Brews~er Kahle Jan 11, 1996 UCB Network of Workstations Re~rea~ AME CA AOL as a NOW America Online ¥2.6 Large Cluster of Unix and NT, hubs routers ¯ lOk’s of s~multaneous users ¯ >1Ok new users a day Heterogeneous computing and networking Off the shelf software, mostly 2 Operation for AOL ScalabH~ty: .tripled last year ~4 million emaH messages/day ¯ e.g. gopher/wa~s gateway ~s 13 machines, emaJl gateway is several. .el~abHity: machines, network, software Conservative 3 Intern tas a NOW ~ D~stributed AOL or Dia Protocols: few, ¯ server software: many, ¯ client software: bunches, ¯ server ~nstances: lots <<<<<Value of the net ¯ client instances: tons <<<<<Va ,ue of the net Unix is losing ~ts dominance to: ¯ dedicated hardware PC’s, Macs, NT 4 5 Infrastructure Needs Caching: "cFTP, cHTTP"? Log ~nfo for b~ll~ng/adverfis~ng ~o owner Control of d~str~bufion ¯ T~mely changes of da~a ~eliab~lity ¯ Mirroring ~s klunky , Network ho~tspots ¯ Server adm~n’s graduate: no arch~v~ng ye~ Supernodes "in" network: MIPS, storage, bandw~dkh, remote control: °ava server? Infrastructure needs (more) Multi-user "sockets" ~or app development: ¯ Chat, MUD’s, V~rtual spaces .ealtime applications: ¯ Telephone, conf ca .s, fasb~wi~ch games Virtual University: beyond the lecture hall ¯ Video-on-demand for campus lectures ¯ Extend libraries from paper to Lectures, class notes, etc. (tertiary s~orage, caching, 7 C nclu ® 0 Internet could be the mother of all ’NOW’s 0 Internet needs help 0 Internet is worth helping Trends: Heavier usage, R~cher files, Towards realtime