N|ΨNi+hΨN|PAdA1PAdA2D˜⊗N|ΨNi tShinecTehEeqo.re(mA113)ishporlodvsefdo.r arbitrary |ΨNi∈(PAdABdB)⊗N, F L

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