Contents Guest Editorial Genesis of the ungulate behavior and management conferences MII sca dsbpustipneneesiesnbabenonvecdti shensebevaeeavccsrisbeonsseqinnbaeties 1 Conference Honoree and his students On herding behavior a nd 6s os wnseenipsadandnensobincnsceseseteserssiveatansie 5 Establishment of lying out: an example for blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) a i ic nssscsnpsebacsebeenenanddacenéesebachsondodiesssesensssceneer 15 Reproductive behavior of addax antelope es SI 51 saenbuspadunssbboubantinenbencsncesennesecetbscesh 39 Courtship and agonistic behavior in mouflon sheep ees CNN NU CIID, UIE, SEIBCUNCD cass ccccensesesnsdnecercttusabessccsvvecevecsesescasccceseonsese 67 Horned ungulates Monogamy in the dik-dik CO ododos cbun ie nedbedebaresdesNevn idinbhnsveoseatbunsecees 87 The alternative mating strategies of male topi, Damaliscus lunatus L.M. Gosling (Norwich, Gt. Britain) Flehmen and social dominance in captive female sable antelope, Hippotragus niger es I, CN, NCD, cis bok cnsadepwesendsdoueessviecssivkvorestertenctsbssucvenseeds 121 American bison socioecology I a at wkd eal ecaiecniesabatbannseaburrervensesdisenl 135 Manifestations of social dominance in pronghorn bucks a nd secs crunch nicenb adds shesusmee sl ncenenvdaddvedeaiesdepeensent 147 Male age ratio effects among sheep Disruptive mating behavior by subadult Armenian wild sheep in Iran R. Valdez, M. Cardenas and J. Sanchez (Las Cruces, NM, U.S.A.) .cc s 165 Social maturation and productivity in bighorn sheep: are young males incompetent? D.M. Shackleton (Vancouver, B.C., Canada) Activity in a hunted and an unhunted herd of Dall sheep F.J. Singer (Anchorage, AK, U.S.A.), E.C. Murphy, B.A. Cooper (Fairbanks, AK, U.S.A.) ae ST UIs SNRs, WUD sis aschcdrdscscesncsiencecniceresvsecevensixedapssdapensesnensaes 185 North American and circumpolar cervids Signpost communication by white-tailed deer: research since Calgary K.V. Miller, R.L. Marchinton and P.B. Bush (Athens, GA, U.S.A.) ....0..0.0.. ce.ce c.ece.e e e es 195 Niche differences between male and female white-tailed deer on Ossabaw Island, Georgia K.E. LaGory (Argonne, IL, U.S.A.), C. Bagshaw, Ill and |.L. Brisbin, Jr. (Aiken, SC, LS ARRESTED RE Nesey OOS CM REAP CL a) ane PROS Bee RORI Tn AT et NTC eR RO ee 205 White-tailed deer roadside behavior, wildlife warning reflectors, and highway mortality G.H. Waring, J.L. Griffis and M.E. Vaughn (Carbondale, IL, U.S.A.).0.c .c.e.ce. .en.ere. e e e 215 Assessing cumulative impacts to elk and mule deer in the Salmon River Basin, Idaho Fd, Sr Pee Re Ge. UIONOT CINE, GPE, MERI on ccedsescsiscvcosodccscsccsccscnncatedsocescocessecees 225 Migratory behavior and management of elk (Cervus elaphus) ay a i Esk a sd numa ptinhumuatendesbesebsdiseubersabsensniads 239 Thermal constraints on use of cover types and activity time of elk 2 cad oss ae c decade peeasamansa ibbhunendnanesensbnasechanenens 251 Elk behavior in response to human disturbance at Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument tneha ach ades baude acenboidsci ccesibsveanedéidve bavnsukaneudl 269 Caribou in the changing North a rs 1 i hindi gelildaenbwandeleaicnvhaudauedenaksabl 279 Non-ruminants Some behavioural traits of Cape mountain zebras (Equus zebra zebra) and their implications for the management of a small conservation area B.L. Penzhorn (Onderstepoort, South Africa) and P.A. Novellie (Cradock, South Africa) ..... 293 The behavior of Przewalski's horses and its importance to their management a I: WE REI 6. 5.5 a aa uccndagndundeveu vee duviindinkesossboseuliied orcaumucaalanecaieiabaun 301 Sexual competition in captive collared peccaries (T ayassu tajacu) J.M. Packard, K.J. Babbitt, K.M. Franchek and P.M. Pierce (College Station, TX, U.S.A.) ... 319 Behavior and extensive management of domestic sows (Sus scrofa) and litters G.R. Dellmeier and T.H. Friend (College Station, TX, U.S.A.) ............ccccccecceecececeeeeeeeeeeeees 327 A non-invasive telemetry system for obtaining heart rate from free-ranging swine T.H. Friend, G.R. Dellmeier (College Station, TX, U.S.A.) and J.L. Stuart (Oceanside, CA, SEITEN: nisi ddnatenkadpucedadabbennadabepdambdanitedediaeddikeunsadd atceiouubuicahldabciaamcabieanmdeeem iadainn 343 Wild status and reintroduction Ungulate conservation in India — problems and prospects i I 0 5h sak acabasesnsdounediebiibaustenesbrenesdiadeadaminontsiibmiialks 349 Observations on the Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsoni) G.B. Schaller (Bronx, NY, U.S.A.), Ren Junrang (Xian, Shaanxi, China) and Qiu Mingjiang Uppee nnn, CII TEIIIIRGID ons sitasd igas Sudden adel Gakihieee eto ennasnebiastenebancesbencumebaeehial 361 Recovery of alpine ibex from near-extinction: the result of effective protection, captive breeding, and reintroductions M. Stiwe (Front Royal, VA, U.S.A.) and B. Nievergelt (Zurich, Switzerland) ...................... 379 Discussions topics The chemical ecology of ungulates LD, Rpe aereerey Cerne, FEY, UF.) occ cccccnsccsesicccrssevndbssesconecvccpesshstsiasetheenbebapncees 389 The significance of horns and other male secondary sexual characters in female bovids Fs ne ENO CEE, GEIR... se cuccncenncenseeerecntsacsupniatbebiadipagsurdediovebscnmanisioemeiaesl 403 Bones of contention revisited: did antlers enlarge with sexual selection as a consequence of neonatal security strategies? Fe I CII 1 sacsd ansnsaavbnbocnveninayniiiiusandecavessderseniietdgensiersunteabepheusiel 453 Patterns of muscular growth in the African Bovidae Fi BE Bien 5051 50hckesanccbini chiavecsentndeimeenebhutescenetitensiaastovanchedvelan 471 An approach for strategic planning of stocking rates for exotic and native ungulates J.M. Lubbering, J.W. Stuth, E.C. Mungall and W.J. Sheffield (College Station, TX, SINE Sani basvssndivandudcscitessaxkocd oteumbabacdsnedetitereaddsustckakedeeuninestianiastsahasttctcotiahcekueiaaae 483 The international politics of field projects a I CN ND ends ci voc. csns satercdesdaknerenceresssadasntacenetobebeneeeninente 489 Abtracts—discussion topics Social ontogeny of mammals ee ey ee, Ge I, BPU LUELD. ...... .cncncruwarbunsadnebuectecucsssissencedsongeessspaaunoneiuecnetes 501 Population genetics and the management of wild ungulate populations: two examples he IN, SE MR A, on inindsntcarnsecvesdassnsachbakassdeinviceenendugdaassarebegcavensedued 501 Distribution of genetic variation in Texas pronghorn antelope T. Lee, Jr., J. Derr, J. Bickham and D.J. Schmidly (College Station, TX, U.S.A.) ................ 502 Behavioral response of zoo ungulates to the presence of humans ees. PUENe GND II Ra MID icc cccercvcncscssennssesnacenensorenssancencovenadenncsunpigsbuenevedl 503 Abstracts—bovids and domestics Highlights for Arabian oryx: courtship, care sessions and agonistic behavior es I, DO MINIT ictccicrscesscccascsensveresevesroiwiecesippabdbleAbivbedercdebersiiseeshisees 503 Foraging behavior of the northernmost ungulate, Ovibos moschatus D.R. Klein (Fairbanks, AK, U.S.A.) and C. Bay (Copenhagen, Denmark).......................00008 viii Social development of the American bison calf S.L. Giovengo and G.H. Waring (Carbondale, IL, U.S.A.) ........ cc ccecccccececeeeeeeeeeeeneeeneeneeeneees 505 American pygmy goat origins and management ee as ca pi sbnada bedaepuabedackeredescessacteboasesorseeseuses 506 Abstracts—cervids Aspects of sparring in white-tailed deer G. Schwede and S. Holzenbein (Front Royal, VA, U.S.A.) .......... 0.0. cccececececcececeeeeceeeeeeeeeees 506 Food habits of an insular Neotropical population of white-tailed deer a sccnccsgb bpe neuacnsvocerescsenepaesot 507 Influence of sex and weather on white-tailed deer activity patterns P. Beier and D.R. McCullough (Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.) ........cccccccccccceeceeeeeeeeueeeeeeeeeeeeeneenees 507 Effects of an antlerless hunt on reproductive output of migratory mule deer sksass aeaskabnbbasbhonsansnedveerpeebenseastons 508 Using mule deer antler beam diameters as a possible index of habitat quality I a sca ecstabiaddnbiaebeibgasrvanbahuasabenencantids 509 Why don't bull moose eat during the rut? sssa eel senenbicesenbapnencnesensnadoocnead 509 Moose movements in relation to roadside salt licks B.K. Miller, J.A. Litvaitis (Durham, NH, U.S.A.) and K. Klein (Concord, NH, U.S.A.) ............ 510 Behavioral ecology of fallow deer in western Kentucky K. Farris-Renner and G.H. Waring (Carbondale, IL, U.S.A.) ......... cece ceceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneennees 510 Growth profiles and lactation in the Burmese brow-antlered deer C. Martinet, C.W emmer, J. Blew, T. Halverson and M. Rodden (Front Royal, VA, a aaa aEha ical as o ddinduipebronbinedacnebieebnenbns 511 The social behaviour of Reeves’ muntjac in southern England S.P. Harding (Heredia, Costa Rica) Abstracts—non-ruminants Population dynamics in an island population of feral horses ae en OE, WI LDL, «6... cc scsinnsnnneudsendnsendedbeebenddssnebbudapdoaonadbeisancavssesne 512 Short-term separation and stress of mother and daughter southern white rhinoceroses at the North Carolina Zoological Park a cad deln kde eambnaanaeneuwedeibeaidneaeasdih 513 Captive management of the white rhinoceros for reproductive studies T.L. Blasdel, T. Goen, T.S. Olsen, J.H. Connors, L.A. Farne, J.P. Flanagan (Houston, TX, U.S.A.), M.A. Densmore, N.L. Loskutoff, J. Capp, D. Fuller and D.C. Kraemer (College EES IRS ERE Aan as CORO TRAC HOA MEER Per SUC a 514 Author Index Species Index The Guide for Authors will appear in the first issue of Volume 30