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Preview Application for feasibility survey, columbia point area

BOSTONPUBLICLIBRARY 3 9999 06543 962 BOSTON UwdP APPLICATION FOR FEASIBILITY SURVEY Columbia Point Area Boston Redevelopment Authority Boston, Massachusetts BINDER NO. DATE: BOSTON faaue URRARY <? 36.SR.A APPLICATION FOR BINDER NO. FEASIBILITY SURVEY PROJECT NO. MASS. Columbia Point Area SUBMISSION DATE Boston Redevelopment Authority Boston, Massachusetts APPLICATION FOR FEASIBILITY SURVEY CODE NO. FS 101 The application, Form H-6100, Is attached herewith. Boston/Columbia Point FS 101 1 of 3 Form Approved H-6100 1 Budget Burenu No. 63-R882.3 (8-61) ' r- TO BE COMPLETED BY HHFA HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY PROJECT, PLAN, OR SURVEY NUMBER URBAN RENEWAL ADMINISTRATION jl ' LOCALITY SURVEY AND.PLANNING APPLICATION - - (Urban Renewal Program) DATE RECEIVED || INSTRUCTIONS: Submit original InBinderNo. 1, andcopied InBinders No. 2, 3, and4. A. PURPOSE OF APPLICATION ' ' . ,[ ] Surveyandplanning of an Urban Renewal Project '., [J Under "Disaster Area" provisions of Section 111 of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended [ ] Preparation of General Neighborhood Renewal Plan LX FeasibilitySurvey of an urban area J B. CATEGORY OF PROJECT ELIGIBILITY (For survey andplanning of a project, check appropriate eligibility category ofproject to be planned; forpreparation of a General NeighborhoodRenewal Plan, check eligibility category indicatedat this time for "first project" in proposedGNRP area. See Ur- ban RenewalManual, Chapter3-2. Leave blank tor FeasibilitySurvey Application orfor "DisasterArea" project.) PRESENT CHARACTER EXTENT OF PRESENT CATEGORY PROPOSED REUSE OF AREA DEVELOPMENT [J.I Predominantly residential Built up Any ' [ ] H Predominantly residential Predominantly open land Any . ii [ JHI Not predominantly residential Built up Predominantly residential — •i^ IV Not predominantly residential Predominantly open land Predominantly residential -Y' • '"n. ( , u rL 'J•! Vj „'•; 'fNo•nErxecseipdteinotni,al Not predominantly residential . Buil^ up,; • - Not predominantly residential 5, .f1 •_.1J v*i' "' 'NonErxecseipdteintoinal. Not predominantly residential. Predominantly o^cnland Not predominantly residential 1 College, 5 ['''] VII University, or Any Built up Any - Hospital /' College, C. 3 viii SSStrSily,or Any C Predominantly open land Any [*i'x - Open land Predominantly residential ' . :,. .v [..']x Open land Not predominantly residential • jl ,J XI Area REexcdeepvteiloonpment" Not predominantly residential Built up Not predominantly residential .-."** ' »?'.'[-.' JvXII Area REexdceevpetlioonpment Not predominantly residential Predominantly open land Not predominantly residential C. TYPE OF SUBMISSION • [ J Revision of approved Application — Project, Plan, orSurvey No. — for purpose of .„.„.„[ ] Change in area " [ ] Other (Describe) "l ] Increase in total estimated cost D. IDENTIFICATION OF APPLICANT yVOAL CORPORATE NAME Boston Redevelopment Authority "--'- MAILING ADDRESS --^ p^^ Qtfy Hal] AnneX BOStOtt, MaSS _ , . (Over) XCQl'umbia_EQint:jS-lfll- -_2._nf_.3- •1 , > 3 E. ESTIMATED COST AND SOURCES OF FUNDS USE FOR REVISED APPLICATION REQUESTED FOR The estimated cost of the surveys and/or plans and the LATEST APPROVED ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL anticipated sources of funds to pay this cost are: ESTI • ,TE <+ OR -) 1. Federal advance applied for ( )8 3 39,856 2. (Plus) Funds to be obtained from other sources ( )8 3. (Equals) Total estimated cost ( )8 « 39,856 F. ESTIMATE OF FEDERAL GRANT REQUIREMENT (Leave blank (orFeasibilitySurveyApplication) [ J The Federal grant requirement for the Project Basis of Project Capital Grant: (Check ono> has previously been estimated and no change in the estimate is contemplated at this time. [ ] 2/3 of Net Project Cost [ ] The Applicant estimates the Federal grant [ ] 3/4of Net Project Cost—municipality with population of requirement (project capital grant plus 50,000 or less relocation grant) for the Project to be L J 3/4 of Net Project Cost—in Redevelopment Area, munici- pality with populationof from 50,001 to 150,000, inclusive S. C, DESCRIPTION OF AREA Columbia Point The area is locally known or proposed to be known as th« [ ] Urban Renewal Area [X ] Feasibility Survey Area, situated in the City of B<~)Bf~,OT~l County of Suffolk and State of MaSSaChUSet1 , and bounded generallyas follows: Beginning at Columbia Circle, then extending along the southeastern boundary of property of the Metropolitan District Comm. to the U.S. Pierhead Line, then following the U.S. Pierhead Line around ". Columbia Point to Its Intersection with Morrlssey Blvd.then extending - along Morrissey Blvd. to the point of beginning at Columbia Circle.. J . H. RELATIONSHIP OF PROPOSED PROJECT TO PREVIOUS TITLE ACTIVITIES (Leave blank torGNRP or FeasibilitySurvey I Application) , 1. Is the Project located in an area covered by a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan? [ J Yes [ J No If Yes: a. Enter Plan number: No. b. If this Application is for planning of "first project" in the GNRP area, enter amount of Federal grant reservation outstanding: $ c. List numbers of any other Title I projects in the GNRP area that have previously been approved by HHFA: - No., , No." 2. Was a Feasibility Survey, financed with Federal advance funds, undertaken in any part of the proposed Project area? [ J Yes Enter Survey number: No. No [ ] ,'....""' I. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION .... 1 The documentation submitted herewith in support of this Application shall be considered part of this Application. EXECUTION J. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Applicanthas caused this Application to be executed on -. 19 Boston Redevelopment Authority V , By. ' Corporate Name of Applicant Signature Development Administrator Title Boston/Columbia Point PS 101 3 of 3 CPO 928534 * APPLICATION FOR BINDER NO. FEASIBILITY SURVEY PROJECT NO. MASS. Columbia Point Area SUBMISSION BATE Boston Redevelopment Authority- Boston, Massachusetts BASIS FOR SELECTION OF AREA CODE NO. FS 102 Columbia Point, an area of about 400 acres, is within two miles of the Central Business District on Boston's southern waterfront. It has excellent access by subway and expressway, and scenically it is an outstanding site. Despite these advantages, it is bleak, under-utilized, and largely un- developed. Six thousand residents of the Columbia Point Housing Project are crowded into one 40 acre parcel; surrounding this project Is a dump, an obsolete sewage pumping station, a small church and school, stores, and several other buildings unrelated to the Project. Columbia Point, like many parts of Boston, was originally largely swamps and water. Filling has occurred over a period of many years with a variety of materials. In recent years, fill has consisted of dump material which has been burned on the Point. The area is being considered for an urban renewal project because s Boston/Columbia Point FS 102 1 of 3

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