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Appeared in the top 10 in: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 (Left) Nigel White, Technical Manager Hydrodynamics and (Right) Zhenhong Wang, Lead Specialist from LR’s Marine Technology & Engineering Services Structural Analysis and Hydrodynamics, Southampton. They test the limits of your ship so you don’t have to Here’s to today’s explorers. Our research shows that today’s ever bigger container ships could be more at risk of structural failure. Using the latest hydrodynamics techniques and the facilities at LR’s Global Technology Centre, our experts can analyse the structural strength and fatigue of the newest large ship designs, for numerous sea conditions and operational speeds. We can provide the solutions you need to have confidence in the structural integrity of your ships. www.lr.org/strength Working together for a safer world Lloyd’s Register and variants of it are trading names of Lloyd’s Register Group Limited, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Copyright © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2014. A member of the Lloyd’s Register group. CD3532_LR_Marine_Advertising_Press_Ads_A4_AW.indd 1 07/11/2014 14:11:27 Contents THE RANKINGS TOP LISTS 04 Introduction 28 Top 10 port operators 08 Numbers 1-10 41 Top 10 insurance 30 Numbers 11-20 53 Top 10 regulators 47 Numbers 21-30 68 Top 10 classification 56 Numbers 31-40 76 Top 10 brokers 65 Numbers 41-50 89 Top 10 finance 81 Numbers 51-60 100 Data: Shipping is a numbers game 92 Numbers 61-70 101 Top 10 lawyers 99 Numbers 71-80 107 Numbers 81-90 113 Numbers 91-100 Top 100 Editor Julian McGrath Printing Lloyd’s List is available online in every Nicola Good Karen Thomas ESP Colour country in the world by placing a Lloyd's List Editor Fred Williams Editoral, advertising and sponsorship subscription with the publishers in Richard Meade Felicity Monckton inquiries London, Informa UK Ltd. Please place CJNaiognneetlt r LiPboouwrttroeyrrs CPMhhaiilneipaf Sgeimxnegitch dutiriveector LNTeleol:wy d+g’4sa4 tLe i( s0St),t2 rCe0e h7tr,0i sL1toc7hn 5udr0oc0nh0, CECou1rAt, 71A0Z-15 ytiseo aiusmrs u oaertdd Ie nfrrf oewerim tthoa t .hs Tuehb Lissl cosrypidbe’escr isLa.ils stu mpparlekmeteinngt Tom Leander Fergus Gregory Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 4782 For further information please email: DLianmtoina nN Bigrhettitngale AAnddvreerati sPirnagtt sales EPmubaliisl:h eeddit obryia Iln@follormydas UlisKt. cLotdm. sour bteslcerpiphtoionne.:e +n4q4u ir(0y@)2l0lo 3yd3s7l7is t3.c7o9m2 Craig Eason Niraj Kapur © Informa UK Ltd 2014 No part of this Louise Challoner, Head of Marketing, Lloyd’s David Osler Christopher Keeling publication may be reproduced, stored in a List and Cargo Da vid Sexton Catrin Probert retrieval system,or transmitted in any form Direct tel: +44 (0)207 017 5445 AHMlaealxx Ba Tnroidnwgenry aMoa LciInnnes DKaezs iKganpusniak opthrhe ob wtyo ragitnrtaeypn mh piecea,r nmresic seosleriodcnet rdoo fno tirch ,oe mt hpeeucrbwhlisaishneei cwra oilt,fh out ELsolmocyaideilt:’sy l oiisnu citshoeer.p croheragaliltsoetndeer ber@dy lttlhoraeydd Leslmolisyatd.rc’kso omAf ctth e Lloyd’s List. 1871 by the name of Lloyd’s Surprise, surprise Why 2014 has been a year of big dreams and chutzpah for shipping REMEMBER the Monty Python riff: “No-one expects the Mix and stir and you have the recipe for a very interesting Spanish Inquisition?” year since we last published our Lloyd’s List Top 100. Well, here we are. Look no further than the unexpected events that have Are containerships getting too big? Try 20,000 teu characterised 2014’s agenda of surprises. monsters. Our top dog, Xi Jinping, China’s president, stands for Has peak oil ensured that the price of crude will stay high the new confidence and influence of his nation, illustrated for ages? Enter the shale gas “revolution”. by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce’s blockbuster decision And what about all those shipping giants that last year in June to scuttle the planned P3 Alliance between Maersk, were saying offshore was the place to be? Mediterranean Shipping Co and CMA CGM. Now oil prices are down to where you can finally afford to Although China’s economy is slowing, it’s been a good year drive to see your Aunt Martha at Christmas; offshore looks a for the nation on the world stage, and in maritime affairs as well. little threadbare, shipping more attractive. MofCom’s P3 opinion served as the year’s most influential It might then be a good time to buy up the available slots in global antitrust decision, and mirrored the drives to squash South Korea and reliable shipyards in China. Oh, but Scorpio’s anti-competitive actions by domestic and foreign companies already done that. within China. And dry bulk shipping has a beautiful future, except not in Before Xi took power, initiatives such as the Maritime Silk 2015, which had been looking promising until about yesterday. Road from China to Africa smacked of five-year plan bombast. Now, dire is the word that comes to mind. Under Xi, it looks formidable. Sponsors: Media Partners: www.nor-shipping.com Get key insights delivered swiftly and analyzed “live” by experts. NOR-SHIPPING 2-4 JUNE 2015 UPDATE YOUR KNOWLEDGE! Get a fix on the A new Nor-Shipping initiative. A series of fast-paced sessions. synergies Insight on finance, law & insurance or technology & innovation. developing Mix and match to suit your needs. between maritime, offshore and seafood. p8 Sponsors: Media Partners: www.nor-shipping.com Get key insights delivered swiftly and analyzed “live” by experts. NOR-SHIPPING 2-4 JUNE 2015 UPDATE YOUR KNOWLEDGE! Get a fix on the A new Nor-Shipping initiative. A series of fast-paced sessions. synergies Insight on finance, law & insurance or technology & innovation. developing Mix and match to suit your needs. between maritime, offshore and seafood. And how do you like that oil price? At the time of writing, dry bulk, where two new monster mash-ups have entered the West Texas Intermediate crude, the benchmark, was at $67 scene as competition. per barrel. The factors driving prices down are not particularly Step forward Star Bulk Ocean Carriers, the result of a unexpected — but they feel like a surprise. merger between the eponymous company and Oceanbulk The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, on creating the largest US-listed dry bulk operator, and two John Saudi Arabia’s initiative, has refused to limit its output in a bid Fredrikson entities, Golden Ocean and Knightsbridge, which to drive the price below where US shale gas producers can no will soon seal a merger creating another dry bulk giant. longer afford to frack their way to riches. The dry bulk world is a risky place to be just now. Who knows how long this can go on before Opec gets weak Star Bulk is striding ahead, but faces a funding shortfall for knees or discovers rebels among its ranks, but until it does, the its newbuildings of $102m. Few worry that it will find the funds. price of crude is on an elevator going down. George Economou, the Greek shipping tycoon and founder Oil at $60 per barrel will spark enormous changes in the and chief executive of New York-listed DryShips, had to scram- shipping markets, shifting volumes on trade routes, deflecting ble this fall to plug a funding gap for a $700m bond repayment. offshore investors back to shipping stocks, and even improv- He eventually launched a new stock issue, with a pledge ing China’s growth rates as energy costs sink, restoring import to buy $80m of new shares with his own money. He made the demand. payment deadline in December. Another message from the shipping world that’s hard to If 2015 does turn out to be troublesome for dry bulk rates, ignore: if you’re feeling over-extended, just extend some more. many big dry bulk operators will have to find ways to obtain You’ll always find the money. new cash, or hoard the larder they have achieved through With private equity backing, main-street investors and savings such as cutting dividends. banks can always be encouraged to pony up. But who knows. Shipping is one of the last arenas in global business in The Spanish Inquisition was a bad, bad thing. But ship- which an individual can launch a Grand Plan and find the ping surprises can come on the upside, too. funding avenues to keep on going. Markets turn around quickly; geopolitical events create After cornering the chemical tanker newbuilding market, risk and opportunity and the canniest shipowners always Scorpio’s Emanuele Lauro has moved on to dry bulk and most survive, somehow. recently into the largest of the ultra large containerships. It is these survivors, from China to Greece to Wall Street, It’s a bid that would have made Onassis proud. that colour the industry’s identity. We’re still waiting to see how it pans out, particularly in Long may they prosper. p25 p26 p38 6 | Lloyd’s List 100 2014 Danish Maritime Forum Unleashing the potential of the global maritime industry Copenhagen October 7-8 The Danish Maritime Forum is a major event during Danish Maritime Days. It brings together key leaders in the global maritime industry with policymakers, experts and other influential decision-makers to generate new ideas and solutions to the most important challenges facing the industry in the future. For more information, please visit danishmaritimeforum.com #dkmd15 8 | Lloyd’s List 100 2014 China under Xi Jinping has hit its stride with an unfamiliar confidence Xi Jinping debunked the myth, many immediately Eventually, CNOOC withdrew the 01 China cried: “That makes sense!” rig, saying its initial explorations were Most interesting about the China slap- complete. down is that almost at once the global Various bodies have warned that shipping community accepted the legal China’s grab of swathes of the South China THE moment that P3 — the ill-fated argument. The way the P3 had planned its Sea could disrupt shipping in one of the alliance between the world’s top three network centres smacked of a monopoly. world’s most trafficked trade lanes. We containership operators — was struck And why hadn’t the US or Europe noticed doubt it, historical claims of legal legitimacy down by China’s Ministry of Commerce, this elephant in the room? linked to moldering maps notwithstanding. the shipping world knew it was dealing With his administration now in the The South China Sea is more like a with a new kind of national regulator. third year of its 10-year run, China under gymnasium where the new hunk is chal- The humongous alliance would have Xi Jinping has hit its stride with an unfa- lenging the incumbent gym rats at every allowed Maersk, Mediterranean Shipping miliar confidence. The self-assurance point on the circuit. Co and CMA CGM to weave together their naturally finds corollary in shipping, But it’s only a sideshow. Under Mr giant fleets into a force of unbeatable scale the world’s original global industry. Xi, China is more interested in soft power. and pricing power. And the P3 decision happened to land Consider the government’s initiative to The proposed alliance would set the impressive blow struck for global forge the “maritime Silk Road”, a kind of up operations centres in Singapore and free markets in 2014. reverse version of the old land-based trail London with more than 200 employ- But not so fast — isn’t China basi- from the Levant to China. ees and would combine three fleets of cally a capitalistic state monopoly under This one starts in China and culmi- ultra large carriers that would allow for a veneer of Marxist rhetoric, a nation that nates in Africa, where China has been unheard-of opportunities to translate allows state-owned behemoths like Cosco developing influence for years and dollop- scale into pricing power. to limp from quarter to quarter, keeps ship- ing out aid. Along the way sit ports of Regulators in the US gave it the nod. yards alive to save jobs and provides soft call offering commercial ingress to the So did the European Union, and although support for its shipbuilders on a massive economic powers of the future, from the EU’s nod actually meant “go ahead scale through policy institutions? Southeast Asia to the Middle East and for now and we’ll check in again later”, it Well, yes — and get used to it, because nations on the east coast of Africa. looked like smooth sailing. it’s only part of the story. By its actions, China’s shipping leadership is not In public, the three carriers were Mr Xi’s China is saying to the world: “We without its drawbacks. If anyone can say sanguine about approval — and floated endure your contradictions, now accept definitively how a stringent new tax on rumours, avidly picked up by the trade ours.” foreign shipping interests in China will press, that the MofCom had already play out, we’ve yet to see it. Circulars by handed down an approval. But back NEW INFLUENCE law firms have been unable to make sense channels in Asia were buzzing hints The laboratory in which China will experi- of the fine points and no-one knows how it that China wouldn’t so easily hand out ment with its new influence has prominent will be enforced. a free pass. exposure in shipping. Mr Xi’s government The stand-off between China and MofCom’s June decision rejecting in June-July allowed an oil rig owned by a Japan is worrying, and, like the one in the the alliance had the feel of a judge’s gavel China National Overseas Oil Co subsidiary South China Sea, could conceivably create hitting the block. Such is the nature of to drill in contested waters in the South mischief to maritime trade. the shipping industry that monopolistic China Sea near Vietnam, which objected But overall, expect shipping under Mr practice is more or less taken for granted. immediately. Xi to be a robust affair, pursuing commer- Shipowners see the right to wield this The stand-off grew into a myriad of cial imperialism much in the way that the kind of power as the compensation flotillas of small armed boats, with China’s British Empire did in its heyday. prize for running a business the world twice as large as Vietnam’s. Public opin- It’s not all about flexing muscles. The needs and that, in downcycles, is utterly ion in Vietnam reached a peak of outrage, P3 decision underscored that necessity unprofitable. with protesters storming what they of fairness in global maritime trade, and That is why other carriers and owners thought were factories owned by interests signalled China’s global durability, the in the dry bulk and tanker sectors faced in the People’s Republic (although many growing clout of a nation upon whose inter- the P3 with acceptance. But when China turned out have Taiwan owners). ests the sun never sets. Lloyd’s List 100 2014 | 9 Danish duo raise the bar for Maersk Line as competitors struggle to keep up Nils Andersen Maersk Line’s results have not been will start in January with joint operations 02 and Søren Skou lifted by the market, which remains in the three main east-west trades. AP Moller-Maersk fragile, but by a forensic look at every For Mr Andersen, the results of the aspect of the business to take costs out group’s logistics division Damco remain of the system and remove waste. Maersk a disappointment, with 12 months of MAERSK Line’s financial results contin- is not relying on a price recovery to losses. ued to defy gravity throughout 2014, sustain the bottom line, but a far more But it is Maersk Line’s exceptionally with the Danish carrier expected to post efficient network that keeps ships’ utili- strong financial results at a time when a full-year operating profit in excess sations high. most other lines are not doing well that of $2bn after three consecutive strong Behind this performance are AP has kept the two men in charge among quarterly results, Moller-Maersk group chief executive the elite group of the most powerful The July to September outcome of Nils Andersen and Maersk Line chief people in shipping. $685m was the highest since mid-2010 executive Søren Skou, who are proving Industry analysts point out, though, for the world’s largest containership to be a formidable team. that this has been no sudden success operator, while its return on invested Not everything went their way in story, with work starting in the wake capital soared to 13.5% from 10.8% in 2014, however. The planned P3 network of of the difficult P&O Nedlloyd takeover the previous three months. Maersk, Mediterranean Shipping Co and to transform Maersk Line’s financial This was the eighth consecutive CMA CGM was abandoned in June after performance. quarter in which Maersk had beaten its China’s Ministry of Commerce concluded It has been a long haul, with some target of a five-point margin over the it was anti-competitive. But within roller-coaster results and the line still industry average. Indeed, in the third weeks, Maersk had negotiated the 2M deep in the red as recently as 2011, quarter, the gap was 8.5%. vessel-sharing agreement with MSC that when it lost $553m and an effective 10 | Lloyd’s List 100 2014

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