Journal of J Occup Health 2001; 43: 1–23 Occupational Health Review Metal-Induced Lung Disease: Lessons from Japan’s Experience Yukinori K 1, Kazuhiro S 1, Narufumi S 1 and Yutaka H 2 USAKA ATO UGANUMA OSODA 1Department of Environmental Health, School of Medicine, Fukui Medical University and 2Institute of Radiation Effects Association Abstract: Metal-Induced Lung Disease: Lessons Hope Island. Marco Polo, who tried to reach the Golden from Japan’s Experience: Yukinori KUSAKA, et al. Hope Island by boat, in fact discovered a sea route from Department of Environmental Health, School of West Europe to India. Medicine, Fukui Medical University—Metals inducing Pneumoconiosis and associated respiratory failure was occupational respiratory diseases, e.g. metal fever, well known among gold miners, and was named “Yoroke” acute and chronic pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, which means severe cardiopulmonary failure. It was said chronic obstructive lung disease, pulmonary fibrosis that on the Sado Island, which had the biggest gold mine, and lung cancer are described. The metals mentioned since miners died young, their wives often remarried to a are the following: aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, total of up to seven husbands. lithium, manganese, mercury, nickel, platinum, rhodium, Japan experienced the Meiji Civil Revolution in 1868 rare earth metals, titanium, uranium, vanadium, followed by an industrial revolution and then welding, zinc, zirconium. With respect to these metals, westernization. In the middle of the 1930, pneumo- mechanism of the disease, disease statistics, case coniosis was legally recognized as a compensatable reports, diagnostic methods, patho-physiology of the disease and a prevention code for silicosis was introduced disease, and preventive measures including among miners. occupational exposure limits are also described. After the Second World War, the Government’s efforts Experience in Japan on these issues is given in detail. were focused on recognition of and compensation for (J Occup Health 2001; 43: 1–23) various occupational diseases. The Silicosis Law was therefore passed in 1960, particularly for miners in copper, Key words: Metal, Lung disease, Occupational, Toxicity, Pneumoconiosis, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, iron and coal mines suffering from silicosis and Asthma, Lung cancer, Pulmonary fibrosis silicotuberculosis. In the meantime along with the growth of the Japanese economy cases of occupational lung diseases increased, Buddha, Jipang and Meiji revolution in Japan including pneumoconiosis from agents other than silica Since ancient times, inorganic mercury has been used and metal. Asbestosis, for instance, arose in Japan and as an amalgam by which mixtures of metals are plated or there was a need for workers exposed to asbestos to be coated. The “Nara Daibutsu”, Great Buddha Statue in supervised and compensated. Therefore, along with the oldest capital city, was plated with gold by using advances in knowledge of pneumoconiosis in other mercury amalgam and it was reported that, during this industries, the Pneumoconiosis Law was passed in 19781). process, workers inhaled high levels of mercury fumes, The pneumoconiosis law resulting in poisoning. In the middle of the Edo Era lasting from early in the This Law covers asbestosis and other types of 1600 to the middle of the 1800, gold mines were opened. pneumoconiosis such as siderosis and mixed dust Refined gold was then exported through China and the pneumoconiosis2). Netherlands to Europe, and Japan came to be known for Under this Law, dusty types of work are listed in which its gold trade and was named Jipang, meaning Golden workers may develop pneumoconiosis. Some types of dusty work where exposure to metal aerosols take place Received June 8, 2000; Accepted Oct 13, 2000 have also been designated under the Pneumoconiosis Law Correspondence to: Y. Kusaka, Department of Environmental (Table 1). Health, School of Medicine, Fukui Medical University, 23–3, According to the Law, employers responsible for these Shimoaitsuki, Matsuoka-cho, Fukui 910-1193, Japan types of work should provide employees with periodic 2 J Occup Health, Vol. 43, 2001 Table 1. Dusty work where there is exposure to metals causing pneumoconiosis according to the Pneumoconiosis Law (The following Nos. are as set out in the Law) Number Work No. 7 Work at a site of operations involving grinding by spraying abrasives or work at a site of operations involving grinding or deflashing of rocks, minerals or metals, or cutting of metal by motive power with abrasives (except work listed in the preceding item). Work at a site of operations involving grinding or deflashing of rocks, minerals or metals, or cutting of metal by motive power with abrasives by means of a sprinkler or an oiling system, is excluded. No. 8 Work at a site of operations involving cutting, crushing or screening of minerals and others, raw materials having carbon for their principal element (hereinafter referred to as “carbonic raw material”), or aluminium foil, by motive power (except work listed in item 3, 15 or 19). Work listed below is excluded. No. 10 Work at a site of operations involving packing of pulverized aluminum or titanium oxide into bags. No. 17 Work at a site of operations involving supplying a blast furnace with soil, sand, ores, or minerals, reducing of them, steaming or casting in the process of smelting or melting metals or other inorganic material. Work at a site of operations involving steaming out of a converter or casting in a metal mold is excluded. No. 18 Work at a site of operations involving scraping off, scratching up, loading or unloading or putting into vessels slag or ash adhering to or accumulating inside a furnace, flue or chimney, etc., or in the process of the combustion of pulverized ores or in the process of smelting or melting metals or other inorganic material. No. 20 Work of cutting metals by means of melting, arc welding of metals or gouging metals with an arc indoors, in the open air, a pit or inside a tank, vessel, pipes or vehicle, etc. Cutting automatically by means of melting, or automatic welding indoors is excluded. No. 21 Work at a site of metal spraying operations. health examinations including chest x-rays. The According to this Ordinance, workers under these Pneumoconiosis Law has designated its own standard circumstances shall be subject to health supervision, and chest x-rays, and its coding system is according to the health examinations targeting specific respiratory ILO classification scheme3). disorders. At the same time, the working environment in It is recommended that once a worker’s chest which these metals are handled shall be monitored in radiograph is judged by the Local Pneumoconiosis Panel terms of metal levels in general air samples and evaluated designated by the Bureau for Labour Standard, Ministry by comparing the levels with administrative limits of Labour, to show pneumoconiotic changes, he or she designated by the government according to the Working should have a health examination annually. Severe cases Environment Measurement Law5). of pneumoconiosis associated with large opacities of type Diagnostic criteria for classification of occupational C or with severe pulmonary dysfunction are compensated. diseases including metal-related lung diseases are open Other pulmonary conditions such as tuberculosis and to public scrutiny through governmental codes, and bronchitis secondary to pneumoconiosis are also subject litigation has taken place over these criteria. to compensation for treatment and disability. Governmental statistics are only limited to lung diseases related to metals in terms of exposed population Special Ordinance on Specified Hazardous Metals size, kinds of industries, and prevalence4): Table 3 shows Apart from the Pneumoconiosis Law, there are the prevalence of these diseases recognized among regulations to protect against metal-related lung toxicity. currently exposed workers. There may be negative case Among them the Special Ordinance on Specified report bias. Hazardous Substances deals with metal-related lung Disease recognition codes under the practice and cancer, metal fume fever, airway syndrome including enforcement ordinance of labour standards law perforation of the nasal septum, bronchial irritation, on metals bronchial asthma and bronchitis due to exposure to metals (Table 2)4). With respect to other metals, not covered by the Yukinori KUSAKA, et al.: Metals Known in Japan to Induce Occupational Respiratory Diseases 3 Table 2. Metals causing occupational lung diseases designated by Ordinance on Prevention of Hazards due to Specified Chemical Substances with reference to administrative levels (mg/m3) assigned by Working Environment Measurement Law Metal Administrative level (mg/m3) Alkyl mercury compound 0.01 (as Hg) Arsenic trioxide 0.5 Beryllium 0.002 (as Be) Cadmium 0.05 Chromic acid and its salts, dichromate 0.1 (as Cr) Vanadium pentoxide 0.03 (as V) Nickel carbonyl ND Manganese 2.5 (as Mn) Mercury and its inorganic compounds 0.05 (as Hg) *Not determined. Table 3. Numbers of workers undergoing special medical examinations by type of worker covered (1993) Number of Number of Number of Rate of workplaces workers workers positive conducting examined with positive findings examination findings to total Beryllium 53 913 0 0 Alkyl mercury compounds 30 117 2 1.7 Cadmium 338 6644 64 1.0 Chromic acid 2548 26674 238 0.9 Vanadium pentoxide 157 2102 4 0.2 Arsenic trioxide 174 2759 20 0.7 Mercury 303 3492 92 2.6 Nickel carbonyl 7 495 0 0 Manganese 776 12958 42 0.3 Pneumoconiosis Law or the Ordinance on Specified or the Codes can theoretically be subjected to recognition Hazardous Substances, there are Disease Recognition as causing occupational lung diseases and compensation, Codes under the Practice and Enforcement Ordinance of if patients or their physicians appeal to the Labour the Labour Standards Law, defining occupational Standard Bureau of the Ministry of Labour. This depends causation (Table 4)2). Workers exposed to these metals on the physicians’ knowledge of the diseases. are not under health supervision specific to relevant Statistics of recognized metal-related lung diseases disorders but, once workers develop the relevant disease, workers or their relatives can claim compensation for Little has been known of the numbers of cases of metal- disability and for treatment costs. The Practice Code has related lung diseases legally recognized in Japan. Japan’s recently been raised so that employers must inform Ministry of Labour reported the data accumulated during employees about the state of knowledge of hazardous 1977 and 1999: 159 chromium-related lung cancers and metals in their workplace and potential health effects. 75 arsenic-related lung cancers or skin cancers. There This can be done by occupational health personnel during were no cases with nickel-related lung cancer during 1994 periodic health checks, mainly for age-related and and 1999. lifestyle-related diseases, which employers are compelled Exposure standards in Japan to provide. Furthermore, any metals which have not been At the same time the Japan Society for Occupational designated by the Pneumoconiosis Law, the Ordinance, Health (JSOH)6) has recommended occupational exposure 4 J Occup Health, Vol. 43, 2001 Table 4. Metals hazardous to the respiratory system for this literature covered the period between 1935 and designated by the Enforcement Ordinance of Labour 1997. Sensitizing metals such as beryllium, chromium, Standard Law nickel, cobalt and hard metal, platinum, rhodium, mercury, zirconium and gold were included in a review Metal Pulmonary disorders article by one of the authors19). Case reports, reports on Zinc and other metals Metal Fume Fever epidemiological studies, and reports on the mechanism Zinc chloride NS* of metal-related lung diseases have been reviewed by one Cadmium Emphysema, Airway Disease of the authors. From them, reports of interest for Chromium NS occupational chest medicine were included in the present Inorganic mercury NS review. Selenium NS Nickel carbonyl NS Aluminium Vanadium NS Cross-sectional studies have suggested an increased Arsenic NS prevalence of chronic bronchitis and a loss of ventilatory Beryllium NS function, mainly forced vital capacity (FVC), in Manganese Pneumonia association with chronic exposure to aluminium20, 21). Cobalt NS These are apparently independent of the overt forms of Platinum NS other respiratory diseases seen with some of these metals in steel or from welding. The underlying mechanism is *Not specified. not fully clarified. The causative agent of asthma (“potroom-asthma”) and bronchial hyper-reactivity in aluminium smelters (or other limits (OELs) for various chemical substances over workers exposed to aluminium salts)22–26) is not known. several decades. Recommendations with explanatory The condition is not considered to be due to allergic documentation have been made on the basis of global mechanisms, but rather to an inflammatory response to scientific knowledge and have been regularly renewed irritation by fluorides, in view of the close relationship whenever new data have become available. Table 5 between the levels of fluoride exposure and work-related shows the metals for which the JSOH has made asthmatic symptoms observed27). recommendations, the OELs with reference to target A recent report has confirmed the presence of organs including therespiratory systems and to classes of aluminium potroom asthma by means of a positive carcinogenicity. response in workplace challenge28, 29). Aluminium exposure has been suggested to have led Epidemiology of metal-related lung diseases: to sarcoid-like lung granulomatosis in a patient who had Overviews of overseas and Japanese literature apparently not been exposed to beryllium30). These cases For centuries metals have been known to be capable confirm that an occupational exposure (also to silicates, of causing human diseases, including pulmonary such as talc) should always be considered in cases of diseases7–14). From a toxicological viewpoint, a metal “sarcoidosis”. can be defined as “an element which under biologically The recent report by Devuyst et al.30) posed the significant conditions may react by losing one or more interesting question as to whether aluminium-induced electrons to form cations”15). Thus some of the so-called pulmonary fibrosis or “aluminum lung” may present in metalloids, e.g. Arsenic (As) and Antimony (Sb), are its early stage as a granulomatous lung disease. The very included in the subjects for this review. existence of aluminum lung has been the subject of Although silicates such as talc, mica, and kaolin are considerable controversy31, 32). Indeed, in view of the associated with various cations including aluminum (Al), extensive industrial use of aluminium, lung disease caused magnesium (Mg), and iron (Fe), these minerals causing by exposure to this metal has been questionable. On “classical” pneumoconioses, the majority of occupational reviewing past literature, Dinman31) concluded that lung diseases, are excluded. fibrosis only occurred: 1) in workers who were heavily The present review focuses on human data, rather than exposed to submicron-sized particles from aluminium on information obtained from animal or in vitro plates lubricated with an easily removed lubricant during experimentation. Information which is available in the production of fireworks and explosives; and 2) in standard texts12–14) has been taken as such, whereas more workers involved in the smelting of bauxite for the recent acquisitions appearing up to 199716–18) are production of corundum abrasive (Shaver’s disease), but emphasized and referred to more specifically. who were perhaps also exposed to crystalline silica. Furthermore, we have reviewed all papers published Nevertheless, isolated cases of alveolar proteinosis33) or up to 1997 in Japan as well as other countries. The search fibrosis in aluminium welders or polishers30, 34–36) do not Yukinori KUSAKA, et al.: Metals Known in Japan to Induce Occupational Respiratory Diseases 5 Table 5. Occupational exposure limits (OEL) and carcinogenicity class designated by Japan Society for Occupational Health of metals hazardous to the respiratory system Metal OEL (mg/m3) Target organs or Class of pulmonary manifestation carcinogenicity Arsenic trioxide 0.5 (as As) Systemic toxicity 1 Beryllium and compounds 0.002 (as Be) Acute berylliosis 2A Cadmium and compounds 0.05 (as Cr) Renal disorder 1 Chromium and compounds Chromium metal 0.5 (as Cr) Nasal disorder Chromium (III) compounds 0.5 Nasal disorder Chromium (VI) compounds 0.05 Lung cancer 1 Certain Chromium (VI) compounds 0.01 Lung cancer 1 Cobalt and compounds 0.05 (as Co) Pulmonary fibrosis 2B Pulmonary function impairment Manganese and compounds except for 0.3 (as Mn for respirable fraction) Neurological disease organic compounds Mercury and compounds except for 0.05 (as Hg) Neurological disease alkyl mercury compounds Nickel 1 Lung cancer 2B Nickel carbonyl 0.007 Acute pneumonia Selenium and compounds 0.1 (as Se, inorganic compounds except SeH) 2 Silver and compounds 0.01 (as Ag) Skin disease Vanadium compounds Asthmatic bronchitis Vanadium oxide fume 0.1 Vanadium oxide dust 0.5 Ferrovanadium dust 1 Zinc oxide fume 5 Metal fever Alumina, aluminum 0.5 for respirable fraction 2.0 for total portion Pulmonary fibrosis Iron oxide 1 for respirable fraction 4 for total portion Pneumoconiosis Titanium oxide 1 for respirable fraction 4 for total portion Pneumoconiosis Zinc oxide 1 for respirable fraction 4 for total portion Pneumoconiosis entirely corroborate this conclusion. The physical as pneumoconiosis by the Pneumoconiosis Law in Japan. characteristics of the aluminium particles, notably their It is possible that case reports included individuals with surface area, or even their possibly fibrous nature37), have so-called Shaver’s disease whose typical pathological been suggested as important determinants of their findings were compatible with granulomatous lung bioreactivity and hence fibrogenicity. disease, but to date Shaver’s disease has been neither Mixed dust pneumoconiosis is derived from silicates reported in Japan nor designated as a recognized disease. with low free silica and other mineral content. Mixed dust pneumoconiotic foci are typically stellate lesions Antimony with slight to moderate fibrosis. In histopathological data Antimony trichloride (SbCl ) and pentachloride 3 obtained in Japan, aluminium-related pulmonary fibrosis (SbCl)13) may lead to inhalation injury, presumably as a 5 has been described as mixed dust pneumoconiosis result of damage caused by the halide ion, rather than by accompanied with interstitial pneumonitis38–41). the metal ion. It is worth mentioning that the inhalation As stated previously, pulmonary fibrosis related to of the hydride forms of antimony (stibine, SbH) can also 3 aluminium and/or aluminium oxides has been designated be lethal as a result of fulminant haemolysis, which 6 J Occup Health, Vol. 43, 2001 sometimes manifests itself initially as dyspnoea42). This communications, where beryllium may be found in alloys is not the case for insoluble antimony trioxide. (often with copper) or in ceramics. However, it is Antimony is known to cause “benign” pneumo- important to realize that scrap metal refiners66), non- coniosis43, 44). ferrous metal welders, dental technicians, laboratory maintenance or transport workers may also be exposed Arsenic to an often unsuspected but significant risk. Contacts It is worth mentioning that the inhalation of the gaseous with beryllium-workers who brought factory-dust to their hydride forms of arsenic (arsine, AsH) can also be lethal homes caused a classical para-occupational example of 3 due to the mechanism of fulminant hemolysis45, 46). chronic berylliosis67). Epidemiological and experimental studies have The differential diagnosis between chronic beryllium established the carcinogenic risk of exposure to inorganic disease and other interstitial lung diseases, mainly arsenic compounds47–51). In recent years lung cancer, at sarcoidosis, rests essentially on the proof of exposure, an odds ratio as high as 15.2, was reported for arsenic which may be difficult to obtain solely on the basis of exposed populations52). In another study, SMR as high occupational history. The finding of beryllium in as 3.73 was found in both a case-control study and a biological samples confirms present (urine) and cohort study made by the same authors53, 54). A recent sometimes past exposure (lung tissue, lymph nodes)68). review of occupational lung carcinogens has reported Specific blast transformation test of lymphocytes (LTT) relative risks of lung cancer due to arsenic with reference in response to culture with beryllium appears to be highly to the number of exposed workers55). specific, but not very sensitive in peripheral blood This is also the case for other occupational exposures lymphocytes, although recent data suggest a great to arsenic, such as in the manufacture or spraying of improvement in sensitivity in lymphocytes from arsenic pesticides56, 57). By contrast, no excess lung cancer bronchoalveolar lavage69). Saltini et al.70) showed that was noted in the study by Enterline et al.58) for smelters major histocompatibility complex class II antigens and whose exposures were estimated to be at the current functional interleukin 2 receptors were necessary for OSHA level, 10 ug/m3. CD4+ lung T cells from patients with chronic beryllium In Japan, several areas with arsenic mines and refineries disease to proliferate in vitro in response to stimulation have been recognized as environmentally-polluted sites by beryllium. according to Law for Prevention of Public Pollution. Both This and other experimental evidence strongly suggest workers and residents have been found there to be victims that beryllium triggers a cell-mediated immune response, of arsenic. It was reported, for example, that the residents thereby explaining the low incidence and high variation in an area producing the most arsenic in Japan also had in the time of onset of disease in exposed workers. lung cancer highly associated with skin cancer59, 60). Moreover, an HLA-DPB1 (HLA-DPB1 glutamate 69) allele was suggested to be closely associated with chronic Barium beryllium disease71). Baritosis, a benign pneumoconiosis, has been This marker could be useful in screening for those associated with exposure to barium12–14). workers who should be monitored for evidence of sensitization or disease. However, the chemical and Beryllium physical forms of beryllium probably also play a role, Past literature13) on accidental and non-accidental and this remains to be clarified. exposures shows that exposure to fumes or dusts The Japanese literature on CBD including the first containing beryllium is capable of causing chemical report by Izumi et al.72) was reviewed by one of the pneumonitis or acute airway irritation. A cross-sectional authors19). study has also suggested an increased prevalence of Compared to other developed countries, Japan has chronic bronchitis and loss of ventilatory function, mainly experienced fewer cases (n=25) with CBD; five of these forced vital capacity (FVC), in association with chronic died from complications of CBD including pulmonary exposure to beryllium61), although another study did not infection and pulmonary failure. A reason for the low reach the same conclusion62). number of cases is believed to be the genetic Berylliosis or chronic beryllium disease (CBD) is well background72). All of these cases dealt with beryllium known for its striking histological and clinical oxide (BeO) which is said to be less toxic or potent in resemblance to sarcoidosis. The clinical, epidemiological sensitization than beryllium salts. and experimental aspects of the disease have recently been According to the regulations in Japan as well as the reviewed63–65). Apart from the extraction and primary U.S.A., workers handling beryllium alloy containing Be refining industry, beryllium exposure is an occupational at less than 3% are not subjected to periodic health risk in many sectors of modern industries, such as aircraft examinations. Moreover, beryllium-copper alloy has been and aerospace, electronics, computers and recognized as being less potent in initiating CBD than Yukinori KUSAKA, et al.: Metals Known in Japan to Induce Occupational Respiratory Diseases 7 BeO but in recent reports in Japan, Be-Co alloy with Be content less than 3% caused CBD in two cases73, 74). The findings and test results including blood-Be-LTT for these cases matched the criteria of the U.S.A. Beryllium Case Registry75). Follow-up studies have revealed that individuals with chronic beryllium disease have a higher incidence of lung cancer than the general population76). A thorough review article77) has recently been published on the carinogenesis of beryllium, which is now assigned to category 1 by IARC49). Cadmium Cadmium and other metals bind to metallothionein, a Fig. 1. A worker melting battery alloy for reusing cadmium low-molecular weight protein rich in sulphydryl (SH) contained wore only cotton gauze mask. Metal fume groups. This process also plays a role in the defense is seen to come out from the furnace. against cadmium, but it eventually leads to the retention and progressive accumulation of cadmium in various tissues including probably the lungs78). Cadmium is capable of causing both lung and kidney changes, probably depending in part on the route of exposure. The most severe form of acute pulmonary damage is chemical pneumonitis which classically follows the inhalation of cadmium fumes13). Cadmium is present in several areas of metallurgy. From a practical viewpoint, it is important to be aware that risks in relation to cadmium pneumonitis are: 1) that liberation of cadmium oxides from welding, silver brazing, or burning of cadmium- containing alloys79) or from the smelting of lead80), which often contain significant levels of cadmium; 2) that exposure to toxic levels of cadmium fumes does not necessarily lead to immediate respiratory symptoms. Indeed respiratory distress is usually delayed for several hours until severe non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema develops13). A follow-up study81) showed that cadmium chemical pneumonitis leads to pulmonary fibrosis. For instance in Japan, there have been reported cases Fig. 2. His chest radiograph taken one day of acute interstitial pneumonitis resulting from inhalation after onset of respiratory symptoms showed diffuse reticular nodular of cadmium fumes at high levels82–85). One report81) opacities throughout both lungs. contained data on airborne concentrations of a number of metals generated during welding. Symptoms suddenly developed several hours after burning cadmium alloys (Fig. 1), presenting with fever, emphysema87, 88) has recently been settled by the results dry cough, general malaise and so on. One day after of a study of a large group (n=101) of workers and ex- onset, diffuse shadows were seen on chest x-rays (Fig. 2) workers from a cadmium factory in England89). This study and lung biopsy specimens revealed interstitial showed a clear excess of functional (ventilatory function pneumonitis with infiltration of lymphocytes and and diffusing capacity) and radiological signs of eosinophils [Personal communications from Professor R. emphysema in the exposed subjects compared to Tokunaga]. appropriate controls. Evidence of a causal role for Exposure to cadmium also relates to metal fume fever, cadmium was strengthened by the existence of a positive a malaria-like or influenza-like reaction consisting of exposure/response relationship with exposure being fever, chills, and malaise, sometimes associated with X- estimated from both past hygiene measurements and the ray abnormalities86). internal (liver) cadmium burden. Moreover, the The as yet controversial issue of whether chronic significance of these findings has been borne out by the cadmium fume inhalation leads to pulmonary demonstration of increased mortality from non-malignant 8 J Occup Health, Vol. 43, 2001 respiratory disease in cadmium-exposed workers90, 91). (trivalent) chromium to cause lung cancer117). The mechanism of cadmium-induced emphysema is still Epidemiological studies of the carcinogenic risk of not elucidated. Animal studies suggested that fibrosis, exposure to chromium during metal plating or during rather than alveolar wall destruction, precede the stainless steel welding have been considered inconclusive. development of emphysematous lesions92–94). There are also epidemiological and experimental Cobalt indications that cadmium is carcinogenic in the human Cobalt (Co) is an essential metal in many coenzymes lung47–50). Increased mortality from lung cancer and enzymes. Dysfunction in enzymatic processes, e.g. attributable to cadmium has been shown in some91, 95, 96), megalocytic anemia, may, therefore, result from Co but not all studies of cadmium exposed workers97–99). A deficiency. However, high doses of the essential metal recent review on occupational lung carcinogens has may cause substitution and mimicry as inappropriate reported relative risks of lung cancer due to cadmium compounds. with reference to exposed workers in a number of Another toxicologically relevant consequence of cobalt industries55). binding to proteins is the acquisition of anitigenicity, so that cobalt sensitizes probably by mechanisms similar to Chromium those of other reactive low molecular weight molecules Exposure to chromic acid during chrome-plating leads and metals which may function as haptens. to upper airway lesions, particularly nasal septal The biological activity and toxicity of some metals is ulceration and perforation, which, in a recent study, was also greatly influenced by their ability to change their found in an astonishing two thirds of subjects exposed to redox state by loss or gain of electrons. Transition metals moderately high peak levels of Cr100). are electronically stable in more than one oxidation state. Chromium is reported to cause asthma in chromium As a result of this property, transition metals play plating workers, mostly in case reports101, 102). Shirakawa important roles in catalyzing biological oxidation et al.103) demonstrated the existence of a specific IgE reactions. Of the transition metals, iron and, to a lesser antibody to chromium-human serum conjugate in a 50- extent, copper have been extensively studied because of yr-old male engaged in metal plating. their implication in many pulmonary and non-pulmonary The assay for the type I immediate reaction in disease processes by virtue of their ability to enhance the combination with a bronchial provocation test is expected production of toxic free-radical species of oxygen118–120). to clarify the basic mechanism underlying chromium- In pulmonary toxicology, free-radical oxygen toxicity, related lung sensitization. which seems always to involve metal catalysis121, 122), is Simultaneous exposure to sensitizing metals (Ni and considered to be a mechanism for the effects of Cr) takes place in electroplating and the question of a hyperoxia123), paraquat124), nitrofurantin125) and asbestos126). cross reaction between the two metals or simultaneous Cobalt performs all of these activities, and cobalt sensitization to the metals has been debated104). accumulated in the lungs enhances hyperoxia by this Epidemiological and experimental studies have clearly mechanism127). established the carcinogenic risk from exposure to Cross-sectional studies have suggested an increased chromium, in some of its chemical forms. A greatly prevalence of chronic bronchitis and a loss of ventilatory increased risk of lung cancer has also been demonstrated function associated with chronic exposure to cobalt128, 129). for workers in primary chromate production and in the Cobalt cause asthma130–136) with evidence of the chromate pigment industry47–51, 55, 105–108). formation of specific (IgE) antibodies to protein- In Japan lung cancer was observed to occur in a conjugates of cobalt (Co)136–138), suggesting that asthmatic significantly greater proportion of chromate workers than reaction to the metal involves an IgE-mediated response. in the Japanese general population106, 109). Among workers exposed to hard metal containing either Ishikawa et al.110) demonstrated that lung cancer from cobalt or nickel as a binding matrix, cobalt-induced chromate tends to develop on the bronchial bifurcations bronchial asthma and nickel-induced asthma are in association with increased deposition at that site. prevalent138). Immunological mechanisms include Bronchial dysplasia also occurs at this site, and mucous immediate type (IgE-mediated) and cellular cells express the p53 oncogene product, often followed hypersensitivity138, 139), and questions relating to the cross by squamous cell lung cancer. This latter finding may reactivity between the two metals versus simultaneous support the dysplasia-carcinoma sequence theory. sensitization to the metals has been debated. In addition There are several recent studies showing increased lung to sensitization to cobalt, atopy reflected in positive cancer mortality in welders and platers111–115). The antibodies to common environmental antigens has been exposure in these jobs is probably to the carcinogenic shown to be an independent risk factor for asthma among form of chromium, i.e. hexavalent chromium116), although hard metal workers. a recent report suggested the potential for insoluble Airborne cobalt levels below the current standard limit Yukinori KUSAKA, et al.: Metals Known in Japan to Induce Occupational Respiratory Diseases 9 for cobalt were shown to carry increased risk140). toxicity resulting from the ability of cobalt to promote A case of asthmatic sensitization to cobalt was recently the Fenton reaction127). diagnosed in a man working in the animal feed industry. In view of the widespread use of cobalt in alloys, This individual was involved in the addition of cobalt magnets, special corrosion resistant steels, pigments, sulphate to the feed used for the prevention of cobalt plastics and many other applications141) it is important to deficiency in cattle141) (Dr. E. Stevens, personal discover the determinants of the toxicity of this metal. communication, unpublished). Both the chemical and physical forms of cobalt The condition known as hard-metal lung disease has compounds that are “intrinsically” harmful, and the extent been the subject of renewed interest in recent years, to which host or other factors may render cobalt toxic particularly with regard to the causative role of require investigation. It is indeed remarkable that no lung cobalt142–144). Hard-metal or cemented tungsten carbide fibrosis has been reported in workers involved in the (WC) is found in tools used for high-speed cutting, mining or refining of cobalt159), with the exception of four drilling, grinding and polishing of other metals or hard cases seen before World War II in a Germany factory materials. In a minority of workers involved in the making cobalt carbonate160). manufacture or utilization of these tools, bronchial asthma Japan is now the third largest producer of hard metal and diffuse pulmonary fibrosis have been reported in tools in the world. An article by one of the authors161), various parts of the world132–134, 145–152). On the basis of reviewing all the Japanese literature on hard metal-related relatively crude animal data153) showing little toxicity from broncho-pulmonary diseases, demonstrated the the main constituent of hard-metal, i.e. tungsten carbide, prevalence of hard metal asthma to be 5.3%. the consensus is that tungsten carbide is not the agent Apart from interstitial pulmonary fibrosis probably responsible for the fibrosis, but that it is more probably secondary to interstitial pneumonitis, cases of mixed-dust due to the binding agent, i.e. cobalt. pneumoconiosis have been demonstrated to be due to a The pneumonitis is often of the desquamative type, mixture of tungsten carbide dusts and grinding wheel and in the subacute forms it appears to be mainly dusts162). characterized by the presence of multinucleated giant This finding is consistent with a report from cells. Indeed it has been proposed that giant cell Switzerland where imported hard metal tools are ground interstitial pneumonitis (GIP) may be pathognomonic for for reuse163). hard-metal exposure154). The aetiological role of cobalt There are also epidemiological and experimental in giant cell interstitial pneumonitis has been strongly indications that cobalt may be carcinogenic in the human supported by the observation of several cases of a disease lung47–50). Cobalt is a 2A carcinogen according to the identical to hard metal lung disease in diamond polishers, IARC criteria49). In Germany, cobalt is listed as one of who used polishing discs made with cobalt155, 127). The the carcinogenic substances for which 5 mg/m3 is the term cobalt-lung has therefore been proposed155). maximum acceptable concentration164). The mechanism of the pulmonary toxicity of cobalt has not yet been elucidated143, 156). Unlike the classical Dental technician pneumoconiosis pneumoconioses in which the lung burden of dust seems Dental technicians are at risk of pneumoconiosis165, 166), to be the predominant factor in causing the disease (even as shown in Fig. 3. Intensive monitoring data on airborne if host factors do also play a role in these diseases), several dusts at dental technology workplaces have been features of cobalt-lung suggest some form of described by Fukuzawa167): some toxic metals including hypersensitivity or host idiosyncrasy, perhaps analogous cobalt, chromium, and nickel, and mineral dusts including to the situation observed with beryllium. Indeed for both asbestos and silicates were shown to be present. Some beryllium and cobalt the dose-response relationship is dental pneumoconiosis may arise from excessive not straightforward: on the one hand, the attack rate of exposure to dust produced from the machining of the disease appears to be determined by the extent of vitallium, an alloy consisting of chromium-cobalt- exposure, but on the other hand, within similarly exposed molybdenum168). Histologically this fibrosis is manifested workforces only a small minority of sometimes very by dense interstitial fibrosis around dust deposits, without young subjects, with relatively little cumulative exposure, giant cells. Vitallium dust is, however, not the sole dust are affected155). The known dermal sensitizing potential to which dental technicians may be exposed, and other of cobalt and the existence of cobalt-asthma suggest that agents such as alginate169), beryllium, hard-metal and silica hypersensitivity to cobalt may cause the fibrosing may also cause lung disease in these workers165, 166, 170, 171). alveolitis. Conditions more usually considered to be cell- Dr. Nanbu et al. including one of the authors, Kusaka, mediated157), such as alveolitis155, 134), and asthma reported a technician who presented with interstitial combined with alveolitis158), have been reported. pneumonitis of giant cell type (GIP) (Histopathological However, this is by no means proven, and other options findings not shown, HRCT images shown in Fig. 4). This must be considered, such as oxygen free-radical mediated case showed a positive lymphocyte stimulation test with 10 J Occup Health, Vol. 43, 2001 Fig. 3. A dental technician grinding implant materials Fig. 4. A High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) including metals. Local dust ventilation utility is picture compatible with interstitial fibrous thickening seen beside him. accompanied with honeycombing from a dental technician having diffuse shadows on chest x-rays. Fig. 5. Positive lymphocyte proliferation with cobalt antigen in a pneumoconiotic dental technician. cobalt (stimulation index, SI; 4.1) (Fig. 5), while the same role in catalyzing biological oxidation reactions. Copper lymphocytes from the peripheral blood reacted positively has been studied because of its implication in many to purified protein derivative of tuberculin (SI 7.4) [Dr. pulmonary disease processes by virtue of its ability to Nanbu and Dr. Kusaka, personal communication]. This enhance the production of toxic free-radical species of evidence might raise the possibility that some dental oxygen118). In pulmonary toxicology, free-radical oxygen technicians pneumoconiosis is compatible with cobalt toxicity, seems always to involve metal catalysis121, 122). lung which has been designated as interstitial pneumonitis However, inhaled metals have so far received rather little for diamond polishers using cobalt discs155). attention in this connection. A more benign condition following exposure to high Copper concentrations of copper fume is metal fume fever172, 173). Copper (Cu) is also an essential metal for coenzymes This condition is described more precisely in the section and enzymes. The transport and accumulation of copper on zinc. is often the result of its ability to interact with ligands In Japan increased mortality from lung cancer has been such albumin, and ceruloplasmin whose abundance reported from a cohort study associated with a net case probably constitutes a safeguard against the toxicity of control study at copper finery plants174, 175). The proportion free copper ion118). of Kreyberg group I among these cases with lung cancer Copper is a transition metal which plays an important was significantly larger than that in the population-based