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Trea Bor 201, 246, 1BUGENE ALFER ARTON CHEKHOV AS THE "OTHER": AN ELL RUSSIAN WRITER IN FRANCE Yau dt ned oy pts tn Wfethare arena pos alls mixed xp profound un shaw, ‘reat and ply, rage nd come . rma Chekhow 1 Wg thi “E Cekbor lew sau ve are doing ore, he would am over in hs “This is how Dom Rayfield jest about roserthrs, Ieedlng hls, ‘who sraping ie atest wiles Ue a manus deal. They ook st ots very angle mumble, conga flit 49 eter wiles diye bis text, pomse Bis lates poer ao darkest corners of his lif, aod always nd pW waa to shed igh on ia “Chakoy Mevel€predeid thet someday there would be avtiles like “Turgonev and Tigers" Considrig rovent zoologeal daovcrios and the gecllaritios of Chethov's persona ti, we ‘om imrgie we mile called Chkhov and Cheeas'"" Raybeld (@ Might. Bersioco Chiov the pret weer nod Chek the serinay man, betwecs high crane and ewzryay Ti, babieen the ‘incon and the rndiae commoge mag a researc. They cra, ath shovels and brushes and ragnifineglasi, woare fh lene tito apron pushes cough ie rough of diy 1, leking fort crac mamen nd lace whore Hf ends sod at beplas. They hover above, elutog to eves DE the wri’ ie and eumparig them wih wharhe went, Tay lok fot Das and cute, Thy watt to bull fridges connesing at with i. Thy ‘Mink they an ackor the avin inthe eal, Bas wy dp this at all? Wheo we tad Chek storos and Jo a east teas wel pin ob eyes, stealy mporat tet the autor Webs city of Meroe bak ilk tie city of Valle? What off at be used fis own cxpereane of longing fr Monae n one af hin plays? Docs fic Ow own Toaging swe wate the pay nthe tester? Do we enjoy his amor ror ‘a know that ha sometimes ved I to tae revenge os bis enemies? Dace all really mater? Tf excezow all the book aboot Chekbor and ell the | Dandy Chm he ge sa 0 the” a Chhemma ‘whe EE ens Geo Nauk 2a nebives wilh his ators, sete chaage te way we reed bis soe or seach plays? wort, ‘Thea whit is ube putpoe ots enscreh? Rete another sim a smmegingtzcug Chkhoy's Ue, we ant ah, Why are We ding tas? "We ave ding this betave our researc has ita to do wilh Chokov. TL ‘bappens to bs about Chekdot bat i oomne dom x rent plate and ais at 4 dilfrentrgt. Doing recur cans aakingquctont aout the welded fo lags ni Aud we wl do Ho way earl ws happen to ave an {nclnution for Cask, biology, chose, lpldepeology. We wnt fo katy tow the wor work, but i we cen do & soach trough evar images, rolseulcs, uahemaios of the brain, sad the buee of buttery wines Slating on the aus of sete, wo dig wel; each elle unlgoe Bo they weal directed le pher's core. And Chev onst forge us, hase stunting bythe wel of Rensian sratra, for rating troogh Nis piva Hs, for apitng bales abour the proverance of bis cheers, for Towing Wi ssilest personal bleniges Wee mean na Rare Tm We any Wo Me tw borer undaan! ous. Th Cher in tisace: A forced vacation ‘Anion Chekhov aived in Franze ip September af {897 aed vm 10 ‘Runa ight mous fate in Muy of 1898, This ost his Stor lost vis 0 Finmc, but fe wan bis lngert Me want to France ty esape bad Reston sweahe Only 97, he al wits uberculois ane Russian medicine no 50 remedy tri Tho common prectce was rcqmmane Oat he gaia Sn tare's mi aod spend scum, wine and spring sway tom fo cold and eet Ronan ar. Bit the wnderstanding of hat wo be good ae ws, Suntbern Rus, the Ciimean Peninsula wan consderd gnnd. Swat the Sonth ef Fraie and Norb Abia Chekhov. phytctan himself, had no Castors abot his conden Hs smother bud blocbapfting when he wus young. Sho new covloncd ‘ubeteaoss but her Grater and ster, Chen's cle aod amt, bo died fiom ft Hn olor bro, aged tlety-on, lod Gor hbeeutois ela yeas ewer. Chekhov himolf hed safered fom coughing and bleed Stn sige be was tweray-four. Only a Ses moaths before the ap he ba been hpicatined Fo wo edks the doctors coud stop the bleeding. al wag eal some. Chew's day recorded "wheczing exhalation fromthe top of bah Ings” and then "Lee Folsoy vised on Macc 2: we falked bout fomenalty.” A couple of yeas lace Chekhov confsted te» Cen: "Tes hard for ue to plan Sor any Tanger work. Asa pysican | know hab sok Seg Rapa Cosi ee oot dm 2, Nee, ‘tech “An a Webern Pe a zy Ife willbe shor.™* Ho had no fusions, Be dio Ux yeas tr, in 1904, dhrng o rp fo Germuny. The black feest near Budeneile as ousbt to ‘slo the IoDgs, ‘Bot ne ery au of YAP7 he Teft Russo: Pris witha lant gn lier seid ~ f9 Blea. on be Amalie or Nice, on tho Merten Aapenting onto weather and he corms. ‘Chekhov Whed raves, Bul the numer of tes fe we nae, the rmulpe presents be set to bis mathe, fer, ater, ethers, and ands, the many evans be ran fer othe people bike be vos abroad, reveal ta ‘Chekhov's Roa remioed in Rusia Far fom coding a wive vacation ie South of Frm, ed fe hive boon Biosy, Tbe question which [vl ‘ep tind loco atti prio of Chelan Hs, Whet di foun for ‘int te the lie?" — 9 Ruin in France? And, by exteslon, what dues ‘his short paod of bis id tell ur abour Rots Chathoy toate “ethrt™ ~ cofters tna his fil, eer hn his ends ties thao Wis gee, oters han his ational? ML Haw do we Mao shat we Lalon? ‘To lear abt those eight martha in Franco we fosk st severl sources ast, ee wero fou sories published while Chklios was abet — “Pacienng.” "At Horn." “On the Ca" ad “AX the Friends. We nos that sae worked on ae while in Noe. Vet dhe srs ave othog to do with, Fran; hls ase wap sot dat of & quick sketch art. When anc pubishar ‘ke him to sea fora Nive something “ctemational,” Chekhov explained °F exo. we ely trom recollections aad cover dlrely fom Wh, My ‘bsarvations and imrestions have to poole teugh acon wil thas at wa ler retluig only what's importa! und type Th, his hces flee or na information shout Chekhov abvoad. "The sccand poeta sowe of information js Chekingy's aulbooks unt aes of the period. Kit hay ate meager: Chaiow cit scan 10 ike Komring jourals. Very afer what he Rad writin fn 2 joa be later repeated ira te. Te ted source of infomoution Is the eens of ose ‘who new Choke during that tie. Tio mamas by Maksim Kovalesky Alkaandra Khotaiotszve, feoudt Poupenko, ml Vasil Neaievich- Daucheoky re wHuet aller CeKhov's death ad chy are Al of _pepinaitt ect itr Elec ms 105 Aa Goan sh ocean Chicky Die ci utes a by 25,158 te eal lane end oe og: king on me be ‘aged ose le give“ bm nf ote fn ae was lie {ab a fea ei ls sae abd Co, Pon itn acm Bema FSD to Na, 397 "Bsns (Bloor en Aro i ten SE suscdots, bough ievibly bapivgephicl be Goal nd ices soutve of informa i son 240 koe Tens tht Cha prot to Ni Wied ad family fom Feence during the pero stom reading Chekho’s letters hace er moat of a We BPO . 1¥. A Russin abrowd: Mrintaiog unity “Viadivie Kamev, a renowned Chelhovian schoter, nated that for 2 Rasim fp to Pome is ways a promise uf adventure. Olker Russians van act. ace) even wre de vary crows of de brdar ging wen ‘inf 2 shot of marpbine. The feling of inexplicable elation the palpable “sang offesdry, Ge previously urknown respect yu Tht towards youre “llthese weove inte a sicumy arse. As if you ere i the fae, watching | het mei, when sudnly the peopl ch the sero ened tears you, looked sieht ot you, waved gent, nd invited you to come io ad be ‘Wi chon. You ger up, temavely, Reading towans tho seren, leaving bind tae tra seas, the api he Vash ca the oa, aed ere wal ‘mn arathee I, bean ad mageat Yon are notin Kazsan anymore. “Tis Is how Chakhoy fe when fw Ont caveled to Korope a 1891. He smote in in ots, “Tam in Vane. Gang nad. The gondola, Saint Mark's Sqrre, he ver, the stars, the Hela wine, the ereidag serum, ‘mapdoling adem who oh, cake me tthe mad hoae! An again Te DMarechovsky bare: he's goae ecsaie and pin army, W's bad fie 3 Rania, abvaye feeling belied an Hurling, ant gp exary hor a he ‘word of eau, wealh nd edo. One Wants ay bre fore ‘A ussion abroed aust pot ot vl! go etsy; ho mst viata say. ligtad of gazing, owas sever ad invoke ekopticin. Ke eanmot be all good, be dink, there mast bea aeamy side fo his, He looks wou ad sesoioes bere there i ane wd suspects ul play where Hee is Home. His suminer that Frenchien mom ba fhioves jest Tike Russians te. A. "November 15, 1897 cary in Chedov's diary any, "Monte Caro. Ls ‘ruper plor a gol! con” Wher the cmupier WARNE & ated hist ot (Chetty was trying ta ainsi saiy ‘A Ruslan abrod Ls ead fo pani Dae, ut of tah, evee when no one mata. Growing up in Russie, br bas developed w rough voice, wong nel sed stick ski, He acura? a ed el wo lod nde so ‘gaint crnslty proving aunund hin. Then be gc aboad and ar some ‘doe oots dat the sell eins 0 soften ab ube ps a amy mere, 90 fn ea i tong ~ and sly, Fr lack of oe, ths shell dssles, a he ‘ois softens und the cles op: 1, Ses wl de ss anion ne eu eels amie 9 may ‘ali hprghr flaming cn an ited a ok mpi 9 th Ign dae lea Fuh Ceoud tls cheer 4 Lie fre Neste Univ Pre, S00 od amma Dee's Ci See rom © (rar sre 7 lr ec Kishor ah Mah 24, 1 an hee Asner 6b Aa gen cine mo ut he must oot Lot iol gt nes, that Rundso ube So he wil vearally fem herve. Mp ous comin song 19 be proered Zor what [Dnnke him. “Crossing the Russian Sronder afer» goot Life abroad inthe eon of a pant tho bat BeeaGachaged ‘fom enh tos ‘uvenstaed room smiling of sidness and vedere. Staring with our gotersess dtalnad 00 the bora for paspor egy nil ending wit tre nvolng enc and FD of Meseew in mit, crowded wid coning eu, al tis put ce into state you could al denoralleatcn. Take Hark rating to Wiembeeg aad ten rotaming home, a Rasran sng 4 orig cously les lana in Plosophy ~ st lane & out of evn Br Russi is Fe rah men aot: V. Chekiw’s cree: Frenth ar Russian? ‘Wey wish to tink tat in France Chethov wea out of is hbiat an De ep t lok a osha acted is se feniiarentronment Tasever, ‘at wasn the ence, Caoy spent gtr months fn Pance, ut his cil shore was amet exchsively Roi. "Wea hp ave in Pacis on Seprember 4, 1897, be wus meta the sation ty Bald felons fom hs bomassen in Busi, Journ Tvsn Pavowskl and cages Nikolai Relsubli. They tak bi fo the Hotel de Verde cue this es where hls Glen Alee: Suvula's A sayed, Swart bingo ws aeeady in Bia, 415 milo sothwer of Pars and tee days Jerr Choy ret catch up wh ir. He boarded the ais a, trou Bordean, avived at the Antic Oowan cert. There he was act by Wis fends fom Mascon, editor Vosilj Soboleakt mad his puter Varvre Marozova (Sovorin ad sready ff for Sl, Petesuzg). Ia Bia Chea speot wa weeks His eters of the ime say, "Ther are many, ome? Rusions -nce," ens tebe resoeds, “Tivery usaf Borie: complaig of too ‘any Rassima” Two woskn utr bests of bad wortcr in Blais, ad Chekhov boarded Ue iin to Niue on the Medtermnenn Cole d'Azur Again, te wae agcompariod by tis Rusia Mons: Solanki, Monova, and thoi cikren, "He are ia Me on September 22, LUT and spend dhe pent even wont Tera, vl Apa 13,1895, He waa to gpm Alors, Mad, and Corsica, hut having found no sompaions, made oly day wip ta Mame Carl, Mento, Villefonche. n'a ends villa ix Beste ile ble ia wilt Breach lit on the Cove d'saurh Not exsety. At the cud of the ‘lctcem cena. Nice tema with Russian. They came there regu an ‘aratian and fer work, bought property, el, aal wee bore ia Nie. The iy la Pp Risin charhes, roo Teeloy! aloe Russian ac wspapes & Tussian const, and Rasien spice. As his fiend Vas, Nemovch- 2 Fy Su abhor: Newmbor 1, 1997 nef Cheon. Que ie Raye vee sweone Sime Danchanko wots, “Nica nasa he time an anest Roasun cy. You could fem Russian more offen thin Prem." Chethow seyed tn the Rott appropriately named Fa Poni Rare, swroorded fy Rosson. speaking unig, reading Russian pupets aod calling fod prepared by Rosson ae "The fil oF hs tip was Pay [en A Ld May 5, 1898, Ter he cous up wth his land Suvi an, according fo bs diay, spent hs tees syocks merry. He moved ite the sae hotel ware Severin wa, one Noor ‘blo. As Ufone he eammmmiated ost wit his edmpesion, touring a tang with Suvoria pilelogia Ivan Shelukin, philsophar Evgend de ‘obor eplonat Sergai fatschov, AleaandOncein, fan Pavlowk, E. ‘Semioaoy, and recingeelpters Mack Anakolg and T aqpold Bens Did be baveany cont sith tho French? Sever We maw about coe ‘fom hie Septher 18, 1807 ltr" To exer my Hench | have made Oe soquninates of 19-jeancl gl Tle rama x Margot Please fegive me fo {Bie Considering thar the lens wus reso Ls Milnor, vo was in Tove with Chek, the message costs quite rakes, Could & be tha “Margot hid been inverted jst ease Lik? No, Margit ws ray el su ahe reappeared in Chekhuv's lor ty Ang Sivorng: "You asked oe bool my Te aff, Ty RiawierT met 2 E.yeacold Margt, wo pres French, When was Javing se proce follow bw to Neo. Petups she {shore nom bit cant find hora, naresl don’ spel Frese." Another ‘la eolact was pete ia Chekhov's Toba Alsksoi Soe: “L do otrng, oly leap, oat and wake aferings © the godess of love. My prota? Fiench i fe a ave! 22-jeur-04 chau witha worderil Rew, bot all cic Ts afeady ving and 7 wamt to go home. Besides J am eet of Taiping foreign umirwave* He bud othe comets among re Freach 10. ron fs lay we kao shat Pri Chekhey mct Protease ofRusan Pat] liepe, wit Art Rag and Remand Lazare, jowofst André Bean, and ‘Math Ores a truer ofthe French Ary oles secased of spin 10 Sel Nendo “0 Chong ir aha: eponie (pane Rosati TU'soun CHAS em, neon, oad ce memin, we vs caplet spin iu a ns mae hi vr Vr Sone ea pe ‘Risin pean ines we a eee ‘iw tyra Mimi Xho Aa eles ie Pa ‘ateotn sc tt Pers: id es par Ran toon crn ol li ae ser etal nes py Vi Vale, ‘Sere iin he wi opal Lote isha, eke A [tes ant heitor ng mover Dy Vana ae eed anos set ‘MBugh ally dl cee wi be abot Fer ae ite ‘ent i are Erglplr, Raa ft, mene’ Deer het ‘Shae, tate nS pm Ne, a a, Nl io, TE Net 007 ‘Aakash mt Cehe An Rin ge ce as HF we oamgare the mune of th Fusac Chhow et withthe minher oF ‘he Tussanssurtoanding by (ap Nat 11), wo ave 10 cnclude tat Chethov's cicle ws overohchuiogly Russi, Vi. Ghaktnts French ‘Cakbow dno uy each school Pu engin Nie, he scemod to eka he anguagh sais. The nest in ts Brae pepper ih Sisionmocos oo Fete gammir un lng ehiqus.They ad The Gover an ecotad nda ales aoe the language am beeay {Chekhov's ents acing "He ead rch Rowepepers ad eh the stonagaphy oft Dress coat proeedings, He alo reud Vokes it Frroch-on small fi, costing (hat te. puesoghers lanuege ad Ay doen esol cording e Savors dary. “Chskbov seid he ‘eon be emmaaing Magan...) le hose eagh French" Bad Grothor won core cng i itor pense wate fo Soe “in ren em bly rgesing I ea pen let bry weds then oes speak fo man” And to bs Trae taarior Denis Rocha "Forgive Sr vriting fo you in aa, Youu Fo well wile T4007 ‘rie or speak French well encagh Jo expose oy @ocehis ees “gps tnt Cuckbow bed ao opporinity 1 mice hile 708, + fas Froch wes Chethow anes psidnn on the Drcyfl cose nd ‘covey wanted to oc hin. Mower, decinel stig BAD peaabyy Seema ofthe lngaige Baer “I would vey much TR fo ik Zola. ‘ld tea everyting lean go, but tenga! | woul fd Uke w gould a. "in oomeston with Chow's lk oF span Reach, would Hk to oe ‘coos sot sn Spartan interview be wv Bul wee Wed wha abso ‘ae of the resting omnes of Chkhon’s say fn Fran was his respons tothe coneuear roy et. To nein the reads: ThT534, roach Army Cepia All Dreyfi at ogcied of cminege, cond, te eto. Tyr at ne enone wages tal ne ‘cer we the culprit nd ot Dey nd Been area fo nun) 198, righ fnthe ce of Ceakow'snayin Wien, Ene Zola publishes an ope {eter to the Pench Prasidotaocntog he Army east of kg rays a xapegne. A nuater of public Ngati Frio and Pore denned bis ett. Zola bins? ws preci’ fer iaung the Freoch flag ad fond iyo eal, To awn nooo, ole pea year ‘ron 1 Seas nt aon Ce 27, Novae 9, mt Dec 7187 12 hgh) ae Pc Te A ert espns 82, e a5, ea "7 ao Deo (7a ae 3g, Tels HA hy Sanco (2M, Reps pict mos fees Corot, at eet Sesto haar 8, Oar aa Pe 6 se one Share Reading Pench newspapers, Chekhov tllowed the events chesly ‘os ewtng owned the ten hat Oryfos wat inant. Mara imporandy The developed 2 hgh regard for Zain trowing te inffence wt Une 235% roect a orongly accused oto, Ja Russie, Chek had shod aay fom ‘vpersing song pliveal views, br ete ara tre, he was repre th mike bs views public, Ducig Ms Sal digs In Pais he ret with Berard Taare earnest who ad wen about te Dreyfus ffs, and ave i “The nite wap not publched. Chon Hit nat appro the dat set te bim a wock ltr then beef Erme, We d's know het happed t tamusctgs we only Knog abet from Choktiée’s lees, But co new ft when Chek opoka & Lazar, be wa oo lee, He was acmputied by ion Pools, a cilthood Bend snd Parian repore.” Gi Chaktov's Tak of conidanca in speacog French, it ia rewonablet tick tht ding the iferew with Lazar, Pavlov ws i spy preset — he ‘marpretd fr Chto "Ths & whet Chethoy wrote to RavlowEl g Wook aftr the tnaeview, sending hes back the teeots text: “Atached isthe mumuerip. Laca apparelly deviled ct to use vat conyesation and passed te mae oo someone ele, Tat someate han writen sock things tha 1 anoot bach ‘ame i, Uke beeing irs) scoeeabe, hu the ride nd th cod sre fll srng We did net speak iter of [ule] Mine oof mttaer, T tid say tht people were rane to make mistake (on page 4), ands lao a gel of our conaration wero gute difireat You remember, for ‘amp, tht (avoided anewerig he queso about te pie opinion ‘esis explaaing tat} didet Koos arhing aber it because I Rad apext ‘he wor in Nice, Fexpressed only my pesca opin tha twas ones ‘iat vur soiey hd faoed «erect opinion abmat the Zols este gf ‘souldeenndersa i pepe. Such a aso se ypc! fr our say 1 Paviovahi interpreted fr Coekhoy, cue ier wheter Ue ten verion of te inervew, which Chokov refusod 40 ut Wi mare 10, Hs 18 We kw Preeti a ema Laci ih COnoy ta lok sxe singe tne ethos er PM sl Nn hl by Chk au cto ey 1 08 oe ni "hare pen fos cary hi suo e238. ‘a Hay 2 2 nt sar Choy uowrd Fue ate i 1 ay aan wen ey Wel gs mar are Senet 05, Teo (pigtobs Taster Nay ine tha hey son das ut) [Eire Par eter eigen | BEN CT a8 OH ‘Gers maa: wot Me lr Des Mh cn y Ex seeeLitnr eno cer fe etn hbk Scan tir oceion he ed tt agen eon a of hy ome dy hae, aC, eran Pai aon hd “Od: Palen Weir Pr ws lta nt only ar tha ines y th sere to whom Lazar hd glven ‘isnot, bulb during thc imerview by Paviowkis interrelation off. {YM Trying t peace others Chekhov's iter en Noe From the pried between erty September, 1297 al ely May, 1998, 25 eters, postcards, and noes ween by Chekhow have survived. They ote 3 Saecinating Ted Being in France, Chekhov wes exzaly uote Bom his ofl conse, go naintlgad ab acilve cocrepandence not only wi Lis ‘ublsbers bt alo wit his imonedne amily. if the French prod cow be ted es a sample, he very fogooncy sth whih ho wrote to some people and aot the ethers is Sitrutve, Out of the 237 Jeers Chekow wot to is flu Marl, $2; Mend Sorin, 14s Rrethe Mekaand, 13 brie Tea, 7 mothe, 7, brotber Midd 2; fiber." ‘Amteog, Chekhov's cobemandenty ware aga women fimds who sre ‘Sguifeant ro bim to ne evtct er wnoter. Leters be ore 0 Aleka hodninsery, (2; Flora Shawrovs, §; Fa Minow, 4, Lidl. Aviva, 2; ‘Arma Savers, 2 Reng Chekhov's Hstrs we nolce how exremoly pote, obligig, and smoptve he ses to alkene a pl] ltr fam Nice. as be Bitly ‘mentioned his fa coniian md ae, Re never filet sk abn wha was Of esto te person le oes rng To. Ho ays sald ty ty Ui ‘spouses, chiles, secvans, and pes, remembering dhe by mame. Hs was detiriemed. le wuts to his mother, “When yoo 460 Fatbor Nibelal ilpovich, plate owe him on oy eal" apeipasiog pple she might next He akg odded, “Give the stampe ftom the exvelope to Nuria Timofeevan" Tie not only collected post stamps foe family fend in ars, he asked otirs nat to dow wey their amp and keep ter for liec” fle was goetoos An se tanliple press fo his farly Penh snap, plying cards, socks, bands of the World Expo, perfume, gloves, pict, unbrells,Fapmese Reacupe penis, scary ey, pares, ln nehvoks, fine, a como, hd a eagifying glase” He was eaiog: Knowing that Tie ony ed ne hi eran ae kine ren ar a Seat 2 97 wb Chora ony En oe Us, Sb aban hr nt mye can a “Thr wb Bax ‘cher Goa Hoon tes 8 Wit pg Hd omar pacer ah monte emmy py nr si A a ne, is Tee mone, ge re te ne, Bow rape at ‘ons aa of srs tan Sharad err tn ay the te tt aad ror le nee cb en Sino tur nti var, vcard” bonkers vt baer ome 23 ovnte 2 (9 ero Aka Rll, 2 Res. Soa 97 et Cr oa Er ae ices sre tis brther Alaa’ pley won to faye premier, he seeratyeruaed ‘wth an eer Gnd to have i eviewed™ ‘The kinder Chekhov wat to the people be wzpte to, the less kind he scene tobe fo tone Be wre about Ta his locas fp ster Mari be poke fun at artist Aleksandra Khotiisve, who was thet Giend and a feqoea gues of thee house. “ere in Nice) che aes ho same dress she orn ‘Matithown" A. Khosiainsava is sl her, lavng for Paris soe, She's fn the sume drean” "The ardst woman booght sume Readkuarss ler yo. Shay cap an lof somching omens as leksmnd yas auoe yom, it macl by uot, tke Chelle ed Sale las, ct Ung Bo ayer of ig womch Rende athe Ge. Moreover, she came roma to Nice, by Chekhov's invation, to abt [Now You's nit hit, SHE was th ane Mo sjent Te of me inh room ‘even though faa cousideedsodeeent” She mde denvngs of bi, be ‘ull Tn Bees, 10018 anes a day, Te wag she hom Chak sr again it ‘Pci im Ape. When she came to int hom in the Ps boel,sbe forts Tis ante “Teo eave on ager busnass bat Tb hook by FO oat ast 1615. Pleaso wait tor me; [beg you no orem [Rome] Ater TELS ou atl 7 wll ea your depos Chet sas ly kinder ts ‘erin ern than fs as behind er Wack, IE's poate a bs lates Mia Cheb iov was nt so mech making ‘im of Alesana a he was ving to oafaze te role sbe played ins le Inhis sisters eyes, Peaps be fl Le need fo sho bis ister that he vas fot srlogs abou Allaanar, Tt may ave been 0 because Afloaca had rot exerised enough caution about their simaton. For esaroply ot ho frat ‘hy of he aval in Mic, eho Wragg Maria Chekhov: “t 9 pcbably Shack ho fier women living inthe hotel by mov behavior and de Inch of hangs of oltbes. Ua considered improper lo ao ito a wie eos Fan ‘Auton Pasloscb's com al ae inn addon, oe of Chas eae tp is sitar was tft a ete ae and Alckssoda wets tops. It nes section addod by her, which shows Hat she hed ceag Chekbow's pat and tits roms aboot ihe that Mara ay soon Roar Sha aso dendid ox Tey oxy 9a p23, Bl se Ni Ber Midna Geputoea Omen Mole sry i Coane anne ee vee ag Pees ‘i sete Khowoncin bone 26 hr Maris Cove, Qa ee Ne Chat’ ews 688 ari Rly We rl ne alk oer of Fen Este eprng ne nn rl a in fr im he sn en by et he So ve SO NY ‘Talon terre for vey esr pana on

Anton Chekhov as the “Other”: An Ill Writer in France 131 my life willtbe short! this short period of his life tell us about how Chekhov treated “others” — Russian a trip to France is always a promise of adventure. Chekhov's mistake; he wrote the letter to Iordanov on May 4, which is co
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