ActaBot.Neerl.37(1), March1988,p.3-16 A steady-state model for apical wall growth in fungi J.G.H. Wessels DepartmentofPlantPhysiology, BiologicalCentre, University ofGroningen,9751, NNHaren, TheNetherlands Introduction 3 Generalperspective 3 Structureoffungal walls 6 Biosynthesis andassembly ofthewall 9 Mechanismofapical wallgrowth 11 Conclusions 13 INTRODUCTION The presenceofcell wallsmakesplants immobilebutfungi (defined as a separate king- dom,Whittaker1969) haveevolvedas organisms which,despitethepresenceofcellwalls, havea certaindegreeofmobilityduetoapicalgrowth. Themycelialcolony, consisting ofa system ofbranchedhyphae, maythus growover andthrough substrates.Consequently, theactively growingpartofthe fungal mycelium constantly moves away fromitsoriginal position whilecolonizing deadsubstrata(saprotrophs) or livingorganisms (biothrophs) as inparasitic andsymbiotic associations. Theseactivities are particularly prominent in relationto plants, as evidenced by the fact thatfungi arethe maindecomposers ofthe lignocellulosic plant cell wall(Crawford 1981),they are also the mainplant pathogens (Dickinson &Lucas 1982)and they form mycorrhizae withnearly allland plants(Harley & Smith 1983). Although theassociation offungi withhealthy animals(including man) is limited, theircolonizing ability is now becoming aproblem inimmuno-compromised patients(Chandler 1986). Thispaperisconcernedwiththemechanisms responsible for thecontinuousextension ofthewallattheapexofgrowing fungal hyphae. Itshouldbenoted,however,thatsome cellsin plantsshowintrusivegrowth byapical extension,e.g. roothairs,pollen tubes, and rhizoids(Schnepf 1986). It is only in fungi that a view ofapical wall extension can be formulatedbasedontheknowledge oftheemergingwallstructure.Itispossible, however, thattheprinciples involvedmayultimatelyprovetobesimilar inapically growing cellsof both plants and fungi although detailswouldbe differentbecauseof differencesin the chemistry ofwallpolymers. GENERAL PERSPECTIVE Many ofthebasicobservationsonapical wallgrowth weremadeinthenineteenthcentury and various hypotheses thenput forward to explain apical growth still survive. Most notableis apublication from 1892by Reinhardtinwhich hedescribedexperiments with the wide hyphae of Peziza species showing that disturbances of growth were first manifestedat theapices ofhyphae. Many ofthese observations were laterrepeated and Key-words:apicalgrowth,β-glucanc,hitin,fungalcellwall,fungalhypha,Schizophyllumcommune,wall growth. 3 4 J.G.H. WESSELS Fig.1.The rateofexpansionofanypointattheapexisproportionaltothecosineoftheangleawhentheshapeof thetipishemispherical(a),ortotheco-tangentoftheangleawhen theshapeofthetipishalfellipsoid(b). extendedby Robertson(1958 1965). Achange intheshape ofthe apexfrommoreor less hemispherical tohalf-ellipsoidsofrevolutionwithincreasinggrowth rate(Fig. 1),as noted byTrinci&Saunders(1977), wasalsoobservedbyReinhardt.Inaddition, henotedthatthe origin ofcurvatureof hyphae was at the apexand together these observationsprovided theevidencethat hyphal extensionoccurs at theapex. Directobservationsby Reinhardt (1892)on the displacement ofparticleson thesurface during apical growth couldonly be madewith root hairs ofLepidium sativum. Similarexperiments with a fungal system (Castle 1958) confirmedthevalidity ofhis conclusionthat fungal hyphae extend attheir apices. Withregard to themechanisms involved inapical wall growth, Reinhardt(1892) dis- cussed thethen prevailing theory of leading botanists who regarded enlargement ofthe wall areaas a process in which anelasticor plastic wall expands due to turgorpressure while new wall materialis added by apposition or intussusception. However, he con- sidered such a theory inadequate because it would require an increase in mechanical strengthofthewallfromtheveryapextothebaseoftheextensionzone.Asheputsit, such anincreaseinstrength couldbeachievedby aproportional increaseinwallthicknessorby achange in thequalityofthemoleculesthatmakeupthewall. Hefoundnoevidencefora change in wall thickness. Later investigators (Girbardt 1969, Grove & Bracker 1970, Trinci &Collinge 1975) also foundthatwallthickness remains uniformin theextension zone. Achange inthequalityofthewall molecules—which ispreciselythekindofchange which is suggested by recent work from our laboratory (see below)—was considered unlikelyby Reinhardt.Thusonewouldexpect thatanincreaseinhydrostatic pressure,as caused by flooding with water, wouldresultin swelling or bursting at the extreme tip. Insteadheobservedthatbursting occurredjustundertheapexwherethecylindrical form is attainedandwhere thecircumferentialstressin thewall increases.Subapical swelling and bursting was also observedby laterinvestigators (Robertson 1958, 1965,Bartnicki- Garcia&Lippman 1972,seeFig. 2).Reinhardtconcludedthatthewallmusthaveuniform strength over the whole apex and does not grow by plastic expansion. He proposed intussusception ofwallmaterialmaximally attheextremetipand declining tozero atthe baseoftheextensionzone. Thefactthatreliefofturgorpressure,by applying solutionsof lowosmoticpotential, resultedincessationofgrowth attheapexwasinterpreted as being due to detachmentofcytoplasm from the apical wall, thus interrupting the organized delivery ofnewwall materialbythecytoplasm. Disregarding theobservations madeby Reinhardt(1892), and probably inspired by considerations ofD’Arcy Thompson (1917, see Bonner 1961) on the origin of cellular form, mathematicalmodels have been put forward to describe apical morphogenesis. APICALWALL GROWTHIN FUNGI 5 Fig. 2.Explosive apicalbursting ofagar-grown hyphaeofSchizophyllumcommuneafterfloodingwith 0-5% acetic acid, followingtheprocedureofPark & Robinson (1966).The cytoplasm is extruded throughahole locatedatthebaseoftheapicaldome(a)orthewholeapicaldomeisblown off(b).(CourtesyofDrJ.H.Sietsma.) They allrely on theconceptthatextensionatthe hyphal apexis due to thepresence ofa gradientintheplasticity ofthewallsuch thatthereisa decreaseinthetendency ofthewall to yield to turgorpressure fromtheextreme tip downwards(de Wolff& Houwink 1954, D-1 RivaRicci& Kendrick 1972,Green 1974,Trinci& Saunders1977,Saunders& Trinci 1979, Koch 1982). In all these models expansion at any point on the apical domeis determinedby its position, according to amathematicalfunctionwhich depends onthe shape oftheapex(Fig. 1).To putthese modelsthrough atestitwouldseemnecessaryto determinethe plastic andelasticpropertiesofthewallatvariouspointsover thegrowing apex;obviously such measurements are difficultto make. IfReinhardt’s theory is to be dismissed, another explanation must be foundfor the tendency ofhyphal tips to swelland burst atthe baseofthe apical domeinsteadofthe extremeapexwhensubjected tohigh turgorpressure.Itis unfortunatethatnoneofthose who haveadvancedatheory foraplastic wallexpanding underturgorpressure has cared to explainsubapical bursting.Possibly therecently discoveredcytoskeletal elementsinthe hyphal apex(forreview seeMcKerracher& Heath 1987) protect thenewly formed deli- cate wallfrombecoming subjectto high hydrostaticpressure(Wessels 1986).Thishasalso beenproposed fortheapical wallinextending pollen tubes(Picton & Steer 1982).Protec- tion ofthe apical wall against high internalpressure by the underlying structuredcyto- plasm mayexplain why thewalldoesnot alwaysburstatitsweakestpoint, i.e. atthevery apex,when turgorissuddenly increased. Atthesametime,recognitionofthepresenceofcytoskeletal elementsattheapexwould question thevalidityofmathematicalmodelsassuming expansion underturgorpressure. Such models may be wrong in assuming thatturgor pressure, probably generated sub- apically in vacuoles, is uniformly present over the whole apical wall area. New models 6 J. G.H. WESSELS taking into account the presence of cytoskeletal elements might assign a role to the cytoplasm inshaping thehyphal apex(asalready advocatedbyReinhardt)whileretaining theconceptof a deformablewall expanding underthe influenceof hydrostatic pressure generated insubapical hyphal parts. Ifthereisagradientintheplasticity ofthewall,maximalattheveryapexanddeclining towardsthe baseoftheapical extensionzone,thenhow is this gradient generated? Two possibilities were consideredinthe nineteenthcentury. Eitherthe wallisoriginally plastic andexpands untilit becomesrigid or thewall is synthesized as a rigid entity andcannot expand untilitbecomesplastic. Thefirstconceptwasgenerally accepted inthenineteenth century; controversies mainly concerned whetherwall additionwas by intussusception (Nageli) orapposition (Strasburger) (cit: Reinhardt 1892). Thisconceptofrigidification ofthewallafteritsformationwas implicit in formulationsby Robertson(1958, 1965) to explain his observations on living hyphae. Work on wall biogenesis in Schizophyllum commune(to be discussed below) has given this conceptamolecularand experimental basis(Wessels &Sietsma 1981b,Wessels etal. 1893)andhasbeennamedthe‘steady-state modelofapicalwallgrowth’(Wessels 1986).Thealternativeconceptthatthewallmustbe continuously loosenedbylyticenzymesinordertoexpand wasexpressed acenturyagoby Marchall-Ward (1888)and has morerecently beenfavouredby Bartnicki-Garcia (1973) andGooday(1978). Although directevidenceforthisconcept,whichpresumesa‘delicate balance between wall synthesis and wall lysis’ (Bartnicki-Garcia 1973),is missing, it is rather uncritically cited as afact inmanyresearchpapersandtextbooks.Ihavecritically examinedtheevidenceandhavecometo theconclusionthat,todate,theevidenceforthis concept is very thin indeed (Wessels 1984, 1986). Lysins play no role in the preferred steady-state modelofapical wallgrowth. However,thismodeldoesnotdisprove arole for lyticenzymes.Forthemoment itseemssufficientto explainthestructuralandexperimen- tal data. Ifhard evidence for a role of lysins in apical wall growth were to arise, e.g. through genetic studies, thiswouldnecessitatemodificationofthemodel. STRUCTURE OF FUNGAL WALLS At first sight fungal walls containa bewildering number ofpolymers and constituent monomers (forreviews seeBartnicki-Garcia 1968, Wessels & Sietsma 1981a, Bartnicki- Garcia & Lippman 1982, Wessels 1986).However, whenonly the alkali-insolublecom- ponents are considereda much more simple picture emerges. Thealkali-insolublewall portions ofascomycetes and basidiomycetes mainly consistof(1->4)-P-D-glucosamino- glycans, [poly-A-acelylglucosamine (chitin) and partially orwholly deacetylated deriva- tives (e.g. chitosan)] and (l-»3)-p-D/(l->6)-P-D-glucan. There is evidence that this alkali-insoluble portion of the wall is solely responsible for hyphal morphogenesis (Sietsma & Wessels 1988) and for the sake ofthe present discussionthe alkali-soluble componentsofthewallwill thereforebelargely ignored. In order to reveal the molecular architecture ofthe hyphal wall, electronmicroscope observations, combinedwiththe useofmoreorless specific enzymic orchemicalextrac- tions, have been made on the walls ofa varietyof fungi (lit.cit. in Wessels & Sietsma 1981a). On the basisofsuch observations, Hunsley & Burnett(1970) havemodelledthe wall as aco-axially layered structure. As Burnett(1979) has pointed out, it should be understoodthattheco-axiallyarrangedregions are notsupposed tobe discretebutgrade intoeachother.Wessels&Sietsma(1981a), however, notedthatthe techniques usedcan APICALWALL GROWTH IN FUNGI 7 Fig. 3.Model ofthe maturehyphalwall ofSchizophyllumcommune.Partially crystallizedchitin chains(a)are hydrogen-bondedtochitin chains whichcarry covalentlylinked p-glucan chains.The couplingfragment(b) contains aminoacidswith ahighproportionoflysine. The P-glucanchainsare(I->3)-Plinked andcarrysingle (1-*6)-P-linkedglucosebranches(c)orlonger(I->6)-p-linkedglucanbranches(d)oralternatively,(1-»3)-Pand (1-*6)-Plinked glucanbranches (e).Some unsubstituted orsparselybranched (l->3)-P glucansegmentsmay formtriplehelices(h)whichaddtothestrengthoftheglucannetwork. Crystalline(1-*3)-a-glucanfibrils(alkali- soluble s-glucan)(f)occurthroughoutthewall andaccumulateattheoutersurfaceasalayer.Free water-soluble (1->3)-P-glucanchainswith single(1->6)-P-linked glucosebranches (g)arealsopresentin thewall and maybe excreted into themedium.(AdaptedfromWessels&Sietsma1981b.) easilyleadto misinterpretationsofwallstructure. Theyconsideredmostpublished studies tobeinagreementwithamodelofthewallinwhichthevariouswallcomponentsare more closely associated witheach otherto formessentially onelayer, withsome components accumulating at the outside apparently forming extra layers. This simple modelonly applies tovegetative hyphae andnotto thewallsofspecialized structures,e.g.sporesand aerial hyphae, wheregenuine outerlayers maybepresent. Figure3 depictsamodelofthehyphalwallofthebasidiomycete Schizopyllum commune integrating the resultsof a number ofchemical, enzymic and ultrastructural analyses (Wesselsetal. 1972,Sietsma& Wessels 1977,1979,vanderValketal. 1977).Inthiscase a water-solublegel-like(1->3)-(3-/(l-»6)-P-glucan andawater-insolublebutalkali-soluble (1 ->3)-ct-glucan(s-glucan) accumulateattheoutsideofalayer whichcontainsanalkali- insoluble glucosaminoglycan-glucan complex. In this complex the glucan chains are (1 -»3)-P-linked with(1 ->6)-p-linked branchesattached. Insomeofthechains, branches consist ofjust one glucose residue and these chains thus resemble the gel-like glucan accumulating on the outside ofthe hyphae. Other(1->3)-P-linked chains carry longer (I->6)-P-linked glucan branches. Both types of branched glucans are thought to be attached to (l-»4)-P-linked glucosaminoglycan chains through theirreducing ends via 8 J.G.H. WESSELS Table 1.Solubilizationofnon-aminoglycansbydepolymerizationofaminoglycans* NNiittrroouussaacciiddttrreeaattmmeenntt CChhiittiinnaasseettrreeaattmmeenntt AAmmiinnooggllyyccaann NNoonn--aammiinnooggllyyccaann AAmmiinnooggllyyccaann NNoonn--aammiinnooggllyyccaann ddeeggrraaddeedd rreelleeaasseedd ddeeggrraaddeedd rreelleeaasseedd SS..ccoommmmuunnee ——((110000))tt 1100((9955-44))tf 9988 8888 AA..bhiissppoorruuss VVeeggeettaattiivveemmyycceelliiuumm 4411 3388 6677 4488 FFrruuiitt--bbooddyyssttiippee 1199 4411 9944 5566 MM..mmuucceeddoo 7799 110000 — — *In S. communeand A.bisporus figuresrefer tothepercentagesofaminoglycan and glucan in the alkali- insoluble wall fractionbecomingsoluble inwaterand alkaliafterthetreatments.InM.mucedo thefiguresrefer to the percentages ofaminoglycan and glycuronanin the whole wall whichwere soluble in water after the treatment.Nitrousacid treatments weredone beforeexposure ofthe wallsto alkali. Chitinase treatmentswere doneonalkali-insoluble wall fractions. tNitrous acidtreatmentafterheatingthewallfractionin 10MNaOH todeacetylatechitin. aminoacids, particularlylysine. Probably thesesubstituted glucosaminoglycan chainsare partially hydrogen-bonded tomicrofibrillarchitinconsisting ofhydrogen-bonded unsub- stituted chains ofpoly-TV-acetylglucosamine. The presence of hydrogen-bonded triple helicesamongthe glucan chainswas inferredfromtheweak hydroglucan reflectionsseen inX-rayanalysis ofthechitin glucan complex.Treatmentofthecomplex withhotdilute acidbreaksthelinkages betweenglucosaminoglycan andglucan andhydrolyses (1->6)-P- linkedglucan chainsthusleading tosharp X-rayreflectionsofhydroglucans andchitin. The most important evidence for postulating linkage between glucan and glucos- aminoglycan chains is that the glucan chains become soluble in water or alkali after specific depolymerizationof(acetyl)glucosamine-containing polymers (Stagg &Feather 1973,Sietsma& Wessels 1979).Such depolymerizations (employing nitrousacid tobreak bonds in the glucosaminoglycans where non-acetylated glucosamine residues occur (Datema et al. 1977b) and chitinase to break bonds in homopolymer stretches of jV-acetylglucosamine) have been shown to solubilizeall the alkali-insoluble P-glucans fromthewall ofa numberofbasidiomycetes and ascomycetes (Sietsma & Wessels 1981; Mol et al. 1988). Recently we foundthat even the very small amount of glucosamino- glycan in thewall ofSaccharomyces cerevisiaemustbe heldresponsible for keeping the P-glucan in thewallin analkali-insoluble form(Mol &Wessels 1987). Table 1 shows data for two basidiomycetes, Schizophyllum commune (Sietsma & Wessels 1979) and Agaricus bisporus (Mol & Wessels unpublished). In the first species nearly all theglucosaminoglycan is acetylated andnitrousacid has littleeffectunlessthe glucosaminoglycan is first deacetylated. Chitinase(from Serratia marcescens), on the otherhand, is veryeffectivein degrading thisacetylated glucosaminoglycan (chitin)and solubilizing the P-glucan. In Agaricus bisporus however, a large numberofglucosamine , residuesin the glucosaminoglycan occur ina deacetylated formbecause thepolymer is extensively degraded by nitrousacidreleasing P-glucan intosolution.Consequently, the glucan isless effectively released bychitinasebuta nitrousacid treatment,followedby a chitinasetreatment,effectively brings alltheP-glucan intosolution(Mol&Wessels 1988). Table 1 also shows dataderivedfromastudy onthewall ofMucormucedo(Datema etal. 1977b). In this zygomycete an even larger fractionofthe glucosamine residues of the APICALWALL GROWTH IN FUNGI 9 Fig.4.Possible interactionsbetween glucosaminoglycans( ) and (I-*3)-p-glucan(~)involving hydrogen bondingbetween heterologouschains. glucosaminoglycans is deacetylated resulting in apoly-cation. Depolymerization ofthis glucosaminoglycan releases an anionic heteroglucuronan containing fucose, mannose, galactose and glucuronic acid (5:1:1:6 on amolecularbasis). Since in this case thenon- aminoglycan canalsobeextractedbystrongsaltsolutionsandpartly byalkali, thelinkage betweenthetwo polymers is probably ionicandnot covalent, as surmisedintheascomy- cetesandbasidiomycetes. Thelinkage ofthe 0-glucan chainstoglucosaminoglycan chainsinthewallsofascoco- mycetes andbasidiomycetes not onlyleadstoinsolubilizationoftheglucan chainsbut, in combinationwith hydrogen-bonding between homologous chains, mayalso resultin a highlycross-linkedcomplex as showninFig. 3.Thismay,however, representanextreme case. Figure 4schematically depictssomewall structures whichmayactually arisefromthe interactions between glucosaminoglycan and (1 ->3)-p-glucan chains. Included are possible interactions between homologous chains involving hydrogen bondsleading to theformationofchitinmicrofibrilsinthecaseofacetylated glucosaminoglycans andtriple helices in the case of(l->3)-P-glucans (Jelsma & Kreger 1975). Figure 4e thus shows a situationin whichallthechainsare involvedinhydrogen bonding whiletheouterchains ofthe chitin microfibrilscovalently bind the glucan chains. In fact, all the structures depicted (Fig. 4a-e) may actuallybe presentinthewalland contributeto itsmechanical properties. BIOSYNTHESIS AND ASSEMBLY OF THEWALL Mostevidence (Vermeulen etal. 1979and referencescitedtherein) indicatesthat chitin chains are made atthe outer surface ofthe plasma membraneprobably by an integral membraneprotein, chitinsynthase, that accepts the precursor acetylglucosamine atthe cytoplasmic sideofthe membrane.Chitosomes(Bracker etal. 1976)are minivesicleswhichprobably actas conveyersforinactivechitinsynthase enroute 10 J. G.H. WESSELS to theplasma membrane, although the discoverersofthese chitosomes stillentertainthe possibility thatchitosomes themselvessynthesize chitinaftertheirextrusionthrough the plasma membraneinto thedomainofthe wall(Bartnicki-Garcia & Bracker 1984, Ruiz- Herrera 1984).In Saccharomyces cerevisiaeevidence for vectorial synthesis ofchitin by plasma membraneshas comefromCabib’slaboratory (Cabib’s et al. 1984) butcompli- cations have arisen after the genefor this chitin synthase had been cloned, inactivated invitrobyaninsertion,andusedtoreplace thewild-typeallelebytransformation(Bulawa etal. 1986).Thegenereplacement abolishedtheappearanceofthechitin synthase studied thus far in vitro but didnot affect synthesis of chitinin vivo, apparently catalysed by anotherenzyme(Orlean 1987).However, autoradiography after labelling S. communein vivowith tritiated-JV-acetylglucosamine has shownthat akali-insolubleglucosaminogly- can is indeedsynthesized just outside the plasma membrane(van der Valk & Wessels 1977).Inthiscase theultimateproductwas mainlypoly-A'-acetylglucosaminc (chitin),but in other cases the product may be subject to enzymic deacetylation immediately after synthesis(Davis & Bartnicki-Garcia 1984). Numerous studies have demonstrated the synthesis of an alkali-soluble(1->3)-(3-d- glucan from uridine-diphosphate-glucose by membranouspreparations from fungi (lit. cit: in Sonnenberg et al. 1985; Szaniszlo et al. 1985) but only in S. cerevisiae has the glucan synthase rigorously been shown to be (partially) associated with the plasma membrane(Shematek etal. 1980). Since the polymerization of the W-acetylglucosamine residues at the outer plasma membranesurfaceimmediately results in awater-insolubleandalkali-insolubleproduct (Wessels et al. 1983), it followsthatafter synthesis ofthe individualglucosaminoglycan and (3-glucan chains (indicated in Fig. 4a) the processes that lead to cross-linked wall structures (indicated in Fig. 4b-e) must all take place within the domainofthe wall. Becausethenature ofthecoupling fragment between theglucosaminoglycan andglucan chainsis insufficiently known, and may differamong fungi, themechanismofcoupling remainselusive. In addition, because ofthe polymeric nature ofthe tworeacting com- ponentsitisunlikely thatthecoupling itselfismediatedbyanenzyme.Ratherweenvisage aschemein whichaminoacidssuch aslysine orphenolic residuesareattachedtoamino- sugarswithintheglucosaminoglycans and/ortothereducing endsofP-glucans. Coupling mightthen occur viaradicals produced by oxidases in the wall. As an analogy wemay recallthecross-linkingbetweenlysine residuesincollagen as occurringintheextracellular matrixofanimals(Hay 1981) or thecross-linking oftryptophane residuesin extensin as occurring in cell walls of vascular plants (Wilson & Fry 1986). Alternatively, lysine residuesattached to aminosugars withinthe glucosaminoglycans may directlyandnon- enzymically interact withthe reducing end of glucan chains forming a Schiff baseand Amadoriproducts (Monnier etal. 1984).Also directinteractionsofthereducing endsof glucan chainswithamino-groups ontheglucosaminoglycans cannotbeexcluded. Irrespective ofthe typeofcross-links between the glucosaminoglycans andP-glucans, post-synthetic transitionswithinthewall, suchas depictedin Fig. 4,mayhaveimportant biological consequences. Forinstance, itcanbe envisaged that the highly hydrated pre- cursor wall structure shown in Fig. 4ahas visco-elastic properties andcan bedeformed; whereasthecross-linkedcomposite structuresshowninFig. 4c-edisplayvarious degrees ofrigidity. TheevidencecollectedwithS. communetosupportsucha two-stepprocessofsynthesis andassembly ofwallcomponentswithanaccompanying change inmechanicalproperties can besummarizedas follows. APICAL WALLGROWTH INFUNGI 11 1. Water-solubleand alkali-soluble(l-»3)-(3-glucans are the precursor moleculesfor thealkali-insoluble P-glucans inthewall.Thiswasshownbypulse-chase ofradioactivity both with regenerating protoplasts (Sonnenberg et al. 1982) and with growing hyphae (Wessels etal. 1983). 2. Inthepresenceofpolyoxin D, protoplasts can formawallmadeof(I->3)-a-glucan without chitin and alkali-insoluble glucan (de Vries & Wessels 1975, van der Valk & Wessels 1976). Although the soluble(l->3)-(3-glucan precursor moleculesare normally formed they can then not be linked to an alkali-insolubleglucosaminoglycan and thus remainsoluble(Sonhenberg etal. 1982).Similarly, Elorza etal. (1987) haveshown that nikkomycin, another specific inhibitorofchitin synthase, inhibitsthe conversion ofan alkali-soluble glucan into an alkali-insoluble glucan on regenerating protoplasts of Candidaalbicans. 3. Autoradiography shows that alkali-insoluble glucosaminoglycans are maximally synthesized attheextreme hyphal apexdecreasing insubapical direction.Asimilargradi- ent is foundforwater-soluble0-glucan butvery littlealkali-insolubleglucan ispresentat theextremeapex.Whiledisplacedinasubapical directionduringextensionintheabsence oflabel, thewater-solubleglucans become alkali-insoluble.Ifextensiondoes not occur duringthechase, thewater-solubleglucan canbe seentobecomeinsolubleoverthewhole apex(Wessels etal. 1983). 4. Electron microscopy ofshadowed preparations combinedwith autoradiography (Vermeulen & Wessels 1984) hasshown that thealkali-insoluble glucosaminoglycans at thegrowing hyphal apexare non-fibrillarandvery susceptible tochitinaseandhotdilute mineralacid. Thisis takenas evidencethat atthe growing apextheglucosaminoglycans havenot yetcrystallized andare stillavailableforlinkageto glucan chains. Hyphae that haveceasedtogrownotonly havealkali-insolubleglucan butalsomicrofibrillarchitinin their apical walls. Recently, it was shown that also in vitro a time gapexists between synthesis andcrystallization ofthechitin chains(Vermeulen & Wessels 1986). 5. High shearing forces, as generated by the passageof hyphae through an X-press, disrupt growing tips and remove the pulse-labelled glucosaminoglycan and glucan. However, after a chase ofa fewminutes these labelledpolymers, presentsubapically in growing hyphae or apically inhyphae not growing after the chase, are not removed by theseshearing forces(Wessels etal. 1983).Thisistheonlydirectevidencewehavetoshow that the mixture of individualglucosaminoglycan and glucan chains present at the tip mechanically differsfromthe cross-linkedcomplex in thematuredwall. MECHANISM OF APICALWALL GROWTH Theevidencesummarizedaboveserves as thebasis forthe steady-state growth modelas shows inFig. 5. Intheextensionzone, individualglucosaminoglycan and(1->3)-P-glucan chainsare deposited into thewall by apposition. They are probably polymerized at the membrane-wallinterface.Per unitarea maximal deposition occurs attheextreme apex andthen declinestowards the base ofthe extentionzonein accordancewithautoradio- graphic estimates ofincorporation oflabelledprecursors (Gooday 1971, Wessels etal. 1983).Theglucosaminoglycan andP-glucan chainsextrudedintothewallaresupposed to be highly hydrated and to form a visco-elastic wall that expands under the internal pressure ofthecytoplasm. As a visco-elastic wall segment is stretched and displaced in subapical directionby growth, it also moves to amore externalsideofthewall because appositional additionofvisco-elasticwallmaterialontheinsidecontinuessothatuniform 12 J.G.H. WESSELS Fig.5.Steady-statemodel ofapicalwall growth.Glucosaminoglycan( )and (I->-3)-P-glucan(~) interact whilebeingdisplacedinasubapicaldirection. (1-*6)-p-linkedglucoseresidues also appearsubapically.When extensionceasestheinteractionsoccuroverthewholeapex. wallthicknessismaintained(Green 1974).Atthesametimethesubapically andexternally displaced wall segment undergoes rigidification because of covalent bonding between heterologous chainsand hydrogen bonding between homologous chains. At point c in Fig. 5 theseprocesses haveadvancedtosuch anextent thatthewall nolongeryields tothe internal pressure and the maximal diameterof the hyphae is attained. However, the interactionsbetweenthepolymers continue(Fig. 5d) andprobably lead tofurtherrigidifi- cation, as deduced from continued insolubilizationof0-glucan chains (Wessels et al. 1983).AlsoshowninFig.5dare(1-»6)-[3-linkedglucan chainsorglucoseresiduesappear- ing as brancheson the(1->3)-P-linked glucan chains.Such(1->6)-(3linkages are initially very scarce inthe insolubleglucan but rapidly appearwhenthewallmatures,eventually outnumbering the(1 ->3)-P*linkages (Sietsma etal. 1985).It isalso possible thatthey are part ofa mixed-linkage glucan that is secondarily hooked upto theglucosaminoglycan chains. Itshouldalsobe stressed thatthe finalwall structure probably deviatesfrom the highly regular structure depicted inFig, 5d. In fact,the alkali-insolublecomplex shows very little crystallinity in X-ray diffraction and may actually be made up of various structures as depicted in Fig. 4. Alsonot shown are the water-soluble(1-»3)-p-glucan chainswithsingle (1 ->6)-P-linkedglucose residuesattachedwhichfreely occur inthewall and thealkali-solubleandpartly crystalline(1 ->3)-a-glucan (s-glucan)whichaccumulates atthe outersurfaces ofthewall. The model described above is a steady-state model because continuedextension depends on the continuous extrusion ofthe visco-elastic wall material which is subse- quently hardenedby thecross-linking process inthewall. Therate ofextrusion ofwall polymers into the wall and the rate ofcross-linking (rigidification) are supposed to be independent. Consequently, whengrowth ceases cross-linking and stiffening will occur over the wholeapex (Fig. 5). Theexperimental evidence doesindeedshow thatthewall overtheapexthenassumesthesamestructureasinsubapical parts,including theappear- ance of(l->6)-(3-linked glucose residues and chitin microfibrils (Vermeulen & Wessels 1984,Sietsmaetal. 1985).