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Applied Economics, 1992, 24, 1363-1365 AUTHOR INDEX Abdukadir, G., 1307 Fabritius, M. M., 859 Afxentiou, P. C., 1191 Fawson, C., 1263 Al-Obaidan, A. M., 237 Fayissa, B., 1097 Alam, M. S., 363 Ferguson, B., 1107 Ali, M. M., 137 Firth, M., 247 Anderson, M., 951 Flacco, P. R., 701 Andreassen, J. H., 1027 Fleming, M. C., 1067 Ansari, M. I., 1233 Formby, J. P., 945 Artstein, Y., 969 Fox, M., 669 Assane, D., 129 Franchon, P., 207 Frank, D. B., 513 Bahmani-Oskooee, M., 459, 465 Bairam, E., 557, 586 Garbacz, C., 313 Balkan, E. M., 999 Garrod, G., 715 Barry, S., 1107 Gautschi, D. A., 1043 Baye, M. R., 1087 Georgellis, Y., 1139 Benson, B. L., 679 Georgoutsos, D. A., 1009, 1301 Betancourt, R. R., 1043 Gibson, J., 581 Bharat-Ram, V., 1345 Goddard, J. A., 1155 Bhaskara Rao, B., 597 Gordon, S., 907 Binks, M. R., 305 Greenaway, D., 305, 483 Bishop, J. A., 945 Grier, D. A., 951 Bishop, M., 1181 Gruber, H., 885 Bjorndal, T., 1027 Gundlach, E., 617 Blaylock, J. R., 429 Gupta, K. L., 19 Bleaney, M. F., 305 Blisard, W. N., 429 Haag, S., 559 Bohara, A. K., 389 Hall, S. G., 1165 Borland, J., 1053 Hassan, R., 483 Bowden, S., 935 Hatch, U., 959 Boyle, S., 291 Hevert, K. T., 473 Bradley, S.,.89 Hoffer, G. E., 661 Bravo-Ureta, B. E., 607 Hojman, D. E., 1173 Brumm, H. J., 337 Hoque, A., 775 Bullard, S. H., 1017 Hu, T.-W., 529 Burkitt, B., 265 Huang, L.-F., 529 Hudson, J., 103 Hughes, K., 745 Cameron, S., 265 Hunter, W. C., 45 Carmichael, B., 845 Cartwright, W. S., 529 Chaloupka, F., 193 Irvine, F. O., 813 Chen, J.-S. A., 1219 Islam, A., 541 Christodoulou, M., 875 Cloninger, D. O., 635 Colburn, C. B., 161 Jansen, D. W., 1087 Cole, I. M., 1321 Jaska, P., 559 Coutts, A., 935 Jianakoplos, N. A., 813 Johannsen, A., 143 Dalamagas, B. A., 59 Kaestner, R., 347 Delivani, E., 1357 Kandil, M., 175 Deutsch, J., 123 Karakitsos, E., 143 Dobson, S. M., 1155 Karatazas, G., 1251 Dogas, D., 367 Kaylen, M. S., 513 Donnelly, W. A., 729 Kent, R. J., 1129 Dowd, K., 1199 Ketkar, K., 647 Drakopoulos, S. A., 1360 Kim, I., 285, 679 Kinnucan, H., 959 Ekanem, N. F., 1147 Kitchen, H., 709 Engelbrecht, H.-J., 545 Kneebone, R. D., 1293 Even, W. E., 35, 85 Kniesner, T. J., 781 0003-6846 © 1992 Chapman & Hall 1364 Author index Koedijk, K. G., 1255 Quiroga, R. E., 607 Kolari, J., 401 Kolb, R. A., 593 Rasmussen, D. W., 285, 679 . Kotabe, M., 1335 Reed, G. V., 305, 483 Kouretas, G. P., 1301 Reilly, R. J., 661 Kyle, R., 1097 Richard Shumway, C., 1263 Robidoux, B., 113 Labys, W. C., 77 Rockerbie, D. W., 627 Lai, K. S., 693 Rosenbaum, D. I., 297 Lamort, F., 297 Lee, B., 69 Salvanes, K. G., 1027 Lee, Jae-Woo, 1087 Santalainen, T., 401 Leeflang, P. S. H., 273 Sauer, C., 389 Lester, J., 113 Saunders, J., 273 Lin, B.-H., 761 Schram, A. J. H. C., 419 Lin, E. Y. H., 1035 Scully, G. W., 237 Liu, G., 379 Seldon, B. J., 1017 Lord, M. J., 77 Semple, J., 559 Lowenberg, A. D., 571 Sen, D. R., 1345 Lye, J., 1053 Sengupta, J. K., 153 Serletis, A., 1191 MacDonald, R., 1287 Sharma, B., 1035 Mahieu, R. J., 1255 Sinn, S., 617 Malixi, M., 465 Smith, C. E., 327 Mason, P., 859 Smith, A., 247 McCombie, J. S. L., 493 Smith Conway, K., 781 McGillivray, M., 1311 Smyth, D. J., 567 MeNicoll, I., 291 Sohrabian, A., 459 Mijatovic, G. M., 273 Solnick, L., 347 Milne, R. G., 1254 Southwick Jr, L., 989 Milner, C., 257 Steagall, J., 859 Mohanty, M. S., 1119 Stekler, H. O., 593 Molana, H., 1254 Stern, D., 1327 Mori, H., 761 Strickland, T. H., 1097 Murinde, V., 1 Sussman, Z., 969 Suvanto, A., 401 Nakosteen, R. A., 791 Naseer, A., 363 Taylor, M. P., 803 Nellis, J. G., 1067 Taylor, J., 89 Nelson, R., 473 Thalheimer, R., 137 Nestor, D. V., 411 Theodossiou, I., 1360 Ng, S., 845 Thompson, D., 1181 Noble, N. R., 85 Thornton, J., 1103 Timme, S. G., 45 Oczkowski, E., 1311 Tinnin, T. D., 571 Okunade, A. A., 1203 Topham, N., 1225 Otuteye, E., 1035 Tremblay, V. J., 69 Oughton, C., 745 Tryvainen, T., 1275 Owoye, O., 587 Turner, P., 935 Palme, M. O., 751 Uri, N. D., 761 Papagni, E., 925 Park, T. A., 437 Van Ours, J. C., 1059 Parker, R. E., 701 Van Wijck, P., 169 Parker, S., 733 Patterson, K. D., 1165 Wade, J. W., 513 Paul, S., 739 Wall, H. J., 1139 Pauly, P., 693 Ward, R., 1225 Peoples, J., 519 Watters, J. S., 1219 Pick, D., 437 Weir, C., 27 Pittis, N., 317 Wellman, K., 445 Plane, P., 833 Wendel, J., 207 Pourgerami, A., 129 Whitehead, J. C., 981 Pozo, S., 1213 Whynes, D. K., 305 Pruitt, S. W., 661 Willis, K., 715 Author index Woodrow Eckard, E., 1241 Zant, W., 227 Wright, R. E., 751 Zardkoohi, A., 401 Zeager, L. A., 945 Yamada, T., 379 Zidack, W., 959 Yin, X., 219 Zimmer, M., 791, 895 Young, G. J., 989 Zuehlke, T. W., 679 Applied Economics, 1992, 24, 1366-1368 TITLE INDEX A comparison of two methods for estimating income uncertainty Demand for parimutuel horse race wagering with special reference with an application to aggregate consumption behaviour, 701 to telephone betting, 137 A Kaldorian approach to Greek economic growth: a comment, Determinants of charitable donations in Canada: a comparison 1357 over time, 709 A Kaldorian approach to Greek economic growth: a reply, 1360 Determinants of minority business formation: a detailed industry A model of income, unemployment and inflation for the USA, 597 analysis, 1147 A systems approach to the relationship between consumption and Determinants of parental leave policies, 35 wealth, 1165 Development of standardized indices for measuring house price A two-part sample selection model of British bilateral foreign aid inflation incorporating physical and locational characteristics, allocation, 1311 1067 Adjustment costs and factor demands in Canadian manufacturing Did financial deregulation help consumers? Access to market-yield industries, 845 instruments, 813 Advertising and the US market demand for beer, 69 Dollar-sterling exchange rate in the 1920s: purchasing power parity Advertising effects in complete demand systems, 1087 and the Norman conquest of $4.86, 803 An empirical analysis of the unemployment duration of school- Dynamic factor demands under imperfect competition: the Greek leavers, 89 manufacturing industry 1958-1981, 1009 An illfare approach to the measurement of unemployment, 739 An ARIMA model for Canadian union membership growth, Econometric estimates of scale economies in Canadian manufac- 1911-1985, 1035 turing, 113 Application of stochastic simulation and policy sensitivity tech- Effect of class size on economies of scale and marginal costs in niques to a macroeconomic model of Uganda, 1 higher education, 473 Applied Economics: institutional publishing performances, Efficiency differences between private and state-owned enterprises 1986-1990, 557 in the international petroleum industry, 237 Are flexible exchange rates really more volatile? Evidence from the Employee wage growth within the firm: a deferred payment or early 1900s, 1213 human capital investment, 347 Asian-Pacific real exchange rates, 1255 Endogenous regional agricultural production technologies, 1263 Assessing the impact of economic reform in medical services in the Entry, barriers, exit, and sunk costs: an analysis, 297 Netherlands, 227 Equities and the UK exchange rate, 327 Assessing the relative efficiency of agricultural production units in Estimating labour supply disequilibrium with fixed-effects random the Blackland Prairie, Texas, 559 coefficients regression, 781 Attendance at Australian Rules football: a panel study, 1053 Estimating telephone usage elasticities: a shares equation system Australia’s industrial R&D expenditure and foreign trade, 545 approach, 1219 Estimating VAR models under non-stationarity and cointegration: Branch bank operating costs: evidence from savings banks in alternative approaches for forecasting cattle prices, 207 Finland, 401 Evolution of infant and child mortality in Chile: a model, 1173 Ex ante willingness to pay with supply and demand uncertainty: implications for valuing a sea turtle protection programme, Can the UK exploit the international oil market? A game theoretic 981 approach, 143 Exchange rates, pass-through, and Canadian export competitive- Capital punishment and deterrence: a portfolio approach, 635 ness: an analysis using vector autoregressions, 627 Capital markets’ assessment of airline restructuring following Explaining UK house price inflation 1971-89, 1327 deregulation, 1097 Causes of the forward bias: non-rational expectations versus risk premia, 317 Federal and union job queues: further evidence from the US labour Centralization and the size of government in Canada, 1293 market, 1119 Clean indoor air laws, addiction and cigarette smoking, 193 Fiscal dependence on trade taxes and economic development: Competing macro-hypotheses in the United States: A Kalman additional results and a reconciliation of the empirical evid- filtering approach, 389 ence, 1321 Consumption, co-integration and varying coefficients: the Austra- Foreign aid and economic growth: an econometric study of lian evidence, 775 Bangladesh, 541 Convergence and polarization: testing for an inverted-U relation Foreign and domestic multinational presence in the UK, 745 between growth rates and GDP per capita, 363 Functional forms and habit effects in the US demand for coffee, Cost competition: new evidence on an old issue, 1241 1203 Cyclical and political influences on the size distribution of income in the US (1959-1989), 169 Gender discrimination and compensating differentials in Sweden, 751 Demand and shortage of durable consumer goods in socialist Growth effects of recent structural changes in the Canadian countries, 219 economy: some empirical evidence, 1233 1366 0003-6846 © 1992 Chapman & Hall Title index 1367 Hazardous waste sites and property values in the state of New Monopolies and Mergers Commission, merger reports and the Jersey, 647 public interest: a probit analysis, 27 High-technology exports of EEC countries: persistance and diver- More evidence on the effectiveness of seat belt laws, 313 sity of specialization patterns, 925 Household formation by the young in the United States, 1129 Nominal and effective protection in the Egyptian agricultural sector: a multicommodity analysis, 483 Identification and estimation of complex multivariate lag struc- Non-parametric approach to dynamic efficiency: a non-parametric tures: a nesting approach, 273 application of cointegration to production frontiers, 153 Impact of league restructuring on team sport attendance: the case Nutrition and nonparticipation in the US food stamp programme, of rugby league, 265 945 Impact of varying Medigap insurance coverage on the use of medical services of the elderly, 529 On the effect of income and relative price on the demand for health Incentives in incentive contracting: an application of the MIMIC care — the EEC evidence: a comment, 1251 model, 337 On the effect of income and relative price on the demand for health Incomes policies, inflation and strikes in Nigeria, 1950-1985: an care — the EEC evidence: a reply, 1254 empirical investigation, 587 Openness in the Canadian economy: 1870-1988, 1191 Industrial invention: a supply and demand model for the UK, 1961-1989, 733 Partial static equilibrium model of newsprint recycling, 411 Industry wage effects of horizontal acquisitions in the USA, 519 Political instability, country risk and probability of default, 999 Inflation and the growth rate in the United States’ natural output, Pricing dynamics in the pharmaceutical industry, 103 567 Productive efficiency of public enterprises: a macroeconomic ana- Inflationary effects of changes in the effective exchange rates: LDCs lysis based on cross-section estimation of a neoclassical pro- experience, 465 duction function, 833 Information content of long-term employment forecasts, 593 Professional versus consumer interests in regulation: the case oft he Input substitution, economies of scale and productivity growth in US child care industry, 571 the US upholstered furniture industry, 1017 Property prices, tax and expenditure levels and local fiscal per- Interdependency of personal savings and labour force participation formance, 1225 of the elderly, and social security wealth: a time series analysis, Publication delays in articles in economics: what to do about them, 379 859 Interest rate variability and economic performance: some interna- tional evidence, 175 Random walk or bandwagon: some evidence from foreign ex- Interest rates in domestic and eurocurrency markets, 1103 changes in the 1980s, 693 International comparison of bank production characteristics and Regional economic impact of a reduction of resident expenditure technological change, 45 on cigarettes: a case study of Glasgow, 291 Intra-industry trade in agrofood sectors: the case of the EEC meat Regulatory reform and productivity growth in the UK’s public market, 875 utilities, 1181 Inventory and equilibrium adjustments in international com- Ricardian equivalence and crowding out in Asia, 19 modity markets: a multi-cointegration approach, 77 Robust, non-parametric measures of exchange rate variability, 951 Is property crime caused by drug use or drug enforcement policy?, 679 Selection of auditor firms by companies in the new issue market, 247 Labour force transitions among low-wage married couples: a Self-evaluated health status and smoking behaviour, 429 simultaneous probability model, 895 Short- and long-run adjustments in dairy production: a profit Lawyers and medical torts: medical malpractice litigation as a function analysis, 607 residual option, 989 Short- and long-run incidence of protection: the case of Madagas- Linear regression under two separate regimes: an empirical dis- car, 257 tribution for Quandt’s log likelihood ratio, 123 Some tests of the government’s intertemporal budget constraint Liquidity constraints as a cause of moonlighting, 1307 using US data, 1287 Long-run purchasing power parity in the 1920s: the Greek experi- Stochastic trend, weather and US corn yield variability, 513 ence, 1301 Stock prices and the effective exchange rate of the dollar, 459 Structural adjustment and the Japanese textile industry: a produc- Macroeconomic determinants of growth: new measurement and tion theory approach, 437 evidence on the effect of political freedom, 129 Student debt and enrollment in graduate and professional school, Market power in a non-monetarist inflation model for Greece, 367 669 Market responses to publicly-provided information: the case of Stylized facts of investment in Canada, 907 automotive safety, 661 Migration, age, and earnings: the special case of employee transfers, Testing economic theories of voter behaviour using macro-data, 791 419 Money, inflation and untested common factors, 581 Testing efficiency in gambling markets, 85 Money and inflation: a reply, 586 Testing Ricardian equivalence: a reconsideration, 59 1368 Title index The changing consumption of income transfer programmes: a The nature and extent of the market for high-quality beefi n Japan public choice analysis, 161 before the abolition of import quotas, 761 The costs of hospital at home: the case of the New Brunswick extra- The outputs of retail activities: French evidence, 1043 mural hospital, 1107 The US retail demand for fish products: an application of the The demand for non-durable goods and endogenous labour sup- almost ideal demand system, 445 ply, 119 Theory of the firm in relation to exchange rates, import substitu- The demand for salmon in France: the effects of marketing and tion and export, 1345 structural change, 1027 Thirlwall’s Law and balance of payments constrained growth: The demand for standing and seated viewing accommodation in more on the debate, 493 the English Football League, 1155 Transformation bias in the costs and benefits of housing subsidies, The effect of the Thatcher government on company liquidations: an 729 econometric study, 935 The environmental economic impact of woodland: a two-stage Union growth in the Netherlands 1961-1989, 1059 hedonic price model of the amenity value of forestry in Britain, Unions, wages and employment: evidence from Finland, 1275 715 Unit root tests of the current account balance: implications for The fertility effect of dependent tax exemptions: estimates for the international capital mobility, 617 United States, 1139 The growth of US labour productivity 1950-1989, 285 The impact of foreign patents on national economy: a case of the Wage dynamics in Israel: market forces and spillover effects, 969 United States, Japan, Germany and Britain, 1335 What does a University add to its local economy?, 305 The learning curve in the production of semiconductor memory Wholesale- and farm-level impacts of generic advertising: the case chips, 885 of catfish, 959

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