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Appendix G Sample Bankruptcy Pleadings and Other Forms PDF

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Appendix G Sample Bankruptcy Pleadings and Other Forms G.1 Introduction ThisAppendixcontainsoverone-hundred-sixtyconsumerbankruptcypleadingsandother forms.AllcaptionshavebeendeletedinfavorofreferencestoOfficialForms16A,16B,and 16D, which are contained in Appendix D, supra. These pleadings are also found in both AdobeAcrobat(PDF)formatandMicrosoftWordformatontheCD-Romaccompanyingthis manual.Thesepleadingsshouldbeeditedusingyourword-processingprograminordertofit the particulars of an actual case. IMPORTANT NOTE CONCERNING CAPTIONS OF PLEADINGS AND OTHER NOTICES TO CREDITORS 11U.S.C.§342(c)requiresthatallnoticesrequiredtobegivenbythedebtortoacreditor under the Code, a rule, an applicable law, or an order of court contain the debtor’s name, addressandthelastfourdigitsofthetaxpayeridentificationnumber(usuallyaSocialSecurity Number).OfficialForm16Areflectsthisrequirement.Ifthenoticeconcernsanamendment that adds a creditor to the schedules, the notice must provide the debtor’s complete Social SecurityNumberononlytheaddedcreditor’scopyofanynoticeorsummonsthedebtormay serve on the creditor. Official Form 16B is available for captions of pleadings which do not fall within the 11 U.S.C. § 342(c) requirement. Official Form 16D is designated for complaints filed by persons other than the debtor, though it should be used by debtors in adversary proceedings as Official Form 16C is now abrogated. When used in this manner, OfficialForm16Dshouldbealteredtoincludethedebtor’saddressandlastfourdigitsofthe debtor’s Social Security Number (and the debtor’s complete Social Security Number on the creditor’s copy). Please see Appendix D, supra, to review the Official Form captions. For forms in this Appendix containing captions, please use the necessary revised caption. Whensection342(c)appliestoanoticesentbyletter,therequiredinformationshouldbe includedintheletter.ManyofthenoticescontainedinthisAppendixarenotrequiredbylaw so11U.S.C.§342(c)doesnotapply.However,somelawyers,inanexcessofcaution,may wish to include the debtor’s address and Social Security Number in all notices to be certain of compliance. Section 342(e) allows a creditor to file with the court and serve on the debtor an address whichitwantsusedfornoticesinaparticularchapter7or13case.Anynoticeprovidedbythe debtormorethanfivedaysaftersucharequestisservedmustbesenttotherequestedaddress. IMPORTANT NOTE CONCERNING SERVICE OF PROCESS ON INSURED DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS By amendment to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 7004, contested matters and adversaryproceedingwhichmustbeservedoninsureddepositoryinstitutionsmustbeserved bycertifiedmailaddressedtoanofficeroftheinstitution.SeeFed.R.Bankr.P.7004(h).The rule contains exceptions which apply in certain limited situations. See generally §, supra.NotethatFederalRuleofBankruptcyProcedure9014makesthisserviceruleapplicable to service of contested matters (that is, motions not otherwise governed by the Rules). 1 Appx. G.1 Consumer Bankruptcy Law and Practice Pleadings and Other Forms Contained in This Appendix G.2 Pre-Filing Forms Form 1 Pre-Filing Notification to Creditors of Representation Form 2 Notification to Creditor Seeking Information As to Account Form 3 Letter to Client Requesting More Information Form 4 Initial Consultation Agreement and Acknowledgment of Receipt of Disclosures Form 5 Notice Required by 11 U.S.C. §§ 342(b) and 527(a) Form 6 Notice Required by 11 U.S.C. § 527(b) G.3 Initial Forms Form7 Debtor’s Certification in Support of Temporary Waiver of Credit Counseling Re- quirement Based on Exigent Circumstances Form8 MotionforExemptionfromCreditCounselingandFinancialEducationRequirement Based on Incapacity, Disability, or Active Military Duty Form9 Motion and Order for Extension of Time to File Schedules and Other Required Documents Form10 Motion and Order for Extension of Time to File Chapter 13 Schedules and Other Required Documents Form11 Motion and Order for Additional Time to File Chapter 13 Schedules, Other Documents and Information Required Under 11 U.S.C. § 521(a)(1) Form 12 Motion to Excuse Filing of Lost or Unavailable Payment Advices Form 13 Statement Regarding Payment Advices Form 14 Letter Advising Trustee of Special Circumstances Form15 Debtor’sStatementofSpecialCircumstancestoRebutPresumptionofAbuseUnder 11 U.S.C. § 707(b)(2) Form 16 Motion to Keep Prior Name Confidential Form 17 Application and Order for Waiver of Miscellaneous Fees Form 18 Debtors’ Chapter 13 Plan Form 19 Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan Form 20 Motion for Payover Order in Chapter 13 Form 21 Order to Pay Wages to the Trustee in Chapter 13 Form 22 Chapter 13 Plan Providing for Liquidation of Debtor’s Interest in Residence Form23 Chapter13PlanProvidingforFilingofAdversaryProceedingInvolvingPredatory Mortgage Lending Claims Form 24 Chapter 13 Plan Assuming Residential Lease Form 25 Chapter 13 Debtor’s Motion to Assume Lease Form26 Chapter13BankruptcyInformationSheetandChecklistfromDebtor’sAttorneyto Debtor Form 27 Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Information Sheet and Checklist from Attorney to Debtor Form 28 Debtor’s First Amended Chapter 13 Plan Form 29 Debtor’s Amendment of Schedules Form30 Application and Order for Waiver of Filing Fee to Amend Debtor’s Schedule of Creditors Form 31 Statement by Debtor’s Attorney of Fees Charged Form 32 Application for Counsel Fees G.4 Automatic Stay Form 33 Letter to Creditors Giving Notice of Stay Form34 Complaint Seeking Damages for Violation of Automatic Stay and Unfair Trade Practices 2 Sample Bankruptcy Pleadings and Other Forms Appx. G.1 Form35 Motion Seeking Relief for Violations of the Automatic Stay by Governmental Agency Form 36 Motion for Expedited Hearing on Contempt Motion Form 37 Complaint Seeking Contempt Remedies and Recovery of Property from IRS Form 38 Answer to Motion for Relief from Automatic Stay Form39 Motion for Sanctions Pursuant to Rule 9011 for Baseless Motion for Relief from Automatic Stay Form 40 Answer to Motion of Landlord for Relief from Automatic Stay Form41 Debtor’s Certification in Support of Extension of Automatic Stay As to Pending Eviction Action Form42 AnswertoMotionforRelieffromAutomaticStayRaisingAvoidabilityofTransfer to Plaintiff Form 43 Debtor’s Answer to Motion for Relief from Codebtor Stay Form 44 Debtor’s Objection to Relief from the Codebtor Stay Form 45 Answer to Application for Abandonment of Real Estate Form46 Motion for Continuation of Automatic Stay in Case Filed Within One Year After Dismissal of Prior Bankruptcy Case Form47 Motion to Invoke Automatic Stay in Case Filed Within One Year After Dismissal of Two Prior Bankruptcy Cases Form 48 Motion for Relief from In Rem Order Entered in Prior Case Form 49 Motion to Reimpose Stay After Relief from Stay Has Been Granted G.5 Turnover of Property Form 50 Letter Demanding Turnover of Property Form 51 Complaint Seeking Turnover of Property Form52 MotionforEnforcementofTurnoverOrderandtoHoldDefendantinContemptof Court G.6 Utilities Form53 Letter to Utility Company Giving Notice of Stay and Requirements of 11 U.S.C. § 366 Form54 LettertoUtilityCompanyGivingNoticeofConversionfromChapter13toChapter7 Form55 Complaint to Enjoin Termination of Utility Service for Nonpayment of Deposit by Debtor Current on Her Utility Payments Form 56 Complaint Seeking Reconnection of Utility Service and Damages Form 57 Motion for Modification of Security Deposit for Utility Service G.7 Steps After Filing Form 58 Letter Advising Belatedly-Added Creditor of Meeting of Creditors Form59 StatementExplainingDebtor’sFailuretoProvideTaxReturntoTrusteeorCreditors Form60 StatementThatDocumentsRequiredtoBeBroughttoMeetingofCreditorsDoNot Exist or Are Not In Debtor’s Possession Form 61 Chapter 7 Section 341(a) Meeting Questions Form 62 Section 341(a) Questions from United States Trustee Chapter 7 Handbook Form 63 Statement of Information Required by 11 U.S.C. § 341 Form 64 Chapter 13 Section 341(a) Meeting Questions Form 65 Section 341(a) Questions from United States Trustee Chapter 13 Handbook Form66 Debtor’s Motion to Excuse Appearance and to Conduct Meeting of Creditors by Interrogatories Form 67 Interrogatories to Debtor in Lieu of Attendance at Meeting of Creditors Form 68 Report of Trustee 3 Appx. G.1 Consumer Bankruptcy Law and Practice G.8 Claims Form 69 Priority Proof of Claim by Debtor Form 70 Proof of Secured Claim by Debtor Form 71 Proof of Unsecured Claim by Debtor Form 72 Motion to Sell Property Free and Clear of Liens Form 73 Debtor’s Motion to Redeem Property Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 722 Form 74 Agreement for Redemption of Property Form 75 Objection to Proof of Claim Form 76 Objection to Undocumented Credit Card Claim Form 77 Order Disallowing Undocumented Claim Form78 Objection Seeking Reduction of Claim Amount Based on Creditor’s Refusal to Negotiate Repayment Plan Form 79 Objection to Frivolous Priority Claim and Request for Sanctions Form80 Complaint Objecting to Secured Claims for Failure to Comply with Truth in Lending Act and HUD Mortgage Servicing Requirements Form81 Complaint Objecting to Secured Claim and Seeking to Enforce Truth in Lending Rescission Form82 AlternativeComplaintObjectingtoSecuredClaimontheBasisofTruthinLending Rescission Form 83 Judgment Order Disallowing Secured Claim Form84 Complaint Objecting to Secured Claim on the Basis of Usury and Warranty Defenses Form85 Complaint or Motion to Determine Value of Security and Creditor’s Allowed Secured Claim Form 86 Qualified Written Request Under RESPA to Obtain Mortgage Loan Information Form 87 Motion for Order Directing Claimant to Appear for Rule 2004 Examination Form 88 Order Directing Claimant to Appear for Rule 2004 Examination Form89 ComplaintObjectingtoMortgageServicer’sClaimBasedonRESPAandFDCPA Violations Form 90 Request for Approval of Postpetition Consumer Debt G.9 Exemptions and Lien Avoidance Form 91 Motion to Avoid Judicial Lien on Residential Real Estate Form 92 Order Avoiding Lien on Residential Real Estate Form 93 Motion to Avoid Non-Possessory, Non-Purchase Money Security Interest Form 94 Order Avoiding Non-Possessory, Non-Purchase Money Security Interest Form 95 Complaint to Set Aside Preference Form96 Complaint to Set Aside Preference and/or Setoff by Governmental Agency Re- couping Overpayments of Benefits Form97 Complaint to Set Aside Foreclosure Sale for Less Than Reasonably Equivalent Value and to Remedy Mortgagee’s Contempt G.10 Litigation Form 98 Motion for Leave to Proceed In Forma Pauperis Form 99 In Forma Pauperis Order Form100 Complaint: Class Action Adversary Proceeding Raising Claims Under Stay, Discharge, and Exemption Provisions As Well As 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Form101 Complaint to Prohibit Eviction from Public Housing Based upon Dischargeable Debt for Rent Form 102 Complaint Seeking Review of Administrative Action 4 Sample Bankruptcy Pleadings and Other Forms Appx. G.1 Form 103 Complaint Seeking Restoration of Driver’s License Form104 Complaint Seeking Damages in Non-Core Adversary Proceeding Against a Non-Creditor for Unfair Debt Collection Practices Form 105 Motion for Abandonment of Property by Trustee Form 106 Debtor’s Motion for Expedited Discovery Form 107 Plaintiff’s Request for Documents Form 108 Defendant’s Request for Admissions Form 109 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Form 110 Application for Default Judgment Form 111 Order for Default Judgment Form 112 Request for Default Judgment by Clerk Form 113 Default Judgment by Clerk Form 114 Notice of Removal Form 115 Plaintiff’s Motion for Withdrawal of Proceeding to the District Court Form 116 Motion for Determination That Proceeding Is a Core Proceeding Form 117 Stipulation That Matter May Be Determined by Bankruptcy Court Form 118 Plaintiff’s Objections to Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law Form 119 Motion for Leave to Appeal Interlocutory Order Form 120 Motion for Stay of Order Pending Appeal Form 121 Stipulation for Appeal to Bankruptcy Appellate Panel Form 122 Appellant’s Election Form G.11 Discharge and Reaffirmation Form 123 Complaint to Determine Dischargeability of Student Loan Form 124 Debtor’s Answer to Complaint Seeking Determination of Nondischargeability Form 125 Interrogatories Directed to Lender Regarding Debtor’s Alleged False Financial Statement(s) Form126 Defendant’s Requests for Production of Documents in Dischargeability Case Based on Credit Card Fraud Form127 Defendant’sInterrogatoriesinDischargeabilityCaseBasedonCreditCardFraud Form128 Defendant’s Requests for Admissions in Dischargeability Case Based on Credit Card Fraud Form129 Debtor’sCertificationRegardingDomesticSupportObligationsBeforeReceiving Discharge Form 130 Debtor’s Application for a Hardship Discharge Form 131 Letter to Creditor Concerning Proposed Reaffirmation Agreement Form 132 Letter to Client After Discharge Form133 Complaint to Recover SSI Benefits Collected by State As Reimbursement for Prebankruptcy Welfare Debt Form134 Complaint Seeking Contempt Remedies for Violation of the Automatic Stay and Discharge Injunction Form 135 Complaint to Enjoin Discriminatory Denial of Guaranteed Student Loan Form136 Motion for Preliminary Relief in Complaint to Enjoin Discriminatory Denial of Guaranteed Student Loan Form137 Proposed Order for Preliminary Relief in Complaint to Enjoin Discriminatory Denial of Guaranteed Student Loan Form138 Class Action Complaint Seeking Remedies for Coercive Collection Practices In- volving Discharged Debt Form 139 Motion for Order Declaring Mortgage Loan Current Form 140 Order Declaring Mortgage Loan Current Form 141 Complaint Challenging Misapplication of Mortgage Payments in Chapter 13 Case 5 Appx. G.2 Consumer Bankruptcy Law and Practice G.12 Conversion, Dismissal, and Modification of Plan After Confirmation Form 142 Motion to Modify Plan After Confirmation Form 143 Motion to Modify Plan to Terminate Plan Form 144 Motion to Modify Plan to Surrender Vehicle Form 145 Motion to Modify Plan to Permit Mortgage Refinancing to Pay Off Plan Form 146 Debtor’s Amended Plan Permitting Mortgage Refinancing to Pay Off Plan Form 147 Debtor’s Notice to Convert Case from Chapter 13 to Chapter 7 Form148 SupplementalScheduleofDebtsArisingAfterFilingofthePetition,ButPriorto Conversion to Chapter 7 Form 149 Debtor’s Motion to Convert Chapter 7 Case to Chapter 13 Form 150 Debtor’s Motion to Dismiss Chapter 13 Case Form 151 Debtor’s Motion to Dismiss Chapter 7 Case Form 152 Debtor’s Motion to Reopen Case Form 153 Debtor’s Motion to Reopen Case to Obtain Discharge G.13 Consumers As Creditors Form 154 Motion for Relief from Stay by Tenant to Raise Counterclaims to Eviction Form 155 In Forma Pauperis Petition and Memorandum of Law in Support Form 156 Complaint to Determine Dischargeability of Tenant’s Claims Against Landlord Form 157 Motion for Appointment of Committee of Tenants Form 158 Expedited Motion for Appointment of Committee of Consumer Creditors Form 159 Statement of Attorney Pursuant to Rule 2019 Form 160 Objection to Chapter 11 Disclosure Statement Form 161 Objection to Confirmation of Chapter 11 Plan Form 162 Complaint Seeking Subordination of Secured Creditor’s Claims G.2 Pre-Filing Forms Form 2 Notification to Creditor Seeking Information As to Account2 Form 1 Pre-Filing Notification to Creditors of Re:[debtor(s)] Representation1 DearSir/Madam: Re:[debtor(s)] Pleasebeadvisedthatthisofficerepresentstheabove-captioned DearSir/Madam: individual(s)withrespectto[his,her,their]allegeddebtto[credi- tor].Wearepresentlypreparingabankruptcypetitionwhichwill Pleasebeadvisedthatthisofficerepresentstheabove-captioned shortlybefiled. individual(s)withrespectto[his,her,their]allegeddebtto[credi- EnclosedpleasefindanInformationReleaseAuthorizationfor tor].Wearepresentlypreparingabankruptcypetitionwhichwill theabove-captionedindividual(s).Asweareinterestedinhaving shortlybefiled. themostcurrentandaccurateinformationpossible,pleaseforward We are requesting that all further communications concerning theinformationlistedintheauthorizationassoonaspossible.Itis thismatterbedirectedtous.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsconcerning especially important that we know if there is any security or the above, please feel free to call me. Thank you for your coop- erationinthismatter. 2 Thisletterrequestsinformationforcasesinwhichtheschedules orstatementcannotbecompletedbecausethedebtor’srecords Verytrulyyours, areincomplete.Aninformationreleaseauthorization,signedby [signature] thedebtor,maynotbenecessary,dependingonlocalpractices. However, to save the necessity of another letter, it should be 1 Thislettershouldbesenttoanycreditorswhohavebeenboth- included if there is some doubt as to whether the creditor or eringtheclient,ifnottoallcreditors.Itshouldsucceedinending bankwillreleaseinformationwithoutit.Ifitisnotincluded,the creditorcontactswiththeclient.Ifacreditorcommunicateswith information requested should be specified in the letter itself. thedebtorafterreceiptofthisletter,anunfairtradepracticeclaim Creditors,ofcourse,donotalwayscooperateinfurnishingthis mayarise(whichcouldbeclaimedasexemptifitarisesbefore information. Additionally some care should be taken because the petition is filed). If a collection agency is involved, the certaincreditors,whentheyknowbankruptcyisimminent,will communication may give rise to damages under the Fair Debt hasten actions (often creating preferences, see §, CollectionPracticesAct,15U.S.C.§§1692–1692o. supra),whichwouldviolatetheautomaticstayafterthefiling. 6 Sample Bankruptcy Pleadings and Other Forms Appx. G.2 judgment for the debt owed to you, so that we may know which YourHouseholdIncomeandExpenses debtswillhavetobepaidafterbankruptcy.Ifwedonothearfrom [ ] Paycheckstubsforthelastsixty(60)days,from[date]until you,wemayhavetoassumetherewasnosecurityforthisdebt. [date]. We are requesting that all further communications concerning [ ] Documents that show your rental income for the past six thismatterbedirectedtous.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsconcerning months. the above, please feel free to call me. Thank you for your coop- [ ] Documents that show the amount that someone else regu- erationinthismatter. larlycontributestoyourhouseholdexpenses. Verytrulyyours, [ ] Documentsthatshowtheamountofyourspouse’sincome [signature] thatispaidforhisorherseparateexpensesandnotregularly paid towards your household expenses (such as child sup- InformationReleaseAuthorization port payments your spouse makes to a former spouse or paymentsyourspousemakesonseparatedebts). To:[creditor—bank] [ ] Copyofyourautoloanorpaymentcouponshowingwhen Thiswillauthorizeyoutodeliverto afull thelastpaymentisdue. statementwithrespecttothefollowingfactsconcerning: [ ] Copiesofyourtaxreturnsforthepast[number]years. [debtor] [address] YourHome,AutoandOtherProperty Account No.[number] [ ] Copiesofanyappraisalsofyourhome. whoisadebtor/depositorofyours. [ ] Copyoftherecenttaxassessmentofyourhome. [ ] Copyofthedeedforthepropertylocatedat[address]. Depositor: [ ] Copy of the loan and other closing documents for your Totalamountofdepositandaccruedinterest. mortgagewith[lender]. Debtor: [ ] Any payment and escrow account statements you have 1. Totalamountborrowed; received from your mortgage company during the past 2. Installmentamount; [number]months. 3. Reasonowed; [ ] Copy of your auto insurance policy or a summary of the 4. Security interest (provide description of collateral and, if policy (certificate of insurance) showing that you have recorded,statewhereandwhen); coverage. 5. Amountsandnumberofinstallmentsinarrears; [ ] Copy of your home insurance policy or a summary of the 6. Presentbalance; policy (certificate of insurance) showing that you have 7. Interestorothercosts; coverage. 8. Anyassignmentofdebtandtowhom; [ ] Copy of a recent statement for your individual retirement 9. Legalactionpendingandattorneyinvolved; account(IRA),401K,orotherpensionplan. 10. Copiesoftheoriginalcontractandallpapersrelevanttothe [ ] CopyofarecentstatementforyoureducationIRAortuition transactionortransactions; creditprogram. 11. Datedebtincurred;and [ ] Copyofarecentstatementforyourmedicalsavingsplan. 12. Codebtorsorcosigners. CourtProceedings Thankyouforyourcooperationinthisrequest. [ ] Copiesofanyfamilycourtordersrequiringyoutopaychild [signature] supportoralimony. Debtor [ ] Documentsthatshowyouarecurrentonyourchildsupport and/oralimonypayments. [ ] Copies of any family court orders showing that you are Form 3 Letter to Client Requesting More entitledtoreceivechildsupportoralimony. Information3 [ ] Copy of the eviction complaint filed against you by your landlord. Re:BankruptcyNo.[number] [ ] Copyofthecourtcomplaintinthelawsuityoufiledagainst Dear[name]: [defendant(s)]. Thank you for completing your bankruptcy questionnaire and If you have any questions concerning these requests, please providingmostoftheinformationwerequested.However,wewill contactthisoffice.Assoonasthisinformationisprovidedwewill needsomeadditionalinformationinordertocompleteyourbank- completeyourbankruptcypapersandscheduleanappointmentfor ruptcy papers. Please provide information and documents for the youtosignthem. itemscheckedbelow: [signature] Attorney 3 This letter may be sent to clients if additional information is needed to complete their bankruptcy schedules and other re- quired documents. It would typically be sent after the clients havefilledoutthequestionnaireinAppendixF,supra. 7 Appx. G.2 Consumer Bankruptcy Law and Practice Form 4 Initial Consultation Agreement and Ack- Form 5 Notice Required by 11 U.S.C. §§ 342(b) nowledgment of Receipt of Disclosures and 527(a)4 This agreement is entered into on this [date] day of [month], NoticetoIndividualConsumerDebtorUnderSection342(b) 2006, by and between [name of prospective client] and [name of and527(a)oftheBankruptcyCode spouse, if prospective co-client], and the [name of law firm or attorney](referredtoasthe‘‘Attorney’’). Inaccordancewithsection342(b)oftheBankruptcyCode,this 1. I (We) have requested a consultation with the Attorney to notice: (1) Describes briefly the services available from credit obtain information and advice about debt issues and relief from counseling services; (2) Describes briefly the purposes, benefits debt, including the possibility of filing bankruptcy under the and costs of the four types of bankruptcy proceedings you may federalBankruptcyCode.TheAttorneyagreestoprovideaninitial commence; and (3) Informs you about bankruptcy crimes and consultationconcerningthesematters.Thereisnochargeforthis notifiesyouthattheAttorneyGeneralmayexamineallinformation initialconsultation. you supply in connection with a bankruptcy case. You are cau- 2.TheAttorneyagreestoprovidethefollowingservicesatthe tionedthatbankruptcylawiscomplicatedandnoteasilydescribed. initialconsultation,basedontheinformationI(we)haveprovided: Thus,youmaywishtoseektheadviceofanattorneytolearnof (a) Analyze my (our) financial circumstances and advise me yourrightsandresponsibilitiesshouldyoudecidetofileapetition. (us)ofpossiblebankruptcyandnon-bankruptcyoptionsfor Courtemployeescannotgiveyoulegaladvice. responding to my (our) financial problems. I (We) under- 1.ServicesAvailablefromCreditCounselingAgencies stand that this analysis is only preliminary, because the Attorney does not have all of the information and docu- With limited exceptions, section 109(h) of the Bankruptcy ments that will be required to fully evaluate my (our) Code requires that all individual debtors who file for bank- situation. ruptcyreliefonorafterOctober17,2005,receiveabriefingthat (b) Describe the potential benefits and the disadvantages of outlines the available opportunities for credit counseling and filing bankruptcy, and explain the relief available under providesassistanceinperformingabudgetanalysis.Thebriefing chapters7,11,12and13oftheBankruptcyCode. must be given within 180 days before the bankruptcy filing. The (c) Advise me (us) of the requirements, obligations and costs briefing may be provided individually or in a group (including forfilingachapter7or13bankruptcy. briefings conducted by telephone or on the Internet) and must be (d) Informme(us)oftheadditionalinformationthatI(we)will provided by a nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency ap- needtoprovidetoenabletheAttorneytomorefullyadvise provedbytheUnitedStatestrusteeorbankruptcyadministrator.The me(us)ofmy(our)potentialoptionsandlegalrights. clerkofthebankruptcycourthasalistthatyoumayconsultofthe 3.I(We)agreetoprovideattheinitialconsultationinformation approvedbudgetandcreditcounselingagencies. and documents, if any, concerning my (our) income, expenses, In addition, after filing a bankruptcy case, an individual assets, and liabilities. I (We) understand that in order for the debtor generally must complete a financial management in- Attorneytogivemeaningfuladvice,detailedfinancialinformation structionalcoursebeforeheorshecanreceiveadischarge.The mustbeprovidedcompletelyandaccurately. clerkalsohasalistofapprovedfinancialmanagementinstructional 4. The Attorney will provide at this time only the services courses. specificallystatedinthisAgreement.IfI(we)retaintheAttorney torepresentme(us)andprovideadditionalservices,includingthe filingofbankruptcyorotherbankruptcyassistance,I(we)andthe 4 Section342(b)requirestheclerktogiveeachconsumerdebtor, Attorney will sign a separate retainer agreement detailing the priortothefilingofthepetition,anoticedescribingeachchapter servicesandtheircost,andtheothertermsofsuchrepresentation. underwhichsuchindividualmayproceed,theservicesofcredit 5.I(We)acknowledgethattheAttorneygavetome(us)atthe counseling agencies, and the possible consequences of bank- initial consultation copies of this agreement and several notices ruptcy fraud. In addition, section 521(a)(1)(B)(iii) requires the requiredbytheBankruptcyCodelistedbelow.Ifmyspousewas debtor’sattorneytofileacertificationthattheattorneydelivered thenoticetothedebtor.ThiscertificationispartofExhibitBin notpresentwhenthesenoticeswerereceivedattheinitialconsul- OfficialForm1,thebankruptcypetition.Baseduponthesepro- tation,Ialsoacknowledgereceiptofthesenoticesonbehalfofmy visions,thedebtor’sattorneyshoulddeliverthesection342(b) spouse, and agree to provide my spouse with a copy of these notice,whichisreprintedinAppendixE,supra,tothedebtorand notices.Allofthefollowingdocumentsweregivenme(us): signthecertificationtocomplywithsection521(a)(1)(B)(iii).If (a) InitialConsultationAgreement thedebtor’sattorneyisnotadebtreliefagency,forexampleifthe (b) Notice Required by Sections 342(b) and 527(a) of the attorneyworksforalegalservicesorganization,onlythisnotice BankruptcyCode needstobeprovidedtothedebtor.However,section527setsout (c) NoticeRequiredbySection527(b)oftheBankruptcyCode aseriesofnoticesanddisclosuresthatdebtreliefagenciesmust make to all assisted persons being provided bankruptcy assis- Date: tance.Thisformcontainsthewrittennoticerequiredbysection 527(a)(1) and (a)(2) and is combined with the section 342(b) [signature] [signature] noticesothattheymaybegivenatthesametime.Theseitems [nameofprospectiveclient] [nameoflawfirmorattorney] mustbeprovidedwithinthreedaysofwhentheagencyfirstoffers [signature] toprovidebankruptcyassistanceservicestoanassistedperson.If [nameofspouse,ifprospective thenoticeisnotprovidedatthetimetheclientsignsaninitial consultationagreement,seeForm4,Appx.G.2,supra,andwith co-client] acopyattachedthereto,theattorneyshouldincludethecertificate ofreceiptandhavetheclientsignit. 8 Sample Bankruptcy Pleadings and Other Forms Appx. G.2 2. The Four Chapters of the Bankruptcy Code Available to Chapter11isdesignedforthereorganizationofabusinessbut IndividualConsumerDebtors is also available to consumer debtors. Its provisions are quite complicated,andanydecisionbyanindividualtofileachapter11 Chapter7:Liquidation($245filingfee,$39administrativefee, petitionshouldbereviewedwithanattorney. $15trusteesurcharge:Totalfee$299) Chapter12:FamilyFarmerorFisherman($200filingfee,$39 1.Chapter7isdesignedfordebtorsinfinancialdifficultywho administrativefee:Totalfee$239) donothavetheabilitytopaytheirexistingdebts.Debtorswhose debtsareprimarilyconsumerdebtsaresubjecttoa‘‘meanstest’’ Chapter12isdesignedtopermitfamilyfarmersandfishermen designed to determine whether the case should be permitted to torepaytheirdebtsoveraperiodoftimefromfutureearningsand proceedunderchapter7.Ifyourincomeisgreaterthanthemedian issimilartochapter13.Theeligibilityrequirementsarerestrictive, incomeforyourstateofresidenceandfamilysize,insomecases, limiting its use to those whose income arises primarily from a creditors have the right to file a motion requesting that the court family-ownedfarmorcommercialfishingoperation. dismissyourcaseundersection707(b)oftheCode.Itisuptothe 3.BankruptcyCrimesandAvailabilityofBankruptcyPapers courttodecidewhetherthecaseshouldbedismissed. toLawEnforcementOfficials 2.Underchapter7,youmayclaimcertainofyourpropertyas exemptundergoverninglaw.Atrusteemayhavetherighttotake A person who knowingly and fraudulently conceals assets or possession of and sell the remaining property that is not exempt makes a false oath or statement under penalty of perjury, either andusethesaleproceedstopayyourcreditors. orallyorinwriting,inconnectionwithabankruptcycaseissubject 3.Thepurposeoffilingachapter7caseistoobtainadischarge to a fine, imprisonment, or both. All information supplied by a of your existing debts. If, however, you are found to have com- debtor in connection with a bankruptcy case is subject to exami- mitted certain kinds of improper conduct described in the Bank- nation by the Attorney General acting through the Office of the ruptcyCode,thecourtmaydenyyourdischargeand,ifitdoes,the UnitedStatesTrustee,theOfficeoftheUnitedStatesAttorney,and purpose for which you filed the bankruptcy petition will be de- othercomponentsandemployeesoftheDepartmentofJustice. feated. WARNING: Section 521(a)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code requires 4.Evenifyoureceiveageneraldischarge,someparticulardebts that you promptly file detailed information regarding your credi- are not discharged under the law. Therefore, you may still be tors, assets, liabilities, income, expenses and general financial responsibleformosttaxesandstudentloans;debtsincurredtopay condition. Your bankruptcy case may be dismissed if this infor- nondischargeabletaxes;domesticsupportandpropertysettlement mationisnotfiledwiththecourtwithinthetimedeadlinessetby obligations;mostfines,penalties,forfeitures,andcriminalrestitu- theBankruptcyCode,theBankruptcyRules,andthelocalrulesof tionobligations;certaindebtswhicharenotproperlylistedinyour thecourt. bankruptcypapers;anddebtsfordeathorpersonalinjurycausedby operatingamotorvehicle,vessel,oraircraftwhileintoxicatedfrom Inaccordancewithsection527(a)(2)oftheBankruptcyCode, alcoholordrugs.Also,ifacreditorcanprovethatadebtarosefrom beadvisedthat: fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, or theft, or from a willful and 1.Allinformationyouarerequiredtoprovidewithabankruptcy maliciousinjury,thebankruptcycourtmaydeterminethatthedebt petitionandduringabankruptcycasemustbecomplete,accurate, isnotdischarged. andtruthful. Chapter 13: Repayment of All or Part of the Debts of an 2.Allassetsandallliabilitiesmustbecompletelyandaccurately IndividualwithRegularIncome($235filingfee,$39adminis- disclosedinthedocumentsfiledinyourcase,andthereplacement trativefee:Totalfee$274) value of each asset must be stated in those documents where requestedafterreasonableinquirytoestablishsuchvalue. 1. Chapter 13 is designed for individuals with regular income 3.Currentmonthlyincome,theamountsspecifiedinthemeans whowouldliketopayallorpartoftheirdebtsininstallmentsover testundersection707(b)(2),anddisposableincomeinchapter13 aperiodoftime.Youareonlyeligibleforchapter13ifyourdebts casesmustbestatedafterreasonableinquiry. do not exceed certain dollar amounts set forth in the Bankruptcy 4. Information that you provide during your bankruptcy case Code. may be audited, and the failure to provide such information may 2.Underchapter13,youmustfilewiththecourtaplantorepay result in dismissal of the case or other sanction, including a your creditors all or part of the money that you owe them, using criminalsanction. yourfutureearnings.Theperiodallowedbythecourttorepayyour debts may be three years or five years, depending upon your CertificateoftheDebtor incomeandotherfactors.Thecourtmustapproveyourplanbefore itcantakeeffect. I(We),thedebtor(s),affirmthatI(we)havereceivedandread 3. After completing the payments under your plan, your debts thisnotice. aregenerallydischargedexceptfordomesticsupportobligations; Date: moststudentloans;certaintaxes;mostcriminalfinesandrestitu- CaseNo.(ifknown): tionobligations;certaindebtswhicharenotproperlylistedinyour bankruptcy papers; certain debts for acts that caused death or [signature] personalinjury;andcertainlongtermsecuredobligations. PrintedName(s)ofDebtor(s) Chapter11:Reorganization($1000filingfee,$39administra- [signature] tivefee:Totalfee$1039) SignatureofJointDebtor(ifany) 9 Appx. G.3 Consumer Bankruptcy Law and Practice Form 6 Notice Required by 11 U.S.C. § 527(b)5 CertificateoftheDebtor I(We),thedebtor(s),affirmthatI(we)havereceivedandread IMPORTANTINFORMATIONABOUTBANKRUPTCY thisnotice. ASSISTANCESERVICESFROMANATTORNEYOR BANKRUPTCYPETITIONPREPARER Date: CaseNo.(ifknown): If you decide to seek bankruptcy relief, you can represent yourself,youcanhireanattorneytorepresentyou,oryoucanget [signature] helpinsomelocalitiesfromabankruptcypetitionpreparerwhois PrintedName(s)ofDebtor(s) not an attorney. THE LAW REQUIRES AN ATTORNEY OR [signature] BANKRUPTCY PETITION PREPARER TO GIVE YOU A SignatureofJointDebtor(ifany) WRITTEN CONTRACT SPECIFYING WHAT THE ATTOR- NEY OR BANKRUPTCY PETITION PREPARER WILL DO FOR YOU AND HOW MUCH IT WILL COST. Ask to see the G.3 Initial Forms contractbeforeyouhireanyone. Thefollowinginformationhelpsyouunderstandwhatmustbe The Official Forms necessary to commence a case are repro- doneinaroutinebankruptcycasetohelpyouevaluatehowmuch ducedinAppendixD,supra.TheseformsareincludedinAppen- service you need. Although bankruptcy can be complex, many dixDassamplecompletedbankruptcyschedulesillustratinghow casesareroutine. to prepare an initial filing. Other Official Forms are included in Before filing a bankruptcy case, either you or your attorney blankformat.AlltheformsinAppendixD,supra,aswellasblank should analyze your eligibility for different forms of debt relief versionsoftheformstoinstituteacasecanalsobeprintedfromthe available under the Bankruptcy Code and which form of relief is CD-Romaccompanyingthismanualandusedinactualcases.The most likely to be beneficial for you. Be sure you understand the bankruptcysoftwareincludedontheCD-Romaccompanyingthis reliefyoucanobtainanditslimitations.Tofileabankruptcycase, manual can also be used to complete the initial forms in either documentscalledaPetition,SchedulesandStatementofFinancial MicrosoftWordorCorelWordPerfect. Affairs,aswellasinsomecasesaStatementofIntentionneedto Certain other non-Official Forms may also be necessary to bepreparedcorrectlyandfiledwiththebankruptcycourt.Youwill commence a case, pursuant to the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy have to pay a filing fee to the bankruptcy court. Once your case Procedure and the Bankruptcy Code. These include a list of starts,youwillhavetoattendtherequiredfirstmeetingofcreditors creditors,codebtors,andpartiestoexecutorycontractsandunex- whereyoumaybequestionedbyacourtofficialcalleda‘‘trustee’’ pired leases, with mailing addresses, required by Federal Rule of andbycreditors. Bankruptcy Procedure 1007(a); a disclosure of compensation, If you choose to file a chapter 7 case, you may be asked by a requiredbyFederalRuleofBankruptcyProcedure2016(b);anda creditortoreaffirmadebt.Youmaywanthelpdecidingwhetherto noticetoconsumerdebtors,requiredby11U.S.C.§342(b).These do so. A creditor is not permitted to coerce you into reaffirming non-Official Forms are contained in a reproducible format in yourdebts. AppendixE,supra. Ifyouchoosetofileachapter13caseinwhichyourepayyour In addition, check your local rules and local practice to deter- creditorswhatyoucanaffordoverthreetofiveyears,youmayalso mineifthereareotherformsnecessarytofileattheoutsetofacase want help with preparing your chapter 13 plan and with the inyourjurisdiction. confirmation hearing on your plan which will be before a bank- ruptcyjudge. Form 7 Debtor’s Certification in Support of IfyouselectanothertypeofreliefundertheBankruptcyCode Temporary Waiver of Credit Counseling otherthanchapter7orchapter13,youwillwanttofindoutwhat shouldbedonefromsomeonefamiliarwiththattypeofrelief. Requirement Based on Exigent Your bankruptcy case may also involve litigation. You are Circumstances6 generallypermittedtorepresentyourselfinlitigationinbankruptcy court, but only attorneys, not bankruptcy petition preparers, can [Caption:OffıcialForm16A] giveyoulegaladvice. Debtor’sCertificationinSupportofWaiverofCredit CounselingRequirement 5 Thisformcontainsthewrittennoticerequiredbysection527(b) I/We,[debtor(s)],thedebtor(s)intheabove-styledcase,hereby tobeprovided,totheextentapplicable,byadebtreliefagency declareunderpenaltyofperjurythat: toanassistedperson.Itmustbeprovidedinasingledocument separate from other documents and notices provided to the 6 Thisformmaynotbenecessaryifthecourtgrantsarequestfor client.Thisformprovidesthenoticecopiedverbatimfromthe deferralofthecreditcounselingrequirementpursuanttosection statute,eventhoughitincludesinformationthatmaybeincor- 109(h)(3)(A)basedonthestatementprovidedbythedebtoron rect.Attorneysarepermittedundersection527(a)(2)toalterthe ExhibitDtothepetition,OfficialForm1.SeeAppx.D,supra. languageaslongasthenoticeprovidedisonethatissubstan- However, for courts that require the filing of a motion, this tiallysimilar.Ifthenoticeisnotprovidedatthetimetheclient certification may be attached as an exhibit in support of the signsaninitialconsultationagreement,seeForm4,Appx.G.2, motion.Althoughsection109(h)(3)(A)referstothiscertifica- supra, and with a copy attached thereto, the attorney should tionasrelatingtoa‘‘waiver’’or‘‘exemption’’fromtherequire- includethecertificateofreceiptandhavetheclientsignit. ments of section 109(h)(1), the certification provides only a 10

Appendix G Sample Bankruptcy Pleadings and Other Forms G.1 Introduction This Appendix contains over one-hundred-sixty consumer bankruptcy pleadings and other
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