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Applied Catalysis: An International Journal Devoted to Catalytic Science and its Applications 1991: Vol 71 Index PDF

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Preview Applied Catalysis: An International Journal Devoted to Catalytic Science and its Applications 1991: Vol 71 Index

Author Index en ‘ Adnot, A., see Poirier, M.G. 103 Influence of the activation temperature on the Ahn, W.S., see Kim, G.J. 55 activity of copper-zinc oxide catalysts in the Alvero, R., see Benitez, J.J. 219 hydrogenation of propene 333 Andersen, A.G., see Norby, T. 89 Flamerz Tahir, S.,see Bond, G.C. 1 Baranski, A., Kotarba, A. and Lagan, J.M. Fouche, V., see Guisnet, M. 283 Kinetics of wet atmosphere reduction of fused Fouche, V., see Guisnet, M. 295 iron catalyst for ammonia synthesis L1 Fouche, V., see Guisnet, M. 307 Belloum, M., see Guisnet, M. 283 Froment, G.F., see Kiessling, D. 123 Belloum, M., see Guisnet, M. 295 Froment, G.F., see Marchi, AJ. 139 Benitez, J.J., Alvero, R., Capitan, M.J., Carrizosa, Froment, G.F., see Dehertog, W.J.H. 153 I. and Odriozola, J.A. Gabelica, Z., see Giordano, G. 79 DRIFTS study of adsorbed formate species in Gasque, L., see Ramirez, J. 351 the carbon dioxide and hydrogen reaction over Giordano, G., Dewale, N., Gabelica, Z., Nagy, J.B. rhodium catalysts 219 and Derouane, E.G. Bond, G.C. and Flamerz Tahir, S. Synthesis of zeolite ZSM-48 in the presence of Vanadium oxide monolayer catalysts: Prepara- 1,8-diaminooctane and hexamethonium bro- tion, characterization and catalytic activity — a mide: Analysis and 3C.NMR spectroscopy review 1 79 Bournonville, J.P., see Guisnet, M. 283 Guisnet, M., Fouche, V., Belloum, M., Bournon- Bournonville, J.P., see Guisnet, M. 295 ville, J.P. and Travers, C. Breault, R., see Poirier, M.G. 103 Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- Breysse, M., see Ramirez, J. 351 luminated mordenite catalysts: I. Influence of Burggraaf, A.J.,see Mercera, P.D.L. 363 the silicon-to-aluminium ratio of the zeolite Capitan, M.J., see Benitez, J.J. 219 283 Carrizosa, I., see Benitez, J.J. 219 Guisnet, M., Fouche, V., Belloum, M., Bournon- Choudhary, V.R. and Pandit, M.-Y. ville, J.P. and Travers, C. Surface properties of magnesium oxide ob- Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- tained from magnesium hydroxide: Influence luminated mordenite catalysts. II. Kinetic study of preparation and calcination conditions of 295 magnesium hydroxide 265 Guisnet, M. and Fouche, V. Connor, P.T., Kovenklioglu, S. and Shelly, D.C. Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- Diffuse reflectance Fourier-transform IR luminated mordenite catalysts. III. Influence of studies on the role of catalyst support on selec- hydrocarbon impurities 307 tivity in ethene oxidation 247 Hagenau, K., see Kiessling, D. 69 Cuevas, R., see Ramirez, J. 351 Hepburn, J.S., Stenger, Jr., H.G. and Lyman, C.E. Dehertog, W.J.H. and Froment, G.F. Co-impregnation of rhodium chloride with hy- Production of light alkenes from methanol on drofluoric acid into dry and pre-wet alumina ZSM-S catalysts 153 205 Derouane, E.G., see Giordano, G. 79 Hoffman, J.F., see Doolin, P.K. 233 Dewale, N., see Giordano, G. 79 Huang, T.-J. and Yu, T.-C. Doesburg, E.B.M., see Mercera, P.D.L. 363 Calcination conditions on copper/alumina Doolin, P.K., Hoffman, J.F. and Mitchell Jr., M.M. catalysts for carbon monoxide oxidation and Role of metal contaminants in the production nitric oxide reduction 275 of carbon dioxide during the regeneration of Kaliaguine, S., see Poirier, M.G. 103 cracking catalysts 233 Kiessling, D., Wendt, G., Hagenau, K. and Schoell- Ferraris, G. and Rossi, S. De ner, R. Dimerization of n-butenes on amorphous NiO-Al203/SiO2 catalysts 69 Kiessling, D. and Froment, G.F. Poirier, M.G., Breault, R., Kaliaguine, S. and Sorption of ethene and propene on amorphous Adnot, A. nickel oxide—alumina/silica catalysts under oli- Oxidative coupling of methane over praseody- gomerization conditions 123 mium oxide catalysts 103 Kim, G.J. and Ahn, W.S. Ramirez, J., Cuevas, R., Gasque, L., Vrinat, M. and Synthesis and characterization of iron-modi- Breysse, M. fied ZSM-5 55 Promoting effect of fluorine on cobalt-mo- Kotarba, A., see Baranski, A. L1 lybdenum/titania hydrodesulfurization cata- Kovenklioglu, S.,see Connor, P.T. 247 lysts 351 Lagan, J.M., see Baranski, A. L1 Ross, J.R.H., see Mercera, P.D.L. 363 Lai, D., see Li,R. 185 Rossi, S. De, see Ferraris,G. 333 Lavalley, J.C., see Waqif, M. 319 Saur, O., see Waqif, M. 319 Li, R., Zhang, W., Lai, D. and Wei, Q. Schoelliner, R., see Kiessling, D. 69 Catalytic cracking of hexadecane over ZSM-5 Shelly, D.C., see Connor, P.T. 247 modified with SiCl4, BCl3, NH4F and LaCls3 Stenger, Jr., H.G., see Hepburn, J.S. 205 185 Takayasu, O., Tanaka, R. and Takeuchi, T. Liu, X., Yang, Y. and Zhang, J Effect of carbonaceous species on the catalytic Temperature-programmed reduction and activity of copper-nickel in the hydrogenation desorption studies of praseodymium promoted ofethene 33 platinum/alumina catalysts 167 Takeuchi, T., see Takayasu,O. 33 Lyman, C.E., see Hepburn, J.S. 205 Tanaka, R., see Takayasu,O. 33 Marchi, A.J. and Froment, G.F. Travers, C., see Guisnet, M. 283 Catalytic conversion of methanol to light al- Travers, C., see Guisnet, M. 295 kenes on SAPO molecular sieves 139 Vrinat, M., see Ramirez, J. 351 Meng, Z., see Yang, C. 45 Wang, Y., see Waqif, M. 319 Mercera, P.D.L., Ommen, J.G. van, Doesburg, Wagif, M., Saur, O., Lavalley, J.C., Wang, Y. and E.B.M., Burggraaf, A.J. and Ross, J.R.H. Morrow, B.A. Zirconia as a support for catalysts: Influence of Evaluation of magnesium aluminate spinel as a additives on the thermal stability of the porous sulfur dioxide transfer catalyst 319 texture of monoclinic zirconia 363 Wei, Q., see Li,R. 185 Mitchell Jr., M.M., see Doolin, P.K. 233 Wendt, G., see Kiessling, D. 69 Morrow, B.A., see Waqif, M. 319 Yang, C. and Meng, Z. Nagy, J.B., see Giordano, G. 79 Side-chain alkylation ofp -xylene with methanol Norby, T. and Andersen, A.G. on alkali cation zeolites 45 Electrical conductivity and defect structure of Yang, Y., see Liu, X. 167 lithium-doped magnesium oxide 89 Yu, T.-C., see Huang, T.-J. 275 Odriozola, J.A., see Benitez, J.J. 219 Zhang, J., see Liu, X. 167 Ommen, J.G. van, see Mercera, P.D.L. 363 Zhang, W., see Li,R. 185 Pandit, M.Y., see Choudhary, V.R. 265 Subject Index Acid site density Basicity Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- Surface properties of magnesium oxide ob- luminated mordenite catalysts. III. Influence of tained from magnesium hydroxide: Influence hydrocarbon impurities 307 of preparation and calcination conditions of Acid sites magnesium hydroxide 265 Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- Butene dimerization luminated mordenite catalysts: I. Influence of Dimerization of n-butenes on amorphous the silicon-to-aluminium ratio of the zeolite NiO-AI203/SiO2 catalysts 69 283 Caesium Acid sites Side-chain alkylation of p-xylene with methanol Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- on alkali cation zeolites 45 luminated mordenite catalysts. II. Kinetic study Calcination 295 Calcination conditions on copper/alumina Acid-base properties catalysts for carbon monoxide oxidation and Side-chain alkylation of p-xylene with methanol nitric oxide reduction 275 on alkali cation zeolites 45 Calcination Adsorption Surface properties of magnesium oxide ob- Sorption of ethene and propene on amorphous tained from magnesium hydroxide: Influence nickel oxide—alumina/silica catalysts under oli- of preparation and calcination conditions of gomerization conditions 123 magnesium hydroxide 265 Adsorption Carbon dioxide methanation Temperature-programmed reduction and DRIFTS study of adsorbed formate species in desorption studies of praseodymium promoted the carbon dioxide and hydrogen reaction over platinum/alumina catalysts 167 rhodium catalysts 219 Adsorption Carbon monoxide oxidation Influence of the activation temperature on the Calcination conditions on copper/alumina activity of copper-zine oxide catalysts in the catalysts for carbon monoxide oxidation and hydrogenation of propene 333 nitric oxide reduction 275 Ageing Carbonaceous species Synthesis and characterization of iron-modi- Effect of carbonaceous species on the catalytic fied ZSM-S_ 55 activity of copper-nickel in the hydrogenation Alkenes ofethene 33 Production of light alkenes from methanol on Carbonate formation ZSM-S catalysts 153 Oxidative coupling of methane over praseody- Alkenes (light) mium oxide catalysts 103 Catalytic conversion of methanol to light al- Catalyst characterization (DRIFTS) kenes on SAPO molecular sieves 139 DRIFTS study of adsorbed formate species in Ammonia synthesis the carbon dioxide and hydrogen reaction over Kinetics of wet atmosphere reduction of fused rhodium catalysts 219 iron catalyst for ammonia synthesis L1 Catalyst characterization (DRS, HREM) Ammoxidation Promoting effect of fluorine on cobalt-mo- Vanadium oxide monolayer catalysts: Prepara- lybdenum/titania hydrodesulfurization cata- tion, characterization and catalytic activity — a lysts 351 review 1 Catalyst characterization (DTA, IR, SEM, XRD) Antimony Synthesis and characterization of iron-modi- Role of metal contaminants in the production fied ZSM-5 55 of carbon dioxide during the regeneration of Catalyst characterization (EPMA) cracking catalysts 233 Co-impregnation of rhodium chloride with hy- Synthesis of zeolite ZSM-48 in the presence of drofluoric acid into dry and pre-wet alumina 1,8-diaminooctane and hexamethonium bro- 205 mide: Analysis and 3C.NMR spectroscopy Catalyst characterization (FT-IR) 79 Diffuse reflectance Fourier-transform IR Cobalt-molybdenum/titania Studies on the role of catalyst support on selec- Promoting effect of fluorine on cobalt-mo- tivity in ethene oxidation 247 lybdenum/titania hydrodesulfurization cata- Catalyst characterization (IR, XRD, TPD) lysts 351 Catalytic cracking of hexadecane over ZSM-S Coke formation modified with SiCl4, BCI3, NH4F and LaCis Dimerization of n-butenes on amorphous 185 NiO-Al203/SiO? catalysts 69 Catalyst characterization (NMR, TG-DTA) Coke formation Synthesis of zeolite ZSM-48 in the presence of Role of metal contaminants in the production 1,8-diaminooctane and hexamethonium bro- of carbon dioxide during the regeneration of mide: Analysis and 3C.NMR spectroscopy cracking catalysts 233 79 Coke formation Catalyst characterization (TGA, XPS) Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- Oxidative coupling of methane over praseody- luminated mordenite catalysts. III. Influence of mium oxide catalysts 103 hydrocarbon impurities 307 Catalyst characterization (TPD, TPR) Conductivity Temperature-programmed reduction and Electrical conductivity and defect structure of desorption studies of praseodymium promoted lithium-doped magnesium oxide 89 platinum/alumina catalysts 167 Copper oxide Catalyst characterization (TPR) Side-chain alkylation ofp -xylene with methanol Role of metal contaminants in the production on alkali cation zeolites 45 of carbon dioxide during the regeneration of Copper oxide/alumina cracking catalysts 233 Calcination conditions on copper/alumina Catalyst characterization (various techniques) catalysts for carbon monoxide oxidation and Vanadium oxide monolayer catalysts: Prepara- nitric oxide reduction 275 tion, characterization and catalytic activity — a Copper-nickel review 1 Effect of carbonaceous species on the catalytic Catalyst preparation (additives) activity of copper-nickel in the hydrogenation Zirconia as a support for catalysts: Influence of ofethene 33 additives on the thermal stability of the porous Copper-zinc oxide texture of monoclinic zirconia 363 Influence of the activation temperature on the Catalyst preparation (co-impregnation) activity of copper—zinc oxide catalysts in the Co-impregnation of rhodium chloride with hy- hydrogenation of propene 333 drofluoric acid into dry and pre-wet alumina Cracking catalysts 205 Role of metal contaminants in the production Catalyst preparation (hydrothermal) of carbon dioxi Synthesis and characterization of iron-modi- de during the regeneration of cracking catalysts fied ZSM-5 55 233 Catalyst preparation (precipitation) Deactivation Surface properties of magnesium oxide ob- Catalytic conversion of methanol to light al- tained from magnesium hydroxide: Influence kenes on SAPO molecular sieves 139 of preparation and calcination conditions of Defects magnesium hydroxide 265 Electrical conductivity and defect structure of Catalyst preparation (zeolites) lithium-doped magnesium oxide 89 Diaminooctane Synthesis of zeolite ZSM-48 in the presence of Synthesis of zeolite ZSM-48 in the presence of 1,8-diaminooctane and hexamethonium bro- 1,8-diaminooctane and hexamethonium bro- mide: Analysis and 3C.NMR spectroscopy mide: Analysis and °C.NMR spectroscopy 79 79 Dispersion n-Hexane isomerization Promoting effect of fluorine on cobalt-mo- Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- lybdenum/titania hydrodesulfurization cata- luminated mordenite catalysts. III. Influence of lysts 351 hydrocarbon impurities 307 Ethene hydrogenation Hydrocarbon impurities Effect of carbonaceous species on the catalytic Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- activity of copper-nickel in the hydrogenation luminated mordenite catalysts. III. Influence of ofethene 33 hydrocarbon impurities 307 Ethene oligomerization Hydrodesulphurization Sorption of ethene and propene on amorphous Promoting effect of fluorine on cobalt—mo- nickel oxide—alumina/silica catalysts under oli- lybdenum/titania hydrodesulfurization cata- gomerization conditions 123 lysts 351 Ethene oxidation Hydrofluoric acid Diffuse reflectance Fourier-transform IR Co-impregnation of rhodium chloride with hy- studies on the role of catalyst support on selec- drofluoric acid into dry and pre-wet alumina tivity in ethene oxidation 247 205 Ethylene oxide Infrared spectroscopy Diffuse reflectance Fourier-transform IR Evaluation of magnesium aluminate spinel as a studies on the role of catalyst support on selec- sulfur dioxide transfer catalyst 319 tivity in ethene oxidation 247 Inhibiting effect Fluid catalytic cracking Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- Role of metal contaminants in the production luminated mordenite catalysts. III. Influence of of carbon dioxide during the regeneration of hydrocarbon impurities 307 cracking catalysts 233 Iron Fluorine Synthesis and characterization of iron-modi- Promoting effect of fluorine on cobalt-mo- fied ZSM-S_ 55 lybdenum/titania hydrodesulfurization cata- Isomerization lysts 351 Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- Formate species luminated mordenite catalysts: I. Influence of DRIFTS study of aasorbed formate species in the silicon-to-aluminium ratio of the zeolite the carbon dioxide and hydrogen reaction over 283 rhodium catalysts 219 Isomerization Fourier-transform IR Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- Diffuse reflectance Fourier-transform IR luminated mordenite catalysts. II. Kinetic study studies on the role of catalyst support on selec- 295 tivity in ethene oxidation 247 Isotope labeling Fused iron Effect of carbonaceous species on the catalytic Kinetics of wet atmosphere reduction of fused activity of copper—nickel in the hydrogenation iron catalyst for ammonia synthesis L1 ofethene 33 Hexadecane cracking Kinetics Catalytic cracking of hexadecane over ZSM-S Sorption of ethene and propene on amorphous modified with SiCl4, BCl3, NH4F and LaCl3 nickel oxide—alumina/silica catalysts under oli- 185 gomerization conditions 123 Hexamethonium bromide Kinetics Role of metal contaminants in the production of carbon dioxi 233 283 Kinetics Nickel Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- Role of metal contaminants in the production luminated mordenite catalysts. II. Kinetic study of carbon dioxide during the regeneration of 295 cracking catalysts 233 Kinetics Nickel oxide—alumina/silica Kinetics of wet atmosphere reduction of fused Dimerization of n-butenes on amorphous iron catalyst for ammonia synthesis L1 NiO-A1I203/SiO2 catalysts 69 Lanthanide additives Nickel oxide—alumina/silica DRIFTS study of adsorbed formate species in Sorption of ethene and propene on amorphous the carbon dioxide and hydrogen reaction over nickel oxide—alumina/silica catalysts under oli- rhodium catalysts 219 gomerization conditions 123 Lithium Nitric oxide reduction Electrical conductivity and defect structure of Calcination conditions on copper/alumina lithium-doped magnesium oxide 89 catalysts for carbon monoxide oxidation and Lithium nitric oxide reduction 275 Oxidative coupling of methane over praseody- Nitric oxide reduction mium oxide catalysts 103 Vanadium oxide monolayer catalysts: Prepara- Magnesium aluminate spinel tion, characterization and catalytic activity — a Evaluation of magnesium aluminate spinel as a review 1 sulfur dioxide transfer catalyst 319 Oxidation Magnesium oxide Evaluation of magnesium aluminate spinel as a Electrical conductivity and defect structure of sulfur dioxide transfer catalyst 319 lithium-doped magnesium oxide 89 Oxidation Magnesium oxide Vanadium oxide monolayer catalysts: Prepara- Surface properties of magnesium oxide ob- tion, characterization and catalytic activity — a tained from magnesium hydroxide: Influence review 1 of preparation and calcination conditions of Passivation magnesium hydroxide 265 Role of metal contaminants in the production Mardenite of carbon dioxide during the regeneration of Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- cracking catalysts 233 luminated mordenite catalysts. II. Kinetic study Platinum 295 Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- Methane conversion luminated mordenite catalysts: I. Influence of Oxidative coupling of methane over praseody- the silicon-to-aluminium ratio of the zeolite mium oxide catalysts 103 283 Methanol conversion platinum Catalytic conversion of methanol to light al- Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- kenes on SAPO molecular sieves 139 luminated mordenite catalysts. II. Kinetic study Methanol conversion 295 Production of light alkenes from methanol on Platinum mordenite ZSM-SS catalysts 153 Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- Monolayers luminated mordenite catalysts. III. Influence of Vanadium oxide monolayer catalysts: Prepara- hydrocarbon impurities 307 tion, characterization and catalytic activity — a Platinum/alumina review 1 Temperature-programmed reduction and Mordenite desorption studies of praseodymium promoted Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- platinum/alumina catalysts 167 luminated mordenite catalysts: I. Influence of Pore shape the silicon-to-aluminium ratio of the zeolite Zirconia as a support for catalysts: Influence of Silica/boric anhydride additives on the thermal stability of the porous Catalytic cracking of hexadecane over ZSM-5S texture of monoclinic zirconia 363 modified with SiCl4, BCI3, NH4F and LaCl3 Praseodymium 185 Temperature-programmed reduction and Silicon/aluminium desorption studies of praseodymium promoted Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- platinum/alumina catalysts 167 luminated mordenite catalysts: I. Influence of Praseodymium oxide the silicon-to-aluminium ratio of the zeolite Oxidative coupling of methane over praseody- 283 mium oxide catalysts 103 Silicon/aluminium Propene hydrogenation Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- Influence of the activation temperature on the luminated mordenite catalysts. II. Kinetic study activity of copper-zinc oxide catalysts in the 295 hydrogenation of propene 333 Silver oxide Propene oligomerization Side-chain alkylation of p-xylene with methanol Sorption of ethene and propene on amorphous on alkali cation zeolites 45 nickel oxide—alumina/silica catalysts under oli- Silver/alumina gomerization conditions 123 Diffuse reflectance Fourier-transform IR Reaction mechanism Studies on the role of catalyst support on selec- Dimerization of n-butenes on amorphous tivity in ethene oxidation 247 NiO-Al203/SiO? catalysts 69 Spinel Regeneration Evaluation of magnesium aluminate spinel as a Role of metal contaminants in the production sulfur dioxide transfer catalyst 319 of carbon dioxide during the regeneration of Strong metal-support interaction cracking catalysts 233 Calcination conditions on copper/alumina Rhodium chloride catalysts for carbon monoxide oxidation and Co-impregnation of rhodium chloride with hy- nitric oxide reduction 275 drofluoric acid into dry and pre-wet alumina Structural sensitivity 205 Calcination conditions on copper/alumina Rhodium/alumina catalysts for carbon monoxide oxidation and DRIFTS study of adsorbed formate species in nitric oxide reduction 275 the carbon dioxide and hydrogen reaction over Sulphates rhodium catalysts 219 Evaluation of magnesium aluminate spinel as a Rhodium/alumina sulfur dioxide transfer catalyst 319 Co-impregnation of rhodium chloride with hy- Sulphur dioxide drofluoric acid into dry and pre-wet alumina Evaluation of magnesium aluminate spinel as a 205 sulfur dioxide transfer catalyst 319 Rubidium Surface properties Side-chain alkylation of p-xylene with methanol Surface properties of magnesium oxide ob- on alkali cation zeolites 45 tained from magnesium hydroxide: Influence Semiconductors of preparation and calcination conditions of Electrical conductivity and defect structure of magnesium hydroxide 265 lithium-doped magnesium oxide 89 Synergetic effect Side-chain alkylation Influence of the activation temperature on the Side-chain alkylation of p-xylene with methanol activity of copper-zinc oxide catalysts in the on alkali cation zeolites 45 hydrogenation of propene 333 Silica/alumina Thermal stability Catalytic cracking of hexadecane over ZSM-5S Zirconia as a support for catalysts: Influence of modified with SiCl4, BCl3, NH4F and LaCl3 additives on the thermal stability of the porous 185 texture of monoclinic zirconia 363 Vanadium oxide Zeolites Vanadium oxide monolayer catalysts: Prepara- Catalytic conversion of methanol to light al- tion, characterization and catalytic activity — a kenes on SAPO molecular sieves 139 review 1 Zeolites Water vapour Production of light alkenes from methanol on Kinetics of wet atmosphere reduction of fused ZSM-S5 catalysts 153 iron catalyst for ammonia synthesis L1 Zeolites Xylene alkylation Isomerization of n-hexane on platinum dea- Side-chain alkylation of p-xylene with methanol luminated mordenite catalysts: I. Influence of on alkali cation zeolites 45 the silicon-to-aluminium ratio of the zeolite Zeolites 283 Side-chain alkylation of p-xylene with methanol Zeolites on alkali cation zeolites 45 Catalytic cracking of hexadecane over ZSM-5 Zeolites modified with SiCl4, BCl3, NH4F and LaCl3 Synthesis of zeolite ZSM-48 in the presence of 185 1,8-diaminooctane and hexamethonium bro- Zirconia mide: Analysis and 3C.NMR spectroscopy Zirconia as a support for catalysts: Influence of 79 additives on the thermal stability of the porous Zeolites texture of monoclinic zirconia 363 Synthesis and characterization of iron-modi- ZSM-5 fied ZSM-5 55 Catalytic cracking of hexadecane over ZSM-5 Zeolites modified with SiCl4, BCl3, NH4F and LaCl3 Role of metal contaminants in the production 185 of carbon dioxide during the regeneration of cracking catalysts 233 pees a

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