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apollo 14 photography PDF

137 Pages·2005·4.09 MB·English
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' . PART IT APOLLO 14 PHOTOGRAPHY 70-mm,3 5-mm,1 6-mma,n d5 -inF.r ameI ndex AUGUST1 971 :N ATIONSAPLA CE SCI.ENCE DATA CENTER NATlNOAL�ERONAUTMIIDC SS PAtAED MINISTRATIGOOND DARSDP ACFEl iGHTC ENTEGRR,E ENBEMLTO,. • ---- ---- --- NSSDC7 11-6b ParIt I APOOL L14P HOTOGRAPHY 70-mm, 35-m,m 16-mma,n dS -inF.r amIen dex ., Oringail Preparbeyd MapipngS ciencBersa nch ManneSdp acreacftC enter NatoinalA eronautaincdSs p acAedm inistration Houst,o Tnexa7s7 058 NSSDPCr eparation Directbeyd ArthurT .A nderson Pubslihebdy NatoinalS pcaeS cienDcaet aC enter GoddaSrpda cFel ighCte nter Natioln AaeronautaincdS sp acAed imnsitration • Grebeenlt,M aryla2n0d7 71 • Augus1t9 71 CONTENTS ... INTRDOUCTION v . • . . • . • . • . • . . . • • . . • . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • APOLL1O4 Q UICLKO OK( 70-mamn dS --.i)n MagaziLnLe( FramAeSs1 46-49-046t hrou9g2h0 1) 1 . . . .. . . . . MagaziKnKe( FramAeSs1 46-5-920t2h rou9g2h1 5). 13 . . .. . . . . MagaziInIe( FramAeSs1 -46-69126t hrou9g3h6 0) 15 . . .. . . . . . MagaziJnJe ( FramAeSs1 46-7-9316 throu9g3h9 3) 27 . . . .. . . . . MagaziMMn e( FramAeSs41 -6-89349 throu9g4h9 2) 31 . . . . . . . .. MagaziPn e( FramAeSs1 4-69-94t9h3r ou9g6h5 6) 39 . . .. . . . . . MagaziQn e( FramAeSs1 4-70-6957t hrou9g8h4 0) 51 . . . .. . . . . MagaziTn e( FramAeSs1 4-71-8941t hrou9g9h1 7) 65 . . . .. . . . . MagaziLn e( FramAeSs41 -72-9918t hrou1g0h0 39) 73 . . .. . . . . MagaziMn e( FramAeSs1 -473-100t4h0r ou1g0h2 04) 83 . . . . . .. MagaziNn e( Frasm AeS14-7240-51t 0hrou1gh02 22) 95 . . . . . .. MagaziRn e( FramAeSs1 4-75-102t2h3r ou1g0h3 20) 99 . . . . . . . Magazi0n e( Frasm AeS14-76-103t2h1r ou1g0h3 56) 107 . . . . . . . MagaziSn e( FramAeSsl A7-8-103t7h5r ou1g0h3 99) 111 . . . . . .. MagaziVn e( FramAeSs1 4-14000t hrou1g0h4 35) 115 . . .. . . . . . . MagaziWn e( FramAeSs1 840--104t3h6r ou1g,hC46 2) 117 . . . . . . . APOLL1O4 D AC (16-mm) MagzaineA (TransposaintdiD oonc king) 121 • . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . MagaziBn e( LandmTarrakc king) 122 • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Magazine( LCMU ndocki.n..g.) ...............1.2.3 ....... . MagaziDn e( DockiLnMgJ ,e ttison) 124 • • . . • • • . . . . . • . .. . . . . • MagaziEn e( InterAicotri vity) 125 . • . . .. • • .. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . MagaziFn e( WsateW ateDru m)p 126 • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MagaziGn e( InfliDgehmto nstrat-iHoenatF low.). .... 127 . Magazine( IHn fliDgehmto nstration - Liquid TranesrfI nteriAocrt ivity) 128 • . .. . . .. . . . . . . • MagaziIn e( Reentry) 129 . . . .... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . • . . • . . . . MagaziXn e( InterAicotrvi ity) 130 . . . . . . . . . . . • . .. . . .. . . . . • MagaziMn e( LM Descent) 131 . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . • MagaziBnBe( LMA scent) 132 . ... . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . MagaziCnCe ( LunaSru rface) 133 • • . • . . . • .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . • MagaziEnEe ( Placenmteo fA LSEP) 134 . • . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . • MagaziGnGe ( Predogc kAiprpnoach) 135 • . . . . . . . . . . .. • . . . . . . . . APOLL1O4 L UNACRL OSESUTPE REOCSOPIPCH OTOGRA(P3H5Y- mm) 137 • . • • PHTOOI NDEAXR EAL OCATIDOINA GRAMS 138 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .• . •. • iii INTRODUCTION Thisin dex constuapipnosr gt iinnfmoartiofno rt he7 0-mm, 3S-mm, 16-mm, and S-inp.h ootgrapthayk ednu rintgh eA poll1o4m ission. Fore ach7 0-mma ndu sablSe- inf.r am,e thei ndepxr esentthse informatiaovna ilabloen : (1)t he revolnuutbmieor,n ( 2)t hef ocal lentgho ft hec amrea, (3)t hep hotsoc alaet t he princpiopianol�f thef ram,e (4)t hes elenogracpohoircd inaatte st phrei ncipal point oft hef rame, (S)t hea pproximtaitlet tohfep hot,o (6)t hep ercent­ ageo ff orwarodv elrapo ft hef ram,e (7)t hes una ngl,e (8)t heq ual­ ityo ft hep htoogra,p haynd( 9)t hep hoto index( usagir ntehae L unar AeronautCihcaarlst y smt efort hee atrhsidaen ds imilar breaoknd owns thef arsirdeeg oin.) bAr iedfe scriptoifoe na chfr amies a lsoi n­ cluded. Thei ndetxo t he3 S-mm sterefor ameiss l istebdy f ramneum ber andg enerdaels criptiTohnei. n dex tthoe1 6m-ms equenpcheoo tgraphy includiensf ormaticoonnc ernintgh ea pproximsautref accoev eragoef thep hogtroapch siequenacneda briedfe scriptoifot nh ep rincipal featursehosw n.A "remarkcso"l umni si ncdleudt oi ndica(t1e)i f the sequiesnp cleo etdto nt hep hotograipnhdiecmx a pa nd( 2)t he qualiotfyt hep hootgraphy. Directfloyl lowitnhgei ndexaerse t woP hotIon dxe AreaL oaction Digarams, onef ort he luenaarrt hsainded ofnoert hel unafra rsi,d e thahta ve bpereenp arbeydt heM appingS ciencBersa n,c hManSnpeadc ­e crafCte nterOn. thees digarmas,a reaosf t hem oohna veb eenn umbered tof acilitaantdes tandiazredt hei denitfciatioonf l unaprh toography. It shobueln do tetdh att hen umberinogft hee arthside dcioarrger­am spondtsot hta ont heL unarAe ronautCihcaarltt h ata ccmopanitehsi s Apoll1o4d atpaa ckage. TheN ationSapla cSec ience Data( NCSeSnDtwCei)rs hetso t hank membesr oft hes tafoff t heM appiSncgi encBersa ncahn dt hep erson­ nelo ft heL ocekehdE lectronCiomcpsa ny/AeroSsypsatceeDm isv ision forp roviditnhegi ro riginianld epxa getso N SSDC • .. v MAGAZILNLE (FramA$e1s4 6-4-90t4h6r ou9g2h10 ) MagaziLnLei sa 60-nun sequenocfet hel unasru rfacweh,i ch includEeVsA2 . Sever3a6l°0 panoramwaesr et akewni tht hes e­ quencseh,o wiOnlgd N ameleCsrsa tearn da large boulder field near thef lanokf C oneC raterTh.e moduleaqru ipmetnrta nspor(tMe.rE .T.) canb es eeni ns everfarlam es. 1 APOLLO1 4F RAMEP HOTOGRAPHY Magaz_i n__:eL:.: L:__ AS-1..:6:.4:.4_..__ FilS0m -267,B W Shee1t of1 1 S..heeto . TimRee ferenceG ET GMT Principal Approx. Frame Rev. Camera App<ax, Point TitlD ata Fwd Approx.P hoto Photo Sun Index Description Ha. No. IL ength PhotSoc ale 0/L Quality Lot. Lon.g Angl!Aez miuth Angle Area jsur- 904f6a ce6 0nun - - - - s - 24°G ood - Pano fC orTeu eb 9047I I II - - - - " - " II - II 9048" II - - - - sw - " II - PLM nai onBf Ca ocrrTkeoug ubned 9049I I II - - - - w - " II - 3LM 6i0PnB°a a fncrr kooEgmuV nA2d 9050" II - - - - " - " II - II 9051I I II - - - - " - " II - II 9052I I II - - - - N - " II - II 9053I I " - - - - " - " II - II ModluaErq uipTmreanntos rpter 9054 II II - - - - II - II II - 360P°a fnr oEmV A2 9055I I II - - - - " - " II - II 9056I I II - - - - " - II II - II 9057" II - - - - II - II II - II 9058I I II - - - - NE - II II - II 9059I I II - - - - " - " II - II 9060 II II - - - - II - " II - II APOLLO1 4F RAMEP HOTOGRAPHY Magaz�inLe.,... L.____ ASI-4_,. 6:;:,:__4 _ FilmS 0-267B,W Sheet2 of 11 Sheeta TImRee ferenceG ET GMT Principal Approx, Frame Rev. Camera Approx. Point Tilt DatFaw d Approx.P hoto Photo Sun Index Deacription No, No. fL engthP hotSoc ale 0/L Quality Lat. Long. AnglAez imuth Angle Area 9061 Sfuarc 60nun - - - - E - 24° Good - 360°P anf roEmVA 2 9062 II II - - - - II - II II - II 9063 II II - - - - II - II II - II 9064 II II - - - - II - " " - " 9065 " " - - - - SE - " " - Pan of Small Boulders 9066 II II - - - - s - " " - II 9067 II II - - - - II - II II - II 9068 II II - - - - II - II " - II 9069 II " - - - - " - II II - II 9070 II II - - - - " - " " - " 9071 II " - - - - SW - II " - " 9072 II II - - - - " - " II - II 9073 II II - - - - NW - II II - PhootfoG nomon 9074 II II - - - - ft' - " II - II 9075 II " - - - - w - " II - 360°P anfr oEmVA 2 APOLLO1 �F RAMEP HOTOGRAPHY ���a,..a�,.__. L..,..J.,.___ ASI.&-6;:_4,_:.___ FilmS0 -267, BW Sheet3 of 11 S"*"t• GET GMT Principol ApprOK. Fr-o Rev. Comear Approx. Point TilDta ta Fwd Approx. Photo Photo Ho. Ho. f Length PhotSoc ale 0/L Sun Quatlyi Index o. .c irptlon Lat. Lon.t Anti�•z imutb Anglo Ar eo Sur 9076 face6 0mm - - - - w - 24° Go6d - 360°P anf rom EVA2 9077 " If - - - - " - .. " - " 9078 " " - - - - N - .. II - " 360°P anf romE VA2 9079 " " - - - - II - " If - Small Crater 9080 " " - - - - " - " " - If 9081 " " - - - - " - II " - " 9082 .. " - - - - NE - II " - 360°P anf romE VA2 9083 " " - - - - .. - l1 " - " 9084 " " - - - - .. - " " - " 9085 " " - - - - E - " " - " 9086 " " - - - - .. - " " - " 9087 " " - - - - .. - II " - 360° Pan from EVA2 9088 " " - - - - SE - II " - AstronauMti tchell " " - - - - .. - " " - " 9089 9090 " .. - - - - " - .. .. - .. APOLLO1 4F RAMEP HOTOGRAPHY Mogazl_n_e _L __L_ AS14-6__:.4___ _ FII_mS 0-267,B W Sheet4 of 11 Sheets TimRee ferenceG ET GMT Principal Approx. Frame Rev. Camera Approx, Point TilDta ta Fwd Approx.P hoto Photo Sun Index De1cription No. No. fL ength PhotSoc ale 0/L Quality !A Angle Area Lot. Long. Anglez imuth 9091 Sur- 60mm - - - - s - 24° Good - Taken frFolma nko f Cone Face 360°P anf romE VA 2 9092 II II - - - - II - II II - II - - - - - - 9093 II II II II II 360°P anf romE VA 2 ModulaErQ uipmenTtr ansnorter 9094 II II - - - - sw - II II - (M.E..T) II 9095 II " - - - - II - II II - ELMV Ai 2n, D Mi.sEt.anTc.e ,3 60°P anf rom 9096 II II - - - - w - II II - LM in Distance 360°P a.nf romE VA 2 9097 II II - - - - II - II II - II 9098 II II - - - - II - " II - 360°P an fromE VA 2 9099 II II - - - - II - " II - II 9100 II II - - - - N - II II - II 9101 II II - - - - II - II II - II - - - - - - 9102 II II II II II II 9103 " I" - - - - II - II II - II 9104 II II - - - - II - II II - II I 9105 II II -II - - - •II - " II - II APOLLO1 4F RAMEP HOTOGRAPHY Magaz_i.J.nLe._LI, L___ AS14_-.,!;6l!4__t_ Fiml S0 -267,B W Sheet5 of 11 Sheets TimRee ferenceG ET GMT Prinacli p Approx. FNroa.me RNeov.. IL eCnagmtehr PAahp oprtSoocx a.l e Lat.P oinLto ng. AnTgil�lDezot il mou t0Fhw/ dL AASpnupgnrl oex· .PQu halotityo PIAhnrodeteaox Description Sur 9106 60mm - - - - NE - 24° Good - 360°P an fromE VA 2 facE 9107 II II - - - - II - II II - II 9108 II II - - - - II - II II - II 9109 II II - - - - E - II II - II 9110 II II - - - - II - II II - II 9111 II II - - - - II - II " - " 9112 II II - - - - II - " " - " 9113 II II - - - - SE - " " - II 9114 II II - - - - " - II II - 01d0Namee1ssi n Background 360 Pan fromE VA 2 9115 II " - - - - II - II " - " 9116 II II - - - - s - " II - II 9117 II II - - - - " - II II - II 9118 II II - - - - II - II " - II M.E..T 9119 II II - - - - SW - " II - 360° Pan fromE VA 2 9120 II " - - - - w - II II - II

Magazine S (Frames ASlA-78-10375 through 10399) . Magazine V (Frames AS14-10400 through No. f Length. Photo Scale. 0/L. Sun. Quality. Index. Description. Lot. Long. Angle A z i muth. Angle. Area. 9493. TLI. 500mm. 00. Poor. Four-Frame Sequence of Lunar. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. Limb Crescent.
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