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Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 2 Date: 23/04/2018 SHIRE OF COLLIE USER: Hasreen Mandry Time: 3:26:05PM PAGE: 1 List of Accounts Due and Submitted to Council: March 2018 Cheque /EFT Bank INV No Date Name Invoice Description Code Amount Amount Mar 18 02/03/2018 SC1 - SCOPE-ADMIN COLOUR COPIER SCOPE-ADMIN COLOUR COPIER ($566.50) BENMUNI 566.50 ($566.50) Mar 18 12/03/2018 CF1 - CANON FINANCE- ADMIN B&W CANON FINANCE- ADMIN B&W COPIER LEASE ($233.20) BENMUNI 233.20 COPIER LEASE ($233.20) Mar 18 19/03/2018 KM1 - KONICA-DEPOT COPIER LEASE KONICA-DEPOT COPIER LEASE ($115.50) BENMUNI 115.50 ($115.50) Mar 18 23/03/2018 WM2 - CAPITAL FINANCE-LIBRARY COPIER CAPITAL FINANCE-LIBRARY COPIER ($231.00) BENMUNI 231.00 ($231.00) Mar 18 26/03/2018 AP1 - AUSTRALIA POST AUSTRALIA POST BENMUNI 2,518.58 Mar 18 31/03/2018 FF1 - FINES ENFORCEMENT FEES FINES ENFORCEMENT FEES BENMUNI 1,479.00 Mar 18 31/03/2018 BF1 - BANK FEES BANK FEES BENMUNI 1,018.44 Mar 18 31/03/2018 BF1 - BANK FEES BANK FEES CENTREPAY BENMUNI 102.96 3175 09/03/2018 ABENRA CONSTRUCTION KERB BOND REFUND FOR LOT 524 (3) MEDIC STREET BENTRUST 500.00 START DATE 29/03/17 END DATE 01/02/18 - T435 INV KERB BO2N8/D0 22/820021188 ABENRA CONSTRUCTION KERB BOND REFUND FOR LOT 524 (3) MEDIC STREET BENTRUST 500.00 START DATE 29/03/17 END DATE 01/02/18 - T435 EFT22960 01/03/2018 AMD SOUTHWEST PTY LTD ONSITE ACCOUNTING ASSISTANCE TO 31/01/18 BENMUNI 1,309.00 INV 40789 31/01/2018 AMD SOUTHWEST PTY LTD ONSITE ACCOUNTING ASSISTANCE TO 31/01/18 BENMUN I1,309.00 EFT22961 01/03/2018 AUTO1 COLLIE 1 x soldering iron - replacement for damaged unit BENMUNI 34.95 INV 360434 01/02/2018 AUTO1 COLLIE 1 x soldering iron - replacement for damaged unit BENMUNI 34.95 EFT22962 01/03/2018 COLLIE GARDEN CENTRE Staff - 5 year milestone achieved - Gift Voucher BENMUNI 50.00 INV ZB519769095/02/2018 COLLIE GARDEN CENTRE Staff - 5 year milestone achieved - Gift Voucher BENMUNI 50.00 EFT22963 01/03/2018 CLEANAWAY REPLACEMENT RECYCLE BINS PLUS TRANSPORTATION BENMUNI 1,524.39 FOR JANUARY 2018 Appendix 2 Appendix 2 Date: 23/04/2018 SHIRE OF COLLIE USER: Hasreen Mandry Appendix 2 Appendix 2 Time: 3:26:05PM PAGE: 2 List of Accounts Due and Submitted to Council: March 2018 Cheque /EFT Bank INV No Date Name Invoice Description Code Amount Amount INV 9786502 31/01/2018 CLEANAWAY REPLACEMENT RECYCLE BINS PLUS TRANSPORTATION BENMUN I1,524.39 FOR JANUARY 2018 EFT22964 01/03/2018 COURIER AUSTRALIA COURIER DELIVERIES FOR POOL 15-19/2/18 BENMUNI 302.31 INV 0346 19/01/2018 COURIER AUSTRALIA FREIGHT DELIVERY FOR HEALTH SERVICES 18/1/18 BENMUNI 38.54 INV 0351 23/02/2018 COURIER AUSTRALIA COURIER DELIVERIES FOR POOL 15-19/2/18, COURIER BENMUNI 263.77 DELIVERIES FOR ADMIN 19/2/18, COURIER DELIVERY FOR LIBRARY 21/2/18, COURIER DELIVERY FOR RANGERS 22/2/18 EFT22965 01/03/2018 COLLIE SALVAGE & HARDWARE 5 meters of 140x45 treated pine BENMUNI 507.80 6 meters of 90x45 treated pine and 100 bugle head screws for making kids furniture for Central Park INV 8436 25/01/2018 COLLIE SALVAGE & HARDWARE Supply 4 light globes and 1 toilet seat for the Wallsend Ground BENMUNI 28.50 ablution block INV 8434 18/01/2018 COLLIE SALVAGE & HARDWARE Supply a half inch pipe fitting for repairs to hose at dog pound BENMUNI 5.20 INV 8431 11/01/2018 COLLIE SALVAGE & HARDWARE Supply 2400mm x 1200mm sheet of 12mm MDF to cover windows at BENMUNI 42.00 the Transfer Station INV 8429 10/01/2018 COLLIE SALVAGE & HARDWARE 14 x bolts & nuts for repairs on picnic table at Soldiers Park, 3 Cans BENMUNI 21.60 of black spray paint for Soldiers Park INV 8430 11/01/2018 COLLIE SALVAGE & HARDWARE 5 meters of 140x45 treated pine, 6 meters of 90x45 treated pine and, BENMUNI 128.20 100 bugle head screws for making kids furniture for Central Park INV 8433 18/01/2018 COLLIE SALVAGE & HARDWARE 6 x bags of rapid set cement - sign rearrangement at Waste Transfer BENMUNI 49.20 Station INV 8439 30/01/2018 COLLIE SALVAGE & HARDWARE 6 x bags of general purpose cement - footpath repairs BENMUNI 60.00 INV 8435 22/01/2018 COLLIE SALVAGE & HARDWARE 2 x sheets of ply - Waste Transfer Station sign stencils, 2 x cans of BENMUNI 81.00 cold galvanising - general traffic signs INV 8427 05/01/2018 COLLIE SALVAGE & HARDWARE Fencing staples - Allanson pathway fence repairs BENMUNI 30.30 INV 8441 31/01/2018 COLLIE SALVAGE & HARDWARE Supply 2 rolls of 8mm rope for lashing shadesails at the dog pound BENMUNI 17.80 INV 8440 31/01/2018 COLLIE SALVAGE & HARDWARE Supply 2 cans of red touch up paint for vandal damaged doors at BENMUNI 19.00 Allanson toilets INV 8428 08/01/2018 COLLIE SALVAGE & HARDWARE Supply 5 tubes of gap filler for the bandhall toilets BENMUNI 25.00 EFT22966 01/03/2018 Creating Communities PHN Innovation and Collaboration grant expenditure - Audit of youth BENMUNI 4,361.50 mental health and family support services in Collie - for the period 01/12/17-27/02/18. Appendix 2 Appendix 2 Date: 23/04/2018 SHIRE OF COLLIE USER: Hasreen Mandry Appendix 2 Appendix 2 Time: 3:26:05PM PAGE: 3 List of Accounts Due and Submitted to Council: March 2018 Cheque /EFT Bank INV No Date Name Invoice Description Code Amount Amount INV SOCY180227/02/2018 Creating Communities PHN Innovation and Collaboration grant expenditure - Audit of youth BENMUN I4,361.50 mental health and family support services in Collie - for the period 01/12/17-27/02/18. EFT22967 01/03/2018 COATES HIRE 1 x days hire of hammer drill and bit - installation of Mungalup Rd BENMUNI 27.23 traffic calming devices INV 1691773601/02/2018 COATES HIRE 1 x days hire of hammer drill and bit - installation of Mungalup Rd BENMUNI 27.23 traffic calming devices EFT22968 01/03/2018 DAVES CLEANING SERVICE Cleaning of public toilets and BBQ's for February BENMUNI 5,585.60 INV 25 01/03/2018 DAVES CLEANING SERVICE Cleaning of public toilets and BBQ's for February BENMUN I5,585.60 EFT22969 01/03/2018 LANDGATE LAND ENQUIRY FEES JANUARY 2018 BENMUNI 227.70 INV 823979 02/02/2018 LANDGATE LAND ENQUIRY FEES JANUARY 2018 BENMUNI 227.70 EFT22970 01/03/2018 GFG CONSULTING Review of Collie River Revitalisation Plan 01/12/17 - 31/12/17 BENMUNI 1,683.35 INV INV-061931/12/2017 GFG CONSULTING Review of Collie River Revitalisation Plan 01/12/17 - 31/12/17 BENMUN I1,683.35 EFT22971 01/03/2018 HENDERSON HARDWARE Replace 1 sheet of fire damaged patio cover - polycarbornate sheet BENMUNI 355.19 INV 245025 01/02/2018 HENDERSON HARDWARE Replace 1 sheet of fire damaged patio cover - polycarbornate sheet BENMUNI 118.44 INV 245195 05/02/2018 HENDERSON HARDWARE 1 x 500ml bottle of hydrochloric acid - maintenance of water BENMUNI 9.00 equipment (cleaning sensors) INV 245103 02/02/2018 HENDERSON HARDWARE Supply white corrugated sheeting 5/1200mm and 2 tubes of silicone BENMUNI 99.40 for the rear roof at the museum INV 245363 07/02/2018 HENDERSON HARDWARE 2 x 500 x 230 x 160mm limestone blocks, 1 x bag of general purpose BENMUNI 56.35 cement, 1 x bag of creme bricklayers lite cement, 1 x diamond cutting disc, , Footpath maintenance INV 245379 07/02/2018 HENDERSON HARDWARE 1 x packet of pot rivets for repairs at Central Park Water Playground BENMUNI 4.00 INV 245376 07/02/2018 HENDERSON HARDWARE 1 x 4 litre pail of paint - timber park furniture maintenance BENMUNI 68.00 EFT22972 01/03/2018 Interphone INTERNET NBN OPTIC FIBRE PLAN 1TB FOR FEBRUARY BENMUNI 130.90 2018 INV 2768811 05/02/2018 Interphone INTERNET NBN OPTIC FIBRE PLAN 1TB FOR FEBRUARY BENMUNI 130.90 2018 Appendix 2 Appendix 2 Date: 23/04/2018 SHIRE OF COLLIE USER: Hasreen Mandry Appendix 2 Appendix 2 Time: 3:26:05PM PAGE: 4 List of Accounts Due and Submitted to Council: March 2018 Cheque /EFT Bank INV No Date Name Invoice Description Code Amount Amount EFT22973 01/03/2018 Malatesta and Sons Sawmill and Firewood 6 x lengths of jarrah for Skate Park Maintenance BENMUNI 49.50 INV 0000038827/09/2017 Malatesta and Sons Sawmill and Firewood 6 x lengths of jarrah for Skate Park Maintenance BENMUNI 49.50 EFT22974 01/03/2018 PILATTI BROS TRANSPORT 3 cubic metres of 20/14 concrete 80 slump - Shotts River Rd. culvert BENMUNI 1,117.50 repair INV INV-123405/02/2018 PILATTI BROS TRANSPORT 3 cubic metres of 20/14 concrete 80 slump - Shotts River Rd. culvert BENMUN I1,117.50 repair EFT22975 01/03/2018 PFI SUPPLIES 1 Wooden Backed Red Rubber Floor Squegee 750 mm BENMUNI 78.50 1 Wooden Handle Suit INV 27237 02/02/2018 PFI SUPPLIES 1 Wooden Backed Red Rubber Floor Squegee 750 mm , 1 Wooden BENMUNI 78.50 Handle Suit EFT22976 01/03/2018 P & S Griggs Plumbing Repair burst water main under the edge of the main entry road at the BENMUNI 559.24 Caravan Park INV 2249 06/02/2018 P & S Griggs Plumbing Repair burst water main under the edge of the main entry road at the BENMUNI 559.24 Caravan Park EFT22977 01/03/2018 PATHWEST LABORATORY MEDICINE WA Drug and Alcohol test - pre employment - through PATHWEST BENMUNI 105.01 INV 9962133 23/01/2018 PATHWEST LABORATORY MEDICINE WA Drug and Alcohol test for pre employment BENMUNI 35.00 INV 9962133 23/01/2018 PATHWEST LABORATORY MEDICINE WA Drug and Alcohol test for pre employment BENMUNI 35.00 INV 9962133 23/01/2018 PATHWEST LABORATORY MEDICINE WA Drug and Alcohol test - pre employment - through PATHWEST BENMUNI 35.01 EFT22978 01/03/2018 REUBEN'S NEWSAGENCY 2 x printer cartridges for Depot BENMUNI 321.29 INV I000002270467/02/2018 REUBEN'S NEWSAGENCY 4 x Pkts A4 Laminating Pouches (100 micron), 4 x Pkts of Thermal BENMUNI 222.36 Till Rolls (57mm x 57mm x 12mm) (No. 607), 3 x Pairs of Scissors, 2 x Pkts of Stick on Velcro Brand Hook & Loop Dots 62 22mm (P20143), 12 x Boxes Binder Clips 9546A 15mm, 2 x Boxes (18 Pkt) Post-It Pop-up Notes 76mm x 76mm, 5 x Green Highlighter Markers, 5 x Yellow Highlighter Markers INV I000002270670/02/2018 REUBEN'S NEWSAGENCY 1 x Pkt Laminating Pounches for Cards - Shire Office, 1 x Pkt BENMUNI 32.98 Business Card Plain Perforated - Shire Office INV I000002260915/02/2018 REUBEN'S NEWSAGENCY 2 x printer cartridges for Depot BENMUNI 65.95 EFT22979 01/03/2018 RG & AP RUSCONI & CO Repair broken RPZD valve - Wallsend ground water supply BENMUNI 350.00 Appendix 2 Appendix 2

storm damage trailer, 4410927 Torch Led Arlec++ High Vis. WSTRAP ATD101, LGGS - Tools for of work jeans - PPE. PETE'S. 23/03/2018. 426.00.
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