Appendices to accompany the thesis: An Evaluation and Redevelopment of Current Laboratory Practices: An in-depth Study into the Differences Between Learning and Teaching Styles by Reyne Pullen, BSc(Hons) School of Physical Sciences - Chemistry University of Tasmania March 2016 Table of Contents Appendix I - Supporting Information ............................................................................. 5 I.1 Ethics Information ................................................................................................................... 6 I.2 Systematic Review Marking Scheme .................................................................................. 9 I.3 Sample Sizes of Various Comparisons ............................................................................. 13 I.4 Validation Criteria for Laboratory Performance Rubric .......................................... 16 Appendix II - Data Collection Instruments ................................................................. 19 II.1 Global Instruments ............................................................................................................... 20 II.1.1 Foundation and First Year Student Perceptions Survey ............................................... 20 II.1.2 Rubric for Assessment of Laboratory Performance ........................................................ 23 II.1.3 Second and Third Year Student Perceptions Survey ...................................................... 26 II.2 Experiment Specific Instruments .................................................................................... 31 II.2.1.1 The Analysis of a Solution by Measurement of its Density Post-Quiz ................. 31 II.2.1.2 Distillation as a Separation Technique Post-Quiz ........................................................ 34 II.2.1.3 Identification of a Carboxylic Acid Post-Quiz ................................................................. 36 II.2.1.4 Properties of Solutions of Acids and Bases Post-Quiz ................................................ 38 First Year ......................................................................................................................................... 40 II.2.2.1 Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol: Synthesis of Benzoic Acid Post-Quiz ....................... 40 II.2.2.2 Organic Functional Groups Post-Quiz ............................................................................... 43 II.2.2.3 Thermochemistry: Enthalpy of Neutralisation Post-Quiz ........................................ 45 II.2.2.4 Determination of the Freezing Point Depression Constant for Cyclohexane Post-Quiz ........................................................................................................................................................ 47 1 Appendix III - Alternative Teaching Approaches Procedures ............................. 49 III.1 Foundation Chemistry ....................................................................................................... 52 III.1.1 Expository - The Analysis of a Solution by Measurement of its Density .............. 52 Experiment 2: The Analysis of a Solution by Measurement of its Density. ..................... 53 III.1.2 Guided Inquiry Method for the Analysis of a Solution by Measurement of its Density Experiment .................................................................................................................................. 67 III.1.3 Problem Solving Method for the Analysis of a Solution by Measurement of its Density Experiment .................................................................................................................................. 71 III.1.4 Expository Method for the Distillation as a Separation Technique ........................ 74 III.1.5 Guided Inquiry Method for the Distillation as a Separation Technique Experiment ................................................................................................................................................... 86 III.1.6 Problem Solving Method for the Distillation as a Separation Technique Experiment ................................................................................................................................................... 95 III.1.7 Expository Method for the Identification of a Carboxylic Acid Experiment ..... 104 III.1.9 Problem Solving Method for the Identification of a Carboxylic Acid Experiment .......................................................................................................................................................................... 116 III.1.10 Expository Method for the Properties of Solutions of Acids and Bases Experiment ................................................................................................................................................. 119 III.1.11 Guided Inquiry Method for the Properties of Solutions of Acids and Bases Experiment ................................................................................................................................................. 127 III.1.12 Problem Solving Method for the Properties of Solutions of Acids and Bases Experiment ................................................................................................................................................. 134 III.2 First Year Chemistry ....................................................................................................... 137 III.2.1 Expository Method for the Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol: Synthesis of Benzoic Acid Experiment ....................................................................................................................................... 137 III.2.2 Guided Inquiry Method for the Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol: Synthesis of Benzoic Acid Experiment ..................................................................................................................... 146 2 III.2.3 Problem Solving Method for the Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol: Synthesis of Benzoic Acid Experiment ..................................................................................................................... 149 III.2.4 Expository Method for the Organic Functional Groups Experiment .................... 152 3,4 – dimethoxybenzaldehyde ........................................................................................................... 169 III.2.5 Guided Inquiry Method for the Organic Functional Groups Experiment ........... 170 III.2.6 Problem Solving Method for the Organic Functional Groups Experiment ........ 180 III.2.7 Expository Method for the Thermochemistry Experiment ...................................... 186 III.2.8 Guided Inquiry Method for the Thermochemistry Experiment ............................. 199 III.2.9 Problem Solving Method for the Thermochemistry Experiment .......................... 203 III.2.10 Expository Method for the Freezing Point Depression Experiment .................. 206 III.2.11 Guided Inquiry Method for the Determination of the Freezing Point Depression Constant for Cyclohexane Experiment ................................................................... 220 III.2.12 Problem Solving Method of the Freezing Point Depression .................................. 223 III.3 Second Year Chemistry ................................................................................................... 226 III.3.1 Determination of Copper and Arsenic in Treated Wood by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy .............................................................................................................................................. 226 III.3.2 EDTA Titration of Calcium and Magnesium in Natural Waters .............................. 230 III.3.3 Spectrophotometric Determination of Phosphate in Natural Waters ................. 234 III.4 Third Year Chemistry ...................................................................................................... 238 III.4.1 Palladium Cross-Coupling Experiment ............................................................................. 238 Appendix IV - Statistical Analysis Output ................................................................ 245 IV.1 KRA001 ................................................................................................................................ 246 IV.1.1 The Analysis of a Solution by Measurement of its Density ....................................... 246 IV.1.2 Distillation as a Separation Technique .............................................................................. 254 IV.1.3 Identification of a Carboxylic Acid ....................................................................................... 262 IV.1.4 Properties of Solutions of Acids and Bases ...................................................................... 270 3 IV.2 KRA113 ................................................................................................................................ 278 IV.2.1 Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol: Synthesis of Benzoic Acid ............................................ 278 IV.2.2 Organic Functional Groups ..................................................................................................... 286 IV.2.3 Thermochemistry: Enthalpy of Neutralisation .............................................................. 294 IV.2.4 Determination of the Freezing-Point Depression Constant for Cyclohexane ... 302 4 Appendix I - Supporting Information Appendix I - Supporting Information I.1 Ethics Information I.2 Systematic Review Marking Scheme I.3 Sample Sizes of Various Comparisons I.4 Validation Criteria for Laboratory Performance Rubric 5 Appendix I - Supporting Information I.1 Ethics Information I.1 Ethics Information 6 Appendix I - Supporting Information I.1 Ethics Information PARTICIPANT INFORMATION SHEET (PROFORMA) SOCIAL SCIENCE/ HUMANITITES RESEARCH An analysis and redevelopment of first year laboratories. Invitation You are invited to participate in a research study into alternative teaching methods used in teaching first year laboratories. The aim for this study is to increase student involvement within a laboratory environment as well as improving independent thinking and problem solving skills. The study is being conducted by... Student Investigator: Reyne Pullen. PhD Candidate at School of Chemistry Chief Investigator: Prof. Brian Yates. Lecturer at School of Chemistry Co-Investigator: A/Prof. Greg Dicinoski. Head at School of Chemistry Co-Investigator: Dr. Natalie Brown. Senior Lecturer, Learning and Teaching Reyne is completing this study in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a PhD degree under the supervision of Professor Yates, A/Professor Dicinoski, and Dr Brown. 1. ‘What is the purpose of this study?’ The purpose is to investigate whether using alternative teaching methods have a significant impact on the understanding, enjoyment, and problem solving skills gained from completing the laboratory. 2. ‘Why have I been invited to participate in this study?’ You are eligible to participate in this study because you are a student undertaking KRA001. 4. ‘What does this study involve?’ This study will involve students undertaking an alternative teaching method laboratories in place of their standard teaching laboratory. The laboratory will progress as per the normal routine with the same time slot, lab space and demonstrators to oversee each group. The alternate experiments being investigated include three versions, Expository, Guided Inquiry, and Problem Solving. On completion of the experiment, students will complete a multiple-choice quiz for understanding and a survey about the experiment. The researchers would also like to compare you grades on these exercises with the quiz and survey answers. It is important that you understand that your participation in this study is voluntary. While we would be pleased to have you participate in the study, we respect your right to decline. There will be no consequences to you if you decide not to consent to the use of your results or grades, and this will not affect your treatment / service. All information will be treated in a confidential manner, and 7 Appendix I - Supporting Information I.1 Ethics Information your name will not be used in any publication arising out of the research. All of the research will be kept in a locked cabinet in the office of Prof. Brian Yates, the Chief Investigator and will be securely destroyed five years after publication of the study. Your consent to participate in this study and for the researchers to use all your results and grades is implied by your completion of the provided survey. Completion of the quiz is part of your normal laboratory studies. If you do not wish to participate in the study, then you should not complete the survey. 5. Are there any possible benefits from participation in this study? The completion of these laboratories may give you a better understanding of the processes undertaken. In addition to this, students may feel that they had a greater engagement in the experiment. 6. Are there any possible risks from participation in this study? There are no specific risks anticipated from this study. Due to the nature of this study being similar to a pilot study, some problems may need to be improved or overcome but they shall be dealt with as they arise. 7. What if I have questions about this research? If you would like to discuss any aspect of this study please feel free to contact either Reyne Pullen on ph 6226 1744 or Brian Yates on ph 6226 2167. Either of us would be happy to discuss any aspect of the research with you. Once we have analysed the information we will be mailing / emailing you a summary of our findings. You are welcome to contact us at that time to discuss any issue relating to the research study. This study has been approved by the Tasmanian Social Science Human Research Ethics Committee. If you have concerns or complaints about the conduct of this study should contact the Executive Officer of the HREC (Tasmania) Network on (03) 6226 7479 or email [email protected]. The Executive Officer is the person nominated to receive complaints from research participants. You will need to quote [H0011923]. Thank you for taking the time to consider this study. If you wish to take part in it, please complete the survey form attached. This information sheet is for you to keep. 8 Appendix I - Supporting Information I.2 Systematic Review Marking Scheme I.2 Systematic Review Marking Scheme 9