STARVALLEYHISTORICAL SOCIETY HISTORICALBOOKS INVENTORY DETAILS 1. Overview Title: Annals ofWyomingIndex III Author: Katherine A. Halverson Subject: Wyoming Publisher: WyomingStateArchives and Historical Department Publishing Date: 1976 NumberofPages: 91 ID#: 622 Location: Website 2. Evaluation Evaluator's Name(s): Kent and Polly Erickson Date ofEvaluation: March 2015 Key Words: Included Names: 3. Svnopsis This index covers Volumes 32 through 46 for theyears 1960 - 1974. It has an alphabetical list of names, events and locations,with page and volume numbers, that appearin the issues included. Researchers in Wyominghistorywill find this to be a useful source. 4. Other Me^c Volume III of Wyoming VOLUMES 32 Through 46 1960 - 1974 WYOMING STATE ARCHIVES AND HISTORICAL DEPARTMENT CHEYENNE, WYOMING 19 7 6 hdcfc Volume III Mudls of Wyommg VOLUMES 32 THROUGH 46 1960 - 1974 PublishedBy WYOMING STATE ARCHIVES AND HISTORICALDEPARTMENT CompiledandEditedUnderSupervisiohof KATHERINEA.HALVERSON Director,HistoricalResearchandPublicationsDivision KEYTO INDEX AND ABBREVIATIONS Adj., Adjutant Gen.,General Pres.,President Agii., Agriculture Gov.,Governor Pvt.,Private Assn.,Association Govt.,Government R. R.,Raflroad biog.,biography Hon.,Honorable re, regarding,relativeto Brig.,Brigadier Hist.,History Reg.,Regiment Bros.,Brothers la.,Iowa Rev.,Reverend Bvt,Brevet Ida.,Idaho Sec.,Secretary Capt.,Captain lU.,Illinois Sen.,Senator Cav.,Cavalry illus.,illustration Sess.,Session Co.,Company Jr.,Junior Sgt.,Sergeant Col.,Colonel Kan.,Kans.,Kansas S. D., So.Dak.,SouthDakota Colo.,Colorado Lieut.,Lt.,Lieutenant Sr.,Senior Comm.,Commission Maj.,Major St.,Saint Cong.,Congressional Mo.,Missouri Supt.,Superintendent Cpl., Corporal Mont.,Montana T.,Ten.,Territory Dept.,Department Mt. (s). Mountain(s) U.P.R.R.,UnionPacificRailroad Dr.,Doctor Nat*l., National U.S.,UnitedStates D.T.,DakotaTerritory N.D.,NorthDakota U.T.,UtahTerritory ed.,editor,edited Nebr.,Nebraska Vol.(s),Volume(s) Fla.,Florida Ore.,Oregon W.T.,WyomingTerritory Ft.,Fort Pa.,Pennsylvania Wyo.,Wyoming Entries in the Index are arranged alphabetically under name, subject, title and author. Titles of books and newspapers appear in italics. Following an author entry isa complete list ofthe author's worksto be fouridin Annals ofWyoming. foreword TheAnnals of Wyoming coveraperiodfromJuly,1923,to thepresent.At first titledthe QuarterlyBulletin, thename waschanged ioAnnalsof Wyoming in July, 1925. VolumeNumber I of this index was published in 1943 and covered the years of1923 through 1942. This first volume also included anindextoearlier publications ofthe Historical Department: Wyoming Historical Collections of 1897, Volume I, by Robert Morris, Miscellanies of 1919, WyomingHistorical Collectionsof1920, HistoricalCollectionsof1922. VolumeNumber II of the Index was published in 1961and covered the yearsof 1943through 1959. Volume III hasbeencompiled by many persons since the publication of Volume II.Ingeneral it follows thestyle oftheprecedingindexes. Itwill fulfill therequestsofmanyresearchersinWyominghistory. KATHERINEA. HALVERSON,Editor Zable ofContents AnnalsofWyoming, April, I960through Fall, 1974 Page 5 KEYTOVOLUME, NUMBERANDDATE, PART III ANNALSOFWYOMING VOLUME NUMBER DATE VOLUME NUMBER DATE 32 1 April 1960 40 1 April 1968 2 Oct. 1960 2 Oct. 1968 33 1 April 1961 41 1 April 1969 2 Oct. 1961 2 Oct. 1969 34 1 April1962 42 1 April 1970 2 Oct. 1962 2 Oct. 1970 35 1 April 1963 43 I Spring 1971 2 Oct. 1963 2 Fall 1971 36 I April 1964 44 1 Spring 1972 2 Oct. 1964 2 lall 1972 37 1 April 1965 45 1 Spring 1973 2 Oct. 1965 2 Fall 1973 38 I April 1966 46 1 Spring 1974 2 Oct. 1966 2 l-all 1974 39 1 April 1967 2 Oct. 1967 Copyright, 1976,bythe WyomingStateArchivesandHistoricalDepartment Muals of Wyoming1960''1974 Albright. Horace M.. "Jack Ellis Haynes-A Tribute." 35:1:85-87; bios:.. 120; 42:2:1.53 Abbe. N..42:1:59 1.54. 1.55. 1.56. 157. 158. 159. 160. 163. 164. Abbot. T.D.. .V^:2:149 Abbott. L.C.. 85. 86 245. 246. 247. 2.53 Abbott. Mrs.. .^4:1:89 Albright. J.J..34:1:94 Abbott-Downing stages. .^4:2:245 Alburaer. Pvt.. 36:2:177. 181. 182 Abert. Lieut. William. .^5:1:11 "Alcott Farrar Elwell. His Diary. Wyoming Abrams. Ludolph. .'<.^:l:89 1908. AsCampCook. United StatesGodetic Absaraka. .^5:2:1.^I:.^8:2:215-216. 221 Survey. Roosevelt Liunite Conservation." "Absaroka. The Land and People." bvC. Lee 38:2:142-172 Mills. 44:2:222-2.^1: pholo. 221; Aldcn.C.A..PostSursicon.40:2:165. 166. 167. Acklev.Richard Ihomas.40:2:205:42:1:1.1. 18. 170. 171. 191 27.40 Aldrich. Sam W.. 45:1:19 (cid:127)"Across the Plains in 1864 With George Alexander.Col. E.B..32:1:19.20;38:1:14. 15. Forman." ed. bv T.A. Larson. 40:1:5-21: 42.47 conclusion.40:2:267-281 •Alexander. Esther. 36:2:195 Adair. Capt.. .16:1:67 Alger. HoraceC.. 39:2:183:40:1:77. 78 Adams. Andy. 44:1:92 ".Alias Dan Davis-Alias Dan Morgan." as told Adams. Mrs. Cecelia. 42:1:8. II. 26. 27: by Mrs. "Doc" Daisy Spear to R.H. (Bob) 42:2:197. 2()(>. 205. 211. 215. 217. 218: Schemer. 34:1:60 4.1:2:2.1.1. 2.14 Alkie. Fred. 35:2:131 Adams. Claude. 42:2:25.1; "Baduer .Station."" Allard. Joseph U.. 33:2:153 2.5.1-2.54 Allen. Capt. Asaph. 38:1:15. 42 Adams. D.C.. .18:2:209 Allen. Charles. 37:2:182 Adams. Franklin P.. .17:1:81 Allen. E.T.. .14:2:184 Adams. George. 42:1:65 (cid:127)Allen. Euaene B.. 32:1:43 Adams. George S..42:2:25.1 Allen. Florence A.. 39:2:2.57 Adams.Joseph M.. "TheIronBrids:e."42:l:88: Allen. James S.. 32:1:8 "Old Fort Plane." 88-89: "The Mormon Allen. John W..{.emendsandl.orcofSouthern Ferry." 89 Illinois, review. .17:1:138-140 Adams. Ramon F.. Tin- Old-Time Cowhand. Allen. .MaryJester. 33:2:220 review.34:1:128-129 A(cid:127) llen. Opal Sweazea. Xarcissa Whitman. Adams. RichardC..44:1:5.1 review. .12:2:267-268 Adams. T.B.. .17:1:.15..17 Allen. R.M..38:1:67 Adams. William W.. .18:2:190 Allen. Rellv.33:1:81 Adams. Briu.44:1:92 Allen. Russell & Co.. 32:1:8. 9 Adams.—.^12:1:76; .1.1:1:90 Allen. W.A...16:2:141 Adams County:AStoryoftheGreatPlains, ed. Allen. Gen.. 32:2:180. 181 bvDorothy WeverCreisih. review.45:2:271- Allen Lieut.. 32:2:222 272 Allen. Miss, fiancee ofLieut. John L. Grattan. Adams County: ThePeople. IS72-I972. ed. by 42:1:86 Dorothy WeyerCreigh. review. 45:271-72 Allen. Mr.. 42:1:85 Adams Express Co.. .12:1:.10 Allen & Co.. .14:2:201 Adams' Grocery. .15:2:15.1 Allerton. Lake&Spencer (LAK Co.). 38:1:95 "Adirondack Murrey."41:2:200 .Allien. Henr\ V. and Co.. 39:1:39 Aeschbacher. W.D.. review of Hi^h Road to Allison. .Archie. 37:1:113 Pnmiontory: Biiildini; the Central Pacific .Allison. Samuel. 33:1:55 Acorssthe Hijfh Sierra. 41:2:279-280 Allman. Flora Ann. 32:2:274 A}(e (Evanston). .15:1:97 Allred. B.W.. "Geroge Morgan. Pioneer Agnew.John. .1.1:2:1.12 Importer and Breeder of American Here- Agogino. Dr. George A.. "Archaeological fords." 42:1:57-76; hioi:.. 135 Research by the Universitv of Wyoming for Allyn. Henry. 40:2:215. 2-17:43:2:226 I960." .12;2;242-244:.13:2:215 .Almond Station. .14:2:238 Agricultural Adjustment Actof 1949. 45:2:189 Almi>st Up Devils Tower, bv Mae L'rbanek. Ah Say. Mrs.. .14:1:90 review. 41:1:148-149 Akin. Mary Ann. 32:1:111 Almv. 35:2:178;42:2:237. 238. 2.19. 242 Albany County..13:1:49.90;.14:1:72;35:2:129. Almy No.4 Coal Mine. 42:2:238 130:42:2:225 "Almy Wyoming." bvCharles Guild. Told bv "AlbertCharles Peale. PioneerGeoU>gistofthe DorotheaGuild. 41:'l:121-122 HaydenSurvev."bvFritiofFrvxell..14:2:175- "Along Bozeman Trail Near Beckton." by 192; photos. 176. 1*81 Elsa Sjiear Byron. 36:1:68-69 ANNALS OF WYOMING "AlongtheLittleHorn," paintingbyJosephH. Anderson, U.S. Marshal.44:1:93 Sharp. 43:1:cover Andrews. Allen. The Splendid Pauper, The Alsberg, HenryG.. 45:1:74. 81 Storx ofMoretonFrewen. review. 40:2:284- Alsop. John D.. 36:2:187. 188 285" Alsop. Tom, 33:1:86; 36:2:185. 189; Mrs., Andrews. Charley. 45:2:147 36:2:181 Andrews, Cora.See Mrs. Brees Alsop. Wm. J.. 36:2:187 Andrews,Hattie.SeeMrs.JohnPhillips Alsup. Jack.42:1:82 Andrews.N.L..35:2:131.132;37:2:148;photo. Alta Vista. 1875. 37:1:85 152 Alter. J. Cecil. 32:1:120;39:1:115 Andrews. Ralph W.. Indiansas the Westerners Altman. Henry. 42:1:62 SawThem,review.36:1:110;PictureGallery American Academy of Arts and Science. Pioneers, review. 37:1:132-133; Photo 32:2:242 graphers of the Frontier West, review. AmericanCattleTrust,35:2:163;43:2:212.213 38:1:129-130 TheAmericanCowboyhi Lifeand Legend,by Andrews. Wayne. 38:1:50 Bart McDowell, review. 44:1:124 Angel. Dr. M.B.. 32:2:179 AmericanFurCo..32:2:267;33:2:162.163.166; Angus,SheriffW.S."Red."35:2:148;38:1:62. 34:2:147;36:1:8;42:1:83.84.87;44:1:28.79. 64. 66; 38:2:168; 45:2:152. 154. 155, 156. 83, 84;44:2:212 157. 158 AmericanHerefordCattle BreedersAssociation, Annual Post Route Bill.32:1:43 42:1:59. 61. 62 AntelopeCreek. 33:2:210; 36:2:185. 213 American Legion, 39:2:259 "AntelopeCreekStation."byEdithThompson. TheAmerhan West: AReorientation, ed. by 36:1:50-51 Gene M. Gressley, review,40:1:139 Anthony. J.W.. Lieut. Col.. 34:2:227 America'sHistoryhmds, Landmarks ofLiberty, Anthony's Stamp Mill. 40:2:237 prepared by the National Geographic Book Antilla,Alice,"StoryoftheHam'sForkCountry Service, Merle Severy. Chief, review. and the OregonTrail,"45:2:259-261 34:1:123-124 Antram. Pvt. Jesse E.. 32:2:232 America's Political Dilemma, by Gottfried Apple. Peter.45:2:254 Dietz. review, 40:2:292 Applegate.,35:2:203 America's Western Frontiers, The Exploration Applegate Co.. 35:2:201. 202. 203. 204. 205. andSettlementoftheTrans-Mississippi West. 206 byJohn A. Hawgood, review. 39:2:266-267 TheArapahoes OurPeople, by Virginia Cole Amc»>. Charles Edgar. Pioneering the Union Trenholm. review. 43:1:1.14-135 Pacific: AReappraisal oftheBuildersofthe Arber. Perry. 37:1:96 Railroad, review. 42:2:276-277 Arbogast. John. 40:2:258 Ames. Frederick Lothrop,38:1:52 "ArchaeologicalResearch bytheUniversity of Ames. Oakes, 38:1:49-53 Wyoming for 1960." by Dr. George A. Ames. Oliver. Jr.. 38:1:49-53 Agogino. 32:2:242-244 AmesMonument.38:1:49-53;photo.38:1:cover "The Architecture of H.H. Richardson in Wyoming. A NewLook atthe Ames Monu Amous, —. 33:2:196 "An Analysis of Scottish Population." bv ment." by H.R. Dieterich. Jr.. 38:1:49-53 Paul M. Edwards.41:2:275-276 Arconet. Mrs. Stella. 39:1:99 AnchorLodge No. 7. A.F.&.A.M.. 35:2:150 Arcourt (Arcorut). Mrs.. 39:1:103 HuntersoftheFarlyf.v/. ed. byRichard Argesheimer. Capt. Hattie. 37:1:31 Argesheimer. J.C.. photo. 37:1:5 F. Pourade. review39:1:148-150 . . .and then there was one. The Story of Argus. 33:2:139;35:1:95;43:2:175. 183 Cambria. Tiibb Town and Newcastle, by Arid Land Bill. 40:1:64 Arizona Cavalcade, ed. by Joseph Miller. Mabel E. Brown and Elizabeth J. Thorpe, review.34:2:256-257 review. 35:2:242 Arland.44:1:16 Anderso" Col. A.A.. 40:1:73 Arlington. 33:1:91-95 Anderson, /-...el. 32:2:153 Armijo,,37:1:87 Anderson. Ben. 39:1:114 Arniijo, Miguel, 37:1:87 Anderson, Lieut. Charles D..35:1:10. 12. 15 Arms, Cephas, 32:1:65 Anderson. Hugo B., 43:1:30 Armstrong. J.E.. 32:2:189 Anderson, Janet, 39:1:99 Armstrong.J. Reuel. review of CfH/i- Anderson, John. 36:2:231 try before Statehood. Four Hundred Years Anderson. W.H..43:2:284 UnderSi.\Flags, photo.41:1;72;43:2:3(H)-3()2 Anderson.WilliamMarshall,32:2:225;40:1:25. Armstrong. Virginia Irvini:./ Have Spoken. 26. 30:42:1:35 review. 43:2:296-297 Anderson. William W.. 36:2:222 Armstrona. familv. 38:2:202 Anderson. Maj.. 32:2:230 Arndt. Bob. 33:1:63 Anderson. —. 33:1:90 Arnold. C.P.. 34:1:92;38:2:198:42:1:69 Anderson RanchCrossina. 45:2:253 Arnold. Carl Franklin. 38:2:197 INDEX TO VOLUMES 32-46. 1960-1974 Arnold. Charles V.. 33:2:140 .AtlasIntercontinentalBalli.sticMissile.41:1:110 Arnold. Mrs. Earl. 43:1:61 .AtwaterKent Foinulation.43:1:33. 34. 37 Arnold. Rev. FranklinLuther.33:1:80;34:1:9I. AugurlAugerl. Maj. Gen. C.C.. 39:1:7. 40:1: 92: 38:2:174. 194. 195. 196. photo;39:1:71. Augur(Auger). Maj. Gen. C.C.. 39:1:7:40:1: 72. 97 121; 40:2:164; 41:2:199; 43:1:75. 76. 83. Arnold. Gottfried Herman. 38:2:197 43:2:240.246.251:44:2:145. 147. 152. 161 Arnold.John. 38:2:198 Auguste, Lucian. 33:2:227.238: 42:1:84 Arnold. M.A..39:1:30 Aull, James and Robert. 32:1:5-9. 14. 15 Arnold. Minnie. See Mrs. Eurgens Austin. Al. 44:1:94 Arnold. Mrs. Olga Morre. 34:1:131 Austin. Henry. 32:2:196 Arnold.Thurman.FairFigltrsandFoul, review. Austin. Paul. 39:2:2.59 37:2:247;42:1:69:43:1:14 Austin City lode. 40:2:228. 231. 232 Arnott. D.. 33:2:132 Autan.Tom.40:1:119 Arp & Hammond. 37:1:53. 69 Avant. Cicero. 39:1:126 Arrowsmith Map 1834. 37:2:220 AvenueofRocks. 43:2:283 Arthur. Pres. Chester A..44:1:91:45:1:9 Averell. Jim. .^4:1:116;44:1:10 Asabill. Elizabeth.42:2:222 Averv. Sailv. 43:1:100 Asburv. Bvt. Maj. Henrv. 36:2:183 Axelbce. —. 45:2:168 Ash Hollow. 34:1:50: 40:1:12; 42:2:218: Axt. R. James, review of Caster's Gold. The 43:2:215 United States Cavairv Expedition of 1874. "Ash Ht)lKm:Gateway totheHighPlains." b\ 38:2:233-234 Robert L. Munkres.42:1:5-43 Ayleshire. Lieut. Joe. 40:2:245 Ash. Louis.45:1:82 Ayres. James E.. review ofAncientHuntersof Ash.Judiie.45:2:170 theFarH'c.v/. 39:1:148-150;reviewofTheLou Ashbv. G.F..33:2:213 CabininAmerica:FromPioneerDavstothe Ashley. DelosR.. 32:1:58. 59: 32:2:201 Pmcm. 42:1:132-133 Ashley.Gen.WilliamH..33:1:92.99;33:2:160. Avres State Park. 35:2:205 165: 34:2:245; 43:2:284. 287; 44:1:8t;44:2: .Aztec Hill. 38:1:100 285;45:2:252 Ashley Falls.32:1:68 B Ashton. Sam32:2:187 Askins. Col. Charles.Te.uin.s, Guns& Hisforw B & M Railroad. 32:2;147. 274 review. 44:2:297-298 Babbitt. Almon W.. 32:1:53. 54 AspectsoftheFurTrade-SelectedPapersofthe Babcock. Chubbv. 32:1:97.98 1965 NorthAmericanFurTradeConference. Baber. Daisv P.. 38:1:61 ed. byRussellW. Fridlev. review, 39:2:270- Babson. Nick. 33:2:191 271 Baby Peggy. 33:1:51 Astor. John Jacob. 35:2:125. 126;42:1:78. 96; 44:1:79. 80. 84 Bachtold. John. 39:1:9 Astoria,42:1:78.96 (cid:127)"Back in the Moonshine Davs." bv Earl Astorians.32:2:224;42:1:78;44:1:79. 80 Nebeker.41:1:118-119 Atchison Patriot. Kansas.34:1:66 Backus. Gurdon.32:2:186 Atheam. Prince Allen. 32:2:184 Backus. Harriet Fish. Tomboy Bride, review. Athearn. Robert G.. Hi^h Country Fiiipire. 41:2:285-286 review. 32:2:261-263; Rebel ofthe Rockies: BackwoodsRailroadsofthe IFt'.v;,A Portfolio, The Denver ami Rio Grande Western Rail bv RichardSteinheimer. review. 36:1:114 road. review. 35:1:112-113; Union Pacific Bacon. Billv. 37:1:89 Country, review. 43:2:299-300;45:1:9 Bacon. Dan. 36:2:188 Atherton. Lewis. The Cattle Kint-s. review. Bacon, Maj. Jno. M.. 38:1:74 34:1:121-122 Bacon. O.F..45:2:146-147 Atkinson. Mary Llla. 39:1:72 Badeau. M.. 42:2:256 Atkinson. Ruth Ford. Jireh CoUe^e-Stirred Bader. Col.. 32:1:97 Embersofthe Past, review. 36:1:i11-113 Badger. Rear Adm. CharlesJ.. 35:2:230 Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. W.B.. 39:1:103 "BaduerStation."byClaudeAdams.42:2:253- Atkinson. Gen.. 33:2:160 254" Atlantic Citv. 32:1:116: .U:2::^8:36:1:85. 87. Badman. Philip. 32:2:194 88; 38:2:'|89: 40:2:224. 215: photo. 252: The Badmen. by Columbia Records Legacy 44:1:35.36.47:44:2: Collection, review. 36:1:122 "Atlantic Citv." bv Mrs. Lvie .Maerer and BadwaterCreek. 36:2:241;37:2:220;39:1:113 JimCarpenter. 40:'l:l16-118 Bauus. 33:2:207. 208 Atlantic Creek. 33:2:165;44:1:47 Bagley. Lester.44:2:252 AtlanticCreek, 33:2:165:44:1:47 Bailev.Godard. 32:1:37-41 Atlantic Hotel. 44:1:36 Bailev. Hilda. 33:2:183 Atlantic lode,40:2:229-234 Bailev. Robert. 38:2:137;40:1:42.43;44:1:33 TheAtlanticMonthly. 43:1:44-45 Bailev. William. 38:2:227 8 ANNALS OF WYOMING Bailey. Dr.. 33:2:170 Baptiste. John. 36:2:231 Bailey Hall. 33:2:179. 185 Barber. AmosW.,35:1:52;35:2:165;37:2:188. Bainbridge. Capt. Augustus Hudson. 38:1:24. 194,205;38:1:63 42 Barber. Mrs.. 34:2:226 Bainton. Rev. Henry W.. 38:2:180. 199 Bard. FloydC..Horse Wrangler, review. 33:2: Baird. J.C.. 37:1:44 235 Baird.Jay. 34:1:30 Bard, l.saac, diaries, 37:1:83, 84 Baird. SpencerF.. 34:2:178 Bard, Jim,45:2:169 Baker. Agnes. 35:1:90 Bard, Mattie, 37:1:85 Baker. Charles S.. 37:1:48 Bard, Mother, 37:1:86 Baker. Maj. Eugene Mortimer.38:1:25.42. 46. Bard, Rose (Mrs. Isaac), 37:1:82. 85 47 Bare, John, 37:1:104 Baker& Grahm. 36:1:66 Barker, Billy,37:2:224 Baker. Jacob.45:1:69. 78. 79 Barker, S. Omar,ed..LegendsandTales ofthe Baker. Jim. 33:2:222 OldWest, review,35:2:239 Baker. LesterG..42:2:163. 164 Barkey. Mrs., 38:2:161 Baker. Lillian Hogerson. 35:2:149 Barkley, Vice Pres. Alben W., 45:2:199. 221 Baker. Nathan A.. 33:2:138, 142. 146. 151; Barlow, Bill, 37:1:47;38:1:126 34:1:62. 63. 65. 70; 34:2:221-225. 229; Barlow. Glen. 39:1:138 35:1:94;38:1:126;39:1:11,25 Barlow, L.H., 37:1:113 Baker. O.A., 37:2:194 Barlow, Lew, 36:2:235; photo, 234 Baker, Tom, 33:2:184, 185 Barlow, Norman,35:1:79 Baker, Pvt. Ralston, 35:2:201,207 Bamaba lode,40:2:228, 233 Baker, Will,40:2:183. 184 Barnes, GeorgeT., 37:2:163 Baker, —, 36:2:209;42:2:173 Bamett, Gene.38:1:97 Bakken,Gordon Morris,"VotingPatternsinthe Barnett, George, 33:2:139, 140 WyomingConstitutionalConvention, 1889." Bamhart, WilliamR.,38:1:116; review ofWar 42:2:225-235; biog., 285 Drums and Wagon Wheels, 38:2:241-242; Balch and Bacon. 36:2:186 39:1:132; reviewofCheyenneMemories, 40: Balch, Henry G.. 37:1:8 1:142-143 Balcom,Rev. Royal H.,43:1:23,25,26.27,29. Bamitz.Capt.. 36:2:180 30.45,46;44:1:94 Bamum.32:1:70.91;32:2:205;33:1:59.62.64; Baldwin. George,44:2:281 33:2:179. 192;39:2:262 Baldwin. James,40:1:117 Bamumcountry.34:1: Baldwin, Maj. Noyes, 40:1:120; 44:1:32. 33; 108, 111 44:2:28! "Bamumofthe West."SeeJames McDaniel Baldwin. Rev. W.W., 39:1:28 Barr,ThomasP..reviewofTheHorseinBlack- Baldwin Store,40:1:120 footIndianCulturewithComparativeMaterial Ball, John, 32:2:225;40:1:25;42:2:268 from otherWesternTribes, 42:1:124-125 Ball, StatehoodCelebration, 37:1:66 Barrett, Alice C. Donoghue, 37:2:237 Ballau, Pvt. James. 32:2:229. 231 Barrett, Mrs. Augusta K. Hogan, 37:2:238 Ballew, James.43:2:294 Barrett. Francis A.. "The Greatest Ride in Bamberger. W.M.. 33:2:140 Wyoming History." 38:2:223-228; biog.. Bamberger, W.M., 33:2:140 245; review ofDoctorsofthe Old West. 40: Bamforth, Emma Amelia,42:1:69 1:143-145 Bancroft, H.H., 39:1:23 Barrett, Gov. Frank A., photo, 37:2:234; 237- Bancroft Library. 33:2:135; GPH:AnInformal 238; Congressman. 44:2:251. 252; 45:2:183- RecordofGeorge P. HammondandHis Era 222 intheBancroftLibrary, reveiw,37:2:254-255 Barrett.Gkn.Kemmerer. Wyoming.TheFound Bandy, W.R.,"GhostsTookOvertheTunnel." ing of An Independent Coal Town, 1897- 38:1:76-83; biog.. 131 1902, review. 44:2:297 BankersandCattlemen, by Gene M. Gressley. Barrett.James E..37:2:238 review, 38:2:229-230 Barrett. John. 37:1:90 Banking House ofJames France, 39:1:85 Barrett. Marialyce (Mrs. RichardTobin). 37:2: Banks, Ed. 42:1:83 238 Banks. John, 38:1:111; photo. 118; 39:1:137; Barrett. R.W.. 32:1:19 photo. 138 Bairett. W.A.. 40:1:119 Banner Mining Dist.,32:1:45 Barrett, —,34:2:210 Banner.32:1:76;38:2:146 Barrow. Meiris C., 32:2:223; 33:2:149, 154, Bannerman, Carrick.33:2:132 156. 157; 34:1:62. 79-83; 35:1:94; 37:2: Bannerman. Robert. 33:2:131 199. 201.202:43:2:167 Bannon. Mrs..35:1:12 Barry. Louise. The Beginning of the West: Banta.Wanda,reviewofTheCandxKid.James AnnalsoftheKan.sasGatewaytotheAmerican Calvin--Kid" Nichols, I88J-I962. 42:1:122- West. 1540-1854, review, 44:1:121-122 123 Bars HillTrail toTongue River, 32:2:152