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Apollo Spacecraft & Saturn V Launch Vehicle Pyrotechnics PDF

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Preview Apollo Spacecraft & Saturn V Launch Vehicle Pyrotechnics

https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20090015395 2018-02-01T23:47:58+00:00Z Apollo Spacecraft & Saturn V Launch Vehicle Pyrotechnics / EExxpplloossiivvee DDeevviicceess Objectives IIddenttiiffy criittiicall perfformance, ddesiign requiirementts (cid:137) and safety measures used to ensure quality, reliability and performance of the ppyyrrootteecchhnniicc//eexxpplloossiivvee ddeevviicceess List and understand the major components and (cid:137) ffuunnccttiioonnss ooff aa ttyyppiiccaall AAppoolllloo ppyyrrootteecchhnniicc//eexxpplloossiivvee device: Initiators (cid:190) CCaarrttrriiddggee AAsssseemmbblliieess (cid:190)(cid:190) Detonators (cid:190) Core charge (cid:190) Identify the major locations/uses for the devices on: (cid:137) Command & Service Module (CSM) (cid:190) LLuunnaarr MMoodduullee ((LLMM)) (cid:190)(cid:190) Launch Vehicle (all stages) (cid:190) Overview More than 210 pyrotechnic devices per (cid:137) Apollo Mission Automatically or commanded from the Apollo (cid:137) spacecraft systems (cid:131)(cid:131) OOnnbbooaarrdd (cid:131) In-flight (cid:131) Timed (cid:131) Controlled All devices required high reliability and safety (cid:137) Most devices were classified as either crew (cid:137) safety critical or mission critical Common Uses of Pyrotechnic Devices PPyrottechhniic ddeviices hhadd a wiidde variietty off applliicattiions: Launch Escappe Tower ((LET)) sepparation (cid:137) Separation rocket ignition (cid:137) Booster stage/Lunar Module separation (cid:137) FFoorrwwaarrdd hheeaatt sshhiieelldd jjeettttiissoonn (cid:137)(cid:137) Spacecraft/Lunar Module Adapter panel separation (cid:137) Lunar Module landing gear deployment (cid:137) LLunar MModdulle propullsiion systtems pressuriizattiion andd (cid:137) activation Parachute deployment and release (cid:137) Electrical circuit opening and closing (cid:137) Line/cable cutting – timed & delayed-time (cid:137) Sppacecraft vehicle destruction,, if loss of control or (cid:137) other catastrophe Locations – Apollo Spacecraft See slides under References for detail view Locations – Launch Vehicle SSaturn VV LLaunchh (cid:137) Vehicle Pyrotechnics ccoommppoonneennttss Stage separation (cid:190) (cid:131) Retrorockets (cid:131) Ullage rockets (cid:131) Detonator blocks (cid:131)(cid:131) FFiirriinngg UUnniittss Propellant Dispersion (cid:190) System (cid:131) Not shown – discussed later See slides under References for detail view Requirements, Design/Safety Philosophy TThhee hhiigghh ssppeecciiffiicc eenneerrggyy ooff ppyyrrootteecchhnniicc mmaatteerriiaallss (cid:137)(cid:137) provides a large energy source in a small package FFuunnccttiioonnss wweerree aaccccoommpplliisshheedd rreelliiaabbllyy aanndd ssaaffeellyy wwiitthh (cid:137)(cid:137) minimum weight and space limitations These ppropperties made wide accepptance of (cid:137) pyrotechnics in the Apollo Program a natural result Conventional electrical and mechanical components (cid:137) were used, when possible, to minimize potential design problems The quality of explosive materials was crucial - only (cid:137) newly-manufactured, specification-controlled Cyyclotrimethyylenetrinitramine ((RDX)),, Hexanitrostilbene (HNS), and Lead Azide were used to ensure consistent quality of the high-explosive materials Requirements, Design/Safety Philosophy TTo ensure non-iintterchhangeabbiilliitty off siimiillarlly-shhapedd (cid:137) cartridges, an indexing technique which provided special keyway combinations was developed, and ddiiffffeerreenntt ssiizzee tthhrreeaaddss wweerree uusseedd oonn tthhee oouuttppuutt eennddss of the cartridges. WWhheenn ccoommpplleettee ssyysstteemm rreedduunnddaannccyy wwaass nnoott (cid:137)(cid:137) possible, redundant cartridges or single cartridges with dual initiators were used. Typically, two separate and electrically independent (cid:137) systems operated in parallel and provided complete rreedduunnddaannccyy iinn tthhee ffiirriinngg cciirrccuuiittrryy. Apollo pyrotechnic devices ranged from low-energy (cid:137) cchhaarrggeess ffoorr ppuunnccttuurriinngg ggaass bboottttlleess ttoo hhiigghh-eenneerrggyy charges for cutting 0.153-inch-thick steel. Reliability TThhe pyrottechhniic saffetty ddesiign relliiabbiilliitty goall was esttabblliishhedd tto bbe (cid:137) 0.9999 at the 95 % confidence level Tests of the initiators were pperformed in all apppplicable tyyppes of (cid:137) environment & storage conditions to obtain information on the safety aspects or the no-fire capabilities of a particular device NNoo ffaaiilluurreess ooff aannyy ppyyrrootteecchhnniicc ddeevviiccee wweerree eevveerr ddeetteecctteedd dduurriinngg aannyy (cid:137)(cid:137) of the Apollo missions Major Components A typical Apollo explosive device system (or “train”) (cid:137) generally consisted of: IInniittiiaattoorrss - ssttaarrtteedd “ffiirrsstt ffiirree” (cid:190)(cid:190) (cid:131) Apollo Standard Initiator & Single Bridgewire Apollo Standard Initiator CCaarrttrriiddggee aasssseemmbblliieess - iinnccrreeaasseedd tthhee ppoowweerr ooff tthhee (cid:190)(cid:190) initiator (cid:131) Electrically Initiated & Spacecraft/LM Adapter Thruster Detonator - initiated the core charge (cid:190) (cid:131) Apollo Standard Detonator, End-Detonating Cartridge, & Long-Reach Detonator Core charge - completed the explosion started by the (cid:190) detonator (big explosion) (cid:131) Mild Detonatingg Fuse,, Confined Detonatingg Cord,, & Linear Shaped Charge

Conventional electrical and mechanical components Apollo pyrotechnic devices ranged from low-energy Explosive Devices Subsystems RSO RSftOffi
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