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Apex 49 User Manual PDF

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Preview Apex 49 User Manual

Apex 49 Model: PB40GL,PB40PL,PB40GH,PB40PH User Manual Introduction Please be advised explicitly that Dear customer, we cannot accept any legal is- sues out of the contents of this It is our desire that the good cha- manual. racteristics of the Apex 49 should If repair work has to be perfor- justify the confidence you demon- med make sure that only genui- strated by making this purchase. ne spare parts are used; only Before first operation of your Apex 49, Before first operation of the machine, genuine spare parts may gua- read these instructions carefully. The read these instructions and safety in- rantee a dependable machine. manual provides valuable information formation carefully and comply with about operation, service and maintenance . them. The symbol as used in this manual identifies items relevant to safety. Please observe the safety provi- sions (see chapter 1). Valid as of: March 2007 2 Proper Use Proper Use The machine has not been parts or accessories without prior designed for collecting and explicit consent or by non-com- The Apex sweeper has been dusts which are detrimental pliance with the maintenance exclusively designed for collecting to health or explosive. instructions. dry and moist matter from floor sur- faces in e.g. factories, storage buil- dings, parking ground and pedestri- Notes on warranty Inspection an areas. Using the machine beyond this scope of application The terms of the sales contract apply. Carefully unpack and inspect your Apex will be deemed improper use; The Damages are not subject to warranty 49 for shipping damage. Follow manufacturer cannot be held liable if they are due to non-compliance unpacking instructions on shipping for consequential damages. The term of proper use also inclu- with the maintenance and service pallet. Each unit has been tested des operation, maintenance and provisions. The maintenance work and thoroughly inspected before repair work to be performed in com- has to be performed by an authorized shipment. Any damage is the res- pliance with the manufacturer's service center and confirmed in the ponsibility of the delivery carrier who specifications. "Maintenance certificate" which is the should be notified immediately. The Apex 49 may be used by person- nel only that are familiar with the warranty document. machine and aware of possible The following is excluded from war- hazards involved. ranty: The applicable Accident Prevention fuses, natural wear, damages caused Regulations, Road Traffic by overload, inexpert handling and Regulations, and aspects of safety and working medicine in vigour will unauthorised modification of the have to be complied with. machine. Moreover, any claim for If modifications to the machine are warranty cannot be accepted if dama- made in absence of the manufac- ges at the machine are caused by fit- turer's prior consent, the latter can- ting not be held liable for damage resul- ting from such unauthorized modifi- cation. 3 Safety Information 1 Safety Information Keep clear of hazard zone! Provide for sufficient ventilation when sweeping indoors (dust and 1.1 General Safety Information Before commencing work, the opera- combustion gas). Apart from the instructions contained tor has to make sure that the SW5X and its accessories are in proper and in this manual, the general safety safe condition. Pinching and shearing ha- instructions and accident prevention zard. Provide for required regulations, as imposed by law will Warning and instruction labels atta- safe distance before lifting have to be complied with. Do not put ched to the machine contain impor- or lowering the dirt hopper. the Manual aside without reading it tant information about safe operation. Illegible or lost labels have to be even if you used similar sweepers replaced. before. Take the time to read them Shut down the engine befo- now and save time later. Machines Make sure that all covers re re-fuelling. with known defects must not be used. are fitted before starting to sweep. It will be of essence to make yourself Smoking and handling open familiar with all accessories and con- flames is prohibited when trols and their functions before you filling fuel tanks or when start working. Avoid the mess of working at or in the vicinity having to read this book while trying of components containing fuel. to run the machine. Using the machine in areas with explosion hazard, on public roads and places is prohibited. The operator has to use the machine within its design limits. Shut the motors down before trans- porting the machine. 5 Safety Information 1.2 Safety and Warning Symbols All paragraphs in this manual refer- ring to your personal safety, the safe- 1.2.1Generally Applicable Symbols ty of your machine and the environ- ment protection are attributed one of the following warning symbols: Symbol Hazardous for.... Description DANGER persons and dangerous situation goods caused by misuse inaccurate adherence of instructions or prescribed work routine CAUTION the machine important information on handling the machine in order to maintain operability Ecological hazard the environment due to use of substances representing an inherent danger to health of environment 6 Safety Information 1.3 Labels at the Machine Inflation pressure (4) Ignition lock (6) The following safety and information 90 PSI signs are legibly attached to the machine. Missing or illegible stickers Brake (7) have to be replaced. Read and observe operator's Manual (5) Folding apron (1) Noise power level (8) 91 dB (A) Parking brake (2) Nameplate front (3) Fig.1 7 Safety Information 1.3 Labels at the Machine Hydraulic fluid (9) Cylinder broom wearing take-up (12) Rotating parts (10) Nameplate (13) Burning surface (11) Fig. 2 Safety and information signs 8 Safety Information 1.3 Labels at the Machine Pinching hazard (16) (Lifted-Up Disposal) High-pressure cleaner (14) Do not clean by means of high pressure cleaner or vapour jet. 9 Safety Information 1.4 Operation/Safety Never leave the machine unattended Compared to four-wheeled Information before the motors are off and the ma- vehicles, driving stability of chine is protected against unintended three-wheeled vehicles is Vacuum sweepers may be run by movements. reduced. We thus recom- To prevent the machine from unautho- mend: qualified personnel only; such per- rized use, pull the control key to block sonnel will have to have evidenced all drives. - do not negotiate curves at their qualification for running the Shut down the motors before trans- high speed. machine to the owner or his authori- port of the machine. The driver has to - do not turn at slopes but zed representative; operators explicit- take account of local conditions and on level ground only when operating the sweeper he has - ride up- or downhill ly will have to be instructed by the to watch out for other persons, espe- straight. owner or his authorized representati- cially children. ve to use the machine. Do not open hood or The machine may be used fairings with the machine for cleaning such surfaces running. approved by the owner or this authorised representa- tive for operation of vacu This machine must not be um sweepers. used as dust-evacuating machine with dust filter in- Before starting the engine, sert (separator) to collect switch off all drives dusts which are hazardous to health. Transporting persons on the machine is prohibited. Ride-on machine types are to be started with the driver being seated. 10 Safety Information Warning and instruction la- 1.5 Cleaning Information bels attached to the machi- ne contain important infor- mation about safe operation The machine is splash-proof (IPX3). Do not clean the SW5X by Provide for sufficient venti- means of high pressure cle- lation when sweeping indo- aner or vapour jet. ors (dust and combustion gas). Proceed to cleaning of the dirt hopper in regular inter- vals to preclude formation of bacterial deposits. Proceed to filter shaking on- ly if the dirt hopper is in clo- sed position. 11

justify the confidence you demon- strated by ring to your personal safety, the safe- ty of your Ignition lock (6) .. switch on cylinder broom and side.
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