CATALOOGF AP()L1L5RO O CKS Par1t. 1 5015-15299 CuratoBrriaanlc Phu blication 72 JSC 20787 October 1985 GRAHAM RYDEH (Lunaarn dP lanetary Institute; NorthrSoepr vicIensc,. ) N/\5/\ NatioAnearlo naauntdi cs SpacAed ministration LyndoBn.J ohnsSopna ceC enter Hc-ustToenx,a s CATALOOGF APOLL1O5R OCKS Par1t. 1 5015--15299 GRAHAM RYDER (LunaanrdP laneItnasrtyi tute; NorthSreorpv iIcnecs.,) 1985 October TABLEO F CONTENTS PART1 . Introcdtuino. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.ii.i.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknolwedgements ( vi) • . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . TheA pollo1 5M isison. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.v). . . . . . . . . . . . Numberinogf A pollo1 5S apmles (xi) . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apollo1 5R ockS apmle:s BasicI nvenotry. . . (.x.i.i i) SketcMha pso fA pollo1 5S apmlingS ites. . . (.xx.ii.) Sapmles1 501-51529.9. . . . ............. . . . .1. . . . . . . . PART2 . Sapmles1 5036- 15468 339 . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PART3 . Samples1 547-51 5698 779 . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5o 12 ii INTRODUICOTN Thisc atalocgh aracteriezaecsho f2 67i ndividlulayn umberedr ock samplesi nt heA pollo1 5c ollcetio,n showinwgh ate achs amplies andw hati sk nowna bouti t. Uncnosoildatedr egolit(hso il) sapmlesa ren oti nclud.e dThec ataloigs intendetdo bues edb y bothr esearcherrse quirisnagpm lea llcoationasn da broad audiencien terestiendA poll1o5 r ock.s Thes ampled escripntsi o area rrangeidn n umreicaolr de,r clsoelyc orresnpdoingt o the samplec ollcetiosnt atio.n sSome pslamesw hich wenruemb ereda s rocksa rea ctulalyc olelctionosf smallf ragmesn.t Informatioonn s amplec ollcetio,n petrographyc,h emist,r sytable andr adiogeniiscto opse,s urfacceh aracrtiesti,c sphiycsal propeirets, andc uratroialp rocessiinsgs umamrized and referencaesd f ara s it iksn ow.n Thei ntentihoans b eent o be comprehseivne--tion cludael lp ublihseds tuideso f anyk indw hich providien fomrationo n a sapmle, asw ella ss omeu npulbihsed infomration. Some exceptioanrsem adew heret hes amer esearch groupp ublihsedt hes amed ataa ndc onclusiionnt sw oj ournals, in whichc aseo ner eferen(cuseu alltyh ee arlieri)s c hose;n ifo ne ist heP roceedinogfs t heL unarS cineceC onfercee,n this referenicses eelcte.d Referencwehsi cha rep rimaribluyl k interpretatoifoe nxsi sntgi data( uscha sm ixinmgo desl)o rm ere listso f spalmesa rer areliyn clud.e dTher eferencaerse completet o early1 985.F oreiglnan guagjeo urnlasw eren ot scurtinizde,b uta s far awse cant elll ittled ata hbaese n publihsedo nlyi ns uchj ouranls. Thisc atalodgif fersfr omt heC ataloogf A pollo1 6R ock,s JSC 1690(491 80i)n t hata llc hmeicadla tai st abualte,d insteaodf "bestg-uess"a veraegs. Rare-eardtiha gramasr ec ompuetr-poltted to a conssitents calfeo re asyc ompariosn; analysweist hf ewer thant hreer are-etahr pointasr ei nm ostc asenso tp lotetd. Muchv aluablien formatieoxni stisn t heo riginAaplo ll1o5 S ample InformatiCoant alo(g91 71.) Howveer, thatc atalowga sc ompilde andp ublihsedo nlyt hreem onthasf tetrh em ission itsefl,f rom rapidd esrciptionofsu sualldyu stc-overerdo ck,s usuallwyi htout anythinogt hert hanm acroscopoibcs evration,s andl esso ftent hin sectio.n sSincet he,n ther ockhsa veb eens tudie,d analzyed,a nd split,w ithm anyp ublihsedp apres. Thesmea ket heo riginal cataloign adequea,to utmdoed, andi ns ome caesrerso nueso, providitnhge m otivatifoonr t hisr evision. Howevre,t heA pollo 15s amplIen formatiCoant alo(g91 71c)o ntaimnosr ei nformationo n macroscopoibsce rvatifoonrsm osts amplest hand oest hep reesnt volum.e iii ACKNOWLDEGEMENTS ManyN orthrospe rvices, Inc., personnienlt heP lanetary MateiralsL aboratowroyr keodn t hec ompiltaiono ft hisc atalog, overa perioodf a feywe ar.s AleneS immonsd iligently translatuendi tnelilgiblhea nwdritinign toa ccuratien putfso r all text taabnlde .s JennyS eltrz,eL ees mit,h andJ o Ann Wolfshohslu pportdeadt ap ackr esecahr andt hins ectiolnib rary work. AndreMao sie assitsedi ni nspectioofn s everarlo ck sapmlesi nt hel aboratyo.r Claier Dardanpor oducetdh ec omptuer generatreadr ee atrh elementd iagram.s Final produwcatsi on supevrisebdy JudyA llto.n CluadineR obbs erveads g rapihcs teachearn dc oordinatfoorrt hed atai nputa ndl ayoutte amo f Joe Hodap,p Robbie Ma,r RleonweM artienz, CeciliSaa ttwehrit,e and Lindaw att.s outsideo ft heC uratoriLaalb orat,o rsyeveraple rsondsi rectloyr indirectplryo ivdeda sssitanc.e Sourceso f unpbulihsedd ata are quoteddi rectliyn t het ex.t G.JT.a ylo(r Universiotfy New Mexicop)r ovidesde veraplh otomicrogroafp rhask es ampels. Thec atalowga sp roducewdi tht hee ncouramgeen,t suppo,r t and pressuroef D.B lanchar(dNA SA: PlanetarMya teiralsC uratro); s. Waltz( NSI: PlanetarMya teiralsL aboratoMrayn ag)er;t heL unar andP lanetya Srampltee amd urinigt sc hairmanshbiyp Os. .B James andL .AT.a ylor;a ndK .B urke( Direcotr,L unara ndP lanetary Instuitte). iv THEA POLL1O 5M ISSINO on July3 0,1 97,1 theA pollo1 5l unamro dulFea lco,n descending overt he4 ,000m eter ApenMnoiunntea inf ron,t landeadt oneo f then tosgteo logicaldliyv ersseit ess electeindt heA pollo progr,a mtheH adely-Apennirneeg io.n AstronauDtasv eS cotta nd Jim Irwbirno ughtth es pacecraofntt oa marep lani just inside them ostp rominemnotu tnainr ings tructuorfet heI mbriubma sni, theM onteAsp eninnesc haiwnh ichm arksi tss outheastteorpno grapihcr im, andc losteo t hes inuousH adleRyi lle( Fig. 1). The maino bjectiveso f thmei sisonw eret o investigaatndes ample materialosf t heA pennine Firtosnte l(fxe pectetdo b e Imbrium ejectaa ndp reI-mbriumma teiral)s,o fH adleRyi lle,a ndo ft he marel avaosf P aluPsu treidnis( Fgi.2 ). A packagoef seven surfaceex perimsen,it ncludihnega tf lowa ndp assvie seimsic,w as alsos etu p and1 152s urfacpeh otograpwhesr et ake.n A tele visino camera, dataa cquisiti(osenq uencec)am er,a anodrb ital phootgraphayn dc hemciald atap rovidemdo rei nformaiton. The Apollo1 5m issiowna st hef irsdte voteadl mosetn tiretlyo scienc,e andt hef irstto u sea Roverv ehiclweh ichc onisderably extendetdh el engtho f thter avrese,s froma total 3o.f 5 on km Apollo1 4t o2 5. 3 durintgh ree sepatrraatever seosn Apollo1 5 km (Fig. 3). Thec olelcteds apmlem assw asa lmosdto ulbed, from4 3 kg on Apollo1 4 t7o8 k g onA pollo1 5. Ar eductioinn the plannedt ravesrel engthw asm aden ecessar,y inp artb y unexpected andt ime-consumidnigf ifcultiienst hec ollcetioon ft hed eep cores ampl(e at thee xperimenptasc kagaer e)a. Thust heN orth Complxe, hai ll,y cratererde gioonf d ipsutabloer giin, wasn ot visite.d Nonehtelestsh em isison wvaesr ys uccessful. TheA pollo1 5m issiopnr oducebdo the xpecteadn du nexepcted resul.t sAse xpect,e mdareb asalsta pmlesw erec ollcetedo n the marep lains. No evidencwea sf oundt o changteh ep rem-issni o interpretatoifoH na dleRyi llaes ca ollpasedl avat ubeo r channel. Mareb asaltwse rea lsos apmleda lmositn situ at the rilleed ge atnhde o nlyo bservatioofn isn situ bedrocekv erm ade on theM oonw eret hoseo nt heH adlye Rillew all. Them are basaltfso mr twdoi stnict cmhiecaglr opus, botho fw hichh avet he same age( 3.b3. y).,S r-isotocphiacr acrtietsic,s andr are-aerth elmeentp attenrs. Theo neg rou,p olivineo-rnmati,v ceontains manyv esiculsapre cinmse, ands howsa n olivinef ractionation tren.d Samplesa rem ainlmye diumt-oc oarse-gra.i nTehdeo ther grou,p quatrz-normavte,i isp igeonite-phaynrdii cn cludbeost h vitrpohyriacn dc oarser-agineedx apmle.s Howeevr, its hows littlef ractionataito anl l. A foetwh erm areb asaltmsa y represednits tnictf lwos. An unexpectfeidn dw ase merladg reeng lass, whichi s maa re volcanipcr oudct. It ipsr imitiivnec hemistarnyd i sootpic charcateristibcusth as aang es imilatro them areb asal.t sIt isu biquit,o ubsutm ostc ommoonn t heA penninFer ontw herei ti s locallpyr esenats failry purec lod.s Severals lightlbyu t disitnctldyi fferencth emcials ubgrouopfst hisv eryl owr-i glass v Figure( i.) Apollo and Luna sapmling locations (58341-673) vi �--�---+-- --�---+---i --+----�--+-- ---+--��- 100 KM Fiugre( ii). Apollo1 5l andinsgit e area( metricca mera frameA S-15M--0415) vii Fiugre( iii.) Apollo1 5t raversaensd s amplingl ocations (AS-51--M0415) viii occu.r Two otvhoelrc anigcl astsy pes gorfo ssldyi fefrent chmeisrty,y ellow intemrediate-i Tandr edh ighT-i,a rep reesnta t thes iteb uta red ipsersedde poists. TheA penninFer onts amplesi ncludmea nyb rowng lassyr egoilth brecciarsa nginfgr omf riablcel odtso coherenrto cks. These brecciacso ntaimna reb asalatn dg reeng lasasn do nlym inor conspcuioush ighland-vdeedrm iaterlisa,h enceh avea no rigimnu ch latetrh anI mbrmiu. Surcehg olibthr ecicas, withv aried chemistryg enerallsyim ilatro locarle golith,s arec ommon throughotuhte l andinsgit e. Highlanmdaste rialisn clude catalcasidz eorb recciatiegdn eourso cks including ferroan anortohsites( e.,g ".Genesisr ock"1 5145), norties, ands pinel bearintgr ocotlite,s asw ella s impacmte ltsa ndm etampohrosed brecicas. Unepxectedltyho ug,h distnictlyh ighlansdasmp lesa re rarea ndg enreallsym all. TheA penninFer ont iins f actr ather smoot,h ando nlyt hreem eters-izde boulderwse reo bservecdl ose enougtho thep lnanedt raversteos s apmle. Two oft hesea re postI-mbirume xotic.s Thea veragceo mpositioofn t heA pennine Fron,t ass uggestebdy regolitchhem isrty mixingm odlesa ndt he composiotniso f impactg lassesi nt he roeligth, isa low-KKR EEP basaltciocmp ositoin ("oLw-KF raM auro)".s everailm pacmte lt rocksh avet hisg eneraclo mpsoitionw hichh asn everb eenf ounda s a pritsinei gneourso ckt ype. Anotheurn expectdeids covewrays the copmrmeosne ncoef volcanic KREEP( K,R EE, P,a ndo theri ncompiablte-emleen-tenriched) basal,t tshougohn lya ss mallfr agmtesn. Onlyt woa rei ncluded amongn umebredr ocks. Theya re- 3.58 b..y old, an age indisintgusihalbef romt hato ft heI mbirumb asin. TheKR EEP fragmenatrse u biquituos, puta lthougphr e-ma,r aerem ostc ommon in regolitfhrso ma rountdh el unamro dule, on top otfh em are flwos. Thev arietoyf Apollo 15s amplesr eflectthse v areity otfe rrains int hev icniityo ft hel andinsgit e, andt hei mpressive stratiagprhics ecitonr anginfgr omp re-Imbritaon C openriacn. Referencteos d etailde studieso n theA pollo1 5s amplesa rec ited int hei ndividuraolc kd escriipotn.s Thef ollowinlgi st isa moreg enerasle elctebd ibliographpye rtainitnog t heg eolgoical interpretatainodrn o cks ampleso ft heA pollo1 5l andinsgit e. ALGIT( ApollLou narF ielGde ologIyn vestigatTieoanm )( 1972) Geologisce ttinogf t heA pollo1 5s ample.s Scinece1 7,5 37-638.4 AllenJ .P.( 9172A)p ollo1 5: Scientfiicj ourneyt o Hadley Apenni.n eAmeriacn Scinetist6 0, 162-714. · Apollo1 5P reilminarSyci encRee port( 917)2 ,N ASAS P2-8.9 Apoll1o 5P reilminarEyx aminatiToena m( 197)2 ThAep ollo 15L unar Sapmle:s PA reilminarDye script.i oSncienc1e 75,3 63-37.5 ix