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Preview Appendix 1*) For Essential Information Very Well Illustrated in Google and Wikipedia

Appendix 1*) For Essential Information Very Well Illustrated in Google and Wikipedia *) in Support of the Text with Literature Citations. Referrals to illustrations in Appendix 2. CancerinthePlant.TheinsertionoftheAgrobacteriumtumefacienscircularplasmid T(transferred)DNAintothegenomeofitsnewhost,theplant(GelvinBS.Microbiol Molecular Biol Rev 2003;67:16–37). The plant cancer “crown gall” (agrocallus; Agrobacterial crown gall) consists of malignantly transformed cells replicating the agrobacterialTDNAplasmid(reviewedinpostscriptTableXXXV).Forreference: Koncz C Mayerhofer R Koncz-Kálmán Zs et al EMBO J 1990;9:1337–1346. Transferofpotentiallyoncogenicbacterialgenesandproteinstopatients:Septicemic Bacteroides enterotoxigenic (Sinkovics J G & Smith JP Cancer 1970;25:663–671; ViljoenKSetalPLoSOne2015;10(3):e0119462);Bartonellabacilliformisetc(Guy LetalPLoSGenet2013;9(3):e1003393;HarmsA&DehioCClinMicrobiol Rev 2012;25:42–78;LlosaMetalTrendsMicrobiol2012;20:355–9;MinnickMFetal PLoSNeglTropDis2014;6(7):e2919);Helicobacterpylori(BonsorDAetalJBiol Chem 2015;pii:jbc.M115.641829; Su YL et al J Immunol 2015;194:3997–4007; VaziriFetalPathogDis2015;73(3).pii.ftu021);Porphyromonasgingivalis(KatzJ etalIntJOralSci2011;3:209–215);TuberculousinfectionswithA.tumefaciensin patients(RamirezFCetalClinInfectDis1992;15:938–940). DNA-bindingAntibodies.DNA-(orRNA-)bindingproteinsusezinkfingermotifs, leucine zippers and winged (beta-sheet loops) helix-turn helix motifs (HTH, two helices separated by the loop, RNA/DNA-binding domains) in recognition of RNA/DNA receptors for attachment. Pro-apoptotic protein p53 is commonly attached to DNA (vide infra). Advanced multicellular organism established a fundamental relationship between DNA genes and circulating antibodies, which overlappedthepre-existingmiRactivityforposttranslationalgeneexpression.One of the best examples is played out in the pathogenesis of the T cell lymphoma mycosis fungoides and Sézary syndrome (that may also hide the underlying retroviral pathogen/passenger presumed to be there by Dorothea Zucker Franklin) (ProcNatlAdadSci1991;88:7630–7634;1997;94:6403–6407).Oneoftheinducer oncogenes of mycosis fungoides is TOX (thymocyte selection-associated high mobility group protein box gene), which normally regulates T cell differentiation. ©SpringerInternationalPublishingSwitzerland2016 559 J.G.Sinkovics,RNA/DNAandCancer,DOI10.1007/978-3-319-22279-0 560 Appendix1*)ForEssentialInformationVeryWellIllustratedinGoogleandWikipedia Overexpressed TOX induces mycosis fungoides tumor cell proliferation and migration. The TOX protein mRNA is under the control of miR-223 through specificdomainalignmenttoits3′UTR(untranslatedregion)intheAGOcomplex. HighbloodlevelsofmiR-223bringaboutthecessationofmycosisfungoidestumor cell growth. The production of tumor initiator high mobility group (HMG) DNA-binding protein is targeting its own DNA genes of T cell dediffer- entiationandhoming;itisswitchedoffbyaspecificmiR(HuangYetalOncotarget 2014;5:4418–4425; McGirt L et al J Invest Dermatol 2014; 134:1101–1107; O’Flaherty E & Kaye J BMC Genomics 2003;4:13). ContinuousReplicationoftheTrypanosomainliquidmedia.Notintheinsect’sgut, but in the blood stream of its mammalian host, the slender Trypanosoma cell is fed primarilyonsugar.Thisprotozoanisalsocapabletosynthesizeglucose-6-phosphate. Growing invitro insuspension, its speed ofreplication isdependentonthe concen- trationofsugarintheliquidmedia.Thestressresponsiveheatshockproteins(Hsp90) workincellsurvivalpathwaysintheprotozoa,butbecameoncoproteinsinmulticel- lular,incl.human,hosts.Questionsstillincompletelyanswered:Intherapidlygrowing T.brucei,sugarmetabolismiswarburgian?Insulin-likegrowthfactorreceptor(IGFR) is overexpressed? Hsp90 promotes growth; is there growth dependence on Hsp90? Intranuclear Ki-67 is overexpressed? Telomers are capped after each cell division? Hsp90 inhibitors (geldanamycin analogs) induced trypanosomal death due to heat shock.Positiveanswerswouldmeanthattheunicellularprotozoan’srapidgrowthis comparable to that of a cancer cell. Cooperative studies of Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU); Institut National des Sciences Appliqueés (INSA), Université Toulouse;CentreNationaldelaRechercheScientifique(CNRS),UniversitéBordeaux. AllmannSetalBiolChem2013;288:18494–18505.VanReetNetalExpParasitol 2011;128:285–290. Meyer KJ & Shapiro TA J Infect Dis 2013;208:489–499 http:// www.pasteur.fr/ip/easysite/pasteur/en/research/scientific-department/parasitology; http:/ phys.org/news/2013-07-parasite-sugar.html; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/? term=trypanosoma+liquid++culture Faculty Biology, Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität München; Biozentrum, Grosshadernerstrasse 2–4, D82152 Martinsried, Germany.TheJohnsHopkinsUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Baltimore,USA. Stem Cells Ascend from the bottom of the Lieberkühn crypt to renew themselves and release somatic cells to function as epithelial cells of the mucous membrane (reviewed in Table I). S.YamanakaLentivirallyTransferredfourstemcellgenes(oct4;sox2;klf4;c-myc) for reprogramming human differentiated cells into pluripotential stem cells; re-differentiationofpluripotentialstemcellsintodifferentiatedcellcouldbeinduced. http://syntheticdaisies.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-spawn-of-gurdons-frogs.html. Dictyostelia amoebae.TheAmoebozoanDictyosteliumdiscoideumexistsinmany lifeforms:insexualcycle,invegetativecycle,andinsocialcycle.Itsdiscoidinisa fibronectin; its tiger genes encode histocompatibility complexes; it uses Appendix1*)ForEssentialInformationVeryWellIllustratedinGoogleandWikipedia 561 ERK/MAPKK signaling “cell survival pathways” (extracellular signal regulated kinase; mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase). MAPKK becomes a proto-oncogene in vertebrate mammalian (human) cells: in ras- (rat sarcoma) transformed cancer cells. Members of the D. discoideum clade (D. purpureum, D. fasciculatum)arecomparableintheirgenomicsandproteomics.Evolutionarilythey separated from their common ancestor 600–800 mya and in comparison to the yeast, doubled their number of protein-coding genes up to 12,000 (Loomis WE Methods Mol Biol 2013;983:39–58). The other social amoeba, Acytostelium sub- globosum emerges as a different species, which increased its chromosome number upto18,butnotbecauseithasbecomediploid.ThestarvingD.discoideumformsa conditionally multicellular fruiting body with spore ball on a stalk. It is the migratoryslugcellsthateitherformthefruitingbodyorthestalk.Thefruitingbody represents the germ cells and the stalk consists of the terminally differentiated somaticcells.TheA.subglobosumdoesnotdifferentiateitsstemcellstoastalk;its stalk is a-cellular. The cellulose synthase gene builds the cell-free stalk. If “The differentiation of mortal or sacrificed somatic cells from reproductive germ cells wasthekeyeventfortheestablishmentanddiversificationofmulticellularsystems” (Urushihara H et al BMC Genomics 2015;16(1):80), then D. subglobosum should be regarded evolutionarily more ancient than D. discoideum. A. subglobosum and D. discoideum are casting light to the beginning of a decisive process in the developmentofmulticellularity.TheDd-MRP4mitochondrialribosomalproteinis able to induce in human cancer cells the process of programmed cell death (apoptosis). Mitochondrial ribosomes are of ancient bacterial derivation. The Dd-mrp4 gene product protein in D. discoideum is the major initiator of cell dif- ferentiation (induced by starvation). Differentiation induction is achieved by the Dd-MRP4proteinthroughitsentryintothenucleusforactivationofitstargetgenes (miR genes?). Another unrelated and different D. discoideum ribosomal protein is S4 (Dd-RPS4). It is homologous to the human chromosome X-linked cytoplasmic ribosomal protein S4 (Hs-RPS4X) in 66% identity and 92% similarity in their aa sequence (Maeda Y Biomolecules 2015;5:113–120). AmphioxusI,prominentamongthemisBranchiostomafloridae.Possessesnotochord and primordial nervous system consisting of intraabdominal sensory cells and notochord nerve cells connected with axons and synapses. An advanced neuro- chemical network releases and circulates cholinergic and GABAergic/glycinergic (gamma aminobutyric acid) molecular mediators. The amphioxus’ achaete scute homologues (Ash) exist conserved up to Homo (Lu TM et al Development 2012;139:2020–2030). The Ash genes may act as proto-oncogenes subject to malignant transformation. The achaete scute homolog basic helix loop helix gene (ash)andthedeltaligandNotchpathwayevolvedatthissite.Theadultamphioxus preservesitsnotochord,whereastunicatelarvaeofCionalosetheircordatecharac- teristics through metamorphosis into adulthood. The amphioxus frontal eye spot revealsphotoreceptorJosephcellswithmanyhomologiestocamera-typelenseyesof jawless (lamprey) to jawed (sharks) vertebrates (Candiani S et al BMC Neurosci 2012;13:59; Lu TM et al Development 2012;139:2020–2030; Vopalensky P et al 562 Appendix1*)ForEssentialInformationVeryWellIllustratedinGoogleandWikipedia Proc Natl Acad Sci 2012;109:15383–15388). The amphioxus and the sponge Amphimedon qeenslandica share an ancestral TGFβ gene (Song X et al Genomics 2014;103:147–153).AnadvancedmiRsystemcontrolsamphioxusgeneexpression (ZhouXetalGene2012;508:110–116).Theamphioxusgenomepreservedinserted six clades of non-LTR retrotransposons named among a long list of non-LTR ele- mentsofothersourcesincludingthosefromCionaintestinalis(PermanyerJetalIntJ Biol Sci 2006;2:48–53). The Lu TM team worked with B. floridae specimens col- lectedintheTampaBay,Florida(W.P.Hallhttp://forums.about.com/ab-christianity/ messages?msg=10917.2462). As oncogenes, Ash induce esthesioneuroblastoma*), medullarycarcinomaofthethyroid,smallcellundifferentiatedcarcinomaofthelung, or transforms pre-existing adenocarcinoma cells into chemo-radiotherapy-resistant neuroectodermal malignant cells (Wang XY et al Lab Invest 2007;87:527–539) Single nucleotide polymorphism in the 3′ untranslated region of miRNAs (hsa-miR-1827) occur in small cell lung cancers, in which the L-myc1 (1p34) and achaete scute human homolog genes (11p15.1; 12q22-q23) are involved (Xiong F etalCancerRes2011;71:5175–5181). *)Esthesioneuroblastoma.Theorbitsandsinusescontainalarge,enhancing,and expansilemassoccupyingtheethmoidaircells.Thecribriformplateisinvaded.The left anterior cranial fossa is broken into. Preoperative platinum-based chemother- apy,surgicalresection,andpostoperativeradiotherapyisthestandardtreatmentof Hyams’highgradeandKadishadvancingstagetumors.FromMayoClinics:USA, McElroy EA Jr et al Neurosurgery 1998;42:1023–1027; from Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France, Modesto A et al Oral Oncol 2013;49:830–834; from Children Hospital, Rabat, Morocco, El Kababri M et al Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2014;36:91–95. Comment: Treatedhigh grade tumorslie dormantand relapse. Choanoflagellates (Monosiga brevicollis; ovata). Choanoflagellate genomic seg- mentscontainingcellsurvivalpathwayPak(p21activatedkinase);whentransfected into somatic cells of metazoan multicellular vertebrate hosts (mice; rats; human), pak/Pak induces “malignant transformation” (Watari A et al Oncogene 2010;29:3815–3826). The merlin-encoding tumor suppressor gene neurofibro- matosis NF2, the suppressor of cyclin D1 (or Bcl-1) promoter, is regulated by the pak/Pakpathway.PAK1stimulatesthecyclinD1promoter;cyclinD1mRNAsrise. Merlin inhibits the cell cycle in G1 by suppressing cyclin D1 and CDK4 (cyclin-dependentkinase)anddephosphorylatingtheretinoblastomaRBprotein.The Rac/Pakaxisisanoncogene(XiaoG-HetalMolCellBiol2005;25:2384–2394). Blooming Dinoflagellate Symbiodinium (zooxanthella) cells survive self-generated toxins that are highly lethal to multicellular life forms up to fishes and Florida manatees. ATP-cassette ABC transporter protein pumps expel the toxins by mechanisms similar to those of tumor cells gaining resistance to chemotherapy (Table I). Symbiodinium cells parasitize the cytoplasm of cnidaria corals, where they are replicating very rapidly. There is a mass exodus of flagellated mastigote Symbiodinium cells from the parasitized host cells. “Bleached” (whitened) coral Appendix1*)ForEssentialInformationVeryWellIllustratedinGoogleandWikipedia 563 colonies are left behind. The motile mastigotes discard they flagellae and assume non-motile metabolically quiescent coccoid morphology ranging in size of 6–13 μm.Bothmastigotesandcoccoidcellsundergo mitosis generating twomastigotes. Dinoflagellates carry reticulated chloroplasts. The light-harvesting center is in the thylakoid membrane; it contains a chlorophyll-protein complex. Symbiodinium cells carry also mitochondria retaining some of their original genes. The intranu- clear DNA is kept supercoiled within the chromosomes. In the S-phase of the cell cycle, the uncoiled DNA duplicates. Symbiodinium cells rapidly replicate in cul- tures inthelaboratory. Therapidlyreplicatinggenomesareofinterest: whatgenes are constitutively activated? Are intranuclear Ki67 proteins overproduced? The Symbiodinium genome operates over 42,000 protein-coding genes; duplicated genes;basiceukaryoticandhorizontallyacquiredbacterialgenes.Itisspliceosomal intron-rich: 18.6 introns / gene; its spliceosomal snRNA genes (U1-U6) are clus- tered (Jeong HJ et al J Eukaryot Microbiol 2014;61:75–94; Shinzato C et al PLoS One 2014;9(1):e85182; Shoguchi E Curr Biol 2013;23:1399–1408). In Summary, some cnidarians carry virally infected endosymbiotic algae and respond with an activeNFκB/STATpathway(inSinkovicsJGIntJOncology2015;47:1211–1229). TiborGánti’sChemoton.Thechemotonisaself-reproducingautomaticmachinery; itoperatesautocatalyticcyclesofchemicalsinaliquidbasesurroundedbyabilipid membrane. Chemotons grow by metabolism and reproduce by biological fission, but as non-genetic entities. Osmotic pressure within the microsphere (the chemo- ton) induces invagination of the membrane leading to fission. The chemical reac- tions within the chemoton are not dependent on enzymes. Divided chemoton units are identical without hereditary variation. Cycle stochiometry characterizes math- ematically and expresses quanitatively the chemical reactions occurring within the chemoton. Incorporation of a new external molecule (molecule T) into the system occurs through small gaps of the membrane. The amphipathic dynamic molecule advances the internal metabolism of the chemoton toward the acquisition of heri- tableenzymes(ribozymesbeingthefirst).Chemotronsaretheprimordialfirstcells of the living matter (Gánti T: “The Principles of Life”. Oxford University Press, 2003; ChemotonTheory.I.Theoretical foundation offluidmachineries.II.Theory of living systems. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers 2003. Csendes T. A simulation study of the chemotron. Kybernetes 1984;13:79–85). An Advanced Oparin’s Coacervate (кoaцepвaт, Oпapин) would be an imaginary protobiont, which would engulf either proteobacteria for mitochondrial symbionts (in animal cells), or cyanobacteria for plastids with eye spot for photosynthesis (in plantcells).VisitinglecturerNasifNahle,atAguascalientes,Monterrey,Mexicoin 2004, at the Conference of Astrobiology http://biocab.org/Astrobiology.html. Reverse Transcriptase (D. Baltimore/H.Temin) transforms RNA into complemen- tary cDNA. mRNA is used as template. The ssDNA strand is made into a dsDNA strand on a primer by DNA polymerase. Taq (Thermus aquaticus) heat stable 564 Appendix1*)ForEssentialInformationVeryWellIllustratedinGoogleandWikipedia polymerase (K. Mullins) synthesizes complementary DNA strands from primer in the polymerase chain reaction. TheExtantDNA/RNAComplexRevertsbacktothePrimordialRNA/DNAComplex. Predecessor cytogeneticist Barbara McClintock laid down the morphological foundationsofchromosomescience:deletions,inversions,translocationsofmobile elements, ring formation, broken ends and fusions, that restructure the genome. Resurrectionfrom‘genomeshock’.Insertionofrelatedelementsatdistinctlociand remainingundercoordinatedregulation(McClintockB.Significanceofresponseof the genome to challenge. Science 1964;226:792–800). Re-emerges the primordial dependence of DNA on RNA, and on protein enzymes. SINE (short interspersed nucleotide elements) releasing mRNAs. Retrotransductions of LINEs (long inter- spersed nucleotide element) consisting of RNA and cDNA molecules. A combination of exons and introns in inverted terminal repeats. MITE DNA transposons (miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements). Inter-prokaryotic, intereukaryotic, including inter-kingdom, horizontal gene transfers. Symbiotic cellular unisons (cyanobacterial plastids in plant cells; alpha-proteobacterial mito- chondriainanimalcells).Tertiarysymbiosesindinoflagellates,thusearningenergy from photosynthesis. Evolution of genomes by whole genome doublings (WGD, repeatedly so) (Shapiro JA. Mobile DNA and evolution in the 21st century. MobDNA2019;1.4).Thehumangenomeisinterspersedbytransposableelements (TE), which are either DNA transposons, or RNA retrotransposons. The retro- transposonsareSINEs,LINEs,LTRs(longterminalrepeats),andAlus.TEsdictate the long term evolution of the genome. Satellite S (micro-, or macroS) DNAs are highcopynumbertandemrepeats.ThesnoRNAs(smallnucleolar)aretheancestors of the α-Satellate RNAs. Some ncRNAs are expressed from repetitive repRNAs. Noncoding ncRNAs of highly repetitive regions form a large reservoir capable to evolve into novel functional RNAs. The 300 bp Alu repeats (Arthrobacter luteus AluenzymethatcutsDNA)areSINEfamilymemberncRNAs.SINEsderivefrom tRNAs. SINE’s RNA polymerase III transcribes Alus. Alu sequences remain embeddedinprotein-codinggenes.SmallnuclearsnRNAsactlikeTEsandendup as pseudogenes (Matylla-Kulinska K et al Functional repeat-derived RNAs often originate from retrotransposon-propagated ncRNAs. Wiley Interdiscip Rev RNA 2014;5:591–600). MicroRNAs (miR-661; miR-885-3p) balance p53 and MDM protein expressions by controlling their mRNAs. In another level, Alus embedded in the 3’UTR (untranslated region) of mRNAs, as co-recipients of the aligning microRNAs,mayacceptorrejectalignment(HoffmanYetalmicroRNAsandAlu elements J Mol Cell Biol 2014;6:192–197). The primate-related SINE-Alu sequences appeared first in the Branchiostoma amphioxus (Holland LZ A SINE in the genome of the cephalochordate Int J Biol Sci 2006;2:61–65). In the Argonaute (AGO)protein family, PIWI proteins bind PIWI-interacting piRNAs (P element-inducedwimpytestis,drosophila);itisoneofthethreesmallRNAs(micro miRNA; small interfering siRNA). AGO proteins also bind miRNAs and siRNAs. PIWI proteins are primarily expressed in the germline, but somatic tissues are not exemptoftheirpresenceeither;thatincludesstemcells.ThePIWI/piRNApathway Appendix1*)ForEssentialInformationVeryWellIllustratedinGoogleandWikipedia 565 suppresses transposons, thus saving the integrity, and the regulation with chro- matin,oftheprotein-codinggenes(ManiSR&JulianoCEUntanglingthewebMol Reprod Dev 2013;80:632–654). Acholeplasma(Mycoplasma)laidlawiiwasgrownincultureanditsfusogenicphage particles were purified and concentrated (www.lookfordiagnosis.com). Author’s first encounter with A. laidlawii occurred in the early 1970s at M.D. Anderson Hospital, where A. laidlawii was found to have contaminated a human sarcoma established cell line. The contaminated fluid was transferred to Ferenc Györkey of thePathologyDepartmentattheVeteransAdministrationHospital,Houston,TXfor further studies in cell fusion experiments (unpublished). Similar contaminated human cancer cell cultures were reported from Russia (Polinskaia GG et al Tsitologiia 2000;42:190–195; 794–801). A swine pathogenic Acholeplasma exists inHungary(StipkovitsLetalActaVetAcadSciHung1973;23:307–313;361–368; J Hyg (London) 1974;72:289–296). Cells of the pathogenic PG8 strain of Acholeplasmalaidlawii(thecausativeagentofphytomycoplasmosisinOryzasativa L plants infected through their roots) release extracellular membranous vesicles. These vesicles contained virulence proteins, RNA nucleotide sequences, including rRNAs(ChernovVM,ChernovaOAetalScientificWorldJ2011;11:1120–1130; 2012;3154–3174; J Proteomics 2014;110:117–128). The presence of rRNAs indi- cates to this author that the extracellular membranous vesicles are ribosome-like exosomes. The phenomenon of exosome release is universal in the cellular world. Observations without actual precise counts indicate that virulent pathogenic or malignantly transformedcells release excessive numbers of exosomes.Thisauthor suggestedthat DNA-free butRNA-loaded exosomes(including rRNA) representa retrogradeevolutionarydescentofthecelltotheprecellulareraofthelivingmatter. In the RNA World exosome-like units might have populated the Earth. Precellular ribozyme-armed and readily mutable rRNA-containing ribosome-like units might have existed with simple ribonucleoproteins (RNP) within (Sinkovics JG Europ J Microbiol Immunol 2015;5:25–43). Metabolomic analysis shows some unique differences between A. laidlawii (strain PG-8A) and Mycoplasma pneumoniae in that, three amino acids (alanine, asparagine, valine) present in M. pneumoniae are missingfromA.laidlawii.Itispossiblethatalaninisveryrapidlyincorporatedinto proteinsthroughaminoacyl-tRNAsynthetase,thusapparentlydisappearingfromthe metabolome. A.laidlawii operates a unique lysine decarboxylase notpossessed by any other Mycoplasmataceae. In riboflavin biosynthesis, in addition to the cus- tomary bifunctional riboflavin kinase, only A. laidlawii possessed enzymes for the conversion of diamino-hydroxyphosphoribosyl-aminopyrimidines (Vanyushkina AAetalPLoSOne2014;9(3):e89312).Virallyinfected(phage-carrier)JA1strains of A. laidlawii reveal acute infections with cell lysis, and chronic non-lytic non-cytocidal infection with rapid growth of infected cells. A. laidlawii has no bacterialcellwall;itissurroundedbyasinglelipoproteincellmembrane,similarly to spheroplasts, or to eukaryotic cells of uni- or multicellular hosts (Liss A & RitterBEJGenMicrobiol1985;131:1713–1718).Afterlysisofthemembranewith antibody and complement, the remaining cytoplasms were referred to as ghosts 566 Appendix1*)ForEssentialInformationVeryWellIllustratedinGoogleandWikipedia (Brunner H et al Infect Immun 1976; 13:1671–1677), but without stating if the membrane-freecytoplasmscouldmetabolizeandtowhatextent.Themembrane-free E.colicytoplasmsobservedbythisauthorwerepresentedasexamplesof“cell-free living matter”, “plasma” (even though they were lost for further studies in 1956) (SinkovicsJBiolKözlem(Hungary)1954;2:69–81;1957;5:19–27;ActaMicrobiol Hung 1957;4;59–75; Die Grundlagen der Virusforschung, Hung Acad Sci, 1956). However, extracellular E. coli ribosomes remained functional in vitro in the M W NirenbergandJHMatthaeiexperiments(ProcNatlAcadSciUSA1961;47:1580– 1586; 1588–1602). Now, A. laidlawii exosomes emerge; however, they are membrane-bound cytoplasmic units (vide supra).The extant Mollicute A. laidlawii strainsexhibitahighdegreeofgenomicandproteomicdeviationamongthemselves; the deepest branching member of the clade remains A. laidlawii (Stepens EB et al Yale J Biol Med 1983;56:729–735; Kube M et al J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 2014;24:19–35). The ancestors of the unique Mollicute mycoplasma A. laidlawii anditsfusogenicviruscoexistedwitharchaea(crenarchaea)spheroplasts,ascenario thatreadilyoffersitselffortheoriesofprimordialcellfusionsthatmighthavecreated the first eukaryotic cells; a situation possibly amenable to reproduction in the lab- oratory(Sinkovics JG Acta Microbiol Immunol Hung 2001;48:115–127). Fusogenic Viruses. Not all phages are lysogenic. An Acholeplasma phage (see Text) might have been the ancestor of eukaryotic fusogenic viruses, which induce coalescence of their host cells’ membranes. Of numerous eukaryotic fusogenic viruses,standouttheMuscervicolorleukemiaretrovirusM813fusingTlymphoma cells; the EnvV syncytin-producer retroviruses fusing syncytiotrophoblasts of the placenta; HIV-1 fusion protein fusing infected lymphocytes; influenza viral fusion peptides fusing lipid bilayer vesicles; parainfluenza and paramyxoviral cell fusion proteins; corona virus-induced syncytia; measles virus producing multinucleated giant cells; Sendai virus-fused cells; herpes simplex viral cell-fusogenic glyco- protein M; env gene/protein-acquiring endogenous retroviruses budding from human tumor cells (lymphoma, Reed-Sternberg cells, Kaposi sarcoma, adenocar- cinoma, melanoma) and inducing cell fusions. Virus-producer fused tumor cells may gain growth advantages; may express new antigenic targets to immune defensesortoimmunotherapy(seeText).Uponcellularencounters, theidentityor chemical relatedness of cell membrane or viral capsid/envelope structures leads to cell fusions (Ogle BM et al Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 2005;6:567– 575). A candidate fusion partner is the ancestral mycoplasma Acholeplasma, and the primordial mediator is its fusogenic virus (phage) (see in Text). The much Debated Tree of Life was set into three domains by Ernst Haeckel: “Monophyletischer Stammbaum der Organismen” consisting of Protista, Plantae andAnimalia.Extraordinaryacquisitionofgenesthroughhorizontal(lateral)routes invalidates the evolutionary pathways that were constructed by true vertical inheritance.AmongBacteria, Mycoplasmataceae viewith Aquifex aeolicus for the basic position; regression of Mycoplasmataceae from Bacteroides is unacceptable Appendix1*)ForEssentialInformationVeryWellIllustratedinGoogleandWikipedia 567 (Klenk H-P et al J Mol Evol 1999;48;528–541; Woese CR Maniloff J Zablen LB Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1980;77:494–498). After long debates, it has been fully accepted that cyanobacteria entered as endo- plasmic symbionts of the eukaryotic algae-to-plants lineage; and that ancestral purple proteobacteria have become the eukaryotic cytoplasmic endosymbiont mitochondria of animalia. Archaea are more accurately divided as phyla Crenarchaeota, Euryarchaeota, Korarchaeota,andNanoarchaeota.Inevolutionaryorder,forthepositionofthefirst domain, vie the prokaryotes Mycoplasmataceae or Aquifex, with Nanoarchaea. RecentisolatesincludetheLokiarchaeotaloadedwithgenes,whosesignatureslater become dominant in the eukaryotic proteomic repertoire (Spang A et al Nature 2015;521;173–179).TheTACKarchaealsuperphylumconsistsofThaumarchaeota/ Aigarchaeota/Crenarchaeota/Korarchaeota existing in sister relationship with Euryarchaeota, both being ancient carriers of genomes/proteomes that reappear in eukaryota (Raymann K et al Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2015;12:6670–6675). A hyperthermophilic extremophile archaea isolated from the hot springs of the Yellowstone National Park carries a virus with a circular dsDNA genome, which encodes elaborate turret-like structures in its capsid. These structures of the Sulfolobus turreted icosahedral virus re-appear throughout evolution in bacterio- phages,algalvirusesandadenoviruses.Itsgenemighthaveoriginatedinacommon ancestorthatexistedbeforethedivisionofthethreedomainsoflife(RiceGetalProc NatlAcadSciUSA2004;101:7716–20). Joseph,Rhawn:Geneticsandevolutionofthelifefromotherplanets.JCosmology 2009;1:150–200). In contrast, the present author prefers to envision the origin of lifeontheancientplanetEarth.Betweenthefirstprotocells,virally-mediatedfusion of two equal partners: a spheroplast of an archaeon (a crenarchaeota) and a spheroplastofaprokaryota(amycoplasma),followedbythelaterengulfmentofthe α-proteobacteriumtobecomethemitochondrium,oracyanobacteriumtobecomea photosynthetic unit (plastid). Phage-mediated fusions of cell wall-free mycoplasma-like cells (the Acholeplasma) do occur. The equal fusion partner of the prokaryota would be a crenarchaeota (both in the form of spheroplasts), but would they yield to the same fusogenic phage? These basic fundamental experi- mentsofnaturecouldpossiblybereproducedinalaboratory.Thecandidatefusion partner archaea might have been thermophilic. Thermophilic archaea populated (still do) hot submarine vents. Light energy from the Sun does not penetrate the depths of the seas. There, geothermal radiation provides the energy to anaerobic photosyntheticpigments(BeattyJTetalProcNatlAcadSciUSA2005;102:9306– 10). Some nanoarchaea (N. equitans and Ignicoccus hospitalis) form unisons withoutfusion.Suchunisonsareexpectedtohavebeenformedamongthedeepest branch-offs(StetterKO:Abriefhistory ofthediscoveryofhyperthermophilic life. Biochem Soc Trans 2013;41:416–429. Jahn U et al Nanoarchaeum equitans and Ignicoccus hospitalis: New insights into a unique, intimate association of two 568 Appendix1*)ForEssentialInformationVeryWellIllustratedinGoogleandWikipedia archaea. J Bacteriol 208;190:1743–1750. Podar M et al A genomic analysis of the archaeal system Ignicoccus hospitalis-Nanoarchaeum equitans. Genome Biol 2008;9(11):R158).Fusedcellsofequalrankscreatedthefirsteukaryote;theunited large cell was able to engulf single-celled bacteria, which surrendered to endosymbiosis in a subservient position as mitochondria and plastids. The mito- chondria transferred most of their genes to the host cell nucleus, but retained the faculty of the endogenous apoptosis induction in their host cells. The widely practiced lateral (horizontal) gene transfers between archaea and bacteria (uni- directional; bidirectional?) resulted in species diversification, but transfer-resistant macromolecular genes preserved the dominant vertical routes of evolution (Abby SS et al Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2012;109:4962–4967). The Unicellular Ciliate Protozoon, Paramecium tetraurelia, possesses nuclear dimorphism: a germline genome in its micronucleus (MIC) and a somatic genome in its macronucleus (MAC). Its cytochrome b5 genes carry out the ubiquitous electrontransports.Uponitsthreeorfourroundsofwholegenomeduplications,the largest numbers of reduplicated and retained, and the smallest numbers of lost, genes are the cytochrome b5 genes (of the whole macronuclear and mitochondrial genomes consisting of some 40,000 genes). Among others, sequenced were the tRNA trp and tRNA tyr (tryptophan; tyrosine) genes. The paramecium germ line nucleusistranscriptionallysilent,andthesomaticmacronucleusistranscriptionally active. Germ line-specific sequences (internal eliminated sequences, IESs) are excisedbythethousands,butwithgreat precision(as inotherciliates).One IESis locatedinanintron.Geneexpressionsarecarriedoutwithextraordinaryreplication fidelity, especially in their DNA polymerases, resulting in nucleotides conserving amino acid sites (Sung W et al Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2012;109;19339–19344; VayssiéletalNucleicAcidsRes1997;25:1036–1041;WuKJetalGenetMolRes 2013;12:1882–1896). ConjugatingParamecia.Afterthesexualevent,thenewsomaticMACsubmitsthe germline MIC to a series of rearrangements. The rearrangements consist of the precise excision from the diploid germline genome of inserted parasitic DNA elements.Unique-copyInternalEliminatedSequences(IESs)areexcisedbycertain long ago inserted, but by now domesticated transposases, such as from the piggyBack (from cabbage looper moth Trichoplusia ni) to the PiggyMac element. Targeted are the Tc1/mariner, sardine and anchois transposons. All IESs are rem- nants of these, or other pre-inserted transposons. Some IES inserts shorten (<159 bp) anddecay.Epigenetic ncRNAs locate thetargets; ncRNAs remainon board to purify eukaryotic genomes of RNA-to-DNA inserts. Two dinucleotide TA sequences flank the IES to be excised. Mutated flanking TA dinucleotides with cis-actingMendelianmutationspreventtheirexcision;otherwisemutationinoneof the two flanking TA dinucleotides pose an absolute requirement for IES excision. The Oxytricha genome is heavily infested by inserted transposons. The endonu- clease required for the cleavage of the Oxytricha genome is a transposase derived from its germline TBE (telomere-bearing elements) transposons. The piggyback

Well Illustrated in Google and Wikipedia .. thetic green alga C. reinhardtii operates some 15.000 genes, cyclic AMP and GMP 2013;383:49–58; Huang J et al Tumour Biol 2014;35:1095–1100; Li XJ et al Br J cell with t(11;22) (24;q12) by pathologist Bruce McKay who prepared the trans- mission
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