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apollo 9 mission report may 1969 PDF

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r.�" Il $10 ::::::::::::::::::::::: lRI TA M RAPP J).(ol&a� MSC-PA-R-69-2 NATIONALA ERONAUTICSA ND SPACEA DMINISATTRION ··..·.·.···.·..·.·.·.•. :·:::.::·:::.:::·:::.:::·:::.:·.:·. ·.·.·.·.·.· ::::::::::::::::::::::: :·::.:::·::..:·:·.::·..::·:::··:.::..::·:·· .· . APOLL9O MISSIROENP ORT ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: :: 1 ����������������mr :��:���: �=� ::� �: : :: � : �: ��:�=:�=:�= :�� � �� = � =:: � .·..··..·..···.·.·.·.·. ·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:· ·.·.·.·.··.·..·.·.·.·.· ··.·..·•.·.·.·..·.···.·....···· ...···...···. .· ���������� �� � � � � � � � � � � � :::::::::::: ::::::::::: ����m � � �� �� ��� �� i � � � � :-:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·: ::::::::::: :::::::::::: :·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·: ::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::: ·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:· ·.·.·.·.·..··.·.·.·.·.· ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::: ·.··.·...···..·..·.··.· -�- :·.:::·:::.:.·:.:·:.:··:..:·.:··::.:·..·::· :: : ::..:. :.:. : .-:.::.:.:.: ··::·:·:··::···:: ··::·: :-:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·: :�::'�� ::��:=��:= �=�:�:� :::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .·.··.·..··.·..·.·.·.·. DISTRIBUTIAONND REFERENCING ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: Thipsa peirs n ots uitabfloerg enerdails tribuotl'ri eofne rencIitn gm.ba eyr eferenced ·:·:·:·:·:·:·:o·n:l·y: ·:·:· and byp articipoartgianznga on ��=:=� :�: :��=:� :=:: � ::� i no thewro rkicnogr respondendcoec uments i tis. MANNED·S PACECRAFCTE NTER HOUSTON,TEXAS MAY 1969 � .•. APOLLOS PACECRAFFTL IGHTH ISTORY Mission S,Eacecraf't Descri,Etion Launchd ate Launchs ite · PA-l BP-6 Firstp ad abort Nov.7 ,1 963 WhiteS ands MissilRea nge, N.M ex. A-001 BP-12 Transoniacb ort May 13, 1964 WbiteS ands MissileRa nge, N.M ex. AS-101 BP-13 Nominall aunch and May 28, 1964 CapeK enned,y exite nvironment Fla. AS-102 BP-15 Nominall auncha nd Sept. 18, 1964 CapeK enned,y exite nvironment Fla. A-002 BP-23 Maximum dynamic Dec. 8,1 964 WbiteS ands pressrue abort MissilRea nge, N.M ex. AS-103 BP-16 Micromteeoroid Feb. 16, 1965 CapeK enned,y experiment Fla. A-003 BP-22 Low-latitudea bort May 19, 1965 WhiteS ands (plannedh igh- MissileRa nge, altitudea bort) N.M ex. AS-104 BP-26 Micrometeoroid May 25, 1965 CapeK enned,y experimenatn d Fla. servicmeo dule RCS launch environment PA-2 BP-23A Secondp ad abort June 29, 1965 Wbite Sands MissileR ange, N.M ex. AS-105 BP-9A Micrometeoroid July 30, 1965 CapeK enned,y experimenatn d Fla. servicemo dule RCS launch environment A-004 SC-002 Power-otnu mbling Jan. 20, 1966 · WbiteS ands boundarayb ort MissileR ange, N.M ex. ....._ ...�. AS-201 SC-009 Supercircular Feb. 26, 1966 CapeK enned,y entryw ithh igh Fla. heatr ate AS-202 SC-011 Supercircular Aug. 25, 1966 CapeK enned,y entryw ithh igh Fla. heatl oad (Continuedi nsideb ackc over) MSC-PA-R-69-2 APOLL9O M ISSNI ROEPORT PREPRAEDB Y Misison EvaluiaotnT eam APPROVBEYD e� .e-1(' �w- - GeorgMe. L ow Manag,eA rpollSop aceacfrtP rogram NATIONAALE ROUNTAICASN DS PACAED MNIISTRATION MANNED SPACECCERNATFETR HOUST,O TNEXAS May1 969 Aplol9o l itf-off. iii CONTENTS Seciton Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1-1 2.0 INTROCDTUION 2-1 30. MISSNI DOESCRIPTION 3-1 4.0 EXTRAVEHCIULARA CTIVITY 4-1 4.1 FLIGHTP LAN 4-1 4.2 ACTUATLI MELINE 4-2 4.3 FLIGHT ACCRTEIWV ITIES 4-2 44. EXTRAHVIECLUARM OIBLITUYNI T 4-5 4.5 SPACECRIANFTTE ARCFES 4-7 5.0 RENDEZVAONUDSD OCKIONPGE RTAIONS 5-1 5.1 MISSINO PLNANINAGS PECTS 5-2 5.2 TRJAECTODREYT ERMIINOANT 5-4 5.3 CREWPR OCEDUR.ES. 5-7 5.4 GUIDNACE, NAVITGIAO,N ANCDO NTROL 5-15 5.5 VISIBIL.I TY. 5-16 5.6 DOCKIONPGE RTAIONS 5-16 5.7 GROUNSDU PPOORPT ERATIONS 5-17 6.0 COMMNUICATIONS 6-1 TRJAECTOR.Y 7-1 7.1 LAUCNHP HASE 7-1 7.2 SPACECR/SA-FITVSBE PARIAOTN 7-1 7.3 ORBTIALF IRINGS 7-2 74. ENTRY . . 7-4 7.5 TRACKIANNGLA YSIS 7-5 8.0 COMMANDA ND SERMVOIDCUEL PEE RFORMANCE 8-1 8.1 STRUCTUARNADLME CHANICAL 8-1 8.2 ELECTRIPCOAWLE .R 8-13 8.3 CRYONGIECS TORAGE 8-18 8.4 COMMUNICATIEOQNUSI PMENT 8-18 iv Setcino Page 85. INSTRNUTMAEITON 8-20 8.6 GUIDNAC,E NAVIGIAOTNA,N DC ONTROL 8-22 8.7 REACTICOONN TRSOYLS TEMS 8-76 88. SEVRICPER OPUILOSN. . . 8-83 89. ENVIRONMECNOTNATLR SOYLS TEM 8-88 8.10 CREWS TATION 8-92 8.11 CONSUMABLES 8-95 90. LUNAMRO DULPEE RFONRCMAE 9-1 9.1 STRUCTUANRDA LME CHANICSAYLS TEMS 9-1 9.2 THERMACLO NTROL 9-6 9.3 ELECTCRAILP OWER 9-7 9.4 COMMUNICATIO.N S 9-8 9.5 INSUTMRENTIAOTN 9-22 96. GUIDNACEA NDC ONTROL 9-42 9.7 REACTION CONTROL SYSTEM 9-50 9.8 DESCEPNRTO PLUSION 9-60 9.9 ASCENPTR OPLUSINO 9-69 9.01 ENVIRONMECNOTNATLR SOYLS TEM 9-77 9.11 CREWST ATIONS 9-88 9.21 AR 9-89 RAD 9.31 CONUSMABLES 9-09 10.0 FLGIHTC REW 101- 10.1 FLIGHCTR EWP ERFORMASNUMCMAER Y 10-1 10.2 PILOTRSE'P ORT 10-2 11.0 BIMOEDICEAVLA LAUTION 11-1 11.1 BIOINRSUTMENTATPIEORNF ONRCMAE 11-1 11.2 PHYISOLOCGAILD ATA. 11-2 11.3 MEDICAOLB SERTVIAONS 11-2 11.4 PHYISCALE XAMINATIONS 11-7 v Section Page 12.0 FOOANDD WATER 12-1 12.2 WATER 12-4 13.0 PHOTOGRAPHY 13-1 13.1 OPERATIOPNHAOLT OAGPRHY 13-1 13.2 MULTISPECTTERRARLA EIXPNE RIMENT 13-2 14.0 MISSISOUNP OPRTP ERFORMANCE 14-1 14.1 FLIGHCTO NTR.OL. . 14-1 14.2 NETWOPREKR FORMANCE 14-6 14.3 RECOVEORPYE RATIONS 14-8 15.0 ASSESSMEONFTMI SSIOONB JECTIVES 15-1 15.1 LUNAMRO DULSE- BANCDO MMUNIACTIONPSE RFONRCMEA 15-1 15.2 SPACEACF/RTNETWOSR-KBA/NVDHCFO MPATIBILITY 15-2 15.3 EXTRVAEHICUALCATRI VITY 15-2 16.0 LAUNCVHE HICSLUEMM ARY 16-1 17.0 ANOMASLUYMMA RY 17-l 17.1 COMMAND ANDS ERVIMCOED ULES 17-1 17.2 LUNAMRO DUL.E . ... 17-27 . 17.3 GOVERNMENT-FURENQIUSIHPEMEDN T 17-57 18.0C ONUCSLIONS 18-1 APPENDAI X-V EHICDLEES CRIPTIONS A-1 A.1 COMMANDA NDS ERVIMCOED ULES A-1 A.2 LUNAMRO DUL.E . . . . . . A-12 A.3 SPACECRLAAFTNU/CH-VEHIADCALPET ER A-58 A.4 LAUCNHV EHICDLEES CRIPTION A-59 A.5 MASSP ROPERTIES A-60 APPEDNIXB S-PAECCARFTH ISTORIES B-1 APPENDCI XP- OSTFLITGEHSTT ING C-1 APPENDDI XD- ATAAV AIBLIALITY D-1 APPENDEI XS- UPPLEMENRTEAPLO RTS E-1 1-l 1.0S UMMA RY Apollo9 wast he firstm anned flightt heo lfu narm odule awnads conductetdo QUaliftYh isp ortioonf the spacecraffto r lunar operations. The crewm emberwse reJ amesA . McDivittC,o mmanderD;a vidR . Scott,C om­ mandM oduleP ilot;a nd RussellL. Schweikart, LMuondaurl eP ilot. Thep rimaroyb jectiveosf the missiown eret o evaluatcer ewo pera­ tiono f thel unarm odulea ndt o demonstradtoec kedv ehiclef unctionisn an eartho rbitamli ssiont,h erebqyu alifYintgh ec ombinesdp acecraffto r lunarf light.L unarm oduleo perationisn cludead descenetn ginef iring whiled ockedw itht he commanmdo dule,a completree ndezvuos and docking profile, awnidt,h t hev ehicleu nmanneda,n ascente ngine firtiong p ro­ pellandte plteion. Combinesdp acecrafftu nctionisn cludecdo mmanmdo dule dockingw itht hel unarm odule( aftert ranspositi,o snpacecrafetj ection ) fromt hel aunchv ehiclef,i ves ervice propulfsiiroinn gwsh ile dockead , dockedd escenetn ginef iring,an d extravehiculcarre wo perationfsr omb oth thel unara ndc ommanmdo dules.T hesep rimaryo bjectivewse rea lls atis­ fied. All spacecrafsty stemso peratesda tisfactoriilny p erformintgh e missiona s planned.T he thermarle sponsoef boths pacecrafrte mained withine xpecterda ngesf or an eartho rbitafll ighta,n d consumableu sages were maintaiwnietdh ina cceptabllei mits.M anagemenotf the manyc omplex systemso f boths pacecrafbty the creww asv erye ffectivea,n dc ommunica­ tionsq ualitwya sg enerallsya tisfactory. The spacev ehiclwea sl aunched ftrhoemK ennedyS paceC enterF,l or­ ida,a t 11:00:a0.0m .e .s.t.o,n March3 ,1 969. Followinag n ormall aunch phase, the Ss-tIaVgBei nsertetdh e spacecrafitn toa n orbito f 102.b3y 103.n9a uticamli les. Aftert he post-inserticohne ckouwta sc ompleted, thec ommanadn d servicem odulewse res eparatefdr omt he S-IVB,t ransposed, andd ockedw itht he lunarm odule.T he docked spacecrafte jweecrtee df rom the S-IVBa t 4:08:06. One firing of thed escent engainndef ives ervice prop,ulfsiiroinn gs werep erformewdh ilet he spacecrafwte rei n thed ockedc onfiguratioTnh.e dynamicasn ds tabilitoyf the spacecrafdtu ringt hesef iringwsa se xcel­ lent. Strokintge sts( engingei mbalingw)e rea lsop erformeddu ringt he r seconda ndt hird firintgos f urtheer valuatteh e dockedv ehicled ynamics andt hed ockinig nterfaces thoeft wos pacecraftT.h eset estss howedt he dynamicsa nd interfacetso bvee ry satisfactowriyt hr esponsetso the strokinign putsb eing lower ptrheadni cted. At approximate7l0yh ours,t he Commander Launnda rM oduleP ilote n­ teredt he lunarm odule and beganp reparatiofnosr e xtravehiculaacrt ivity. Boths pacecraft wdeerper essurizaendd t heirr e:opecvtei h atches opeante d l-2 approxima7t3eh loyu rsT.h e LunMaord ulPeil ote gersseadn de valueadt theh andirla,s obtainmeadn ye xcellaenndtv a lubalee ngineeprhiontgo ­ grahps,a ndr etrietvheedt hermaslam plef rom tehxet eriooftr h el unar moudl.e Also,th eC ommanMdo duel Pilomtov edh isu peprt orsoout sied the commamnodud les ied hatcanhd retrietvherde teh remals amplefsr otm he exteriooftr h es evricem oduleT.h ee xtvreahciulaarc tiviltasyt e4d7 - minuetsa ndw asa brbeviatferdo tmh ep landn 2e-hou1r5 -minoupteer ation becauosfet hei nflight iolflt nheeLs unsa rM odulPei lot dutrhiepn rge ­ vioudsa y. Thep efrormcaeno fa llo ft hee xtvreahiculamro iblituyn it sytsemsw ase xcleelntth rouugtht oheo peration. Thet woc rewmaegna itnr nasefrretdo t hel unamro dulaeta bout8 9 hourtso p efroram lunar-muolde-acet rievndezvoTuhsel. u namro dulper i­ maryg uidanscyes tewams u sedt hroughtohuert e ndezvhoouwsee;rv ,m irror­ imagbea cukp-m aneuvecro mpuitoantwse raels om adei nt hec ommnadm oudle. Thed escte pnrolpusino sysmt weasu setdo p efrortm hep haisnga ndi nser­ tiomna enuevr,sa ndt hea scenentg inwea su setdo e satblihs a consntta differeln hteiiaghatft etrh ec oellipsteuiqecn chea db eeinn ittiea.d Thet emrinla phaswea sn ominaaln,dl unarm oduled ockiwnags c opmleted ata pproximat9e9hl oyu rsT.he r enzdveouasn dd ockiwnegr ceo pmletesdat i­s facrtiol,y andp rolplenatu sgaeb yt hel unarm odulre eacticoonn trsoyls ­ tem waabosu t3 0p ercte lness thapnr eidcte.d The ascsetgnaetw asj et­ tisnoeda bout2 .5ho urlsat e,r anda 36.23-seconfdi rinogft hea scent en­ ginteo o xizdeird epletiwoansp erofrm.e d Thef ina5l dayst hoemf i ssni woersep enitn c opmletitnhgep hoto­ grapheyx pernitm,pe erformitnhgr esee rvipcreo lpusino firin,gp slupse r­ forminnugm eroluasn dmatrrka ckienxegr ciseTsh.es ixths ervipcreo pul­ siofni riwnags m adet ol owetrh ea pogee.I tw asd elyaed oner evolution becuaset het ranslamtainoenu vetrh awt ast op recetdheef iriwnags n ot prorpleyc onfiguirnet dh ea uotpilotA.f teprr orpleyc onfigutrhien g autpoilo,tt hef irinwga ss uccsefusllyc opmleteatda bout1 2.35h our.s Thes eventshe rivcep rouplsiofni rinwgas m adet or aisteh ea pog,e aend the firinwg asit inmcer eeadts oa nomin2a5ls ecnodst op emrita ne valu­ atioonf t hep ropellqaunatni ttya ndg aginsgy st,e wmhichha de xhiitbed anomoaulsb ehavidourr inega rliseerr vipcreou plsiofni rin.g As totaolf 584f ramse off ilwme reexp osefdo rt hem ultispcetraplh otopghryae xperi­ mentd urintgh ipse roid. As rae sulotfu nfavorlaebw eathienr tphlea nnleadn dianrega ,t he deorbmiatn euvwearsd elyaedf or orneev oliuotnt oa ccomodatree piotsino­ ingo ft hel andipnogi tn. Asd eterminedt hfeor nobmo acrodm uptesr olu­ tio,n thes pacreacflta ndewdi th2i.n7 n auitcla mileosf tthaer gepto int at2 41h our5s4 s ecnod.s 2-1 20. INTRODUGriON TheA pollo9 missiowna st h·nei nth in a serieso f flightsu sing specificatiAopno llo hard�aret haefn id rstm annedf lighto f thel unar module.T hism issino wast het hirdm anned flioghft blockI I command ands ervicem oduleasn dt hes econdm annedf lightu singa Satrun V launch vehicle. Becausoef the excellenpte rformanocfe the commanadn ds ervice moduledsu ringt he Apol7l oa nd 8 missionso,n lyt hec ommand ands ervice module performtahnactes ignificantldyi fferefdr omt hato f thep revious two missionwsi llb e reported.T hisr eportc oncentratoens l unarm odule flightr esultasn dt hose activitiinevso lvincgo mbinevde hicloep erations. Numeroussy stemisn bothv ehiclewse rei nvolveidn thee xtravehiculaacr­ tivityl,u nar modurleen dezvousa,n dc ommuniciaotns,a ndt heses ubjects arer eportesde parateliyn section4s ,5 ,a nd6 ,r espectively. A completaen alysiso f certaifnl ightd atai s notp ossiblwei thin thet imef ramef or preparatioofn thisr eport.' rhereforree,p orts upple­ mentsw illb e publishefdo r the guidancen,a vigatioann,d c ontrosly stem performancteh;e biomedicaelv aluatiotnh;e m ultiscpteralt erraipnh otog­ graphya;n dt het rajectorayn alysis.O thers upplemnetsw ill published be as necsesary.A listo f all supplemenitss containeidn AppendiEx . In this repoarltl t imesa ree lapsetdi mef romr angez ero,e stablished as thei ntegrasle condb eforel ift-off.R angez erof ort hism issiowna s 16:00:G0.0m ..t,M arch3 ,1 96.9 Also,a llr eferencetso mileaged istance arei n nauticamli les.

APOLLO SPACECRAFT FLIGHT HISTORY. Mission. S,Eacecraf't. Descri,Etion. Launch date. Launch site .. The space vehicle was launched at 11:00 : 00 a.m. e.s.t., r4arch 3,. 1969, and the . NASA-S-69-1932. Revolution count.
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