Applied Economics Letters, 1996, 3, 815-816 AUTHOR INDEX Abeyratne, M. R. M., 127 Chowdhury, K., 95 Gropper, D. M., 293 Lu, J., 285 Abhayaratne, A. S. P., 567 Chowdhury, M., 537 Guell, R. C., 769 Lux, T., 701 Adams, M. B., 715 Chung, I., 299 Alberto Molina, J., 237 Clare, A., 109, 653 Hack, F., 131 Mah, J. S. 401 Alexander, R., 185 Conway, C., 521 Hamori, S., 529 Manage, N. D., 525 Andersen, T. M., 379 Coto Millan, P., 175 Hansen, N. L., 379 Manning, R. L., 183 Andreano, M. S., 423 Couton, C., 435 Hansen, P., 37, 729 Martikainen, T., 645 Ap Gwilym, O., 445 Couts, J. A., 795 Hardwick, P., 715 McDonald, S., 413 Apergis, N., 251, 483 Cox, T. L., 615 Harkema, R., 45 McDougail, S., 749 Arsad, Z., 795 Hasan, M., 101 McKenzie, R. W., 755 Ashworth, J., 521 Dahan, M., 787 Hasnat, B., 573 McMaster, R., 463 Azzam, A. M., 209 Dassiou, X., 271 Hataiseree, R., 9 Miller, S., 599 Davies, B., 733 Hecq, A., 317 Mixon Jr., F. G., 755 Bahmani-Oskooee, M., 721 De Boer, P. M. C., 45 Heshmati, A., 491, 495 Mohamed, A., 697 Bailey, E. R., 365 Denslow, D., 179 Hoffnar, E., 85 Molina, J. A., 149 Bairam, E. I., 55, 167, 355, Dewachter, H., 405 Hofler, R. A., 743 Molyneux, P., 247 687 Dnes, A. W., 107 Holl, P., 271 Monadjemi, M. S., 135, 375, Bafios Pino, J., 1785 Dockey, E., 121 Holmes, M. J., 325 641 Barkoulas, J., 77 Dormaar, P., 267 Holmes, P., 63 Moosa, I. A., 517 Basu, P., 581 Doroodian, K., 127 Howsen, R. M., 591 Mossi, D., 197 Battu, H., 511 Downward, P., 733 Huang, W., 777 Muhtaseb, M. R., 201 Ben Salem, M., 467 Driver, C., 187 Huh, H.-S., 563 Mulligan, R. F., 275 Benzion, U., 59 Dua, P., 581 Hung, C.-S., 525 Mulugeta, Y., 491 Bernard, J. T., 333 Mumford, K., 545 Bernstein, J. I., 763 Easton, S. A., 603 Islam, M. N., 359 Murphy, R., 77 Bhat, V. N., 281 Edgerton, D. L., 693 Islam, S., 53, 73, 595 Mustafa, M., 365, 805 Bhatti, R. H., 517 Eftekhari, B., 571 Mwabu, G., 213 Biswas, R., 15 Episcopos, A., 193 Jacques, J.-F., 467 Bittlingmayer, G., 145 Ewing, B. T., 733 Jensen, H. H., 189 Naughton, T., 725 Bon, R., 349 Jin, J. C., 341 Nayga, R. M., 669 Booth, G. G., 537 Fang, W., 663 Johnes, G., 557 Nelissen, J. H. M., 533 Borland, M. V., 591 Fawson, C., 663 Johnson, P., 521 Boyd, D., 409 Felmingham, B., 233, 577 O’Brien, R., 109 Brockman, P., 455 Fielding, D., 385 Ka-Yiu Fung, M., 475 Ohkusa, Y., 501 Brorsen, B. W., 303 Filizetkin, A., 77 Kai-Hong Wan, K., 475 Okamura, K., 259 Brown, K. H., 505 Fisher, L. A., 563 Karfakis, C., 251, 759 Onaforora, O. A., 807 Brumm, H. J., 711 Fountas, S., 487 Katsimbris, G. M., 599 @Mstbye, S., 719 Buckle, M., 445 Fukushige, M., 541 Kavussanos, M. G., 121 Owen, A. D., 95 Burkett, P., 769 Fullerton, T. M., 179 Kilpatrick, S., 577 Burney, N. A., 369 King, A., 37, 185 Patrinos, H. A., 171 Burton, B. M., | Gallet, C. A., 221 Kirizidis T., 587 Paul, S., 677 Busche, K., 781 Galvaz, J., 71 Kohn, R. E., 459 Payne, J. E., 743 Garcia, I., 149 Korres, G. M., 707 Peel, D., 391 Cameron, S., 791 Gardes, F., 435 Kuwahara, Y., 501 Perali, F., 615 Caporale, T., 127 Garrido, J. R. R., 95 Perry, L., 135 Caudill, S. B., 293 Gayle, V., 25 Latif, A., 329 Phipps, A., 9 Cebula, R. J., 525 Genest-Laplante, E., 333 Lee, J., 197, 299 Pinder, S. M. P., 603 Chambers, M. J., 21 Gensler, H., 417 Lensink, R., 163 Power, D. M., 1 Chang, T., 663 Georgellis, Y., 217 Lester, D., 139 Preistley, R., 653 Chen, D., 71 Ghoshroy-Saha, A., 395 Lim, K. C., 345 Prior, M. J., 659 Cheng, B. S., 29, 549 Glover, T. F., 663 Lm, J., 115 Puttonen, V., 645 Chisholm, D. C., 739 Granot, A., 59 Lonie, A. A., | Choudhry, T., 553 Greene, M., 85 Lépez, G., 471 Rahman, M., 365, 805 1350-5851 © 1996 Routledge 816 Author Index Raj, M., 33 Shin, B. S., 299 Thurston, D., 33 Wee-Beng, G., 81 Ratnayake, R., 611 Shrestha, K., 649 Torstensson, J., 307 West, J. E., 607 Reinert, K. A., 451 Shukur, G., 693 Torstensson, R., 159 Wu, J-L., 487 Resende, M., 637 Silvapulle, P., 629 Tserkezos, D., 427, 625 Roberts, J., 413 Sloane, P. J., 511 Turnbull, P., 431 Xenaki, A., 89 Rogers, J. E., 85 Smith, P. N., 109 Tzanidakis, G., 587 Soede, A. J., 45 Yagil, J., 59 Sakellariou, C., 649 Stephens, T. W., 293 Vaidya, A., 131 Yan, X., 763 Sapsford, D., 431 Stiegert, K. W., 303 Van Den Berg, H., 225, 395 Yang, B., 139 Satchell, S. E., 571 Strawezynski, M., 787 Vilasuso, J., 803 Yao, S., 115 Savio, G., 423 Sumner, M., 125 Viren, M., 737 Yashiro, T., 349 Saw, C. W., 187 Suraratdecha, C., 289 Yen, S. T., 189 Scorza, G. L., 451 Szulc, A., 5 Wagstaff, A., 471 Yerger, D. B., 67 Seaman, P. T., 511 Walls, W. D., 781 Ying, S. L., 81 Sengupta, J. K., 91, 259 Taghavi, M., 101 Wan, G. H., 621 Yousefi, M., 505 Sephton, P. S., 155, 683 Theil, H., 71 Wane, M., 769 Yu Hsing, 441 Sequira, J. M., 673 Thepaut, Y., 435 Wang’ ombe, J., 213 Yu, E. S. H., 341 Serletis, A., 267 Thomas, D., 391 Wang, Q., 189 Yuhn, K.-H., 41 Shabsigh, G., 721 Thomas, S., 109 Wang, W., 205 Shawky, H. A., 15 Thornton, J., 243, 247, 255 Weber, C. E., 49, 607 Zimmer, M., 311 Applied Economics Letters, 1996, 3, 817-820 TITLE INDEX A factor analysis of equity market relationships in Asia, Causality between advertising and sales: new evidence for 725 cointegration, 299 A market share model for vegetable and tropical oils, 95 Changes in the duration of economic expansions and A model of state-level prescription drug expenditures in the contractions in the United States, 801 USA, 289 Charts as signals in Markov switching world, 405 A modified human development index and international Child labour in American reports, 573 comparison, 677 Claims’ estimation in multiproduct life insurance firms: A new method for investigating the relationship between preliminary United Kingdom results, 715 strikes and absenteeism, 431 Common trends and common cycles under alternative A non-parametric approach to identifying the sources of cost exchange rate regimes, 423 savings arising from competitive tendering, 463 Comparative stability analysis of demand-side and supply- A note on fractional cointegration, 683 side input-output models: the case of Japan, 1960-90, A note on unemployment rates and the paper-bill spread, 49 349 A test of the modern version of the Solow model, 587 Conceptualizing suicide in economic models, 139 A turning-point diagnostics analysis on the accuracy of the Consumer attitudes toward trade liberalisation, 179 OECD forecasts for Turkey, 625 Consumer demand for poultry at home and away from home: a About the stability of the inventory—sales ratio: an empirical discrete choice analysis, 669 study with US sectoral data, 467 Consumer expenditure in South Africa: a time-series model, Aggregate health care expenditure in the United States: 385 evidence from cointegration tests: a comment, 37 Consumption growth and the intertemporal elasticity of An additive tax and subsidy for controlling automobile substitution: some evidence from income quintile groups pollution, 459 in Japan, 529 An alternative estimation method for the OCE model, 501 Continuous degrees of residual claimancy: some contractual An analysis of bid-ask spreads on American- and European- evidence, 739 style index options, 445 Convergence to steady state growth: a model for Japan, An experimental investigation of direct subjective discount 259 rates, 59 Corporate growth and the equity-debt choice, | An investigation of cointegration and causality between Cyclical unemployment: sectoral shifts or aggregate fertility and female labour force participation, 29 disturbances? A vector autoregression approach, 127 Annualized versus non-annualized lifetime income redistribution, 533 Decomposition of Gini coefficients by class: a new approach, Another note on Oswald’s ‘‘The Economic Theory of Trade 115 SSPSoS : ITY Unions’’, 719 Deficits, inflation and central banks’ independence: evidence Are the Greek budget deficits too large?, 487 from developing nations, 505 Assortative mating and ethnicity in the low wage population: Derived demands for ‘General Cargo’ shipping in Spain, an examination of spouses’ earnings, 311 1975-1992, an economic approach, 175 Attendance demand: an investigation of repeat fixtures, 391 Disaggregate inventory—sales ratios over time: the case of US Australian government sector initial public offerings, 603 companies and corporations, 1976-92, 167 Dividends with no taxes, evidence from Hong Kong, 345 Bank credit in the ERM: an investigation of the role of Do fiscal variables affect private consumption? Evidence from Germany, 325 Australia and the United States, 375 Betting volume and market efficiency in Hong Kong race Do prices move counter-cyclically?, 379 track betting, 781 Does Europe have an integrated capital market? Evidence Black market trade: an example from a rural hospital in from real interest parity tests, 517 Kenya, 213 Does simultaneity exaggerate empirical tests of the trade- growth relationship?, 225 Call-put signal predicts Finnish stock returns, 645 Does welfare cause increases in female-headed households?, Can an increase in national saving reduce the level of 85 unemployment in Australia?, 329 Duration of first marriage: does pre-marital cohabitation Can factor proportions explain vertical intra-industry trade?, matter?, 217 307 Canadian-Japanese R&D spillovers and productivity growth, Economic freedom, per capita income and economic growth, 763 595 1350-5851 © 1996 Routledge 818 Title Index Economic growth and monetary union in sub-saharan Africa: Is the Fisher effect robust? Further evidence, 41 new evidence on the effects of CFA-zone membership, 769 Kaldor’s technical progress function: a comment, 729 Effectiveness of simple technical trading rules in the Hong Kong futures markets, 33 Labour mobility in Australian industry, 577 Estimating the cost of capital of the UK’s newly privatised Learning to rent-seek: collective action and in-kind benefits in utilities, 653 the public sector, 755 Estimating the degree of dominance in a bilateral oligopoly, Logit regressions with continuous dependent variables 209 measured with error, 183 Export-import endogeneity in the context of the Thirlwall- Long-term stochastic dependence in financial prices: evidence Hussain model: an application of the Durbin-Wu- from the German stock market, 701 Hausman test incorporating a Monte Carlo experiment, 275 Married female labour force participation: an analysis of Export-led growth and the US economy: another look, 341 probit model with a natural non-participation rate, 205 Exports and economic growth: evidence from cross-country Maximum likelihood estimation of market share models with analysis, 369 large numbers of shares, 45 Extended critical values for a simple test of cointegration, 155 Mergers and acquisitions in the UK: a disaggregated analysis, 637 Financial deepening and economic growth in developing Merger and the returns to labour and investment, 145 countries, 243 Merger failure and merger profitability: an alternative to the Finite sample behaviour of GNR tests for serial correlation, Hviid and Prendergast model, 271 i, Mergers and market power in the US steel industry, 221 Foreign trade and economic growth evidence from Sri Lanka, Mexico’s futile attempt to defy purchasing power parity, 395 1960-1992, 567 Misspecification and cross-country growth regressions, 413 Functional form in regression models of Okun’s law, 607 Money, output, price and causality in mainland China, 10! Motivations that underlie subscription prices in common Global macroeconomic shocks, time-varying covariances and stocks right offerings: public utilities, 201 tests of the international CAPM, 109 Multi-product cost functions and the funding of tuition in UK Government finance and endogenous growth, 787 universities, 557 Hedonic prices for environmental and safety characteristics and the Akerlof effect in the French car market, 435 Non-linearities in the return to education: sheepskin effects or Hospital costs in Catalonia: a stochastic frontier analysis, 471 threshold levels of human capital, 171 How close to the offensive potential do national football Nonconvex cost and the behaviour of inventories: some league teams play?, 743 disaggregate results, 687 How small firms forecast short-term employment: some survey evidence, 521 On improvements of Phillips-Perron unit root tests using optimal bandwidth estimates, 197 IGARCH effect on autoregressive lag length selection and On the characteristics of tariff rates: permanent or temporary causality tests, 317 shocks?, 401 Impact of cholesterol information on US egg consumption: On the determinants of households’ consumption inequality: evidence from consumer survey data, 189 an empirical analysis for Japanese workers’ households, Impacts of government policies, economic conditions 541 and past migration on net migration in the USA: 1992- On the effects of money on the terms of trade: an empirical 93, 441 investigation, 721 Industry concentration-profitability and competition policy: is On the high correlation between unemployment and the there a critical concentration level?, 611 dispersion of industrial unemployment, 285 Inflation in developing countries, 807 On the identification of the Barten-Gorman model: an Information noise and stock return volatility: evidence from example within the AIDS framework, 615 Germany, 537 On the relationship between money and inflation in the United Instability in trade flows as a cause of economic stagnation in States: additional evidence, 549 Africa: an error-correction test, 359 On the single and multiple time trends representation of Is equality really growth-promoting?, 159 technical change, 495 Is Spanish consumer behaviour consistent with the utility Overeducation and the formal education/experience and maximization? A nonparametric response, 237 training trade-off, 511 Title Index 819 Ownership and efficiency differentials in Chinese industry: Testing the (S,s) model of inventory investment with Canadian further evidence from data envelopment analysis, wholesale trade data, 193 475 Testing the intertemporal model of the current account: some evidence from Greece, 759 The adjustment of nominal interest rates in Mexico: a study of Performance of structural change indices: analysis using real the Fisher effect, 255 and simulated data, 187 The allocative efficiency of the formal versus the informal Persistence of economic growth and its determinants: some financial sector, 163 evidence for South Korea and India, 53 The applicability of industrial organisation theory to the Public expenditure and private investment: a study of the UK and the USA, 641 services sector: initial tests from the UK hotel industry, 733 Purchasing power parities and consumer theory, 5 dancing of the real exchange rate of US dollars and the US real trade balance, 805 Religion, culture, economic and sociological correlates of degree of capital mobility in Thailand; some estimates suicide rates: a cross-national analysis, 777 using a cointegration approach, 9 Resale price maintenance and antitrust policy, 107 determinants of Greek manufacturing investment: a Ricardian equivalence, budget deficits, and saving in the comment, 89 United States, 1955:1-1991:4, 525 determinants of student loan take-up in the United Kingdom: another gaze, 25 Seasonal unit root characteristics of disaggregated output, 749 determinants of technological protectionism, 281 Share price movements: a study of four OECD countries, distribution of future prices: diffusion-jump versus 135 generalized beta-2, 303 Some problems with modelling asset returns using the dynamics of OECD forecasts for Greece, 427 elliptical class, 571 effect of charter status on savings and loan resolution Some questions concerning dynamic almost ideal demand costs, 293 systems, 693 effects of a North American free trade agreement on the Sources of fluctuations in Australian imports, 563 US glassware market, 451 Sources of fluctuations in exchange rates: a structural VAR effects of welfare guarantee levels and tax rates on male analysis, 251 labour supply, 417 Sources of structural change: an input-output decomposition Fisher effect and the gold standard: evidence from the analysis for Greece, 707 United States, 553 Speed of adjustment and estimation of the partial adjustment form of the production function for the Chinese regional model, 21 economy, 355 Spot price volatility, information and futures trading: evidence gloomy mists of the 1960s: pricing of investment trust from a thinly traded market, 63 shares without data on net asset value, 659 State economic growth and international export orientation, human capital augmented Solow model revisited, 711 131 impact of exchange rate adjustment on output: Jamaica Stock price and expected dividends: evidence from Singapore, 1960-90, 409 81 impact of political shocks on cointegrated exchange rate Strikes and profits: considering an asymmetric information series, 15 model, 545 irrelevance of adjustment costs for investment Suicide and business cycles: Finnish evidence, 737 determination, 125 Surprises in the consumption function: a comparative study, new Keynesian economics and the ouptput-inflation fe trade-off, 599 Systematic measures of dynamic Farrell efficiency, 91 risk premium of the Australian dollar in the 30-day forward market, 233 Teacher-associated expenditures and student achievement, role of divorce in the consumption function: an EC study, 591 791 Technical efficiency of the Ugandan Matoke farms, 491 role of reputation capital in the investment banking Testing the efficient market hypothesis using panel data, with industry, 455 application to the Athens stock market, 121 slowdown in US economic growth: a comment, 185 Testing for a unit root in a time series with mean shifts, spatial correlation of the per capita income of Florida’s 629 counties, 1970-1990, 71 Testing for deterministic nonlinear dependence in the weak-form efficiency of the Taiwan share market, Australian Dollar-US Dollar exchange rate series, 267 663 820 Title Index The weekend effect, good news, bad news and the Financial Used car markets: reliability does matter, but do Consumer Times Industrial Ordinary Shares Index: 1935-1994, Reports?, 67 795 Using panel data to estimate Engel functions: food Time series analysis of settlement prices for individual consumption in China, 621 currency futures in Singapore, 673 Time series evidence on the saving-investment relationship, Velocity and interest rate variability in Italy: a further test of 77 the Friedman Hypothesis, 773 Transfer pricing by the Canadian oil industry: a company Velocity and the variability of anticipated and unanticipated analysis, 333 money growth in Malaysia, 697 Velocity instability in the USA: a monetary or real Unanticipated income and consumption in ASEAN countries, phenomenon?, 581 247 Unemployment as a constraint on labour supply and goods demand in Spain, 149 Wage discrimination: a statistical test, 649 US budget deficits, inflation and exchange rate: a What opportunity cost of holding real balances? The case of cointegration approach, 365 Greece 1978-1993, 483 de s iPjaa e