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Applications of New Concepts of Physical–Chemical Wastewater Treatment. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee September 18–22, 1972 PDF

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Preview Applications of New Concepts of Physical–Chemical Wastewater Treatment. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee September 18–22, 1972

PROGRESS IN WATER TECHNOLOGY, VOLUME I APPLICATIONS OF NEW CONCEPTS OF PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT Vanderbilt University- Nashville, Tennessee September 18-22, 1972 Edited by W.W. ECKENFELDER and L.K. CECIL Sponsored by The International Association on Water Pollution Research and The American Institute of Chemical Engineers PERGAMON PRESS, INC. NEW YORK TORONTO OXFORD SYDNEY BRAUNSCHWEIG PERGAMON PRESS, INC. Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, N.Y. 10523 PERGAMON OF CANADA, LTD. 207 Queen's Quay West, Toronto 117, Ontario PERGAMON PRESS, LTD. Headington Hill Hall, Oxford PERGAMON PRESS (AUST.) PTY. LTD. Rushcutters Bay, Sydney, N.S.W. VIEWEG & SOHN GmbH Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig Copyright ©1972, Pergamon Press, Inc. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 72-8108 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of Pergamon Press, Inc. Printed in the United States of America 0 08 017243 1 PREFACE During the decade of the f70!s emphasis will be placed on new technology and modifications of old technology for municipal and industrial water pollution control. Much of this effort will be in the physical-chemical treatment technology. While many of the processes now being considered are still in the development stage, some of the technology is under design and construction. This conference is directed toward presenting these new concepts with particular reference to their engineering applications. This conference is the third in a series of specialized con- ferences on pertinent and developing technology sponsored by the I.A.W.P.R. and the A.I.Ch.E. The first specialized conference was held in Vienna, Austria in 1971 and devoted itself to the design of large wastewater treatment plants. The second conference held in London in 1972 dealt with the problems of phosphorous in the environment. Future conferences are planned on subjects of per- tinent interest to water quality control and management. This volume is the first in a series to be published b yI.A.W.P.R. as PROGRESS IN WATER TECHNOLOGY. Pertinent discussions related to this conference will be published in WATER RESEARCH. The organizers of the conference are particularly grateful to the Department of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering of Vanderbilt University for their support and assistance in the organization and conduct of the conference. Errata Page 329, Line 7 should read as follows: "at the plate face is 1.5, so to take care of losses up to the plate" Page 329, Line 13 should read as follows: "be 40 minutes and 3/4" spacing would be 22.5 minutes." Page 332, Line 9, Farada should have been spelled "Faraday" Page 332, Line 18 should read as follows: "(SR = 415,000/ppm * * .9735)" Page 332, Line 28, the fourth word is "is" rather than "in". Page 372, Lines 11-12 should read as follows: "13,4 per cent of the total water consumption (4). The average daily production from the reclamation plant during this period was 2.3 ml/d which is equivalent to a capacity utili-" Page 376, Line 42 should read as follows: "at a rate of 10 per cent containing 25 g/1 of solids" Page 377, Line 4 should read as follows: "Breakpoint chlorination is maintained in tank with 45 minutes detention." Applications of New Concepts of Physical-Chemical Wastewater Treatment Sept.18-22, 1972 MUNICIPAL WASTE TREATMENT BY PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL METHODS James F. Kreissl and James J. Westrick Environmental Protection Agency National Environmental Research Center Advanced Waste Treatment Research Laboratory Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 INTRODUCTION The present status of physical-chemical (P-C) treatment technology for munici- pal wastewaters is sufficiently advanced to permit a reasonably reliable as- sessment of its capabilities and characteristics, A number of pilot studies on a variety of wastewaters have produced significant data concerning the de- sign and operation of physical-chemical systems. No full-scale plants are in operation at this time, but start-up of a 0.6 MGD system at Rosemount, Minnesota, is scheduled for late 1972. WHAT IS PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL TREATMENT? Some conjecture exists as to a precise definition for physical-chemical treat- ment. Although other systems might be considered,the only one discussed here is chemical clarification followed by dissolved organic removal. The first stage of treatment is designed to provide efficient suspended and colloidal solids removal along with phosphorus removal; the second operation removes a large percentage of the dissolved organic matter. A typical flow diagram of this basic system is shown in Figure 1. A number of variations exist for these two operations. In the clarification step there are two primary considerations: the choice of chemicals to be used and the choice of physical equipment. Essentially, the chemical options are limited to alum, lime or iron salts with or without polymer addition. In the choice of physical equipment, conventional mixing, flocculation and solids separation must be evaluated versus solids-contact systems. The solids sepa- ration process in the conventional sequence can consist of conventiona lsedi- mentation, flotation or high-rate sedimentation. In addition, a filtration step may be included for improved solids removal. In the dissolved organic removal step the choices are generally limited to either granular or powdered activated carbon adsorption. However, other processes such as ozonation have also been proposed for this purpose. The 1 2 J. F. KREISSL and J. J. WESTRICK choice of a granular activated carbon (GAC) design requires decisions con- cerning series or parallel contacting, pressure or gravity vessels and up- flow or downflow operation. Powdered activated carbon (PAC) designs primari- ly involve the choice between single-stage and two-stage countercurrent con- tacting. In addition to these basic operations provisions can be included for nitrogen removal by ammonia stripping, ion exchange or breakpoint chlorination. Other unit processes may also be added to the basic system in order to provide for the specific requirements of any application. For example, disinfection or final filtration steps may be desirable in many locations. Of course, the treatment and disposal of the sludge from the clarification step, the re- generation of spent activated carbon and management of backwash streams rep- resent some of the additional design considerations. COAGULANT RAW PRELIMINARY CLARIFICATION SEWAGE TREATMENT SLUDGE CARBON EFFLUENT ADSORPTION FILTRATION (OPTIONAL) FIG. 1 Basic Flow Diagram of a Physical-Chemical Treatment System WHY CONSIDER IT? Like any new technology, physical-chemical treatment must have certain ad- vantages over conventional methods of treatment to warrant full-scale appli- cation. A number of advantages inherent in physical-chemical treatment have been cited by other authors (1-4): 1. Reduced land area requirements, 2, More positive control over treatment plant performance, 3, Greater resistance to upset from toxic substances in wastewaters, 4, Capability for removal of numerous toxic materials, 5, Negligible start-up period before normal removals are attained, 6. Improved color removal. Municipal Waste Treatment 3 The above advantages may be translated into the following applications: 1. Available land limited in area or prohibitively expensive, 2. Stringent reliability requirements, 3. High proportion of industrial wastes of a toxic nature to biological systems, 4. Heavy metal or pesticide concentrations in the wastewater and stringent effluent requirements for those pollutants, 5. Intermittent or periodic flows as in parks or other recreational areas, 6. Highly-colored industrial wastes which produce an undesirable effluent coloration. When constraints such as these are facing a designer, the feasibility of physical-chemical treatment is greatly enhanced and should be investigated. It should be noted that physical-chemical systems and the individual proc- esses included therein are proposed as additional weapons in the waste treat- ment arsenal and not as any form of panacea for all pollution abatement ap- plications. Taken in this light, the particular advantages of a P-C system and its component processes can be used along with conventional processes to create the most flexible and reliable waste treatment plants possible for optimum pollution abatement for any installation. HOW GOOD IS IT? In terms of suspended solids, organic matter and phosphorus removals, the larger pilot facilities ( >50 gpm) have produced excellent results, as shown in Tables 1 through 5. The Eimco Salt Lake City data, shown in Table 1, is difficult to interpret because a number of parameters were being studied concurrently (5). During the course of the study, the 100 gpm pilot plant utilized solids-contact clarification with each of the three major coagulants, followed by either single-stage or two-stage countercurrent PAC adsorption with a final step of filtration. Essentially, it was determined that alum, ferric chloride and lime could all produce equivalent product quality in the clarification step, and that the powdered carbon systems could be evaluated independent of the chemical used. Therefore, overall removals were not read- ily apparent for any single combination of processes and variables. The data generated at Cleveland Westerly by Battelle-Northwest (6) provides the only substantial information on the application of physical-chemical treatment to a strong municipal waste. The 100 gpm pilot facility included conventional clarification prior to filtration and downflow GAC columns. The relatively high organic content of the wastewater was substantially re- duced, as shown in Table 2, although severe problems with hydrogen sulfide generation in the activated carbon columns were encountered. The Environmental Protection Agency-Los Angeles County Sanitary District facility at Pomona, California, is presently operating a physical-chemical treatment system with an excellent product quality (7). The processing sequence for this 50 gpm pilot plant is conventional clarification with either iron or alum followed directly by downflow GAC columns. These data are presented in Table 3 along with the removals of COD, SS and P by the 50 gpm pilot plant and the 10 MGD activated sludge plant during a period of upset caused by a high concentration of copper in raw wastewater. Another EPA pilot facility, at Lebanon, Ohio, employed physical-chemical 4 J. F, KREISSL and J. J. WESTRICK treatment at 75 gpm (8). The process employed single-stage lime treatment with solids-contact clarification and filtration, followed by pH adjustment and upflow GAC contacting. The resulting data are presented in Table 4. Again, substantial removals of the major contaminants were obtained. The most comprehensive EPA pilot facility is at the Blue Plains Sewage Treat- ment Plant in Washington, D. C. The physical-chemical system there has been operating on a diurnal cycle of 3.2 to 1 (9). This system consists of two- stage lime treatment with solids-contact reactors, filtration and downflow GAC contacting in series, followed by ion exchange for nitrogen removal. The six-month averages of performance from March through August of 1970 are presented in Table 5. The high quality of treatment is evident. Numerous other pilot-scale studies have been reported (10,11,12,13) with re- sults similar to those described above. In almost every case, the removals of organics, suspended solids and phosphorus exceed 90 percent. TABLE 1 Salt Lake City Performance Data Clarification Chemical COD SS P Raw Clar. Raw Clar. Raw Clar. Alum 158 45 110 30 5.8 1.2 Iron 255 54 94 14 7.8 0.2 Lime 200 62 100 16 2.6 1.1 PAC Adsorption Effluent Soluble COD SS j>ys tern 1-stage 16 2 2-stage 10 2 * Conditions: 1) Typical Runs 2) Flow = 50-60 gpm 3) All values expressed in mg/1 TABLE 2 i Average Performance at Cleveland Westerly COD BOD SS Chemical in out in out in out in out Iron 500 41 288 29 213 20 6.2 0.4 Lime - pH 10.5 498 69 244 41 199 22 4.9 0.8 pH 12 536 48 182 35 144 6 5.3 0.2 * Conditions: 1) Flow = 30--100 gp:m 2) Polymer used for iron and pH 10.5 lime 3) All values expressed in mg/1 Municipal Waste Treatment 5 TABLE 3 Pomona Performance Data Normal Chemical COD SS P Raw Final Raw Final Raw Final Iron 357 27 178 19 11.9 1.6 Alum 285 29 183 9 10.4 1.0 Act. SI. "~ 43 "~ 18 — "~ Upset Period System COD SS P Raw Final Raw Final Raw Final Phys.-Chem. 283 30 188 9 10.8 1.1 Act.SI. 283 80 188 42 10.8 10.8 * expressed in mg/1 All values TABLE 4 j Average Performance at Lebanon PARAMETER RAW LIME CLAR. + FILT. EFFLUENT TOC 87 35 9 COD 257 60 29 BOD 98 19 6 SS 110 7 2 P 8 2 2 Conditions: 1) Averages over 11 M G throughput 2) All values expressed in mg/1 TABLE 5 i Average Performance at Blue Plains PARAMETER RAW LIME CLAR^ FILTER J.FFL^ FINALLJEFFL^ TOC 99 20 18.5 6.3 BOD 122 22 18.0 5.3 COD 305 51 46.2 13.2 SS 158 14 5.5 4.6 P 8.4 0.,3 0.2 0.1 Conditions: 1) 6-month averages 2) Flow = 45-140 gpm 3) All values expressed in mg/1 WHAT ELSE IS KNOWN? Pilot studies have shown the ability of physical-chemical systems to produce an excellent quality of effluent in terms of the primary pollution indicators, suspended solids, organics and phosphorus. Information on the removal of various other pollutants of interest and the overall quality of effluents is somewhat more difficult to determine from the available reports. Also, 6 J. F. KREISSL and J. J. WESTRICK minimal design data are presented in these sources. Some of this information has been compiled herein. Starting with the chemical clarification step, two studies (5,6) have tested different overflow rates in order to determine maximum allowable design rates. rhe recommendations for peak overflow rates for the three coagulant systems are shown in Table 6. TABLE 6 Recommended Peak Overflow Rates Peak Overflow Rate, gpd/sf Chemical Eimco (5) Westerly (6) Lime 1870 1000 Iron 720 650 Alum 570 It should be pointed out that the data from these studies did not show any significant change in effluent suspended solids at these levels. It is assumed that other factors, such as ease of operation, contributed to the choice of these overflow rates. Also, the Eimco study utilized a solids- contact reactor, while the Westerly study used conventional mixing, floccula- tion, and sedimentation. The use of polymers may also have a profound effect on the design overflow rate. In relation to these recommended peak rates, Bishop, etal, (9) had rain peaks as high as 1450 gpd/sf and obtained excel- lent clarification with lime. Culp (14) recommends a peak rate of 1400 or an average rate of 900 gpd/sf for lime with the larger requirement of the two controlling the design. Swedish full-scale designs of flotation units for separation of solids after alum coagulation have successfully employed over- flow rates of more than 2,500 gpd/sf (15). Chemical dosage to obtain good clarification varies with the wastewater and the chemical employed. Lime systems have required 250 to 1500 mg/1 as Ca(0H)2, depending on the desired treatment pH and wastewater alkalinity. When high pH systems are required, a recarbonation step must be used to stabilize the wastewater after clarification. Bishop (9) adjusted pH from 11.5 to 10 with an average CO2 dose of 120 mg/1, while Westerly pH adjust- ment from 10.5 to 7 required 360 mg/1 of CO2. Bishop (9) and Stander (16) both required the addition of coagulant to bring down the CaC03 precipitates. One of the advantages frequently cited for the use of lime in tertiary or advanced waste treatment of secondary effluent is the ability to recalcine and reuse the lime. One investigator has indicated that without a satisfac- tory method for separating the inert solids from the lime, recalcination and reuse is not economically feasible (14). Iron requirements for good clarifi- cation have varied from 20 to 60 mg/1 as Fe, while alum dosages have ranged from 7 to 20 mg/1 as Al. A question which frequently arises concerns the organic removals taking place during the chemical clarification of the wastewater. Table 7 summarizes the reported results from the physical-chemical studies surveyed here. Roughly, removal of anywhere from 50 to 85 percent of the organic matter can be ex- pected, depending on the clarification efficiency and the nature of the waste- water. Since chemical clarification removes suspended and colloidal solids, the remaining organic matter will be almost entirely in the dissolved state.

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