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Apparatus and method for accelerating streams through use of PDF

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Preview Apparatus and method for accelerating streams through use of

USOO8122140B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,122,140 B2 Barreto et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 21, 2012 (54) APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR 7,447,242 B2 11/2008 Geagan @131 ACCELERATING STREAMS THROUGH USE g; 1 5236221211 OF TRANSPARENT PROXY ARCHITECTURE 737883354 B2 8/2010 Nag y ' 7,817,631 B1 10/2010 Qian (75) Inventors: Daniel Ernesto Barreto, San Francisco, 7,831,747 B2 * 11/2010 Bury et a1. .................... .. 710/30 JCA . Sl- g‘llg'rgla Ilias- wal- hula’ san 22000012//00000190575548 AA11 71//22000012 KCahtasne ff et al. 056’ (U )’ n “r “mar, 2002/0018477 A1 2/2002 Katz Koramangala (1N) 2003/0021291 A1 1/2003 White et al. 2003/0141093 A1 7/2003 Tirosh et al. (73) Assignee: Wyse Technology Inc., San Jose, CA (Continued) (Us) OTHER PUBLICATIONS ( ) NOtlce' 8:231???goeilgl?isgliingfEgign?llgi?glg Yunhong Gu, et a1., “UDT: UDP-Based Data Transfer for High % S C 1 5 4 b b 178 d J SpeedWide Area Networks,”National Center for Data Mining, Uni ' ' ' ( ) y ays' versity of Illinois at Chicago,http://WWW.cs.uic.edu/~ygu/paper/udt (21) App1.No.: 12/484,120 °°nmet'V3'Pdf' (Continued) (22) Filed: Jun. 12, 2009 Primary Examiner * Zami Maung (65) Prior PUblication Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * McDermott Will & Emery Us 2010/0250767 A1 Sep. 30, 2010 LLP Related US. Application Data (57) ABSTRACT (60) Provisional application No. 61/164,376, ?led on Mar. commumcanon apparatus for remOte commumcanon. may 27 2009' include a local transparent proxy module con?gured to inter ’ cept a ?rst stream destined to a remote destination and con ?gured to make a ?rst determination Whether to accelerate (51) Int. Cl. . . . . G06F 15/16 (200601) communicatlon associated W1th the ?rst stream. The commu G06F 12/00 (200601) nication apparatus may include a local proxy module con?g (52) U 5 Cl 709/231_ 709/203 ured to receive the ?rst stream based on the ?rst determinatlon 58 F: I'd "" """ "" " ’709/203 and con?gured to make a second determination Whether a ( ) le 0 as“ ca Ion 229 250’ connection to a remote proxy module is established. If the S 1. t. ?l f 1 t T I’lh. ; ’ connection is established, then the local proxy module may ee app lea Ion e or comp e e seam Is my receive one ormore additional streams and may direct the one (56) References Cited or more additional streams to the remote proxy module uti liZing an accelerated mode. If the connection is not estab lished, then the local transparent proxy module may direct the U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ?rst stream to the remote destination utilizing a non-acceler 6,449,647 B1 9/2002 Colby et al. ated mode. 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Patent Feb. 21, 2012 Sheet 1 0f 16 US 8,122,140 B2 /— 110 120 130 | l- . . 18] /_ I82 [— , I I commumcatlon ‘___ _l___> transparent 4; x ____ 4’ communlcation | I appllcatlon 1 communication ; 3 proxy module A | I module A , 184 proxy module I 1 A l 4 + - . l I l . . . . . . . ..L._.;;;L._.;;.Q.JLLLILLL..;;;L._.;;_______;;;._.;;:.. ...].l.3.... '_ ____ _ _112_ _j l‘ ___ _ -_ 3F _ _Se_nd/_Re_cv2aa _ _ _ _ _ _ _' 183 accelerated \\ protocol \ l “°"' 1 140 accelerated ‘ protocol \ \ 189 —/‘l\ \ ' accelerated \ protocol l — — — — — — — — ——-\ l—————-————————————-————-|I | {- 114 {- ll6 I ;- - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - -. 150 . v . . . . .. . . . . , . . . . .l | I communication I | 15 I l' ' . _ I | - application "-SPPg/R-e-ci commumcatlon ; I I module B ; j ; proxy module B I I l 188 3 ' I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ‘ _ _ ' _ ' ‘ l k 180 I808 US. Patent Feb. 21, 2012 Sheet 2 0f 16 US 8,122,140 B2 210 f— 230 Client 220 communication 28] f— 282 Client application _ _ _ _(_:Qn_n_e§t_t9_ _ ,Client transparent ‘_ EQQQ‘EQtitR _ communication module any communication Proxy IP: proxy module (RDP/ICA) IP: Port proxy module POI'I ' t accelerated ‘ protocol K\ \ 233 Send/Recv Data \ \ \ \\ 289 n0n_ \g— 240 accelerated \ rotocol \ p \ \ \ 260 accelerated \ \\ ge/mr— 286 x protocol ‘34. communication 250 l'cation \ apn?édule Send/Recv Server (RDP/ICA)+ ------- "1-"* communication 288 proxy module FIG. 2 US. Patent Feb. 21, 2012 Sheet 3 0f 16 US 8,122,140 B2 W 101 Receive a stream ¢ /— 103b 102 Direct the stream towards a Determine whether to accelerate or not / remote destination without accelerate communication _—___> utilizing a local no communication proxy xyes module 103 Direct the stream to a local communication / proxy module l 104 Provide the stream to a remote / communication proxy module l 107 W Receive one or more additional streams l W 108 Send the one or more additional streams to the remote communication proxy module t 109 Send the one or more additional streams'to the remote destination FIG. 3 US. Patent Feb. 21, 2012 Sheet 4 0f 16 US 8,122,140 B2 {- 401 A _ _ __ 4:421 _ _ 404 \ l 406. I f— | <--% RECEIVER I 402 | 7 l I /- 409 : PRSOYCSETSSEIMN G '6"? TRANS- MITTER : '_ ______ _ _l 422 /- 410 X MACHINE MEDIUM I ---------- -- 412 i MACHINE- i ’— ; READABLE : <--> DISPLAY : MEMUM i '- ------ “:JL" 414 419 <-->' KEYPAD /- 416 <-->J INTERFACE FIG. 4 US. Patent Feb. 21, 2012 Sheet 5 0f 16 US 8,122,140 B2 FIG. 5 I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I l | l I r— 160-1 186-] l I communication 150‘] \ 7 | | application communication | <—-———-> <—--> | module B I proxy module B I I 188-] | I l I l I l I r— 160-2 186-2 : l communication '50'2 \ I l application I communication I I module B j proxy module B I I 188-2 L l \— 180' FIG. 6 l | ' l86-l I l r— 160-1 I | communication I 50 —\‘ l | application communication I l module B I proxy module B | | 188-] I | | 186-2 I ' | : ,— 160-2 \ : I communication 188-2 I I application I I module B I ' | US. Patent Feb. 21, 2012 Sheet 6 0f 16 US 8,122,140 B2 cocmumcsEEou To|m— \ 2<:5o8n 5 H H K coumumcsEEou cosmoEzEEou 23260E8 5 23b6aEa cosmoEsEEoo cosmoEzEF-ou 5:23:93 coswozmmw 2<36E a y 2<:on Y US. Patent Feb. 21, 2012 Sheet 8 0f 16 US 8,122,140 B2 FIG. 9

Jun 12, 2009 (73) Assignee: Wyse Technology Inc., San Jose, CA. (Continued) . www.javvin. com/protocoIRUDPhtml, Javvin Technologies, Inc. “Latency
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