) PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 107(4). 2005, p. 979 Note Apobaetisfutilis (McDunnough), a New Combination in Nearctic Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) The species Pseudocloeon futile Mc- in Tuskahoma, 6-VIII-1993. DE Baumgard- Dunnough (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) was ner [Purdue University Entomological Re- transferred to the genus Plauditus Lugo-Or- search Collection, West Lafayette, Indiana. tiz and McCafferty along with some other USA). — Nearctic species formerly assigned to the Acknowledgments. David Baumgard- genus Pseudocloeon Klapalek (Lugo-Ortiz ner (College Station. Texas) donated some and McCafferty 1998). Plauditusfutilis has material. This study was funded in part by been reported from southern Alberta CanaCoU Grant 178 to LMJ. (McDunnough 1931), central Texas (Baum- Literature Cited gardner et al. 1997), and southeastern Oklahoma (Baumgardner and Kennedy Baumgardner, D. E. andJ. H. Kennedy. 1999. Mayflies 1999). The larva remains unknown. (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of the Kiamichi River Based on our examination of the holo- Watershed, Oklahoma. Journal ofthe Kansas En- tomological Society 72: 297-305. type and additional material, we recognize Baumgardner, D. E., J. H. Kennedy, and B. C. Henry, that Plauditusfutilis instead belongs to the Jr. 1997. New and additional records of Texas relatively infrequently collected genusApo- mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Transactions of the baetis Day, based on characters that in- American Entomological Society 123: 55-69. clude: anteriorly divergent turbinate eyes; Edmunds, G. E, Jr., S. L. Jensen, and L. Berner. 1976. The Mayflies ofNorth and Central America. Uni- the metanotum with a broad, dorsally pro- versity ofMinnesota Press. Minneapolis. 330 pp. jecting, metascutellar hump and a deeply Lugo-Ortiz, C. R. and W. P McCafferty. 1998. A new emarginate posterior margin; a prominent, North American genus of Baetidae (Ephemerop- blunt projection between the genital for- tera) and key to Baetis complex genera. Entomo- logical News 109: 345-353. ceps; and divergent genital forceps, each of McCafferty, W. P. 2000. A new Nearctic Apohuetis which has an elongate basal segment and a (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Entomological News second segment with relatively uniform 111: 265-269. thickness (Edmunds et al. 1976, Waltz and McDunnough, J. 1931. New species of North Ameri- McCafferty 1986, Meyer and McCafferty can Ephemeroptera. The Canadian Entomologist 63: 82-93. 2003). Therefore, we transfer Plauditusfu- Meyer, M. D. and W. R McCafferty. 2003. New syn- tilis to Apobaetis, as Apobaetis futilis onym ofApohacfis el(nv(ih (Traver) (Ephemerop- (McDunnough), new combination. Two tera: Baetidae). The Pan-Pacitic Entomologist 79: other Apobaetis species are known from 249. North America: A. etowah (Traver) and A. Waltz, R. D. and W. P McCafferty. 1986. ApohaeUs etowah (Traver). a new combination in Nearctic lakota McCafferty (Mc—Cafferty 2000). Baetidae (Ephemeroptera). Proceedingsofthe En- Material examined. HOLOTYPE, male tomological SocictN of Washington SS: 191. adult. Alberta, Milk River, August 18, JH Pepper [Canadian National Collection of Luke M. Jacobus and W. R McCafferty. Insects, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada]; 1 1 male Department of Entonioloi^y. Purdue Uni- adults, 5 female adults, Oklahoma, Push- versity. West Lafayette. IN 47907. U.S.A. mataha Co., Kiamichi R at unnamed n)ad (c/iuiil: konc/iui^'ifuirdiic.cdii