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APPLICATIONS OF DOMAIN DECOMPOSITION AND PARTITION OF UNITY METHODS IN PHYSICS AND GEOMETRY MICHAELHOLST ABSTRACT. Weconsideraclassofadaptivemultileveldomaindecomposition-likeal- gorithms, built from a combination of adaptive multilevel finite element, domain de- composition,andpartitionofunitymethods. Thesealgorithmshaveseveralinteresting features such as very low communication requirements, and they inherit a simple and 0 elegantapproximationtheoryframeworkfrompartitionofunitymethods. Theyarealso 1 very easy to use with highly complex sequential adaptive finite element packages, re- 0 quiring little or no modification of the underlying sequential finite element software. 2 Theparallelalgorithmcanbeimplementedasasimpleloopwhichstartsoffasequen- n tial local adaptive solve on a collection of processors simultaneously. We first review a J the Partition of Unity Method (PUM) of Babusˇka and Melenk, and outline the PUM 8 approximation theory framework. We then describe a variant we refer to here as the ParallelPartitionofUnityMethod(PPUM),whichisacombinationofthePartitionof ] Unity Method with the parallel adaptive algorithm of Bank and Holst. We then derive A twoglobalerrorestimatesforPPUM,byexploitingthePUManalysisframeworkitin- N herits,andbyemployingsomerecentlocalestimatesofXuandZhou. Wethendiscuss . aduality-basedvariantofPPUMwhichismoreappropriateforcertainapplications,and h t we derive a suitable variant of the PPUM approximation theory framework. Our im- a plementationofPPUM-typealgorithmsusingtheFETKandMCsoftwarepackagesis m described. WethenpresentashortnumericalexampleinvolvingtheEinsteinconstraints [ arisingingravitationalwavemodels. 1 v CONTENTS 4 6 1. Introduction 1 3 2. ThePartitionofUnityMethod(PUM)ofBabusˇkaandMelenk 2 1 3. AParallelPartitionofUnityMethod(PPUM) 4 . 1 4. Duality-basedPPUM 6 0 5. ImplementationinFETKandMC 9 0 6. Example1: TheEinsteinConstraintsinGravitation 11 1 References 13 : v i X r a 1. INTRODUCTION In this article we consider a class of adaptive multilevel domain decomposition-like algorithms, built from a combination of adaptive multilevel finite element, domain de- composition, and partition of unity methods. These algorithms have several interesting features such as very low communication requirements, and they inherit a simple and elegant approximation theory framework from partition of unity methods. They are also very easy to use with highly complex sequential adaptive finite element packages, re- quiring little or no modification of the underlying sequential finite element software. Theparallelalgorithmcanbeimplementedasasimpleloopwhichstartsoffasequential localadaptivesolveonacollectionofprocessorssimultaneously. Date:September25,2002. TheauthorwassupportedinpartbyNSFCAREERAward9875856,byNSFGrants0225630,0208449, 0112413,andbyaUCSDHellmanFellowship. 1 2 M.HOLST We first review the Partition of Unity Method (PUM) of Babusˇka and Melenk in Sec- tion2,andoutlinethePUMapproximationtheoryframework. InSection3,wedescribe a variant we refer to here as the Parallel Partition of Unity Method (PPUM), which is a combination of the Partition of Unity Method with the parallel adaptive algorithm from [4]. We then derive two global error estimates for PPUM, by exploiting the PUM analysis framework it inherits, and by employing some recent local estimates of Xu and Zhou[22]. Wethendiscussaduality-basedvariantofPPUMinSection4whichismore appropriate for certain applications, and we derive a suitable variant of the PPUM ap- proximationtheoryframework. OurimplementationofPPUM-typealgorithmsusingthe FETK and MC software packages is described in Section 5. We then present a short numericalexampleinSection6involvingtheEinsteinconstraintsarisingingravitational wavemodels. 2. THE PARTITION OF UNITY METHOD (PUM) OF BABUSˇKA AND MELENK We first briefly review the partition of unity method (PUM) of Babusˇka and Me- lenk [1]. Let Ω ⊂ Rd be an open set and let {Ω } be an open cover of Ω with a bounded i localoverlapproperty: Forallx ∈ Ω,thereexistsaconstantM suchthat sup{i|x ∈ Ω } ≤ M. (2.1) i i A Lipschitz partition of unity {φ } subordinate to the cover {Ω } satisfies the following i i fiveconditions: (cid:88) φ (x) ≡ 1, ∀x ∈ Ω, (2.2) i i φ ∈ Ck(Ω)∀i, (k ≥ 0), (2.3) i suppφ ⊂ Ω , ∀i, (2.4) i i (cid:107)φ (cid:107) ≤ C , ∀i, (2.5) i L∞(Ω) ∞ C G (cid:107)∇φ (cid:107) ≤ , ∀i. (2.6) i L∞(Ω) diam(Ω ) i Severalexplicitconstructionsofpartitionsofunitysatisfying(2.2)–(2.6)exist. Thesim- plest construction in the case of a polygon Ω ⊂ Rd employs global C0 piecewise linear finite element basis functions defined on a simplex mesh subdivision S of Ω. The {Ω } i are first built by first constructing a disjoint partitioning {Ω◦} of S using e.g. spectral or i inertial bisection [4]. Each of the disjoint Ω◦ are extended to define Ω by considering i i all boundary vertices of Ω◦; all simplices of neighboring Ω◦, j (cid:54)= i which are contained i j in the boundary vertex 1-rings of Ω◦ are added to Ω◦ to form Ω . This procedure pro- i i i duces the smallest overlap for the {Ω }, such that the properties (2.2)–(2.5) are satisfied i by the resulting {φ } built from the nodal C0 piecewise linear finite element basis func- i tions. Property (2.6) is also satisfied, but C will depend on the diameter of the overlap G simplices. More sophisticated constructions with superior properties are possible; see e.g.[8,19]. (cid:80) The partition of unity method (PUM) builds an approximation u = φ v where ap i i i thev aretakenfromthelocalapproximationspaces: i V ⊂ Ck(Ω∩Ω ) ⊂ H1(Ω∩Ω ), ∀i, (k ≥ 0). (2.7) i i i Thefollowingsimplelemmamakespossibleseveralusefulresults. APPLICATIONSOFDDANDPUMINPHYSICSANDGEOMETRY 3 Lemma2.1. Letw,w ∈ H1(Ω)withsuppw ⊆ Ω∩Ω . Then i i i (cid:88) (cid:107)w(cid:107)2 ≤ M(cid:107)w(cid:107)2 , k = 0,1 Hk(Ωi) Hk(Ω) i (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:107) w (cid:107)2 ≤ M (cid:107)w (cid:107)2 , k = 0,1 i Hk(Ω) i Hk(Ω∩Ωi) i i Proof. Theprooffollowsfrom(2.1)and(2.2)–(2.6);see[1]. (cid:3) ThebasicapproximationpropertiesofPUMfollowingfrom2.1areasfollows. Theorem 2.2 (Babusˇka and Melenk [1]). If the local spaces V have the following ap- i proximationproperties: (cid:107)u−v (cid:107) ≤ (cid:15) (i), ∀i, i L2(Ω∩Ωi) 0 (cid:107)∇(u−v )(cid:107) ≤ (cid:15) (i), ∀i, i L2(Ω∩Ωi) 1 thenthefollowingaprioriglobalerrorestimateshold: (cid:32) (cid:33)1/2 √ (cid:88) (cid:107)u−u (cid:107) ≤ MC (cid:15)2(i) , ap L2(Ω) ∞ 0 i √ (cid:32)(cid:88)(cid:18) C (cid:19)2 (cid:33)1/2 (cid:107)∇(u−u )(cid:107) ≤ 2M G (cid:15)2(i)+C2 (cid:15)2(i) . ap L2(Ω) diam(Ω ) 1 ∞ 0 i i (cid:80) Proof. This follows from Lemma 2.1 by taking u − u = φ (u − v ) and then by ap i i i usingw = φ (u−v )inLemma2.1. (cid:3) i i i Considernowthefollowinglinearellipticproblem: −∇·(a∇u) = f inΩ, (2.8) u = 0on∂Ω, wherea ∈ W1,∞(Ω),f ∈ L2(Ω),a ξ ξ ≥ a > 0,∀ξ (cid:54)= 0,whereΩ ⊂ Rd isaconvex ij ij i j 0 i polyhedraldomain. Aweakformulationis: Findu ∈ H1(Ω)suchthat(cid:104)F(u),v(cid:105) = 0, ∀v ∈ H1(Ω), (2.9) 0 0 where (cid:90) (cid:90) (cid:104)F(u),v(cid:105) = a∇u·∇v dx− fv dx. Ω Ω AgeneralGalerkinapproximationisthesolutiontothesubspaceproblem: Findu ∈ V ⊂ H1(Ω)s.t.(cid:104)F(u ),v(cid:105) = 0, ∀v ∈ V ⊂ H1(Ω). (2.10) ap 0 ap 0 With PUM, the subspace V for the Galerkin approximation is taken to be the globally coupledPUMspace(cf.[8]): (cid:40) (cid:41) (cid:88) V = v |v = φ v , v ∈ V ⊂ H1(Ω), i i i i i Iferrorestimatesareavailableforthequalityofthelocalsolutionsproducedinthelocal spaces,thenthePUMapproximationtheoryframeworkgiveninTheorem2.2guarantees aglobalsolutionquality. 4 M.HOLST 3. A PARALLEL PARTITION OF UNITY METHOD (PPUM) Anewapproachtotheuseofparallelcomputerswithadaptivefiniteelementmethods was presented recently in [4]. The following variant of the algorithm in [4] is described in [9], which we refer to as the Parallel Partition of Unity Method (or PPUM). This variant replaces the final global smoothing iteration in [4] with a reconstruction based on Babusˇka and Melenk’s original Partition of Unity Method [1], which provides some additionalapproximationtheorystructure. Algorithm(PPUM-ParallelPartitionofUnityMethod[4,9]) (1) Discretizeandsolvetheproblemusingaglobalcoarsemesh. (2) Compute a posteriori error estimates using the coarse solution, and decomposethemeshtoachieveequalerrorusingweightedspectral orinertialbisection. (3) Give the entire mesh to a collection of processors, where each pro- cessor will perform a completely independent multilevel adaptive solve,restrictinglocalrefinementtoonlyanassignedportionofthe domain. The portion of the domain assigned to each processor co- incideswithoneofthedomainsproducedbyspectralbisectionwith some overlap (produced by conformity algorithms, or by explicitly enforcing substantial overlap). When a processor has reached an errortolerancelocally,computationstopsonthatprocessor. (4) Combine the independently produced solutions using a partition of unitysubordinatetotheoverlappingsubdomains. WhilethePPUMalgorithmseemstoignoretheglobalcouplingoftheellipticproblem, recent results on local error estimation [22], as well as some not-so-recent results on interior estimates [17], support this as provably good in some sense. The principle idea underlying the results in [17, 22] is that while elliptic problems are globally coupled, this global coupling is essentially a “low-frequency” coupling, and can be handled on the initial mesh which is much coarser than that required for approximation accuracy considerations. This idea has been exploited, for example, in [21, 22], and is why the construction of a coarse problem in overlapping domain decomposition methods is the key to obtaining convergence rates which are independent of the number of subdomains (c.f. [20]). An example showing the types of local refinements that occur within each subdomainisdepictedinFigure1. FIGURE 1. ExampleshowingthetypesoflocalrefinementscreatedbyPPUM. To illustrate how PPUM can produce a quality global solution, we will give a global error estimate for PPUM solutions. This analysis can also be found in [9]. We can view (cid:80) PPUMasbuildingaPUMapproximationu = φ v wherethev aretakenfromthe pp i i i i APPLICATIONSOFDDANDPUMINPHYSICSANDGEOMETRY 5 localspaces: V = X Vg ⊂ Ck(Ω∩Ω ) ⊂ H1(Ω∩Ω ), ∀i, (k ≥ 0), (3.1) i i i i i whereX isthecharacteristicfunctionforΩ ,andwhere i i Vg ⊂ Ck(Ω) ⊂ H1(Ω), ∀i, (k ≥ 0). (3.2) i In PPUM, the global spaces Vg in (3.1)–(3.2) are built from locally enriching an initial i coarse global space V by locally adapting the finite element mesh on which V is built. 0 0 (This is in contrast to classical overlapping Schwarz methods where local spaces are often built through enrichment of V by locally adapting the mesh on which V is built, 0 0 and then removing the portions of the mesh exterior to the adapted region.) The PUM spaceV isthen (cid:40) (cid:41) (cid:88) V = v |v = φ v , v ∈ V i i i i i (cid:40) (cid:41) (cid:88) (cid:88) = v |v = φ X vg = φ vg, vg ∈ Vg ⊂ H1(Ω). i i i i i i i i i In contrast to the approach in PUM where one seeks a global Galerkin solution in the PUM space as in (2.10), the PPUM algorithm described here and in [9] builds a global approximationu tothesolutionto(2.9)fromdecoupledlocalGalerkinsolutions: pp (cid:88) (cid:88) u = φ u = φ ug, (3.3) pp i i i i i i whereeachug satisfies: i Findug ∈ Vg suchthat(cid:104)F(ug),vg(cid:105) = 0, ∀vg ∈ Vg. (3.4) i i i i i i We have the following global error estimate for the approximation u in (3.3) built pp from(3.4)usingthelocalPPUMparallelalgorithm. Theorem 3.1. Assume the solution to (2.8) satisfies u ∈ H1+α(Ω), α > 0, that quasi- uniform meshes of sizes h and H > h are used for Ω0 and Ω\Ω0 respectively, and that i i diam(Ω ) ≥ 1/Q > 0 ∀i. If the local solutions are built from C0 piecewise linear finite i elements,thentheglobalsolutionu in(3.3)producedbyAlgorithmPPUMsatisfiesthe pp followingglobalerrorbounds: √ (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:107)u−u (cid:107) ≤ PMC C hα +C H1+α , pp L2(Ω) ∞ 1 2 (cid:113) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:107)∇(u−u )(cid:107) ≤ 2PM(Q2C2 +C2 ) C hα +C H1+α , pp L2(Ω) G ∞ 1 2 whereP =numberoflocalspacesV . Further,ifH ≤ hα/(1+α) then: i √ (cid:107)u−u (cid:107) ≤ PMC max{C ,C }hα, pp L2(Ω) ∞ 1 2 (cid:113) (cid:107)∇(u−u )(cid:107) ≤ 2PM(Q2C2 +C2 )max{C ,C }hα, pp L2(Ω) G ∞ 1 2 sothatthesolutionproducedbyAlgorithmPPUMisofoptimalorderintheH1-norm. Proof. Viewing PPUM as a PUM gives access to the a priori estimates in Theorem 2.2; theserequirelocalestimatesoftheform: (cid:107)u−u (cid:107) = (cid:107)u−ug(cid:107) ≤ (cid:15) (i), i L2(Ω∩Ωi) i L2(Ω∩Ωi) 0 (cid:107)∇(u−u )(cid:107) = (cid:107)∇(u−ug)(cid:107) ≤ (cid:15) (i). i L2(Ω∩Ωi) i L2(Ω∩Ωi) 1 6 M.HOLST Such local a priori estimates are available for problems of the form (2.8) [17, 22]. They canbeshowntotakethefollowingform: (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:107)u−ug(cid:107) ≤ C inf (cid:107)u−v0(cid:107) +(cid:107)u−ug(cid:107) i H1(Ωi∩Ω) v0∈V0 i H1(Ω0i∩Ω) i L2(Ω) i i where V0 ⊂ Ck(Ω0 ∩Ω) ⊂ H1(Ω ∩Ω), i i i andwhere (cid:92) Ω ⊂⊂ Ω0, Ω = Ω0 Ω0, |Ω | ≈ |Ω | ≈ |Ω |. i i ij i i ij i j Since we assume u ∈ H1+α(Ω), α > 0, and since quasi-uniform meshes of sizes h and H > hareusedforΩ0 andΩ\Ω0 respectively,wehave: i i (cid:16) (cid:17)1/2 (cid:107)u−ug(cid:107) = (cid:107)u−ug(cid:107)2 +(cid:107)∇(u−ug)(cid:107)2 i H1(Ωi∩Ω) i L2(Ωi∩Ω) i L2(Ωi∩Ω) ≤ C hα +C H1+α. 1 2 I.e., in this setting we can use (cid:15) (i) = (cid:15) (i) = C hα + C H1+α. The a priori PUM 0 1 1 2 estimatesinTheorem2.2thenbecome: (cid:32) (cid:33)1/2 √ (cid:88) (cid:107)u−u (cid:107) ≤ MC (C hα +C H1+α)2 , pp L2(Ω) ∞ 1 2 i √ (cid:107)∇(u−u )(cid:107) ≤ 2M pp L2(Ω) (cid:32)(cid:34)(cid:88)(cid:18) C (cid:19)2 (cid:35) (cid:33)1/2 · G +C2 (C hα +C H1+α)2 . diam(Ω ) ∞ 1 2 i i IfP =numberoflocalspacesV ,andifdiam(Ω ) ≥ 1/Q > 0∀i,thisissimply: i i √ (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:107)u−u (cid:107) ≤ PMC C hα +C H1+α , pp L2(Ω) ∞ 1 2 (cid:113) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:107)∇(u−u )(cid:107) ≤ 2PM(Q2C2 +C2 ) C hα +C H1+α . pp L2(Ω) G ∞ 1 2 If H ≤ hα/(1+α) then u from PPUM is asymptotically as good as a global Galerkin pp solutionwhentheerrorismeasuredintheH1-norm. (cid:3) Local versions of Theorem 3.1 appear in [22] for a variety of related parallel algo- rithms. Note that the local estimates in [22] hold more generally for nonlinear versions of (2.8), so that Theorem 3.1 can be shown to hold in a more general setting. Finally, it should be noted that improving the estimates in the L2-norm is not generally possible; the required local estimates simply do not hold. Improving the solution quality in the L2-norm generally requires more global information. However, for some applications one is more interested in a quality approximation of the gradient or the energy of the solutionratherthantothesolutionitself. 4. DUALITY-BASED PPUM We first briefly review a standard approach to the use of duality methods in error estimation. (cf. [6, 7] for a more complete discussion). Consider the weak formula- tion (2.9) involving a possibly nonlinear differential operator F : H1(Ω) (cid:55)→ H−1(Ω), 0 APPLICATIONSOFDDANDPUMINPHYSICSANDGEOMETRY 7 and a Galerkin approximation u satisfying (2.10). If F ∈ C1, the generalized Taylor ap expansionexists: (cid:26)(cid:90) 1 (cid:27) F(u+h) = F(u)+ DF(u+ξh)dξ h. 0 Withe = u−u ,andwithF(u) = 0,leadstothelinearizederrorequation: ap F(u ) = F(u−e) = F(u)+A(u −u) = −Ae, ap ap wherethelinearizationoperatorAisdefinedas: (cid:90) 1 A = DF(u+ξh)dξ. 0 Assume now we are interested in a linear functional of the error l(e) = (cid:104)e,ψ(cid:105), where ψ is the (assumed accessible) Riesz-representer of l(·). If φ ∈ H1(Ω) is the solution to the 0 linearizeddualproblem: ATφ = ψ, then we can exploit the linearization operator A and its adjoint AT to give the following identity: (cid:104)e,ψ(cid:105) = (cid:104)e,ATφ(cid:105) = (cid:104)Ae,φ(cid:105) = −(cid:104)F(u ),φ(cid:105). (4.1) ap If we can compute an approximation φ ∈ V ⊂ H1(Ω) to the linearized dual problem ap 0 thenwecanestimatetheerrorbycombiningthiswiththe(computable)residualF(u ): ap |(cid:104)e,ψ(cid:105)| = |(cid:104)F(u ),φ(cid:105)| = |(cid:104)F(u ),φ−φ (cid:105)|, ap ap ap where the last term is a result of (2.10). The term on the right is then estimated locally using assumptions on the quality of the approximation φ and by various numerical ap techniques; cf. [6]. The local estimates are then used to drive adaptive mesh refinement. This type of duality-based error estimation has been shown to be useful for certain ap- plications in engineering and other areas where accuracy in a linear functional of the solutionisimportant,butaccuracyinthesolutionitselfisnot(cf.[7]). Considernowthistypeoferrorestimationinthecontextofdomaindecompositionand PPUM.Givenalinearornonlinearweakformulationasin(2.9),weareinterestedinthe solutionuaswellasintheerrorinPPUMapproximationsu asdefinedin(3.3)–(3.4). If pp agloballinearfunctionall(u−u )oftheerroru−u isofinterestratherthantheerror pp pp itself,thenwecanformulateavariantofthePPUMparallelalgorithmwhichhasinsome sense a more general approximation theory framework than that of the previous section. Therearenoassumptionsbeyondsolvabilityofthelocalproblemsandoftheglobaldual problems with localized data, and perhaps some minimal smoothness assumptions on thedualsolution. Inparticular,thetheorydoesnotrequirelocalapriorierrorestimates; the local a priori estimates are replaced by solving global dual problem problems with localized data, and then incorporating the dual solutions explictly into the a posteriori errorestimate. Asaresult,thelargeoverlapassumptionneededforthelocalestimatesin theproofofTheorem3.1isunnecessary. Similarly,thelargeoverlapassumptionneeded toachievetheboundedgradientproperty(2.6)isnolongerneeded. The following result gives a global bound on a linear functional of the error based on satisfyinglocalcomputableaposterioriboundsinvolvinglocalizeddualproblems. Theorem 4.1. Let {φ } be a partition of unity subordinate to a cover {Ω }. If ψ is i i the Riesz-representer for a linear functional l(u), then the functional of the error in the 8 M.HOLST PPUMapproximationu from(3.3)satisfies pp p (cid:88) l(u−u ) = − (cid:104)F(ug),ω (cid:105), pp i i k=1 where ug are the solutions to the subspace problems in (3.4), and where the ω are the i i solutionstothefollowingglobaldualproblemswithlocalizeddata: Findω ∈ H1(Ω)suchthat(ATω ,v) = (φ ψ,v) , ∀v ∈ H1(Ω). (4.2) i 0 i L2(Ω) i L2(Ω) 0 Moreover,ifthelocalresidualF(ug),weightedbythelocalizeddualsolutionω ,satisfies i i thefollowingerrortoleranceineachsubspace: (cid:15) |(cid:104)F(ug),ω (cid:105)| < , i = 1,...,p (4.3) i i p thenthelinearfunctionaloftheglobalerroru−u satisfies pp |l(u−u )| < (cid:15). (4.4) pp Proof. Withl(u−u ) = (u−u ,ψ) ,thelocalizedrepresentationcomesfrom: pp pp L2(Ω) p p p (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (u−u ,ψ) = ( φ u− φ ug,ψ) = (φ (u−ug),ψ) . pp L2(Ω) i i i L2(Ω) i i L2(Ω∩Ωi) k=1 i=1 k=1 From (4.1) and (4.2), each term in the sum can be written in terms of the local residual F(ug)asfollows: i (φ (u−ug),ψ) = (u−ug,φ ψ) i i L2(Ω∩Ωi) i i L2(Ω∩Ωi) = (u−ug,ATω ) i i L2(Ω) = (A(u−ug),ω ) i i L2(Ω) = −(F(ug),ω ) . i i L2(Ω) Thisgivesthen p p (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:15) |(u−u ,ψ) | ≤ |(cid:104)F(ug),ψ(cid:105)| < = (cid:15). pp L2(Ω) i p k=1 k=1 (cid:3) We will make a few additional remarks about the parallel adaptive algorithm which arises naturally from Theorem 4.1. Unlike the case in Theorem 3.1, the constants C ∞ andC in (2.5) and(2.6) do not impact the errorestimate in Theorem 4.1, removing the G need for the a priori large overlap assumptions. Moreover, local a priori estimates are not required either, removing a second separate large overlap assumption that must be made to prove results such as Theorem 3.1. Using large overlap of a priori unknown size to satisfy the requirements for Theorem 3.1 seems unrealistic for implementations. On the other hand, no such a priori assumptions are required to use the result in Theo- rem 4.1 as the basis for a parallel adaptive algorithm. One simply solves the local dual problems (4.2) on each processor independently, adapts the mesh on each processor in- dependentlyuntilthecomputablelocalerrorestimatesatisfiesthetolerance(4.3),which thenguaranteesthatthefunctionaloftheglobalerrormeetsthetargetin(4.4). Whether such a duality-based approach will produce an efficient parallel algorithm is not at all clear; however, it is at least a mechanism for decomposing the solution to an elliptic problem over a number of subdomains. Note that ellipticity is not used in Theorem 4.1, so that the approach is also likely reasonable for other classes of PDE. APPLICATIONSOFDDANDPUMINPHYSICSANDGEOMETRY 9 These questions, together with a number of related duality-based decomposition algo- rithms are examined in more detail in [5]. The analysis in [5] is based on a different approach involving estimates of Green function decay rather than through partition of unitymethods. 5. IMPLEMENTATION IN FETK AND MC OurimplementationsareperformedusingFETKandMC(see[9]foramorecomplete discussionofMCandFETK). MCistheadaptivemultilevelfiniteelementsoftwareker- nel within FETK, a large collection of collaboratively developed finite element software tools based at UC San Diego (see www.fetk.org). MC is written in ANSI C (as is most of FETK), and is designed to produce highly accurate numerical solutions to non- linear covariant elliptic systems of tensor equations on 2- and 3-manifolds in an optimal ornearly-optimalway. MC employsaposteriorierrorestimation,adaptivesimplexsub- division,unstructuredalgebraicmultilevelmethods,globalinexactNewtonmethods,and numerical continuation methods. Several of the features of MC are somewhat unusual, allowing for the treatment of very general nonlinear elliptic systems of tensor equations on domains with the structure of (Riemannian) 2- and 3-manifolds. Some of these fea- turesare: • Abstraction of the elliptic system: The elliptic system is defined only through a nonlinear weak form over the domain manifold, along with an associated lin- earization form, also defined everywhere on the domain manifold (precisely the forms(cid:104)F(u),v(cid:105)and(cid:104)DF(u)w,v(cid:105)inthediscussionsabove). • Abstractionofthedomainmanifold: Thedomainmanifoldisspecifiedbygiving a polyhedral representation of the topology, along with an abstract set of coor- dinate labels of the user’s interpretation, possibly consisting of multiple charts. MC works only with the topology of the domain, the connectivity of the poly- hedral representation. The geometry of the domain manifold is provided only throughtheformdefinitions,whichcontainthemanifoldmetricinformation. • Dimensionindependence: Exactlythesamecodepathsin MC aretakenforboth two- and three-dimensional problems (as well as for higher-dimensional prob- lems). To achieve this dimension independence, MC employs the simplex as its fundamentalgeometricalobjectfordefiningfiniteelementbases. As a consequence of the abstract weak form approach to defining the problem, the com- pletedefinitionofacomplexnonlineartensorsystemsuchaslargedeformationnonlinear elasticity requires writing only a few hundred lines of C to define the two weak forms. Changing to a different tensor system (e.g. the example later in the paper involving the constraintsintheEinsteinequations)involvesprovidingonlyadifferentdefinitionofthe formsandadifferentdomaindescription. A datastructure referred to as the ringed-vertex (cf. [9]) is used to represent meshes of d-simplices of arbitrary topology. This datastructure is illustrated in Figure 2. The ringed-vertex datastructure is similar to the winged-edge, quad-edge, and edge-facet datastructures commonly used in the computational geometry community for represent- ing2-manifolds[15],butitcanbeusedmoregenerallytorepresentarbitraryd-manifolds, d ≥ 2. It maintains a mesh of d-simplices with near minimal storage, yet for shape- regular (non-degenerate) meshes, it provides O(1)-time access to all information neces- sary for refinement, un-refinement, and Petrov-Galerkin discretization of a differential operator. The ringed-vertex datastructure also allows for dimension independent imple- mentations of mesh refinement and mesh manipulation, with one implementation (the 10 M.HOLST f . p (cid:160)(p) s (cid:160)(p) 2 1 . . Rd (cid:160)2((cid:160)1⌧1((cid:160)1(p))) Rd (cid:116) (cid:116) f s FIGURE 2. Polyhedral manifold representation. The figure on the left shows two overlapping polyhedral (vertex) charts consisting of the two rings of simplices around two vertices sharing an edge. The region con- sisting of the two darkened triangles around the face f is denoted ω , f and represents the overlap of the two vertex charts. Polyhedral manifold topologyisrepresentedbyMCusingtheringed-vertex(orRIVER)datas- tructure. Thedatastructureisillustratedforagivensimplexsinthefigure on the right; the topology primitives are vertices and d-simplices. The collectionofthesimpliceswhichmeetthesimplexsatitsvertices(which thenincludesthosesimplicesthatsharefacesaswell)isdenotedasω . s samecodepath)coveringarbitrarydimensiond. Aninterestingfeatureofthisdatastruc- tureisthattheCstructuresusedforvertices,simplices,andedgesarealloffixedsize,so thatafastarray-basedimplementationispossible,asopposedtoaless-efficientlist-based approachcommonlytakenforfiniteelementimplementationsonunstructuredmeshes. A detailed description of the ringed-vertex datastructure, along with a complexity analysis ofvarioustraversalalgorithms,canbefoundin[9]. OurmodificationstoMCtoimplementPPUMareminimal,andaredescribedindetail in[4]. Thesemodificationsinvolveprimarilyforcingtheerrorindicatortoignoreregions outsidethesubdomainassignedtotheparticularprocessor. Theimplementationdoesnot formanexplicitpartitionofunityorafinalglobalsolution;thesolutionmustbeevaluated locally by locating the disjoint subdomain containing the physical region of interest, and then by using the solution produced by the processor assigned to that particular subdomain. Note that forming a global conforming mesh as needed to build a global partition of unity is possible even in a very loosely coupled parallel environment, due to thedeterministicnatureofthebisection-basedalgorithmsweuseforsimplexsubdivision (see [9]). For example, if bisection by longest edge (supplemented with tie-breaking) is used to subdivide any simplex that is refined on any processor, then the progeny types, shapes, and configurations can be predicted in a completely determinstic way. If two simplicessharefacesacrossasubdomainboundary,thentheyareeithercompatible(their triangularfacesexactlymatch),oroneofthesimpliceshasbeenbisectedmoretimesthan itsneighbor. Byexchangingonlythegenerationnumbersbetweensubdomains,aglobal conformingmeshcanbereachedusingonlyadditionalbisection.

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