* * * * APOLLO1 5V OICET RANSCRIPT PERTAININTGO THEG EOLOGY OF THEL ANDINGS ITE APOL1L5VO OI ECT RNASCPRTI Pearitngi nttoh gee oogloyf tlnhaden igs iet � N.GB.iae ly aGn.dEU .l rhi c U.SGo.el goiaclS uvrey BranocfAh s trooggeyo l FlsatgfafA,r ziona 1�5 ,I. BIBLIOGRAPHDIACT A ReporNto . r2- 3.R ecipienAt'csc esNso.i on SHEET liSGS-GD-74-029 14Il•le a nd>i lllltlll< 5.R eporDt ate Apollo1 5V oiceT ranscript 1975 Pertainintgo the Geologyo f the LandingS ite 6. 7.A urhor(s) 8.P erformiOrngga niza,iRoenp t. N. G. Baileya nd G. E. Ulrich No. 9.P erformiOrnaa anizaciNoanm ea ndA ddress 10.P rojecr/Task/UWnoirlNk o . u.s. GeologicaSlu rvey Brancho f Astrogeology 11.C oouacr/GrNaon.t 601E ast CedarA venue Flagstaff,A Z 86001 12. SponaorinOrJa anizatiNoanm ea ndA ddress 13. Typeo fR epou& Period Covered Same Final 14. 15.S upplementarNyoc eo This is ApolloV oiceT ranscripVto lumeN o. 4 of a seriest o be producedf or the six manned lunarl andings 16.A bstracts This documenti s an editedr ecordo f the conversationbse tweent he Apollo 15 astro- nautsa nd missionc ontrolp ertainintg o the geologyo f the landings ite. It contains all discussionasn d observations documenttihneg lunarl andscapei,t s geologic characteristictsh,e rocksa nd soilsc ollecteda,n d the lunars urfacep hotographic recorda longw ith supplementarrye markse ssentialt o the continuitoyf eventsd uring the mission. This transcripti s derivedf roma udiot apesa nd the NASA Technical Air-to-GrounVdo iceT ranscriptioann d includest ime of transcriptioann d,p hotogrpah and samplen umbers. The report also includesa glossary,l andings ite map, and sample table. 17,lt eyW otrdoa ndD ocu...,ntA oolyoio1. ..7 Descdpt:ora Astrogeology 0302 Astonauts 0509 Lunarb ases 2201 Lunarc raters 0302 Lunard ust 0302- Lunarg eology 0302 Lunarp hotography 03011,4 05 Lunarr ock 0302 Lunart opography 0302 17bl.d enlifiers/OpeTne-uilFsn ded Apollo1 5 03/B Astronomya nd AstrophysicsA,s trophysics 17<C·O SAT lF ield/Gouop 22/A SpacTee chnologyA,s tronautics 18.Av ailabiSltiattyc� nmt 19• S.e cuCrlaists( Tyh is 21.N o.o fP ag<s Releaseablteo the public. Availablefr om NTIS, Re����.A�SS IFIED 232 SpringfieldV,A 22151 lU.S et:Cularsns{ yTh is 22.P rice Po�t.tSr>:SInFI Fil USCOMM DC <t.OJ29 P7l CONTENTS F Paqe 1>., ,'"- �,--'" Inrtoudctni o 2 • Acknowledgments 2 Glosys oaftr ermsab,bv rieianot,sa rcomns,ya nsdy bmosl 3 Exapnlaotnoi f ywkoeirgnd 6 Goelogciocnd teinnos aofA optllhoe1 5v ociet rsarcnipt 8 Destc en 8 • LMW nidowP rSeVE A 8 SE.V A 11 LMW nidowP sot VSAE 17 • • • . EV1A 24 • . . BetwEeVe1Ana n2d 65 • EV2A 74 • BetwEeVe2An a n3d 166 • EV3A 168 • . . Obrit 291 • . . . . . . . TrsaenratChao st 223 . . . . . . Refeenrces 232 • ILULSTIROATN Fgiur1e. A plool1 5l nadgi sniets ohwignL Ml cotainoa nader at ravebryas tesrdo naduutnrsgiE VAs 7 • TALBE Tbal1e. A plolo1 5s apmllesi ticnrgo rsesf-eretnoAc opelldoE ladpT siemes 227 INTRODUCTION Thfeo urmtahn nlenudal rna dnigo crcrueodnJ ul3y0 ,1 917w hetnh lenu amord lueF aclonl naded int hel leayd-lAipene rnenigno oft heM oon.o llA1op5 w sa thef isrt miniot sosu tlizie a btatyep-rowevreeihdc laep yt l named t"oRe oxevtnedrt "h er anqoef thea tsronasurutfsa ce exlprotaiownih t ar seutlatn2 .79k mo ft raverIste saw laoss t hfei srtm sisniw oiht thrEeVeA s • . whhi,ca lnogw ihtt hSeE AV,p rodudcoeuedb t lhaemo unotft rsacnricopntc iegnr lnnuarq elooqyt han diedti heorft htew poer vuisol nadngis. Tihsd ocumiesan net d tierde cdoo rft hceo nsvaetnrisbo ewteeants ronaDvuatiRsd. S oct,t and JameBs. I wrino nt hlenu asru rfaancEdeV cAa pcJooms ePo.Ah ll eantM iisosCno ntirnoU lotu osn duirgn thnee ral6y7 h outrhsae ts ronwaeurtoesnt hMeo .o nIt a1c so nsdaetnnih oopleylf uofa ll thev erlb daathaa vgi gnelogoics qinifciancAell.d sicsuisnosa nodb setrinvosda oceutnmign the lnualra sncdea,pi stq oeloqcihraca ctseitrsci,t hreo kcsa nsdo lisc ollcet,ea dndt hep hotaopqhric recoarrder teanieda lnogw iht thes upepmlentraerrmykae ss seanltt oi tcohineunt tiyo fe vents druign thmesi sni.oW eh avdeee letdt hweo rodfsme chiaacnlh ouseigkn eaenpde nnqeireiqn daat, attepmtinnogtt o l soet hpee rsoannpadihl l soohpicaaselptc so fm annlenudrae xlprotaino. Thseo urocfe ist svh ebratlr arnpistc ea rtchmpoele taedu itoa preesc orddrueigdn tEhVeAa sn d thTece nhicAarilt- o-GrVoiouecn daT nrspctroinip builhsedb yN A.S AThev ocier ecdo irs setldi chrooolngcialglieyvn i nd yas,h ou,rm sniuetsa nsde cdo.sn Thesaert eh Aep loloE alpsTeidm (eAsE) T · aftlearnu cfhor mt hKee nnSepdayCc een twehriw cah9s : 43a .mE...T D .o nJ uyl2 61,79 1. Fgiuer s1oh wtsh veci niiyt oft hlena dniqs iett hawtad sse crisbaempdel,d ,a ndp hotographed byt hAeop ll1o5c reewm.n ACKWNLOEOGI�ENTS Thea sistsancoefA plolo15 C OilallnldDeariv dR . Swchorotve ti e\'t1heteadr n spctri isq ratle.ylf u ackwnelodg.e Rd.L .S uotn,tU .s . GeooiglaclS uvreyg,a vvela aubela ssitasncweti ht hes apmle andp hotiodn xeign. Thec ovielru lsrttaioannf dgi ur1ew erper epabryRe .d SEa.abl aU,.S . GoeloaglSi ucr.v eTyihsr epowratds u ipclaetdb yJ .L .R emYU.. S .G oelgoicaSulr veTyh.a nks aer duet oC yndeCeo dnitf orh earb elc ommnucaotnwi ihtt hWeY LBtUe-Rxd etintriprfo groantm h e NatioInnastltu itoefsH a etlhC omputSeytrse wmh imcahdp eo isbsltehee ff icnitee dtiincqh angaends repdrcuotnif ooprr nitnigo ft hter acnrsti.pT ihsp reocjwta ssu ptpeobdry N ASOAr dNe.or l3W6,7.2 2 GLOSSATRREYM SAO,BF B REIVOINAASCT.R ONAYNMDS ,S YMBOLS APOL1L5CO R EW cc CaspulCeomu mnciaotr( JsoepPh.A llned unrgit hEeV ,Ao sthaetsrr ountadsu riontgh er timep eordi)s CDR Comamnedr( aDviRd.S co)t t CMP CoammnMdo ldueP lio(tAf lreMd.W or)d en lMP lunMoadrlu eP il(oaJtme sB .I rwi)n MCC MisnsC ioontCreonlt (ueinred nftiiesdp ea)k er AET AopllEaolp dsT eiem s-icnel uancfhr omE ar(tadhys -rhs-nmssi-e)c s AGC lRrVe adoonuTV tc amera ALSEP Aopllol unSaurr fEaxcpee riPmaecnktasg e BSLSS Buyd Sdecoyn LdieafS ruppSoysrettm COMP CormepehsnievS maple- scosoopli a nrda kseap mloef 3 /8t1o11 - 11/r 2oc1ckoslel cted froamd oceunmtaeerda a pproxi1mme atteesrlq yu are CONT Cotnnigeyn Scalmpe- baogf lsa onirdco kcso lelcetde raliyn EtVh-Aes apmle referiennt crneas cprtki ewyoirgdn Core Drviet ubceo nrgid evifcocerlo lcetnig lss ompailseb yd rviign thteu bweih t a hammer (hted eecpo rweas o biteandb ya b aetrtpywo-er,er dotya,hr and-oepde irdlarlt) CM ComamnModd ul,e" Endeavour" DAC DatAacu qitsiinoC maermoau ntoendt hleR V DB DoceunmtBeadg DOC DoceunmtSeadpm l-es olia nd/roorct khsa ater d oceunmtedp hboyt oygb reafpohre and atfer pislgan m EMU ExtracvlueaMhrboi iilyt Uint- lnuasru rfsaapccese u iwtor bnyt haets ronauts dunrgiE VAs ETB Eqpumienatn esTrfBr afgo r torratn isoetpmfbs e twleMeh na tacnhld nu asru frcae 3 GluSSCAORNVT 'D. EV( voirs) Extrhaivcaeurl EVA ExtrhaivcaeurAl tcivy iat-tsronaacuvtttii iseo nt hlen uasru rface FSR Fooatl-blSzieRdo ck 10 Iedntiicfant io IFH IsnturmeFnilthq tR eugaltniso LCRU LunCaomrum niicnoaR tealyU into nt hReo ver lM LunMoarlur le",Fla ocn" LPSD LnadnigP onitD eisngatSoysrt em llR LunRaerec ivgLi anbtoorray lR,R RcLuRb ed LasRenarig gnR etrlocerteofr LRV lunRaoriv nVge ch1i-e" Rover" Mag/Mags Magazei/nMazgiaens- photaopghric MESA ModlurazieEdq umiepnStot waAgses emb-lasy t oraaergaoe n t hLeM t hacto anitsn sceinftiic� uqiepmnt NAV Nvagiatni o PAN Parnaomoaf7 0 photographs mm PHO Pohot.p hotpohgcirr eafer1entn chteer sacnprtik eywiognr d Pllg Plagioclase PlSS PoarbtlLeie fS uppSoyrstt- ebma ckpoanEc VksA p ascuei t PSE PassSiesvmiei Ecx perhr.ent RAKE RakSeap ml-es mapler efertennt rcnaes cprtki eywiognr d SAMP Sapmlree feriennt creac nrsikpetyw oirgnd SCB SapmlCeo llcetniB oag 4 GLOSSCAOR'NY.TD SSEC SpieacEln rvoiennmatlS apmlCeo nitenar SEAV S�andE-VuAp SIED SoalrI no Detenc Etxipoeriment SRC SmapleR etuCronni tenar",R oBcokx " SW,CS oalrW ind Soal-rWnidC oomsptiinoe xperiment Srtut Onoef f oulrge so nt hLeM PulsZ-S rtut Forwalrgedo nw hihct hleda deirs mounted MniuZsS -rtut Realrge o fL M Puls-SYrt ut Ritg lhgeo f LM MniusS-tYr ut lefltge o ft hLeM TRENCH TrenScaphml -es mpaler eferiennt crneasr cpitk eoyrwndgi *** Gabreldo rc ilpped smtsirosiann Deeltoinbse wteesnt eaemtntss atoetfmn ettsh aatr neo gte ooglcilayl lrveeant Paubsyes epaker Inetrurptnib yoa notshpekerea, ro ra brtu tprmeinanto ifao re codrign (wor)d s Exlpnaatni oof pwroboradbssl ayi tdht aw ergeab rldet unrgit ranssismno i (wodrs)? Exlpnaatioofn woprsodsbsil sya itdht a wegraberl ded unrgit ranssismnoi 5 EXPLIANONO AFKT EOYRWIDGN Thpeu rpoofst ehk ee wyorednsoc sleidnp aernthetsote hsre i gohftt h tear nsipctri st oi fnonm three adoefer ti hetrh peh aosfe tmhieis nos (EDSC.E NBTETWEEEVN,A set.)c dunrgiw hihc the satteemntwse rmeda e,o rt hpea rctuillacora tnio ors tant (iMLo,1 ,2 ,e t.)cw hetrhese p eawkae,sr or tbweeeinhc lwcohaotni(sML -11.- 2e,t)c t .hsep eawkaetsrr avienrgTs.h eraer ea lssoe parate sapml(eAS MxPx xxxa)n pdh o(tHPoOx xx xx)x kxeytsod enotthepe a rctuailrs apmlse and eptihhoetro s benigd escroirbt eadk eant tphaarcttu ailrmo men.t Noarllmyw,h ebroet shap mlaen pdh okteoy s occiunr stahmele ie n,t hpeh ontuom baerres sc-nridoesxteotd h sea pmlneu mbienrt sh altie n.T he ocscianoaelx ecpotnicsa bne i fnerrferdot mh ceo ntoefxt tht er arnistp-c -AE0T6 0 40 22 5- -where SAMSPE S1C05 1i3s n onte scseialryr eferetnoac neoydf t hpea n photo kenyueimdnb t ehress ma e lien.W herreerm kaisn t hbege ninnigo fa s ttaemewnetrn eo etti hesrp ecailyfl oircg enaelyrl about the pislgano mrp hotoygme rnatopinheldta eirn thes tesamatemnetth ,kee oyrwdiwnapgsl acientd h e praticullieacn ro nitnagit nhferi stme ntnio of'trheerf eencaecdvt iiyt asw tihS AMP1 520i5nt he sattemmaedneat t 0 5 50122 2. Becatuhsteeka igno fs piefcipcho twoasns o atl awymesn tnieod.w eh avkeye eadl plh otkonso wn tos hoaws apmelo ri stl coaotnii nt hferi stl ien thacto nitsnas amepk leoydrwigna tt htei met he sapmlwea cso llcet.e d Phokteoy psal ceidnt he --•l nies( hwerneo n-reslatetveamnetna trsed eelt)e dsohw the •- inetrlvw ahetnh opsaer ctuailrp hotwoesrt ea keevnet nh oungomehtn toien.d Contvieonunssef dnk eyrwdso almepa nd pnhuomrtbiogen : SAM1P05 15 -Sapmlneu mb1e5r0 15 SAMCPO H1T05 20-26 -Samepc lotnnignec1y5 0t2h0r o1u5g0hi2 cn6ls iuev SAM1P5 011972,-7 -28 -Smaplneu mb1e5r0st1 h7r o1u5g0ha1 n91d 5 0t2h7r ough 150i2cn8l ues iv SAMP? -Sapmlfeo wrhi cthh neu mbiesur kn nown PH8O5 1 4118 -Mazgiaena s.f ra1m1e84 1 PH8O5 1 1533-;88 271 175380 - -Magaizen 5,8f ram1e31s5 t3h ro1u31g8hi2 cn lsuieva nd mazgiaen8 7f,r am1e71s3 t0h ro1u71g5hi8 cn lues iv PHO? - Phootrpo h otposossl iybt kae,no rf owrhi cthh neu mbers havneo bte eind tefinied PHDOA C -Photaopgchrr ieferteont chDeea tAac iqiustioCnmae ra mountoendt hReo ver 6 -"'APRED ''' O�P'JEP '"�'l WI�'' DEl... ..E N.T C. . .• INT.E. .. ••�• ATI.O. ..-.i ERON_. --5AN L -.. -�DE. ..A,._.f.R.A Tk... UNITEDS TATESG EOLOGICALS URVEY UNDER CONT�ACY NO. 1·65253G The photographbiacs ef ort hism ap isA pollo1 5 panoramicca meraf rameA S15·9814.T he station locatioannsd t raverrsoeu teasr ef romc ompilations by theA polloL unarG eologyE xperimenTte am. EXPLANATION (I Traversseo liwdh eret racks � showno n photograph ------ Traverse dashedw here inferred N 2K ilo metera f I Figu1r.e A pol1l5ol andisnigt seh owiLnMg l ocatainodna retar averbsyea ds trondauurtisn g EVAs. 7