! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2014-2015 Student and Parent Handbook ! ! ACA Handbook Student and Parent A ministry of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church ! ! Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 ! ! ! ! Pastor/Administrator: Bro. Gerald Penton Principal: Mrs. Angie Kiser ! Antioch Christian Academy 114 Old Mobile Highway P.O. Box 1305 Lucedale, MS 39452 Voice: 601.514.0123 Fax: 601.947. [email protected] [email protected] ! 2014-2015 ! TABLE OF CONTENTS ! Introduction 4 Mission Statement 5 Spiritual Emphasis 6 Administration of ACA 7 Purpose 7 Accreditation 7 Diplomas 8 ACA Non-Discriminatory Policy 8 Procedures for Enrollment/Re-Enrollment 9 Right of Refusal 10 Policies 11 Absence 11 Tardiness 11 Checkouts 12 School Hours 12 Cancellation of School 13 Withdrawal 13 Appearance 15 Reason for Uniforms 15 Sunshine Uniforms 17 Girls 18 Boys 21 Conduct 25 Standard of Conduct 25 Behavior 25 Expectations 26 Basic Restrictions 26 Major Violations 28 Discipline 28 General Guidelines 28 Corporal Correction 29 Merits 29 Demerits 30 Detention 30 Discipline Ladder 31 Properties 32 Church/School Property 32 Off Limits Areas 32 Personal Property 34 ACA Curriculum 34 A.C.E. Curriculum 34 Diagnostic Testing 34 Offices 34 Goal Cards and Goal Setting 35 Flag System 36 Scoring Station 36 Scoring Violations 38 Homework 38 Scripture Memory 39 Repeat PACEs 40 Privilege Levels 40 Extracurricular Activities 42 Music 42 Slips and Forms 43 Conventions 43 SATs 44 Student Employment 44 Breakfast, Snack, and Lunch 45 Medications 46 Restrooms 46 Supplies 43 ACA Funding 47 Finances 47 Fee Payment Schedule 47 Fee Schedule 48 Conventions 49 Checks 49 Fundraisers 49 Parent Orientation 49 Transportation 50 Vehicles 50 Visitors 51 Yearbook 51 Correspondence 51 Staff Emails 52 PTO 52 Permission for Photography / Videotaping 53 Computer Hardware and Software 53 Notes 56 ! ACA Handbook Antioch Christian Academy A ministry of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Lucedale, MS INTRODUCTION ! Antioch Christian Academy is a ministry of the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church of Lucedale, MS. The ministry is established in accordance to the command of the Bible, which clearly teaches that the New Testament Church is to assist the Christian Home in t!he formal life training of children. A truly Christian Education is based upon the Bible, the Word of God. God’s Word provides the educational philosophy and core curriculum. Dedicated and qualified teachers provide the motivation and guidance for learning. Students in a Christian school learn of God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His claim upon their lives for salvation and service. They learn to u!nderstand life from God’s view point as revealed in His Word. Antioch Christian Academy is designed to provide the child the very best in Christian education. The church-school is God’s tool to enhance and support the Christian character training which begins in the home. For this reason, we have the highest possible standards based upon Biblical p!rinciple. Parents entrust the church-school with their children, which ultimately belong to God. This sacred trust which parents extend to the church-school is one of great importance. As the school ministry staff seeks to be used of God, parents and students alike are asked to faithfully pray for the staff and ministry. The staff promises its faithfulness in prayer and personal accountability. ! Note: For the purpose of this handbook, the term parent also refers to a child’s legal guardian. ! ! ANTIOCH CHRISTIAN ACADEMY MISSION STATEMENT ! The mission of the Antioch Christian Academy is to provide a solid education from a biblical world view. We understand for a person to truly be successful in this life, Christ must be the center of his or her being. This begins early in life with a sound Christian education. We stand on the authority of God’s Word and rest in His promise to us that if we, “Train up a child in the w!ay he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). BELIEFS † We believe that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. † We believe in the Genesis account of creation. † We believe that a sound education must be based on the Word of God. † We believe that God is no respecter of persons; therefore, all individuals have value. † We believe that challenge is necessary for individual growth. † We believe that a Christian environment is necessary for success. † We believe and insist that all teachers and volunteers must possess Christian character and have made a sincere profession of faith in Christ. † We believe that the standards and morals found in the Bible are absolute and that they are critical to the development of an honorable society. † We believe in corporal punishment, but abhor child abuse. † We believe education is incomplete without knowledge of the greatest book in the world, ! the Bible. PARAMETERS † We will base all decisions strictly on what is best for the student based on the Bible. † We will hold high expectations for all. † We will never allow the quality of our educational programs to be compromised. † We will treat all people with dignity and respect. † We will never assert that parental rights end when the student enters our facilities. † We will maintain morality and good behavior in the classroom. ! ! ! ! ! ! SPIRITUAL EMPHASIS ! A. Statement of Faith We believe in only one true and living God; and that there is a trinity of persons in the Godhead: the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, one and the same in essence, equal in power and glory. ! We believe in the verbal inspiration, preservation, and authority of scripture; that they contain the whole of the divine will and purpose as revealed to man, and that they are the only standard of divine truth and the only efficient rule of faith and practice. ! We believe in the deity, virgin birth, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. ! We believe that salvation is by grace, plus and minus nothing; that the conditions for salvation are repentance and faith. ! We believe that men are justified by faith alone and are accounted righteous before God only through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ. ! We believe in the everlasting conscious blessedness of the saved in heaven and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost in hell. ! W! e believe in the visible, personal, and pre-millennial return of Jesus Christ. B. Bible Bible Study is recognized as having fundamental importance and is a required subject. It is fundamental to the study of English, History, Geography, and Science. No other book can so enrich the minds and hearts of young people as the Word of God. We believe that without k!nowledge of Biblical truth, a student’s education is incomplete. Antioch Christian Academy teaches and preaches from the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible and requires that all students, faculty, and chapel speakers use this version while on c!ampus. C. Chapel Chapel services are scheduled at ACA on Wednesday. Attendance at chapel services is mandatory for students and staff. ! For further inquiries on beliefs, please contact Bro. Gerald Penton at (601)270-9361. ! ! ADMINISTRATION OF ACA PURPOSE The purpose of the Antioch Christian Academy (ACA) ministry is to assist the Christian home in its obligation to provide a Christian education for the family. A Christian education is based upon the Bible, which provides the operational principles, educational philosophy, core curriculum, a!nd standards of conduct. With God’s guidance and blessing, Antioch Missionary Baptist Church is endeavoring to maintain a Christian school ministry based firmly upon the Bible, the Word of God. Every p!olicy of the school is carefully measured against the high standards of God’s Word. Under the leadership of the Pastor of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church who is also the Senior Administrator of Antioch Christian Academy, along with the Principal and staff, these operational policies are instituted. The Principal of ACA provides for the daily administration of the school program. Parents are encouraged to ask when they have any questions about school policies. Parents and students are asked to remember that all existing and future policies are f!ormulated with the best interests and well-being of the students and parents in view. Parents are asked to pray faithfully for the ACA ministry staff, to cooperate with them in discipline, to accept their judgments, and to guard against undermining the authority of the staff b!efore the students. This support is essential. ACCREDITATION In view of the necessary separation of the state from the church, and because of the extreme philosophical and religious differences between “government education” and Christian education, Antioch Missionary Baptist Church does not seek accreditation by any governmental agency or institution. However, utilizing the Biblically based curriculum published by Accelerated Christian Education (ACE), widely known as the “School of Tomorrow Program,” this school ministry does endeavor to provide the highest possible academic standards. ACA is fully accredited through Southern Plains Association of Christian Schools (SPACS). ACA strives to maintain Model School Status as recommended and approved by A.C.E. With this status, a student may dual enroll in Lighthouse Christian Academy (LCA) in Madison, TN, and receive an accredited diploma in addition to the diploma awarded by ACA upon fulfilling the requirements for graduation. LCA is fully accredited by Accreditation International (Ai). Ai is a recognized member in good standing with National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA). Through Ai’s relationship with NCPSA, Ai’s accredited schools can participate in co-accreditation with Middle States Association—Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA—CESS). Ai is also a member of the International Alliance of Regional Accreditors by virtue of their recognized status with NCPSA. The alliance is made up of the following outstanding existing Regional Accreditors: • Middle States Association—Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA—CESS) • New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) • Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) • Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC) • National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) • National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA) ! • Council of International Schools (CIS) LCA continues to provide families with the highest level of Christian education and the best quality of customer service. LCA is pleased they will now be able to provide students with a recognized level of accreditation that is both regional and international in its scope. For more i!nformation on LCA, please see the www.lcaed.com F!or more information regarding accreditation or dual enrollment please see the office staff. Addendum: ACA was awarded Quality Status for the 2008-2009 school year and Model Status f!or the 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014 school years. DIPLOMAS ACA students meeting the A.C.E. prescribed criteria will be awarded a diploma from ACA upon fulfilling the requirements for a diploma. Diplomas are awarded in three categories. They are as f!ollows: Honors, College Preparatory, and General. ACA NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY Antioch Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, national, or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, or ethnic origin in administration of its educational, admission, athletic, or other school administered program. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PROCEDURES FOR ENROLLMENT AND RE-ENROLLMENT ! ACA provides a quality Christian education for its members as mandated by the Holy Bible. The school administration staff has sole discretion in the area of approving or disapproving a!pplications for enrollment and re-enrollment. Parents desiring to enroll a child must: 1. Meet, along with their child, the principal for an enrollment interview. When possible, the parents and child must meet with the administrator also. 2. Submit a completed and signed application form with the non-refundable registration/ maintenance fee of $250. (This fee extends to the first two students within a sibling group. The registration/maintenance fee is capped at $500 per household.) 3. Submit all requested papers including a copy of the child’s immunization form (Form 121) as required by law. 4. Read carefully and agree to comply with the ACA Student and Parent Handbook. 5. Submit the child’s previous report card (if applicable). 6. The student will be given a Diagnostic test (Diagnostic test fee $100) if transferring from another curriculum. (Note: Student may or may not be conditionally accepted depending on results of the Diagnostic test.) 7. Upon acceptance, parents must pay other requested fees including a PACE deposit. 8. Attend the required Parent Orientation session prior to the start of school. Students will not be allowed to attend school until a parent has attended parent orientation day or a make-up ! session. Registration fees are to be paid yearly and are not refundable. The registration fee will be billed on the December 25th invoice. If the registration fee is not paid by the printing of the February 25th invoice, we will consider your student’s slot vacated and will seek to fill the vacated slot with a new enrollee. Re-enrollment in ACA, as with initial enrollment, is a privilege and not a right. The ACA administration very humbly and prayerfully reserves the right to refuse admittance to any student. ! ! ! ! ! ! !