Y R A R B LI W A L N KI S A L A R O B Patents and Trade Secrets Readings March 25 - April 3, 2000 i ' . r- ■J ' ANTITRUST AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY By Wynne S. Carvill THELEN REID & PRIEST LLP 101 Second Street, Suite 1800 San Francisco, CA 94105-3601 (415) 369-7272 [email protected] March 2-4, 2000 Copyright © 2000 Wynne S. Carvill Patents and Trade Secrets [Instructor not listed] Spring 2000 1. Wynne S Carvill, “Antitrust and Intellectual Property” Thelen Reid & Priest LLP materials (March 2-4, 2000). .1 2. Industry Canada Competition Bureau, “Intellectual Property Enforcement Guidelines” (July 16, 1999) [draft for consultations]. .67 3. Canadian Bar Association Voice of the Legal Profession, “Submission on Competition Bureau Draft Intellectual Property Guidelines” (August 12, 1999). .83 4. Intellectual Property Institute of Canada, “Submission to the Commissioner of Competition, Competition Bureau, Industry Canada Re the Intellectual Property Enforcement Guidelines” (August, 1999). .99 5. “Apotex Submission to Competition Bureau on Draft Intellectual Property Enforcement Guidelines” Lenczner Slaght Royce Smith Griffin LLP [as counsel for Apotex]. .108 6. “Publie Investments in University Research: Reaping the Benefits” (Report of the Expert Panel on the Commereialization of University Research, 1999). ...118 7. “Caut Commentary on Final Report of the Expert Panel on the Commercialization of University Research” CAUT (September 30, 1999). .149 8. Eyal Press & Jennifer Washburn, “The Kept University” The Atlantic Monthly (March 2000). .155 9. Naomi Roht-Arriaza, “Of Seeds and Shamans: The Appropriation of Scientific and Technical Knowledge of Indigenous and Local Communities” 255. .168 10. “Comparing sui generis rights systems” Biotechnology and Development Monitor, No. 36 (September/December 1998). 201 11. Huib Ghijsen “Plant Variety Protection in a developing and demanding world” Biotechnology and Development Monitor, No. 36 (September/December 1998). 203 12. MS Swaminathan, “Plant Variety Protection in a developing and demanding world” Biotechnology and Development Monitor, No. 56 (September/December 1998). 209 13. Niels P Louwaars “Sui generis rights: from opposing to complementary approaches” Biotechnology and Development Monitor, No. 36 (September/December 1998). .216 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Toronto https://archive.org/detaiis/antitrustinteiieOOcarv V * A