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ANYTIME RELIABLE TRANSMISSION OF REAL-VALUED INFORMATION THROUGH DIGITAL NOISY CHANNELS ∗ GIACOMO COMO †, FABIO FAGNANI ‡, AND SANDRO ZAMPIERI § Abstract. The problem of reliably transmitting a real-valued random vector through a dig- ital noisy channel is relevant for the design of distributed estimation and control techniques over networkedsystems. Oneimportantexampleconsistsintheremotestateestimationundercommuni- cationconstraints. Inthiscase,ananytimetransmissionschemeconsistsofanencoder–whichmaps the real vector into a sequence of channel inputs– and a decoder –which sequentially updates its estimateofthevector asmoreandmorechannel outputs areobserved. Theencoder performsboth sourceandchannelcodingofthedata. Assumingthatnochannelfeedbackisavailableatthetrans- mitter, this paper studies the rates of convergence to zero of the mean squared error. Two coding strategies are analyzed: the first one has exponential convergence rate but it is expensive in terms of its encoder/decoder computational complexity, while the second one has a convenient computa- tional complexity, but sub-exponential convergence rate. General bounds are obtained describing theconvergence propertiesoftheseclassesofmethods. Keywords. Stateestimationwithcommunicationconstraints,anytimetransmission,real-time communication, unequalerrorprotection, digitalfountaincodes. AMS subject classifications. 93E10,94A34,94B70. 1. Introduction. Reliable transmission of information among the nodes of a network is known to be a relevant problem in information engineering. It is indeed fundamentalbothwhenthenetworkisdesignedforpureinformationtransmission,as wellasinscenariosinwhichthe networkisdeputedtoaccomplishsomespecific tasks requiring information exchange. Important examples include: networks of processors performingparallelanddistributedcomputation[2,42],orloadbalancing[13,14,30]; wireless sensor networks, in which the final goal is estimation and decision making from distributed measurements [19, 21, 45, 15]; sensors/actuators networks, such as mobile multi-agent networks, in which the final goal is control [20, 32, 29, 33]. Dis- tributed algorithms to accomplish synchronization, estimation, or localization tasks, necessarilyneedtoexchangequantitiesamongtheagents,whichareoftenreal-valued. Assumingthattransmissionlinks aredigital,afundamentalproblemisthus totrans- mit a continuous quantity, i.e. a real number or, possibly, a vector, through a digital noisy channel up to a certain degree of precision. This paper is concernedwith the problemof efficient, real-time transmissionof a finite-dimensional Euclidean-space-valued state through a noisy digital channel. We shall focus on anytime transmissionalgorithms,i.e. algorithms which can be stopped anytime while providing estimations of increasing precision. These algorithms are particularly suitable for applications in problems of distributed control. AsespeciallypointedoutinaseriesofworksbyA.SahaiandS.Mitter[35,36,37], ∗Some of the results of this paper have been presented at the Forty-Sixth Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, (Monticello, IL, US), Sept. 23–26, 2008, and have appearedinitsProceedings[7]. TheworkofSandroZampierihasreceivedsupportfromtheEuropean Community’sSeventhFrameworkProgrammeunderagreementn.FP7-ICT-223866-FeedNetBack. †Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 MassAve,Cambridge(MA),02139, US([email protected]). ‡DipartimentodiMatematica,PolitecnicodiTorino,CorsoDucadegliAbruzzi24,10129Torino, Italy([email protected]). §Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informatica, Universita` di Padova, via Gradenigo 6/A, 35131, Padova, Italy,([email protected]). 1 there is a specific feature distinguishing the problem of information transmission for control from the problem of pure information transmission. This is related to the differentsensitivitytodelaytypicallyoccurringinthetwoscenarios. Indeed,whilethe presence of sensible delays can often be tolerated in the communication performance evaluation, such delays can be detrimental for the system performance in several controlapplications. Here,thefundamentalquestionisnotonlywhere,butalsowhen the information is available. For this reason, it is often desirable to use transmission systems for control applications which are able to provide estimates whose precision increases with time, so as providing a reasonable partial information transmission anytime the process is stopped. On the other hand, the computational complexity of the transmissionschemes is acentralissue. Infact,nodesinwirelessnetworksareusuallyverysimpledeviceswith limitedcomputationalabilitiesandsevereenergyconstraints. Applicabletransmission systemsshouldbedesignedperforminganumberofoperationswhichremainsbounded intime, bothinthe encodingandinthe decoding. Hence,ananalysisofthe tradeoffs between performance and complexity of the transmission schemes is required. In many problems of information transmission, there is the possibility to take advantage of the feedback information naturally availableto the transmitter. Known results in Information Theory [9] show that feedback can improve the capacity of channels with memory, or multiple access channels1, as well as reduce latency and computational complexity. In many cases of practical interest, however, feedback in- formation is incomplete, or difficult to be used. Also, there are many situations, for instanceinthewirelessnetworkscenario,inwhichthetransmitterneedstobroadcast its information to many different receivers and hence feedback strategies to acknowl- edge the receipt of past transmissions could be unfeasible. For these reasons, in the present paper we shall restrict ourselves to the case in which there is no feedback information. A fundamental characteristic of digital communication for control applications concerns the nature of information bits. In the traditional communication theory, informationbitsareusuallyassumedtobeequallyvaluable,andtheyareconsequently giventhesameprioritybythetransmissionsystemdesigner. Infact,designparadigms of modern low-complexity codes [27, 34] –based on random sparse graphical models and iterative decoding algorithms– treat information bits as equally valuable. While such an assumption is typically justified by the source-channel separation principle, this principle does not generally hold when delay is a primary concern. For instance, it is known that separate source-channel coding is suboptimal in terms of the joint source-channel error exponent [10, 11]. In fact, in many problems of information transmission for control or estimation, different information bits typically require significantly different treatment. As an example, particularly relevant for the topics addressed in this paper, as- sume that a random parameter, uniformly distributed over a unitary interval, has to be reliably transmitted through a digital noisy channel (see [5] and references therein for the analysis of the information theoretic limits of this problem on the bandwidth-unlimited Gaussian channel). Such a parameter may be represented by its dyadic expansion, which is a stream of independent identically distributed bits. Clearly, such information bits are not equally valuable, since the first one is more significantthanthe secondone, andsoon. This motivates thestudy ofunequalerror 1Whereas aclassicresultduetoShannon showsthatfeedback doesnotimprovethecapacityof adiscretememorylesschannel. 2 protection codes [28, 4]. One of the challenges posed by information transmission for control/estimation applications is to come up with design paradigms for practical, low-complexity, unequal error protection codes. In this paper, we shall propose two classes of coding strategies for the anytime transmission of real-valued random vectors through a digital noisy channel. In both cases, the transmissionscheme consists of an encoder, mapping the realvector into a sequenceofchannelinputs,andofadecoder,sequentiallyrefiningthe estimateofthe vector as more and more channel outputs are observed. The first strategy is charac- terized by good performance in terms of the convergence of the mean squared error, but it is expensive in terms of encoder/decoder computational complexity. On the other hand, the second class of strategies have convenient computational complexity, but worse convergence rate. In order to keep the use of information-theoretical techniques at a minimum, we shall confine our exposition to the binary erasure channel (BEC), and defer any dis- cussiononthepossibleextensionstogeneraldiscretememorylesschannelstothecon- cluding section. In the BEC, a transmitted binary signal is either correctly received, or erasedwith some probability ε. While this channelallowsfor anelementary treat- ment, it is of its own interest in many scenarios. In [6], the techniques proposed here have been applied in order to obtain a version of the average consensus algorithm working in presence of digital erasure communication channels between the nodes. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sect. 2 formally states the prob- lem. Sect. 3 presents anupper bound to the possible errorconvergenceof anycoding scheme over the BEC. In Sect. 4 we introduce the class of encoder/decoder schemes used throughoutthe paper and whichare basedona preliminary vectorquantization of the continuous vector to be transmitted. In Sect. 5, trade-offs between perfor- mance and computational complexity are investigated. First, a simple linear-time encodable/decodable repetition scheme is analyzed in Sect. 5.1. Then, the main re- sult is presented in Sect. 5.2, showing that finite-window coding schemes are able to achieve only sub-exponential error decays. In Sect. 6, random linear convolu- tionalcodesareshowntoachieveexponentialerrorratesatthe costofcomputational complexity growing quadratically in time. Finally, some Monte Carlo simulations of finite-window coding schemes are reported in Sect. 7. We end this introduction by establishing some notation. Throughout the paper, R and N will denote the sets of reals and naturals, respectively. For a subset A B, A will denote the cardinality of A, A=B A its complement, and 1 :B ⊆0,1 A |its|indicator function, defined by 1 (x)=1\if x A, and 1 (x)=0 otherw→ise.{Th}e A A ∈ naturallogarithmwillbedenotedbyln,whilelog willstandforthelogarithminbase 2. For x [0,1], we shall use the notation H(x) := xlogx (1 x)log(1 x) for ∈ − − − − the binary entropy of x with the standard convention 0log0= 0. For two sequences of reals (at)t N and (bt)t N, both the notations at =O(bt) and bt =Θ(at) will mean ∈ ∈ that a Kb for some constant K, while a = o(b ) will mean that lim a /b = 0. t t t t t t t ≤ A sequence a , t = 1,2,... is sometimes denoted with the symbol a = (a ) , while t t ∞t=1 with the symbol a=(a )T we will mean its truncation to t=1,...,T. t t=1 2. Problem formulation. We shall now provide a formal description of the problem. Let x be a random variable taking values on Rd. We shall assume X ⊆ that x has an a priori probability law which is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure, and denote by f(x) the probability density of x. Further, we shallassume that E x 2+δ <+ for some δ >0. At time t N, the communication || || ∞ ∈ channel has input y , and output z , taking values in some finite alphabets , and t t Y 3 , respectively. Transmission is assumed to be memoryless, i.e., given the current Z input y , the output z is assumed to be conditionally independent from the previous t t inputs (ys)st−=11 and outputs (zs)ts−=11, as well as from the vector x. The conditional probability of z =z given y =y will be assumed stationary and denoted by p(z y). t t | We shall consider in detail the binary erasure channel (BEC) in which = 0,1 , Y { } = 0,1,? , and Z { } p(?0)=p(?1)=ε, p(00)=p(11)=1 ε, p(10)=p(01)=0. | | | | − | | Here, ? stands for the erased signal, and ε [0,1[ for the erasure probability. ∈ The anytime transmission scheme consists of an encoder and a sequential de- coder.2 The encoder consists of a family of maps E : , specifying the symbol t X →Y transmitted through the channel at time t, y = E (x). With this family of maps t t we can associate the global map : N which specifies the infinite string that E X → Y the encoder generates from x. The decoder instead is given by a family of maps : t , describing the estimate xˆ = ((z )t ) of x obtained from the string Dt Z →X t Dt s s=1 (z )t thathasbeenreceiveduntiltimet. Withthisfamilyofmapswecanassociate s s=1 naturally the global map : N N. This is represented in the following scheme D Z →X Channel Et - t - t Dt - X Y Z X (2.1) x - (y )t - (z )t - xˆ s s=1 s s=1 t where :=π and where π : N t is the projection of a sequence in N into t t t E ◦E Y →Y Y its first t symbols Inordertoevaluatetheperformanceofascheme,wedefinetherootmeansquared error (mean with respect to both the randomness of x and with respect to the ∈ X possible randomness of the communication channel) at time t by ∆ :=(E x xˆ 2)1/2. (2.2) t t || − || Inthispaper,weshallbeconcernedwiththe rateofdecayof∆ fordifferentanytime t transmissionschemes. All the coding strategieswhichwill be analyzedarecharacter- izedbyarootmeansquarederror∆ convergingtozerolike2 βtα forsomeconstants t − β >0 and 0<α 1. More precisely we shall seek to find α,β such that ≤ ∆ p(t)2 βtα (2.3) t − ≤ forsomepolynomialp(t). When(2.3)holds,thecodingstrategywillbesaidtoachieve a degree of convergence α and rate of convergence β. When α = 1 we shall simply say that we have an exponential convergence. In this case β is referred to as the exponential convergence rate. In the sequel, various strategies will be compared in terms of the parameters α and β that can be achieved, and such parameters will be related to the required computational complexity. 2Our definition of anytime transmission scheme does not formally coincide with that in the Anytime Information Theory of S. Mitter and A. Sahai. Our usage of the term “anytime” has to be understood in the broader sense it has in Artificial Intelligence, where anytime algorithms are algorithmswhosequalityofresultsimprovesgraduallyascomputation timeincreases[46]. 4 2.1. Application to state estimation under communication constraints. The problem illustrated in the previous paragraph is related to the state estimation problem under communication constraints (see [39, 40, 23, 38, 24, 25, 26] and refer- ences therein). Assume we are given a discrete time stochastic linear system x(t+1)=Ax(t)+v(t), x(0)=x , (2.4) 0 where x Rn is a random vector with zero mean, v(t) Rn is a zero-mean white 0 noise, x(t)∈ Rn is the state sequence, and A Rn n is a∈full rank, unstable matrix. × ∈ ∈ Suppose that a remotely positioned receiver is required to estimate the state of the system, while observing the output of a binary erasure channel only. Then, it is necessary to design a family of encoders E and of decoders D . At each time t 0, t t ≥ theencoderE takesx(0),...,x(t)asinput,andreturnsthesymboly 0,1 ,which t t ∈{ } is in turn fed as an input to the channel. The receiver observes the channel output symbols z ,...,z , from which the decoder D has to obtain an estimate xˆ(t) of the 0 t t current state. If we have that v(t) = 0 for every t 0, then the only source of uncertainty is ≥ due to the initial conditionx . Hence, in this case, the encoder/decodertask reduces 0 to obtaining good estimates of x at the receiver side. Indeed, in order to obtain a 0 goodestimatexˆ(t)ofx(t), thereceiverhastoobtainthebestpossibleestimatexˆ(0t) | of the initial condition x(0) from the received data y ,...,y , and then it can define 0 t xˆ(t) := Atxˆ(0t). In this way, one has x(t) xˆ(t) = At(x(0) xˆ(0t)), so that the | − − | problem reduces to finding the best way of coding x(0) in such a way that expansion of At is well dominated by the contraction of x(0) xˆ(0t). The same technique can − | be applied if v(t) is small with respect to x as clarified by the following example. 0 Example 1. Consider the following unstable scalar discrete time linear system x(t+1)=ax(t)+v(t), x(0)=x , 0 wherea>1andwherex isarandomvariablewithprobabilitydensityf(x)andv(t)is 0 asequenceofindependent, identicallydistributedrandomvariables withzeromeanand varianceσ2,which areindependent ofx . Assumethatastateestimationalgorithm is v 0 run, based on the noiseless model x(t+1)=ax(t) by estimating the initial condition x from data transmitted until time t. As before, we shall denote this estimate by 0 xˆ(0t). From xˆ(0t), we form the estimate xˆ(t) := atxˆ(0t) of x(t). The estimation | | | error at timet will bee(t):=x(t)−xˆ(t)=at(x(0)−xˆ(0|t))+ ti=−01at−1−iv(i), so that E[e(t)2] = a2tE[(x(0) xˆ(0t))2]+σ21 a2t. This error depenPds both on the error in − | v 1−a2 the estimation of the initial condition, −and on the wrong model we used. As we shall see, our techniques yield an estimation error on x(0) of the form E[(x(0) xˆ(0t))2]= − | Cζ(t), where C depends only on the probability density f(x) and ζ(t) is a function converging to zero depending only on the communication channel characteristics and on the coding strategy. Therefore, 1 a 2t E[e(t)2]=a2t Cζ(t)+σ2 − − . (cid:20) v a2 1 (cid:21) − In case C is much larger than σ2, there will be an initial time regime in which the v error is not influenced by the model noise but only by the estimation of the initial condition x(0). 5 3. Thelimitofperformanceonthebinaryerasurechannel. Observethat, in case of noiseless channel, the function mapping x into (xˆ ,...,xˆ ) is a quantizer 0 t 1 assuming atmost 2t values. It is well-knowninthe theory of vector−quantization[18] that, if : is a quantizer assuming m values, then Q X →X (E x (x) 2)1/2 C m 1/d, (3.1) − || −Q || ≥ − where C is a positive constant only depending on the dimension d, and the a priori density f−(x). This shows that ∆ C 2 t/d for all t N. Hence, it is not possible t − ≥ − ∈ toobtainaconvergencedegreeαgreaterthan1withanexponentialconvergencerate β larger than 1/d. In this section, we shall present a tighter upper bound on the exponential convergence rate of ∆ on the BEC with erasure probability ε. t Consider the general scheme (2.1). The error pattern associated to the output sequence (z ) N is the sequence (ξ ) c,? N componentwise defined by ξ = c t t t ∈ Z ∈ { } if z 0,1 (this corresponds to a correct transmission), and ξ =? if z =? (this t t t ∈ { } corresponds to an erased signal). Observe that, given the encoder and the decoder E , the error pattern (ξt)t N is a random variable independent of the source vector D ∈ x. This property will allow us to present for the BEC almost elementary proofs of results holding true also for general discrete memoryless channels. For j t, let ≤ λt := 1 (3.2) j j≤s≤t {ξs=c} P betherandomvariabledescribingthenumberofnon-erasedoutputsobservedbetween time j and t. Clearly, t j+1 P(λtj =l)=(cid:18) − l (cid:19)εt−j+1−l(1−ε)l, l =0,...,t−j+1. (3.3) The simple observation above allows one to prove the following result. Theorem 3.1. Assume transmission over the BEC with erasure probability ε ∈ [0,1]. Then, the estimation error of any coding scheme as in (2.1) satisfies ∆ C 2 tβ(d,ε), (3.4) t − ≥ − for all t 0, where ≥ 1 β(d,ε):= log ε+(1 ε)2 2/d (3.5) − −2 (cid:16) − (cid:17) and C is a constant depending only on the dimension d and the a priori density − f(x). Proof. Conditioned on the infinite error pattern (ξs)s N, the channel reduces ∈ to a deterministic map, so that the composition of all the maps in (2.1) becomes a quantizer from to itself with a range of cardinality not larger than 2λt1. From this factandfrom(3X.1),wecandeducethatE x xˆ 2 λt =l C22 2l/d. Therefore, || − t|| | 1 ≥ − − (cid:2) (cid:3) E x xˆ 2 = t E x xˆ 2 λt =l P(λt =l) || − t|| l=0 || − t|| | 1 1 (cid:2) (cid:3) PC2 t (cid:2) 2 2l/d t εt l(1 (cid:3)ε)l (3.6) ≥ − l=0 − l − − = C2 Pε+(1 ε)2(cid:0)(cid:1)2/d t − − − (cid:0) (cid:1) From the inequality above, the claim follows. 6 Remark 1. The Shannon capacity of the BEC (measured in bits per channel use) equals 1 ε, which is the average number of non-erased bits per channel use. It − can be directly verified that3 1 β(d,ε)< (1 ε), ε ]0,1[. (3.7) d − ∀ ∈ The inequality (3.7) shows that the estimation error of any coding scheme after t uses of a digital noisy channel is exponentially larger than that of a quantizer whose image has cardinality (1 ε)t. In fact, the latter is the lower bound one would have obtained − by simply using a rate distortion argument. Indeed, a closer look at (3.6) reveals that the second summation is asymptotically dominated by the term corresponding to l =l := t 1 ε , while the average number of unerased bits is given by E[λt]= t∗ ⌊ 21/dε−+1 ε⌋ 1 (1 ε)t. Hence, t−he exponential rate is dominated by atypical channel realizations, − i.e. by the events λt =l of probability exponentially vanishing in t. { 1 t∗} Itisnothardtoseethat(3.4)continuestoholdtrueeveniftheencoderhasaccess to noiseless (even non-causal) output feedback.4 A fortiori, (3.4) holds in the case of partial or noisy feedback, which is the typical situation occurring in the network scenarios outlined in Sect. 1. In case of perfect causal feedback, the bound (3.4) is achieved by the encoder which keeps on transmitting the most significant bit of the dyadic expansion (see Sect. 4) of x until this is correctly received. However, it is not clear what can be done if the feedback is noisy, partial, or not available (as in the applications outlined in Sect. 1). In Sect. 5.1 we shall propose some simple schemes which are not able to achieve exponential error rates, but have low computational complexity, while in Sect. 6 we shall present schemes achieving exponential error rates at the cost of higher computational complexity. 4. Quantizedencodingschemes. Inthispaper,weshallproposeandcompare different coding strategies. All of them are based on a separation between the quan- tization of the continuous vector and the channel coding. In the literature, vector quantizers with special structure have been proposed, called tree-structured vector quantizers [18]. Consider a map : 0,1 N, and, for all t N, the map := π , where π : 0,1 N S0,1Xt→is t{he tr}uncation operator∈defined above. t t t SFinally, le◦tSSt−1 be a righ{t inv}ers→e o{f St.}Then, we can define a tree-structured vec- tor quantizer [18, pag.410] which is the family of maps : defined as t Qt :=St−1◦St. Itcanbe seen[18]thatifE||x||2+δ <+∞foQrsomXe δ→>0X,then, there exists a tree-structured vector quantizer ( ) such that t Q (E x (x) 2)1/2 C 2 t/d, (4.1) t + − || −Q || ≤ where C is a positive constant depending only on the dimension d and the a priori + density f(x). Observe that the right-hand side of (4.1) differs from the right-hand side of (3.1) only by a constant independent of the quantizer’s range size m = 2t, i.e. tree-structured quantizers are not suboptimal for their rate of convergence. Remark 2. The upper bound (4.1) is easy to be obtained if = [0,1]. Indeed, X in this case, one can take to be the map which associates with x its binary expan- sion. We can apply this aSrgument in case is a bounded subset of R. In case X X is unbounded, tree-structuredquantizers can be determined satisfying the upper bound 3SeealsoFig.6.1. 4In fact, it is tempting to conjecture that a tighter bound could possibly be proven for the exponent intheabsenceoffeedback. 7 (4.1) (see Lemma 5.2 in [31]). The extension from the scalar to the vector case is straightforward. Notice that, if x,x are such that (x)= (x ), then ′ ′′ t ′ t ′′ ∈X S S E x x 2 E( x (x) + x (x ) )2 || ′− ′′|| ≤ || ′−Qt ′ || || ′′−Qt ′′ || (4.2) 2E x (x) 2+2E x (x ) 2 2C22 2t/d. ≤ || ′−Qt ′ || || ′′−Qt ′′ || ≤ + − With a slight abuse of terminology, the map associated with a tree-structured S vector quantizer will be called a dyadic expansion map. We now show how a trans- mission scheme can be built starting from and a family of its truncations’ right inverCsoesnsSidt−e1r.asequenceofintegersm ,m ,.S.. Nsuchthatm m foralltand 1 2 t 1 t ∈ − ≤ a family of maps E˜ : mt , ˜ : t mt. (4.3) t t Y →Y D Z →Y Wecandefinethemap ˜: N N bylettingthevalueof ˜((w ) )attimetequal toE˜ (w ,...,w ). WeEalsYop→ut Y˜ :=π ˜. Noticethat,sEinces˜∞s(=(w1 ) ))depends odnecwotd1,er.1s..a,rwemdtemfionntleyd, tbhyen E˜:t=is˜acEttuallyatan◦mdEap f:r=om Y1mt t˜o.YTt.hEFetionvaelslrya∞sle=ln1sceoqdueernsceanodf Et Et◦Smt Dt Sm−t ◦Dt maps is described by the following scheme Smt- mt E˜t - t Channel- t D˜t - mt Sm−1t - X Y Y Z Y X (4.4) x - (w )mt - (y )t - (z )t - (wˆ (t))mt - xˆ . s s=1 s s=1 s s=1 s s=1 t In other words, in this scheme we first use the dyadic expansion map to transform x intoastringofbits(w ,w ,...,w ,...)andthenweencodethelatterintoasequence 1 2 mt of channel inputs. The received data are decoded by a block decoder providing an estimated version (wˆ (t),wˆ (t),...,wˆ (t)) of (w ,w ,...,w ) (whose components 1 2 mt 1 2 mt in general depend on t) which is translated to an estimate xˆ of x. t 5. Low-complexity coding schemes. In this section, tradeoffs between com- putationalcomplexityandperformanceofthe codingschemesareinvestigated. First, in Sect. 5.1, a simple linear-time encodable/decodable scheme is analyzed, showing thattheestimationerrorconvergestozerosub-exponentiallyfastwithdegreeα=1/2. Then,inSect.5.2,lowerboundsontheestimationerrorareobtained: Itisshownthat encodingschemeswithfinitememory(i.e.thatcanbeimplementedbyfinite-stateau- tomatacontrolledbythedyadicexpansionofthesourcevector),haveestimationerror boundedawayfromzero,whilefinite-windowlinear-timeencodableschemes(i.e.such that each channel input can be written a deterministic function of a finite number of bitsofthedyadicexpansionofthesourcevector)cannotachieveaconvergencedegree larger than 1/2. 5.1. A repetition coding scheme. Let : 0,1 t be the truncated t dyadic expansion map introduced in Sect. 4, anSd letXSt−→1 :{{0,}1}t → X be one of its right inverses. If a coding scheme with = were simply used, i.e. if the bits E S of the dyadic expansion were directly sent through the channel, then the estimation error ∆ would not converge to 0 as t . Indeed, with probability ε the first bit t → ∞ of (x) would be lost with no possibility of recovering it. It is therefore necessary to S introduce redundancy in order to cope with channel erasures. The simplest way to 8 do that consists in using repetition schemes. Of course,since the different bits of the binary expansion (x) require different levels of protection,they need to be repeated S with a frequency which is monotonically increasing in their significance. The encoder we propose here is of the following type: at time t, the bit y to t be sent through the channel coincides with w , the bit in position j of the dyadic jt t expansion (x). The encoder in this way will depend on the choice of j and fits in t S the scheme proposed in (4.3) simply by taking m :=max j ,j ,...,j . t 1 2 t { } Inthe schemeweproposej isselectedasfollows. Fixapositiverealq anddefine t τ = 0 and τ = q + 2q + + kq for k N. Notice that, for any t N, there 0 k ⌈ ⌉ ⌈ ⌉ ··· ⌈ ⌉ ∈ ∈ exists a unique k such that τ +1 t τ . Then, define j := t τ . In other k 1 k t k 1 − ≤ ≤ − − words, we have (y ) = ˜((w ) )=(w ,w ,...,w ,w ,w ,...,w ,w ,w ,...,w ,......). s ∞s=1 E s ∞s=1 1 2 ⌈q⌉ 1 2 ⌈2q⌉ 1 2 ⌈3q⌉ (5.1) Inanyschemeofthiskindthedecodingiselementary. Theoutputofthe decoder (wˆj(t))mj=t1 ∈{0,1}mt may be given by z if s t such that j(s)=j and z =? wˆj(t)=(cid:26) 0s oth∃er≤wise. s 6 Notice that this decoding scheme has complexity growing linearly in t. Indeed, it admits the following natural recursive implementation. First, initialize wˆ (0)=0 for j all j =0. Then, for all t 0, upon receiving z we compute (wˆ (t+1))mt+1 as ≥ t+1 j j=1 z if j =j(t+1) and z =? wˆj(t+1)=(cid:26) wˆtj+(1t) otherwise t+1 6 . (5.2) Proposition 5.1. Consider the repetition coding scheme defined by (5.1) and (5.2) on the BEC with erasure probability ε. Then, the root mean squared error satisfies ∆ p(t)2 βt1/2, (5.3) t − ≤ where β = √2q, p(t)=C ifq < dlogε−1 d 1 2 β = √2q, p(t)=C √t ifq = dlogε−1 d 2 2 β = logε−1, p(t)=C ifq > dlogε−1 √2q 3 2 with C ,C ,C positive constants depending only on q, ε and d. 1 2 3 Proof. Let us fix some t N. Define υ := 1 τ t j(τ) = j , j ∈ |{ ≤ ≤ | }| and observe that υ = 0 if j > m . For j = 0,1,...,m , consider the events j t t A := wˆ (t)=w ,...,wˆ (t)=w , , B := A A . Notice that the events j 1 1 j j j j j+1 { } \ Bj are pairwise disjoint, and P jm=t0−1Bj Amt = 1. Moreover, observe that P(Bj) P(wˆj+1(t)=wj+1) ευj+(cid:16)1S. S (cid:17) ≤ 6 ≤ Notice that, under the constraints posed by the eventAt we havethat the first j j bits of S(x) and of S(xˆ ) coincide. Hence, by (4.2), E[ x xˆ 2 At] 2C22 2j/d. t || − t|| | j ≤ + − Now for simplicity we assume that t = τ for some k. In this case we have that k 9 m = kq . Moreover we have that υ = k+1 min h : qh j . Observe now t j ⌈ ⌉ − { ⌈ ⌉ ≥ } that, since j x if and only if j <x+1, we can argue that ≤⌈ ⌉ min h: qh j =min h: qh+1>j =min h: h>(j 1)/q = 1(j 1) +1. { ⌈ ⌉≥ } { } { − } jq − k This implies that, for j =0,1,...,⌈kq⌉, we have υj =k−jj−q1k. Therefore, ∆2t = ⌈jk=q0⌉−1E ||x−xˆt||2|Bj P(Bj)+E[||x−xˆt||2|A⌈kq⌉]P(A⌈kq⌉) P (cid:2) (cid:3) ≤ 2C+2 h ⌈jk=q0⌉−12−2j/dευj+1 +2−2⌈kq⌉/di P ≤ 2C+2 h ⌈jk=q0⌉−12−2j/dεk−⌊j/q⌋+2−2⌈kq⌉/di P ≤ 2C+2 h ⌈jk=q0⌉−12−2j/dεk−j/q +2−2qk/di . P Since t = τ = k jq k (qj +1) = qk2+ q+2k, we have k 2t q+2. k j=1⌈ ⌉ ≤ j=1 2 2 ≥ q − 2q q Then, the claimPeasily followsPfrom a straightforwardcomputation. Remark3. NoticethatProposition5.1impliesthataconvergencedegreeα=1/2 is achievable for any choice of the positive parameter q, without any knowledge of the valueoftheerasureprobability ε [0,1[. Ifoneknowsε, thenitis possibletooptimize ∈ the convergence rate β by choosing q = dlogε−1. 2 5.2. A trade-off result between performance and complexity. We shall now showhow complexitylimitations imply lowerbounds to the errordecaystronger than Theorem 3.1. In particular we shall prove that, for certain class of encoders (finite-window and finite-state automata), exponential decay of error can never be achieved. As before, let us assume that : 0,1 N is the dyadic expansion map introduced in Sect. 4, and consider eSncodXers→˜{: 0,}1 N 0,1 N of the form E˜((ws)∞s=1)t =E˜t(w1,...,wmt), for some finite integEer m{ t, a}nd→a m{ap}E˜t :Ymt →Y. Ingeneral,E˜ mayactuallydependonapropersubsetofthem bits 1,2,...,m . t t t { } Consider the minimal Θ 1,2,...,m which allows one to write t t ⊆{ } E˜ ((w )mt )=f ((w ) ) t s s=1 t s s∈Θt for a suitable function f : Θ 0,1 . Let n = Θ . The encoder ˜ is called t t t t → { } | | E finite-window if n is bounded in t. With each encoder it is possible to associate, for t every j,t N, the quantity ω (t):= 1 (j), counting the number of channel ∈ j 1 s t Θs inputs up to time t, which have beenPaff≤ec≤ted by wj. Define χ := ω (t)= n . t j N j s t s X ∈ X ≤ The quantity χ is related to the complexity of the encoder ˜. If the maps f are t t Z -linear and separately computed, then χ provides an upperEbound to the number 2 t of binary operations implemented by the encoder up to time t. However,there could be hidden recursive links among the f capable to lower the real computational com- t plexity. In anycase, forbrevity, we shallrefer to χ asthe complexity function of the t encoder. The followingis ourmainresult,relatingthe rootmeansquarederror∆ to t the complexity function χ . t 10

mit a continuous quantity, i.e. a real number or, possibly, a vector, through a ‡Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli assumption is typically justified by the source-channel separation principle, working in presence of digital erasure communication channels betwe
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