Apollo for Travel Professionals TM with Viewpoint Study Guide – Part 3 TM Using TravelScreen Plus TM in Viewpoint Study Guide Acknowledgement: This document was developed by Galileo Training Services. Customer feedback is important to us. Please take a few minutes to send any questions or comments to us at [email protected] © 2007 Galileo International, L.L.C. All rights reserved. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose without the written permission of Galileo International. All screen examples and other inserts associated with system output are provided for illustration purposes only. They are not meant to represent actual screen responses, rates, etc. Galileo International may have patents or pending patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Galileo International. All other companies and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. 4/07 Use TravelScreen Plus™ in Viewpoint™ Contents Module Objectives.....................................................................................................................................................2 TravelScreen Plus Overview..................................................................................................................................2 Activate TravelScreen Preferences for Air........................................................................................................4 Deactivate TravelScreen Preferences for Air.....................................................................................................6 Re-Activate TravelScreen Preferences for Air...................................................................................................6 Activate TravelScreen Preferences for Hotel.....................................................................................................7 Deactivate TravelScreen Preferences for Hotel.................................................................................................8 Re-Activate TravelScreen Preferences for Hotel...............................................................................................8 Activate TravelScreen Preferences for Car........................................................................................................8 Deactivate TravelScreen Preferences for Car..................................................................................................10 Re-Activate TravelScreen Preferences for Car................................................................................................10 Transfer TravelScreen™ Preferences to Booking...............................................................................................10 Summary..................................................................................................................................................................13 Viewpoint™ Study Guide, July 2005 1 Use TravelScreen Plus™ in Viewpoint™ ® TravelScreen Plus™ is an Apollo solution that tailors your availability screens based on your client's preferences. Preferences are pre-stored customer information included in TravelScreen™ preference tables associated to the PNR. You use TravelScreen™ to define which vendors your client prefers. Then, when you request availability for air, car, or hotel, the response will only include those preferred vendors. You can also use TravelScreen™ to append frequently used information, such as frequent flyer numbers, car and hotel membership numbers, airline preferences, forms of payment, and much more to a reservation. It saves you from having to type in that information over and over again. Note: Before you can use TravelScreen™ preferences in Viewpoint, preferences must be built in preference tables in Apollo. Module Objectives Upon completion of this module you will be able to: • Use TravelScreen preferences to streamline your business process including activating and deactivating preferences for: − Air availability − Hotel availability − Car availability • Apply and transfer TravelScreen preferences to the booking TravelScreen Plus Overview For agencies using TravelScreen, the easiest way to complete the air portion of the PNR is to apply TravelScreen™ preferences. By applying these preferences, you can: • Tailor your air, car, and hotel availability requests based on client preferences. • Make generic seat requests. • Append Frequent Flyer numbers. • Append the preferred form-of-payment. • Submit special service requests. 2 Viewpoint™ Study Guide, July 2005 Use TravelScreen Plus™ in Viewpoint™ When you sell air, car, and hotel using TravelScreen, all client information stored in the preference records is moved into your PNR automatically when you move a profile. This guarantees that your client preferences will be met every time. Adding TravelScreen to your profiles is optional and consists of different preference records, on two different levels: business and personal. When TravelScreen preferences are active, a TravelScreen button appears to the right of the Web button on the toolbar. You can control TravelScreen™ preferences using this button or similar buttons when searching for air, hotel, and car availability. Click this option: To: Clear Override and turn off preferences. Business Activate business preferences. Personal Activate personal preferences. Merged Merge both Business and Personal preferences. Lock Lock preferences so that they remain active at end of booking. You may want to keep same business, personal or merged preferences active for a number of new bookings. Unlock Unlock preferences so that they are cleared at end of booking. Viewpoint™ Study Guide, July 2005 3 Use TravelScreen Plus™ in Viewpoint™ Activate TravelScreen Preferences for Air Once you have moved your profile into the PNR, you can work with any TravelScreen™ preferences attached to the profile. To request air availability with TravelScreen preferences, use the following steps. 1. Click Air toolbar button, select Availability, and select General. Keyboard: Press Alt+A, A, G The Air Availability Request dialog appears with the TravelScreen button to the right indicating TravelScreen™ is active. 2. Complete the dialog box and click Search. Note: When TravelScreen™ preferences are active there is no need to fill in the Airlines area to request a specific airline Keyboard: Press Alt+S 4 Viewpoint™ Study Guide, July 2005 Use TravelScreen Plus™ in Viewpoint™ Air Availability appears. Notice that Viewpoint™ returned air availability for only United and US Airways. 3. Click the Show Pref. Button to view the TravelScreen™ preferences activated when you moved the profile. A message appears indicating the preferences have merged. Because United and US Airways are the customer preferences included in TravelScreen, they are the only air carriers that appear in Air Availability. 4. Click OK. Keyboard: Press Enter. 5. Sell the Air Segment. Viewpoint™ Study Guide, July 2005 5 Use TravelScreen Plus™ in Viewpoint™ Deactivate TravelScreen Preferences for Air ® To return to the Apollo neutral display, right-click the Availability title bar, and then click Preferences Off. A neutral Air Availability appears. Note: The TS indicator on the top right-hand side of the screen is crossed, indicating the preferences are switched off. Re-Activate TravelScreen Preferences for Air To reactivate the TravelScreen™ preferences from Availability, right-click the Availability title bar, then click Preference On. The Air Availability reflecting the TravelScreen™ preferences reappears. 6 Viewpoint™ Study Guide, July 2005