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Applications of Mössbauer Spectroscopy PDF

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Preview Applications of Mössbauer Spectroscopy

Contributors Richard L. Cohen Peter G. Debrunner P. K. Gallagher N. H. Gangas V. I. Goldanskii B. Keisch L. A. Korytko A. Kostikas George Lang Henry Leidheiser, Jr. W. T. Oosterhuis L. H. Schwartz Gary W. Simmons A. Simopoulos K. Spartalian APPLICATIONS OF MÖSSBAUER SPECTROSCOPY Volume I Edited by Richard L. Cohen Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey @ ACADEMIC PRESS New York San Francisco London 1976 A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers COPYRIGHT © 1976, BY BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Applications of Mössbauer spectroscopy. Bibliography: v. 1, p. Includes index. 1. Mössbauer spectroscopy. I. Cohen, Richard Lewis, (date) QC491.A66 537.5'352 75-26349 ISBN 0-12-178401-0 (v. 1) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA List of Contributors Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contributions begin. Richard L. Cohen (1), Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey Peter G. Debrunner (171), Physics Department, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois P. K. Gallagher (199), Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey Ν. H. Gangas (241), University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece V. I. Goldanskii (287), Institute of Chemical Physics, USSR Academy of Science, Moscow, USSR B. Keisch (263), National Gallery of Art Research Project, Carnegie-Mellon Institute of Research, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania L. A. Korytko (287), Institute of Chemical Physics, USSR Academy of Science, Moscow, USSR A. Kostikas (241), Nuclear Research Center Democritos, Athens, Greece George Lang (129), Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State Uni- versity, University Park, Pennsylvania Henry Leidheiser, Jr. (85), Center for Surface and Coatings Research, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania W. T. Oosterhuis (141), t Physics Department, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania L. H. Schwartz (37), Materials Science and Engineering Department, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Gary W. Simmons (85), Center for Surface and Coatings Research, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania A. Simopoulos (241), Nuclear Research Center Democritos, Athens, Greece K. Spartalian (141), î Physics Department, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania f Present address: Division of Materials Research, National Science Foundation, Washing- ton, D.C. % Present address: Physics Department, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. ix Preface The technique of Mössbauer spectroscopy, now 15 years old, is beginning to be used in many analytical and engineering research areas. Many of these efforts in applied science have been highly successful, and we can expect them to form an increasing proportion of the research performed using Mössbauer spectroscopy. The utilization and propagation of these results in new areas has been somewhat hampered by the fact that the experimental techniques, the interpretation of the results, and the significance of the findings are relatively foreign to, for example, an archaeologist or a protein chemist. The main goal of this series will be to make available to scientists and engineers in varied disciplines, in their own terms, a discussion of what results have been achieved by Mössbauer spectroscopy to date, and what additional advances are likely. The emphasis will be on fields often con- sidered in the grouping "materials science." Basic physics and chemistry studies performed by Mössbauer spectroscopy have been extensively re- viewed elsewhere and will be described here only to the extent necessary for the understanding of the applied science. In this first volume, the emphasis is on metallurgy, solid state and in- terface chemistry, and structure of iron-containing proteins. In the second volume, the topics will be extended to include catalysis, studies of disordered systems, and diffusion. xi / Elements of Mössbauer Spectroscopy Richard L. Cohen Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey I. Introduction 1 II. Interpretation of Mössbauer Spectra 4 A. What Does Mössbauer Spectroscopy Measure? 4 Β. Isomer Shift 7 C. Quadrupole Coupling and Magnetic Hyperfine Interaction 10 D. Dynamic Effects—Paramagnetic Hyperfine Structure and Superparamagnetism 18 E. Lineshape and Resonance Intensity 23 III. Experimental Techniques 28 A. Mössbauer Spectrometers, Detectors, and Data Collection 28 B. Data Analysis 29 IV. Limitations and Future Possibilities 30 A. New Isotopes 30 B. Absorber Size and Geometry 31 C. Source Experiments 31 General Bibliography 32 References 32 I. Introduction "Mössbauer spectroscopy" is the name given to a technique of studying the absorption of y rays by the nuclei of atoms. The nuclear pro- cesses producing this effect were first observed and reported by Rudolf L. Mössbauer in 1958 (Mössbauer, 1958). This work immediately attracted wide interest because of the unprecedented sharpness of the resonance observed, which held out great promise for studies of gravitation, relativity, and certain 1 2 Richard L. Cohen areas of nuclear physics. The technique would have been relatively little used, however, if those were the only possible topics for study—the vast majority of experiments performed are in the fields of solid state physics and chemistry, metallurgy, geochemistry, and biophysics. These topics also form the basis of most of the applications-oriented work reviewed in this book. It is easy to describe the processes occurring in nuclear y-ray-resonance spectroscopy. Nuclei are the heavy cores of atoms and are generally con- sidered to be composed of protons and neutrons. The number of protons in the nucleus is the atomic number of the atom, and it determines the chemical properties of the atom. For each element (atomic number), a number of different isotopes, corresponding to different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus, may be stable. These are the naturally occurring isotopes of that element, identified by their mass number (sum of protons and neutrons). Unstable (radioactive) nuclei undergo decay, or transformation, with the emission of various kinds of radiation. Even stable nuclei, however, have excited states, configurations in which the nucleus has some discrete, well-defined quantity of added energy over that present in the stable, or ground state, configuration. These excited states often decay to the nuclear ground state, with the extra energy being emitted in the form of a y ray. Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation, identical in prop- erties to χ rays. They have no electric charge and cannot be deflected by electric or magnetic fields. When y rays pass through matter, they are ab- sorbed or scattered primarily by occasional energetic collisions with elec- trons. Thus, a beam of y rays that initially have the same energy loses its intensity primarily due to the absorption of individual y rays. Those y rays that are not absorbed or scattered out of the beam continue to propagate with their original energy. These facts are important for the present discussion because the basis of the Mössbauer effect is the emission of y rays by radioactive nuclei, and the subsequent reabsorption of these gamma rays by other nuclei of the same type. The nuclear emission and absorption energies are slightly affected by the solids in which the nuclei are incorporated. Using the Mössbauer effect, these tiny energy changes can be measured, and used to deduce information about the surroundings of the nucleus. Figure 1 shows a schematic drawing of the nuclear decay and excitation process. It is worthwhile to emphasize here a number of features of the y-ray resonance absorption process that are implicit in the above description and provide some of the distinctive advantages of the technique. 1. Since nuclear energy levels in the range involved here are so narrow and sharply defined (see Section ΙΙ,Ε,Ι), y rays from any nucleus (e.g., 57Fe) can only be reabsorbed by nuclei of the same type, since any other isotope will have absorption energies (corresponding to excited states) in a different 1 Elements of Mössbauer Spectroscopy 3 NUCLEAR 1 τ <«- EXCITED X n A STATE r Y EMMITTED ABSORBED c w NUCLEAR w » 1 GROUND STATE RADIOACTIVE SOURCE Δ RQOR RPB EMITTING / RAY ABSORBER Fig. 1. Schematic indication of the events occurring in Mössbauer spectroscopy. The horizontal lines represent the nuclear states. The diagram shows (left) the source nucleus going from the excited state to the ground state, emitting a y ray. The y ray is subsequently absorbed (right), raising the absorber nucleus to its excited state. The resonance absorption can be de- tected either by the decreased transmission of the absorber, or by the subsequent decay of the absorber nucleus out of the excited state. energy region. Thus, experiments are absolutely specific to the particular isotope involved, and no cross-interference from other isotopes or elements ever arises. 2. It is possible to incorporate the radioactive source atoms in the mate- rial to be studied and thus combine the advantages of radioactive tracer experiments with those of the Mössbauer technique. Samples containing as few as ~ 1012 probe atoms can thus be studied. 3. Since the resonance absorption is a purely nuclear process, its exis- tence is inherently independent of the properties of the host (e.g., symmetry, metallic character), which sometimes interfere with the use of other resonance techniques. 4. The nuclear energy level perturbations observable using the Möss- bauer effect arise only from the first few nearest-neighbor shells of an ion. Thus, short-range order, over as little as 10-15 Â, is adequate to provide sharp Mössbauer spectra. Glassy materials, disordered alloys, and very finely divided samples can all produce well-defined spectra. 5. Sample preparation is usually very simple—single crystals are not normally necessary, and no special polishing or surface treatment is required. Power samples can be readily utilized. 6. The dependence of the recoil-free fraction (Debye-Waller factor, dis- cussed in Section II,E,2) on the properties of the host lattice allows investi- gation of the Debye temperature and anharmonic binding forces via the temperature dependence of the resonance intensity. 7. Although the technique is in principle limited to studying nuclei in solids, it is often possible to investigate dissolved molecules and com- plexes by freezing the solutions and making measurements on the resulting solid. 4 Richard L. Cohen 8. The existence of chemically, crystallographically, or magnetically in- equivalent sites is generally revealed by the appearance of distinct com- ponents, arising from the different sites, in the Mössbauer spectrum. II. Interpretation of Mössbauer Spectra A. What Does Mössbauer Spectroscopy Measure F A Mössbauer spectrum is normally produced by varying the source y-ray energy and measuring the (nuclear) resonance absorption as a function of y-ray energy, as shown in Fig. 2. At y-ray energies that match the possible excitation energies in nuclei in the absorber, the nuclear resonance will result SOURCE OF / •••• • I MOTION 1 Κ RESONANT ABSORBER COUNTER NO ABSORPTION \ / *t \/ 0- MAXIMUM \J £ "ABSORPTION D ο ο 1 - 0—> + SOURCE VELOCITY Fig. 2. Basic arrangement for measuring a Mössbauer spectrum in transmission geometry. The source is moved to Doppler modulate the γ-ray energy. When the y rays have the proper energy to be resonantly absorbed, the increased absorption produces a decrease in the number of y rays transmitted through the absorber, and the counting rate decreases. 1 Elements of Mössbauer Spectroscopy 5 in increased absorption, and an absorption "line" will occur. This dip (or series of dips) is the Mössbauer spectrum. Chapters 3 and 9 describe resonance scattering experiments in which backscatter geometry (as shown in Fig. 3) is used, rather than transmission SOURCE OF \ Ύ RAYS \ MOTION • Y///M i ff r /^g^S. \J\S^— COUNTER ^ ^ ^ ^ O T ^ -I ^ ^ /^ RESONANT SCATTERER I UJ I ο -~ + SOURCE VELOCITY Fig. 3. Mössbauer spectrometer for backscatter experiments. When the y rays incident on the absorber are the proper energy to be resonantly absorbed, absorber nuclei are raised into their excited states. They subsequently decay, emitting radiation that is detected by the counter. geometry. There are two advantages to this approach. (1) It is possible to study thick samples in situ without the special preparation of a thin layer of the material ; the advantages for the study of a valuable painting or locomotive boiler should be obvious. (2) If the scattering is observed via the emission of secondary radiation of low penetrating power, only the atoms near the surface of the sample will contribute to the observed resonance effect. De- pending on the isotope used and the sample material, surface layers from 0.1 to 1 μιη thick can be studied. The backscatter technique is also useful in cases where the absorber consists of only a very thin layer of material, as in cor- rosion research.

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