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Preview Application of self-consistent $α$ method to improve the performance of model exchange potentials

Application of self-consistent α method to improve the performance of model exchange potentials Valentin V. Karasiev,1,∗ Eduardo V. Luden˜a,1 and Art¨em E. Masunov2 1Centro de Qu´ımica, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cient´ıficas, Apartado 21827, Caracas 1020-A, Venezuela 2NanoScience Technology Center, Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics, University of Central Florida, 12424 Research Parkway, Orlando, Florida 32826 (Dated: 17 October2009) 2 Self interaction error remains an impotrant problem in density functional theory. A number of 1 approximations to exact exchange aimed to correct for this error while retainining computational 0 efficiencyhadbeensuggestedrecently. Wepresentacriticalcomparisonbetweenmodelexchangepo- 2 tentialsgeneratedthroughtheapplicationoftheasymptotically-adjustedself-consistentα,AASCα, n method and BJ effective exchange potential advanced in [A.D. Becke and E.R. Johnson, J. Chem. a Phys. 124, 221101 (2006)] and [V.N. Staroverov, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 134103 (2008)]. In particu- J lar we discuss their compliance with coordinate-scaling, virial and functional derivativeconditions. 9 We discuss the application of the AASCα method to generate the AA-BJ potential. A numerical 2 comparison is carried out through the implementation of a fully-numerical diatomic molecule code yielding molecular virial energies and ionization potentials approximated by the energies of the ] h HOMO orbitals. It is shown that some of the shortcomings of these model potentials, such as the p non-compliancewiththeLevy-Perdewvirialrelation,maybeeliminatedbymultiplyingtheresponse - termbyanorbital-dependentfunctionalα,whichcanbesimplifiedtoaconstantdeterminedduring m theself-consistent procedure (self-consistent α). e h PACSnumbers: c . s I. INTRODUCTION tial related to an approximate (and arbitrary) exchange c i functional Ex0[ρ] = d3rρ(r)ǫ0x([ρ];r) yielding the local ys Animportantproblemarisingintheapplicationofthe exchange potential vRx0(r) = δEx0[ρ]/δρ; (however, more h Kohn-Sham equations is that of the construction of the generally,theresponsetermv˜r0esp alsomaybemodelled). p local exact exchange potential. In principle, this poten- In Eq. (1), αx[{ψi}] is the functional [ tial can be exactly calculated following the procedure 1 outlined in the OEP method. [1–9] However, in prac- α [{ψ }]= Ex[{ψi}]−ExLP vS([ρ]),ρ (2) v tice, there are a number of difficult numerical imped- x i ExLP v˜r0esp([(cid:2)ρ]),ρ (cid:3) 8 iments that bar the way to the realization of this ex- (cid:2) (cid:3) 3 actapproach[10–13]inadditiontosomedeeperproblems where Ex[{ψi}] is the exact orbital expression for 0 stemmingfromgeneralinstabilitiesofKohn-Shampoten- the exchange energy, and ExLP v([ρ];r),ρ(r) = 6 tials in finite dimensional subspaces.[13] d3rv(r)[3ρ(r)+r·∇ρ(r)])istheLevy(cid:2)-Perdewexpre(cid:3)ssion . 1 For this reason, particularly in recent years, much at- Rfor the exchange energy functional corresponding to the 0 tention has been devoted to the development of alterna- potential v(r) [25, 26]. The local potential given by Eq. 2 tive local-exchange potentials which are simple to apply (1)iscalled“asymptoticallyadjusted” becausewhilethe 1 but which at the same time yield sufficiently accurate first term guarantees the correct asymptotic behavior of : v results.[3, 14–23] −1/r for large r the second term does not contribute in Xi A few years ago, we introduced such an approach, the asymptotic region. which we called the “asymptotically-adjusted self- The second characteristic follows from Eq. (2): r a consistentα” (AA-SCα)method. Althoughthedetailed E [{ψ }] = E v ([ρ]),ρ +α [{ψ }]E v˜0 ([ρ]),ρ theoretical justification for this method is presented in x i xLP S x i xLP resp Ref. [24], we comment here on two of its characteristics. ≡ EAAS(cid:2)Cα[{ψ }] (cid:3) (cid:2) (3(cid:3)) x i The first is that in the AA-SCα method the following The variationalderivative of this functionalwith respect model potential is postulated: to the Kohn-Sham orbital yields: vAASCα(r)=v (r)+α [{ψ }]v˜0 (r) (1) x S x i resp δEAASCα[{ψ }] x i = vAASCα(r)+∆v (r) ψ (r) (4) where vS(r) is the local Slater potential and where δψj (cid:18) x x (cid:19) j v˜r0esp(r) = vx0(r) −2ǫ0x([ρ];r) is a local response poten- where ∆v (r)ψ (r) = [v (r)−v (r)−b α v˜0 (r)]ψ (r) x j xj S x resp j is a non-local correction to the vAASCα(r) potential. It x has beenbshown [24] tbhat the contribution of ∆v (r) x ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected]fl.edu to the energy is ∆Ex[{ψi}] = 0 where ∆Ex[{ψi}] = b 2 E [{ψ }] − E [v ] − α [{ψ }]E [v˜0 ]. Hence, the E v ([ρ ]),ρ +α E v˜0 ([ρ ]),ρ andthe fact x i xLP S x i xLP resp xLP S λ λ x xLP resp λ λ omission of ∆vx(r) in the Kohn-Sham equation only af- that (cid:2)δExAASCα[ρλ(cid:3)] = λδExA(cid:2)ASCα[ρ], and (cid:3)following the fectsthequalityoftheconvergedorbitalsbutitdoesnot same arguments as in Ref. [28], it can be readily shown change the expbression for the energy. that vAASCα(r) also satisfies the scaling property. x The AASCα method has been applied previously to In the case of the potentials introduced by Becke and improve the potentials and energies of several DFT ex- Johnson [20] and Staroverov [23], it is clear that they change functionals. In particular, we have analyzed the satisfy the scaling requirement. However, the fact that improvements brought about by this method with re- thesepotentialsdonotsatisfytheLevy-Perdewcondition spect to the LDA and PW91 functionals and proposed implies that the virialrelationin the Born-Oppenheimer two models for v˜r0esp term [24]. approximation[29]isnotsatisfiedeither(seeRef. [30]for However, quite recently a very simple potential de- details). Moreover,as a consequenceofthis, “thereis no noted as the BJ effective exchange potential has been unique choice of functional for the evaluation of the ex- proposed in a heuristic way by Becke and Johnson[20]. changeenergy”forstructureoptimizationortotalenergy ThispotentialcontainsaSlatertermplusalocalresponse comparison (see Ref. [31], where the Becke-Johnson po- one. ThisworkhasbeenextendedbyStaroverov[23]who tentialwasemployedforbandgapcalculationsinsolids). hasadvancedafamilyofmodelpotentialswhichhavethe Also in the case of the BJ and other model potentials form of a Slater potential plus a response term which is discussed in[20, 23], the third requirement from [27, 28], modeled. In all these cases the energy is evaluated using namely,thatthemodelpotentialmustcorrespondtothe the exactexpressionEx[{ψi}] for the exchange function- functionalderivativeofthemodelfunctionalwithrespect als constructedfromthe N occupiedorbitalswhich have to the density is not satisfied. self-consistentlyconvergedforthegivenmodelpotential. We denote as in Ref. [23] by E the total energy conv In the present work, due to the similarities between computed with the exact exchange expression E [{ψ }] x i this family ofpotentials andthe AASCα one, wemake a using the converged orbitals and by E the corre- vir criticalcomparisonbetweenthesepotentials. Wealsoap- spondingonewhichincludestheLevy-Perdewexpression ply the AASCα method using the model exchange func- E [v ,ρ] for exchange. Since for the BJ and related xLP x tional associated with the BJ potential to generate the potentials E [{ψ }] 6= E [v ,ρ] the total energy val- x i xLP x AA-BJone. Thesystemschosenforthe presentcompar- ues E and E are also different. The claims that conv vir isonaresomeselecteddiatomicmolecules. Weshowthat “(E −E ) gives an indication of how close v is to vir conv xσ applicationofthe AASCα methoddoesindeedbringim- the exact functional derivative”[23] or that it serves as provements, albeit slight, on both the BJ energies and anindicationoftheaccuracyofthecalculationitself(see ionization potentials. Also, we show that it yields in- Ref. [32]) do not seemto holdgenerally,as there are ap- ternucleardistancesthatareinexcellentagreementwith proximate KS exchange potentials (such as the AASCα the exact Kohn-Sham x-only results. one, for example), which while differing from the exact one, yield, nonetheless, E =E . vir conv In the present article, in order to compare the results II. COMPARISON WITH THE BJ AND obtained using the AASCα model with those coming RELATED MODELS from the BJ and related potentials, we provide numeri- calvalues,inparticular,fordiatomicmolecules. Inorder There are three formal conditions that the exact op- to carry out this numerical comparison, the BJ effective timized effective potential (OEP) for exchange must model potentials proposed in [20] and [23] were imple- satisfy[27,28]. These are: the variationalderivative con- mented in a fully-numerical diatomic molecule code [34] dition, the virial relation, and the scaling requirement. (duetoitsnumericalinstabilitystemmingfrom“trouble- Quite clearly,the AASCα localpotential vAASCα(r) is some ”, terms, a fact that was corroborated in our test x an approximate one and, hence, it does not satisfy all calculations, the gradient-corrected model [23] was not three of these conditions. As it is shown in Eq. (4), implemented). the variational derivative of EAASCα[{ψ }] with respect For completeness, we include some results obtained in x i to ψ yields the potential vAASCα(r)+∆v (r). Let us the context of the GLLB model proposed in Ref. [14], i x x emphasize, however, that ∆v (r) does not contribute the localized Hartree-Fock (LHF) model [15, 33], and x to the exchange energy, omission of thisbterm in the thecommonenergydenominatorapproximation(CEDA) Kohn-Sham equation makes tbhe local potential vAASCα [35]. We compare these results with those of the BJ and x the approximate one. With respect to the virial rela- related potentials as well as with the AA-BJ ones ob- tion, it follows from the definition of vAASCα(r) given tained by applying the AASCα model to the BJ func- x by Eq. (1) that vAASCα(r) satisfies by construction tional. It is shown that the AA-BJ results are only x the Levy-Perdew virial condition. Also, it is easy to slightly improved due to this application. We also in- show using the fact that both E [ρ ] = λE [ρ] and clude some previous AASCα model results obtained for x λ x E v([ρ ]),ρ = λE v([ρ]),ρ that α [{ψ }], as the PW91 andGLLB modelfunctionals (in particularof xLP λ λ xLP x i define(cid:2)d by Eq. (cid:3)(2), is invar(cid:2)iant und(cid:3)er coordinate scal- the AA-PW91 and AA-m2 types, see Ref. [24]). These ing (does not depend on λ). Then using EAASCα[ρ ] = resultsshowthatallthesemodelsareclosertoEXXthan x λ 3 the BJ or AA-BJ ones in the case ofdiatomic molecules. Kohn-Sham potential. The asymptotically-adjusted po- tentials based on the DFT approximation for the re- sponseterm(the AA-PW91)areinvariantw.r.t. unitary III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION transformation of orbitals (as is also the BJ potential); however, the AA-m2 and GLLB ones are not. The ad- vantages of the previously proposed AA-PW91, AA-m2 Table I shows the Hartree-Fock total energies and andGLLBmodels(andoftheCEDAandLHFmethods) the energy differences for KS-x-only methods calcu- are the following: (i) For these models E =E (no- lated when the virial relation is used (except for the vir conv tations from [23]); these models constitute examples of “BJ(conv)” column). The energy differences of the ap- situations where although (E −E )=0, the poten- proximate methods (eight last columns) should be com- vir conv tialisstillonlyapproximate;(ii)theenergiesobtainedby pared to the exact exchange (EXX) values shown in the theAA,GLLBmodelsandbytheCEDAandLHFmeth- second column or to the KS(x-only) values obtained by ods satisfy the variational principle: EHF ≤ EOEP ≤ the iterative procedure described in Ref. [36] (shown in Eapprox, which is not the case for the BJ model; (iii) the the third column), which are very close to the EXX val- vir virial energy for the AA and for the GLLB models is an ues. excellent approximation to the OEP/EXX energy. This All approximate methods shown in Table I, except for isnotthecaseforthemodelpotentialofRefs. [20,23],in the BJ potential, are exactfor the singlet state of a two- spite of the fact that the BJ model is in excellent agree- electron system (H molecule). The orbital-dependent 2 ment with the OEP exchange potential; (iv) the ioniza- methodsfortheresponsepotentialterm(GLLB,AA-m2, tion potential approximated by the HOMO energy is a CEDA and LHF) provide very good approximations to property entirely defined by the effective potential. The theEXXenergies,theCEDAandLHFvaluesareonly 2 recentlyproposedBJmodel potentialfails to adequately mHartrees higher than the corresponding EXX energies. describe this property, in contrast with the AA-PW91, The AA-PW91 potential, taken here as an example of GLLB and AA-m2 models and with CEDA and LHF an asymptotically-adjustedpotential where the response methods, where the agreement with the EXX values is, termismodeledbyaconventionalPW91DFTfunctional in most cases, excellent. was found to yield a good approximation to the EXX Someoftheshortcomingsofthemodelpotentialsfrom energy;the largestdifference is 39.4mHartees forthe F 2 Refs. [20,23]maybeeliminated,however,byscalingthe molecule (as compared to the EXX difference which is model response term by the AASCα method, as it was 8.6 mHartrees). done in Ref. [24]. A rigorous variational justification for The BJ differences still are significantly larger than this type of scaling is given in Eqs. (12) through (15) of those arising from all other approximate methods. The Ref. [24]. By applying this procedure to the BJ model, negative value in Table I shows that the corresponding the new AA-BJ potential (for the spin-unpolarizedcase) energy is lower than the HF value, i.e. the variational reads principle is not satisfied. Large errors in the total en- ergy also affect significantly the calculated atomization vAA−BJ =v +α [{ψ }] τ[{ψ }]/ρ, (5) energies and the predicted equilibrium geometries. x S x i i p The ionization potentials approximated by the high- whereτ is the kinetic energydensity. The self-consistent est occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) energy are pre- constant α is defined by x sented in Table II. The situation is similar: the GLLB, AA-m2, CEDA and LHF methods provide an excellent Ex[{ψi}]−ExLP[vS,ρ] α [{ψ }]= . (6) approximationtotheEXXvalues. TheAA-PW91values x i E [ τ[{ψ }]/ρ,ρ] xLP i arealsoveryclosetotheEXXforallmoleculespresented p inTableexceptforthe N2 andFH.TheBJpotentialun- The energies for the new AA-BJ model (we emphasize derestimates the ionization potential by an amount of that E = E for AA-BJ) are presented in last col- vir conv ∼30-50%. The BJ potential is calculated without shift umn of Table I. The AA-BJ energies are slightly closer as suggested in [20]. By applying the shift, the HOMO to the EXX values than E values for the original BJ conv energies will be equal to the corresponding HF values model(BJ(conv)columninTableI).Moreover,modified (but not to the OEP ones). AA-BJ model eliminates the ambiguity with regard to thechoiceoffunctionalfortheevaluationoftheexchange energy(conventionalorvirial). Theionizationpotentials presented in Table II also are slightly improved in the AA-BJ model as compared to the original BJ values. In Table III we present some bond lengths values ob- tained from severaldifferent x-only methods. We do not include the diatomic molecule F as it does not bind at 2 The asymptotically-adjusted, GLLB, CEDA and LHF the level of an x-only approximation. The results show exchange potentials, as well as the BJ model potential, that for H , FH and N , the AA-BJ bond lengths coin- 2 2 provideanexcellentapproximationtotheexactexchange cide up to three decimals with those obtained by means 4 TABLE I: Full-numerical Hartree-Fock (HF) total energies (in a.u.) and differences between KS-x-onlyand HF total energies (in mHartrees) calculated at theexperimental geometries. aValuesare taken from Ref. [6]. bFrom Ref. [24]. cFrom Ref. [35] . dFrom Ref. [33]. HF EXXa KS(x-only) AA-PW91b GLLBb AA-m2b CEDAc LHFd BJ(vir) BJ(conv) AA-BJ H2 -1.1336 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -80.6 0.8 0.0 FH -100.0708 2.0 2.2 17.0 5.9 3.7 533.1 10.4 6.6 N2 -108.9931 5.2 5.7 30.4 11.4 8.3 7.7 7.3 239.4 9.9 9.5 CO -112.7909 5.1 5.6 31.1 12.2 9.1 7.6 7.2 323.0 12.6 11.5 F2 -198.7722 8.6 9.3 39.4 16.8 13.6 1124.9 23.1 18.1 TABLEII:IonizationpotentialapproximatedbythenegativeoftheHOMOenergies(ineV).aFromRef. [5]. bRef. [24]. cRef. [6]. dN2→N+2(2Σg). eN2 →N+2(2Πu). fFrom Ref. [35] . gFrom Ref. [15]. HF EXXa AA-PW91b GLLBb AA-m2b CEDAf LHFg BJ AA-BJ H2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 10.1 16.1 FH 17.7 17.4 13.3 16.5 18.2 9.4 11.0 N2d 17.3 17.2c 12.7 15.5 17.0 17.1 9.9 10.4 N2e 16.7 18.1c 13.9 16.2 18.0 18.5 10.7 11.2 CO 15.1 14.1 11.1 13.7 15.0 15.0 15.0 8.4 9.0 F2 18.2 14.5 13.4 15.9 18.7 9.3 11.1 of the exact Kohn-Sham x-only method. For the case exact-exchange energy term has to be calculated. The of CO, there is a difference of 0.002 angstroms between same term, however, must also be calculated for the BJ the AA-BJ and the KS(x-only) result. The BJ(vir) ge- modelpotentialwhenthetotalenergyisobtainednotby ometriesdifferfromtheKS(x-only)resultsforallfourdi- means of the virial relation, (where it is denoted as E vir atomics presented in Table. The BJ(conv) bond lengths in Ref. [23]), but through the exact exchange term (in coincides with the exact KS(x-only) results for the case whichcase,itisdenotedasE ). The AASCα method conv of N , and differ for other molecules. is a simple procedure which permits to transform the 2 BJ model potential into a new AA-BJ potential which satisfies the Levy-Perdewvirialrelationwithout increas- IV. CONCLUSIONS ing the computational cost (in fact, this procedure may be applied to model potentials of any structure without All potentials discussed here have the same structure: reducing computational efficiency). However, the calcu- theycompriseaSlaterpotentialplusamodeledresponse lated AA-BJ values show only a slight improvement on term. Asaresult,thecomputationalcostforallmodelsis the BJ ones, except for the bond lengths, which are in approximately the same, except that for the AA-PW91, excellent agreement with the KS x-only results. GLLB, AA-m2, CEDA, LHF cases, where an additional [1] R.T.SharpandG.K.Horton,Phys.Rev.90,317(1953). [10] S. Hirata, S. Ivanov, I. Grabowski, R.J. Bartlett, K. [2] J.D. Talman and W.F. Shadwick, Phys. Rev. A 14, 36 Burke, and J.D. Talman, J. Chem. Phys. 115, 1635 (1976). (2001). [3] J.B. Krieger, Y. Li, and G.J. Iafrate, Phys. Rev. A 45, [11] T.Heaton-Burgess,F.A.Bulat,andW.Yang,Phys.Rev. 101 (1992). Lett. 98, 256401 (2007). [4] A.Gorling and M. Levy,Phys.Rev.A 50, 196 (1994). [12] A. Gorling, A. Hesselmann, M. Jones, and M. Levy, J. [5] A.Gorling, Phys.Rev.Lett. 83, 5459 (1999). Chem. Phys.128, 104104 (2008) [6] S.Ivanov,S.Hirata, and R.J. 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