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Application of Operations Research Techniques for Allocation of Water Resources in Utah PDF

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Preview Application of Operations Research Techniques for Allocation of Water Resources in Utah

UUttaahh SSttaattee UUnniivveerrssiittyy DDiiggiittaallCCoommmmoonnss@@UUSSUU Reports Utah Water Research Laboratory January 1971 AApppplliiccaattiioonn ooff OOppeerraattiioonnss RReesseeaarrcchh TTeecchhnniiqquueess ffoorr AAllllooccaattiioonn ooff WWaatteerr RReessoouurrcceess iinn UUttaahh Calvin G. Clyde Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/water_rep Part of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Commons, and the Water Resource Management Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Clyde, Calvin G., "Application of Operations Research Techniques for Allocation of Water Resources in Utah" (1971). Reports. Paper 531. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/water_rep/531 This Report is brought to you for free and open access by the Utah Water Research Laboratory at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Reports by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ABSTRACT In this report a methodology is described for determining the optimal allocation of water supplies in the State of Utah to minimize the cost of meeting an assumed set of water requirements. A linear programming model was formulated to represent the ten interconnected hydrologic study areas of the state. The comprehensive model considers virtually all uses, areas, sources, transfers and costs of water. The model has 204 constraints and 338 variables and was solved by the simplex method. Included in the results are the following: ihe opiimai water ailocation or the groundwater, surface water, and water transfers which minimize the cost; the shadow prices of the resources; sensitivity analyses to identify the critical cost coefficients in the optimal solution; parametric analyses to test the effects of changing constraints; and manipulations of the model to test other factors such as operating rules, legal policies, political and institutional limitations. The tabulated data were carefully condensed so as to be more easily understood. Flow diagrams and graphs summarize the important information. The work is fully documented so others can follow what was done and improve the method or apply the model to other areas. Keywords: *Water resources planning, *Water management, *Operations research, *Optimal allocation, *Utah, Hydrology, Surface water, Groundwater, Water storage, Water transfer, Water requirements, Water supply, Municipal water use, Industrial water use, Agricultural water use, Wetlands water use, Groundwater recharge, Water reuse, Mathematical model, Linear programming, Objective function, Constraints, Simplex method, Cost minimization, State water plan, Legal aspects, Social aspects, Political factors. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writers gratefully acknowledge that this research project was supported by the Office of Water Resources Research, U.S. Department of the' Interior under matching fund grant B-027-Utah. The contributions of other individuals and agencies are also gratefully acknowledged as follows: Dr. Daniel H. Hoggan for his work on the introduction and general background. Dr. James H. Milligan for his work in the early stages of the project in developing the allocation model, for preparing Appendix A, and for preparing the cost data for the model. Mr. Rick L. Gold for his early work in developing the allocation model. Mr. Blaine P. Hanson and Mr. Greg Meacham for their contributions as graduate research assistants. Dr. J. Stewart Williams for his help in estimating the groundwater recharge potential. Mrs. Donna H. Falkenborg for editorial assistance. Miss Brenda Richards for help with the computer data reduction and summarizing. Dr. Bartell C. Jensen and Dr. A. Bruce Bishop for their review of the manuscript. To the staff of the Division of Water Resources, Utah Department of Natural Resources for their cooperation in supplying data and for valuable suggestions during the project. To staff members of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Region 4, for informal suggestions and information pertaining to USBR projects and costs. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION Development of the State's Water Resources National water planning program 1 Utah's water planning program 1 Policy and institutional situation · 2 Systems approach . . · 3 Objectives of the Research .4 Review of the State-of-the Art: The Systems Approach to Water Resource Planning . . . . . . . . . . · 5 Systems analysis approach in other states .6 Susquehanna River Basin -New York and Pennsylvania .6 River basin -Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Trans-Texas Division, Texas Water System -Texas .6 Entire state -Texas ..... .7 Pecos River Basin -New Mexico .7 Sacramento Basin -California .7 Santa Clara Valley -California .7 San Joaquin Valley -California .7 Statewide -California .7 Previous studies for Utah .8 GENERAL BACKGROUND FOR THE PHYSICAL SYSTEM AND THE ALLOCATION MODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Water Resources Requirements, Availability, and Problems in Utah .9 The area .......... . .9 Hydrologic study units . . . . . .9 Population and economic growth 11 Water uses and projected requirements 11 Available resources ....... . 12 Major water and related land resources problems 14 Present Status of Water Resource Development 14 Storage Requirements . . . . . 17 Groundwater Recharge Potential 18 THE ALLOCATION MODEL 27 General Description 27 Mathematical model 27 v TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page Objective function 27 Constraints 27 Variables 27 Allocation Pattern 28 Demands 28 Availabilities . 28 Transfer of excess water 28 Detailed Description of the Model 28 Model variables . . . . . . 28 Colorado River water transfer 28 Local surface water 32 Groundwater '" . . 32 Stored local surface water 32 Evaporation loss . . . 33 Return flow 33 Groundwater recharge 33 Outflow ..... . 33 Miscellaneous variables 33 The objective function . 34 Components of cost 34 Water transfers . 34 Development and distribution 34 Pumping 34 Treatment ....... . 34 Storage . . . . . . . . . 34 Recharging surface water to groundwater 34 Variable cost coefficients 34 Inter-basin transfer 34 Diversion to agriculture 37 Diversion to municipal and industrial 37 Diversion of groundwater to wetlands 37 Groundwater recharge . . . . . . . 37 Reclaiming municipal and industrial waste water 37 Storage of local surface water 37 Constraints 37 Water availability 37 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page Water requirements ...... . 37 Reservoir storage and evaporation loss 37 Return flows ...... . 37 Free groundwater for wetlands 37 Limits .. 37 Variable bounds 46 Inter-basin transfer 46 Additional surface water storage 46 Surface and groundwater outflow 46 RESULTS FROM THE MODEL . . . 51 Results from the Optimal Solution 51 Optimum value of the objective function 51 Optimal allocation 51 Resource shadow prices 53 Post-Optimal Analysis . 53 Sensitivity analysis 53 Parametric analysis 53 Other Results 56 Effect of changing irrigation efficiency 56 Effect of changing groundwater policy 56 Effect of limitation on inter-basin transfer 56 Effect of changing growth projections 56 Effect of giving up some present diversions 56 Effect of changing the probability on storage ..... . 57 Effect of changing p~licy of maintaining Great Salt Lake level 57 Effect of assuming no development has taken place . 57 Effect of continually relieving constraints and bounds 57 EVALUATION OF THE METHOD 59 LITERATURE CITED . . . . . 61 APPENDIX A: GENERAL THEORY OF THE ALLOCATION MODEL 63 APPENDIX B: COMPUTER PRINT-OUT OF THE SOLUTION OF THE BASIC ALLOCATION MODEL ................. . 67 APPENDIX C: FLOW DIAGRAMS FOR ALLOCATION MODELS 83 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Hydrologic study units of Utah . 10 2 Reservoir storage requirement for the Great Salt Lake Desert hydrologic study unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .......... 19 3 Reservoir storage requirement for the Bear River hydrologic study unit .................... .......... 19 4 Reservoir storage requirement for the Weber River hydrologic study unit ............................... 20 5 Reservoir storage requirement for the Jordan River hydrologic study unit ............................... 20 6 Reservoir storage requirement for the Sevier River hydrologic study unit ..................... ......... 21 7 Reservoir storage requirement for the Cedar-Beaver hydrologic study unit ..................... ......... 21 8 Reservoir storage requirement for the Uintah Basin hydrologic study unit ..................... ......... 22 9 Reservoir storage requirement for the West Colorado hydrologic study unit ............................... 22 10 Reservoir storage requirement for the South and East Colorado hydrologic study unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........ 23 11 Reservoir storage requirement for the Lower Colorado hydrologic study unit ..................... 23 12 Reservoir storage requirement at a probability of 75 percent 24 13 Reservoir storage requirement at a probability of95 percent 24 14 Generalized matrix of the least-cost linear programming allocation model ..... . . . . . . . . 29 15 Flow diagram of the allocation model 30 16 Present allocation of water in Utah (1965) 31 17 Constraints for availability of local surface water 38 18 Constraints for availability of groundwater . . . 38 19 Constraints for water diversion requirements for municipal and industrial use ..................... 39 20 Constraints for water diversion requirements for agricultural use 40 21 Constraints for water depletion requirements for wetland use 41 viii LIST OF FIGURES (CONTINUED) Figure Page 22 Constraints for reservoir draft requirements 41 23 Constraints for water storage requirements 42 24 Constraints for net evaporation loss from reservoirs (other than Bear and Utah Lakes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......... 43 25 Constraints for waste water return flow from municipal and industrial use ............... 43 26 Constraints for return flow from agricultural use 44 27 Constraints for free groundwater for wetlands 44 28 Constraints for groundwater artificial recharge limits 45 29 Constraints for inter-basin transfer limits 45 30 Constraints for inflow and outflow limits 45 31 Complete matrix of the allocation model 47 32 Flow diagram for the basic model (1965) 52 33 Allocations for the basic model as function of time 54 34 Excess water for the basic model as function of time 55 35 Allocations as affected by time and inflow to the Great Salt Lake 58 C-1 Basic model . . . . . . . . . 85 C-2 No groundwater recharge model 89 C-3 No further groundwater development model 92 C-4 Only Bonneville Unit of CUP transfer from Upper Colorado River Basin to Great Basin model 95 C-5 Changed growth projection model 98 C-6 Not fixed present diversions model . 104 C-7 Storage probability of 0.95 model . 108 C-8 Inflow to Great Salt Lake 2:: 800,000 ac-ft/yr model . 112 C-9 Inflow to Great Salt Lake 2:: 1,088,000 ac-ft/yr model . 116 C-10 No previous development model . 120 C-l1 Continual constraint relief model . 124 ix

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