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Index—Antipode Volume 39 Articles Ali, Harris (with Roger Keil). Governing the Sick City: Urban Governance in the Age of Emerging Infectious Disease, 846-873 Announcement of the Winner of the Antipode Graduate Student Scholarship 2007-2008, Th Askins, Kye (with Duncan Fuller). The Discomforting Rise of “Public Geographies” — a “Public” Conversation, 579-601 Bain, Alison L and Nash, Catherine J. The Toronto Women’s Bathhouse Raid: Querying Queer Identities in the Courtroom, 17-34 Bakker, Karen. The “Commons” Versus the “Commodity”: Alter-globalization, Anti- privatization, and the Human Right to Water in the Global South, 430-455 Bauder Harald (with Erik R Girard). Assimilation and Exclusion of Foreign- Trained Engineers in Canada: Inside a Professional Regulatory Organization, 35-53 Benson, Peter and Fischer, Edward F. Broccoli and Desire, 800-820 Boykoff, Jules. Surveillance, Spatial Compression, and Scale: The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr, 729-756 Buck, Daniel. The Subsumption of Space and the Spatiality of Subsumption: Primitive Accumulation and the Transition to Capitalism in Shanghai, China, 757-774 Campt, Tina. “Black Folks Here and There”: Diasporic Specificity and Rationality in Jacqueline Nassy Brown’s ‘Dropping Anchor: Setting Sail’, 370-375 Castree, Noel and Wright, Melissa. Antipode Online, 237—239 Clarke, Colin. Race, Place and Space: Liverpools Local-Born Blacks, 367-369 Coleman, Mathew. Immigration Politics Beyond the Mexico-US Border, 54-76 Collins, Damian (with Penelope Laurenson). ‘Beyond Punitive Regulation? New Zealand Local Gevernments Responses to Homelessness’ ,6 49-667 Collyer, Michael. In-Between Places: Trans-Saharan Transit Migrants in Morocco and the Fragmented Journey to Europe, 668-690 Debbané, Anne-Marie. The Dry Plight of Freedom: Commodifying Water in the Western Cape, South Africa, 222-226 Dittmer, Jason. The Tyranny of the Serial: Popular Geopolitics, the Nation, and Comic Book Discourse, 247—268 Elden, Stuart. Terror and Territory, 821-845 Ettlinger, Nancy. Bringing Democracy Home: Post-Katrina New Orleans, 8-16 Fainstein, Susan S. Iris Marion Young (1949-2006): A Tribute, 382-387 Fischer, Edward F. (with Peter Benson). Broccoli and Desire, 800-820 Fuller, Duncan and Askins, Kye. “The Discomforting Rise of “Public Geographies” — a “Public” Conversation’, 579-601 Gilbert, Emily. Leaky Borders and Solid Citizens: Governing Security, Prosperity and Quality of Life in a North American Partnership, 77-98 Girard, Erik R and Bauder, Harald. Assimilation and Exclusion of Foreign-Trained Engineers in Canada: Inside a Professional Regulatory Organization, 35-53 Guthman, Julie. The Polanyian Way? Voluntary Food Labels as Neoliberal Governance, 456-478 Heyman, Rich. “Who’s Going to Man the Factories and be the Sexual Slaves if we all get PhDs?’ Democratizing Knowledge Production, Pedagogy, and the Detroit Geographical Expedition and Institute, 99-120 © 2007 Editorial Board of Antipode. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ. UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA 954 Holmes, John. (with Tod D Rutherford). “We Simply Have to Do that Stuff for our Sur- vival”: Labour, Firm Innovation and Cluster Governance in the Canadian Automotive Parts Industry, 194-221 Jazeel, Tariq and McFarlane, Colin. Responsible Learning: Cultures of Knowledge Pro- duction and the North-South Divide, 781-789 * Keil, Roger and Ali, Harris. Governing the Sick City: Urban Governance in the Age of Emerging Infectious Disease, 846-873 Koefoed, Lasse and Simonsen, Kirsten. The Price of Goodness: Everyday Nationalist Narratives in Denmark, 310-330 Kuus, Merje. ‘Love, peace and NATO’: Imperial Subject-Making in Central Europe, 269-290 Laurenson, Penelope and Collins, Damian. ‘Beyond Punitive Regulation? New Zealand Local Governments Responses to Homelessness’, 649-667 Mansfield, Becky. Introduction, 393-405 Mansfield, Becky. Property, Markets, and Dispossession: The Western Alaska Commu- nity Development Quota as Neoliberalism, Social Justice, Both, and Neither, 479- 499 McFarlane, Colin (with Tariq Jazeel). Responsible Learning: Cultures of Knowledge Production and the North-South Divide, 781-789 Mercer, Doug. ‘The Dangers of Autobiographical Research: A response to Purcell’, 571-578 Miraftab, Faranak. ‘Governing Post Apartheid Spatiality: Implementing City Improve- ment Districts in Cape Town’, 602-626 Nash, Catherine J (with Alison L Bain). The Toronto Women’s Bathhouse Raid: Query- ing Queer Identities in the Courtroom, 17-34 Nash, Catherine. Rooting Race: Geographies of Identity as Place, 358-362 Nassy Brown, Jacqueline. In the Eye of the Beholder — Placing Race and Culture, 376— 381 Pijpers, Roos (with Henk van Houtum). The European Union as a Gated Community: The Two-faced Border and Immigration Regime of the EU, 291-309 Powell, Richard. Introduction: Placing Race in Liverpool, 355-357 Prudham, Scott. The Fictions of Autonomous Invention: Accumulation by Disposses- sion, Commodification and Life Patents in Canada, 406-429 Pulido, Laura. A Day Without Immigrants: The Racial and Class Politics of Immigrant Exclusion, 1-7 Purcell, Mark. ‘Skilled, Cheap and Desperate’: Non-tenure-track Faculty and the Delu- sion of Meritocracy, 121-143 Ranco, Darren and Suagee, Dean. ‘Tribal Soveriegnty and the Problem of Difference in Environmental Regulation: Observations on “Measured Separatism” in Indian Coun- try’, 691-707 Reid-Henry, Simon. Activism and the Academy: An Interview with Daniel Defert, 240- 246 Reid-Henry, Simon. ‘Exceptional Sovereignty: Guantanamo Bay and the Re-Colonial Present’, 627-648 Robertson, Morgan. Discovering Price in All the Wrong Places: The Work of Commodity Definition and Price under Neoliberal Environmental Policy, 500- 526 Rutherford, Tod, D and Holmes, John. “We Simply Have to Do that Stuff for our Sur- vival”: Labour, Firm Innovation and Cluster Governance in the Canadian Automotive Parts Industry, 194-221 Simonsen, Kirsten (with Lasse Koefoed). The Price of Goodness: Everyday Nationalist Narratives in Denmark, 310-330 Sneddon, Christopher. Nature’s Materiality and the Circuitous Paths of Accumulation: Dispossession of Freshwater Fisheries in Cambodia, 167-193 St. Martin, Kevin. The Difference that Class Makes: Neoliberalization and Non- capitalism in the Fishing Industry of New England, 527-549 © 2007 Editorial Board of Antipode. 955 Suagee, Dean (with Darren Ranco). ‘Tribal Soveriegnty and the Problem of Differ- ence in Environmental Regulation: Observations on “Measured Separatism” in Indian Country’, 691-707 Sundberg, Juanita. Reconfiguring North-South Solidarity: Critical Reflections on Ex- periences of Transnational Resistance, 144-166 Swanson, Kate. ‘Revanchist Urbanism Heads South: The Regulation of Indigenous Beggars and Street Vendors in Ecuador’, 708-728 Thibault, Robert. Between Survival and Revolution: Another Community Development System is Possible, 874-895 Thornton, William H. Europe’s Jihadic Nightmare: The Case for Civil Islam, 790-799 van Houtum, Henk and Pijpers, Roos. The European Union as a Gated Community: The Two-faced Border and Immigration Regime of the EU, 291-309 Wade, Peter. Movement, Connection and the Exceptionalism of Place, 363-366 Wakefield, Sarah E.L. Reflective Action In The Academy: Exploring Praxis In Critical Geography Using A “Food Movement” Case Study, 331-354 Walker, Richard and Watts, Michael. Allen Pred: Friend and Rebel, 388-392 Watts, Michael (with Richard Walker). Allen Pred: Friend and Rebel, 388-392 Weller, Sally. Power and Scale: The Shifting Geography of Industrial Relations Law in Australia, 896-919 Winders, Jamie. Bringing Back the (B)order: Post-9/11 Politicso fI mmigration, Borders and Belonging in the Contemporary US South, 920-942 Wolford, Wendy. Land Reform in the Time of Neoliberalism: A Many-Splendored Thing, 550-570 Wright, Melissa (with Noel Castree). Antipode Online, 237 Books Reviewed Biro, Andrew. Denaturalizing Ecological Politics: Alienation from Nature from Rousseau to the Frankfurt School and Beyond (Harold Perkins], 776-778 Goldman, Michael. Imperial Nature: The World Bank and Struggles for Social Justice in the Age of Globalization [Michael Watts], 227-230 Livingstone, David N and Charles W J Withers. Geography and Revolution [Neil Smith], 778-780 Pulido, Laura. Black, Brown, Yellow and Left: Radical Activism in Los Angeles (Lisa Arrastia, Cathryn Merla Watson and Richa Nagar], 943-947 Walker, Peter. From Enslavement to Environmentalism: Politics on a Southern African Frontier [David McDermott Hughes], 948-950 © 2007 Editorial Board of Antipode.

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