US 20140040856A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0040856 A1 Miloushev et al. (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 6, 2014 (54) APPARATUS, METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR (60) Provisional application No. 60/717,387, ?led on Sep. BUILDING SOFTWARE BY COMPOSITION 15, 2005. (71) ApplicantszVladimir I. Miloushev, Aliso Viejo, CA Publication Classi?cation (US); Peter Nickolov, San Clemente, CA (US); Leonid Kalev, Haifa (IL) (51) Int. Cl. G06F 9/44 (2006.01) (72) Inventors: Vladimir I. Miloushev, Aliso Viejo, CA (52) US. Cl. (US); Peter Nickolov, San Clemente, CPC .................................... .. G06F 8/315 (2013.01) CA (US); Leonid Kalev, Haifa (IL) USPC ........................................................ .. 717/108 (21) App1.No.: 13/913,822 (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed: Jun. 10, 2013 A method and system are disclosed for building complex real-time software that scales Well to a large number of pro Related US. Application Data cessors or CPU cores. The softWare design and implementa (63) Continuation of application No. 11/992,093, ?led on tion method are based on a combination of object composi Mar. 13, 2008, noW Pat. No. 8,464,214, ?led as appli tion (hierarchical assembly) and desynchroniZable inter cation No. PCT/US2006/036131 on Sep. 15, 2006. object interactions. Patent Application Publication Feb. 6, 2014 Sheet 2 0f 21 US 2014/0040856 A1 .gll % (I N/ 3 3 /w 3 h F “I § 93/ o E’ '1 51 “g! 1k 2 . 3 E9 /§| I E0l % $2- m w - -' " ‘.2 II 2 1 =3 '- I- a s1 —= 23 ‘a’ a‘ a a ‘a .iéé f“ /= E /= a SW5 a a .D/ :s / E 3 4| ‘_ \ .5 E5 \ Patent Application Publication Feb. 6, 2014 Sheet 3 0f 21 US 2014/0040856 A1 170 17 as _ 164 ~ “'”'* N ---> __ / a -*-> $1.8 _---.y ' STJNVALID '_-> FIG. 1C Patent Application Publication Feb. 6, 2014 Sheet 4 0f 21 US 2014/0040856 A1 attribute: / /#v self self-optimist,” / / #v prop prop-optimist,” / / #v term term-optionsul” self-options: constructor = (rd-diff destructor = cd-def constructor = (Td-dé’f, destructor = cd-def cd-de? identifier‘ NULL prop-options: prop-option. prop-option, prop-options prop-option.‘ prop-type prop-001i ? g Prop-?ag prop-type: one of string const_ptr scalar binary prop-?ag: one of mandat ory ro s igned Prop-ma?a‘ dflt = identi?er dflt = integer-(.‘onstimt min = integer-constant max = integer-constant name = identifier term-options.‘ floating im = identifier floating, im = identi?er Syntactic categories (nonterminals) are indicated by italic type, and literal Words (terminals) by bold type. A colon (z) following a nonterminal introduces its de?nition. Alternative de?nitions are listed on separate lines, or on a single line, When the definition is prefaced by the Words “one of.“ An optional symbol is indicated by the subscript “opt”. The identi?er and integer-constant non-terminals Will not be de?ned here — they are assumed to be as de?ned in the ISO/[EC standard [or the C language. FIG. 2A Patent Application Publication Feb. 6, 2014 Sheet 5 0f 21 US 2014/0040856 A1 struct SELF //#v self ( // properties in_addr__t bind__ip; ll‘v Prop scalar in_port__t bind_port: lliv prop scalar, dflt=10000 uint n_listens: //#v prop dflt==5 // terminals VTRM ctl; VTRM sac; VTRM fac: im-nop VTRM PIP; im-nop // state int lsh; 'listen' socket handle struct sockaddr_in 1a; local addr struct scckaddr__in re, remote add: pLtIhSrTe ad__mutex_t sessions; l/ list of open sessions ses__lck; // aynch lock for the sessions list pLtIhSrTe ad_mutex_t scav; // list of dead sessions scav_lck, l/ synch lock for the scavenger list H I SYS ct‘ I_SSC TOP sockets |_FAC fac SES FIG. 2B Patent Application Publication Feb. 6, 2014 Sheet 6 0f 21 US 2014/0040856 A1 g 30 N Start = Read Application Descriptor ] 4 V ?r 304 v \ Pick the next part from the PARTS list, ?nd the corresponding source file Yes 31K 0 Feed it to the Boundary Extractor 31x 32\ V PU Compile output from the Boundary Feed it to the descriptor language pre E Z‘ Extractor processor m a of 314 32 \ ‘ v compile the Pan Compile output form the pre-processor Merge compiled part code and boundary descriptor last part? No v 33' Yes A 2\ l 2 Create application init descriptor, compile it With the L compiler 3 U '5 3 mU G v Merge all into executable image (link, if building an application); or into a relocatable library (if building a part lib.) output plr)od:u c FIG. 3A Patent Application Publication Feb. 6, 2014 Sheet 7 0f 21 US 2014/0040856 A1 352\ L = list of parts With no part descriptor 35 NC = O P : ?rst entry in L V All subordinates of P have part descriptors? No 35 8\ Yis Create part descr. for P, remove entry from list L 360\ P is the last entry in list L? 364 NO P = next entry from list L 36 l Yes No End: error, circular reference FIG. 3B Patent Application Publication Feb. 6, 2014 Sheet 9 0f 21 US 2014/0040856 A1 /5OB /502 /508 Subordinate Class Names : "‘ "3W1 Subord. Instance Names ‘ nama1 /.512 Propar?gg 1 > name sub~§dx {gt-name 14 Terminais H‘w ‘ name sub'idx {gt-name /516 Interior cmneatinns = ‘ sbi-idx name1 sbZ-idx name-2 uu /518 Parameteriza?un (Int!) ' sub-Idx name value FIG: 5