ANZAC Research Institute AAAnnnnnnuuuaaalll RRReeepppooorrrttt 222000000888 AAnnnnuuaall RReeppoorrtt 22000088 ANZAC Research Institute “We do not know his rank or his battalion. We do not Vision know where he was born, or precisely how and when To provide leadership and excellence in health and he died. We do not know where in Australia he has medical research activities throughout Australia, with made his home or when he left it for the battlefields of a focus on ageing, to improve the future health and Europe. We do not know his age or his circumstances medical care for the Australasian community. In so – whether he was from the city or the bush; what doing, the Foundation will provide a lasting legacy to occupation he left to become a soldier; what religion, the veterans and their families who have created the if he had a religion; if he was married or single. We society we have today. do not know who loved him or whom he loved. If he had children we do not know who they are. His family Mission is lost to us as he was lost to them. We will never • To establish and operate a state-of-the-art know who this Australian was. Yet he has always biomedical research institute on the campus been among those we have honoured. We know that of Concord Hospital that is affiliated with the he was one of the 45,000 Australians who died on the University of Sydney. Western Front. One of the 416,000 Australians who volunteered for service in the First World War. One of • To encourage, collaborate in and undertake basic, the 324,000 Australians who served overseas in that clinical and epidemiological research, with a war; and one of the 60,000 Australians who died on particular focus on ageing, that aims to improve foreign soil. One of the 100,000 Australians who have health and medical care and is dedicated to the died in wars this century.” Dedication to the Unknown memory of our war veterans and their families. Soldier. • To gain and optimise support from the wider Don Watson community in order to facilitate our vision. “Perhaps the most drastic effect of the war on • To provide leadership and excellence in biomedical Australia would never be enumerated: it was the loss research in national and international arenas. of all those talented people who would have become • To foster education and training in relevant prime ministers and premiers, judges, divines, research and health disciplines. engineers, teachers, doctors, poets, inventors and farmers, the mayors of towns and leaders of trade unions, and the fathers of another generation of Australians. It was a war in which those with the gift of leadership, the spark of courage, and the willingness to make sacrifices often took the highest risks. The Australians were all volunteers. It may be that on Gallipoli and in France we lost the most generous spirits of a generation.” Geoffrey Blainey He is all of them. And he is one of us. Just as the Unknown Soldier represents the sacrifice made by our forebears and symbolises the ANZAC spirit, the ANZAC Health and Medical Research Foundation will, in perpetuity, add to our Nation’s understanding and confidence about our place in the world and our capacity to play a creative and humane Cover image: Courtesy from Jennifer Durnall part in it. The Foundation’s vision will encourage us to NSC-34 cells (neuroblastoma crossed with spinal recognise how important it is for our Nation to believe cord hybrid cell line) stained for TDP-43 (Tar DNA in great ideas and to have them at the forefront of our Binding protein) (red), cytoskeleton (green) and the ambitions. nucleus (blue). 27872-ANZAC_AR08 V2.indd 2 27/2/09 11:06:37 AM CONTENTS CONTENTS Chairman’s Report 2 Director’s Report 3 ANZAC Research Institute Research Reports Andrology 5 Biogerontology 11 Bone Biology 12 Burns Research and Reconstructive Surgery 16 Cancer Pharmacology 20 Geriatric Epidemiology 23 Northcott Neuroscience Laboratory 24 Vascular Biology 29 Veterans Epidemiology 32 Staff & Students 34 Grants & Contracts 36 Publications 39 ANZAC Health and Medical Research Foundation Financial Performance 42 Board 43 Donor Honour Roll 45 2008 Annual Financial Reports and Independent Audit Report Foundation Financials 49 Trust Fund Financials 58 1 CCHHAAIIRRMMAANN’’SS RREEPPOORRTT 22000077--88 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 2007-8 It is with pleasure and pride that I once again pick up The year has brought many funding difficulties, my pen to acknowledge the completion of another especially in ensuring the protection of research successful year in the development of the ANZAC funds in the adverse investment climate, and in Research Institute. It has been a very challenging maintaining income to sustain the operation of year and the success which the Institute’s scientists the Institute buildings and operations. The Board have achieved under the fine leadership of the has noted with concern indications of reduced Director, Professor David Handelsman is a tribute infrastructure funding from government which may to their dedication and commitment to outstanding exacerbate these difficulties. I expect 2008-09 will research. I know all members of the Board of the be another challenging year, especially as we will ANZAC Health and Medical Research Foundation need to find extra funds to support the opening and join with me in congratulating Prof Handelsman operation of the new laboratories. and the Institute’s scientists on their achievements, including the very impressive list of international On behalf of the Board I would like to close by publications, awards and competitive grants you thanking the Director and his administrative team, will see elsewhere in this report. especially Julie Taranto, Annet Doss and Tracey Dent for support to the Board. I would also like The Institute was founded as a cooperative initiative to thank my Deputy Chair, Danny O’Connor, the of the Commonwealth and NSW State Governments, members of the Finance Committee Mrs Eve Bosak with strong support from the University of Sydney and Prof David Cook for their efforts in this difficult and Concord Repatriation General Hospital. year and to pay tribute to all members of the Board Those entities have continued to provide strong for their commitment to the future of the ANZAC support as the Institute enters the next phase of Institute. its development. The Board was very grateful to receive funding support from the University to enable the Institute to take the opportunity to expand its premises as part of the development of the Bernie Banton Centre. The Institute will occupy the top floor of the Centre which has been built to house the Asbestos Disease Research Felicity Barr Institute. This much needed expansion of the Chairman ANZAC laboratories will allow continued growth in research, giving the opportunity to offer laboratory space to outstanding scientists whose work will ! contribute to the Institute’s reputation. The support of our landlord, the Sydney South West Area Health Service, during the building of the new Centre has been excellent and is very much appreciated. 2 DIRECTOR’S REPORT 2007-8 DIRECTOR’S REPORT 2007-8 Welcome to our Annual Report which outlines the The Centre was named in Bernie’s honour the day ANZAC Research Institute’s progress in its 8th year after he died at a ceremony officiated by former of operation. By all measures we have had another Premier Iemma and several NSW Ministers in excellent year. We have sustained achievements Nov 2007. The Centre’s development created a in research discoveries, in growth of competitive cost-effective opportunity to add a second storey external grant funding, by winning awards, in to the originally planned single level building so training the next generation of research scientists the University of Sydney contributed $5 million to and in publishing papers in top international construct an extension of the ANZAC Research journals. Among the more notable achievements Institute. The combined expansion triples the has been the discovery of a new gene for motor research capacity on the Concord campus. The neuron disease by Garth Nicholson’s research two sibling institutes have signed a Memorandum group, the appointment of Peter Maitz to Australia’s of Understanding that will smoothly integrate their first Chair of Burns Surgery, the establishment scientific operations. Bernie Banton was personally of the country’s first ultrasensitive ABI5000 LC- involved in the ADRI’s development including tandem mass spectrometer for steroid analysis recruiting its inaugural Director, Professor Nico and success in new NHMRC grants. The overall van Zandwijk, from Amsterdam who now works picture is a success to be proud of, but with a pride on the Concord campus as yet another high profile tempered by understanding just how hard it is to recruit from Europe to this campus. Planning and maintain an excellent record. construction of the Centre was completed this year ahead of schedule and on budget. Especially Details of the cutting edge projects underway in its start-up phase ADRI will depend heavily on among the Institute’s 9 research groups, each an the scientific strength and success of the adjacent international leader in their field, can be seen in ANZAC Research Institute. the following pages. Since we started in 2000, the ANZAC Research Institute has become NSW’s A key feature of the ANZAC Research Institute fastest growing medical research institute. It has has always been our close linkage to Concord earned a reputation for scientific excellence within Hospital. As the medical research institute for a its overall theme of Ageing with work covering major teaching hospital, each of our major research cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, groups are led by individuals heading or closely neurodegenerative disease and dementia, and affiliated with Concord Hospital departments. population research into ageing and the health These strong, organic connections ensure our of veterans. Recognized by the NHMRC and NSW research is closely aligned with the priorities in government as a independent medical research understanding health and disease on which to base institute, serving a major teaching hospital and improvements in medical practice. In the most affiliated with University of Sydney, in broad terms enlightened way, this mandate drives the most we now provide a scientific home to over 120 appropriate research covering from basic discovery scientists including 40 graduate (PhD) students science to applied science in clinical, translational, who earn an external grant-based income of over public health and health services research. Such a $7 million and produce nearly 200 scientific papers tight integration of active medical research is the in top international journals per year. most reliable guarantee of the highest standards of health and medical care in any modern major A major milestone this year has been the hospital. A medical research institute with high development of the Bernie Banton Centre adjacent academic standing serves a Hospital by attracting to the ANZAC Research Institute. This building top academic physicians, researchers and trainees houses the Asbestos Disease Research Institute from around the country and overseas. This (ADRI), a world’s first research facility dedicated to model of mutual enrichment between a teaching research into asbestos related diseases especially hospital and its medical research institute is, mesothelioma, on the ground floor with an extension however, under threat from not only the general to the ANZAC Research Institute on the upper floor. climate of economic uncertainty but also specific 3 DDIIRREECCTTOORR’’SS RREEPPOORRTT 22000077--88 DIRECTOR’S REPORT 2007-8 pressures from the government sector that threaten to dilute The Institute’s success owes great thanks to the hard work of the infrastructure funding which is vital to keeping our doors our administrative staff – Justin Crosbie, Tracey Dent, Annet open and our scientists working in their labs. Doing high quality Doss, Mark Jimenez, Mamdouh Khalil, Pam McDowell, Julie medical research is costly in the short-term but makes an Taranto, Lilian Tay – a terrific team whose dedication it is always exceptional long-term investment in better health and medical a pleasure to acknowledge. Thanks go again to Danny O’Connor, care. Only strong community support which recognizes the value General Manager of Concord Hospital, for his reliable practical of medical research can keep the Institute going strong. support on behalf of the Sydney South West Area Health Service. Similarly, the support of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor David Cook in particular, is gratefully appreciated. Thanks are also due to John Gatfield for his professional editing of our newsletter Discovery. This is also my chance to thank Felicity Barr, the Chair together with the other Board members for their continued support in striving for the Institute’s success. Above all, it is a privilege to work in the challenging and creative environment created by the Institute’s scientists and my thanks go to them for their quiet, inspiring efforts which make any exertions seem worthwhile. David Handelsman Director ! Administration Department MPU Group L to R: Annet Doss, Tracey Dent, Justin Crosbie, Lilian Tay, L to R: Veronica Pollero, Mamdouh Khalil, Christina Julie Taranto, Pam McDowell Nostas, Matilda Webbey, Ashley Latimer, Sabina Horky 4 RESEARCH REPORTS RESEARCH REPORTS ANDROLOGY Highlights for 2007-2008 • Dr Charles Allan: John & Eileen Haddon Memorial Award for Group Leader: Professor David Handelsman Geriatric Research (Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Senior Scientists: Dr Charles Allan, Dr Tim Harwood, Assoc Prof Foundation) 2007 Peter Liu, Dr Ulla Simanainen, Dr Kirsty Walters • Prof David J Handelsman: Honorary life Visiting Scientists: Dr Hassan Nabavi (Iran), Dr Gideon membership, Endocrine Society of Australia 2008 Sartorious(Switzerland) • Assoc Prof Peter Y Liu: Rising Stars Symposium speaker, Staff and Students: Omar Akram (with Heart Research Institute), Endocrine Society of Australia, 2008 Lydia Andres, Fay Bacha, Frank Bathur, Assoc Prof Ann Conway, • Keely McNamara: Reginald Maney Lake and Amy Laura Irene Di Pierro, Carolyn Fennell, Ellen Gao, Kaye Griffiths, Amanda Bonamy Scholarship Idan, Dr Veena Jayadev, Mark Jimenez, Patty Kapelaris, Lucy Liu, • KirstenMcTavish:EliLillyAwardforbeststudentpresentation, Dr Lam Ly, Kisten McTavish, Keely McNamara, Jennifer Spaliviero, Australian Society for Medical Research NSW Scientific Meeting Sasa Spasevska, Leo Turner, Ljubica Vrga. 2007 Andrology is the study of male reproductive health, medicine and • KirstenMcTavish:ServierAwardforbestpaperpublishedbya biology. The Andrology Laboratory focuses on the biological and young investigator, Endocrine Society of Australia, 2007 clinical effects of androgens (male hormones) on men’s health. • DrUllaSimanainen:AustralianWomeninEndocrinologyYoung The major androgens are testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone Investigator Award 2008 (DHT) which have a crucial role in male reproductive functions • Dr Ulla Simanainen: International travel award, Endocrine such as fertility and sexuality. They also have vital influences on Society of Australia, 2008 most other tissues especially the prostate, cardiovascular system, bone and the brain. There is now the first reliable evidence that androgens also have a subtle role in female reproductive physiology. The body’s own androgens are also a crucial influence on the development of prostate and cardiovascular diseases as men grow older. In medicine, androgens are used to treat hormone deficiency states and they can also be used as hormonal drugs in certain chronic diseases, for male contraception and for ageing men. The Andrology group conducts a wide range of studies spanning basic, clinical and public health research with a focus on men’s reproductive and general health across all ages. Incorporating the Andrology Laboratory at the ANZAC Research Institute and Department of Andrology at Concord Hospital, it features an Andrology Laboratory integrated bench to bedside and beyond approach intended to L to R: Tim Harwood, Charles Allan, Keely McNamara, Lucy facilitate successful translational research. Yang, Ulla Simanainen, David Handelsman, Mark Jimenez, Our research focuses on improvement in four broad aspects of Ellen Gao, Matt Robson, Kirsten McTavish, Kirsty Walters, men’s health Jenny Spaliviero. • Androgentherapytoimprovehealthandwell-being Physiology and Pharmacology of • Causes,preventionandtreatmentofprostatedisease Androgens • Better understanding of how hormones regulate sperm production Clinical Pharmacology of Testosterone • Understandingtheeffectofandrogensinhealth,inmaleageing, A Conway, PY Liu, C Fennell, L Turner, DJ Handelsman and in women by undertaking research using customized clinical paradigms and experimental animal models As a leading research centre in the pharmacology of androgens, our research continues into understanding how well such treatment works and in optimising delivery to make it work better. Our work defined the modern clinical pharmacology of depot testosterone implants. This highly effective and affordable treatment modality faced deletion from the market as an old, low cost technology to be 5 AANNDDRROOLLOOGGYY ANDROLOGY displaced by newer, more expensive and less durable testosterone The chemotherapy administered can, however, adversely affect products that may be less satisfactory for lifelong treatment. After testicular function, resulting in impaired fertility and testosterone its revival, this treatment resumed a place among the major forms deficiency. The incidence of erectile dysfunction, decreased of testosterone replacement therapy for Australian men. Although reproductive capacity and testosterone deficiency in men following a convenient therapy with the advantage of long intervals (6 bone marrow transplantation is poorly defined, especially in months) between treatments, the minor surgery implantation Australian men. We are collecting this information and will also procedure suffers from the drawback of occasional extrusions. determine the factors which worsen or improve the chances of This is where one or more pellets tracks back under the skin to be normal reproductive health post-transplantation. This knowledge expelled through the implantation site, often months later. Several will guide medical surveillance of reproductive health in these clinical research studies have examined ways to improve implant male survivors of hematological malignancies, and thereby allow delivery and prevent extrusions. These studies provided valuable timely treatment when necessary. information in defining how long the treatment lasts, why and how it varies between men and at what threshold of blood testosterone Androgen Misuse and Abuse: Sports Doping levels people become aware of returning symptoms of insufficient blood testosterone levels. The popularity of long-term depot A Idan, C Fennel, PY Liu, M Jimenez, DJ Handelsman in treatment prompted companies to develop improvements on collaboration with A Death, L McRobb, K McGrath (Heart their standard injectable products which last only 2-3 weeks. Research Institute) and R Kazlausakas, G Trout, C Howe As a result, a 3 month injectable form of testosterone has been (National Measurement Institute) marketed. We recently competed the first long-term, head-to-head comparison study between the implantable and injectable depot testosterone products. Our findings show that although injectable The dramatic benefits of androgens on muscle strength, energy and implanted testosterone differ in their hormonal profile, their and quality of life in men with genuine androgen deficiency mean overall testosterone effects are comparable and well accepted. that androgens are particularly liable to overuse in the community. This may be in the form of medical misuse via misguided over- prescribing or as androgen abuse involving the illicit use of Testosterone, Obesity and Sleep Apnea androgens drugs for sports doping and body building. PY Liu, DJ Handelsman with Dr B Yee and Prof RR For testosterone misuse, we developed a national, state-based Grunstein (Woolcock Institute of Medical Research) surveillance of PBS-funded testosterone prescribing patterns. This has identified patterns of over-use that call for heightened surveillance and increased professional and public education to Both obesity and sleep apnea are strongly associated with lowered make clear the differences between valid evidence-based use of blood testosterone concentrations in middle-aged and older men. testosterone treatment and deterring misguided overuse lacking Peter Liu has postulated that these two common, adverse health reliable evidence of safety and effectiveness. Fortunately, surveys states combine to form an intermeshed vicious cycle which of Australian high school students we have reviewed indicate drives down blood testosterone levels while also worsening both that androgen abuse has remained at steady, relatively low levels the obesity and sleep apnea. Although palliative treatments are during the last decade. available to improve or bypass both obesity and sleep apnea, no treatments are available to provide simple, well-sustained Androgen abuse is the illicit use of androgens to improve sports benefits or cure. An effective treatment that rectifies both of performance or for body-building. Such drug doping is banned in these major health problems would be a substantial advance in sports as it is both cheating as well as endangering athlete’s health. promoting health male ageing. A randomized, placebo-controlled Androgens remain the most effective and widely abused drugs clinical study is underway to test the hypothesis that testosterone for sports doping. Bans by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) treatment may ameliorate obesity and/or sleep apnea. and its national affiliates like the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASDA) are policed by methods to detect androgens in urine specimens obtained from elite athletes. Although well- Reproductive Function after Bone Marrow known androgens are readily detected by sophisticated and Transplantation sensitive chemical methods, in recent years new designer androgens have been developed to evade detection. Our group PY Liu, DJ Handelsman with Dr K Bradstock (Westmead was the first to prove that the designer androgen THG was a Hospital) potent androgen, evidence that was pivotal to the first successful prosecution of an athlete for THG use. Maintaining effective bans Bone marrow transplantation with ablative chemotherapy is a on androgens requires continual improvement in detection of illicit life-saving procedure that cures certain hematological cancers. androgens. The Andrology group is now undertaking WADA- and 6 ANDROLOGY ANDROLOGY ASDA-supported clinical and laboratory studies to develop new and more powerful detection tests for such novel androgens and other means to evade detection of androgen abuse. Together with our collaborators, we continued to undertake studies to develop novel methods to detect abuse of other potential anabolic agents that act through increasing androgen output (such as hCG, recombinant LH, GnRH analogues) or through other mechanisms (such as insulin). Healthy Male Ageing: The Health Man Study G Sartorious, S Spasevska, AJ Conway, PY Liu, DJ Clinical Andrology Laboratory Handelsman with Prof RI McLachlan and Dr C Allan (Prince L to R: Pat Lim, Lydia Andreas, Mark Jimenez, Laura Henry’s Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne) Hartog, David Handelsman, Gideon Sartorious, Carolyn Fennell, Amanda Idan, Patty Kapeleris, Veena Jayadev, Leo The societal costs of population ageing combine reduced post- Turner, Frank Bathur, Faye Bacha, Peter Liu, Ljubica Vrga retirement income with increasing needs for expensive health services. Consequently, approaches are needed to effectively, safely and affordably improve quality of life (QoL) among older Androgens and the Prostate people so they can maintain physical capabilities for productive Origins of Prostate Disease work as well as prolonging independent and enjoyable living for as long as possible. K Griffiths, G Sartorious, B Jin, L Chan, A Conway, DJ Male ageing brings progressive deterioration in QoL through debility Handelsman due to musculoskeletal, metabolic and mental deterioration. These facets of ageing resemble those seen in androgen deficient (AD) Our clinical studies on the origins of prostate disease have also younger men, all of which are safely and effectively rectified by focussed on early life factors (such as pre-birth or during puberty) testosterone (T) replacement. It is therefore a plausible, testable that may predestine the development of prostate disease decades but unproven hypothesis that T replacement may ameliorate later. some aspects of male ageing. However, despite lack of convincing evidence to justify such treatment, opportunistic evidence-free We are undertaking two long-term clinical cohort studies. In one, promotion of T treatment has surged, especially in the USA where we are following a cohort of 570 men studied 5-10 years previously commercialization of “andropause” increased T prescriptions 20- to measure the growth rate of the human prostate by ultrasound fold over 15 years. This trend has not been followed in Australia and to identify lifestyle, hormonal and genetic factors that may due to effective regulatory responses adopted by PBS to restrain influence it. In the second study, we are focussing on how events unjustified “andropause” marketing, steps that were subsequently before and soon after birth may determine the susceptibility of emulated in the USA (2006) and Europe (2005). the prostate to diseases such as prostate cancer and hyperplasia in later life. In this project, we are establishing a birth cohort of Male ageing is characterized by falling systemic androgen exposure. young men born ~1970 in inner Sydney and who are now in their Why some men remain healthy well into old age and others do not early 30’s. The latter study requires us to trace young men born remains a mystery. This study will aim to address this question, and in Sydney around 1970 using hospital birth records. In contrast to determine the role of preserved androgen output in maintaining to a birth cohort of girls developed by collaborators in Adelaide, good health. This study will also define age-specific reference the recruitment of boys in Sydney has proved to be much more ranges for testosterone in an “elite” healthy male population difficult, due, at least in part, to the requirement for an invasive and explore the reasons why testosterone concentrations vary transrectal ultrasound. As a response, we developed and validated in one man compared with another. This project will extend our a new less invasive method, transperineal ultrasound, which we established reference panel methodology from our study of young showed to be as reliable as the standard transrectal methods. This men to middle-aged and older men with the addition of multiple new method published in the top Urology journal should facilitate sampling and use of a reference testosterone assay using our new future population studies of healthy men prior to onset of overt tandem-mass spectrometry method. prostate disease. 7 AANNDDRROOLLOOGGYY ANDROLOGY Clinical Trial of DHT to Prevent Prostate Growth Androgens and the Testis A Idan, K Griffiths, L Turner, AJ Conway, D J Handelsman Male Hormonal Contraception L Turner, C Fennell, AJ Conway, PY Liu, M Jimenez, DJ A major advance in understanding prostate development and Handelsman disease was the recognition that the prostate has an inbuilt amplification system that boosts the androgenic potency of testosterone entering the gland. This is based on an enzyme (5a A major practical application of knowledge about how hormones reductase type 2) expressed in the prostate that converts T to control sperm production is the development of a male hormonal DHT, a more potent androgen. The highly selective expression contraceptive. Men have a strong interest in effective family in the prostate of this enzyme allowed development of specific planning with over 1/3 of all contraceptive-using couples relying blockers of this enzyme that reduce both prostate over-growth on traditional male methods of contraception. Despite this not (the main reason for prostate surgery in older men) and the rate of a single new male contraceptive method was introduced over development of prostate cancer. the last century while over the last four decades, numerous highly effective, reversible contraceptives for women have been With this background knowledge, our own research suggested a developed in one of the greatest achievements in applied science, reduction in prostate growth rate in otherwise healthy older men which produced profound changes in our society. who were treated with an androgen that was incapable of such amplification. This clue has led us to develop a major study being Following a decade of preliminary feasibility and path-findings conducted at the Department of Andrology, Concord Hospital studies, in 2003 the Andrology Department published a proof to evaluate, in detail, the degree to which DHT is effective in of principle study establishing very high reliability of a depot preventing prostate growth in middle-aged men without known combined hormonal male contraceptive. Our approach featured prostate disease. Sponsored by an overseas pharmaceutical a long-acting injectable (rather than an oral pill) for better safety company, this investigator-initiated study will be completed in and reliability as well as a combination of hormones (testosterone 2008 and will determine in detail whether the DHT treatment has plus a progestin, a synthetic analog of the natural pregnancy hormone progesterone, used in female contraception) rather any adverse effects on bone or the cardiovascular system. than testosterone alone. In our preliminary studies using a depot form of testosterone, we defined the lowest effective dose with Tissue-selective Role of Androgens in the Prostate sufficient suppression but without undesirable side effects and tested it with a progestin to identify the best combination. The U Simanainen, K McNamara, E Gao, CM Allan, DJ excellent result for the prototype hormonal regimen was a major Handelsman advance. The announcement of the very positive findings of this study, funded by CONRAD, an American public sector agency, The androgen receptor (AR) has a crucial role in both normal made international headline news. Our studies have led the world prostate development and the emergence and progression of and made great progress in optimising the approach to develop prostate cancer. Ulla Simanainen (PhD, Finland) has joined the a practical hormonal male contraceptive regimen. The proof of laboratory to study the AR and prostate function by applying principle re-kindled the faltering interest of major multinational innovative transgenic approaches to selectively disrupt AR function pharmaceutical trials in developing a marketable product that will in defined cell types within the mouse prostate. We have created a exploit this approach for an effective, reversible male hormonal model targeting AR in the prostate epithelium to explore the role of contraceptive. Currently, based on the positive findings of our androgen in the development of structures fundamental to normal 2003 study, we are extending our clinical experience with the functioning prostate, as well as in prostate proliferative diseases combined depot approach, as the first medical male hormonal of benign prostate hyperplasia and cancer that develop in later contraceptive service offered anywhere in the world. life. Our ongoing research will also investigate the influence of We are starting a major CONRAD and WHO sponsored international selective AR deprivation on long-term steroidal sensitivity of the multicentre trial of a novel injectable depot androgen-progestin prostate, noting that early hormonal exposure and deprivation may combination to define its contraceptive effectiveness (i.e. how have long-range influences and essential roles in the subsequent effective it is at preventing pregnancies). Building on our proof of development of prostate cancer later in life. Our research may principle study, this combination is the current “lead candidate” for provide new clues for targets for prevention, screening and/or a marketable male-directed hormonal contraceptive. treatment for prostate diseases including prostate cancer. 8