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APC: P. Agnes, D. Franco, Q. Riffard, A. Tonazzo LPNHE PDF

38 Pages·2016·44.65 MB·English
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Preview APC: P. Agnes, D. Franco, Q. Riffard, A. Tonazzo LPNHE

DarkSide APC: P. Agnes, D. Franco, Q. Riffard, A. Tonazzo LPNHE: O. Dadoun, S. De Cecco, C. Giganti, A. Navrer-Agasson Journée Matiére Sombre - APC 01/01/2016 The DarkSide project The Veto’s Dual phase Liquid Argon TPC to search for Dark Matter DarkSide-50 (2013-20A1c8tiv)e neutron veto: ! -  20 ton boron-loaded scintillator! -  50% PC + 50% TMB! Nested detectors: 50 kg Liquid Argon TPC -  2 m radius sphere! Boron-loaded Liquid S- c11i0n Ltoilwla Btaockrg rVouendt PoM T s ! Water Cherenkov Veto Active muon veto (passive neutron veto): ! First use of undergrou-  1n0d00 atorn gulotran p u(rde weaptelre! ted of 39Ar) -  10 m height, 11 m diameter! -  80 upwards oriented PMTs! Demonstrate pulse shape discrimination (>107) DarkSide-20k (2020-2026) Rejection efficiencies:! -  >99.5% against radiogenic neutron! 30 ton (20 ton FV) dep-l  e>9t5e%d c oLsmiqogueniidc nAeurtrgonos!n TPC Designed to be background-free at 100 t yr exposure D. Franco - APC 19 Similar system of vetoes as DS-50, use of SiPM ARGO (2025-2035) 300 ton (200 ton FV) Search for WIMPs up to the neutrino floor Solar neutrino physics 2 DarkSide Collaboration Large international collaboration (43 institutes, 277 signatures for the DS-20k proposal) Entire Liquid Argon community for DM searches to join this project → no competition with Liquid Argon for DS-20k Part of the collaboration works on external calibration experiments, using neutron beams to study the response of LAr to Nuclear Recoils SCENE in the US (2014) ARIS experiment at IPNO (2016) Future experiments including directionality (ReD, ARIS-2) 3 IN2P3 DarkSide groups DS-50 analyses DS 1ton prototype 3 papers in preparation (G4DS Monte Carlo, NR calibration f90 (PSD) model, experiments and DS-50 background budget) directionality ARIS (done) APC+LPNHE ARIS-2 Developers of the ReD DS-20k optimization Monte Carlo simulation (do we need vetoes to be background-free? yes! DS-20k sensitivity ARIA and discovery potential, (depletion factor needed solar neutrinos, …) for DS-20K and ARGO) French groups in DS have leading roles in physics analyses Leaders of the DS MC simulation External calibration with neutrons beam 4 Timescale 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 DS-50 DS-20k ARGO DarkSide-50 (37 kg FM) will take data at LNGS until 2018 DarkSide-20k (20 ton FM) will start data taking at LNGS in 2021 Expect approval from INFN and NSF in April 2017 A 1-ton scale prototype will be built starting next year to test the technologies needed for DS-20k ARGO will follow DS-20k (200 ton FM) 5 What is DarkSide-50? a two phase liquid argon (LAr) detector, within a neutron veto, within a muon veto, under a mountain … and all because of backgrounds March 17, 2015 DarkSide 50 p. 10 © Stephen Pordes, FNA6L The Veto’s DarkSide-50 Experiment installed at LNGS Active neutron veto: ! -  20 ton boron-loaded scintillator! Double phase TP-  C50% w PCit +h 5 05%0 T MkBg! of LAr -  2 m radius sphere! -  110 Low Background PMTs! Vetoes system: Liquid Scintillator and Water Cherenkov Active muon veto (passive neutron veto): ! -  1000 ton ultra pure water! 2 data releases published -  10 m height, 11 m diameter! -  80 upwards oriented PMTs! Atmospheric Ar campaign (52 days) Phys.Lett.B.743(456) Rejection efficiencies:! -  >99.5% against radiogenic neutron! Underground Ar campaign (71 days) -  >95% cosmogenic neutrons! Phys. Rev. D 93, 081101 (2016) Background identification Background reduction Pulse Shape Discrimination Depleted UndergroD. Furannco d- AP CA rgon 19 S1/S2 discrimination Low background materials Measure neutron flux in borate Active Shields scintillator Demonstrate the potential of the technology for multi ton background-free detector 7 DarkSide-50 detector design Liquid Argon TPC 36 cm x 18 cm radius 50 kg (36.9 fiducial) 38 PMTs DS50 LAr TPC Uniform electric field (200 V/cm) gaseous Ar 1 cm gas pocket, extraction field (above grid) anode (2.8 kV/cm) Reflectors and TPB coating extraction grid Liquid Scintillator Veto (LSV) liquid Ar ~ (~50 kg active volume) 4 0 c m 30 tons, 2m radius LS (1:1 TMB+PC) cathode 110 PMTs TPC assembled in radon-free clean room and Water Cherenkov (WCD) just before insertion into the cryostat March 17, 2015 DarkSide 50 p. 19 1 kton water, 5.5m radius 80 PMTs 8 Ionization and excitation WIMPs scatter on LAr → primary photons (S1) + electrons drifting to the GAr region where they are accelerated and emit light through electroluminescence (S2) S1/S2 ratio allow to distinguish electron recoils from Dual Phase Liquid Argon TPC nuclear recoils with a rejection power of ~102-103 Recoil Ionization Excitation Electrons Ar+ Ar* WIMP Ar + Ar * WIMP 2 2 S2 Ar** Singlet Triplet Recombination S1 Ar* Singlet Ar * 2 Triplet 99 Davide Franco - APC S2/S1 Ratio 4 date. Within each exposure segment, the field magnitude electron activity following large-S2 events [9, 42], and is considered to be constant and uniform. Boundaries in results in 99.0% e�ciency when applied to 3H calibra- date are September 11, 2014; January 1, 2015; April 1, tion data for WS2014–16. The S2 threshold is set to 2015; October 1, 2015; May 2, 2016. Boundaries in drift 200phd (raw uncorrectSed2pulse area) to avoid events Energy deposition! Heat! time are 40, 105, 170, 235, 300 µs. Periodic 3H calibra- for which the x ,y position uncertainty is high. S2 S2 { } tions provide each of the 16 exposure segments with a Events for which S2 > 104 phd, S1 > 50phd, log (S2) < S1/S2 10 unique calibration set from which to construct a unique median 5� or log (S2) >median + 3� NRS�1 NR 10 ER ER Excitation! Ionization! individual response model. These 16 respSons2e m/odSels 1 (boRundaarites eividoent in Fig. 1) are considered far from take the form of parameter variations of the Noble El- the region of intere(setxacnidtaatrieoing n<or<e d .ionisation) ement Simulation Technique (NEST) model[33], which A fiducial volume in drift time is defined as 40-300 µs Phys.Rev.D93,072009 captures both the LXe microphysics of signal production (date-independent). Each of the four date bins has Ar*! and the detector physics of signal collection. Fits are a uniquely defined radial fiducial selection boundary, Ar+! Electrons performed by comparing the measured ER band (median 3.0cm radially inward from the measured PTFE sur- ! S2 Ar* and 10-90 percentile width in the S1,log (S2) plane face position for that date bin in observed S2 coordi- { 10 } 2! as in Fig. 1) with tSha2t predicted by the response model. nEatnese, rxgy,y d,ez p.osThiteiowanll! position, a functHioneoaf t! ER S2 S2 S2 NR { } Specific to each exposure segment, two model parame- � ,z , is measured with 210Pb sub-chain events that Ar+ S2 S2 { } 2! S2 ters are varied during these fits: the electric field mag- originate on the PTFE surface. The fiducial mass is de- ! Singlet Triplet nitude, and the recombination fluctuation parameter F termined by scaling the 250kg of active LXe by the ac- ! ! r (see[3S11, 33, 34, 40]). FieldS-i2nd>ep>enSd1ent parameters that ceEptxancceitfSara1tcitoionno! f 83mKr eventsIothnrSoiu2zg~haStthi1eofindu! cial- Ar** describe the detector as a whole (e.g. light collection ef- selection criteria. The time-averaged fiducial masses for ! ER band ficiency in gas(,exS2cirtaestoiolunti o<n<, g io, nanisdagtio),n)are allowed the date bins are 105.4, 107.2, 99.2, and 98.4 kg, in 1 2 (excitation ~ ionisation) S1 to vary while constrained to be equal for all exposure chronological order. A 3% systematic uncertainty across NR! band Recombination Phys.Rev.D93,072009 ! segments within a given date bin. In each exposure seg- all dateAs irs*e! stimated through comparison with accep- ment, the measured ER band median di↵ers from the tance fractions of 3H calibration data, of similarly uni- model band median by less than 1% for all S1. The formEdRist rRibuetiojneicn ttriuoe nrec ofial pcoAstitorio+rn! .: 1E0l2e -c 1tr0o3ns Exploit different fractions of 16 electric field magnitudes found through these fits are ! S2 BAenr*etti et al. (ICARUS) 1993; consistent with the values earlier obtained from the elec- 4 energy going to excitation (S1) 2! 9.8 keVee trostatic field models. This last point deserves emphasis, Benetti7 .5et8.7 al. (WARP) 2006 Discrimination between 3.8 6.3 baecnaudse itohentiwzoatetcihonniqu (esSf2or)e stimating electric field 5.2 Ar+ NR (WIMP-induced) and ER (background) 4 magnitude are completely independent: the electrostatic 3.6 2! S2 2.9 ! fiAeldllmoowdel tisob adseidsotninthge uobisserhve dEeRlec tfrronodmrif tNpaRth sSinPagolloe Atg EneRsTriplet PhD Thesis Defence, 30 Sept ‘16 7 3.4 Title Text alone, while the NEST fits are based on the S1 and S2 ] 1.7 ! ! ) d amwpiliStthu1d eas adloinse.crimination power of ph 3.2 NARr** ( 2 ! 1N0eu2t-r1on0c3a librations with the DD source were per- S [ 3 ER band 0 formed in each date bin. For each individual exposure 1 g (excitation ~ ionisation) o S1 33 keVnr segment, the best-fit parameters from the corresponding l 2.8 Recombination Technique available for dual NR! band 27 ! ER calibration are applied to the NEST NR model. The 2.6 21 repsuhltaingsNeRsm noodeblslseho wliqexuceilldenst adgreeetmeencttwoitrh cali- LUX Col., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, brations, such that the NR band medians of correspond- 2.4 15 161301 (2016) (Xe or Ar) EinRg m Rodeelsjeancdtciaolibnra tifoanscdti↵oerrb:y 1le0ss2t h-a n120.6%3 for 3 9 2.2 all S1. As in[9], the overall energy scale in the response 0 10 20 30 40 50 Benetti et al. (ICARUS) 1993; S1 (phd) models is fixed by fitting the NEST NR model to a sepa- Benetti et al. (WARP) 2006 rate in situ energy calibration using tagged neutron mul- Discrimination between 10 FIG. 1. WS2014–16 data passing all selection criteria. Fidu- tiple scatters[11, 12]. As before, we conservatively as- NR (WIMP-induced) and ER (background) cial events within 1 cm of the radial fiducial volume boundary sume NR light yield to be zero below 1.1keV, the lowest are indicated as unfilled circles to convey their low WIMP- energy at which NR light yield was measured in[11]. The signal probability relative to background models (in particu- Paolo1 A6gEnResand 16 NR models are then used withPinhDa pThroefislies DefleaTitle Texrnt ctehe, 32006 PSebpwt a‘1ll6background). Exposure-weighted average 7 likelihood ratio (PLR) method[41] to search for evidence ER and NR bands are indicated in blue and red, respectively of dark-matter scattering events. It can be seen from the (mean, 10%, and 90% contours indicated). Of the 16 models light-dashed curves in Fig. 1, representing extrema of the used, the scale of model variation is indicated by showing the 16 ER and NR models, that the scale of model variation extrema boundaries (the upper edge of the highest-S2 model and the lower edge of the lowest-S2 model) as fainter dashed is small and diminishes towards the energy threshold. lines for both ER and NR. Gray curves indicate a data selec- Events consisting of a single scatter within the active tion boundary applied before application of the profile likeli- LXe are selected according to several criteria: a single S2 hood ratio method. Green curves indicate mean (exposure- preceded by a single S1, an S1 threshold of 2 PMT coinci- weighted) energy contours in the ER interpretation (top la- dence, and an upper threshold for the summed pulse area bels) and NR interpretation (lower labels), with extrema mod- outside S1 and S2 within the trigger window. This last els dashed. selection removes triggers during high single-extracted-

DarkSide-20k (20 ton FM) will start data taking at LNGS in. 2021 test the technologies needed for DS-20k .. LNGS Scientific. Committee and to. INFN/NSF. Joint review started. → expect approval by April 2017. The DarkSide-20k Yellow Book. 1. Technical Proposal/Pre-Technical Design Report. 2.
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