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US007521023B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,521,023 B2 Laugharn, Jr. et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 21, 2009 (54) APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR (56) References Cited CONTROLLING SONIC TREATMENT U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: James A. Laugharn, Jr., Winchester, _ MA (Us); Brevard s_ Garrison’ i * 1150011138 et al. .............. .. 516/38 ' i i ran in Readmg’ MA (Us) 2,565,159 A 8/1951 Williams .................. .. 171/327 (73) Assignee: Covaris, Inc., Woburn, MA (US) 2,578,505 A * 12/1951 Carlin 366/114 ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this i hams """"""""" " 366/127 . . i , Pless, Jr. et a1. Patent 15 extended or adlusted under 35 2,855,526 A 10/1958 Jones ....................... .. 310/85 U-S-C- 154(1)) by 0 days- 2,864,592 A 12/1958 Camp ....................... .. 366/127 (21) APPL No‘: 10/777 014 2,916,265 A * l2/l959 ToWnc ..... .. 366/133 , 2,950,725 A 8/1960 Jackc ct al. . 134/184 ' . 3,066,686 A 12/1962 O’Ncill 134/122 (22) Med‘ Feb‘ 11’ 2004 3,194,640 A 7/1965 Nesh .... .. . 23/293 (65) Prior Publication Data (Continued) US 2004/0264293 A1 Dec. 30, 2004 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Related US. Application Data DE 2557668 6/1977 (63) Continuation of application No. 09/830,473, ?led as (Continued) appl1cat1on No. PCT/US99/25274 on Oct. 28, 1999, noW Pat. No. 6,719,449. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (60) Provisional application No. 60/ 148,279, ?led on Aug. “Early experience With high-intensity focused ultrasound for the 11, 1999, provisional application NO_ 60/143,44(), treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy”, Sullivan et al, British ?led on Jul. 13, 1999, provisional application No. JOumal“Urology,"0L79,1311 172'176idated1997~* 60/'119,500, ?led on Feb. 10, 1999, prov1s1onal appl1- (Continued) cat1on No. 60/110,460, ?led on Dec. 1, 1998, prov1 sional application No. 60/ 105,933, ?led on Oct. 28, Primary ExamineriTony G Soohoo 1998. (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiWolf, Green?eld & Sacks, RC. (51) Int. C1. 3063 1/00 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT B01F 11/02 (2006.01) (52) us. Cl. ..................................... .. 422/128; 366/127 Apparatus and methods are disclosed for treating a Sample by (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ............... .. 366/132, Selectively Controlling Sonic energy and/Or Selectively 9911 366/151 _1’ 1522’ 127’ 116; 422/127’ 128’ trolling the location ofthe sample relative to the sonic energy. 422/20 See application ?le for complete search history. 62 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets POSITIONING SYSTEM FOR SUPPORT FOR _______________ "r400 TARGET MICROT'EE“ PLATE FOCUSED TTRANSSEUCER USER /‘°° cgiiigiiién TLIQEEHRETAJQE MICROTITER lam/USE SAMPLE i INPUTIOUTPUT ‘I m CONTROLLER PLQTE SAIgZLE 162K 1 i: CONTROL APOWEIF‘ __|" MEWANISM ACOUSTICALLY ,' I '. \ é. °°MI_;% TERT§" 7 ..... ...... _ ULTRASONIC 88 t -1‘ '=.1 '1, ___________ u A USTIC FIELD I; II 800 W A FLUID BATH L 200____"' (‘95111251521321 —>AMP|.|F|EH 60o PIEZC0§§ETRIC _2_1Q ' 1 l l ..................................... .. WEE“ TRANSDUCER 500 TANK US 7,521,023 B2 Page 2 US. 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Z1E6Q5 E2E0 0 "0152dm >9 .525 a""w"z_zoEmon_ m@"mu@o5w5z0w5w: E0058; an"m0n 20o.2 5w % mwQEm.Awob8EIqs mM]Ew Tz “w,o "_Eo-8\-. awma.zIw _ww..... .....m.... l Z1orr“o"u:259 2250.6%m2 2 Hm_ma w |||11|1||||||I|n||||||a||I1|I||l||||||||||||_ | ._ ‘lm1Jm=m5g2m:m mm.05 m5 m55 o50 0 2 00 1||_|"||r|| L|||0|| aa||||||||||1I|l||:|||1||1||||||II 0 w \mS?5m3an0 5m2m8 wz mz 8_._m .F8OwE _" US. Patent Apr. 21, 2009 Sheet 4 or 11 US 7,521,023 B2 80@mS%\ F :lDl @S/ .mUmE .OUmE Sm mom US. Patent Apr. 21, 2009 Sheet 5 0f 11 US 7,521,023 B2 mm ,/1V/m .NOE lull-I Jl llll US. Patent Apr. 21, 2009 Sheet 6 0f 11 US 7,521,023 B2 >I5.0.5.. __ ON 06 Qm o6 Qm 0N wmnEmwaEE 6$.5; .mOE US. Patent Apr. 21, 2009 Sheet 7 0f 11 US 7,521,023 B2 mOm mmO .EOnED j x242. @N / Ey EMEES L ww _ / Q O 2m><0>> L I ' , __>>_,oQz .,m,_m _ oFnwDO O<O ED M200 mmmtkowmmOzDzO Om :EM2F; ow % /wh im W/

treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy”, Sullivan et al, British ?led on Jul. 60/'119,500, ?led on Feb. utiliZation of therapeutic ultrasound (e.g., lithotripsy) and of .. Waves, or any other grammatical form of these terms, as Well.
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