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Preview AOA News Volume 43 Number 13 January 17 2005

Volume 43 No. 13 January 17, 2005 Panel stalemate ends OD laser use in VA facilities The U.S. performed by ophthal- Procedures in Veterans is a reluctant one,” said istrative tie-up and Department of mologists with the req- Health Administration Secretary of Veterans maneuvering by med- Veterans’ Affairs uisite training and Facilities,” issued Dec. Affairs Anthony J. ical groups. (VA) has rescinded a expertise,” reads VHA 17. Principi. “Since experts “We are deeply dis- five-month-old policy appointed in the VA’s “This troubling action is unprecedented and that permitted properly decision to restrict trained and licensed optometrists’ laser privi- not based on any evidence of quality of care optometrists to perform leges in the VAsystem,” therapeutic laser eye concerns. In fact, the VA reviewed the cases of Dr. Pittman said. “This procedures at its health troubling action is care facilities under the laser therapy performed by VA optometrists and unprecedented and not supervision of ophthal- based on any evidence found the outcomes met VA standards of care.” mologists. of quality of care con- The action came cerns. In fact, the VA after a multidisciplinary Directive 2004-070, “The decision I could not come up with reviewed the cases of panel was unable to “Performance of made to rescind an implementation plan laser therapy performed agree on exactly how Therapeutic Laser Eye optometrists’ privileges agreeable to both spe- by VAoptometrists and that supervision should cialties, I chose this path found the outcomes met be handled. to protect the interest of VAstandards of care. “It is VHApolicy veterans.” We regret the VA’s that therapeutic laser The American action to limit the clini- eye procedures only be Academy of cal privileges of those Ophthalmology Web appropriately trained site hailed the new and licensed VA Inside directive as a “victory optometrists who were for patient safety at the providing laser therapy AOA News VA.” for patient conven- However, AOA ience.” launching online President Wesley In August, the VA Pittman, O.D., said there issued a policy that, had With news that affects optometrists occurring is no evidence of safety it been implemented, faster than ever, and most ODs using the Internet problems related to would have permitted frequently, AOA has launched a Web-based version laser procedures previ- optometrists who hold of AOA News to keep AOA members well ously performed by licenses authorizing Eye on Washington, informed. optometrists in VAfacil- laser eye surgery to per- Page 7 All visitors to www.AOANews.org will be able ities. form those procedures to read headlines and abstracts of the latest news Dr. Pittman attrib- when supervised by an affecting the profession. To get full stories, access uted the abrupt VApoli- archived articles and access links to AOA member cy change to an admin- see VA, page 4 benefits, ODs will need to log on with their member number and password, just as on AOA’s main site. Essilor gets Seal, (Members can find their member number on each Page 11 printed issue of the News, on the address label). The AOA News Online will be completely new each month, reflecting what is in the print version, but also featuring Web-only stories and updates as often as news happens, so check in often. We’ll be reporting immediately from optometric meetings, be able to conduct polls and surveys, Industry News and continually update breaking stories. Page 14 The print version will continue of course, in the familiar format you enjoy now. Because we have a new avenue for communication, we will now pub- lish 18 printed issues in 2005, (instead of 24) plus 12 monthly editions of AOA News Online as well as continuing updates. As always, we want to hear from you! Send comments, story ideas, and queries to Calendar, [email protected]. Page 16 Conference Exhibits JJuunnee 2222--2266,, 22000055 JJuunnee 2233--2255,, 22000055 visit call e-mail www.optometrysmeeting.org (800) 386-6825 [email protected] Registration opens February 1, 2005 Unparalleled CE, 200+ Exhibitors, House of Delegates, Professional Interaction – Optometry’s Meeting™ American Political power couple to Optometric Association 243 N. Lindbergh Blvd. launch Optometry’s Meeting TM St. Louis MO63141 800 365-2219 www.aoa.org Coming on the ongoing and incredibly 1984, to serve as nation- AOA Board heels of the hotly important lobbying al voter contact director contested 2004 efforts,” Dr. Hudson for the Reagan/Bush Wesley E. Pittman, O.D. PRESIDENT presidential election, the said. “The Opening Campaign. She held Richard L. Wallingford, Jr., O.D. AOA— thanks to the General Session is the senior positions in the PRESIDENT-ELECT generous support of highlight of George H. W. Bush 1988 C. Thomas Crooks, III, O.D. Essilor —will welcome Optometry’s Meeting™ campaign and, upon VICEPRESIDENT both sides of the politi- , so I encourage all to President Bush’s elec- Kevin L. Alexander, O.D., Ph.D. SECRETARY-TREASURER cal spectrum, and both attend. ” tion, was appointed sides of a marriage, at Before joining the chief of staff for the Victor J. Connors, O.D. IMMEDIATEPASTPRESIDENT the 2005 Optometry’s Bush/Cheney White RNC. TRUSTEES Meeting™ , June 22-26. House, Matalin hosted In 1992, President Mary Matalin, for- CNN’s critically Bush named her the Randolph E. Brooks, O.D. J. Wayne Buck, O.D. mer assistant to acclaimed debate show, deputy campaign man- Dori M. Carlson, O.D. President George W. Crossfire. Mary Matalin ager for political opera- Joe E. Ellis, O.D. Peter H. Kehoe, O.D. Bush and counselor to is the former founding tions. As deputy cam- Mary Matalin Carol D. Record, O.D. Vice President Dick co-host of the paign manager, she was Cheney, and James Washington-based polit- responsible for the AOA News Staff Carville, one of ical weeknight talk overview and organiza- www.aoanews.org America’s best-known show, Equal Time, which tion of all 50 state oper- Bob Foster premiered in May ations. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF [email protected] 1993 on CNBC. As the on-board Bob Pieper Matalin has planner who traveled SENIOREDITOR [email protected] made frequent tele- with President Bush Sean Hixson vision appearances throughout the 1992 ASSOCIATEEDITOR [email protected] as a political com- campaign, she emerged Kim Stuckmeyer mentator, and has as the vocal, and occa- ARTDIRECTION written for various sionally controversial, Stephen M. Wasserman periodicals includ- defender of the presi- DIRECTOR, COMMUNICATIONSGROUP ing Newsweekand dent and his policies. [email protected] The Los Angeles Carville’s political Andrew Miller ASSOCIATEDIRECTOR-PUBLICATIONS Times. Matalin also consulting winning AOAPUBLICATIONS [email protected] co-authored the streak began in 1986, James Carville best-selling politi- when he managed the Advertising cal campaign book gubernatorial victory of Fox Associates All’s Fair: Love, War Robert Casey in Email: political consultants, and Running for President Pennsylvania. In 1987, [email protected] will keynote the with her husband, Carville helped Wallace Opening General James Carville, who was Wilkinson win a hard ATLANTA, GA 30342 Session on Thursday, the chief campaign fought gubernatorial 1070 ONEPREMIERPLAZA 5605 GLENRIDGEDRIVE. June 23rd. strategist for campaign in Kentucky. 404-497-7690 “We’re extremely Clinton/Gore in 1992. The following year CHICAGO, IL 60610 excited to have such Her newest book, Letters brought Carville to New 116 WESTKINZIESTREET. high quality speakers to My Daughters, was Jersey, where he guided 312-644-3888 addressing Optometry’s released in April and Frank Lautenberg’s ROYALOAK, MI 48067 Meeting™ ,” said AOA has already been named campaign for United WASHINGTONSQUAREPLAZA 306 S. WASHINGTON, STE. 222. Congress Executive a Book of the Month States Senate to victory, 248-543-0068 Committee Chair Allan Club selection as well as defeating Rhodes LOSANGELES, CA 90079 Hudson, O.D. a New York Timesand Scholar and Heisman 110 EAST9THSTREET, SUITEA1173 “People are very Washington Post Trophy winner Pete 213-228-1250 familiar with Mr. Bestseller. Dawkins. Carville next NEWYORK, NY 10016 347 FIFTHAVENUE, STE1110. Carville and his intelli- After a hiatus from managed the successful 212-725-2106 gence and humor. Ms. Washington to attend 1990 gubernatorial cam- Matalin is equally, if not Hofstra Law School, paign of Georgia’s Lt. Change of address:Notify pub- more, sharp. Their Matalin returned to the Governor Zell Miller, lisher at least six weeks in advance, including both mailing label from the insight into politics is Republican National most recent issue and the new invaluable to AOA’s Committee (RNC) in see Power Couple, page 4 address with proper ZIP code. Accep- tance for advertising for publications does not constitute approval or The NEWS (USPS 908-120) (ISSN 0094-9620) is published 18 times per year (two issues per month endorsement by the NEWSor AOA. All advertising is subject to review for except January, June, July, August, November and December) by the American Optometric Association, acceptability by the AOA Communi- 243 N. Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63141-7881. Subscription rates (effective October 15, 2004): cations Group. Acceptance and/or AOA-member optometrists $16 /nonmembers (U.S.) $93.50 /Canada $111/other foreign $120. publication of editorial material in the Periodicals postage-paid at St. Louis, MO and additional mailing addresses. NEWSdoes not constitute approval or endorsement by the NEWS, or POSTMASTER Send address changes to NEWS, 243 N. Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63141-7881. AOA. Views and opinions appearing in the NEWS are not necessarily endorsed by AOA. Printed in the USA. JANUARY 17, 2005 • 3 VA, from page 1 ophthalmologist. lobbied for legislation to appeared to end the VAophthalmologists, In VAfacilities, restrict laser use by controversy, according proved equally fruitless. health professionals optometrists in VAmed- to the AOAAdvocacy Details regarding the “This issue is may request clinical ical centers. Group. panel discussions are not, and never privileges for services The Veterans Eye The directive specif- unobtainable. they are licensed to pro- Treatment Safety (VETS) ically stipulated that Acting VAUnder has been, about vide under state law. Act, (H. R. 3473) was optometrists could per- Secretary Perlin, who Oklahoma licenses introduced in form therapeutic laser had formally issued the quality of care properly trained November, 2003 by Rep. eye procedures under VAdirective authorizing optometrists to perform John Sullivan (R-OK), to the supervision of an laser procedures by concerns. laser procedures. amend Title 38 of the ophthalmologist as long optometrists, subse- Instead, it is As a result, at least United States Code to as those optometrists quently issued a second one VAMedical Center stipulate that only have been properly directive rescinding it. about ophthal- had been employing an licensed medical doctors trained to perform such “This issue is not, Oklahoma-licensed and licensed doctors of procedures and appro- and never has been, mology and optometrist to provide osteopathy could per- priately licensed by a about quality of care YAG capsulotomies form eye surgery at VA state regulatory agency. concerns. Instead, it is organized since 2003. facilities or under con- However, the six- about ophthalmology medicine’s The therapeutic tract with the depart- member VApanel, and organized medi- laser privileges granted ment. appointed to determine cine’s desire to control desire to to that optometrist The bill would have the terms of that super- optometry and prevent sparked a complaint also restricted vision, was unable to expansion in our profes- control from the American optometrists from per- agree on even basic con- sional responsibilities. Academy of forming many minor cepts during its only It is regrettable the optometry and Ophthalmology to VA surgical procedures face-to-face meeting in Department (of prevent administrators in such as punctal dilation, September. Subsequent Veterans’ Affairs) caved Washington, DC. epilation of lashes, and teleconferences, involv- in to those self-serving expansion in However, the VAinves- insertion of punctal ing the panel’s three VA motives,” Dr. Pittman tigated and found that plugs (see AOANews, optometrists and three said. our professional department policy Dec. 1, 2003). However, assuring patient safety the legislation died in Power Couple, from page 3 responsibilities.” was being followed and the House without a that the clinical privi- hearing. including a tough pri- focus on foreign consult- leges were being grant- Aformal directive, mary win over Atlanta ing. ed appropriately. issued by Jonathan mayor Andrew Young. James Carville is Unsatisfied with the Perlin, M.D., the VA’s In 1991, Carville— also an author, actor, VAadministrator’s Acting Under Secretary who had already become talk-show host, speaker response, the AAO and for Health, on July 30 of prominent in political and restaurateur. In other medical groups last year initially circles — drew national addition to All’s Fair: attention when he man- Love, War, and Running WWoorrkk HHaarrdd,, PPllaayy HHaarrdd aged Senator Harris for President, Carville’s Wofford from 40 points books include: We’re behind in the polls to an Right, They’re Wrong: A You work hard providing the best possible eye care to upset landslide over for- Handbook for Spirited patients who depend on you. You need the latest mer Pennsylvania Progressives; And the up-to-date information. Get it from the most Governor and U.S. Horse He Rode In On: The knowledgeable, experienced optometrists as they share Attorney General People vs. Kenneth Starr; their extensive clinical expertise with you. And after 4 hours a day of the finest Richard Thornburgh. Stickin’; Buck Up, Suck education available, play just as hard, as you enjoy the best beaches, the finest With the startling Up… and Come Back fare, the most luxurious resorts and the release you deserve for working so hard. and unpredicted When You Foul Up; Had Wofford win, Carville Enough? AHandbook for had exposed the political Fighting Back; and his lat- Keynote speakers vulnerability of George est and first children’s Bush, who had been book, Lu and the Swamp Chris Snyder, OD, MS, FAAO GGrraanndd CCaayymmaann 22000055 enjoying 91 percent Ghost, an adventurous Anthony Cavallerano, OD, FAAO February 16-22, 2005 Rob Prouty, OD, FAAO approval ratings during tale of his mother’s KKeeyy WWeesstt 22000055 Eric Schmidt, OD the Gulf War. childhood, set in the March 16-22, 2005 David Bright, OD, FAAO Carville finished the Louisiana bayous. CCoossttaa RRiiccaa 22000055 John McGreal, OD job the following year, Talk show host April 20-26, 2005 Art Epstein, OD, FAAO when he guided Bill Carville can be seen reg- Paul Ajamian, OD, FAAO Clinton to the presiden- ularly co-hosting CNN’S cy in 1992. Crossfire with hosts Paul In 1993, Carville was Begala, Tucker Carlson, honored as Campaign and Bob Novak. Register on the web or just call Kathie today. Manager of the Year by Matalin and Carville (281) 992-0002 • [email protected] the Ameri-can reside in Virginia with www.tropicalseae.com Association of Political their daughters, Matalin Consultants. “Matty” Carville and 20 hours of continuing education APPROVED After the Clinton Emerson “Emma” victory, Carville began to Carville. 4 • AOA NEWS FDA approves new drug treatment for age-related macular degeneration The Food and Drug Two-year clinical processes responsible for drug makers, “Macugen Administration data from the studies the vision loss associated was well-tolerated and (FDA) announced demonstrated a contin- with neovascular AMD. the patients who entered Dec. 20 the approval of ued treatment benefit Macugen is adminis- the second year on the pegaptanib sodium injec- with Macugen. tered in a 0.3 mg dose same therapy received tion (Macugen), a new over 90 percent of possi- “Macugen provides a needed therapy to slow vision ble treatments over the loss in people with the addition to the treatment of two years of the study. eye disease neovascular This indicates strong (wet) age-related macu- patients with this disease.” compliance and accept- lar degeneration (AMD). ance to therapy. Most of Pegaptanib is a selective Serious adverse once every six weeks by the adverse events report- vascular endothelial events related to the intravitreal injection. ed over the two years growth factor (VEGF) injection procedure Eyetech and Pfizer plan were mild in severity, antagonist. included infections, reti- to make the treatment transient and attributed “Macugen is among nal detachment, and available in the first by investigators to the the first treatments to tar- traumatic cataract. Other quarter of 2005. injection procedure rather get the underlying biolo- frequently reported According to the than the study drug.” gy of wet age-related adverse events in macular degeneration,” patients treated with said Lester M. Crawford, Macugen were eye irrita- Firm’s latest products aid D.V.M., Ph.D., acting tion, eye pain, hemor- commissioner of the rhage under the conjunc- AMD detection, treatment Food and Drug tiva, and blurred vision. Administra-tion. The New Drug Carl Zeiss Meditec is touting a three-pronged pro- “Macugen provides a Application for Macugen gram for combatting Age-related Macular needed addition to the was received and Degeneration, which includes early detection, effec- treatment of patients approved in six months tive monitoring, and innovative treatment. with this disease.” according to the FDA. To monitor AMD-related structural changes, Carl The FDAapproval Macugen therapy is Zeiss Meditec offers digital imaging devices such as was based on findings being co-developed by the FF 450 Plus to perform fluorescein angiography to from two pivotal Phase Eyetech Pharmaceuticals, detect if newly formed or abnormal blood vessels 2/3 randomized, multi- Inc. and Pfizer Inc. found in advanced AMD patients would benefit from center, double-masked Eyetech and Pfizer will treatment. The company’s Stratus OCT technology clinical trials involving co-market the product in provides cross-sectional imaging of the back of the approximately 1,200 the United States. eye, allowing practitioners to view and precisely patients with all sub- According to the quantify the degree of fluid accumulation or retinal types of neovascular drug makers, “Macugen thickening associated with advanced AMD. AMD. meets a major urgent For treatment of patients already diagnosed with The primary efficacy unmet medical need and advanced AMD, Carl Zeiss Meditec’s VISULAS 690s endpoint was the pro- is the first therapy indi- Laser activates a photosensitizing drug for portion of patients pro- cated for the treatment of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), which may stop or slow tected from three-line all types of neovascular vision loss from advanced AMD. loss of visual acuity on AMD, regardless of As a visual field analyzer, the PreView PHP bases the eye chart by week 54. lesion subtype or size.” its diagnostic capability on “hyperacuity,” the inherent Results showed that Until now, the only human ability to visually detect the misalignment of among patients receiving FDA-approved treatment objects relative to other objects in space. According 0.3 mg of Macugen, 70 was limited to the pre- to Carl Zeiss Meditec, the PreView PHP bypasses sev- percent lost less than dominantly classic sub- eral of the limitations of the Amsler Grid by: three lines of vision on type of neovascular (cid:2) Randomly projecting an image on the touch- the eye chart, compared AMD, which accounts screen, eliminating the possibility of patient memoriza- with 55 percent of for up to 25 percent of tion. patients receiving control the neovascular AMD (cid:2) Eliminating “lateral inhibition” by flashing one treatment. patient population. line at a time, allowing the patient to detect distortions The results demon- Macugen is a pegy- with greater accuracy. strated a 27 percent rela- lated anti-VEGF aptamer, (cid:2) Eliminating the possibility for visual compensation tive treatment effect for a single strand of nucleic by flashing images for just 160 milliseconds. Macugen treated patients acid that binds with (cid:2) Providing a normative database and objective compared to controls specificity to a particular means for evaluating whether a change in the visual with respect to three-line target. Macugen specifi- field is actually sight-threatening. loss. Macugen also cally binds to VEGF 165, (cid:2) Providing monitoring in a clinical environment, helped limit progression a protein that plays a ensuring correct and scheduled use, which is difficult to legal blindness, by 50 critical role in angiogene- with take-home tests. percent compared to sis and increased perme- For information, visit www.meditec.zeiss.com. controls, in the study ability, two of the pri- eye. mary pathological JANUARY 17, 2005 • 5 108th Congress leaves profession altered, sets stage for new laws Last year, with the more than $21 million despite the best efforts recommendations that adjournment of over 2004. of Rep. Boozman, that were issued in May by the 108th While this falls refinement proved to be the Senate Republican Congress, optometry short of the vision com- elusive and an agree- Task Force on Health saw action and inaction munity’s request of $711 ment could not be Care Costs and the on many issues, meas- million, it represents reached to satisfy the Uninsured,” said Dr. ures, and legislation progress in reaching an chairman’s concerns Williamson. related to the profes- equitable funding level and clear the way for The AOAand other sion. for NEI, the FRC said. final passage. critics contend that the Two optometry- For details about the Senator Gregg gave bill would undercut related bills concerning NEIfunding, see the up chairmanship of the state insurance regula- vision benefits for feder- story on the next page. HELPCommittee to tion and open the door al employees and Decorative take the gavel in the to fraud. Nearly every retirees, and the Senate Budget organization represent- contact lens Individuals with Committee. Senator ing state officials has regulation Disabilities Education Mike Enzi (R-WY) takes come out against AHPs, Act, were highlighted in Last November, the over as chairman of the including the National the Dec. 27 AOANews. House of HELPCommittee. Governors Association Now for AOANews, Representatives “He has close ties to (NGA), the National the AOAFederal approved H.R. 2218 by Wyoming’s optometric Association of Insurance unanimous consent. community and we Commissioners (NAIC) This legislation, have a very strong and the National introduced by keyperson relationship Conference of State Representative John with him,” Dr. Legislatures (NCSL). Boozman (R-AR), would Williamson said. “We “President Bush clarify that decorative believe that Sen. Enzi was an enthusiastic contact lenses should be will be receptive to the AHPsupporter on the regulated as medical Boozman legislation.” campaign trail this fall devices under the and additional AHP Federal Food, Drug and Association supporters will be join- Cosmetic Act. ing the Senate next health plans This measure was month, so we will have Relations Committee introduced in response On two different our work cut out for us (FRC) summarized what to a Food and Drug occasions, the House on this issue,” Dr. happened to the major Administration (FDA) approved legislation to Williamson said. measures related to notice outlining plans to allow small employers The AOAand other optometry, as well as regulate these lenses as to form regional and AHPopponents are what happened to cosmetics because their national association reviewing alternatives potential legislation regulation as a medical health plans (AHPs) that would enable small you’ve been reading device was not support- that would be exempt businesses to enjoy the about throughout the ed by statute. from state benefit and benefits of larger risk last two years. See page Rep. Boozman is an regulatory require- pools without gutting one for full story on the optometrist and an ments. state regulatory protec- latest details of the AOAmember. He is H.R. 660 was tions. VETS bill. serving his third term approved in June 2003 representing the Third by a vote of 262 to 162 Children’s National Eye Congressional District and H.R. 4281 was eye exams in Arkansas. approved in May by a Institute “We had hoped that vote of 252 to 162. A Congressman Bill During the recently the Senate would give companion bill, S. 545, Pascrell (D-NJ) intro- completed lame duck swift approval to this was introduced in the duced legislation last session, the president important legislation,” Senate, but no action year to address the issue signed the massive said Dr. Williamson. was taken. of eye examinations for omnibus spending bill “Senator Judd The AOAFRC told school-age children. into law. Included in the Gregg (R-NH), chair- AOANewsthat the The bill, H.R. 2173, law is funding for most man of the Senate Senate has traditionally was largely initiated by health programs, Health, Education Labor looked on AHPs with the Vision Council of including the National and Pension Committee less favor than the America (VCA), which Eye Institute (NEI). NEI at the time, worked to House of consulted with the AOA will receive $674.58 mil- refine of the bill’s lan- Representatives. as the bill was being lion in funding for fiscal guage,” he said. “In fact, AHPs were year 2005, an increase of Unfortunately, not even included in the seeLegislation, next page 6 • AOA NEWS EEyyee oonn WWaasshhiinnggttoonn NEI wins 2.5% funding increase Despite an overall this year. AOANews, April 26). spending freeze, Funding was allo- Eye researchers a “zero percent cated under terms of the have been among the $28.6 billion—a $800 growth” policy and federal government’s most effective in produc- million increase over across-the-board cuts in annual Omnibus ing breakthrough treat- 2004. non-defense-related dis- Spending bill, signed ments for serious health Before the 0.83 per- cretionary spending, the Dec. 8 by President conditions, according to cent cut, the appropriat- federal government is George W. Bush. James F. Jorkasky, the ed amount for 2005 the allocating a record Increased NEI fund- alliance’s executive NEI stood at $674.6 mil- $669.5 in funding for the ing is among the AOA director and a former lion—which would have National Eye Institute Advocacy Group’s top research scientist. For represented a $21.5 mil- (NEI) in the 2005 budg- federal legislative priori- example, recent studies lion, or 3.3 percent, et—up $16.5 million ties for this year. have led to improved increase over the $653 from 2004. AOAis among the treatment for glaucoma. million the institute The allocation rep- members of the National The increase also received for the 2004 fis- resents a 2.5 percent Alliance for Eye and comes as optometrists cal year—again more increase for the entity Vision Research are playing a growing than the 2.9 percent which sponsors much of (NAEVR), a coalition role in eye research. sought by the adminis- the nation’s eye formed to coordinate Optometrists played an tration and the House research, as well as one Washington lobbying on important role in a but less than the 4.4 per- of the few times the NEI behalf of eye research recent glaucoma study cent increase initially has won a greater per- funding. and other major approved by the Senate. centage budget increase NEI’s above-average research, notes AOA Applying the 0.83 than its parent agency, funding comes in the Washington staff person percent cut to the NEI the National Institutes wake of a federally John Whitener, O.D. appropriated amount, of Health (NIH). sponsored study show- Approved Nov. 20 the NEI appropriation NIH, the nation’s ing the number of by both the House (on a was reduced to $669.5 largest sponsor of health Americans with major 344-51 vote) and the million, reflecting a net research, is allocated a eye diseases is increas- Senate (on a 65-30 vote) 2.5 percent increase over total of $28.4 billion for ing, and vision loss is the federal govern- fiscal year 2004. 2005, up $560 million, or becoming a major public ment’s fiscal year 2005 Those funding lev- about 2 percent, from health problem (see omnibus spending bill els could still be subject actually encompasses a to some reduction as the series of nine appropria- result of “program Legislation, from page 6 tions bills consolidated transfers,” Jorkasky under the Foreign notes. Operations appropria- The House-Senate prepared. licensed health care tions bill (H.R. 4818). Conference Committee The bill would have provider or certified The final spending which developed the made grants available to vision screener as need- package totals $821.9 bil- final spending package states for providing ing such services.” lion and reflects a is allowing the director comprehensive eye No legislative action spending freeze or “zero of NIH to direct up to examinations to school- occurred on either bill. percent growth” policy 1 percent of appropria- age children and to for all non-defense dis- tions to designated develop and dissemi- Medicare cretionary spending, activities such as the nate educational materi- implemented to meet ongoing development of Modernization als on the benefits of spending targets agreed an NIH “research Act such examinations. to by Congress and the roadmap.” The bill would After passing the administration. Despite the increase, require an optometrist milestone Medicare Total discretionary NEI’s fiscal year 2005 or ophthalmologist to Prescription Drug, spending in the bill is funding still falls short provide these compre- Improvement, and $388.4 billion; any addi- of the $711 million hensive eye examina- Modernization Act of tional spending is paid sought by AOAand tions. 2003 (MMA), Congress for by an across-the- NAEVR as part of a Rep. Vito Fossella took a breather from board 0.83 percent cut in long-term plan to dou- (R-NY) introduced a Medicare issues last all non-defense, non- ble NEI’s funding from competing version of year. However, AOA homeland security its 1998 level. this legislation. His bill, expects to see a “techni- spending and cancella- Both the AOA H.R. 3602, would have cal corrections” bill. tion of other funding. Advocacy Group and provided support for The AOAFRC will be Prior to the 0.83 per- NAEVR promise further eye examinations for closely monitoring cent cut, the appropriat- NEI funding increases children who “have developments on the ed amount for the NIH will be back on the leg- been identified by a technical bill. for fiscal year 2005 was islative agenda for 2005. JANUARY 17, 2005 • 7 CMS announces changes to Medicare managed care program The U.S. maintain viable PPOs, age plans or, where pos- an expanded geographic Department of expand the managed sible, PPOs that provide area. That alone could Health and care program to rural both health care and bring 1.6 million Human Services (HHS) areas, and thereby drug coverage. Medicare beneficiaries is hoping prescription attract potentially mil- The old into the managed care drug benefits and pre- lions of new beneficiar- Medicare+Choice pro- program, they say. ferred provider organi- ies as Medicare admin- gram provided coverage But whether plans zations will bring new istrators hope. through HMOs. choose to stay with the life to Medicare’s man- The AOAFederal Although the program may ultimately aged care program. Government Relations Medicare Advantage depend on reimburse- However, some Committee and AOA name is already in use, ment rates which, insurance company Eye Care Benefits the new coverage sys- although now based on executives—whom the Center (AOA-ECBC) are tem is to begin in 2006. Medicare fee-for-service U.S. Centers for studying the Medicare Key to the new pro- rates and subsidized out Medicare and Medicaid Advantage program as gram is a system of of a special fund, are Services (CMS) are ulti- well as possible strate- regional administration, expected to come down mately relying on to gies optometrists might announced Dec. 8 and next year as the result of provide managed care use in approaching designed to make sure competitive bidding, services under Medicare potential bidders in coverage is available even with a planned Advantage on a contract each region. virtually everywhere retention bonus. basis—wonder if the Revamped and across the U.S. Meanwhile, many program will be able to renamed under the The health care side insurance industry exec- retain participating Medicare Moderniza- of the program is to be utives wonder if health plans or attract patients tion Act of 2003, the administered through 26 care practitioners, par- any better than it did Medicare managed care designated managed ticularly in rural areas when it was known as program is to begin care regions, most with a limited number Medicare+Choice. offering a combination encompassing one or of care providers, will Moreover, they of comprehensive health two states. Pharmaceu- be anxious to join PPOs wonder if Advantage care and prescription tical coverage similarly and accept lower reim- will be able to attract coverage through either will be administered bursements to see the the health care combinations of PPOs through 34 service same Medicare patients providers necessary to and prescription cover- regions. they might see anyway In order to become under the Medicare fee- Medicare’s PPO for-service program. provider for any given “We often struggle region, a health plan to recruit Medicare ben- will have to demon- eficiaries that have been strate that it can provide in Medicare plans for access to care in every many, many years or part of that region. were disillusioned when Under Medicare+ many plans left the mar- Choice, HMOs have ketplace,” said Keith often offered care on a Dines, president and county-by-county basis. chief operating officer of As a result, coverage the Arizona-based has been unavailable in regional insurance com- many areas, particularly pany, Sun Health. “We rural localities, and it also struggle with has often been difficult billing provider net- for beneficiaries to tell works in rural areas. what plan was provid- There are many, many ing their coverage. plans and many In addition, a num- instances where you ber of important HMOs, have had difficulties Regional Medicare PPOs, Prescription Drug Plans reportedly unhappy contracting with The Medicare Modernization Act requires a number of changes to with reimbursement lev- providers.” the Medicare program, including the addition of Medicare prescrip- els or CMS administra- CMS plans to pub- tion drug plans (PDPs), as well as the addition of regional Medicare tion of the plan, lish regulations for the Advantage (MA) plans under the new Medicare Advantage program. dropped out of new Medicare To implement both new programs, the Centers for Medicare and Medicare+Choice, mak- Advantage plans this Medicaid Services has defined the regions for MA regional plans and ing coverage even spot- month in the Federal PDPs. An MA region is one color. A difference in shading indicates tier. Register. that there are multiple PDP regions nested within the MA region No CMS say 35 new The agency plans to change indicates that the MA and PDP regions are the same. For plans have already have the new managed example, Wisconsin and Illinois are in one MA region; they are each applied to participate in care programs organ- a separate PDP region. Each territory is its own PDP region. Advantage in 2005 and ized and ready to offer 22 have applied to serve the public by June 6. 8 • AOA NEWS SHARE THE VISION at International Vision Expo East CONTINUING EDUCATION MEETING Share the Vision at the One Event Developed to Cost Effectively Educate all Ophthalmic Professionals the It’s place for complete continuing education designed by your peers to meet the needs of every practitioner and staff member. Learn the current thinking in eye care that will make a critical difference in your professional development. • Access to the latest vision care advancements and technology • Sessions targeting all members of the ophthalmic community • COPE-approved courses; ABO and NCLE credits; JCAHPO; CLAO and AADO tracks; AOA Para and TQ • InStyle Special Fashion Panel sponsored by Magazine • Conference: March 10-13, 2005 Introducing the NEW Medical & Scientific Pavilion • Exhibit Hall: March 11-13, 2005 Over 550 leading U.S. and international exhibitors Jacob Javits Center, New York, NY Come share the vision — register today! To register, call 1-800-811-7151 International Calls 1-203-840-5610 Or visit www.visionexpoeast.com/aoa Presented by: Produced by: Endorsed by: Endorsed by: SIGN UP SHEET Vision Care What is InfantSEE™? Section of the InfantSEE™ will be a public health program designed to ensure that optometric APHA seeks eye and vision care becomes an integral part of infant wellness care to award entries improve a child’s quality of life. Please fill out the information below to sign up as an InfantSEE™ Provider or register at www.aoa.org. The Vision Care Name (please print):_________________________ Section (VCS) of the State: _________Phone:______________________ American Public Health E-mail: _____________________________________ Association invites nomi- Return the form to: Betsy Zatkulak nations for the InfantSEE™ Provider sign-up, 243 N. Lindbergh St. Louis, MO 63141 Fax: Distinguished Service (314) 991-4101 award, the Outstanding Scientific Paper/Project Award, and the Outstanding Student BB DD YYOOUU MM EENNEEFFIITTSS EESSIIGGNNEEDD WWIITTHH IINN IINNDD Paper/Project Award. The Distinguished Service Award: (Sponsored by Vistakon) The highest honor the Section can bestow is The AOA Group Insurance presented to a person, institution or group who Program has its eye on has made an outstanding you with benefits contribution or demon- designed to fit your strated continual high • MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT quality service in the lifestyle and profession. INSURANCE area of public health You can learn more about Supplement your Medicare Coverage at eye/vision care. all these plans at affordable group rates. The Outstanding Scientific Paper/ www.AOAInsurance.com. • CANCER CARE Project Award: This Has a First Occurrence benefit ofup to award recognizes a per- $10,000.00 for a first cancer diagnosis son, group, or institution and a daily hospitalization benefit for • TERM LIFE • ACCIDENT up to 90 days. that has contributed sig- PROTECTION PLAN nificantly to the advance- Coverage available up to $750,000.00 for you and/or your spouse. Pays you up to $500,000.00 in cash ben- • EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE ment of eye/vision care efits for impairment or ifyou die in a PLUS (EA+) in the public health field. • LONG TERM DISABILITY covered accident.Apply online. When something happens to you The Outstanding P$5ro0v0i.d0e0s t mo $o6n,t0h0ly0 .b0e0n teof iatsg er a6n5g fionrg u fpro tmo • SECURE STARTSM apwroavyi dfrionmg yhooum we iEthA m+ ecdainc ahle alpn db y SPtruodjeecnt tA Pwaapredr/: two years (one year ifage 65 to 70). Sign your eligible children up for a emergency assistance. (Sponsored by BSK -Beta $20,000.00 life insurance plan.You can • SHORT TERM DISABILITY even download an application online! 1-800-245-4454 Sigma Kappa) This Call and use Provides monthly benefits up to Learn more at AOAInsurance.com. award recognizes a stu- promo code 3279,or fill out the $3,250.00 for covered injuries or dent or group of students • eHEALTHINSURANCE coupon below, for FREE sickness. that has contributed sig- Look online for your own Dental and information on any of these plans. • BUSINESS OVERHEAD Medical health plans – choose a policy nificantly to the advance- ment of eye/vision care Monthly benefits up to $15,000.00, that suits your needs and your wallet. LTD,STD and BO Plans underwritten by Unum Life Insurance Company ofAmerica. in the public health field. depending on the needs ofyour prac- Learn more at AOAInsurance.com. Medicare Supplement,Secure Start,and Cancer Care Plans tice,when you are totally disabled. are underwritten by Monumental Life Insurance Company, Awards recipients • SHORT TERM MEDICAL Baltimore,MD. will be honored during • HOSPITAL HELP PLAN A health plan lasting 30 to 185 days.It’s AHDar&tfoDr,dT eLrimfe ILnisfeu raanndc eH CIPo mPlpanans ya.re underwritten by The the APHA annual meet- Cash benefits paid directly to you for perfect ifyou are between jobs,waiting EA+ coverage provided by Medex Assistance Corporation. ing in New Orleans, Short Term Medical is underwritten by Fortis. each day you are in the hospital with for group health coverage to start,or you Nov. 5 –9, 2005 tailored plan levels up to $500.00 a day. are a recent college graduate.Start your Coverages may have exclusions,limitations,reductions and/or termination provisions.The policies or provisions Nominations are Apply online. application at AOAInsurance.com. may vary or be unavailable in some states. requested by March 31, 601-03 ADR 851-2003 2005 and should include PPlleeaassee sseenndd mmee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg 13331 a narrative statement of AAmmeerriiccaann OOppttoommeettrriicc AAssssoocciiaattiioonn GGrroouupp IInnssuurraannccee PPrrooggrraammss.. 250 words or less with Term Life Business Overhead Medicare Supplement Insurance each nomination along Long Term Disability Hospital Help Plan Cancer Care with a copy of paper/ Short Term Disability Accident Protection Emergency Assistance Plus (EA+) project to be considered Log on at www.AOAInsurance.com & apply for: Nominations should Hospital Help Plan • Accident Protection Plan • Secure Start • eHealthInsurance be sent to: Dr. Satya B. Name: Verma, Chair, VCS Awards Committee Address: PCO, 8360 Old York City: State: Zip: Road, Elkins Park, PA Daytime Phone#: ( ) Date of Birth: / / 19027 (215) 780- To receive the facts* about these plans,just fill out this form and send it in a stamped envelope to: 1345, fax: (215) 780- AOA Group Insurance Program,P.O.Box 22708,Santa Barbara,CA 93121-2708 1327, [email protected] OR call 1-800-245-4454,and use promo code 3279 and a Benefit Representative will assist you. ©2003 AGIA 601-03 Promo Code 3279 *Including costs,exclusions,limitations and terms ofcoverage. ADR 851-2003 1100 •• AAOOAA NNEEWWSS

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