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Antony & Early Monasticism .1 syErea Suvr C:hialyyrnm & Spat Misirulitisoicitnats .2 o Aofnnetify LhheAa & ttnsaius .3 rh)aestr Fets Dehe o tinsfSagryAam (patuoma Pgpthhet .4 haoscmiuP .5 suoicnEa Prtvgsiu .6 John Ciaasns .7 & rshEia Ope Soreanm:ttur E Myiscglyoicnats sdieuSt .8 rsEa & Syia Sorem ininr M:uis Cecatlyoicpsnapatleasia Pdo,c .9 sdieruEa & Syia Stm ininr M:is Ceatlyoicpsnapatleasia Pdo,c .01 tinsa W Lthee & ttdicneeB 1. EARLY CHRISTIAN MONASTICISM & SPIRITUALITY: SURVEYS William H,asrsmle wNe( Desert Christians: An Introduction to the Literature of Early Monasticism Yo r:kOxofrd yUritnesiv ,srsPe.)4002 ht4 - r unytecChiarn tsisd moevin drsoevo t het rsetsdeo f ptEygan d,in heta fmosuorw dso fSa inth Aa,tnsaius made hetr etsdea .yitc In os do in,g yhetrd aupect hetimainiogant o f het ntaiencorwld. yhTeod freg et shenuciqo fprre ayand m,isicteacso fhsipip lecdisand pasirul ition t,dirceh att haev rmad ineerntael co t Chiayrntitisre ve.einsc in kgeSeo tmap het sol(cid:213)sulon g joruyneo t God and p lot otu het lebutsaa vgrsieo f hethmaun a hr,et yhetd eratceand inpsird e xsetth att amecbe siclassco fren tsWe.ypasirulitit eshTer etsDeChiarn tsisr eewaols brillia nt r,lleseorttsy osmeo f s(cid:213)Chiayrntitis.tsinfe h Tisboo k sreintocdu het yek xsett o far ely m:ismoicnatsh Aa(cid:213)tnsaius ,ht e ,ht e Life of Antony Lives of Pachomius Sayings of .naissaC nhJo dna ,suidallaP ,surigavE fo sgnitriw eht , ,yaw eht gnolA the Desert Fathers rra dese ar e d reintocdu o t phat - brain kge rsoeievcdis (cid:209) o t wne xsett and nterce aaorhl loicegcinfds (cid:209) h att haeviond otizrvlueempooernctar yhoclasrhsip on moicnats orin.igs d deluIncar einin agactfs snsiptperfom parpyi and rfom letlit - nnko w ,Coicpt r ,Syiacand hEio tpic.xsett d rrpeesesIntin ha cerhae cptar erio tan,stsilluma p,sand 1 Bibliographies for Theology, compiled by William Harmless, S.J. diarga msh attlph erra deseosr thrthog u het yek xsettand hetrhlyic - rd xueettorwld of m.isar moicenlyats Daid v ,reBakk Demons and the Making of the Monk: Spiritual Combat in Early Christianity .)600C 2a M(,mb, HsrA:arseidgra Pevryd Uritnesiv re tePrBon w, The Body and Society: Men, Women, and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity wNe( .)889 1,sYrso Cr Pe:ombkluiay Uritnesiv re tePrBon w, :ylereekB( yUritnesivo fCaolifrnia ,srsPe Society and the Holy in Late Antiquity .)2891 eSe het iclassc ,asyse hTe(cid:210) eRisand iont nucFo f hetH olyMan in eaLt (cid:211).yituAiqnt re tePrBn o,w hTe(cid:210) eRisand nucF iont o f hetH olyMan in eaLt ,yituAiqnt1791 - (cid:211),7991 6 )8991(353 - .673 A ofllow - pu o t& re - ntmesseasso f Journal of Early Christian Studies .iclassh cis Dal nieCarn e, Wandering, Begging Monks: Spiritual Authority and the Promotion of Monasticism in ,rTaonfrsiomant o f hetal Ciclass raeHgeit 33 :ylereekB( yUritnesivo f Late Antiquity .)20C0ao 2lifr,snrsia Pe ra sDew ,yCthit ;6691(rpr e:intoo wd,CtrseNY : .StVla dimirs(cid:213)minaSer y The Desert A City .)799 1,srsPe .yreuv siclass chTe o rGeegE .omap colo,Deus r Note( :Dame Five Models of Spiritual Direction in the Early Church .)600 2,srs Per Da o NomefteyUritnesiv ntVeinc p srz,Dee , (cid:142)Spairulitit Le Monachisme Primitif: Des origines jusqu’au concile d'Éphèse rgso(cid:142)lleB (2 7oarnletie - ne - 99 1oaf,nintlleee B A deb:bseMaeyagu .)8 Marl ibe z,tDie Wandering Monks, Virgins, and Pilgrims: Ascetic Travel in the Mediterranean World, .)500 2,srs Pey Uritenesnaivnte St PA:a Pr P,kyUrit(nesiv A.D. 300-800 Marn ilynDun , The Emergence of Monasticism: From the Desert Fathers to the Early Middle Ages .)000 2ll,eOxw(okflar Bcd: H .nlyEev - ,Wehit ,aPr tow T: The Monasteries of Wadi ‘n Natrûn The History of the Monasteries of wNe( Yo r:k hTe rMtopaeonlit m ueMsu o f Ar t iapntE yg Nitria and of Scetis Eioxn dit,pe )2391 d,eDat btu hetbrillia ntaritst n gpo intofr all major sdieutsin h ist r.nuyetc J same E . hGore in,g Ascetics, Society, and the Desert: Studies in Early Egyptian Monasticism .r)9enio9 Inan9stta 1rsl,H Pear(r TyAin:ritbr Pisu,g J sameE .hGorein gand J atne ,imbTie ,.dse The World of Early Egyptian Christianity: Language, ,CUA sdieuStin Ear ly ChiayrntitisWoah(n sint,gDC : Literature, and Social Context .)700 2,srsra o A PefmeicyCh Uraoittlicnesiv Ao ninte illamo,Guunt , Aux origenes du monachisme chrétien: Pour une phénoménologie du monachisme rgso(cid:142)lleB (0 3 oarnle(cid:142)tSpaieirulitit - ne - .)979 1oaf,nintlleee B A deb:bseMaeyagu Ao ninte illamo,Guunt , (cid:142)Spairulitit oarnletie 66 Études sur la spiritualité de l’Orient chrétien rgso(cid:142)lleB( - ne - .)699 1oaf,nintlleee B A derb:be Faea,nyscMeagu 2 5 1ntpmeSuple Journal of Religion & Society Bibliographies for Theology, compiled by William Harmless, S.J. ,sselrmaH mailliW ni (cid:211),msicitsanMo(cid:210) diavD .de , The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies G.re Hnut& asnSu hAsbroo k Hayrev wNe(Yo r:kOxofrd yUritnesiv ,srsPe )8002 394 - .715 mpooern inrhnds co ot teaclafr swrhryAiesip b oev.rfvie William W .Joohn nt,s d,e , 2o vl.Cao hg(:iczrit oFyarDeborn ,)0002 Encyclopedia of Monasticism Anp u - ot - or w.kerncee rfeedat Jaun aLboa , ,d.e ,illeveCgo(lleM N: The Historical Atlas of Eastern and Western Monasticism .)400 2,srsarl PeuicgitL x.etnpdan te pb udenhleo,Mtoestanicgif A ndrweh ,otLu ,n2d d.e wNe( The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition: From Plato to Denys .)700 2Y,os Orrs:xko Pefryd Uritnesiv ,.sde ,rezluK adniL & namkcuL .A teirraH Purity of Heart in Early Ascetic and Monastic Literature rarl Peuicgit Lh M Te,N:illeveCgo(lle .)999 1,ss riaa ticPCox Mr ille, , The Corporeal Imagination: Signifying the Holy in Late Ancient Christianity inio Divan:ts radin Reeg eaLt ntAienc iolign Re hlpilahPdeia (: yUritnesiv o f .)900 2,aslvnrsniany PeesP oTma s Sp,idlik ,rianec Ctis sdieuSt The Spirituality of the Christian East: A Systematic Handbook .)689aio 1aKlan,btmariasulic (zn9oec P7o M Ct,I:is oTma s Sp,idlik aKlama(zoo ,M I:rianec Ctis Prayer: The Spirituality of the Christian East, Vol. 2 .)500io 2an,btsulicP Comblua a r,wteSt (cid:211)m,Mis(cid:210)oicnatsin P hilip E .r Ele,s wNe(Yo r:k The Early Christian World 443: 1)000 2,edgleRotu - .663 ntVeinc .LWhimbs uand haRicrd V a,laaisnst ,d.e wNe(Yo r:kOxofrd yUritnesiv Asceticism .)599 1,srsPe ,.de ,hsubmiW .L tnecniV :siapolnneMi( Ascetic Behavior in Greco-Roman Antiquity: A Sourcebook .)099 1,srs PeosrrsFte r hTaa btioraanla,un o vlubstdsfle - ot - .sinorefd suc 2. ATHANASIUS & THE LIFE OF ANTONY (Vita Antonii) hT e ( )a swo neo f het ragte iosrliguetsbe - r lleseso f ntaiencorwld Life of Antony Vita Antonii and a sw prso nibesleofr poplaurizin g hetr etsdeal idehr thogotuu het ntaiencorwld. h Tis .as sinhte o tsfhreoold sa ae livrupll law wetk Texts & Translations orF a al riccit iondit e o f het kGree x ett h itw( a in agfc hrn cFe r taio,nlanst) ees JMG. .. lin,akBret ,d.e , sSoreuc nsnieehrtc(cid:142) 004a rP:is(io(cid:131)n dits dur C,ef Athanasius: Vie d’Antoine .)4991 h Tisaols sdeluinca aa vlubleionrt intocduand .sneot orF an Ehnlis grtaionlan st, ees Ror betC . gGrge d.eand r ta,n.s , Athanasius: The Life of Anthony and the Letter to Marcellinus .)089 1,srs Pet Yalisouw Pr:Nekr (eny Spatirulits o WitsfeCiclass 3 5 1ntpmeSuple Journal of Religion & Society Bibliographies for Theology, compiled by William Harmless, S.J. Studies Daid v ,reBakk imo ar:Blte(John sHopin ks ,srs.Pe)8991 A rpre int o f Athanasius and Asceticism rsB(cid:213)aekk ,Oxofrd Ear lyChiarnt is sdieuSt wNe( Athanasius & the Politics of Asceticism Yo r:kOxofrd yUritnesiv ,srsPe.)5991 hAa tnsaius isre ttbennko wa sa rnde efde o f neeNicorhotdox.y h Tis isa aa vlublein - hp tde dyutso fh Aa(cid:213)tnsaius ntmeommitco t he t icteacs.ntmemoev sItinfal rhae cpton het is ,ntllexeec btu heal os Life of Antony lo osk at nso(cid:213)mewm isicteacsin xAleandria and rstaenlastletlit - nnko whAatnaiasn rd in ar Syianec.d C pevoxsrsicpetett Daid v ,rBeakk hTe(cid:210) kGreeand r SyiacrioVesn so f het (cid:211), 701 Life of Antony Le Muséon 92:)4991( - .35 l Saemunobsn Rue, , sdieuSt in The Letters of St. Antony: Monasticism and the Making of a Saint .wie vioisnt A rvis.e)599 1,srs aM Penosy (ind Carrsnhiap Fityerno:teutitlisAiqisnt Comblua a r,wteStAh(cid:210)no tnyo f het (cid:211)r,etsDein hilipP .Fr Ele,s d.e The Early Christian World ,edg Yleow Rotr:uNek ( 8801: 2)0002 - .1011 3. APOPHTHEGMATA PATRUM (SAYINGS OF THE DESERT FATHERS) Texts & Translations hT eos - d allec insSag(cid:210)y(o f het r)h(cid:211)aestFha sinin agactfs sedotacne Apophthegmata Patrum a botuand one - rlin esrfom het ,impsleanr uled,neand n eotfr nticeccera desleo f hetar ely r etsde .ntmemoev hT e ha s omec ndo w o t su in hrete baics of r:ms het Apophthegmata aAlpl ichatbeion t,Ccolle hetAn omosnuyion t,Ccolleand het icmatetsSyiont Ccollein ( kGree r.ioainesn)na vsd Lt (1) Alphabetical Collection hTe kGreex etto f hetaAlpl ichatbeiont Ccollea swd pbhulise byJane - etaisBptrlie Ceotin 7461rfom a htlfewt - r unytecr ,macipnstuand isrpd reeinti n ratoPloiag a Gr,caeo vl.17:56 - .044 hTerlie Ceotiondit eha s 849.insagsy Jaen - Cladeu yGuha sd entpmeupsleh isth itw 35 mor e insagsy rfom rhoe t kGree r;smacipnstu ees Recherches sur la tradition grecque des ,SH 63 :lsesrsBu( (cid:142)ti(cid:142)Socd se ,soeBllantdispp ).2691632 - .832 oFr an Apophthegmata Patrum Ehnlis grtaionlan st, eesa tdicneeBWar d, The Sayings of the Desert Fathers: The Alphabetical ,CS 95aKlama(zoo ,M I:rianec Ctisio an,btsulicP.)4891 hTeaAlpl ichatberh aesgt Collection hetavr iosuo rstsieand inagsy srnude het nsameo fpr onmintemo nskand arr saneg eshet orcadin cgo t het kGreealp.hatbe Itoanin cts osme 000,1 insagsyor b rfien a,rsreivatrgd opue a (cid:210)b0rb(cid:211)3a. o oe 1 nssfrhvanemeude t (2) Anonymous Collection rreh ar eswMtFeta sin n saohohg y Desyfefett arlerio h nd ctibtnot.adoitupe uetwasws heTse an omosnuy insagsyr eew aullynteverd haeegtoin ta la regiont.collec .FNa ud pbhuliseo nly 4 5 1ntpmeSuple Journal of Religion & Society Bibliographies for Theology, compiled by William Harmless, S.J. oin t hetinrne selivo f hetr etsDerh aestFand t herin meggeriotan ditso f ntaienc iont.pasirul dircite John sEdeurar Bmbe,eg ,rianec Ctis sdieuSt 4 Evagrius Ponticus: Praktikos and Chapters on Prayer .)189io 1aan,bKlatriasulicman(zec Poo W Ct,I:is inetsugAu C,aidasy d.e and rta n.s Earl y Chrhu c rh aestF wNe( Yo r:k Evagrius Ponticus, ,edgleRotu .)6002h Tisha sa rnmbue o fl lpuhfertaio nlan,stsdin lugincEa’r vgsiu On aorrnniad h ctoesl isv rhnnee ko a twsttbe( .) the Faith Great Letter Letter to Melania Jrmyeeo Drll,cis d.eand rta n.s , Evagrius Ponticus: The Ad Monachos: Translation and Commentary .)300 2,srs Pet Yalisouw Pr:Nek Cnhia (trn9Aiertn W 5iscresit Ao ninte illamo,Guunt ,d.e Évagre Le Pontique: Le Gnostique ou a celui qui est devenu digne de la io C (cid:131)n duesditsae LrP:is (65 3nsn Cieeshrt Sore,u(cid:142)c .)989r 1,f science Marin tr aie,rnPtmeEa r(cid:210)vgsiuo f sounPtand hetre tteL(cid:212)o tMlan eia(cid:211)(cid:213) Bijdragen, tijdschrift voor 64 )5891(2 - ;83rpd reeintin trtEeevorsn u,egF filosofie en theologie Forms of Devotion: Yowr:Nek( 27 2)Ga9r9la9n 1d, - .903 Conversion, Worship, Spirituality, and Asceticism Studies Gabrl ie ,neugB ,diau Sta icrattisP te Geistliche Vatershaft. Christliche Gnosis bei Evagrios Pontikos ar uicgitL 32nbr su,eggRe(.)8891 oAls aavila blein h rn:cFe Paternité Spirituelle: La gnose , (cid:142)Spairulitit oarnletie 16rgso(cid:142)lleB( - ne - :MeaguAbb aey chrétienne chez Évagre le Pontique .)499 1oaf,nintlleee Bde Gabrl ie ,neugB Y ro,(neskNY : .St Despondency: The Spiritual Teaching of Evagrius of Pontus ,dyut siclasrs c A’ tas.ionnlaenug)st o B2f10 2,sminVrslaa Sedimirr Pes(cid:213)y Akedia. ,egnuB leribaG .snrat , Dragon’s Wine and Angel’s Bread: The Teaching of Evagrius Ponticus on Anger .)010 2,smin Vrslaa. Sedimirr PesY NY Str(cid:213)yo,:l (neshkiet Gy.Ahno Ptny inetsugAu C,aidasy C( a mb:reidg Reconstructing the Theology of Evagrius Ponticus: Beyond Heresy NE.W9. hr9a $)roe,3v1dc0 2,srs PeCaymb Urritenesidgiv inv eKCorraign , , ehAasgt sdieuStin hilooPsp hy& ohloyTegin eaLt Evagrius and Gregory .)900 2,ehAasgt (yituAiqnt Jrmyeeo Drll,cis wNe( Steps to Spiritual Perfection: Studies on Spiritual Progress in Evagrius Ponticus .)500 2,srs PetYalisou Pr:k ekuLr ine,sgDy ,Oxofrd aohl loicTeg Psalmody and Prayer in the Writings of Evagrius Ponticus .)50M0o 2n Y,oosrw Ogrrs:xaNeko Pepfrh (ysd Uritnesiv Ao ninte illamo,Guunt Les <<kephalaia gnostica>> d’Evagre le Pontique et l’histoire de l’origénisme .)269 1il,au Soicaio Ser (cid:131)rrn duatP:ditbstisiso Pnia (n,s 5e chez les grecs et chez les syriens William H,asrsmle Sa(cid:212)lt(cid:210)ofr het Impr,ue higtLofr het :r(cid:213)uePion tsclefReon het daoyggePo f (cid:211),suoicnEa Prtvgsiu 41 5)1002 (73 - .625 Studia Patristica 8 5 1ntpmeSuple Journal of Religion & Society Bibliographies for Theology, compiled by William Harmless, S.J. William H asrsmle & moRanyd R. rzea gld,itF hTe(cid:210) Sapphir e higtL o f het Min d: hTe (cid:211),suicont Psriuag Evof 394 )10bp0mre2eeS t(, 3.26 - .925 A Skemmata Theological Studies rtaionlanast on ar ooftnnmmey motd c o o Ea(cid:213)snrfvgseiu oa.rl wsicktimpsora myntt eIrn(cid:142)(cid:142)rHhaser u, a rP:is( Les Leçons d’un Contemplative: Le Traité de l’Oraison d’Evagre le Pontique .)069 1,nseheacueB A banrr ootn mmeilliay c Ea(cid:213)rnvgstiu . On Prayer Jliau ,yainkonosKnttvs , ehAasgt wNe aCl ricit Evagrius Ponticus: The Making of a Gnostic .)800 2,eh Aasg:teragAtldes (sdieu aa,nibol Sthiohd BlicloligyTininn Te ingkg, Re Comblua a r,wteSt ssleImae(cid:210)grre Payand hetaohl loicTegioVisn o fEa rvgsiu (cid:211),suoicnPt 37 1)1002 (9 - .402 Journal of Early Christian Studies Robin Darli n gY on,ugEa r(cid:210)vgsiu hetonIcorgaprh e:M oicnats daoyggePin het (cid:211), Gnostikos 3 5)1002 (9 - .27 Journal of Early Christian Studies 6. JOHN CASSIAN John Ciaasns d.( a .c )534 proba bly did mor e hatn ao nnye else o t r taenlast het r etsde xernepceie ofr het ina Lt sWe .t oin llogFw h is rh ae,cet Ea rvgsiu ,suoicnPt he d esrstes osrswdleprre ayand hetal ictsmy joruyneo f hetol.su .St ,tdicneeBin h is ,old uw maek Rule Cia asnss(cid:213)moirme sird uerqeradin egin all h is.rsmoeienats Ciaasn s’so wtmajor o rwskar e The and Institutes The Conferences Texts & Translations De institutis (The Institutes) orF a al riccitiondit eo f hetina Lt x,ett eesM . n,higecsteP ,d.e Johannis Cassiani De institvtis Cor psu roSciprtm u coenobior vm et de octo principalivm vitior vm remediis libri XII E oricm uiatsiatssleccinaoLt rm,uo vl. 71nVniea (: ,)8881pp .3 - .132orF hetina Ltx etth itw(a in agfchrn cFer taio,nlanst) eesJane - Cladeu ,yGu ,d.e , Jean Cassien: Institutions Cénobitiques sSoreuc nsnieehrtc(cid:142) 901a rP:is(io(cid:131)ndit dur C,ef.)5691 orF an Enlig hs rtaionlan st, ees oeBnaifc ,yRaems d.eand r ta,n.s , ntAiencChiarnt isrW resit 85 John Cassian: The Institutes wNe(Yo r:k talisuP ,srsPe.)0002 h Tisr esoffCia asnss(cid:213)mmaur syo f hetidin uggp rsipinleco f renE atsan(d lymotsia pntE)ygm.ismoicnats h Tislinc sdeua lon giont ceson h awtold uw Sin(cid:211)asndly DeevSe (cid:210)he tomecbe (cid:209) r fason Ciarm Ea. arisasnevgsnss deiviualy Conlationes (The Conferences) orF a al riccitiondit eo f hetina Lt x,ett eesM . n,higecsteP d.e Johannis Cassiani Conlationes ,o vl. 2o f ,Cor psuroSciprtm uoroiatrssicm ulecEcinaoLt rm,uo vl. 31 XXIIII J. Cassiani Opera nVniea (:.)6881 orF hetina Ltx etth itw(a in agfchrn cFertaionlan st, eesE . r,heyicP ,d.e Jean , 3 o,vl. sSoreuc nsnieehrtc(cid:142) ,24 ,45 46a rP:is(io(cid:131)n dits dur C,ef91 ,55 ,8591 Cassien: Confèrences .)9591orF a eotmpcleEhnlis grtaionlan st, ees oeBnaifc ,yRaems d.eand r ta,n.s John Cassian: , ntAiencChiarnt isrW resit 75 wNe( Yo r:k talisuP ,srsPe.)7991 heTsear e The Conferences Cia asnss(cid:213) sencerminciseo fh is swrieevinth itw hetr etsDehatF res (cid:209) n ertwit osme 02are sy 9 5 1ntpmeSuple Journal of Religion & Society Bibliographies for Theology, compiled by William Harmless, S.J. re atfain vgle ptEygofr rhenot sur.Faenc hTe irfts eotmpclertaionlanst in a r.unytec r hAenot ogod rtaionlanst is byColm ibid,uhLe sCiclasso fren tsWe ySpairulitit Cassian: Conferences, .)589 1,srs Pet Yalisouw Pr:Nek( Studies Co mblua ar,wteSt ,Oxofrd sdieuStin oraHtl isic ohloyTeg wNe(Yo r:k Cassian the Monk Oxofrd yUritnesiv ,srsPe .)8991A rpuebs in - hp tdeo fCia asnss(cid:213).ypasirulitit hTe pelac ar.ot stt ,yadisaC .C.M.A irhC ylraE drofxO , weN( seidutS naits Tradition and Theology in St. John Cassian .)700 2Y,os Orrs:xko Pefryd Uritnesiv ,nk CehOicawdw .)800 2,srs C:a Pe C0mb:ay5rmb Ur9eritidg1enesidgiv (d.n 2d e, John Cassian haRicrd J .Goodrh ,ic Contextualizing Cassian: Aristocrats, Asceticism, and Reformation in Fifth- , Oxofrd Ear lyChiarnt is sdieuSt wNe(Yo r:kOxofrd yUritnesiv ,srsPe Century Gaul .)8002 haRicrd J .Goodrh ,ic"Urndepinnin g het x:etTlfSe - ioant iciftJsuin John Ciaasn s’s ictecAs ", seicrtPac 11 4:)5002 (31 - .634 Journal of Early Christian Studies r teePrGuan , "eL eltucd eJane n Cieassdan s l’eElisgd’"O, rntiein Jean Cassien entre L'Orient et 93 2,)300 2,nsehe Ciaacailad.rnau at Je Bdilitant eis Brd Aaa,P:tkbis ( - .552 l'Occident ,sphremiHu .L ashomT Earory Oxld f, Ascetic Pneumatology from John Cassian to Gregory the Great NE.W5. hr8a $)roe,4v1dc0 2 Y,osw Orrs:xNeko Pefr (ysd UritCdieneshiauivrnt Stis Chorprthise J . ,llyeK , wNe Cassian’s Conferences: Scriptural Interpretation and the Monastic Ideal 210 2,ehAasgt (sdieu aa,nibol Stahiohd BlicloCligyl Tininn Te ingrickg, Reit .) Mar krSheidan ,"John Ciaasns and hetorFiomant o f heoivtArautitrTioan"dit, in Foundations , d.eArolb etComplani and of Power and Conflicts of Authority in Late-Antique Monasticism 75 1,)700 2r,esteen P:Gioaevnvilonuri FeaLmo ( - .371 Comblua a r,wteSthT(cid:210) eM oicnatsJ oruyneorcAdin cgo tJohn Cia asn(cid:211)s, 91 Word and Spirit )3991(92 - ;04rpd reeintin trtEeevorsn u,egF Forms of Devotion: Conversion, Worship, 11 3 Yo)w Gar9:rNe9kla9(n 1d, - .223 Spirituality, and Asceticism Comblua a r,wteSt"John Ciaasn s’smah eSco f EhigtripPinacl saltuFand H is btDeo tOnr eig and "Ea, rvgsiuin , d.eCiarnt isaa Bdilitand ila tAt Jean Cassien entre l'Orient et l'Occident 50 2,)300 2,nseheacuJea BraaP:kbis ( - .912 Marie - An ne Vanrn ie, "Jane n ,Cieass orhtisiorgap he du monhmeaisc nieptEyg "? in a rP:is( ,nseheacueB :)1002941 - Ada.r lb8et51 Historiographie de l'Eglise des Premier Siecles de ,V(cid:142)o(cid:159)gUa(cid:210)rnntdin desgCiaasn s:A yreSuvo f het (cid:211),sCernocneef Cistercian Studies 10 1)4891 (91 - .121 Quarterly a ccbeRe Harn de r ae,Wve Divine Grace and Human Agency: A Study of the Semi-Pelagian , icrattisPMonorgaph rsSeie 51Mo(anc GA:rMre ec yUritnesiv ,srsPe Controversy .)6991 01 5 1ntpmeSuple Journal of Religion & Society Bibliographies for Theology, compiled by William Harmless, S.J. 7. EARLY EGYPTIAN MONASTICISM: OTHER SOURCES & STUDIES Texts & Translations [ ],rta n.sNorman ll,essRurianec Ctis Lives of the Desert Fathers Historia Monachorum in Aegypto sdieuSt 43aKlama(zoo :rianec Ctisio an,btsulicP.)1891 In ,493n evesiniatns aleP mo nskd ejoruyneo t ptEygo t itisv het ragte rsuigefr.heet h Tis isa id ivvan(d simetosme l)uaiffnc onutcaco fh awt yhetahred and as.w h Tisiondit eha sa ogod 04 - a Wtardicnd.eioen Brt b inpytocaedug Ror bet .Tr e,Mye ,d.e , ntAiencChiarnt isrW resit 43 wNe(Yo r:k Palladius: The Lausiac History .)569 1,srs PetalisuP im TiaVivn , ,d.e , St. Macarius the Spiritbearer: Coptic Texts Relating to Saint Macarius the Great .)400 2, Vlas.minodimirrsao NY St Sew’r Ped,:sCtyrs (rse SeiesoicplarPurattis P ,.de ,naiviV miT , Four Desert Fathers: Pambo, Evagrius, Macarius of Egypt & Macarius of Alexandria oplaPur sicrattisP rsSeieoo wd,Ctrs(eNY : .St Vladimir ’sminaSer y ,srsPe.)4002 hT e ra Ehllairnlis ta Pftio Cdiagnlahsnonicste opa tft. Adar lbet de V(cid:142)o(cid:159)gand Gabrl ie ,neugB Quatre Érmites Égyptiens: D’après les fragments coptes de , (cid:142)Spairulitit oarnletie 06 rgsoelleB( - ne - :sMeagu A bbeay de l’Histoire Lausiaque .)499 1oaf,nintlleeeB Studies rtio smeDe S. o,asKt ,Oxofrd Ear lyChiarnt is Palladius of Helenopolis: The Origenist Advocate sdieuSt wNe(Yo r:kOxofrd yUritnesiv ,srsPe .)2102 hTe irftsbook - h ntgle dyutsin Ehnlis g o f o ne o f het ragte r lleseorttsy o f iapntE yg m.ismoicnats a,llasPdiu a Gaialant byrgbkon aud,ca swa iplecdiso fEa rvgsiu suoicnPtand aullynteve het biorgaprhe o f .StJohn o Cm,hotrssy btu he is tsbennko wofr h is ,a Lausiac History nn a ho me ohn Eomefed w aly tsbotioeundot ot acfcnoellec .inets aapnletd Pyg pnh eeSt l,Emme , 2 o,vl.CSCO 995 - 006r esteeP( rbh,ulisesP.)4002 Shenoute’s Literary Corpus Hhiglyha nl,cicet btua major iont rocnturcseand dyutso fo neo f het motsimpora ntt .p mo ot Eraynsf ggtnhkne koe o twafatnsd le orGeiag rFa n,k , The Memory of the Eyes: Pilgrims to the Living Saints in Christian Late Antiquity rTaonfrsiomant o f hetal Ciclass raeHgeit 03 :ylereekB( yUritnesivo fCaolifrnia ,srsPe )0002 a ccbeRe ,crKieaw Shenoute and the Women of the White Monastery: Egyptian Monasticism in Late .)200 2 Y,osw Orrs:xNeko Pefr(yd Uritnesiv Antiquity Arl ie G.o zLp,e Shenoute of Atripe and the Uses of Poverty: Rural Patronage, Religious Conflict, and ,rTaonfrsiomant o f hetal Ciclass raeHgeit :ylereekB( Monasticism in Late Antique Egypt Un NE.W5. hr7a $)roe,3v1dc o C0fayo 2lifrr,itsesnrsivia Pe 11 5 1ntpmeSuple Journal of Religion & Society Bibliographies for Theology, compiled by William Harmless, S.J. Caro line .Thrr Scde,oe yUrit(nesiv Monastic Bodies: Discipline and Salvation in Shenoute of Atripe .)700 2,sarslvnni Penyeso Pf Caro line .Thrr Scde,oe" ’A a bitleSuAb odeofr C h’:rtis hTeChrhu ciluB din ga smboSyl ofr ioiannnt inuc Re E"am, icr MistlyoicneatcsAs 27 4)4002 (37 - .125 Church History a tdicneeBWar d,n Sigs(cid:210)and Wo rn:desM sirleacin hetr etsDerTio an(cid:211)dit, ,71 Studia Patristica d.eEhliz atbe A.o nteinsivgLn ,evueL( )9891935 - ;245rpre intin Signs and Wonders oL.ndo()n V2a:9r9iop 1rr,m Resuint 8. EARLY MONASTICISM IN CAPPADOCIA, PALESTINE & SYRIA Texts & Translations aBrasnp uhsiu and John , , 2 o,vl. rh aestF o f het Chrhu c 311 - ,411 rtan .s John Letters isCaghsvrsyWoahn (sint,gDC :Ch aotlicUritnesiv yo fraA meic ,srsPe6002 - .)7002 h Tis is het irfts eotmpcleEhnlis grtaionlanst o fa psrlin agw o,rcpersonncedeanr ely 058 r,esttleo fo wtixhst - r unytecra desleo finiatns aleP m,ismoicnatsaBrasnp uhsiu and John o fGaza. hT eowt (cid:209) rerd rfeeo ta s het(cid:210) GrateOld Man (cid:211)and het(cid:210)rhOe t Old Man(cid:211) (cid:209) d eliva sd loensce rshemitin Gaza an d,rfom irhe tdar k ,llsecd etdircea moicnats.yonmmuitc hTeo wt rshemit tme hetride worwld iav an rdia r,emeinyt Abba r Seido,s how d peass on b rfie sneot n ertwit in p rsonees o t ion tsseuq o f irr.inuesq hT ebakc - and - ofrh to fiontseuq - and - re anws isos d ailetdeh atto neanc r eallylithacr t hetpasirul itpus - and - n doswo f ntaienc seetdirceand limpegsh ow iont a.pahr o sirul dircefd ttiteer picesrt matansctaienc rCyil o fhotp o,ylisSc ,rta n.sM R.. ,rePicrianec Ctis sdieuSt The Lives of the Monks of Palestine .)199io 1aan,bKlatriasulicman (zec P4o1o W Ct 1,I:is Dosruhoeto fGaza , ,r ta,n.sEr ic .Pr le,Weherianec Ctis sdieuSt 33 Discourses and Sayings .)789aio 1aKlan,btmariasulic(znoec Po M Ct,I:is aIsa co fh ,evNine ,rta n.sMar yHanbr suyoo wd,Ctrs(eNY : .StVladimir ’s On the Ascetical Life .)789 1,sminrsaSer Pey aIsiah o f ,isteSc , rianec Ctis sdieuSt ,051 rta n.s John isCaghsvrsy and Ascetic Discourses aiaKlabtmariaulic (znoec Pto M Ct,tI:isnekheaocmio PPs .)200o 2n,s Mar kh teMo n,k ,rta n.sim TiaVivn and inetsugAu C,aidasy Counsels on the Spiritual Life .)900 2,smin Vrslaa. Seodimirr Peso NY Stw(cid:213)yd,:Ctrs (rseeie soicplarPurattis P John M,ohscu ,rta n.sJohn ,Wyorletrianec Ctis sdieuStK( alamazoo : The Spiritual Meadow .)299io 1an,btriasulicnec PCtis douesP - M aa,rcsiu ,rta n.so rGeeg A.M ,aloyne The Fifty Spiritual Homilies and the Great Letter .)299 1,srs Pet Yalisouw Pr:Nekr (eny Spatirulits o WitsfeCiclass o hdoTerteo frC yr,hsu , rta n.sM R.. ,rePicrianec Ctis sdieuSt 88 A History of the Monks of Syria .)589io 1aan,bKlatriasulicman(zec Poo Ct:is 21 5 1ntpmeSuple Journal of Religion & Society

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