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Applied Computer Science for GGOS Observatories : Communication, Coordination and Automation of Future Geodetic Infrastructures PDF

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Preview Applied Computer Science for GGOS Observatories : Communication, Coordination and Automation of Future Geodetic Infrastructures

Alexander Neidhardt Applied Computer Science for GGOS Observatories Communication, Coordination and Automation of Future Geodetic Infrastructures Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment The Springer Textbooks series publishes a broad portfolio of textbooks on Earth Sciences, Geography and Environmental Science. Springer textbooks provide comprehensive introductions as well as in-depth knowledge for advanced studies. A clear, reader-friendly layout and features such as end-of-chapter summaries, work examples, exercises, and glossaries help the reader to access the subject. Springer textbooks are essential for students, researchers and applied scientists. More information about this series at 7 http://www.springer.com/series/15201 Alexander Neidhardt Applied Computer Science for GGOS Observatories Communication, Coordination and Automation of Future Geodetic Infrastructures Alexander Neidhardt Geodaetisches Observatorium Wettzell Bad Koetzting Germany ISSN 2510-1307 ISSN 2510-1315 (electronic) Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment ISBN 978-3-319-40137-9 ISBN 978-3-319-40139-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-40139-3 Library of Congress Control Number: 2017941719 © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is con- cerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, com- puter software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Printed on acid-free paper This Springer imprint is published by Springer Nature The registered company is Springer International Publishing AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland V For the strong women in my life: my grandma, my mommy, my sister, and my wife Foreword By the President of the International Association the Antarctic Peninsula, remotely operated observ- of Geodesy (IAG) ing sessions were successfully run in real-time and showed the huge potential of the new technique to Among the modern space geodetic techniques, the allow for worldwide operation centers. Complete Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) plays a continental networks, such as the AuScope network key role as it is the only technique that provides the in Australia, are continuously operated remotely link between the terrestrial reference system and the from Hobart, Tasmania. Bandwidth on demand celestial reference system and only VLBI allows to and real-time correlations are performed using determine all five Earth orientation parameters. An software correlators. Most of the participating sites increase of the accuracy of VLBI is crucial to meet collect their auxiliary data sets with their own mon- future requirements as, for instance, defined by itoring systems for local use. GGOS, the Global Geodetic Observing System of the IAG (International Association of Geodesy). This book is a first assemblage of possible solutions to Main goals of GGOS are 1 mm accuracy for position implement worldwide VGOS operations. It iteratively and 0.1 mm/year accuracy for velocity of a geodetic and step by step compiles numerous aspects of com- observing station on a global scale. Consequently, puter science under an integral view. The book pro- the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and vides the fundamentals for all software developments Astrometry (IVS) released a dedicated design vision to design a reliable, stable, and functional common of how to fulfill these requirements, including a software basis with matching modules. It also pro- roadmap with clearly defined measures on how to vides details on the various techniques needed to achieve its goals. Simulations demonstrated that the implement a general communication infrastructure. continuous operation of rather small and compact, Novel features from the automobile industry were fast-slewing radio telescopes, seven days per week, exploited and converted to safely design and imple- together with observing more than 1,500 different ment autonomous control systems for space geodetic radio sources per day, using a broader bandwidth, applications. The integration of existing control sys- and higher data rates will enormously increase the tems and their extension by techniques that guaran- accuracy and general performance of geodetic VLBI. tee secure remote access are explained using the example of VLBI. Finally, the individual concepts are In September 2005, the IVS Directing Board adopted merged to a general, integrative approach to run a final report of an internal working group about the worldwide observational networks. Each section is future requirements needed to achieve the above- complemented with accounts of the underlying the- mentioned ambitious goals as a vision for future geo- ory, many examples, and illustrations. The study detic VLBI systems, called VGOS (VLBI Geodetic greatly benefits from the author’s deep insights and Observing System). Based on that concept, new many years of experience in operating geodetic sys- antenna types with improved receiving and record- tems. Altogether, this book is a genuine compen- ing chains, continuous operation, a higher degree of dium, stimulating not only for engineers at the automation, and remote access to the operating sys- observatories but also for students in the field of tems were developed and implemented in recent geodesy, as well as for interdisciplinary studies. years. Meanwhile several national organizations obtained funding for the construction of new VGOS - The IAG as the international body under which type radio telescopes or submitted proposals for the the IVS was established more than 15 years ago implementation of new VLBI equipment. Nowadays, strongly encourages the further development of new, fast-slewing radio telescopes with small dish VGOS and all its components including the remote sizes exist already in Australia, Germany, Japan, control of VLBI radio telescopes. Portugal, Russia, Spain, and the USA, with Finland, Norway, and Sweden soon to come. While mechani- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Harald Schuh cal implementation, high-frequency operation, or Director Department 1 «Geodesy» electronic upgrades have made good progress, there at GFZ, the German Research Center for is still a rather low consensus on a common proce- Geosciences, Potsdam dure on how to operate these systems. President of the IAG (2015–2019) Past Chair of the IVS (2007–2013) Teams in various countries implemented individual Past President of IAU Commission 19 «Rotation software components for operating the telescopes. of the Earth» At sites in extremely remote regions, such as the Potsdam, March 2016 German Antarctic Research Station O’Higgins on VII Foreword By the Director of the GGOS Bureau of Networks As complication grows and systems become more and Observations complex, we need to be aware of our security vul- nerabilities and how they must be addressed. The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) is placing stringent requirements on our space geodesy The backbone of our new systems and the new net- resources: mm accuracies, 24/7 operations, dramati- work is software for operations, communications, cally increased data flow and storage, real-time data automation, remote control, coordination, system transmission, high reliability, and minimized down- and network modeling, security, and real- time times. New systems are being planned and built, and data quality control. Software already plays a very current systems are being upgraded to help fill out important role in the network, but this is really a the core and co- location network to address GGOS whole new paradigm. The network is going to look needs including the reference frame, precision orbit more and more like one organism with the neces- determination, gravity field, and all of the other sary communication and imbedded intelligence to Earth, ocean, and atmospheric phenomena that are make it work that way. critical to our understanding of our dynamic planet. Some groups have already implemented some form As our observing capabilities continue to evolve, of these features with good success, but we need to with new instruments on the ground and in space, start thinking about network-wide capability. more and more science will be forthcoming; some predicted will be as predicted and some will be a For the first time in publication, Applied Computer surprise. Our observatories already have VLBI, Science for GGOS Observatories presents the applica- SLR, GNSS, DORIS, gravimeters, tide gauges, and tion of computer science to furthering the perfor- other instruments; our space segment includes an mance of the GGOS network toward the goals array of altimeters, gravimeters, InSAR, magne- articulated in «GGOS 2020: Meeting the tometers, and other systems. Expect much more co - Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing location and core site configurations. We are already Planet in 2020», edited by H.-P. Plag and M. Pearlman. moving to an era where our instruments will be With very pertinent examples and even relevant running continuously; we will be inundated with code, the book discusses the applications, informa- data, and yet our demand will continue to grow. In tion flow, strategies for designing for designing infor- many cases, our observations have gone from mea- mation flow networks, coding languages, styles, suring events to absorbing continuous processes. layouts, and even coding policies; documentation Our data has grown from megabytes to gigabytes to and, for different levels, code testing from the basic terabytes and beyond. Real-time and near-real-time programmed unit to the entire software package; and data availability and quality control will be required tools and modules that help in the design and help by some of our users. New applications, such as bring improved compatibility among different those associated with natural hazard warnings, may groups and different levels in the hierarchy. The book not be able to wait. Users are relying on high data examines specific examples of the software applica- quality and comprehensive quality control of data tions to SLR and VLBI, GGOS applications that rely and data products, requiring more extensive infor- on the integrated network, and specific model meth- mation about the data and its environment. ods that are critical to proper interpretation on data. Continuous operation means that our current mode This book is focused on GGOS, but its applications of using operating personnel is becoming finan- should be of far wider interest in other areas where cially untenable. We will be relying on autonomous results depend on network communication, and centralized operations with sufficient imbedded coordination, and automation among different intelligence to keep on-site personnel intervention instruments at different locations in different at a minimum. Real-time communication among environments. systems on site and among sites gives us better coor- dination and the ability to adjust network opera- Dr. Michael Pearlman tions to maximize efficiency and minimize Director, GGOS Bureau of Networks and downtime. As our targets become more numerous Observations and our processes become more rigorous, observing Director, ILRS Central Bureau time will become an even more precious resource Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics requiring well-thought- out but flexible strategies. Cambridge, January 2016 Acknowledgment The successful creation of the practical tasks and the Besides all of the official contributors to my writing of the work would have been not possible «Habilitation», most of the programs, sections, without the help, support, and co-work of several and single parts would not have been possible people. Therefore, I want to devote this section to without the help and co-work of my colleagues at these people because I am greatly indebted to them. the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell. My colleagues are my combatants to solve most of the daily tasks First of all, I want to thank my advisors and and developments. I want to thank especially reviewers of the «Habilitation» who supported Christian Plötz, Matthias Schönberger, Ulrich me over the long period of working and writ- Schreiber, Reiner Dassing, Johann Eckl, and Uwe ing this book. First of all, I want to mention Hessels; the software developers Martin Ettl, Prof. Dr. Urs Hugentobler, my boss and head Martin Riederer, Katharina Kirschbauer, and of the Research Facility for Satellite Geodesy Andreas Leidig; and also the secretaries at the (Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodäsie, FESG) observatory, Hannelore Vogl, and at the FESG, of the Technische Universität München (Technical Stefanie Daurer. Writing this book was very time University of Munich). His gentle character often consuming and required several months out of my helped in many discussions and nerve-racking office. But daily shifts, maintenance, administra- situations. He always supported my daily work tion, and developments went on, and the whole and especially the creation of this book. With his load was taken by the members of my VLBI group tremendous knowledge, he is a very good contact at the observatory, which I am allowed to lead person at any time. This friendly contact was one of since 2008. I want to thank you all for this support. the foundations of the work. Next, I want to men- I know that things are not always easy there, but I tion Prof. Dr. Johann Schlichter, who was already am proud to chair this group, which provides my advisor in the field of computer science dur- high-quality VLBI measurements for a very long ing my dissertation. He made a multidisciplinary time, so that the 20 m radio telescope is a well- work possible, and I thank him for his agreement used core point in the global, geodetic analysis. to supervise the application of computer science in the field of geodesy. Another thankful word should Finally, I want to thank for discussions with and be spent to Prof. Dr. Dietmar Grünreich, the former ideas of my international colleagues and friends. I president of the Federal Agency for Cartography was so often privileged to attend international and Geodesy (Bundesamt für Kartographie und meetings and workshops on such remote and Geodäsie, BKG) who enabled the practical work interesting places where I met so many excellent at the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell, which is and brilliant scientists and engineers. They quickly mainly funded by the BKG. The inclusion of the accepted me as part of the IVS, where I got the tasks into the different software developments at chance to develop and integrate our ideas and the observatory facilitated the practical orientation implementations. Several observatories now run of the work and provided possibilities for real soft- e-RemoteCtrl as test stations and offer so much ware developments. I am really sorry about the fact constructive feedback. I would like to pick out that Prof. Grünreich had to quit his mentorship only a few names, knowing that there are several because of a personal circumstance. In this situa- more, which I surely unjustly forgot to mention. tion, I was really pleased that Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Nevertheless, I thank Ed Himwich, Chris Kutterer (current president of the BKG and GGOS Beaudoin, Jim Lovell, Jonathan Quick, Cristian chair) agreed to support my request to review the Herrera Ruztort, Harald Schuh, Axel Nothnagel, book. It was a long time period with several work Walter Alef, Alessandra Bertarini (the next warm phases, so that I want to thank my faculty for the milk is on me), and the whole correlator team at general support and administrative attendance, Bonn, the team of the observatory Ny Ålesund, the as well as the BKG administration which enabled team at JIVE, and many more. Thank you all! many things at the Wettzell observatory. I also have to thank the copyright holders and publish- Last but not least, I want to thank my family. Even ers of the content which was adapted from external if there were some stumbling blocks on our path sources for their permission and friendly support. of life which required our complete attention and Referencing was carried out with the utmost care. our physical and mental power, we stood together Any resemblance to other existing texts or missing and broke down the walls on our way, using our acknowledgements are purely coincidental. joint forces. You all had so much patience with me IX Acknowledgment during the long time of writing, even if you have But what is a book without the possibility of publi- had your own sorrows. Therefore, I want to thank cation? This print was only possible, because Dr. you from the bottom of my heart, especially my Johanna Schwarz, Senior Publishing Editor of mommy, whose strong will to survive her diseases Springer International Publishing AG, and her gave me a new sense of life; my sister Diana, who team welcomed my manuscript with open arms. was solid as a rock in the midst of all turbulences; Dr. Schwarz always answered my questions and and my wife Anita, who always supported me, gave useful advises on administrative procedures even if the time together was so reduced. You during the contract negotiations. I also want to open new horizons and I am looking forward to mention the attractive and extensive layout pro- our seat bench under our cherry tree, when we cess by Mr. Sekar Rajesh and his team of SPi Global will be old. - Content Solutions, India. Thank you all for your work and the chance to see my work as a printed Finally, my dad should not be forgotten here. He book. sparked my interest up for technical stuff and engi- neering with all his technical toys for me. I also Last but not least, all which are not mentioned want to mention my deceased grandpa whom I until now hopefully know which tremendous con- dedicated my PhD thesis and who trained me all tribution and impact they had, so that this book practical craftsman skills, which are quite useful was possible in this form. Therefore, I also want to for applied studies. say a general and very heartfelt «Thank you»!

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