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APIC 2016 Film Festival winner chronicles HCP hands through a dirty day Disinfection and ... PDF

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Preview APIC 2016 Film Festival winner chronicles HCP hands through a dirty day Disinfection and ...

AC16_DailyNews_Banner_Issues_final.indd 3 5/18/2016 12:38:22 PM APIC 2016 Film Festival winner chronicles TODAY’S HCP hands through a dirty day HIGHLIGHTS Have you ever wondered about all expert judges for its creativity, originality, Many of the other Film Festival submis- of the things healthcare person- general appeal and interest to the infec- sions used humor and music to further their 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m. nel (HCP) hands might touch in a tion prevention community, and its educa- APIC Store hours typical day? Wake Forest Baptist Medical tional message. »» FILM FESTIVAL Page A-2 Across from registration Center’s video titled “Stop the Spread of Infection: It’s in Our Hands” chronicles all 8–10:30 a.m. Opening Plenary of the things HCP touch in one day from Crown Ballroom the perspective of various hands. It is the winner of the sixth annual Film Festival at 10:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. the 43rd APIC Annual Conference. Exhibit hall hours Exhibit Hall AB As a part of Wake Forest Baptist’s larg- er hand hygiene campaign, the winning 12:30–1:30 p.m. video was used to illustrate how easily Posters presentations germs are spread by hands. Richardson Ballroom AD “Seeing hand hygiene from a hand’s 1:30–2:30 p.m. perspective was a unique take on a top- Oral Abstracts ic that is vital to preventing the spread of See your Onsite Program infection,” said APIC 2016 Annual Con- for details/locations ference Chair Debra Johnson, RN, BSN, 3–4 p.m. and CIC. “In a given day we may not think 4:30–5:30 p.m. about all of the different—and often un- Concurrent sessions clean—items our hands come in contact See your Onsite Program with. Wake Forest Baptist’s winning vid- for details/locations eo is a great addition to the Film Festival winner’s circle and is a useful tool to drive home the importance of hand hygiene.” Attendees play “Spy for a Prize” at Friday’s Welcome Reception. CONNECT The winner was chosen by a panel of WITH APIC Disinfection and Sterilization: The Good, Use #APIC2016 the Bad, and the Ugly to join the conversation on Don’t miss this entertaining and in- Dr. Rutala is considered by many as the Twitter and formative session by renowned authority on disinfection and sterilization Facebook. expert William Rutala, MS, MPH, practices. PhD, CIC, director of hospital epidemiol- Before Dr. Rutala’s presentation, APIC IN THIS SECTION ogy at UNC Health Care. Disinfection and Research Committee Chair Timothy Land- sterilization play vital roles in patient safe- ers, PhD, RN, CNP, CIC, will present the Strategic Partners ty and, therefore, must ensure that every in- Distinguished Scientist Award to Deverick A-2 strument meets sterilization requirements. Anderson, MD, MPH, for his contributions Get a fresh take on all things disinfection to advancing patient safety. Dr. Anderson PPE Fashion Show and sterilization tomorrow at 8-9:15 a.m. speak about his research, which focuses A-3 in the Crown Ballroom. William Rutala, MS, MPH, PhD, CIC on healthcare epidemiology in commu- Dr. Rutala will be discussing the nity hospital settings, antimicrobial stew- Exhibitor Updates “good” classification scheme, improved processing medical/surgical devices; and ardship, multidrug-resistant organisms A-6 data, and new technologies; the “bad” the “ugly” endoscope reprocessing and (MDROs), surgical site infections, and en- non-compliance with guidelines for re- infection risks that may expose patients. vironmental disinfection. A-2 • JUNE 11, 2016 APIC Daily News #APIC2016 Join our Strategic Partners in infection prevention Our partners play an important 2. Join the Strategic Partners for dessert role in supporting many of the Look for the strategic partner booths programs and services that make for dessert each day. APIC membership so valuable. Enjoy your treat while you network and en- Strategic Partner Program activities: gage with partner rep- 1. Strategic Partner Program Innova- resentatives. Look for tion Wall signage alongside the Take a few minutes to view the SPP lunch tables, with Stra- Innovation Wall, which showcases the tegic Partner’s logo and commitment of the strategic partners to booth number (located in the table below) infection prevention and control. The In- to guide you to dessert and dialogue. novation Wall, located on Concourse A just before the escalators to the exhibit hall 3. Messages from Strategic Partners and across from the APIC Store, features through the Conference App content on latest information, research, and As you use your conference app to products from each of APIC’s 11 Strategic navigate the conference and manage your Partners. participation in it, stay tuned for messages that will facilitate more easily locating the Attendees are all smiles at the International, New Attendee and APIC Strategic Partners in the exhibit area. New Member Reception on Friday afternoon. Film Festival Silento’s, “Watch Me,” in its “Wash Me” video to educate patients and families on «« From Page A-1 how and why hand hygiene is important. message. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical View all of the video submissions Booth #1503 Booth #1611 Booth #917 and vote online for the APIC 2016 Film Center parodied Taylor Swift in its “BID- Festival People’s Choice Awards winner, MC’s Flu Fighters Shake It Off” video which will be presented at the closing that highlights aspects of flu prevention. plenary session on Monday, June 13. (See Infection prevention team members at page B-4 for previews of the entries.) Children’s Hospital Colorado parodied Booth #701 Booth #1004 Booth #709 Booth #1104 Booth #827 Booth #1335 Booth #1411 Booth #1403 Janet Brooks, left, answers a question from May M. Riley during a break at the NHSN SSI and MDRO/CDI Surveillance and Data Analysis pre-conference workshop on Friday. AC16_Store_DailyNews_Vertical_final_rev2.indd 1 5/10/2016 9:59:40 PM #APIC2016 APIC Daily News JUNE 10, 2016 • A-3 PPE fashion show in APIC Live Move over New York Fashion Week—who knew that personal protective equipment (PPE) could be so fashionable and fun! You’re invited to the most exclusive fashion show for in- fection preventionists— PPE Fashion Do’s and Don’ts held Saturday and Sunday at 11:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. in the center of Exhibit Hall BC in APIC Live. Participate in a fun, interactive fashion show on the do’s and don’ts of donning and doffing personal protective equip- ment (PPE). Join Pamela Falk, MPH, CIC, FSHEA, and her infection preventionist volunteers as they take us through the pro- cess of properly donning and doffing PPE. Using PPE the right way is critical for both Pam Falk, right, during the PPE Melissa Hudnall checks out the “APIC’s Most Wanted” t-shirt on worker and patient safety. Learn how to Fashion Show at APIC 2015. sale at the APIC store, which is open today from 7:30 a.m - 6 p.m. properly put on N95 respirators, gloves, and gowns. This APIC Live simulation APIC Presents: PPE Fashion Extend your learning after will also demonstrate common pitfalls in Do’s and Don’ts the donning and doffing procedure. 11:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. conference with an EPI® Intensive By the end of the simulation, you’ll be Today and Sunday ready to rock the runway in your PPE! EPI® Intensive is a novice-level course perienced faculty team presents the course that compresses infection prevention funda- with a hands-on training approach to ensure mentals from the EPI® 101 and 102 classes active learning and encourage networking. Posters open today into a 5-day interactive intensive learning The next EPI® Intensive course takes experience. The course is a great introduc- place in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, July tion to the roles and responsibilities of the 25-29; early registration discounts end on Come to Richardson Ballroom AD Presenters will be in attendance to infection preventionist. Areas of emphasis June 20. Additional course offerings are as on the second floor to see your answer questions today and tomor- include how to prepare surveillance and risk follows: Additional upcoming courses in colleagues’ infection prevention row—Saturday and Sunday—from assessment plans, regulatory compliance, include Burlington, VT (August); Dallas, posters. Posters will be on display today, 12:30–1:30 p.m. Posters are arranged preventing transmission of infectious dis- TX (September); St. Louis, MO (October) 10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m., Sunday, 8 a.m.– by category, and then numerically by eases, and how to handle employee expo- and Anchorage, AK (October). 5:30 p.m., and Monday, 8 a.m.–1 p.m. poster number. sures and evidence-based interventions to For more information visit www.apic. Today, 12:30–1:30 p.m. prevent or reduce risk. A certified and ex- org/Intensive. • Antimicrobial Resistance, 1-100—1-106 • Antisepsis/Disinfection/Sterilization, 2-107—2-121 • Continuum of Care, 3-124—3-126, 3-128—3-129 • Data Standardization and Validation, 4-130—4-144 • Education and Competencies, 5-145—5-155 • Efficacy and Impact, 6-158—6-165 • Environment of Care/Construction/Remediation, 7-166—7-174 Sunday, 12:30–1:30 p.m. • Antisepsis/Disinfection/Sterilization, 2-251—2-252 • Education and Competencies, 5-249, 5-254 • Healthcare Worker Safety/Occupational Health, 8-175—8-177, 8-261 • Implementation and Sustainability of Effective Programs, 9-179—9-219, 9-253, 9-255—9-258 • Outbreak Investigation and Emerging/Reemerging Infectious Diseases/Efficacy and Impact, 10-226—10-240, 10-250, 10-259—10-260 • Public Health and Health Policy, 11-244—11-255, 11-247—11-248 Donna Farnsworth picks up ribbons to affix to her badge adjacent to the registration desk on Friday afternoon. BookSigning_AC16_DailyNews_Qpg_final_rev.indd 1 5/10/2016 8:23:40 PM A-4 • JUNE 11, 2016 APIC Daily News #APIC2016 Connect with us in the Twitterverse Hi Jean Corner! Twitterverse. (Pronunciation: / twidər-vərs/) Another term for Twit- Want to meet face-to-face with the tersphere. The place to follow the @APIC social media team and other APIC 2016 conversation in real time. social media mavens? Join What is a conference must-do? Connect with APIC, conference at- @APIC for a Tweetup at APIC Live tendees, exhibitors, sponsors, and friends tomorrow, Sunday June 12, at 12 p.m. A must-do activity for each con- on social media while you’re here onsite Grab your lunch and socialize offline ference is to take advantage of Poster hours in Ballroom AD: at the conference. Post pictures, highlight with other Tweeters. We’ll chat about the poster presentations. Post- Today, 10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. sessions, and network with other infection who we follow, favorites versus ers and oral presentations are abstracts (Presenters will be standing in front preventionists all at the tip of your fingers. retweets, and trending hashtags. submitted and reviewed by your peers. of their posters 12:30–1:30 p.m.) Tag @APIC in your tweets and use the These abstracts are the latest research conference hashtag (#APIC2016) so we Sunday, 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m. in infection prevention and epidemiolo- can see what you are saying. (Presenters will be standing in front gy. This is the cutting-edge science that New this year: @APIC will be hold- are following us on Twitter (https://twitter. of their posters 12:30–1:30 p.m.) brought you to APIC 2016 in the first ing a contest (with prizes), exclusive for com/APIC) for all of details. Check our place! Monday, 8 a.m.–1 p.m. our Twitter followers. So make sure you timeline for the contest announcement! A condition of submitting an abstract for Annual Conference is that it has not Remember to include #APIC2016 in any tweets that you send out about the An- been published or presented at the na- do in preventing infection in your facili- nual Conference. We might feature your tweet in the APIC Daily News! tional level before now. Therefore, this ty. It can give you inspiration and ideas Here are some popular tweets from Friday about #APIC2016: is the first time you will be able to see for future research projects. The post- this research. An added benefit to this is er presentations are the perfect time to @ericajdubb – Looking forward to #APIC2016! Excited to connect with other that the authors will be standing in front join in discussions with your colleagues infection preventionists. #InfectionPrevention #PatientSafety @APIC @CBIC of their posters. You have the unique op- about current best practices and chal- @Shablamber – I love #APIC2016 so much that I woke up at 3am MT to make it portunity to speak with these researchers. lenges faced in the field. there in time for the welcome reception! See you soon! #COFFEECOFFEECOFFEE Take advantage of having some of the There are nearly 150 posters present- brightest minds in infection prevention ed this year at Annual Conference. Ab- @KenMingus1 – Heading to Charlotte for #APIC2016. Nothing like learning at your fingertips. Ask them questions stracts were submitted under a variety of more about infection control to enhance my work skills. about their methods and the science. Ask topics. If you cannot find a topic that in- @olivialattimore – Wish I was at #APIC2016! Will be living vicariously through them how you can take their science and terests you, my advice is to conduct that Twitter and @NicoleCronKenny this weekend! translate it to your facility. research and submit it as an abstract for You might think “I could never do a next year’s conference. @InfectionPrvntn – Talking bout IIPW2016 with some innovative peeps @APIC poster,” but the poster presentations are #APIC2016 @EpiKelley @angievassallo done by your peers. Talking with the au- Love and hugs, @3DLCMC – Bacterial jokes @APIC ...#MRSA We don’t serve any bacteria in thors can give you ideas on what you can Jean this restaurant. ... When he asks why, he is told that it is for “Staph Only” Chapter Officers Meeting Members of the APIC Minnesota Chapter pose with their Chapter Excellence Award. Shante’ Newton-Meyer asks a question of panelists during the APIC Chapter Officers meeting. APIC 2016 president Susan Dolan talks during the APIC Chapter’s Offi- cers’ Awards. Cami Rossiter answers audience questions along with other panel- ists during the APIC Chapter’s Officers’ Awards. A-6 • JUNE 11, 2016 APIC Daily News #APIC2016 Exhibitor updates New exhibitors since directory printing: AMD Medicom Inc. Booth # 2329 Medical Action Industries www.amdritmed.com Booth # 438 www.medical-action.com Atlantic Ultraviolet Corporation Booth # 832 Medical Indicators www.ultraviolet.com Booth # 717 www.medicalindicators.com Basin Glove Booth # 2336 Neogen Corporation www.basinglove.com Booth # 539 www.neogen.com Catheter Connections Booth # 542 Nexus Medical www.catheterconnections.com Booth # 2240 www.nexusmedical.com Environmental Safety Technologies Booth # 1336 Novaerus www.estechlab.com Booth # 443 www.novaerus.com eShields Health, Inc Attendees listen to speakers during Friday’s CIC® Certification Pre- Booth # 2332 Olympus America, Inc. paratory Course. www.eShieldsHealth.com Booth # 2141 www.olympusamerica.com EvergreenUV Booth # 2340 R&R Lotion, Inc. Sealed Air-Diversey Care and Sage www.pathogenalert.com Booth # 439 www.rrlotion.com fiteBac SkinCare LLC Products scholarship recipients Booth # 544 SP Concepts www.fitebac.com Booth # 338 Sealed Air-Diversey Care, APIC ence attendees. www.inspektor.com 2016 Strategic Partner, and Sage Sage Products provided scholarships Hospital Safety Solutions Products, generously offered to infection preventionists who are pre- Booth # 339 SunMed educational scholarships for infection senting posters for the first time at APIC http://www.hospitalsafetysolutions.com/ Booth # 436 preventionists to attend the APIC 2016 2016. www.Sun-Med.com i-Health Annual Conference. Sage Products and Sealed Air-Diversey Care provided Booth # 545 UV Angel Sealed Air-Diversey Care have awarded scholarships to infection preventionists www.culterelle.com Booth # 437 a combined 36 scholarships to confer- to aid in their professional development. www.uvangel.com LiquiTech Sealed Air-Diversey Care Educational Scholarship recipients Booth # 2243 ZOONO USA LLC Christi Archer Kathi Mullaney www.liquitech.com Booth # 337 Teresa Aycock Christi Paradise www.zoono.com Medegen Medical Products Sherry Cantu Rao Ratna Booth # 543 Bette Casey Chaz Rhone www.medegenmed.com Angela Clark Ann Richards Jouleen Cotton Linda Riley Jeanette Harris May Riley Charlene Head Jonathan Schouest Tiffany Horsley Milena Walker Natalie Karg Heather Waters Casey Landholt Michele Wilbers Jill Lindmair-Snell Boyd Wilson Jerome Maxwell Karen Zastrow Angel Mueller Sage Products First Time Poster Presenter Scholarship recipients Akie Arai Debra Gibson Rebecca Battjes Haijime Kanamori Eileen Campbell Angel Mueller Kelsi Canavan Jamie Sodek Janet Danforth-Bacon We want to congratulate the scholarship recipients and thank Sealed Air-Diversey Care and Sage Products for their commitment to advancing infection prevention. Visit http://www.apic.org/AC2017 for upcoming announcements regarding future Annual Conference scholarships. Online Education Center hours: • Saturday, June 11: 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m. • Sunday, June 12: 7:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. • Monday, June 13: 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m. Attendees check out an exhibit at Discovery Place during the Visit the Online Education Center located in the APIC Store (located diagonally Welcome Reception on Friday evening. across from registration) for conference-only specials and demonstrations. Reduce HAI risk with point of care disinfection. Effective disinfection of high touch Fast, effective and safe, surfaces is everyone’s job. when and where you need it. Make it convenient with Tough on pathogens... Oxivir® Tb Wipes. Gentle on patients and surfaces. Take the Integrated Approach to Total Disinfection. Products that kill tough pathogens Procedures that standardize processes Validation s ystem that facilitates in as little as one minute, but are and help ensure consistent disinfection feedback to employees and drives gentle on staff and surfaces. and cleaning. continuous improvement. Contact us today for your free consultation on point of care disinfection. Visit SDFHC.com/contact-us or call 800-558-2332. Visit Us at APIC Conference Booth 1411 *AHP® and Design® are registered trademarks of Virox Technologies, Inc. used under license. © 2016 Sealed Air Corporation. All rights reserved. Have you downloaded the conference’s free mobile app? AC16_DailyNews_Banner_Issues_final.indd 4 5/18/2016 12:39:39 PM The Hawthorne Effect hinders accurate TAKE NOTE hand hygiene observation, study says APIC Central – When healthcare providers know a difference of more than 30 percent in hand observers should be used to get the most Stop on By! they are being watched, they are hygiene compliance depending on whether accurate hand hygiene data.” APIC Central is a major onsite twice as likely to comply with or not they recognized the auditors. “This Five infection prevention nurses resource for all conference attend- hand hygiene guidelines. This is in com- was not a result that we expected to see,” (known to staff) and 15 hospital volunteers ees. It is a one-stop-shop where parison to when healthcare providers do said Nancy Johnson, MSN, CIC, infection (unknown to staff) collected 4,640 obser- you can find information about not know someone is watching, according prevention manager, Santa Clara Valley vations between July 2015 and December everything APIC and more impor- tantly, what APIC does for YOU. to a new study being presented today at 2 Medical Center. Infection preventionists 2015. The volunteers were trained in a Our member services and other p.m. in room 209/210. This phenomenon— validated the audits conducted by hospital two-hour course on the importance, iden- departmental staff will be on-hand called The Hawthorne Effect—impacts the volunteers, which showed no difference in tification and reporting of hand hygiene during the conference to answer ability to capture accurate human behavior the group’s observations. compliance. questions about APIC programs, because individuals modify their actions “The level of hand hygiene compliance Nancy Johnson stated that this data membership, and technology ser- when they know they are being observed. when staff did not know they were being was recognized by our leadership. “We vices. We can assist you with mem- The infection prevention department at watched was surprising,” said Maricris have rolled out many changes as a result, bership issues. Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in San Niles, MA, infection prevention analyst, including an organization-wide, hand hy- APIC Central is located outside Jose, California measured the differences Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, Cali- giene improvement plan that is actively of the breakout session rooms on in hand hygiene compliance rates when fornia. “This study demonstrated to us that supported by our leadership team. Moving the second level of the Charlotte healthcare workers recognized the observ- hand hygiene observations are influenced forward, our monitoring will be conducted Convention Center. Stop by and say hi today any ers and when they did not. The study found by the Hawthorne Effect and that unknown by unknown observers.” time between 7:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Special APIC Get one-on-one time with membership offer Not yet an APIC member? If experts at the Knowledge Bar you join while onsite at APIC 2016, you will receive all the benefits Drop in to the Knowledge Bar at APIC Live in the exhibit hall. The Knowledge of APIC membership for the dis- Bar offers a chance for you to meet one-on-one with clinical experts to ask your counted price of $149! clinical questions and obtain their advice. Here’s what is in store today: Signing up is easy. Stop by APIC Central for details. This offer 10:45–11:30 a.m. expires at the end of the confer- Lewis Johnson, MS, CIH ence, so don’t wait. Expertise: Construction To learn more about how APIC membership can help you Lela Luper, RN, CIC (2016 Education Committee Chair) and your facility excel at in- Expertise: Leadership Development and Program Management, Ambulatory Care, fection prevention, visit www. Patient Safety, Professional Development, NHSN, Surgical Site Infections (SSIs) apic.org/Member-Services/ About-Membership. Patti Grota, PhD, CNS-M-S, CIC (APIC Text Online Editor) Expertise: Leadership Development and Program Management, Patient Safety, Pro- On your Posters Open fessional Development Today mark, get 11:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Come to Ballroom AD to see the infection prevention posters. Lewis Johnson, MS, CIH Stats, go! Posters will be on display today Expertise: Construction from 10:30 a.m. –5:30 p.m. Pre- senters will be in attendance to Sharon Williamson, MT(ASCP)SM, CIC APIC is pleased to announce Expertise: NHSN, Microbiology, Automated Surveillance answer questions today from the release of the first edition 12:30 -1:30 p.m. of Fundamental Statistics & Shannon Davila, RN, MSN, CIC, CPHQ (2016 APIC Hero in Infection Control Epidemiology in Infection Preven- Award recipient) tion. This book provides informa- Expertise: Patient Safety tion for infection preventionists (IPs) IN THIS SECTION about statistics and epidemiology, 12:45–1:30 p.m. and includes measurements, method- APIC Award Winners Marc-Oliver Wright, MT(ASCP), MS, CIC (2016 APIC Treasurer, Board of Directors) ology, formulas, examples, and other B-3 Expertise: Leadership Development and Program Management, NSHN working group resources. This publication is espe- Film Festival Joan Hebden, RN, MS, CIC cially helpful for novice and interme- Expertise: NSHN working group diate IPs. A section on research-relat- B-4 ed issues helps IPs understand how Katherine Allen-Bridson, RN, BSN, MScPH, CIC Heroes of Infection to interpret and apply research results Expertise: NSHN working group Prevention Look for future Knowledge Bar schedules in upcoming issues of APIC Daily News. B-6 »» STATISTICS Page B-3 YOU’RE INVITED IMPLEMENTING AN SSI PREVENTION PROGRAM: IT’S MORE THAN JUST A BUNDLE A panel of healthcare professionals will discuss implementation and surveillance strategies that may optimize the reduction of SSI. Attendees will better understand how to utilize SSI surveillance data to promote a safety culture invested in process improvement and sustainability. Please join us for this interactive symposium to learn how to successfully implement a quality improvement program in your facility! SPEAKERS: Mary E. Belding-Schmitt, RN, BSN, CPHQ John W. Cromwell, MD Stephanie Salgado, RN, MSN, CPAN Joe Sharma, MD, FACS S U N D AY, J U N E 1 2 6 : 0 0 - 7 : 4 5 A M R O O M 2 1 7 A B ©2016 Applied Medical Resources Corporation. All rights reserved. Applied Medical and the Applied Medical logo design are Sponsored by: registered trademarks of Applied Medical Resources Corporation. 1751AD0516 This commercially supported satellite symposium is independent of the APIC educational activities and is not accredited by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc.

the “ugly” endoscope reprocessing and infection risks . Outbreak Investigation and Emerging/Reemerging Infectious Diseases/Efficacy and Impact
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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.