US007792947B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,792,947 B1 Kembel et a]. (45) Date of Patent: *Sep. 7, 2010 (54) APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR (52) US. Cl. ...................... .. 709/224; 709/203; 709/223 DYNAMICALLY COORDINATING THE (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ............... .. 709/203, DELIVERY OF COMPUTER READABLE 709/200, 206, 227, 245, 223, 224; 715/733, MEDIA 715/736, 200, 205208, 240 See application ?le for complete search history. (75) Inventors: John Albert Kembel, Palo Alto, CA (US); George Andrew Kembel, Menlo (56) References Cited Park, CA (US); Daniel S. Kim, Palo Alto, CA (US); John Russell, Palo Alto, U'S' PATENT DOCUMENTS CA (US); Jake Wobbrock, Palo Alto, 5,625,781 A 4/1997 Cline et a1. CA (US); Geoffrey S. Kembel, Menlo . Park, CA (US); Jeremy L. Kembel, Palo (Commued) Alto, CA (US); Lynn D- Gabbay, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Sunnyvale, CA (US); Scot J. Malloy, Ponola Valley’ CA (Us); Adam M_ W0 WO 01/80086 A2 4/2000 Chipkin, San Francisco, CA (US) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (73) Assjgnee; Mainstream scienti?c, LLC’ Mountain Margot Williams, “Cyberspace Calendars: The Web’s Growing Date View’ CA (Us) Base”, Nov. 30, 1998, The Washington Post, p. l.* ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Commued) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Primary ExamineriChau Nguyen U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiPillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP This patent is subject to a terminal dis claimer. (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 09/558,923 The invention includes a method of tracking distributed con tent within a computer network. The method includes the step (22) Filedi APR 26, 2000 of identifying the delivery of a set of Network Information Monitors (NIMs). Information about each NTM within the Related US Application Data set of NIMs is tracked. The information includes a ?rst time at (60) Provisional application No_ 60/131,083’ ?led on APL which a user opens a selected NIM, a second time at which the 26, 1999, provisional application NO_ 60/131,115’ user closes the selected'NW, and an identi?er for the selected ?led on Apt 26’ 1999’ provisional application NO_ NIM.The1nformat1onis used to determ1ne sub-setsofNIMs 60/131,114’ ?led on Apt 26, 1999’ provisional app1i_ that are displayed s'lmul'taneously. The 1nvent1on also Cation No_ 60/176,687’ ?led on Jan 18, 2000, prOVi_ 1ncludes a method of 1dent1fy1ng the del1very of a Network Sional application NO_ 60/176,699’ ?led on Jan 18, Information Monitor (N IM) to auser. Content information for 2000 the NIM is recorded. NIM use activity is tracked the user for a set of NIMs. The content information is correlated with the (51) Int_ CL NIM use activity. G06F 15/16 (2006.01) G06F 15/173 (2006.01) 20 Claims, 35 Drawing Sheets Conlenl element N US 7,792,947 B1 Page 2 US. 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Alexa Technology, 4 pg.s, downloaded from port/technologyhtml, Jan. 1999. * cited by examiner US. Patent Sep. 7, 2010 Sheet 3 0f 35 US 7,792,947 B1 FIG.3A f148 ’O DoDots' 156 158 Userpffnqgalliani _ ‘ 154 = min]! Fomot ‘n? Newusel ' f Exit , FIG.3B US. Patent Sep. 7, 2010 Sheet 4 0f 35 US 7,792,947 B1 -. v_ AnyDaycom '_ Your Free Online Caicndar if Manage Your Address Book if Schedule Appointments & Reminders if Create Groups & Plan Aaivlues Login ] Sign up“ 186 \ FIG. 4 US. Patent Sep. 7, 2010 Sheet 5 0f 35 US 7,792,947 B1 ' 'oma‘ -1@3 AAnnyyDDaaym; CCoanlteancdtasr rM 1 g AnYDaP C°ma°ts _ CalcDot eHow b . 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F‘b Anygay Calendar ' ' ~ {3 AnyDay Contacts AWDW grind“ _ t’ w (egg: m b Merriam-WgQgterWord Sgarch (3 CW0‘ % Merriam-WebsterWurd 0f the JC) DoDots Feedback D_3_Y ‘O eHow to: 198 \ b mySimon Kmgrd Search ' O Merriam-Webster Word Search {5 mySimon Lite IO MP3 Dot \ 5O mySimon Academy Awards ‘b mySimon AcademyAwards ‘is: go mysmm we \ 188 b mySimon Winter Sgons I 3? ‘-O photopoim pho‘o of the De“, {3 PhotoPoint Photo ofthe gay (3 Welcome to 0000:; ‘b Workcnm Business Search ‘ I O Woxkcom Business Seatch C) ZDNek Breaking News _ Calendar ‘_ AnyDaycom -_ --, Your Fmc Onlinn Cnlandnr ' ? Manage Your Adoress Book j Schedule Appointments & Remmders LII Create Groups & Plan Achvmes Logln i SignUpli FIG. 6 US. 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