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p R E s s K I T APOLLO 11 LUNAR LAND lN G MISSION NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION (C)- 1969- National Aeronauticsa nd Space Administration (C)- 2010 - Apollo Lunar Surface Journal Restored version by Luigi Morielli NATIONALA ERONAUTICASN D SPACEA DMINISTRATION TELS.W O 2-4155 WASHINGTON,O.2C0.5 46 wo 3-6925 FORR ELEASSUNED:A Y July6 , 1969 RELEASEN O: 69-83K PROJETC: APOOL 1L1 (Tob e launchedn o earliert hanJ uly 16) contents GENERALR ELEASE-------------------------------------------1--1-7 APOLLO1 1 COUNTODWN-----------------------------------------81-20 LAUNHC EVENT-S----------------------------------------------21 APOLLO1 1M ISSIONE VENT-S----------------------------------2-2-25 MISSIONT RAJECTORAYN D MANEUVERD ESCRIPTI-O-N---------------26 Launc-h-----------------------------------------6---3-0- -----2 EarthP arkingO rbit( EP0-)----------------------------3-0- - TranslunaIrn jectio(nT LI-)------------------------------30 TranspositioDno,c kinga nd Ejection( TD&E-)-----------3-0---32 TranslunaCro as-t--------------------------------------3-3- LunarO rbitI nsertio(nL OI-)------------------------3--3- -- Lunar ModuDlees cent,L unarL andign------------------3-3--�-1- LunarS urfaceE xtravehiculAacrt ivity( EVA-)-----------4-2--47 LunarS ampleC olletcion----------------------------------84 LM Ascent,L unarO rbitR endezvous-----------------------4-9-53 TranesarthI njectoin (TEI-)-----------------------------5-3-56 Transeartcho ast----------------------------------------57- Entry Landing------------------------------------------5-7--63 RECOVERYOP ERATIONSQ,U ARANTI-N-E--------------------------6-4-65 LunarR eceivinLga boratory----------------------------6-5---67 SCHEDULEF OR TRANSPOROTF SAMPLES,S PACECRAF&T CREW--------68 LUNARR ECEIVINLG ABORATORYP ROCEDURETSI MELINE (TENTATEI)V------------------------------�--------------6-9-70 APOLLO1 1 GO/N-OGO DECISIOPNO INT-S-----------------------7-1- APOLLO1 1 ALTERNATEM ISSION-S-------------------------------72-73 ABORT MODES-------------------------------------------------47 Deep SpaceA bort-s---------------------------------------74-76 ONBOARDT ELEVISI-O-N----------------------------------------77 Tentatvie Apollo1 1 TV Time-s--------------------------7-8- PHOTOGRAPCH ITASK-S-----------------------------------------79-80 LUNARD ESCRIPTI-O-N-----------------------------------------81 Physiacl Facts-------------------------------------------81 ApolloL unarL andingS ite-s-----------------------------8-2-85 6/26/69 -more- ContnetsC ontindu e 2 COMAMND ANSDE RIVCE MODULSET RUCTU,R SEYSTEM-S-----------8-6--8-8 CSM Sysetms---------------------------------------------8-8-95 LUN AR MODULSET RUCTEUS,R WEIGHT----------------------------9-6 AsecntS tgae--------------------------------------------9-6-101 DescentS tage- ----------------------------------------1--01-103 LunarM odulSey stse-m------------------------------------013-107 SATURVN LAUNCVHE HICLED ESCIRPTION & OPERIATON-------------018 LauncVhe hicleR angeS afetPyr oivsio-n-s----------------1-081-09 SpacVee hiclWee ight Summar-y---------------------------1-10-111 FirsStt ag-e--------------------------------------------1-12 SeconSdta ge--------------------------------------------1-12-113 ThirdS tage---------------------------------------------1-13 InstrumenUtn i-t----------------------------------------11-3-114 Prpoulsni-o--------------------------------------------1--14-51 1 LauncVhe hcileI nstrumentatni oanCdo mmunicati-o-n------1-15 SI-VBR etsarrt---------------------------------------11--6- - Differecnesi nL auncVhe hilces forA -10a ndA -11--------1-16 APOLL1O1 C RE-W--------------------------------------------11-7 Life SupporEtq uiepnmt -SpaceS uit-s-----------------1-1--7-122 Apoll1o1 C rew M-e-n-u----------------------------------1-231-32 PersonHaylg iee-n---------------------------------------13-3 MedicaKli -t-------------------------------------------1--33 SurvivGaela r--------------------------------------------13-3135 BioemdicaIlnf lihgtM oniotrin--g------------------------1-35 Traniin-g----------------------------------------------1--36-137 CrewB igoraphies-----------------------------------------183-144 EARYL APOLLSOCI ENTIIFCE XPEIRME NTSP ACKGAE--------------1--4-5-153 APOLLLOU NARR AIDOI SOTOIPC HEATE(R ALRH)-------------1-5-4-1-5-7- -- APOLLOL AUNCOHP ERIATONS-----------------------------------1-58 Preluanch Preparat-i-o-n-s------------------------------1-58-160 LAUNCCHO MPXL E39--------------------------------------1-6--1- - Vehicel Assebmly Builidn-g--------------------------1-6--2--1-63 LauncCho ntrl oCent-e-r---------------------------------1-63-614 Mobile Launch-e-r--------------------------------------1-6-4-615 Transpor-t-e-r-----------------------------------------1--651-66 Crawler-w--a-y-----------------------------------------1-6-6 MboileS erviceS trucutre--------------------------------1-66-167 WaterD elugSey ste-m-----------------------------------1-67 Flmae Trencahn dD eflec-t-o-r---------------------------1-67-168 PadA rea-s----------------------------------------------1-68 Missino ControCle nt-e-r--------------------------------1-69-170 MANNESDP ACE IFGHLTN ETWO-R-K------------------------------1-71-714 NASAC ommunicatinosN etwo-r-k---------------------------1-74-176 Ne tw ork Copmutesr -------------------------------------1--761-77 TheA polloS hip-s- -------------------------------------1-78 ApolloR angIe nstruemnttaionA ircraft( ARI A)---------17-9- -- ShipP oistinosf orA pollo1 1----------------------------1-80 -more- ContnetsC ontinued 3 CONTAMINATCIOONNT ROPLR OGRA-M- --------------------18-1- ------ LunarM odulOep eratio-n-s- ----------------------1-8--11-8-7- --- CommandM odulOep eratio--n-s- -----------------------1--8-7- LunarM issionR ecovye rOpertaion-s---------------1-87--1-8-8-- -- BiologcialI solatioGnar men-t--------------------1-8-8- ----- MoibleQ uaratnineF acilit-y--------------------------1--8-8- LunarR eceiinvgL aborat-o-r-y---------------------1-98--1-9-0-- - Steriltiizoana ndR elease ofS pacceratf------------19-0---1-91- - APOLLPOR OGRAMMA ANGEME NT---------------------------19-2- ------ Apoll/oSatnu rO fficia-l-s-----------------------------1-93---217 MajoArp ollo/uSrantV Contracto-r-s--------------2-1-8---92- 1--- PRINCIPIAVNLE STI GATORSA NDI NVESTIGATIONOSF LUNARS URFEA CSAMPELS- -------------------------------2-20---421 APOLLGOL OSSYA-R------------------------------------24-2--2-4-6- --- APOLLAOC ROYNMSA NDA BBRIEVATION--S----------------2--47--2-48- ---- COVNERSIOFNA CTO-R-S-------------------------------2-4-9--2-5-0- -- - 0- *** This page intentionallyl eft blank *** NEWS NATIONAl AERONAUTICASN D SPACEA DMINISTRATION TELS wo 2-4155 WASHINGTON,O.2C0.5 .c6 • WO 3-6925 FORR ELEASSUEN:D AY Jul6y, 1969 RELEANSOE:6 9-83K APOLL11O TheU niteSdt ast weillla uncah t hree-smpaanc ecra�t towatrhde M ooonn J ul1y6 w itthh eg oal loanfd intgw oa stronaut- exploroenrt sh el unasru rfafcoeu dra ylsa ter. Ift hem issoin--calleAdpo ll1o1- -issuc cesusl,fm an will accomplhiisslh o ng-tdirmeea omf w alkionngan othecrel estial body. Thef irsats tornauotn tMhoeo 'nss urfawciel ble 3 8-year-old NeiAl. A rmstroofnW ga pankeot,a Ohi,o andh isi nitiaacltw ilble tou nviela plaquweh osmee sasges ybmoliztehsen aturoeft he journey. Affixteodt hel ego ft he lunalra ndivnegih cl,e thep lqaue iss ingedb yP rseiedntN ix,oA nrmstraonndhg isA pol1lo1c ompan­ ion,s MichaCeolll inasn dE dwiEn. A ldriJnr., 6/26/69 -mroe- -2- Itb earas m apo ft heE artahn dt hiisn scroinp:t i HERMEEN FROTHM E PLANEEATT RH FIRSSTE TF OOUTP OTN HEM OON JUL1Y 96A9. D. WE CAMEI NP EACFEO RA LLM ANKIND Thep laquiesf astetneotd h ed escetn stageo f tlhuen ar modualned t hubsec omesa pemranenatr tifaocnt th el unasru r­ fac.e LateArr mstgr oannAdl drwiinl elm plaanntA mericfanl ag ont hes urfaocfet heM ono. TheA poll1o1 c rewwi lall os carrtyo t heM ooannd return twol argAeme ricfalna gfsl,a gosf t he5 0s ttaesD,i stroifc t Columbainadu . s. Tertroriiesf,l agosf o thenra tioannsdt hat oft heU nitNeadt ioOnrsg iaznation. Durintghi er2 2-housrt ya ont hel unar surfAarcmes,t rong andA ldrwiinl slp edn upt o2 hourasn d4 0m ineutso utside the lunamro dlue, also gathseaprmleisno gf lusnuarrf amcaeet rial andd eploysicneign tifeixpce irmesn wthicwhi ltlran smibt ack toE artvha luableo ndt ahtela u naernv irmoennt. Apol1l1oi ss hcedulfeodrl aunacth9 :3a2. .m EDT 1J6u ly frotmh eN ationAaelr onauatnidSc psa cAed imnitsraito'nsK ennedy SpacCee ntLearu ncChop mle3x9 -.A Them issiowni lble t hef ifth manneAdp olflloi gahndt thet hirtdo t heM oon. -more- -3- Thep rimem issioonb jectivoef Apoll1o1 i s statesdi mply: "Perforam m anneldu narl andinagn dr eturn".S uccefssulf ulfill­ mento f thiso bjectiwviel lm eeta nationaglo alo f thisd ecade, as setb y PresidenKte nnedMya y2 5, 1916. Apoll1o 1C ommandeArr mstronagnd C ommanMdo dulPei lot Collin3s8 ,a ndL unarM odulPei lotA ldrin3, 9, will eabceh makingh iss econsdp acef light.A rmstronwags G emin8i commander, andb ackuApp oll8o commandeCro;l linwsa sG emini1 0p ilota nd wasc ommanmdo dulpei loto n the Apol8l cor ew untsipli nal surgerfyo rcehdi mt o leavet hec rewf orr ecupreationa;n dA ldrin wasG emini1 2p ilota ndA pollo8 backulpu narm odulpei lot. Armstronigs a civilian, Colal UiSnAsF l ieutenacnotl onealn d Aldrian USAFc olonel. Apollo1 1 backucpr ewmeanr e CommandJearm esA . Lovell, Commanld>1 oduPliel ot\ �illiAa.m A ndersb,o tho f 'tlhowme reo n the Apoll8o firstl unaro rbitm issiocnr e\>atn,d L unarr. toduPliel ot FredH . Haise. -more- -4- Theb acukp crewf unctioinns t hresei gnifincta categoresi. Theyh epl thep rimec reww ithm issino preparatianodnh ardware chekcouta ctiviites. Theyr ecieven earlcyo pmletmei ssion traini'lnlgh icbhe cmoesa valuablfeo undatifoonr l atears sigennmt asa primec rewa ndf inalyl,s houltdh ep riem crewb ecomeu naavil­ able, theya rep reparetdo f lYa s primec rewo n scheduluep until thel astf eww eeksa tw hihc time fulld uplicatet rainibneg cmoes tooc osltya ndt imec onsumitnogb ep ractcial. Apoll1o1 , aftelra uncfhr omL auncCho pmlex3 9-Aw,i ll begint het hreea-yd voyagteo t heM oona boutt woa nda half hso ur afterth es pacectr afiisn serteidn toa 100-nuatcialm ile cicrulra Earthp arkinogrb it. TheS aturnV launcvhe hicel thirds tagew ill restart toi nejctA pollo1 1 intoa transluntarra ejctorya s thev e- hiclep asseosv ert heP acfiicm idwya thruoght hes econEda rthp ark­ ingo rbit. The" go" fotrra nslunairn jeicotn \ '1111f olloaw c opmletceh eck­ outo f the spacev ehiecsl readinetsosb ec ommittefdo ri njectino. Abouta half houra ftetrr anslunianrej ction( TL)I,t hec ommand/ servciem odul\Oeri lls eparatfero mt heS atunr third stag,e tunr around andd ock\ 'litthh el unamro dulnees tedi n thes pacceraftL M adapter. Spring-loalduenda rm odulheo lddow\nOlsli lb e released toe jectt he dockde spaceacfrtf rom tahdea petr. -more-

SATURN V LAUNCH VE HI CLE DESCRI PTI ON & OPERATI ON-------------10 8 . PRINCIPAL INVE STI GATORS AND I NVE STIGATIONS OF. LUNAR . Aldrin will man and che ck out the lunar module for the de scent to.
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