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Apical, Lateral, and Basal Polarization Cues Contribute to the Development of the Follicular Epithelium during Drosophila Oogenesis Guy Tanentzapf,* Christian Smith,‡ Jane McGlade,‡ and Ulrich Tepass* *Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G5; and ‡The Hospital of Sick Children, Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumor Research Center, and Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1X8 Abstract. Analysis of the mechanisms that control epi- tein that was shown to interact with the cytoplasmic tail thelial polarization has revealed that cues for polariza- of Crb, overlaps precisely in its distribution with Crb, as tion are mediated by transmembrane proteins that op- shown by immunoelectron microscopy. Crb localization D o w erate at the apical, lateral, or basal surface of epithelial depends on Dlt, whereas Dlt uses Crb-dependent and nlo a cells. Whereas for any given epithelial cell type only one -independent mechanisms for apical targeting. Finally, de d or two polarization systems have been identified to we show that the cadherin–catenin complex is not re- fro m date, we report here that the follicular epithelium in quired for the formation of the follicular epithelium, http Drosophila ovaries uses three different polarization but only for its maintenance. Loss of cadherin-based ://ru mechanisms, each operating at one of the three main adherens junctions caused by armadillo (b-catenin) pre epithelial surface domains. The follicular epithelium mutations results in a disruption of the lateral spectrin ss.o rg arises through a mesenchymal–epithelial transition. and actin cytoskeleton. Also Crb and the apical spectrin /jcb /a Contact with the basement membrane provides an ini- cytoskeleton are lost from armadillo mutant follicle rticle tial polarization cue that leads to the formation of a cells. Together with previous data showing that Crb is -p d basal membrane domain. Moreover, we use mosaic required for the formation of a zonula adherens, these f/1 5 1 analysis to show that Crumbs (Crb) is required for the findings indicate a mutual dependency of apical and lat- /4/8 9 formation and maintenance of the follicular epithelium. eral polarization mechanisms. 1/1 2 Crb localizes to the apical membrane of follicle cells 95 1 3 that is in contact with germline cells. Contact to the germ- Key words: epithelial polarity • follicular epithelium • 3 /0 0 line is required for the accumulation of Crb in follicle Crumbs • Discs Lost • Armadillo 0 6 0 cells. Discs Lost (Dlt), a cytoplasmic PDZ domain pro- 53 .p d f b y g u e st o Introduction n 1 9 Ja The polarization of epithelial cells is a fundamental process followed by a reorganization of the cytoskeleton that in nu a in animal development. The study of mammalian culture turn facilitates asymmetric distribution of organelles and ry 2 cells and the genetic analysis of epithelial differentiation in the polarized targeting of transport vesicles to the apical or 02 3 Drosophila have made significant contributions to the un- basolateral membranes. Polarized delivery of proteins and derstanding of the mechanisms involved in epithelial polar- lipids is critical for solidifying and maintaining the polar- ization (Tepass, 1997; Yeaman et al., 1999; Müller, 2000). ized membrane domains of epithelial cells (Drubin and Transmembrane proteins that specifically localize to one of Nelson, 1996; Yeaman et al., 1999). Genetic studies in three surface domains found in epithelial cells mediate Drosophila have also revealed evidence for lateral and asymmetric cues that control cell polarization. Work on basal polarization cues (for review, see Tepass, 1997). mammalian culture cells, which allow the reversible induc- However, the best understood factor that controls epithe- tion of epithelial morphology, has revealed important roles lial polarization in Drosophila is Crumbs (Crb),1 a single for cadherin- and integrin-mediated adhesion in epithelial pass transmembrane protein that is part of the apical mem- polarization. Cadherin and integrin activity causes the as- brane (Tepass et al., 1990; Tepass, 1996). Crb is a powerful sembly of a domain-specific cytocortex at the lateral and regulator of epithelial polarization as lack of Crb causes the basal membrane, respectively. Cell surface polarization is apical membrane to disappear, and overexpression of Crb Address correspondence to Ulrich Tepass, Department of Zoology, Uni- 1Abbreviations used in this paper: Arm, Armadillo; Crb, Crumbs; Dlt, versity of Toronto, 25 Harbord Street, Toronto, ON, M5S 3G5. Tel.: (416) Discs Lost; FE, follicular epithelium; IEM, immunoelectron microscopy; 978-5712. Fax: (416) 978-8532. E-mail: [email protected] ZA, zonula adherens. ª The Rockefeller University Press, 0021-9525/2000/11/891/14 $5.00 The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 151, Number 4, November 13, 2000 891–904 http://www.jcb.org/cgi/content/full/151/4/891 891 leads to an “apicalization” of much of the cell surface. Both cation of apical and lateral membranes and the accumula- conditions cause the breakdown of epithelial cell and tissue tion of Crb and the Crb-associated PDZ domain protein structure (Tepass et al., 1990; Tepass and Knust, 1990; Discs Lost (Dlt; Bhat et al., 1999; Klebes and Knust, 2000) Wodarz et al., 1993, 1995). at the apical membrane. Crb and Dlt are involved in the Analysis of epithelial development in Drosophila has led formation of the FE and at least Crb is also required for its to a distinction between primary and secondary epithelia maintenance. Although Crb and Dlt are likely to form a (Tepass and Hartenstein, 1994a; Tepass, 1997). Primary complex at the apical membrane, our data also suggest that epithelia derive directly from the blastoderm epithelium Dlt interacts with a second apical factor different from Crb, without mesenchymal intermediates, and differentiate a which may explain the variable defects observed in crb mu- zonula adherens (ZA) as part of their junctional complex. tant clones. Finally, we explored the requirement of the In contrast, secondary epithelia form by a mesenchymal– cadherin–catenin complex in the differentiation of the FE epithelial transition and do not contain a ZA. Both types of by analyzing mutations in armadillo (arm), which encodes epithelia require lateral adhesion mediated by DE-cad- the Drosophila homologue of b-catenin (Peifer and Wie- herin to maintain integrity (Tepass and Hartenstein, 1994b; schaus, 1990). An essential role for arm in the formation of Tepass et al., 1996; Uemura et al., 1996; Haag et al., 1999). embryonic epithelia has been documented (Cox et al., 1996; Differences in the mechanisms that orient the apical–basal Müller and Wieschaus, 1996). We were therefore surprised axis in primary and secondary epithelia exist as primary ep- to find that disruption of the cadherin–catenin complex ithelia depend on apical Crb for maintaining polarity, does not prevent follicle cells from forming a FE. However, whereas secondary epithelia require basal cues that involve arm mutant follicle cells show defects that indicate a disrup- D Laminin (reviewed in Tepass, 1997). Evidence for a role of tion of the lateral and apical membrane domains. o w basal cues in the polarization of primary epithelia is lack- nlo a ing. On the other hand, Crb is not expressed in secondary Materials and Methods de d epithelia, and an alternative apical polarization factor in fro m secondary epithelia is not known. Mammalian culture cells Fly Stocks http ueepxsetirtdha ceinelil alsu ttulhadari te msfo aortnmr ix el.pa itFteho eirn li eadxle apvmoellpoalrpei,mz aMetinoDtn Ci naK rte h aedn epdrr ievCseAedn CcfreOo om-2f Wf(rLoeem hu mfseeamdn naOl ear enfgldioe Nns huRoss malesoi nzwy-iVgldoo-ulthys apmredu s,t ta1on9ct8k 6f.o )A.r Oogastkmhaeerrt3 i0mc1 tuohtvaaattr iwioenesrs we a ernardeis terredac naostv g1ee8rn8eCidc ://rupress.o ceepliltsh, ewlihali cche lalsr,e r eresplaetcetdiv etoly k(iPdinnetoy eetp iatlh.,e l1i9a8 a3n; dY einatmesatnin eatl lines are described below. rg/jcb/a al., 1999), depend on integrins for normal polarization and Clonal Analysis rticle cthoeullida . thAe rwefeolrl-ec obnes erervgeadrd hedo maso lmogoudee los ff oCrr bse choansd raercye neptliy- FHRoTm/oFzLyPgo suyss tmemut a(nGt oclloicn, e1s9 f9o1r; cXrbu, dalnt,d a nHda arrrimso wn,e r1e9 9g4e)n. eTrawteod dwififtehr tehnet -pdf/151 been described in humans, but its role in epithelial develop- strategies were used to induce clones either before the formation of the /4/8 ment remains unclear (den Hollander et al., 1999). Other FE (“early clones”), or after the FE has been established (“late clones”). 91/1 For induction of early clones, FLP expression was driven in follicle stem 2 apical polarization factors are currently not known in verte- cells using the system developed by Duffy et al. (1998). Here, the FLP 951 brates or other invertebrates, although circumstantial evi- gene, which is under the control of upstream activator sequences 33/0 dence suggests that apical polarity might be specified inde- (UAS.FLP), is driven by the Gal4 line e22c-Gal4 that is expressed in fol- 00 6 pendent of lateral and basal cues in early sea urchin, licle stem cells. Late clones were induced by driving FLP under the con- 05 3 Xenopus, and mouse embryos (Reeve and Ziomek, 1981; trol of a heat shock promoter (hsFLP; Xu and Harrison, 1994). .pd Nelson and McClay, 1988; Müller and Hausen, 1995). crbH11oA2m2 oaznydg corubsB 8c2 r(bT empaustsa nant dc Klonnuesst , w19e9re0 ; Binrdouocke de t faol.r, 1t9h9e3 )n. uTlhl ea glelenloes- f by g Titya kise ng otovgeerntheedr ,b tyh etwseo f ipnodlianrgizs isnugg cgueests tihna ta egpivitehne lciaell lp toylpaer-. wty;p ees2 o2cf -fGliaels4, ,i nU wAhSic.hF cLloPn/e1s; wFeRreT i8n2Bd uccerbd2 a/FreR aTs8 2fBo1llo. wLsa. tEe arcllyo ncleosn: ews: uest o n Lateral cadherin-mediated adhesion is critical for the as- hsFLP1/1; FRT82B crb2/FRT82B1. 19 sembly of the lateral membrane domain, and organizes epi- Homozygous dlt mutant clones were induced for the null allele dltMY10 Jan and the hypomorphic, protein-positive allele dltdre1 (Bhat et al., 1999). The ua thelial cells into two-dimensional sheets. One additional dltMY10 allele is a deletion that uncovers the genes dlt, cdc37, and a-spec- ry 2 polarization cue, either apical or basal, is required to estab- trin. To compensate for the loss of cdc37, clones were induced in the back- 02 lish the apical–basal axis. ground of a cdc37 rescue construct, P[w1, cdc37res]. However, dltMY10 3 This study characterizes the mechanisms that are involved clones are mutant for both dlt and a-spectrin. FRT, dlt recombinant lines were provided by Manzoor Bhat (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New in the formation of the follicular epithelium (FE) during York, NY). The genotypes of flies, in which clones were induced are as fol- Drosophila oogenesis. Drosophila follicle cells are widely lows. Early clones: w; e22c-Gal4 UAS.FLP/P[w1, cdc37res]; FRT80B used as a model to study pattern formation and morphogen- dltMY10/FRT80B1. w; e22c-Gal4 UAS.FLP/1; FRT80B dltdre1/FRT80B1. esis in an epithelial context. The FE combines features of Late clones: w hsFLP1/1; P[w1, cdc37res]/1; FRT80B dltMY10/FRT80B1. w hsFLP1/1; FRT80B dltdre1/FRT80B1. primary and secondary epithelia as it has a ZA and expresses Homozygous arm mutant clones were induced for the null allele armYD35, Crb (Mahowald, 1972; Tepass and Knust, 1990). On the the strong hypomorph armXK22, and the intermediate hypomorph armXP33 other hand, the FE forms through a mesenchymal–epithelial (Peifer and Wieschaus, 1990). The genotypes of flies in which clones were transition, during which follicle cells are in contact with a induced are as follows. Early clones: w arm2 FRT101/w, FRT101; e22c-Gal4 basement membrane (King, 1970). Our observations suggest UAS.FLP/1. Late clones: w, arm2 FRT101/w FRT101; hsFLP2/1. For early clones, flies where grown at 258 or 298C; adults where main- that the FE uses mechanisms operating on the apical, lateral, tained in yeasted vials and dissected 2–4 d after eclosure. For late clones, and basal membranes for epithelial differentiation. Contact freshly eclosed females were collected, heat shocked for 1–2 h at 378C, and of follicle cells to the basement membrane leads to an initial transferred to yeasted vials for 2–5 d before dissection. polarization of follicle cells, generating a basal membrane Clonal overexpression of full-length Crb (UAS.crbwt2e; Wodarz et al., 1995) and of a truncated form of Crb that lacks most of the extracellular that is distinct from the rest of the plasma membrane. part, including all EGF-like domains and the LG domains (UAS.crbintra2b; Full epithelial polarization is initiated by the contact of Wodarz et al., 1995) was induced following the technique of Ito et al. follicle cells to germline cells. This contact leads to a demar- (1997). Clones were induced in flies of the genotypes w hsFLP1; AyGal4 The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 151, 2000 892 UAS.lacZ/UAS.crbwt2e or w hsFLP1; AyGal4 UAS.lacZ/1; UAS. ing age (King, 1970; Spradling, 1993). The assembly of fol- crbintra2b/1. Newly eclosed females were heat shocked for 15 min at 378C licles takes place in the germarium that is located at the and kept in yeasted vials for 2–4 d before dissection. anterior tip of each ovariole (Fig. 1). During follicle for- mation, z30 follicle cells form an epithelial monolayer Production of Dlt Antibodies that surrounds a cluster of 16 germline cells (Margolis and A full-length cDNA encoding Dlt (accession No. AF 274350) as isolated Spradling, 1995). Whereas the germline cells increase in by screening a Drosophila embryo (4–6 h) cDNA expression library size but not in number, the cells in the FE proliferate so (Novagen) with a peptide corresponding to the carboxy terminus of the that the FE in a mature follicle contains z650 cells. A sec- Inscuteable protein. Polyclonal antibodies were generated by immunizing rabbits with a peptide (NH-SMGAEPDLIPDWRN-COOH) corre- ond population of follicle cells that does not establish di- 3 sponding to amino acids 858–872 of Dlt. An amino-terminal cysteine was rect contact with germline cells forms short stacks by cell added to facilitate keyhole limpet hemocyanin conjugation and to couple intercalation, giving rise to the interfollicular stalk (Godt the peptide to a Sulfolink column (Pierce Chemical Co.) used to affinity and Laski, 1995). purify the anti–Dlt serum. Crb is initially expressed in all follicle cells at stage 1 of Antibody Stainings oogenesis, but its expression becomes rapidly restricted to the cells of the FE, and is not maintained in the interfollic- For immunostainings, the following primary antibodies were used: rat ular stalk (Fig. 2 A; Tepass and Knust, 1990). Crb is found monoclonal antibody anti–DE-cadherin (DCAD2, 1:50; Oda et al., 1994); in the apical membrane of the cells of the FE (Fig. 2 A), rat mAb anti–DN-cadherin (Ex8, 1:50; Iwai et al., 1997); mouse mAb anti– Crb (Cq4, 1:25; Tepass and Knust, 1990); mouse mAb anti–Fasciclin III similar to many other Drosophila epithelia (Tepass et al., (7G10, 1:50; Patel et al., 1987); mouse mAb anti–Armadillo (N2-7A1, 1:100; 1990; Tepass and Knust, 1990). Dlt shows a similar tempo- Peifer et al., 1993); rabbit polyclonal antibody anti–Armadillo (N2, 1:200; ral and spatial distribution as Crb in follicle cells (Fig. 2, Do a1R9l.i9,g 41g)9le;8 mr7a)ab; nbr aietb tpb aAitl. b,p 1aA9nb9ti 0–a)Dn; tmlit– o(b1uH:s2eea5v 0ym-)s;A preabcb tabrniitnt ip –(A2a4-bs3 pa, en1c:t5ti–r0ib0n-; g(Ta3hlAaoc9mt,o a1ssi:d1 a0an0sde; BK(1yi:e1eh,r0sa0 re0tt,; Bca–llDy )i,n sfuogllgicelset icnegl ltsh aast thbeoyth d op riont eeminbs rmyoignhict einptitehrealcita p(Bhyhsai-t wnloaded Cappel); mouse mAb anti–bPS-integrin (G11, 1:50; a gift from L. Fessler, et al., 1999; Klebes and Knust, 2000). Dlt also associates in from University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA). vitro with Neurexin IV, a transmembrane component of h Anti–DE-cadherin and anti–DN-cadherin stainings were carried out as ttp previously described (Niewiadomska et al., 1999). For other antibody the septate junction (Baumgartner et al., 1996; Bhat et al., ://ru stainings, ovaries from 2–5-d-old well-fed female flies were dissected in 1999). The septate junction, which blocks paracellular dif- pre PBS and fixed in 5% formaldehyde PBS, pH 7.4, for 10 min, and then fusion similar to the chordate tight junction, is located ba- ss.o tprheaaltleodid winit hst mainetinhgasn,o al nfodr t5h me ibnP. SM-inettehgarnino,l tDreEa-tcmaednhte wrinas dnoout bulsee-lda bfoerli nalgl s1a9l9ly4 at,ob )t.h Te oZ rAe c(oMncaihleo wthaeldse, 1d9a7ta2,; Tit ewpaass sp aronpdo Hseadr ttehnastt eDinlt, rg/jcb/a e4 x3p e1r5im meinn,t .f oTlilsoswueeds wbye rae 1 w-ha isnhceudb ianti oPnB iTn (bPloBcSk,i n0g.2 s%ol uTtiroitno Pn BXT-B10 (0P)B foTr, interacts with Crb apically to the ZA, with the ZA, and rticle 0.2% BSA, 5% goat serum). Incubation with primary antibodies, diluted with Neurexin IV basally to the ZA (Bhat et al., 1999). -pd in blocking solution, was done at 48C overnight. Ovaries were washed in To clarify the subcellular localization of Dlt, we deter- f/15 1 PBT for 4 3 15 min and incubated in blocking solution for 1 h. Secondary mined the distribution of Dlt in the FE and in the embry- /4/8 aLnatbibooradtioersi ecso)n, jourg Oatreedg owni tghr eCeyn3 4, 8C8 y(5M, oFlIeTcuCl a(rJ Pacrkosboens) Iwmemreu unsoeRde aste aa rdcih- onic ectoderm and epidermis by IEM (Fig. 3). IEM reveals 91/12 lution of 1:400 in PBTB at 48C overnight. Ovaries were washed in PBT for that Dlt, similar to Crb (Tepass, 1996), is confined to the 95 1 4 3 15 min and mounted in Antifade [70% glycerol 1 2.5% DABCO apical membrane. Within the apical membrane, Dlt accu- 33 /0 (Sigma-Aldrich) in PBS]. mulates at the marginal zone, an area of cell–cell contact 00 F-actin was detected with phalloidin. After antibody staining, ovaries apical to the ZA, and shows a lower concentration 605 awunleadrre mP wrooaubsnhetese)dd a witn ia tAh d nPiltBuiftSai,od inen. c oCuf be1la:l2t ne0ud ic niln eP iO BwrSee rgaeot vn4i 8sgCur aeoleivnzee 4rdn8 iw8g-ihptthh, aPwlliaocsoihdgeirnde e(iMnn (PoMlBeoSc--, tthhreo ZuAgh oour tb tahsea lalyp itcoa li ts udrofeasc en o(Ft iegx.c 3e)e. dT bhaec skiggnroaul nfodr lDevlet last, 3.pdf by g lecular Probes). After antibody staining, ovaries were treated with 0.4 mg and no signal is observed at septate junctions (Fig. 3 F). ue RNaseA/ml in PBT for 1 h, rinsed with PBT, incubated with Picogreen at These findings suggest that Dlt does not physically interact st o a dilution of 1:1,000 in PBT at 48C overnight, washed in PBT, and with Neurexin IV at the septate junction, and further cor- n 19 moCuonntefdo cianl Aimnatigfaeds ew.ere obtained with a scanning laser confocal micro- roborates the notion that Dlt and Crb form a complex at Janu Pscloanp-eA (pLoScMhr5o1m0;a tC 1a0r0l 3Z/e1i.s4s0, oInilc .l)e nusseisn.g I mPlaagne-sN weoerfleu parr o4c0e3ss/e1d.3 i0n oAild aonbde theC arbp iacnadl m Delmt abrrea anles oo fe xeppritehseselida li nce tlhlse. germline, although ary 202 Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator. the distribution of both proteins overlaps only partially. 3 Dlt and Crb colocalize at the membrane of the nurse cells Immunoelectron Microscopy during early and mid oogenesis. High levels of Crb are Immunoelectron microscopy (IEM) on embryos was carried out as de- seen in the plasma membrane of the oocyte, whereas Dlt is scribed previously (Tepass, 1996). For IEM on follicles, ovaries were dis- not detectable (Fig. 2, C and D; Niewiadomska et al., sected in PSS buffer (100 mM Na-glutamate, 25 mM KCl, 15 mM MgCl, 5 2 1999). Dlt accumulates transiently at the ring canals that mM CaSO, 2 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.9) (Woodruff and Til- ney, 1998),4 and fixed for 30 min in 8% formaldehyde, 0.02% glutaralde- connect nurse cells (data not shown). During late stages of hyde in 0.05 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2. Further treatment was as de- oogenesis, when the content of the nurse cells is rapidly scribed previously (Tepass, 1996). The dilution of the anti–Dlt antibody in transferred to the oocyte (Cooley and Theurkauf, 1994), these experiments was 1:150. Dlt is found at the nuclear membrane in close association with actin filaments that connect the nuclei of the nurse cells with the plasma membrane (data not shown). Previ- Results ous germline clone experiments did not reveal a function for crb in the germline (Tepass and Knust, 1990). In con- Expression and Subcellular Distribution of Crb and Dlt trast, maternal expression of dlt is essential for egg produc- during Oogenesis tion, suggesting that dlt plays an important role in germline Drosophila ovaries are composed of ovarioles, each repre- development (Bhat et al., 1999). The function of dlt in germ- senting an anterior–posterior series of follicles of increas- line development remains to be studied in more detail. Tanentzapf et al. Epithelia Polarity in Drosophila 893 Figure 1. Schematic of the formation of the FE. (A) A germarium and a stage 1 folli- cle. Follicle cells originate from two stem cells that are located at the transition of re- gions 2a and 2b (Margolis and Spradling, 1995). Follicle cells surround a cluster of 16 germ- line cells in region 2b. Follicle cells that contact the germline cells fully polarize and form the FE, whereas a second group of follicle cells forms the interfollicular stalk by cell intercalation. (B) A follicle cell before contact to the germline. The cell is in con- tact to the basement mem- brane and has established D a basal membrane (blue), ow n whereas apical and lateral lo a d membranes have not been e d clearly defined. (C) A follicle fro m cell after contact to the germ- h lAinpei cahl a(sr edb)e aennd leasttearballi s(hpeudr-. ttp://rup pfolerm) emd eamnbdr aan ezso nhualav ea dbheeern- ress.org ens has differentiated. /jcb /a rticle Polarization of the FE Requires Germline-dependent -p and -independent Mechanisms shown that the contact between follicle cells and germline df/1 cells is required for the formation of the FE. Follicle cells 51 /4 The follicle cells are generated by two stem cells that are continue to proliferate in agametic ovaries and form a col- /8 9 1 located in the middle of the germarium at the boundary of umn that is two to three cells wide (Margolis and Sprad- /1 2 region 2a and 2b (Margolis and Spradling, 1995). Offspring ling, 1995; Goode et al., 1996b). To determine whether, 95 1 3 of these stem cells establish contact with the basement and to what extent, contact between follicle cells and the 3/0 0 membrane that surrounds the germarium and the follicles basement membrane contributes to the polarization of the 06 0 (King, 1970; Fig. 1). Analysis of agametic ovaries has FE, we examined follicle cells in agametic ovaries (Fig. 4). 53 .p d f b y g u Figure 2. Expression of Crb and Dlt in e wild-type ovaries. (A) Crb is first de- st o n tected in follicle cells located between 19 region 2b and the stage 1 follicle that Jan u wroiwll )f oanrmd inth teh ein FteEr foofl ltichuel astra gstea l1k fo(allri-- ary 20 2 cle. Note that interfollicular stalk cells 3 lose Crb rapidly (arrowhead), but that Crb expression is maintained in the FE, where it associates with the apical membrane. (B) Dlt shows the same distribution as Crb in early stages of oogenesis. (C) Expression of Dlt at stage 9 of oogenesis. Dlt is expressed in the FE and the border cells (arrow). In germline cells, Dlt is found at a contact site between nurse cells (arrowheads). (D) Dlt is found at the apical surface of follicle cells, but is absent from the oo- cyte membrane that is associated with large amounts of F-actin (D9). (D0) A merged image of D and D9. By con- trast, Crb strongly accumulates in the oocyte membrane, as was shown previ- ously (Niewiadomska et al., 1999). The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 151, 2000 894 Figure 3. IEM of Dlt in the FE and in embryonic ectoderm and epidermis. (A) Schematic of the apicolateral region of an epithe- lial cell after the junctional com- plex composed of a ZA and a septate junction has formed. The marginal zone of the apical membrane domain is an area of cell–cell contact that is found apical to the ZA (Tepass, 1996). (B and C) Dlt is found through- out the apical membrane of fol- licle cells, but is concentrated just apical to the ZA (between arrowheads) in the marginal zone. The higher concentration of Dlt in the marginal zone is particularly apparent when the signal intensity is low as in C, where the signal is confined to D the marginal zone. (D, E, and ow n G) Examples of Dlt (D and E) lo a and Crb (G) immunolabeling in de d ectodermal cells of stage 11 em- fro m bryos. Labeling for Dlt and Crb h afarcee coannfdin ecdo ntcoe nthtrea taepdi caalt stuhre- ttp://ru p mcaal rtgoin tahl ez oZnAe i(mbemtwedeieante alyr raopwi-- ress.org heads). (F) Dlt is found apical to /jcb tehmeb ZryAo s( aarfrtoewr htheaed sse) pinta sttea gjuen 1c6- /article tion has formed (arrows). Bars, -pd 100 mm. f/15 1 /4 /8 9 1 /1 In agametic ovaries, b -integrin localizes to the basal alleles crb11A22 and crbB82, for the dlt protein negative null 29 membrane of follicle cellPsS as in wild type (Fig. 4, A and B). allele dltMY10, and the hypomorphic protein-positive allele 5133 Markers that normally localize to the lateral membrane dltdre1. We examined two types of mutant follicle cell /00 0 6 [Fasciclin III (Fig. 4 C), and DN-cadherin (data not clones. Clones were generated either before the formation 05 3 shown)], to the lateral and apical membranes [DE-cad- of the FE by inducing mitotic recombination in the follicle .p d chthleuerd inea dp( Fifcriagol. m 4m ,t eAhme a bbnradas naBel ) c,(e AbllH rpemaovalyed-s.i plAleopc (tircdiaanlt, a a Fnndiog t.l as4the orDawl)n m)a]ar, erok ree txros- scdtlueocmnien sgc wemlelisrt oeo tiirnc drtuehcceoeirdm baimfintmearte itodhniea tifeno rroemfgfaisotpinor in2n bgo .f o rAt hslettae FgrneEa 1tb ifvyoe illnlyi--, f by guest o n show an overlapping distribution at the non-basal cell sur- cles (Fig. 1; see Materials and Methods). Early induced 19 face, but are concentrated at the cell pole that opposes the clones can be distinguished from late induced clones by Jan u basal membrane. These findings suggest that contact to the their larger size as all follicle cells derive from only two ary 2 basement membrane causes a partial polarization of folli- stem cells, and follicle cells continue to proliferate during 0 2 3 cle cells. The basal membrane is established and an asym- early stages of follicle development (Margolis and Sprad- metric distribution of apical and lateral markers is ob- ling, 1995). We considered clones as induced early (early served, but the apical and lateral membrane domains are clones) if they comprise 15% or more of the cells of the FE not clearly demarcated. As the follicle cells express the of an individual follicle. Early clones can make up the en- cadherin–catenin complex constitutively (Peifer et al., tire FE of a single follicle. On the other hand, late-induced 1993; Oda et al., 1997; Godt and Tepass, 1998; Niewiadom- clones (late clones) typically comprise less than 10 cells at ska et al., 1999; this work), it appears that basal polariza- mid to late stages of oogenesis. tion cues together with the activity of the cadherin–catenin A variable phenotype is observed when crb mutant folli- complex are insufficient to fully polarize follicle cells. cle cells are generated before the FE forms. Many experi- Interestingly, the presence of germline cells is required mental follicles show an incomplete FE with areas in for the accumulation of Crb in follicle cells, as Crb is not which the germline cells are not covered by follicle cells detected in follicle cells in agametic ovaries (Fig. 4 E). (Fig. 5, A and D), a defect that is never seen in wild-type follicles. The area of a follicle not covered by a FE varied Function of Crb and Discs Lost in the Formation of the FE greatly in size and in some cases comprised most of the fol- To study the role of crb and dlt in the development of the licle. These gaps in the FE are likely caused by the failure FE, we generated homozygous mutant follicle cell clones. of crb mutant follicle cells to integrate into the FE. We Clones were induced for the two protein-negative crb null were unable to track the missing follicle cells and presume Tanentzapf et al. Epithelia Polarity in Drosophila 895 D o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp ://ru p re ss.o rg /jcb /a rticle -p d f/1 Figure 4. Follicle cells in agametic ovaries show partial polarization. Distribution of epithelial polarity markers in agametic ovaries of 51 /4 flies derived from oskar301 homozygous mutant females (Lehmann and Nusslein-Volhard, 1986). (A) The anterior half of a oskar301 mu- /8 9 DtaEnt- coavdahrye rdino ulabblee llianbge hleigdh floigrh btsP St-hinet efoglrliincl e(r ceedl)l sa. n(dB )D AEs- ciand whielrdi nty (pgere (edna)t.a T nhoet asrhroowwns) p, obiPnSt- itnot eingdriinv ildoucaall iozveas rtioo ltehse i nb awshali cmh etmheb irnatneen soef 1/12951 follicle cells in agametic ovaries (arrowhead), whereas DE-cadherin is largely excluded from the basal membrane and accumulates in 33 the remaining cell surface. (C) Fasciclin III is excluded from the basal membrane (arrowheads). (D) The apical marker b -spectrin is /00 Heavy 0 excluded from the basal membrane (arrowheads) as well. Apical and lateral markers show an overlapping distribution and concentrate 60 5 at the center of the follicle cell column at the cell pole that opposes the basal cell surface. (E) An anterior half of an oskar301 mutant 3.p d ovary (compare with A) labeled for Crb. Crb is not expressed in the follicle cells of oskar301 mutant ovaries. f b y g u e that they degenerate within the germarium. On the other FE in early clones. dltMY10 is a deletion that removes the st o n hand, some crb mutant follicle cells can form a FE with ap- genes encoding cdc37 and a-spectrin in addition to dlt 19 parently normal morphology (Fig. 5, D and E). The distri- (Bhat et al., 1999; our unpublished observations). The loss Jan u a bution of various markers was analyzed in crb mutant fol- of cdc37 is compensated for by a transgene (see Materials ry 2 licle cells that were part of the FE. Such crb mutant follicle and Methods). Thus, dltMY10 mutant clones lack dlt and 02 3 cells retained apical Dlt, although the level of Dlt associ- a-spectrin, raising the possibility that the observed mutant ated with the apical membrane was reduced in these cells phenotype is the consequence of a synergistic effect be- (Fig. 5, D and E). The level of b -spectrin is also tween dlt and a-spectrin mutations, although it was shown Heavy slightly reduced compared with wild-type follicle cells that a-spectrin is not required for the formation of the FE (Fig. 5 F). These findings indicating that the apical local- (Lee et al., 1997). These findings suggests that Dlt is re- ization of Dlt and b -spectrin depends on Crb, but also quired, and may be essential for the formation of the FE. Heavy on other mechanisms. No significant alteration was no- ticed in the level or distribution of Arm (Fig. 5 G). Function of Crb and Discs Lost in Maintaining the FE dltMY10 and dltdre1 mutant follicle cells clones, if gener- ated before the formation of the FE, displayed gaps of Large crb mutant clones within the FE that survive until mid- variable size in the FE similar to those caused by crb muta- oogenesis often form a multilayered epithelium indicating tions (Fig. 6, B–D). As dltdre1 is a protein-positive allele, that Crb is important for the maintenance of the FE. The we were not able to determine whether some dltdre1 mu- multilayering of follicle cells in crb mutant clones is limited to tant follicle cells become part of the FE. In contrast to crb posterior follicle cells that cover the oocyte (Fig. 5 B). To de- mutant follicle cell clones, we did not find any dltMY10 mu- termine whether removal of Crb and Dlt from cells of the FE tant follicle cells that participate in the formation of the disrupts the integrity of the FE, we also examined small crb The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 151, 2000 896 D o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp ://ru p re ss.o rg /jcb /a rticle -p d f/1 5 1 /4 /8 9 1 /1 2 9 5 1 3 3 /0 0 0 6 0 5 3 .p d f b y g u e Figure 6. Dlt is required for the formation of the FE and api- st o n cal localization of Crb. (A) Wild-type stage 2 follicle stained 1 Fofig tuhree F5.EC. (rAb isa nrdeq Bui)r ecdrb f1o1Ar 2t2h me ufotarnmta ftoiollnic alen dc emlla cinlotenneas nicne- with phalloidin. Note the prominent accumulation of F-actin 9 Jan at the apical surface of the cells of the FE. (B) Stage 2 and (C) ua duced before the formation of the FE may lead to epithelial stage 4 follicles containing dltdre1 mutant early clones. The FE ry 2 discontinuities (A, arrow), or multilayering defects in poste- 0 shows gaps (between arrowheads) into which germline cells 23 rior follicle cells (B, arrowheads indicate crb mutant cells). (C) have penetrated. (D) dltMY10 mutant follicle cells, induced be- Small crb11A22 mutant cell clones, induced after the FE has fore the FE forms, do not form a FE, resulting in follicles with formed, show no morphological defects. A nuclear counter- gaps in the FE (arrows). (E–H) Late dlt mutant clones. (E) stain has been used in A–C. (D) Follicle with mostly crb11A22 dltdre1 and (F) dltMY10 mutant follicle cells have lost Crb. Dlt mutant follicle cells and some crb positive cells (between ar- forms a central cap in the apical membrane in dltdre1 mutant rowheads). Note the large gap in the FE between 12 and 4 cells (E, arrows). (G and H) dltMY10 mutant follicle cell clones o’clock. The remaining crb mutant cells, which have formed an show normal distribution of F-actin (G) and Arm (H). epithelial layer retain apical Dlt (arrows), which, however, is reduced in concentration as compared with wild-type cells. (E) Wild-type follicle (bottom) and a follicle in which all cells of the FE are crb mutant (top). Small amounts of Dlt have been retained at the apical membrane of the crb mutant follicle cells. (F) crb11A22 mutant clone shows reduced concentration of b -spectrin associated with the apical membrane. (G) Heavy The distribution and levels of Arm appear normal in crb mu- tant follicle cells. Arrows in F and G point to the boundary be- tween mutant and wild-type cells. Tanentzapf et al. Epithelia Polarity in Drosophila 897 Figure 7. Overexpression of Crb disrupts lateral markers but has little effect on Dlt distribution. (A) Follicle cells overexpressing UAS.crbintra (b-Gal) do not contain detectable amounts of endogenous Crb as detected by mAbCq4, which recognizes the extracellular part of Crb that is missing in Crbintra. (B) In follicle cells that overexpress full-length Crb (UAS.crb), Crb localizes to the apical and lat- eral membranes, but does not cause a substantial mislocalization of Dlt. (C and D) Levels of Arm (C) and Fasciclin III (D) are strongly Do reduced in some follicle cells that overexpress Crb (UAS.crb). Clones are detected by anti–b-Gal staining. wn lo a d e d fro m or dlt mutant follicle cell clones that were induced after the retained Crb, suggesting that a mechanism other than bind- h FopEe hda ndo bremeanl leys tuanbtliils hlaetde. Sinm aolol gcerbn emsius ta(Fnitg c. e5ll cClo),n aelst hdoeuveglh- imnge mtob rDanlte .c Canr bc ownatsr ibaulstoe uton dmetaeicnttaabinlein ign Cmrabn ayt ctehlel calpoinceasl ttp://rup re they showed a substantial reduction in the level of Dlt (data mutant for dltdre1. Dlt protein in dltdre1 mutant cells forms a ss.o not shown). Cells in small dlt mutant clones develop with ap- “cap” in the center of the apical membrane rather than being rg parently normal morphology, and show a normal distribution distributed throughout (Fig. 6 C). Together, these findings /jcb/a of F-actin and Arm (Fig. 6, G and H). Crb was lost from most suggest that the dltdre1 allele may carry a mutation that specif- rticle dlt mutant clones, indicating that Dlt is important for main- ically disrupts the interaction of Dlt and Crb, but not the in- -pd taining apical Crb (Fig. 6, E and F). Some dlt mutant clones teraction of Dlt with other apical factors. f/15 1 /4 /8 9 1 /1 2 9 5 1 3 3 /0 0 0 6 0 5 3 .p d f b y g u e st o n 1 9 Ja n u a ry 2 0 2 Figure 8. Disruption of the cad- 3 herin–catenin complex by arm mutations does not interfere with the formation of the FE. Large follicle cell clones mutant for intermediate (armXP33; A–C), strong (armXK22; D–F), and null (armYD35; G–I) alleles of arm form a FE. arm mutant cells are indicated by the absence of Arm immunoreactivity, and high- lighted by Fasciclin III staining (FasIII; A9, G9) or by a nuclear stain (blue). Arm mutant cells do not express detectable amounts of DN-cadherin (DN-cad; B, E, and H) or DE-cadherin (DE-cad; C, F, and I). The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 151, 2000 898 Crb Overexpression Disrupts Polarity of the FE Clones were induced for three different mutant arm al- leles that carry premature stop codons in the 6th We examined the consequences of Crb overexpression in (armYD35), 7th (armXK22), and 10th (armXP33) arm repeat. the FE to analyze the response of the FE to mislocaliza- armXP33 is an intermediate hypomorph, armXK22 is a strong tion of Crb, and to further study the interactions between hypomorph, and armYD35 is believed to be a null allele (Pei- Crb and Dlt. Overexpression of Crb in embryonic epithe- fer and Wieschaus, 1990). Embryos derived from germline lia causes a severe disruption of epithelial integrity that clones mutant for armXP33 show a dramatic disruption includes an extension of the apical cell surface and multi- of epithelial morphology that occurs at the onset of gastru- layering of epithelial tissues (Wodarz et al., 1995; Grawe lation and is substantially more severe than the defects in et al., 1996; Klebes and Knust, 2000). We first expressed a epithelial structure seen in crb null mutant embryos (Cox truncated form of Crb that lacks all EGF and laminin G et al., 1996; Müller and Wieschaus, 1996; Tepass, 1996, domains (UAS.crbintra; Wodarz et al., 1995). In embryos, 1997). Moreover, it has been shown previously that Crb is this construct causes a similar phenotype as overexpres- needed for the formation of the ZA in embryonic epithelia sion of full-length Crb, but, as it is not recognized by our (Tepass, 1996; Grawe et al., 1996). If the failure to form anti–Crb antibody, the effect of the expression of crbintra the ZA is the major consequence of compromising Crb or on the distribution of endogenous Crb can be examined. Dlt activity in the FE, we would expect the lack of the cad- Expression of UAS.crbintra causes a strong reduction in herin–catenin complex to cause similar defects as seen in the level of endogenous Crb, suggesting that crbintra acts crb and dlt mutant follicle cells; that is, a failure to form a competitively with Crb for interaction to binding partners FE. Surprisingly, we find that follicle cells mutant for any that are important for maintaining Crb in the plasma D of the three arm alleles form a FE (Fig. 8, A, D, and G). o membrane (Fig. 7 A). Overexpression of full-length Crb w No follicles were observed in these experiments that show nlo leads to misdistribution of Crb into the lateral membrane, a epithelial discontinuities, as seen in crb and dlt mutant fol- de at levels that are similar to the apical membrane. In most licles. arm mutant follicle cells often show an irregular d fro of these cell clones, we did not see a significant mislocal- m morphology at early stages of follicle development. The ir- h ization of Dlt (Fig. 7 B), suggesting again that the apical ttp localization of Dlt is at least in part Crb independent. A regularities in epithelial structure increase in severity until ://ru flscoortivarcceolcairtnnleiigo zxI anprIt eIrio edo(fsun Fstc ihiotogei.fno C 7nDo, r oflbC tf ,C o laaarvnbt eetd rhrde aiDixnslp rn)mur.i enpaTsgtrshsk i enoetsgfrhe s eft sohfluileanlc itdhceeil rpneaaig stlc s heA melilnrlesimdu msim hcbaao,nr twadean nFmetdh ai iassnat-- chttttehoieeoce lrnltl iseaFns,dt E eiw wni nieoe s t fro hcoeegooxl elsmaienecmfl pefecesrie nioccsleetlm.is ldv.lTi s esN toelmhye de udi t adtehaenitesnxedrrptr u mtrDfhpoeietEsrnes afe-dio on n lwnyloiin hcoro lefDefa tt hrhdNDmeee-rE g ct heam-a nrddaueehhnetreea daarrnt ireentDmn s a sfN aao rtlj-el luclm eiadncledielcdes--- press.org/jcb/article-pd follicle cells. studied (Fig. 8, B, C, E, F, H, and I). Taken together, these f/15 1 Role of the Cadherin–Catenin Complex in the findings suggest that cadherin-based adherens junctions /4/89 Differentiation of the FE are not essential for the formation of the FE, but are im- 1/12 portant for maintaining its epithelial structure. 95 1 The cadherin–catenin complex plays a major role in epi- We took advantage of the fact that arm mutant cells in 33 /0 thelial polarization as cadherin-mediated adhesive con- the FE are maintained for several days and analyzed their 00 6 tacts cause the assembly of the lateral surface domain. molecular architecture. armXP33 mutant follicle cells (see 05 3 Consequently, lack of cadherin activity compromises epi- also Müller, 2000), which in most cases have a normal .pd tlihneelsia (lD inrtuebgirni tayn idn Nmealnsoyn t,i s1s9u9e6s; oTre eppaistsh, e1l9ia9l7 c).e lRl ecmulotuvrael caunbdo aid-sapl etcot ricno lautm thnea rl asthearaple m, sehmobwr aan ed,e acnreda asen aocfc uFm-auctlain- f by gue of DE-cadherin from follicle cells causes only mild de- tion of these molecules at the apical cell pole (Fig. 9, A st o n fects in the development of the FE (Godt and Tepass, and B). In contrast, the apical marker b -spectrin 19 1998). In follicle cells that lack DE-cadherin, some Arm shows a normal distribution in armXP33 mutanHt ecaevylls (Fig. 9 Jan u a is retained at adherens junctions, raising the possibility C), suggesting that the apical spectrin cytoskeleton is in- ry 2 that the FE coexpresses a second cadherin that interacts tact. Follicle cells mutant for armXK22 or armYD35 often de- 02 3 with Arm. Indeed, we find that DN-cadherin (Iwai et al., velop a squamous cell morphology (Fig. 9, D–F) or show a 1997) is expressed in follicle cells in a pattern that over- multilayered structure. a-Spectrin remains associated with laps with DE-cadherin in early to mid oogenesis (Fig. 8; the narrow lateral membranes in squamous arm mutant data not shown). DN-cadherin disappears from the FE at cells (Fig. 9 D). b -Spectrin, on the other hand, is lost Heavy stage 10 of oogenesis, whereas DE-cadherin is expressed from these follicle cells, suggesting that the apical spectrin throughout oogenesis. In contrast to DE-cadherin, DN- cytoskeleton is disrupted (Fig. 9 E). To further examine cadherin is not expressed in the cells of the germline the apical surface domain of arm mutant follicle cells, we (data not shown). On the other hand, Arm appears to be studied the distribution of Crb and Dlt in these cells. the only b-catenin homologue in Drosophila, in contrast armXP33 mutant follicle cells show typically a normal apical to vertebrates, where b-catenin can be functionally re- localization of Crb and Dlt (Fig. 10, A and B). In contrast, placed by plakoglobin in the cadherin–catenin complex Crb is lost from the apical membrane of follicle cells mu- (e.g., Huelsken et al., 2000). Thus, to effectively remove tant for strong arm alleles, whereas apical Dlt is retained the cadherin–catenin complex from follicle cells, we gen- in these cells (Fig. 10, C–E). Similar to dltdre1 mutant cell erated clones that lack Arm, which was previously shown clones, Dlt forms a cap in the center of the apical mem- to interact with both DE- and DN-cadherin (Peifer, 1993; brane of arm mutant follicle cells. These observations sug- Oda et al., 1993, 1994; Iwai et al., 1997). gest that the disruption of adherens junctions leads to a Tanentzapf et al. Epithelia Polarity in Drosophila 899 D o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp ://ru p re ss.o rg /jcb /a rticle -p d f/1 5 1 /4 Figure 9. Distribution of F-actin, a-Spectrin (a-Spec) and b -Spectrin (b -Spec) in arm mutant follicle cells. (A–C) armXP33 mutant /89 follicle cells (arrowheads point to clone boundary) show a stroHneagv yreduction at Hthe lateral membrane and an apical accumulation of F-actin 1/12 (A) and a-Spectrin (B). Normal amounts of bHeavy-Spectrin are associated with the apical membrane in armXP33 mutant cells (C). (D 9513 and E) Follicle cells mutant for armXK22 (arrowheads) have a flat cell shape and show a reduction in the size of the lateral membrane do- 3/0 main as indicated by the a-Spectrin staining (arrows). Apical b -Spectrin is lost from armXK22 mutant follicle cells (E). (F) armYD35 00 Heavy 60 mutant follicle cells (below arrowhead) show squamous cell morphology in this stage 10 follicle. Nuclei are stained blue in E and F. 5 3 .p d f b breakdown of the lateral membrane domain, as expected, interact functionally in epithelial polarization, but also y gu e but also compromises the apical surface domain. The dif- that the activity of Dlt is in part independent of Crb. st o n ferential behavior of Crb and Dlt in strong arm mutant cell 1 9 clones again emphasizes that Dlt can rely on a Crb-inde- Activity of Apical, Lateral, and Basal Cues in the Ja n pendent apical targeting mechanism, and shows that apical Differentiation of the FE ua Dlt can be retained in the absence of an apical spectrin cy- ry 2 Contact of follicle cells with basement membrane appears 02 toskeleton. 3 sufficient to establish a basal membrane from which apical and lateral markers are excluded. Contact to extracellular matrix (ECM) material is important for the polarization of Discussion a number of epithelia including the Drosophila midgut ep- The polarization cues that contribute to the differentiation ithelium and the dorsal vessel (Yarnitzky and Volk, 1995; of the FE described here participate in the development of Haag et al., 1999), as well as vertebrate kidney epithelia a number of other epithelia (Eaton and Simons, 1995; and cell culture lines such as MDCK (Eaton and Simons, Drubin and Nelson, 1996; Tepass, 1997; Yeaman et al., 1995; Yeaman et al., 1999). Contact of MDCK cells to 1999). They include contact with the basement membrane, ECM not only establishes a basal membrane, but also lateral adhesion mediated by the cadherin–catenin com- leads to the formation of microvilli throughout the non- plex, and apical polarization that, in Drosophila, involves basal plasma membrane (Vega-Salas et al., 1987; Ojakian Crb. The FE is unique among epithelia characterized to and Schwimmer, 1988). Such long-range effects of basal date as it is the first epithelium for which polarization cues contacts in the differentiation of epithelial membrane do- operating in parallel at all three cell surfaces have been mains may also contribute to the differentiation of the FE documented. Further, our observations concerning the in- as apical and lateral markers, such as b -Spectrin and Heavy teractions between Crb and Dlt suggest that both proteins DE-cadherin, are not uniformly distributed over the non- The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 151, 2000 900

Guy Tanentzapf,* Christian Smith,‡ Jane McGlade,‡ and Ulrich Tepass*. *Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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