INDEX 02 04 ENERGIZING APABAL:OUR CHALLENGE MOTIVATING Montserrat García Comino CREATIVITY USING ICT Presidenta d'APABAL Àngela Pont Rosselló 08 14 IDIOMS: GETTING ‘TECHIE’ Amanda Ferrer Jeffrey Sheona Smith 16 20 TOOLS: BRIDGING THE ENHANCING TEACHING AT EOIS: GAP WITH OUR STUDENTS Clara Sureda Vilar Ricard Garcia 23 26 EMBARKING ON NEW TERRITORY: COOPERATION AND REFLECTION CLIL AT SAN CAYETANO SCHOOL Montserrat Garcia Comino Tracy Aristide 28 32 SCHOOL ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROJECTS A CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE THE ROLE Magdalena Balle Garcia OF THE MOTHER TONGUE IN THE CLASSROOM Ferran Gayà 36 41 ENCOURAGING YOUR CHILD MAKING ROBERT GRAVES TO BE MULTILINGUAL: LONG-LASTING RELEVANT FOR MALLORCAN STUDENTS BENEFITS Sarah Brierley Sara Picornell Dillon 44 46 EXPLORING ROUTES TO LEARNING USING NEW TECHNOLOGIES TO Remei Llavador Boix IMPROVE OUR STUDENTS’ LITERACY SKILLS Gabriela Torrens Ansell APABALMAGAZINE/4 Energizing APABAL: Our Challenge This is the third issue of APABAL magazine will include not only the subject called En- and also the third year of activities organi- glish but also the teaching of other subjects zed by APABAL. Last September, our asso- using English as vehicular language. ciation organized the first APABAL Conven- It is undeniable that English is becoming tion: it was a great success with a very more and more important in the curricu- good turnout. The comittee pulled out all lum. As CLIL gains ground in primary and the stops: offering a September convention secondary education, APABAL will try to sa- created some much needed energy and tisfy the needs of these ‘new’ English teac- momentum at the start of a difficult school hers. CLIL teachers will be an important year with fresh ideas.Our motto was ‘fresh future part of our association. APABAL’s ideas for difficult times’. strength depends on the number of its The convention roundtable was a useful members. We would like to thank all those way to exchange ideas among TEFL profes- teachers who became APABAL members sionals from different educational sectors. this past year. If we grow as an association, All the topics we dealt with are real life cha- the voice of English teachers will certainly llenges for teachers nowadays. Topics like be heard more loudly and clearly. creativity in the English class, the teaching of oral skills or CLIL are crucial in order to evolve as teachers. In the coming years, En- Montserrat García glish teachers will have to face all the ‘no- President of APABAL velties’ stemming from the new education law and other changes such as the intro- duction of an oral exam in theselectividad examination. It is self-evident that there is now a greater social acceptance of how im- portant it is to learn English. TEFEL’s future will see a lot of changes; teaching English Associació de professors d’anglès de les Illes Balears The opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the article’s authors and do not represent the opinions of APABAL. Each author is responsible for the correct documentation of any sources used in their article (i.e. the necessary information & format for direct quotes, quoting ideas, etc.). “APABAL MAGAZINE” Direcció Aina Forteza Correcció i revisió APABAL Montserrat García Joana Salazar Sarah Brierley (ICE) És una publicació de Assumpta Sureda C/ Miquel dels Sants Oliver l’associació de professors Coordinació Àngel Molina Disseny i maquetació nº 2 d’anglès de les Illes Balears Magdalena Balle Dúctil Palma Equip de redacció Consell Assessor Aina Carreras [email protected] Aina Carreras Joana Salazar Impressió Revista nº 2 Carmen Moreno Jan Wright Copysteria Institut D.L. 916 -2011 Maig2012 Margarita Truyols Rosa Maria Viñuales C/ Alfred Bonet, 8A Baixos ISSN 2174 - 8497 Preu: 4€ Vivienne Birch Vivienne Birch 07003 Palma APABALMAGAZINE/6 MOTIVATING CREATIVITY USING ICT: WHO SAID ENGLISH LESSONS COULDN’ T BE FUN? By Àngela Pont Rosselló Àngela Pont Rosselló holds a degree in English Philology from the University of the Balearic Islands and has also worked as a Spanish Language Assistant in England. In 2011 she com- pleted a Master’s degree in Education and ICT with the Open University of Catalonia. APABALMAGAZINE/7 In the past few years, I have had the oppor- ally more advisable to foster students’ tunity to work with children aged between intrinsic motivation. However, we can occa- three and eighteen. At first I had the impres- sionally help students increase their sion that it would be quite difficult for me to learning motivation through extrinsic moti- teach ESL to little kids because the training I vators in the form of rewards. received was directed toward high school Regarding intrinsic motivation, Robert Har- students. However, I was surprised to learn ris3states that one major motivation key is that most of my students have some things the active involvement of students in their in common, regardless of their age: they are own learning. It is as easy as providing them almost always tired from previous lessons with some autonomy in the learning and they consider school to be a cage. How- process; for example, letting them choose ever, I could also appreciate how much they their partners for a project or the date of the love new technologies (even the younger project’s submission. In my case, I usually ones go crazy with happiness when watch- prepare a broad list of topics to choose from ing an English video-song on a mobile so that they can focus on their own interests; phone!); and also how they enjoyed express- consequently, they put more effort and ing and sharing their opinions and feelings enthusiasm into the task. I decided to try (either through handcrafts, debates, role- this list approach because, as Harris states, plays or any other projects). I learned how ‘students will be much more committed to a their mood can change just by not always learning activity that has value for them’. ‘having to’ follow the book and that a little As I see it, there are many reasons why ICT bit of freedom can be turned into a deeper also plays a very important role in students’ wish for learning. I may be wrong, but my motivation. On the one hand, ICT can be main goal as an ESL teacher is not for my used by teachers to form a bond with stu- students to pass the subject exams with high dents, because it is often the teacher who grades; instead, my aim is for them to enjoy needs the techno-savvy student’s help. English and to consider it as a ‘tool’ that can Consequently, students realise that teach- help them with their future goals. I want my ers are also learners; and that we use ICT students to be engaged by their lessons. So, I because we want to be on the same wave- started doing research, some of which you length as our students; we do this because will find explained in this article: why moti- we actually care about them and their learn- vation and creativity should be nurtured in ing process. On the other hand, new 1 John Holt, How Chil- the classroom — and how ICT (Information technologies allow us to connect the subject dren Learn. (England: and Communication Technologies) can with the outside world and, probably, with Penguin Books, help accomplish this goal. the students’ interests, culture and social 1991). lives. Another reason is that ICT allows us to Motivation Affects Learning present a great variety of tasks. With ICT, we 2J.E. Ormrod, ‘How J.E. Ormrod states that motivation affects can reach many more students in many Motivation Affects learning. However, this author is not the more ways, in contrast to just using a book. Learning and Behav- only researcher to express this opinion. ICT also helps make learning visual: pic- ior’. John Holt1also explains how a person’s tures, drawings, graphs and many more <http://www.educati learning capacity is not only determined by items can be shown and created via ICT. their intellectual abilities but also by the Finally, Harris also agrees that “strong and ticle/motivation- degree of motivation the task produces in lasting memory is connected with the emo- affects-learning-beh the person. Thus, it can be said that stu- tional state and experience of the learner”. avior/> dents’ academic performance is linked to Consequently, ICT gives us the chance to their enthusiasm for the task or subject. It is turn our classes into fun and exciting 3 Robert Harris, ‘Some necessary to motivate students because2: moments that will surely promote long- Ideas for Motivating - Motivation promotes long-term success lasting learning. Students’. and productivity I think it is important to show our students <http://www.virtuals - Motivation directs behaviour toward par- that ESL is not just about grammar and ticular goals exams; rather, it is an important ‘tool’ for m> - Motivation leads to increased effort and almost every situation or interest in life. If energy they learn English, they have access to a - Motivation increases initiation of and per- wider range of information; they can get in sistence in activities touch with people from all over the world; - Motivation affects cognitive processes and they will have more possibility of suc- - Motivation often enhances performance cess in their job hunt. Whatever the reason, students should take advantage of the wide- How Can We Motivate Our Students? spread language of ICT; the teacher’s job is Although we can differentiate between to try to make them realise this and turn intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, it is usu- them into intrinsically motivated learners, APABALMAGAZINE/8 learners who are engaged in a task because it Here is a selection of web-based tools and gives them pleasure. resources that exemplify how students’ moti- Why Is It Necessary to Enhance Students’ vation and creativity can be nurtured by 4Ken Robinson, TED Creativity? using ICT: Conference Series: Albert Einstein said that imagination is more Bitstripsis a free online comic strip tool Ideas Worth Spread- important than knowledge. Although he died where the user can turn real life people into ing. many decades ago, his point of view is still cartoon characters. This tool can be used on < valid nowadays. It was only a few years ago an individual basis: its art library provides m/speakers/sir_ken_ that Ken Robinson stated that“creativity now many different characters ready for use. robinson.html> is as important in education as literacy, and Users can also create their own avatars and we should treat it with the same status“4. even connect with friends in order to share 5 Inmaculada Cema- Robinson also argued that many creative and cartoons. Thus, this tool can be used to des Ramírez, talented people are not aware of their gifts enhance collaborative work in a fun and cre- ‘Desarrollo de la crea- because their creativity was not valued at ative way. tividad en Educación school. This may seem like a strong statement Infantil: Perspectiva but I truly agree with it, especially if the cur- constructivista’. rent socioeconomic context is taken into <http://www.creativi account. As Inmaculada Cemades explains5, nowadays, thanks to the development of the rticulos/12/Creativid Internet, anyone can gain knowledge without ad%20y%20Socieda leaving their home or needing a lot of money d.%20Desarrollo%20 or a specialized education. This is why the de%20la%20creativi educator’s main goal should focus on training Xtranormalis a free online tool that creates dad%20en%20Educa creative people who can cope with different animated films in a few easy steps. The user cion%20Infantil.pdf> situations and who know how to seek infor- can choose actors from different categories mation in effective and efficient ways. such as historical figures, celebrities, presi- 6Antonio Blázquez Moreover, enhancing students’ creativity dents and so on. Ortigosa, ‘La impor- takes advantage of their individual abilities: tancia de ser creativo’. they perform using all their skills, avoiding <http://www.csi- the frustrations of a system that makes no dis- tinction between learners and who’s odules/mod_ense/re standards are either too easy or too difficult. vista/pdf/Numero_1 Finally, I feel Antonio Blázquez words6are 7/ANTONIO_BLAZQ very important: he states that creativity is UEZ_ORTIGOSA_2.p fundamental for the appropriate develop- df> ment of students and their future success, Once the user has selected the actors and because ‘development’ refers not only to aca- their voices, setting, background sounds and 7 D. A. Majid, A. Tan, & demic aspects but also to social and music, it’s time to type the story! K. Soh, ‘Enhancing emotional spheres. Children’s Creativity: an Exploratory Study Motivating Students’ Creativity Through on Using the Internet ICT and SCAMPER as As I see it, creativity can be enhanced by Creative Writing adopting new teaching strategies (e.g. ICT in Tools”. The Korean the classroom) — always taking into account Journal of Thinking students’ interests as a way of stimulating and Problem Solving, their creativity. You can make dialogue changes, preview 13(2), 67-81. Majid, Tan & Soh state that “children’s creativ- your film and even save it in case you do not <http://faculty.ksu.e ity can be encouraged by exposing them to a have time to finish it in the first session. Addi- wide variety of stimulation, providing them tionally, you can publish your film online. al%20Library/Enhan opportunities to acquire information and And if you do not have time to be creative, cing%20Children%E materials and to combine and arrange them, there is always the possibility of watching 2%80%99s%20Creati giving children freedom to ask questions, dis- films made by the Xtranormal team or other vity%20An%20Explo agree, and experiment.”7 users via the YouTube website. ratory%20Study%20 ICT not only offers a great variety of tools — on.pdf> ICT is the way of the future and students are Jilsteris a free online application that creates very familiar with it. Consequently, if we link digital designs for users’ magazines. In other English lessons with new technologies, not words, this tool supplies the production only will the students perceive the tasks’ process necessary for creating a magazine. degree of difficulty as lower, but students’ Once registered, users can use their own texts enthusiasm and creativity will increase. and pictures to make the project more per- APABALMAGAZINE/9 sonal and engaging. The user can also invite other people to work as editors for the magazine so that they can help design and edit the project. Bibliography ESLvideois a free ESL video quiz builder that Blázquez Ortigosa, Antonio. ‘La importancia de allows both teachers and students to watch and ser creativo’. create interactive quizzes related to a selected <http://www.csi- video. The website is divided into several tabs depending on the students’ level, from beginner pdf/Numero_17/ANTONIO_BLAZQUEZ_ORTI to high intermediate. GOSA_2.pdf> Glogsteris a publishing platform that allows Cemades Ramírez, Inmaculada. ‘Desarrollo de users to create interactive posters loaded with la creatividad en Educación Infantil: Perspectiva text, graphics, music and videos, etc. constructivista’. < Smileboxis a free online application that lets the los/12/Creatividad%20y%20Sociedad.%20Des user create cards, invitations, collages, photo arrollo%20de%20la%20creatividad%20en%20E albums, scrapbooks, slideshows, calendars, ducacion%20Infantil.pdf> recipes, newsletters, books and much more! Once the users have selected the design they Harris, Robert. ‘Some Ideas for Motivating Stu- only have to add their photos, videos and dents’. optional text. <> Kerpoofis a website through which drawings, Holt, J. How Children Learn. England: Penguin animated films or stories can be created. Users Books, 1991. can also vote on the other users’ creations! It also Majid, D.A., A. Tan, A. and K. Soh. ‘Enhancing has an ‘educator page’ with lesson plans and Children’s Creativity: an Exploratory ideas on how to use Kerpoof. Study on Using the Internet and SCAMPER as Creative Writing Tools”. The Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem Solv- ing, 13(2), 67-81. < Library/Enhancing%20Children%E28 %99s%20Creativity%20An%20Exploratory%20 Study%20on.pdf> Ormrod, J.E. ‘How Motivation Affects Learning and Behavior’. Note that the above tools are only a few among < the millions of web-based resources that can be /motivation-affects-learning-behavior/ found on the Internet. Who said English classes Robinson, Ken. TED Conference Series: Ideas couldn’t be fun? Worth Spreading. < Useful Websites son.html> IDIO APABALMAGAZINE/10 HOW by Amanda Ferrer Jeffrey TO TEACH THEM TO STUDENTS Since 2001, APABAL member Amanda FerrerJeffrey (fluent in six languages) has been working in ELT as a teacher, trainer, translator and adviser in the UK, Germany, Italy and Spain.She has a MA in Learning); and as a language Applied Linguistics and is the adviser at the Direcció General author of various teaching materi- d’Ordenació, Innovació i Formació als and articles on TEFL, bilingual- Professionalat Conselleria ism and multilingualism. Amanda d’Educació, Cultura i Universitats was recently featured in “The del Govern de les Illes Balears. Magic Storyteller” by PREMIUM Amanda teaches B2 and C1 at CINE, telling fairy stories for ESL UNED (Universidad Nacional de children. Amanda is currently Educación a Distancia)and is working on her PhD at the professor of Grammar, Syntax, University of the Balearic Islands Literature and Pragmatics as well (UIB), focusing on CLIL (Content as a co-researcher of Second Language and Integrated Language Acquisition at the UIB.