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Preview Anyone ever tell you that you look like Courtney Love? – See Blurt

VOLUME 34 / NUMBER 28 JULY 14, 2005 OOuurr PPaanntthheerr STORY BEGINS ON PAGE 28 Anyone ever tell you that you look like Courtney Love? – See Blurt take out its own advertise- LETTERS ment that says: “Wanted: SANDIEGO JULY14, 2005 SANDIEGOREADER.COM Writers willing to submit articles with substance and We welcome letters pertaining edginess to promote action to the contents of the Reader. in our readers.” Phone them in at 619-235- N E W S & F E A T U R E S Name Withheld 3000, ext. 460; address them to via e-mail Letters to the Editor, Box 85803, Our Panther San Diego CA 92186; fax them Wrong Message Carnivores at Home. By Geoff Bouvier.......................................Cover to 619-231-0489; or e-mail them Comment on “When Shirts City Lights to [email protected]. Talk,” June30. Steve Francis ignores the history of risk; Include your name, address, It’s all fun until some- and City Lights shorts..............................................................................2 and telephone number. Letters thing terrible happens, right? The DA drops a campaign finance investigation...................................3 may be edited for length and I am not prejudging the in- The Sporting Box clarity. telligence of the wearers of There will be plenty of pain today.......................................................12 Walton Disservice some of the shirts in the Sheep and Goats cover story. But, come on, Thank you for publishing an From Banker’s Hill to the next life. account of the extraordinary communication is 75percent By Drew E. Goodmanson.....................................................................14 nonverbal message. Don’tbe Once an American prude, battlefield heroism of John Ask Saffron Thomas Walton, who ap- surprised when something A lonely dog goes nuts. By Aunt Trudy...............................................16 always an American prude! unpleasant happens just be- See Blog World, page 215 pears to have lived his life on Best Buys his own terms, with courage cause a perverted person The pixie cures chlorine-damaged locks.............................................18 takes the meaning of what and integrity (“City Lights,” Back When you’re wearing the wrong A D V E R T I S I N G July7). Suggesting, however, Children, hippies, and kung fu masters...............................................20 way. Shirts with messages like that his being a stereotypical Crasher Classified Ads “Lick Me,” “Hug Me,” “Red- psychologically damaged Girls don’t chew Jell-O.........................................................................22 Antiques & Collectibles.......................212 heads Like It Hot,” “Instant Vietnam veteran “may have Diary of a Diva Appliances............................................214 been a reason” for his tragic slut, just add alcohol,” and A fabulous, spontaneous adventure.....................................................26 Automotive: Cars.................................220 other sexually provoking Automotive: Trucks/Vans/SUVs........222 death did a grave disservice messages are really asking for Not Even at Gunpoint Automotive: Classic/Custom Cars......223 to him in particular and to A time of decision and reflection. By Michelle Lara...........................44 Automotive: RVs.................................223 trouble. My advice, please combat veterans of any war Bum, Bumming, Bummer Automotive: Parts................................223 in general. think before wearing any- Automotive: Services...........................224 The low-budget horror film of homelessness. thing that might present the Bicycles.................................................212 Hasan A. Benler, M.D. wrong message. By Patrick Daugherty............................................................................46 Business Opportunities.......................180 Vietnam ’68–’69 Archie’s Sphere Career Training....................................177 I saw a Mexican guy wear- via e-mail A poet makes his mark. By David Lehman.........................................60 Classes/Lessons....................................181 ing an offensive shirt. I also Computers...........................................211 Identical Greed saw another offensive T-shirt The Run Begins Counseling/Support............................186 Kudos to the Reader (“City with an ad for a condom Europe comes down on J. David. By Don Bauder..............................72 Electronics............................................215 Lights,” July7) for their an- wornby one of the Filipino Puzzle...........................................................................................................185 Employment........................................161 Employment Agencies.........................177 nual “oops, we’re offending ushers at St. Charles Catholic Name This Place....................................................................................186 Employment Services..........................177 99.99percent of our readers” Church during a Mass. I Off the Cuff...............................................................................................192 Furniture..............................................216 submission in “City Lights” saw lots of heads shaking in Garage Sales.........................................213 News of the Weird................................................................................211 Health & Fitness...................................184 political eats. According to disbelief on both occasions. Blog World Massage................................................182 the blurb, both Righty and These people who wore Matches................................................187 (say it ain’t so, Howard!) Lefty these T-shirts may or may Shower at Parisian gym.....................................................................215 Miscellaneous For Sale........................218 politicians are lining up not have fully understood It’s a Crime Motorcycles..........................................220 with upturned palms, eager the message written on Taggers can’t spell..............................................................................217 Music, Equipment/Instruments.........206 Music, Musicians Avail/Wanted.........207 for Indian freebies. their T-shirt, and they may Driven Music, Services.....................................208 Gee, I think my wolf is not be aware of people’s re- Michael Emerson considers the fun-per-dollar ratio......................219 Notices..................................................186 right: the only difference actions to what they were Remote Control King Parent Resources..................................184 between the parties is the wearing. There is a website, The mother’s milk of television........................................................221 Personals..............................................187 Pet Central...........................................197 decibels as they whine and www.engrish.com, which T.G.I.F. Photo....................................................211 howl at the perceived injus- caters to this issue, but it is Babies smell like P.U..........................................................................223 Real Estate, Condos.............................205 tices to their own self-in- not limited to T-shirts or C A L E N D A R Real Estate, Houses..............................204 Real Estate, Miscellaneous...................206 terests. Can you say “mir- clothing. It covers improper Rentals, Commercial...........................191 ror image”? application of the English Local Events................................................................................................85 Rentals, Apartments/Condos..............194 D. Meyer language in foreign coun- Rentals, Houses....................................192 Roam-O-Rama via e-mail tries. But these people have Down a creek, up a chimney................................................................90 RReonotmalm Seartevsic..e.s............................................................................119819 a good excuse— English is Unwanted Fluff Poetry Services Directory................................190 With so many more impor- foreign to them. Since I was Two by Stephen Dobyns.......................................................................96 Sports....................................................210 an immigrant too, I do not Stage Notes...........................................185 tant items to write about, Reading Tickets..................................................210 claim to be able to write and you chose a lead-off article Denice Stephenson: Dear People: Remembering Jonestown.............100 Travel & Getaways...............................187 understand perfect English, called “When Shirts Talk” Classical Music Guide.............................................................103 Wanted/Trade......................................212 but I try very hard to con- Wedding/Party Guide.........................185 (June30). You are not work- vey/understand the correct Art Museum and Gallery Guide............................................104 Display Ads ing hard enough for hard- meaning of what I am writ- Theater Review and Guide hitting articles. What I love Apartment Rentals...............................198 ing, reading, or wearing. Shakespeare’s twin twins...................................................................105 Automotive..........................................207 about the Reader is the fact Jose V. Arellano Pop Music Career Training....................................174 that you are not shy about Getaways................................................85 hitting the reader with some- via e-mail Blurt....................................................................................................110 Great Escapes.........................................86 Sa thing that makes them think Jacqueline’s iPod changes her mood................................................114 Health and Beauty.................................56 n D athbeoyu tc wanh od toh etoy amrea akned a w dhiaf-t SHtoaotriasty ,W Koimrmi Jsones, for RestauFrraannktie Rfaellsv fioer wthse Lainnkde rGy’us bideaens.................................................139 HHIneosltmpru eWc atainondnt eG.d.a...r....d....e....n..................................................................................................11.468425 iego Rea ference in this world. This hitting the nail on the head Frugal Tongue’s gut cries out for breakfast......................................141 Music....................................................206 der lraee ahadlilg yah rn tseiccehldeoe wodal tsno j eubwset s pfplluaacpffee darn .i ndI boeryun rcm iftreiennegtd (toLhmeet -htheyarpsto,i ncJugri lsgyyo7 vo)-f. Movie CDRlaaerrkkv WiSemawtietrh a ismneamdrc eGhrseuess if doDreu anrcta..n.. .S..h...e.p..h...e.r..d.. .................................................................................115432 RRSWeeereasvdeli adEcreiscnsthag.. t .SGe..t..uu....di..d..i..e..e..s................................................................................................................................................21..49088458 July 14, 20 0 think the Reader should continued on page 84 5 1 C I T Y L I G H T S C I T Y L I G H T S C I T Y L I G H T S stock buybacks,even when they An archive ofCity Lights stories can be searched on the Internet at SanDiegoReader.com Smart on Paper appear to be used judiciously. Companies claim that they buy Going bye-bye Staffers loyal to former San siderations.“They wanted cash,”says Roberts.“I fig- back stock “to send a signal to Diego Unified superintendent Alan Bersinare ured I might get 50 percent [profit in a real estate By Don Bauder the marketplace that there is quickly following him out the door.District flack deal] in a couple ofyears;that would be better than M some value to the company ayoral candidate Steve Francis wants Peri Lynn Turnbullis head- the 10 percent I might get in the market.” that maybe the market is not ing over to the Red Cross to The records also show that Copley rearranged to introduce business techniques to seeing,”says Swaminathan work for Veronica “Ronne” his corporate house a bit before going under the Badrinath,a professor offinance city government.Uh-oh.That may mean Froman,a retired admiral knife last month.On May23,his lawyers filed with at San Diego State who has and onetime Bersin finan- the California secretary ofstate to shut down an out- hocus-pocus — financial engi- back so much stock,“an insider written with Varaiya about buy- cial lieutenant whom may- fit called Kaboom,Inc.,which had been incorpo- neering.Since going public in bailing out would not be a good backs. oral hopeful Jerry Sanders rated less than three weeks before,and set up Ka- 2001,the company Francis signal,”says Nikhil Varaiya, But trying to signal that the says he would hire as his top boomII,LLC,described in the registration state- cofounded,San Diego–based chairman ofthe finance depart- stock is underpriced can be a aide. Departing district ment only as “a holding company ofLLC interest.” AMN Healthcare Services,has ment at San Diego State Uni- euphemism for reducing the Scott Himelstein lawyer Ricardo Sotois head- In view ofthe death ofhis mother last August and his been inflating its earnings per versity.Varaiya has written number ofshares to jack up ing north to work for Bersin, own poor health,speculation has swirled about the share by buying back its stock extensively on corporate-stock earnings per share in order to now state secretary for edu- ultimate fate ofthe newspaper chain Copley con- with borrowed money. buybacks.I did not tell him the artificially run up the stock. cation under Governor trols.Rumors abound regarding whether at least Savvy market analysts cock name of the company I Managements are “manipu- Arnold Schwarzenegger. some ofthe small publishing empire might eventu- an eyebrow at such pencil push- lating the price ofthe stock,”says P Scott Himelstein,47,presi- ally have to be sold offto pay death taxes. ing.They would prefer to see H Dennis Muckermann,a retired O T dent ofSan Diego READS,a earnings per share grow because O San Diego money manager G Bersin-backed effort to col- Branding iron San Diego city councilman of improving business,not RA who handles money for some P H lect used books and cham- Jim Madafferhas dispatched an e-mail to his con- financial finagling.But rev- B private investors. Y pion the ex-superintendent’s stituents in which he attacks San Diego State Uni- enues and earnings ofAMN JO “All these MBA schools are Leslie Fausset pSaetc rparmojeecnttso,.isH aels’os tghoein nge two v“Serosmitye tahnidn git ss tcroanntgreo vise rhsaiaplp deenvienlog pomn eMnto anctteivzuitmiesa. —fes swiohnicahl sp,lamceasi hnelyal tnhucarrsee sp,roin- E KLEIN tsuayrns iMngu ockuet rfminaanncnia.“l Tenhgei nteemerps,”- deputy secretary and Bersin’s chiefofstaff.Karen Mesa at SDSU,”he says.“There are two issues that res- temporary positions — have tation for these young wise Heinrich,Bersin’s longtime personal secretary at the idents both north and south ofthe University are been going south. guys is to take on a lot ofdebt school district,is deputy chiefofstaff. up in arms about.They are The Paseo project and the The share buybacks almost and buy stock back.There might According to tax filings for the 12 months end- University Master Plan Expansion that includes im- certainly kept AMN’s stock be some increase in earnings per ing June 2004,the most recent available,San Diego pacts to Adobe Falls and Alvarado Road.… In fact, price from going down further share,but since they are young READS paid Leslie Fausset,currently the district’s sadly,there are some rather influential supporters of than it did when the company’s and inexperienced,they don’t acting superintendent,a $63,452 consulting fee. SDSU who simply dismiss community concerns as business went on the skids after Steve Francis understand the concept ofrisk. Himelstein himselfcollected $88,412 in salary and NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) excuses.”According peaking in 2002.This levita- It may look smart on paper $19,851 more in benefits.In all,San Diego READS to the memo,a power struggle over the Paseo,a gi- tion permitted Robert B.Haas described. but may not be smart in reality.” paid out more than $360,000 in salaries and another ant commercial development project,is going on — the Texas financier who with David Allen of North Companies insist that they $278,000 for “contracted services,”along with between SDSU and the non- his associates controlled 46 per- County’s Palomar Equity are not buying back shares to $22,780 in travel.It made only one grant— $10,000 profit foundation it ostensi- cent ofthe stock — to dump Research,who was told the boost their stock price,but the to the Lemon Grove School District for a “literacy bly controls.The project is all his shares in late May at over name ofthe company,agrees. claim is belied by history.A campaign”— and ran up a total of$1,218,828 in run by Frederick Pierce,ex- $13 each.He had been jetti- Haas’s dumping ofall his stock rash ofbuybacks followed the expenses.The nonprofit received $1.3million in do- president ofthe city’s scan- soning them during the stock “does not seem to be an awfully continued on page 6 nations from unidentified sources.Himelstein’s new dal-ridden retirement fund. buyback periods too.Haas had strong endorsement ofAMN state job pays him $118,000.… Democratic mayoral “The University intends been chairman ofthe board;on Healthcare,”says Allen. Contact Don Bauder candidate Donna Fryehas collected the endorse- to change the project from June 10,he stepped down from In common with many at 619-881-2395 or ment ofDemocracy for America,a political action being run by the SDSU the board entirely. investment professionals,Allen [email protected] committee founded by Democratic National Com- Frederick Pierce Foundation (which has a After a company has bought has strong reservations about mittee chairman Howard Dean.“Democracy for wonderful relationship with America stands ready to help Donna Frye,and the the community for fulfilling its promises,addressing Neal Obermeyer other stars ofthe DFA-List,”writes Dean’s brother mitigation and answering community concerns) and Jim,who now runs the group,in a fund-raising let- instead replace it with the University itself.”Madaf- ter on its website. fer also asserts that university officials have misrep- resented their true intentions:“The University is con- David’s deal Union-Tribune publisher David tent to give community folks what I call ‘happy Copley,who has long battled coronary artery dis- spin’— basically telling people the Foundation will ease and recently ended up with a new heart,has of still ‘run’the project in the hopes residents might late been adjusting his real estate portfolio.In April feel good and just go away.Ifthey are so intent on he sold ten separate Borrego parcels totaling 590 running things,at minimum there needs to be an acres to fellow La Jollan Norm Roberts,84,a wealthy oversight committee between the Community,Uni- veterinarian,investor,and onetime national cochair- versity and the Foundation to assure the project is as man ofRonald Reagan’s presidential campaign,for promised:a non-SDSU branded project adjacent to a grand total of$861,500.“I don’t know what I am the University.…” going to do with it,”Roberts Madaffer concludes with a threat:“Unless these says.“I bought it because it issues are addressed,there is no way the community, 5 0 seems too cheap,and I don’t the City and the Redevelopment Agency will deliver 0 2 4, like the stock market partic- land and $26.5million in subsidies only to watch 1 y ularly right now.”The land is the University once again breach its commitments.” ul derJ adjacent to Anza-Borrego — Matt Potter a Desert State Park, and o Re Roberts says he might donate The Readeroffers $25 for news tips published g Die or sell some ofthe land to the in this column.Call our voice mail at 619-235- an David Copley state,depending on tax con- 3000,ext.440,or fax your tip to 619-231-0489. S 2 C I T Y L I G H T S C I T Y L I G H T S C I T Y L I G H T S P H Their Interests Are OT O G R A Interlocked PH S B Y JO TBy Joe Deegan E KLEIN he Jerry Sanders campaign website cur- rently touts a favorable poll conducted by national pollster Fairbank,Maslin,Maullin and Associates.A link on the made me the man.”Stutz took site says that the Sycuan Band a look for himselfat the sec- of the Kumeyaay Nation retary ofstate’s records.And “released”the poll as an inde- there he saw not only the pendent survey. money that went to Horn but This information did not $15,000 Sycuan said it donated surprise Dave Stutz. In to Bill Kolender’s reelection September 2003,when he campaign for sheriff.“So I was a deputy district attor- called Competitive Edge to ney,he investigated Sycuan’s see the bills,”he says.The campaign contributions in president of the company the 2002 election cycle.Stutz, referred Stutz to the company’s who retired from the district lawyer,who said he would attorney’s office a year ago, not release the information. cut his teeth in campaign law “ ‘You can’t tell the district enforcement in the late 1960s attorney you won’t answer Dave Stutz when,as a federal agent,he questions,’”Stutz says he investigated the political replied.“ ‘We’ll find a way to used by two San Marcos city practice in political campaigns you,the corporation,pay for jury,which eventually pro- money scandals of C.Arn- make sure you do.’ council candidates and one in San Diego County,he says. a poll and give it to the polit- duced a report.But in the holt Smith,John Alessio,and “One day I called Sycuan mayoral candidate.Home The coordinator in the San ical consultant for your can- meantime,Stutz retired from Yellow Cab. and asked a tribal vice pres- Federal supported Mark Roz- Elijo Hills case,he maintains, didates,it’s the same thing as the district attorney’s office. Sycuan’s activities in the ident,Adam Day,about the mus,Pia Harris-Ebert,and was political consultant Tom making a contribution.Except Several months ago he called 2002 election were brought to $15,000 check to Kolender. Michael Sannella,politicians Shepard.Shepard not only that you’re saying it’s inde- his old colleagues in the depart- Stutz’s attention by a friend ‘That would be in excess of who favored a higher build- promotes development pro- pendent,and it’s not inde- ment to ask how the investi- in the registrar ofvoters office. what the law allows you to ing density on Home Federal’s jects for Home Federal but pendent.And since the money gation was going.He was told Examining California secre- donate,’I told him.‘Oh,it 1920-acre residential devel- also managed the Rozmus, exceeds campaign-contribu- that it had been dropped again. tary ofstate records,the friend must be a mistake;I’ll get opment,San Elijo Hills. Harris-Ebert,and Sannella tion limits,it’s a crime.Well, “But the grand jury report noticed that Sycuan had back to you,’Day said.That “I am not antidevelop- campaigns. donated $8000 to San Diego was eleven o’clock in the ment,”Thibadeau tells me by “But my complaint to the County supervisor Bill Horn. morning,”says Stutz.“Two phone.“But I did fight the district attorney’s office didn’t get far,” Thibadeau says, “because they told us that we didn’t have strong enough penalties on the books in San Marcos to make pursuing the case worthwhile.” But Dave Stutz never entirely abandoned the cam- paign cases.“The problem is,” he says,“that going over cam- paign-contribution limits is only a misdemeanor.But con- spiracy to break campaign laws is a felony.Up in San Jerry Sanders Bill Horn Bill Kolender Marcos,Tom Shepard had a client who is Home Federal. “You can only give $500 to a hours later I got called into way the one huge developer Tom Shepard also has three candidate in a county elec- Bonnie Dumanis’s office and ofSan Elijo Hills was throw- people running for office who From Jerry Sanders for Mayor website tion,”says Stutz.“So when was told to stop the ing its weight around in our are clients.So right now the my friend called Sycuan and investigation.” community.The day after the triangle is Home Federal,Tom that’s what they did.” is still there in the office,”says told them their donation was At this point Stutz was also 2002 election,so it wouldn’t Shepard,and the politicians Stutz says that in the spring Stutz. illegal,they said they made a looking into a political-cam- seem only like campaign running for office.Their inter- of2003,he and several other Tom Shepard is currently S mistake.The next day they paign complaint that San Mar- rhetoric,I complained to the ests are interlocked. people in the district attorney’s managing the Jerry Sandersa n filed an amendment,and now cos councilman Lee Thibadeau district attorney’s office about “When a candidate runs office persuaded Bonnie campaign for mayor.When I D ie the $8000 didn’t go to Bill had filed with the district how the developer’s candi- for office,one ofthe first things Dumanis to reconsider the told Stutz about Sycuan’s Fair-go R Horn,it went to a pollster attorney’s office.Thibadeau dates benefited from the so- he needs is a poll,”Stutz con- investigation into Sycuan’s bank,Maslin,Maullin andea d named Competitive Edge.” alleged that Home Federal called independent expendi- tinues.“Can I win,and ifso, excessive contributions to the Associates poll on the Sanderser Ju “I was the district attorney’s Corporation had spent more tures that purchased the polls.” what are my strengths,what Kolender and Horn campaigns. website,Stutz remarked,“Twoly 1 investigator for campaign than the city’s $3000 cam- What Thibadeau calls are my opponent’s weaknesses? To look into those cases and to one it will show up [in4 , 2 law,”Stutz continues.“Bon- paign-contribution limit to “independent-contribution Standard stuff,but expen- the similar one in San Marcos, Sycuan’s reporting] as an inde-0 0 5 nie Dumanis got elected and pay for Competitive Edge polls coordination”is a common sive — $10,000,$15,000.If Stutz then convened a grand pendent expenditure.”■ 3 EDITOR Jim Holman DDRRUUNNKK SENIOR EDITORS Judith Moore,Matt Potter ASSISTANT EDITORS Heather Goodwillie,Sue Greenberg; Frank Glaser,art director EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Scott Ellis,Hector Lam,RussLewis, DDRRIIVVIINNGG!! Robert Mizrachi,Robert Nutting, Chris Woo CONTRIBUTORS Don Bauder,Ed Bedford,Geoff Bouvier,John Brizzolara,Josh Board, Patrick Daugherty,Joe Deegan, Jeannette DeWyze,W.S.Di Piero, AAvvooiidd ccoouurrtt aanndd kkeeeepp Stephen Dobyns,Ernie Grimm,Mary Grimm,Lynne Houts,Barbara Johnson, Ken Kuhlken,Thomas Larson,Deirdre Lickona,Matthew Lickona,Thomas Lux,Bill Manson,Cruz Medina,Fred yyoouurr ddrriivveerr’’ss lliicceennssee!! Moramarco,Jim Morris,Linda Nevin, Anthony Olivieri,Abe Opincar,Bill Salisbury,Jonathan Saville,Jerry Schad, Duncan Shepherd,JeffSmith,Leslie We handle DUI cases exclusively FFrreeee IInniittiiaall Venolia,Naomi Wise ADVERTISING MANAGER Linda Flounders CCoonnssuullttaattiioonn SALES DEVELOPMENT • Felonies/Misdemeanors Sean Kelly (manager),Fred Hagen SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Speak to an attorney today: Bill Burton,Tamara DeBernard, • DMV Hearings • Warrants Amy Grant,Randy Rice,Nicole 11--880000--559977--66331188 Dauphinee-Thessen,Todd Westfall, BethWexler • Drug Arrest • License Suspensions ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Kelly Bonelli,David Connell, Law Offices of Patricia Esperanza,Brett Flynn, John Paul Franklin,Scott Fisk, Examples of Mr. Bickford’s Work* JJaammeess VV.. BBiicckkffoorrdd Paula Ford,Mike Martinez, Amy McKibben ACCOUNT MANAGERS Blood alcohol level: Trained and Qualified by the U.S. Department of Transportation Jesus Cruz,Jr.,Erin Hayden, & National Association of Chiefs of Police as an INSTRUCTOR Nicole Nicolson,Maricar Quero, .12 – Not guilty! WE CAN .14 – Overturned DMV Suspension! in field sobriety testing. Graeme Storey (CSR) ADVERTISING ASSISTANTS .13 – Not guilty! BEAT THE .15 – Overturned DMV Suspension! Other law firms frequently refer their DUI clients to Mr. Bickford Gili Assa,Felipe Hernandez, .15 – Not guilty! DMV! .16 – Overturned DMV Suspension! anso tw ceolnl satsi truettea ian phriemdi ctoti orenp, rpersoemntis teh eoirr gouwanra anttteoern oefy os.u *tDcoomese. RAoDbVerEt RVTanIS CIlNevGe ,AGReoTr gDeI WREarCgoTORS Kenneth Koll,Ronaldo Saluta,Jr. .16 – Not guilty! .17 – Overturned DMV Suspension! CLASSIFIEDS MANAGERS .12 – Overturned DMV Suspension! .21 – Overturned DMV Suspension! Gene Rochambeau Sarah Iacono CLASSIFIEDS STAFF Payment plans available. Cynthia Averone,Kent Backstrom, Wendy Berchek,Annalee Bradbury, Rebecca Chappell,Bob Davidson, Michelle Estrada,Deaine Goldey, Emily Guinaugh,Stephen Hatch, Maribel Juarez,SteveLieber,Jodi Linney,LeAnne Mellon,Holly Micelli, Sandi Miller,Ninoshcka A.Moreno Flawlessly You... Ortiz,Jeffery Reed,Carol Schouten, Helen Uchihara,Cristina Weedmark, Michelle Williamson PRODUCTION MANAGERS expose • reveal • experience Sandy Matthews,Deborah Condit PRODUCTION ARTISTS James Anella,Cynthia Arnette, James Banerian,Patrick Brassell, Mike Brown,Jeremiah Dean, Paul Johnson,Douglas P.More, Isaac Provencio,Maria Quintero, Ladies’ José Ramirez,Jr. ACCOUNTING STAFF Laser Kelly Ainsworth,Genevieve Floirendo, Hair Removal Regina Gaither,Evelyn Mones,Michelle Newby,Maddeline Zvirzin Full Bikini $600* ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF & Underarm Linda Johnson,Margaret Lewis, $400* Provvidenza Sciortino Full Bikini PERSONNEL MANAGER Brazilian $500* Cathleen Walters COMPUTER SYSTEMS *Includes 4 sessions! $400 Scott Jones,systems manager Men’s Full Back per session Lisen Helander,Gavin Rattmann With purchase of package. Save $560! PROJECT MANAGER Botox® Barbara Christensen 0PERATIONS DIRECTOR $50 OFF 2nd area Howard Rosen All advertising in the Readeris subject Restylane® to current rate card.The Reader $399 reserves the right not to accept an per cc advertiser’s order.The entire contents South Beach Peel ofthe San Diego Readerare copyright 2005,Jim Holman.All rights reserved. $30 OFF Other Services Offered San Diego Readermay be distributed only by the Reader’s authorized IPL independent contractor.No person Vibraderm • Facial Rejuvenation IPL Photorejuvenation may,without prior written permission ofthe San Diego Reader,take more 05 Customized Facials • Massage $315 Package Price than one copy ofeach weekly issue. 20 Includes SkinCeuticals NATIONAL ADVERTISING 4, Waxing • Brow/Lash Tint • Peels The Ruxton Group - 1-888-2Ruxton 1 L-ascorbic Vitamin C Facial y MAILING ADDRESS Jul Reader,P.O.Box 85803 der 4130 La Jolla Village Drive San Diego,CA 92186-5803 a OFFICE o Re Suite 105 1703 India Street (at Date) eg 1.888.371.4638 619-235-3000 Di General information n www.spa858.com 619-235-8200 a S Paid classifieds 4 S a n D ie g o R ea d e r Ju ly 1 4 , 2 0 0 5 5 C I T Y L I G H T S C I T Y L I G H T S C I T Y L I G H T S Smart on There s a new dog in town! ing to buy back shares,it defeats Sometimes,a company buys paper this purpose.“Ifthe purpose is back its stock “because ofpres- to return excess cash to share- sure from some key share- continued from page 2 holders,why borrow money holders who want the price of stock market crash of1987 and to do it?”asks Badrinath. the stock higher,”says Varaiya. 9/11,after which there was a con- Running up the price ofthe All these factors may have certed effort to prop up the stock is often not the only dubi- been at work in the AMN buy- market. ous motivation for buybacks. backs,which are startling in Most companies doing buy- The largest shareholders “are two respects:the magnitude backs say they are distributing using other people’s money to ofthe buybacks and the mag- excess earnings to investors, increase their own percentage nitude ofthe debt taken on. who can enjoy the stock surge ownership,”says Muckermann. When AMN went public in that theoretically should occur. “As they increase their own 2001,Haas and his associates When a company doesn’t dis- percentage ownership,they are controlled 26.5 million shares, tribute money it has lying able to play even more finan- or 65 percent ofthe stock.Fran- around but resorts to borrow- cial games.” continued on page 8 The newest and largest dog wash in Southern California We have everything your dog needs! Self-serve • Drop-off full service • 2 blocks from Dog Beach Earn your ADA-assisted facility • Flea-control headquarters bachelor’s degree in Free candy for the kids and always a treat for your dog! Business GRAN D OPEN I NG S PEC IAL Administration. $5 Dog Wash Attend our Early Registration Program Includes: Self-serve wash, Saturday, July 23, 10 am – 2 pm special doggie bath shampoo and towel. To RSVP visit http://erp.alliant.edu Offer valid with this ad. Expires 7/21/05. 4893 Voltaire Street (at Cable), Ocean Beach • 619-225-1000 ENROLL NOW. 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AKUENDTNHOEWAOT LORAEIORNZE(DD 6Ins6NnaoOsl1te4tS TaCi OsnAl lNpc95NalrYhu tiAi cd oD)UeeBnEuT.d HA c OL4hirElnaRRarI.oZ2gEe DsaV2di-$0swt36aa4y94 (cid:2)850C5H•UBROADWAYNLOJA➥H SR ST6TV4RTH5REISEEETTT(cid:2)A805 Diego July 14,2005Reader Prices reflect cash discounts. Quantities limited to stock on hand. Rain checks available by request for any out-of-stock items. No dealers, please. We are not responsible for misprints. 7 C I T Y L I G H T S C I T Y L I G H T S C I T Y L I G H T S C I T Y L I G H T S C I T Y L I G H T S Smart on side investors paid $15. backwards.Revenues dropped to buy $100 million worth of lion ofdebt to buy back 15.15 million shares outstanding.In paper As in most initial public from $775.7 million in 2002 its stock.It spent $73.7 million million shares.In its 2003 annual March of2004 it had 28.12 offerings,the stock rose,then to $629 million last year,as to buy 5.15 million shares.Then report,the company reported million shares. continued from page 6 fell.The stock leapt above $37 earnings tanked from $52.4 in October of2003,the com- $138.9 million ofdebt,up from The average stock buyback cis had 1.2 million shares with in 2002 but then fell to $13 that million all the way to $17.3 pany made a tender offer for 10 zero in both 2002 and 2001. is 5 percent.AMN bought back a slug ofoptions to buy more. year as it became evident that million. million shares.It borrowed AMN had eliminated debt with more than 35 percent.“That’s Insiders received shares in the things wouldn’t be so rosy.Sales In November of2002 the $145 million to do so.Thus, its 2001 initial public offering. a lot,”says Badrinath,who had offering for $4.09 each;out- and earnings began reeling board authorized the company the company took on $145 mil- In March of2002 it had 42.2 not been told the name ofthe company.Debt went from zero f l g percent ofthe company’s total capitalization in 2002 to 52 ree egal uide percent in 2003 and 41.5 per- ■extension 1012■ medical malpractice cent last year.This year the debt Sponsored by has been reduced to $92.5 mil- call 619-233-9797 night or day 7 days a week Julia Haus, Esq. lion.Allen predicts that it will Haus & Associates take five years to wipe the debt at the prompt press the 4-digit extension of the category that interests you. 402 West Broadway offthe balance sheet. or visit our web site: sandiegoreader.com⁄legal Suite 1230, San Diego From the time ofthe pub- 619-234-1100 lic offering,Haas and his col- leagues had been selling their ■extension 1000■ ■extension 1001■ ■extension 1005■ personal injury criminal law family law 40 failure to diagnose properly stock,cutting their sharehold- 41 ob-gyn negligence Sponsored by Sponsored by Sponsored by 42 psych⁄sexual abuse ings in half,but by spring of Julia Haus, Esq. Douglas Holbrook William M. Henrich 43 surgical negligence this year,they still controlled 46 Certified Specialist, Family Haus & Associates Holbrook & Law, the State Bar of California 44 object left in body percent ofthe stock because 402 West Broadway Bloomfield Board of Legal Specialization 45 hospital negligence ofthe share shrinkage.Then 4849 Ronson Court Suite 1230, San Diego 4025 Camino del Rio S. San Diego 46 nursing home negligence in a secondary offering in late 619-234-1100 Suite 300, San Diego 858-576-4484 47 dental negligence May,the financiers jettisoned 619-232-2020 all their stock,more than tripling 70 auto accidents 20 when do i need an attorney? 60 divorce - an overview their money. 71 macoctidorencytcsle⁄ truck ⁄ pedestrian 21 what if i’m wrongly accused? 61 what will it cost? ■extension 1004■ Thanks to stock options, 72 wrongful death 22 should i answer questions? 62 child support - how much? workers’compensation Francis now has 3.2 million 75 slip and fall accidents 2234 mcouusltd i is urebsmisitt taon aa rsreeasrtc?h? 6643 cmhiloiotsairnyg f aa mpairlya lisesguaels Afanlsye poerr fsroanu dwuhleon mt makaetse roira lc satuasteesm teon bt eo rm madaete arniayl knowingly shares.He got 48.3 percent of 76 product defect liability 25 what if i fail to appear? 65 preparing for divorce rceopmrpeseennstaattiioonn b feonr etfhites pourr ppaoysme oefn tosb itsa ignuiniltgy w oof rak feerl’osny. the options granted at the time 77 professional negligence 26 can my records be cleared? 66 mediation and therapy Sponsored by ofthe public offering and 22.25 27 alcohol,drugs,high crimes 67 wills and trusts The Law Office of percent last year.That’s a top- Gerald D. Brody & heavy distribution ofoptions. Associates AMN stock has been trading ■extension 1017■ 3465 Camino del Rio S. business law ■baexntkenrsuiopn t10c0y2■⁄credit law ■extension 1003■ Suite 440, San Diego aarroe uonnde- $th1i6r.dA wnhnauta tlh eeayr nwienrges, Sponsored by insurance claims 619-528-9800 Sponsored by but the stock is trading above DAsasvoicsi aLtaews D38e0 bSotervaehn sL A. vRenauye mond STphoen sLoraewd bOy ffice of 5501 ywoourrk werosr’kc-ormepl abteende finitjusry its lows ofprosperous 2002, 380 Stevens Ave. Suite 205 Robert Bruce Arnold 54 third-party accidents thanks to the share shrinkage. Suite 205, Solana Beach Solana Beach & 2329 India Street 55 unsafe working conditions The company refuses to be 858-793-1220 San Diego San Diego 56 wrongful discharge interviewed on the topic. e-mail: rdavis@ 858-481-9559 619-233-1096 57 harbor & longshoreman’s act The buybacks were “an sandiegobusinesslaw.com www.arnoldlawoffice.com exceptionally shareholder- 30 what is chapter 7 bankruptcy? 90 business formation 31 what is chapter 13 bankruptcy? 40 insurance bad faith friendly action,”says an ana- 91 corporations 32 can i keep my property? 41 duties of insurance co. lyst for Morningstar,Inc.,the 92 partnerships & limited 33 discharging taxes 42 first party claims ⁄ health ⁄ ■extension 1015■ stock-rating firm.Three ofseven 9932 lbiuasbinileistsy p cuormcphaansieess & ⁽l slaclse⁾s 3354 cinraecdcituorra thea crraesdsmite rnetporting 43 utimm ⁄e u limim ⁄ iatusto ⁄ property swerxounagl fhualr taesrsmmeinnatt⁄ion analysts who follow the stock 94 contracts 36 can my credit be corrected? 44 disputes with insurance co. Sponsored by consider it a buy,according to 95 trademarks & service marks 37 my rights as a creditor 45 dept.of insurance help line The Law Offices of Standard & Poor’s,which is 96 securities & stock sales 46 do i need an attorney? Joel C. Golden neutral on the stock.But the Old Town Professional bullish analysts are probably Bldg.2356 Moore Street not concentrating sufficiently ■extension 1018■ Suite 201, San Diego on the balance sheet debt or ■soexctieanslio sne 1c01u9r■ity and employment ⁄ labor law ■extension 1010■ 619-246-8449 the sell-offby the Texas financiers. disability Sponsored by immigration AMN has 30 percent ofthe Sponsored by Laturno & Graves Sponsored by 70 sexual harassment so-called traveling nurse mar- Anthony J. DeLellis San Diego John A. Quinn 71 discrimination ket.So does a competitor,Cross & Associates (619) 234-3323 3444 Camino Del Rio N. 72 wrongful termination 1545 Hotel Circle South Escondido Suite 200, San Diego 73 executive termination Country Healthcare.Wouldn’t Suite 130, San Diego (760) 741-7544 619-284-8811 74 whistleblower-retaliation it have been wiser for AMN to 619-278-0900 www.laturnograves.com Fax: 619-284-8822 75 fraud against the u.s. amass that debt to put in a bet- government ₍false claims act₎ www.delellis.com 10 administrative hearings 76 legal fees ter computer system,or increase the pay ofits traveling nurses, 11 employee handbooks ⁄ policies 20 ways to be legal 20 overview of social security 21 filing a claim 12 employment agreements 21 spouses & children or in other ways make itselfa 22 retirement benefits 13 hostile work environment 22 business visas better company? 05 23 survivorship benefits 14 non-competition agreements 23 employment visas The machinations have 0 y 14,2 2254 lfaummipl ysu rmel daetaiotnhs bheinpsefits 1156 wseavgeer aanncde h aogurreements 2254 icnhtaenrgniantgi o&n eaxlt setnuddienngt vsisas Tinhfoe ramttaotrinoeny as raen sdo llealwy rfiersmpso nwshibol ep rfoorv iidtse cthoinstent. hReealpdeedr’ sF Mraanttc Piso pttoerli rtiecpaollryt.s Tthhaet Jul 26 disability benefits 26 visa denials & deportation This information does not address all legal situations, Haas,Haas’s Dallas partner,six ader 27 hiv as a disability nporor viisd ietd i nfrteene,d aedlt htoo urgehp liafc cea llelignagl fcrooumn soeul.t lIyti nisg areas major shareholders and officers, o Re you may incur toll charges on your telephone bill. and the company’s Connecti- g Die cut-based securities lawyer gave n the maximum $300 to the Fran- a S 8 cis campaign.■ PageNine www.EvictionDefenders.com Bankruptcy 619-239-6000 Bankruptcy Facing eviction? Visit our site or call 800-955-8980 Stop lawsuits, garnishment, repo. Free consult. $45 starts immediate credit protection. Chapter 7: Eliminate credit cards, repossessions, Stop Addiction In 24 Hours Debt Relief 619-234-3204 garnishments, lawsuits, medical bills. Alcohol, cocaine, heroin. [email protected]. Free consultation. Scott A. Fleming, Attorney. Chapter 13: Consolidate/eliminate car loans, child 619-235-8200 support, foreclosures, taxes, student loans. Divorce Mediation Fathers Resource Center Free initial consult with bankruptcy attorney, Divorce–$199 Plus Costs Control your own fate: #1 award-winning in California. 501 W. Broadway, Suite 510, San Diego CA 92101. Info: groenlawgroup.com. Steven Groen, 619-233-6593. Work out a settlement with your spouse or partner Divorce, paternity, child support, visitation. Se habla espanol. www.bankruptcylegalgroup.com rather than spending a fortune fighting in court. 760-634-DADS; 619-702-DADS. 619-233-4415; 858-335-1162; 800-210-7729. Car Payments Behind? See website: www.afairway.com. Phone calls? Stop them and lower payments. And A Fair Way Mediation Center. 619-702-9174. Bankruptcy Law Changes! Car Accident Victims! don’t make up missed payments. 858-405-6766. Credit Repair “Legitimate” Time Is Running Out 25% fee. Why pay more? Debtblasters.com Demanski & Ellis, Attorneys at Law, 619-338-9880. Divorce Home Finance Needs? Don’t Frown–No Money Down! Discreet/professional mortgage services. Since 1988, local company. Call now! 800-700-0273. CFraerein cgo,n csoumltaptaiossnio. nAatttoe.r nSepye eGdayr ys eHrvoilcte, .6 $1590-3 s9ta8r-t8s.300. Mr. DUI-Mr. Ticket Refi/purchase during divorce. Lic#01022375. 24 hour www.mrdui.com info line, 800-718-6829. www.markduffieldloan.com. In An Accident? Law Suit? Bankruptcy -Not Too Late! Attorneys at law Low Cost Trusts/Divorce Need money now? I can help! Call now. 858-592-2320. Quick and affordable. Well experienced attorney. We limit our practice to only DUI and DMV. 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Lefty politicians are lining up with upturned palms, eager for Indian freebies. Gee, I think my wolf is right: the .. By Geoff Bouvier
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